Sunday, October 31, 2010
Jo's a Lesbean.
This is amazing:Y'all remember that Facts of Life reunion made for tv movie where they went to Australia? Yeah. In case you weren't aware, I'm hella lesbian.
Constant A Song for Constance
Sean Chapin, the unofficial songwriter and YouTube video activist for the contemporary civil rights movement, wrote this song for Constant and all those teens daring enough to try to go to prom with someone from the same gender.
Gary Randall puts scare quotes around the wrong word
Pediatricians Concerned About "Homosexual" Misinformation in School is the title of Gary Randall's latest blog post. Really the scare quotes should go around the words "Pediatricians" and "Misinformation". Why? Because the organization Randall cites, American College of Pediatricians, is nothing more than a junk science laundering facility that admits members based on their anti-LGBT ideology, not scientific credentials. They are ideologues hell bent on spreading misinformation about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender human beings.
Randall must be looking covetously at Fulton, Mississippi's town-wide bullying of LGBT students like Constance McMillan, Juin Baize and others living in silent fear. I say this because today Randall cites ACP's anti-gay "Facts About Youth" in an attempt to support the sick notion that LGBT students should be treated as "disordered" and "confused" rather than loved and supported.The battle for our children continues, often under the guise of care and concern by some with a primary commitment to indoctrination and recruitment, others, simply misinformed.
Alvin McEwan has very clearly described how ACP's "Facts About Youth" is nothing more than the same old tired, much-debunked anti-LGBT bigotry dressed up to sound like impartial science.
Usually we say that imitation is a form of flattery, but in the case of the opinion-based ACP naming itself to sound like the science-based and American Academy of Pediatrics, there are clearly darker motives at play. This deceptive misrepresentation of anti-LGBT bias as credible, authoritative science is just the kind of subterfuge Gary Randall has promoted time and time again.
Gary Randall is a retired Oregonian televangelist who is obsessed with Washington's LGBT population. Since 2004, he's reached across state lines to sponsor two anti-gay statewide ballot measures in Washington (Referendum 65 and Referendum 71), stumped for anti-LGBT legislative and judicial candidates in two primaries, and plans to do so again this year (see March 9th post).
* Oregonian Gary Randall's History of Manipulating Washington State Voters
* Why is Gary Randall really Dangling the Referendum Carrot?
* Gary Randall embraces relativism: domestic partnerships are marriage, except when they're not
* Gary Randall makes puzzling claims about the Doe v. Reed lawsuit
Randall must be looking covetously at Fulton, Mississippi's town-wide bullying of LGBT students like Constance McMillan, Juin Baize and others living in silent fear. I say this because today Randall cites ACP's anti-gay "Facts About Youth" in an attempt to support the sick notion that LGBT students should be treated as "disordered" and "confused" rather than loved and supported.The battle for our children continues, often under the guise of care and concern by some with a primary commitment to indoctrination and recruitment, others, simply misinformed.
Alvin McEwan has very clearly described how ACP's "Facts About Youth" is nothing more than the same old tired, much-debunked anti-LGBT bigotry dressed up to sound like impartial science.
Usually we say that imitation is a form of flattery, but in the case of the opinion-based ACP naming itself to sound like the science-based and American Academy of Pediatrics, there are clearly darker motives at play. This deceptive misrepresentation of anti-LGBT bias as credible, authoritative science is just the kind of subterfuge Gary Randall has promoted time and time again.
Gary Randall is a retired Oregonian televangelist who is obsessed with Washington's LGBT population. Since 2004, he's reached across state lines to sponsor two anti-gay statewide ballot measures in Washington (Referendum 65 and Referendum 71), stumped for anti-LGBT legislative and judicial candidates in two primaries, and plans to do so again this year (see March 9th post).
* Oregonian Gary Randall's History of Manipulating Washington State Voters
* Why is Gary Randall really Dangling the Referendum Carrot?
* Gary Randall embraces relativism: domestic partnerships are marriage, except when they're not
* Gary Randall makes puzzling claims about the Doe v. Reed lawsuit
What's at stake for LGBT Americans this Tuesday?
Analyses of several close congressional races find plenty of reasons for LGBT equality advocates to pay attention to election -More-
Gettin' the Protest ON!
.. Last Saturday, Melissa & I got our protest on when the National Organization for Marriage stopped in Atlanta to rally their "army" of 2 million people (only 13 showed up) against gay marriage. We, along with about 300 other freedom-loving protestors, peacefully let those fundamentalist hypocrites how we feel about their hatred. I have more to post about this but at least wanted to share 1 little pic from it for now. More later! xoxo.P.S. - I got a 101 (yes, 1 more than a 100) on my Accounting mid-term today. How can this be???? The world feels weird...
MOVIES Mary Morten focuses her lens on Black youth
Woke Up Black, the first feature documentary by LGBT activist Mary F. Morten, chronicles the lives of five diverse African-American young people. There will be a preview Nov. 11 at a fundraiser hosted by community businessman and philanthropist Michael Leppen.
Judge refuses to toss suit challenging Prop. 8
A federal judge in San Francisco refused Wednesday to dismiss a lawsuit challenging California's Proposition 8, the voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, and ordered a trial on whether the measure denies fundamental...
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Macbeth, Lyric Opera of Chicago, through Oct. 30. Chicago Shakespeare Theater founder and artistic director Barbara Gaines may over-apply the flying special effects in her operatic debut, but she certainly knows how to lure truly dramatic performances from her starry singing cast. SCM
(7) The I Have No Show, Show. Going Topic-less!
All I need is the right man, Thank God I’m gay, No topic whatsoever, Being ditched, Bad Karaoke Nonsensical ramblings, Paris? Kelly Clarkson? Farting? A tasteless show indeed …
An interview with Elizabeth Keener
While The L Word may be long gone from the airwaves, its cast members continue to be big draws at Club Skirts The Dinah, as Elizabeth Keener found out this past weekend when she faced a constant barrage of fans seeking autographs and photos at the Palm Springs, Calif., event. caught up with Keener, who was attending her third Dinah and first without The L Word to promote, to talk about Dawn Denbo's legacy, The Real L Word: Los Angeles and her three upcoming projects. Is it strange to be at Dinah without The L Word?
Elizabeth Keener: This is my third Dinah. At the first two, I was doing L Word stuff, this one, I told Mariah I would do some stuff for fun ? autographs and things because I love Mariah [Hanson].
AE: How does it feel to still be associated with Dawn Denbo? Does it ever get old?
EK: No, I love it. The L Word was really breakthrough television ? none of my doing, it was all way before I got there ? and I played one of the best characters, in my opinion, of that series. I got so lucky.
read more caught up with Keener, who was attending her third Dinah and first without The L Word to promote, to talk about Dawn Denbo's legacy, The Real L Word: Los Angeles and her three upcoming projects. Is it strange to be at Dinah without The L Word?
Elizabeth Keener: This is my third Dinah. At the first two, I was doing L Word stuff, this one, I told Mariah I would do some stuff for fun ? autographs and things because I love Mariah [Hanson].
AE: How does it feel to still be associated with Dawn Denbo? Does it ever get old?
EK: No, I love it. The L Word was really breakthrough television ? none of my doing, it was all way before I got there ? and I played one of the best characters, in my opinion, of that series. I got so lucky.
read more
Celebrity Fashion Designer Chris March Returns to BRAVO
Bravo is set to announce a quartet of reality shows in development, including three based in the celebrity-service industry.
The shows expand the network's reality slate under new vp development Eli Lehrer, who was promoted in July to head the department.
"This is the first of many new developments we have going since we put our new development team in place," Bravo president Francis Berwick said. "We're specifically developing around our five passion potions: food, fashion, beauty, design and popular culture."
One of �the projects WE ARE EXCITED ABOUT�is an untitled series centering on celebrity fashion designer Chris March . The show will follow the former "Project Runway" contestant and his crew of fashion misfits as they create a one-of-a-kind design for a loyal clientele that includes Madonna and Meryl Streep. Matt Westmore Media and No Regrets Entertainment produce.
Best Gay News
The shows expand the network's reality slate under new vp development Eli Lehrer, who was promoted in July to head the department.
"This is the first of many new developments we have going since we put our new development team in place," Bravo president Francis Berwick said. "We're specifically developing around our five passion potions: food, fashion, beauty, design and popular culture."
One of �the projects WE ARE EXCITED ABOUT�is an untitled series centering on celebrity fashion designer Chris March . The show will follow the former "Project Runway" contestant and his crew of fashion misfits as they create a one-of-a-kind design for a loyal clientele that includes Madonna and Meryl Streep. Matt Westmore Media and No Regrets Entertainment produce.
Best Gay News
Uganda Antigay Bill Inching Along
Ugandan lawmaker David Bahati said he is confident his bill, which would
jail or impose capital punishment on gay people, will be enacted
soon, CNN reports.
jail or impose capital punishment on gay people, will be enacted
soon, CNN reports.
GLBT History Month 2010
Annise Parker
Mayor of Houston
b. May 17, 1956
““The voters of Houston have opened the door to history. I know what this means to many of us who never thought we could achieve high office.””
In 2009, when Annise Parker was elected, Houston became the largest city in the nation with an openly gay mayor.
In 1997, Parker won a seat on the Houston City Council, making her Houston’s first out elected official. In 2003, Parker was elected City Controller. She served two additional terms before being elected mayor.
Catherine Opie
b. April 14, 1961
““Let’s push the boundaries a little bit here about what you guys think normal is.””
For over a decade, photographer Catherine …
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Mayor of Houston
b. May 17, 1956
““The voters of Houston have opened the door to history. I know what this means to many of us who never thought we could achieve high office.””
In 2009, when Annise Parker was elected, Houston became the largest city in the nation with an openly gay mayor.
In 1997, Parker won a seat on the Houston City Council, making her Houston’s first out elected official. In 2003, Parker was elected City Controller. She served two additional terms before being elected mayor.
Catherine Opie
b. April 14, 1961
““Let’s push the boundaries a little bit here about what you guys think normal is.””
For over a decade, photographer Catherine …
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Friday, October 29, 2010
Mark Kirk: I don't know any out service members
During an Oct. 27 debate with U.S. Senate opponent Alexi Giannoulias, Republican Mark Kirk who is a Navy reservist said that he has never met a gay member of the military while being deployed, according to
School Board Member Clint McCance Resigns Under Fire for Facebook Comments
Clint McCance, appearing on Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN this evening, announced that he will resign from the Midland School Board.� The controversy erupted when McCance unleashed an anti-gay tirade on Facebook in response to a rash of bullying-related suicides.
(69) The Lesma Files: Snotty and Shitty
More hostility, fights, and internal chaos�from The Lesma Files;�a random solo anti-soy rant in between spats, so hold on to your nun�habits. Truthfully, this is a positively disgusting podcast�including potty humor. Don’t listen while eating. Enjoy! Disclaimer: Soy�is�especially toxic�for people with�Thyroid issues. (some would argue it is the cause) If�a person doesn’t�know�they have Thyroid issues, [...]
Dining, Drinks & Desserts
The “ZIO’S EXPERIENCE” with 4 lovely lesbians
Greetings everyone, hope your week is going well. What a week in our busy world! The Senate did not pass DADT. The Republicans decided to start running on platforms which the Democrats created and former President Bill Clinton had some great words of advice for President Obama. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction!
This week my guests were 4 lovely lesbians, Christina our Editor, her partner Alice and their friends Joergie and Neally.
We selected ZIO’S Italian Restaurant on El Cajon Blvd in North Park. When I arrived, owner Darren James greeted me with his warm embrace and handshake. We have chatted several times on Facebook and this was our actual first time meeting in person.
My ladies had not yet arrived so I asked Darren to give me a tour of…
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Greetings everyone, hope your week is going well. What a week in our busy world! The Senate did not pass DADT. The Republicans decided to start running on platforms which the Democrats created and former President Bill Clinton had some great words of advice for President Obama. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction!
This week my guests were 4 lovely lesbians, Christina our Editor, her partner Alice and their friends Joergie and Neally.
We selected ZIO’S Italian Restaurant on El Cajon Blvd in North Park. When I arrived, owner Darren James greeted me with his warm embrace and handshake. We have chatted several times on Facebook and this was our actual first time meeting in person.
My ladies had not yet arrived so I asked Darren to give me a tour of…
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Texas News Channel Asks Viewers Whether Homosexuality Will Destroy the United States
Asking viewers to weigh in on a current event is pretty standard practice among local television stations. Want to know what people think about an increase in sales tax? You'll find reporters out in the street asking passersby. How about the new logo for a local sports team? Yup, people weigh in on that, too.
Want to know whether people think homosexuality will cause the downfall of the United States and will fuel the apocalypse?
Well, come on. No television station would stoop so low to ask their viewers that kind of question. Right?
If only. Check out KETK, the NBC-affiliate in Tyler, Texas, which ran a story yesterday on the news that the Obama administration has appointed more LGBT people to positions in the federal government than any other President in history. And in the context of that news story, they asked their viewers to call in and answer this question: "Do you think this country's accpetance of homosexuality could lead to it's downfall?"
It's almost priceless that the media outlet spelled acceptance wrong and used the incorrect form of "its," given that their question is about as stupid as they come.
"Pretty soon we're going to have a gay President, and that would be the worst!" called in one viewer (and yes, the news channel aired that response).
"I do know that there are more gays in Washington, D.C. than there are in San Francisco, southern Florida, or anywhere else in this country," chimed in another viewer.
"You oughta believe it will be the fall of the United States. The main reason is that preachers aren't preaching against what the government is doing," said another person, who must live under a rock.
"Yes, the gay issue will be the downfall of America. Obama has to go," said another.
"In the Bible it says that in the beginning that God made man and God made woman, and told them to multiply. And I do believe that gay people are manmade people and not made from God," added one last viewer.
My goodness. What a segment of news. Can you say Pulitzer-Prize winning reporting, or what?
Actually, on second thought, let's just call this what it is: a really lazy question from a reporter who gave air time to some seriously fringe elements of society. The very premise of their question, that homosexuality could legitimately be seen by some as the downfall of society, is not only offensive, but it's even below Fox News standards.
To their credit, a number of viewers called in saying the same thing. One person said that "the religious right will be the downfall of America," and another added that if an LGBT person is qualified to do their job, then their gender identity or sexual orientation shouldn't matter. Voices of reason amidst a sea of some insanity.
Check out the clip of the segment below, and send the news station a message here saying that you demand better reporting than phone interviews about whether homosexuality will destroy the United States.
KETK's mission statement is "news you won't see anywhere else." Indeed, here's hoping.
Photo credit: Ben Sutherland
Want to know whether people think homosexuality will cause the downfall of the United States and will fuel the apocalypse?
Well, come on. No television station would stoop so low to ask their viewers that kind of question. Right?
If only. Check out KETK, the NBC-affiliate in Tyler, Texas, which ran a story yesterday on the news that the Obama administration has appointed more LGBT people to positions in the federal government than any other President in history. And in the context of that news story, they asked their viewers to call in and answer this question: "Do you think this country's accpetance of homosexuality could lead to it's downfall?"
It's almost priceless that the media outlet spelled acceptance wrong and used the incorrect form of "its," given that their question is about as stupid as they come.
"Pretty soon we're going to have a gay President, and that would be the worst!" called in one viewer (and yes, the news channel aired that response).
"I do know that there are more gays in Washington, D.C. than there are in San Francisco, southern Florida, or anywhere else in this country," chimed in another viewer.
"You oughta believe it will be the fall of the United States. The main reason is that preachers aren't preaching against what the government is doing," said another person, who must live under a rock.
"Yes, the gay issue will be the downfall of America. Obama has to go," said another.
"In the Bible it says that in the beginning that God made man and God made woman, and told them to multiply. And I do believe that gay people are manmade people and not made from God," added one last viewer.
My goodness. What a segment of news. Can you say Pulitzer-Prize winning reporting, or what?
Actually, on second thought, let's just call this what it is: a really lazy question from a reporter who gave air time to some seriously fringe elements of society. The very premise of their question, that homosexuality could legitimately be seen by some as the downfall of society, is not only offensive, but it's even below Fox News standards.
To their credit, a number of viewers called in saying the same thing. One person said that "the religious right will be the downfall of America," and another added that if an LGBT person is qualified to do their job, then their gender identity or sexual orientation shouldn't matter. Voices of reason amidst a sea of some insanity.
Check out the clip of the segment below, and send the news station a message here saying that you demand better reporting than phone interviews about whether homosexuality will destroy the United States.
KETK's mission statement is "news you won't see anywhere else." Indeed, here's hoping.
Photo credit: Ben Sutherland
Food for Thought
You’re kidding; there IS a pill for THAT?
As the government sets to begin reviews of new diet drugs, American obesity rates are nudging upwards in 28 states over the past year, a new report shows. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention reports that 68% of Americans are considered over weight or obese.
According to Jeff Levi, executive director of the Trust for America’s Health, “Back in 1991, not that long ago, not a single state had an obesity rate above 20 percent. More than two-thirds of states now have adult obesity rates above 25 percent,”
There’s been a dramatic change in a relatively short period.
“Obesity is one of the biggest public health crises in the country,” Levi added. “Rising rates of obesity over past decades is one of the major fa…
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As the government sets to begin reviews of new diet drugs, American obesity rates are nudging upwards in 28 states over the past year, a new report shows. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention reports that 68% of Americans are considered over weight or obese.
According to Jeff Levi, executive director of the Trust for America’s Health, “Back in 1991, not that long ago, not a single state had an obesity rate above 20 percent. More than two-thirds of states now have adult obesity rates above 25 percent,”
There’s been a dramatic change in a relatively short period.
“Obesity is one of the biggest public health crises in the country,” Levi added. “Rising rates of obesity over past decades is one of the major fa…
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Lesbian News - 14 Oct 2010
URI tackles GLBT rights
Australian lesbian couple in rare quintuplets case
Local companies lauded for giving gays and lesbians equal treatment
Publicised suicides bring local attention to plight of gay teens
No Gay and Lesbian Category on Apple TV's Netflix
Australian lesbian couple in rare quintuplets case
Local companies lauded for giving gays and lesbians equal treatment
Publicised suicides bring local attention to plight of gay teens
No Gay and Lesbian Category on Apple TV's Netflix
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Oh My Pod! - Episode 453 - Big Strokes
Episode 453 - Big Strokes
Weekend Update, 11 inch MacBook Air Impressions, iLife '11, iPad orientation switch, Kindle book lending, New Nook, HP Slate 500, Graffiti on iPad?, Android, Apple Value, Hypermac to stop selling MacBook batteries.
Guests: None
Recorded: 10/25/2010 via Skype/iChat/�bercaster
Mono | 73:50 | 35.5 MB
Call the comment line at 707-OHMYPOD
email us at
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Weekend Update, 11 inch MacBook Air Impressions, iLife '11, iPad orientation switch, Kindle book lending, New Nook, HP Slate 500, Graffiti on iPad?, Android, Apple Value, Hypermac to stop selling MacBook batteries.
Guests: None
Recorded: 10/25/2010 via Skype/iChat/�bercaster
Mono | 73:50 | 35.5 MB
Call the comment line at 707-OHMYPOD
email us at
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SF Pride 2010
It's been almost a week since SF Pride and I think I'm just recovering now. Wow, what a fun and fantastic time. For the first time since we've been writing for them, Curve magazine had a float in the San Francisco Pride parade. I was so excited when I got the call. Did I want to ride on the float? Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss it!But before Sunday and the parade began, I had a lot of other partying to get through. I arrived in SF Friday morning. I spend the afternoon with my friends, before heading over to the Olivia/Curve comedy night show with Dana Goldberg, Julie Goldman, Sandra Valls and Gina Yashere. I ran into many friends from past Olivia trips and laughed my little a** off. Then it was off to Tease to dance the night away. Perhaps I should have started pacing myself earlier. I had to be up early the next morning to join my friends over in Delores Park because I was helping out on stage at the Dyke March. My good friend Retts is stage manager and I volunteered to help out with stage crew. From noon until 7pm or so, we hustled ladies and dykes on and off the stage. Drummers and poets and politicians and singers and drag kings. What a lot of fun! I got to say hi to old friend Alix Dobkin and meet one of my butch Role Models, Phranc. The only bummer is we were wrapping things up at the stage and I missed the beginning of the march. The Dykes on Bikes. You know how Dipstick loves the Dykes on Bikes.After a quick dinner and outfit change, it was time to head out for more dancing with Curve and Olivia. This time over at the Olivia headquarters where I got to hang out with new friends: Mikey from The Real L Word and Top Chef Josie. But the big thrill of the night was when a tall woman came up to me and said, "Hi, I'm Sheri Sam." As in, Sheri Sam, the amazing WNBA star. If there's one thing Dipstick likes better than Dykes on Bikes, it's women's basketball. What an amazing day this was turning out to be. Lord knows what time it was by the time I got home to bed. And we had to meet at some corner at 10:15 am for the float. When I finally found the corner, I found the Curve ladies frantically gluing tissue paper and glitter to the Curve float. I grabbed a staple gun and got right to work.I love coming down to San Francisco for Curve events, because I get to meet other Curve contributors, like the amazing photographer Cheryl Mazak and blogger Queerie Bradshaw. And of course, any time I get to hang out with Curve publisher Franco Stevens, it's a good day. Once the float was together, we relaxed a bit, practiced our butchest parade wave and watched all the beautiful people stroll by. After about two hours of waiting, finally it was our turn! Our big cupcake float pulled out onto the street and the crowds were deafening. Our onboard DJ spun some old school Michael Jackson and of course, Pussy Cat Dolls. I waved and blew bubbles and looked for people I knew in the crowd while the ground crew handed out magazines to the crowd. The sun was out. We were happy and gay. And too quickly, it was over. I headed back to my hotel room to rest up, because, no, oh no, there was still much more partying to be done. Met some new friends for Happy Hour, old friends for dinner and then we all went to see Red Hot Blues Sisters play in a small club downtown. I stayed in San Francisco an extra day. I planned on spending some time hanging out and seeing the city. Instead, I got a late check-out from my hotel, met a friend for lunch and took the shuttle to the airport.You can see why it took me so long to recover. I'm not as young as I once was. But still, Pride in San Francisco never gets old.
Smash and Dash
Some lesbians make it a point to get with a girl and get the goods, then disappear. Are you one of those girls? Or has that happened to you? Are there signs that a chick gives off that lets you know that they are going to be hitting it and quitting it? For the most [...]
VIDEO: GLAAD's What to Watch Thursday night
(This post was originally published at GLAAD Blog)
8:30 pm $#*! My Dad Says, CBS (30 mins) NEW
Get a sneak peek at tonight's "Grey's Anatomy" special featuring bisexual doc Callie.
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8:30 pm $#*! My Dad Says, CBS (30 mins) NEW
Get a sneak peek at tonight's "Grey's Anatomy" special featuring bisexual doc Callie.
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Officer who held Duanna Johnson down testifies
Updated after the jump with contact information for the newspaper.
It's been almost two years since that disturbing video of one cop holding down while another cop beat a black trans woman, sending her to the hospital, was released. Both cops were fired and Duanna Johnson was later found dead in an unrelated murder.
As you may recall, the officer who beat Johnson filed an assault charge against her even after he used the handcuffs as brass knuckles, had his buddy hold her down, and pepper sprayed her:
McRae filed an assault charge against Johnson. In his report, McRae said Johnson swung at him and threatened to shoot the officer in the head. He said he was punched repeatedly in the head and neck by Johnson, whose first name is listed as Dwayne in the report.
Well, former officer Swain testified both that the "beat down" was one-sided (as the video showed) and that he had initially lied about it to protect his cop buddy. This is exactly why police shouldn't be policed only through internal investigations, a lesson other people who are the victims of police violence learned too late.
Continue reading "Officer who held Duanna Johnson down testifies"...
It's been almost two years since that disturbing video of one cop holding down while another cop beat a black trans woman, sending her to the hospital, was released. Both cops were fired and Duanna Johnson was later found dead in an unrelated murder.
As you may recall, the officer who beat Johnson filed an assault charge against her even after he used the handcuffs as brass knuckles, had his buddy hold her down, and pepper sprayed her:
McRae filed an assault charge against Johnson. In his report, McRae said Johnson swung at him and threatened to shoot the officer in the head. He said he was punched repeatedly in the head and neck by Johnson, whose first name is listed as Dwayne in the report.
Well, former officer Swain testified both that the "beat down" was one-sided (as the video showed) and that he had initially lied about it to protect his cop buddy. This is exactly why police shouldn't be policed only through internal investigations, a lesson other people who are the victims of police violence learned too late.
Continue reading "Officer who held Duanna Johnson down testifies"...
MT Republican State Senator Upset About GOP's Anti-Gay Platform
Some Republicans in Montana are expressing outrage that the official platform of the state GOP calls for making it illegal to be gay. The state platform reads: ?We support the clear will of the people of Montana expressed by legislation to keep homosexual acts illegal.? This was added to their platform 12 years ago, after the Montana state Supreme Court rejected the state?s anti-gay laws, and has been there since. Many are outraged by the support of this position, including Republican State Senator John Brueggeman. "I looked at that and said, 'You've got to be kidding me. Should it get taken out? Absolutely. Does anybody think we should be arresting homosexual people? If you take that stand, you really probably shouldn't be in the Republican Party?, said Brueggeman. Related Media Coverage:CBS ? September 18, 2010?Montana GOP Policy: Make Homosexuality Illegal?
Wrestling Ally's Catholic College Talk
Hudson Taylor, the straight wrestler and gay rights advocate, spoke to students in the controversial same-sex marriage course at Seton Hall University, in an appearance the Catholic college in New Jersey closed to press.
Headed To The Big Easy
No, I’m not going to Barney Frank’s Florida condo.� Shame on you people!
Actually I’m bound for New Orleans, Louisiana to report on and envelop myself in the Southern Republican Leadership Council.� I’m hoping it is like CPAC but with more Southern food.
I’ll be reporting from inside at Bloggers’ Lounge later tonight.��Four great speakers lead off the program tonight:� Mary Matalin, Liz Cheney,�JC Watts &�Newt Gingrich.� Hmmm, Watts/Cheney… 2012 anyone?
So watch this space later today for reports of N’awlins.
-Bruce (GayPatriot)
Actually I’m bound for New Orleans, Louisiana to report on and envelop myself in the Southern Republican Leadership Council.� I’m hoping it is like CPAC but with more Southern food.
I’ll be reporting from inside at Bloggers’ Lounge later tonight.��Four great speakers lead off the program tonight:� Mary Matalin, Liz Cheney,�JC Watts &�Newt Gingrich.� Hmmm, Watts/Cheney… 2012 anyone?
So watch this space later today for reports of N’awlins.
-Bruce (GayPatriot)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The First Step is Admitting There is a Problem.
Recently, I made the decision to stop chewing my fingernails. Sounds easy, but it’s not. This past week has actually been one of the hardest weeks of my life. Each time my fingers go to my mouth I make the effort to tell myself NO! Today has been a very difficult one, my nerves got [...]
ELECTION '10: Windy City Times' General Election Guide
Welcome to the 2010 Windy City Times General Election Guide.
Affinity marks 15 with Founders event
There were tears and laughter Oct. 24 at the nightspot Sidetrack as Affinity Community Services—which serves the local Black LBT women's community—celebrated its 15th anniversary.
New social network aims to draw straight support for LGBT rights
-More- Public Policy Director
American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado
American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado
Antigay GOPs Mocked by Colbert
Stephen Colbert continues his sarcastic endorsement of antigay GOP
candidates, comparing being gay to being short and suffering from
candidates, comparing being gay to being short and suffering from
Justice Department Appeals Ruling Overturning Discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy
ACLU Urges Congress To Take Action
CONTACT: (212) 549-2666;
NEW YORK – The Department of Justice (DOJ) Thursday filed an appeal challenging a federal court's ruling that overturned the military's discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. The DOJ also filed a motion seeking to suspend an order stopping enforcement of the statute. The ruling was issued by Judge Virginia Phillips of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California last month.
While the House passed a provision to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" this year, efforts in the Senate were stymied last month when senators were unable to move forward with a vote due to a procedural hurdle. The Senate could take up the issue again before the end of the year.
The following can be attributed to James Esseks, Director of the ACLU Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Project:
"The government's decision to appeal this ruling is extremely disappointing. 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' is an unconstitutional and discriminatory policy that hurts military effectiveness. It is time to end this destructive policy."
CONTACT: (212) 549-2666;
NEW YORK – The Department of Justice (DOJ) Thursday filed an appeal challenging a federal court's ruling that overturned the military's discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. The DOJ also filed a motion seeking to suspend an order stopping enforcement of the statute. The ruling was issued by Judge Virginia Phillips of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California last month.
While the House passed a provision to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" this year, efforts in the Senate were stymied last month when senators were unable to move forward with a vote due to a procedural hurdle. The Senate could take up the issue again before the end of the year.
The following can be attributed to James Esseks, Director of the ACLU Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Project:
"The government's decision to appeal this ruling is extremely disappointing. 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' is an unconstitutional and discriminatory policy that hurts military effectiveness. It is time to end this destructive policy."
NJ weighs new bullying laws after Rutgers suicide
New Jersey lawmakers introduced an "anti-bullying bill of rights" Monday that one advocate said would be the toughest state law of its kind in the nation.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Please dress me.
Please help a cheap, butch girl pick out good work-appropriate clothes. I recently made the change from an academic environment where no one cared about the clothes people wore, to an industry position where it's usually business casual, and where client meetings require me to dress up a little bit more.
The main caveat is that I'm female and prefer to dress a bit masculine. My desire to dress this way isn't just a statement about gender, it's also about a desire for simplicity. I can never find things I like on the women's side of the store because everything is covered in bright prints, has low bust lines, weird cuts, or frills and doo-dads. I definitely would like to branch out and introduce more variety in my wardrobe, but I'm not interested in wearing anything too feminine or with too much "flair". No skirts, heels, etc, but I would prefer to wear more clothes that were actually made to be worn by women.
The second caveat is that I'm cheap. Really cheap. My partner makes fun of me for mending my $1/pair socks when they get holes in them. I am willing to spend money on good, quality pieces, but I'd rather not.
I'm looking for big picture ideas, as well as recommendations for stores, brands, or specific pieces of clothing. Thanks!
The main caveat is that I'm female and prefer to dress a bit masculine. My desire to dress this way isn't just a statement about gender, it's also about a desire for simplicity. I can never find things I like on the women's side of the store because everything is covered in bright prints, has low bust lines, weird cuts, or frills and doo-dads. I definitely would like to branch out and introduce more variety in my wardrobe, but I'm not interested in wearing anything too feminine or with too much "flair". No skirts, heels, etc, but I would prefer to wear more clothes that were actually made to be worn by women.
The second caveat is that I'm cheap. Really cheap. My partner makes fun of me for mending my $1/pair socks when they get holes in them. I am willing to spend money on good, quality pieces, but I'd rather not.
I'm looking for big picture ideas, as well as recommendations for stores, brands, or specific pieces of clothing. Thanks!
HRC Volunteers in Florida Come Out in Record Numbers
The following post comes from Regional Field Organizer Jess Osborn:
The last couple weeks have been an amazing success for the HRC's volunteer effort. Last week, an HRC phonebank here in Florida had seventeen volunteers come out to dial up HRC members about the upcoming elections. Seventeen! No doubt a record for an HRC Phonebank. The volunteers at this phonebank, and each phonebank we hold here in Florida, are working hard to ensure that people have everything that they need for Election Day, and that they are fully aware of their pro-equality candidates in these elections.
The last couple weeks have been an amazing success for the HRC's volunteer effort. Last week, an HRC phonebank here in Florida had seventeen volunteers come out to dial up HRC members about the upcoming elections. Seventeen! No doubt a record for an HRC Phonebank. The volunteers at this phonebank, and each phonebank we hold here in Florida, are working hard to ensure that people have everything that they need for Election Day, and that they are fully aware of their pro-equality candidates in these elections.
MOVIES Historian Susan Stryker on transgender rights
Without Susan Stryker, some of the most significant moments in transgender history might be confined to archive collections rather than best-selling books and films. A filmmaker, writer and professor at Indiana University-Bloomington, Stryker is one of the few known transgender historians to date. Her works, which include Transgender History and Christine Jorgensen's autobiography Stryker co-authored the work , became canonical in gender studies collections nearly the moment they hit the shelves.
Hunter. Valentine. Yes. Please.
Photo courtesy of HunterValentine.comThere are several things that keep me up at night. For instance, how does Tylenol know where to go? Has the line "What yo name is?" ever worked for a guy in the history of mankind? And if not, why do they continue to use it? Whose idea was it to make the new "Melissa & Joey" TV show? Is the person whose decision it was to greenlight the new "Melissa & Joey" TV show sleeping right now while I'm tossing and turning?? I first saw/heard/met the ladies of Hunter Valentine last weekend at the badass KILLOLA! show at the Roxy. I was so blown away by their talent and um...ya know...hotness...that if I could have, I would have blogged about both from inside the makeshift circle pit that I created in the audience. But somehow its taken me days (and many, many sleepless nights) to write about them. And you wanna know why? I'll show you:So um, you guys, Michelle Rodriguez & Pink* apparently had a lovechild on the d.l. and named her "Kiyomi." (*Linda Perry was obviously in the room during conception.)You can get lots more info, buy their music and check out their tour dates at! Tell them Arlan sent you:-)My favorite song so far is "Treadmills of Love" (click here to hear a sample)...I also love this one:Yes. Please.
VIDEOS: Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn goes "Glee" in campaign ad
CHICAGO -- This election is crucial for LGBT people all across Illinois.
Gov. Pat Quinn is a strong advocate for the advancement of LGBT rights in Illinois. He has proven his opposition to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, and has appointed several openly gay cabinet members.
Quinn recently released a "Glee" inspired campaign ad, just as the latest polls show him currently trailing Republican opponent Bill Brady.
An advocate for LGBT causes and equality, Gov. Pat Quinn trails Republican opponent Bill Brady in latest polls, but hopes to win over votes with new campaign ad .
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Gov. Pat Quinn is a strong advocate for the advancement of LGBT rights in Illinois. He has proven his opposition to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, and has appointed several openly gay cabinet members.
Quinn recently released a "Glee" inspired campaign ad, just as the latest polls show him currently trailing Republican opponent Bill Brady.
An advocate for LGBT causes and equality, Gov. Pat Quinn trails Republican opponent Bill Brady in latest polls, but hopes to win over votes with new campaign ad .
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Join New Social Site Launch!
(10-13-10) -- Join in its Social Site Launch. htttp:// brings so many social sites and features to one location. It includes favorite features from Facebook, Twitter and MySpace not to mention all the amazing features from those gay dating sites.
Sesame Street's Bert: Not Gay
Despite his long-standing friendship with roommate Ernie and a
reference this summer about his hair being more "mo," Sesame Street's
Bert is not gay.
reference this summer about his hair being more "mo," Sesame Street's
Bert is not gay.
Bert is not gay - say Sesame Streets producers
Apparently the use of the word Mo in reference to Bert does not mean he is gay. Mo is a derogatory US word used to refer to gays as well as hairstyles. The LA Times says the reference is about the hairstyle and not the sexuality (of a puppet)!
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Monday, October 25, 2010
Portman's Dad Upset at Gay Role?
Rumors are circulating that Natalie Portman's father is upset at her lesbian sex scenes in the highly anticipated movie Black Swan.
Cristian Ronaldo Shirtless in Armani Ad
Cristian Ronaldo Shirtless in Armani Ad
Cristian Ronaldo ShirtlessView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Cristian Ronaldo ShirtlessView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Can Your Relationship Survive an Affair?
She cheated. Either she told you, or you found out. Now she's on her knees begging for forgiveness. You're just not sure if you can forgive her or if you can ever trust her again. How do you know if your relationship can survive an affair?...Read Full Post
Biden in Chicago
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden was in Chicago Oct. 12 at a rally to bolster support for Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn. The rally, which took place on the city's Near West Side, was dubbed "Putting Illinois Back to Work," and counted Mayor Richard Daley and several Democratic candidates—including Sheila Simon, David Miller, Lisa Madigan and Jesse White—among the attendees. Quinn is in a virtual tie with Republican Bill Brady in the gubernatorial race. Photos by Kat Fitzgerald
Visit Bloomington's 'Gay Getaway' Nov. 12-14
Visit Bloomington—the tourism bureau for Bloomington, Ind.—is hosting a "Gay Getaway" Nov. 12-14.
DADT Ruling Fallout: From the White House to military recruiting centers, Judge Phillips's order halting the enforcement of DADT is having ripple effects across the country
News:For further developments on this story, check Metro Weekly's Poliglot blog.As the breadth of U.S. District Court Judge Virginia Phillips's Oct. 12 order halting all enforcement of the military's ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' policy became more clear, the federal judge refused on Oct. 19 to grant the government's request to put her order on hold while the Justice Department appeals the Log Cabin Republicans v. United States case. The Department of Justice appealed that decision on Oct. 20, asking the ...more
Community News
County wide show of equality for San Diego LGBT Pride’s Equality Torch Relay on October 10
Participants of San Diego LGBT Pride’s second annual Equality Torch Relay will simultaneously deliver the message of LGBT equality to all corners of San Diego County, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Sunday, October 10. Team leaders and participants will carry banners and symbolic torches past dozens of landmarks and government buildings along routes that include San Diego city districts 1 through 8, as well as municipalities in East County, North County and South Bay.
The event culminates with a closing ceremony sponsored by VONS, from 1:30 to 3 p.m., the same day, in The Center’s auditorium, 3909 Centre St. It will feature live entertainment, free refres…
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Participants of San Diego LGBT Pride’s second annual Equality Torch Relay will simultaneously deliver the message of LGBT equality to all corners of San Diego County, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Sunday, October 10. Team leaders and participants will carry banners and symbolic torches past dozens of landmarks and government buildings along routes that include San Diego city districts 1 through 8, as well as municipalities in East County, North County and South Bay.
The event culminates with a closing ceremony sponsored by VONS, from 1:30 to 3 p.m., the same day, in The Center’s auditorium, 3909 Centre St. It will feature live entertainment, free refres…
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Hi Kids
I think about you often! Still spending time on my new website and podcast and not blogging here as much but I do miss the friends I made at MORE MARGA– Maybe I’ll be back. If you are in San … Continue reading →
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Lesbian Commercials
My friend Kelly sent these great commercials to me recently and I thought you'd all appreciate them...
QN supports GLBT History Month (via Queer Networks)
In honor of GLBT History Month, sponsored in part by Equality Forum, we have placed a link to on each of our metropolitan area blogs. �We currently host and manage 12 local blogs in 5 different states and we’re … Continue reading →
BS or a possibility? AP: Gay voters angry at Democrats could sway election
This post has a poll; weigh in...
Read this article and tell me whether this story holds water. After what we've been discussing regarding the support for pro-equality candidates as well as how critical it is to vote because of those down ticket races that affect LGBT issues progress at the state and local levels, is this AP article on target?
Across the country, activists say gay voters are angry - at the lack of progress on issues from eliminating employment discrimination to uncertainty over serving in the military to the economy - and some are choosing to sit out this election or look for other candidates.
...[I]n places like Cook County, Ill., where the gay population represents about 7 percent of voters, that could mean the difference between victory and defeat in some races, said Rick Garcia, director of public policy for Equality Illinois. One of those races is a much-watched and close battle for Obama's old Senate seat between Democrat Alexi Giannoulias and Republican Mark Kirk.
"If (candidates) can mobilize the gay community and get them out to vote, it could make all the difference in the world in some of these key races," said Garcia.
But volunteers who've been calling the 18,000 or so members of Equality Illinois to urge them to vote have been getting an earful. Many members say they won't vote or will vote against incumbents, regardless of their party affiliation or stance on gay issues.
This year's election is a stark contrast to 2008, when the gay community turned out in droves to elect Obama and help Democrats regain control of Congress.
I happen to think it's BS, and only sets up the meme that the community will be to blame for any major losses in the midterms.
Michael Chase DiMartino Creates Videos Designed to Bring Joy to the Deaf
New York native,
Chase, began performing at a young age. He sang in Carnegie Hall when he was 16. Later, he performed in a play called ?Kosher Harry? for which he received rave reviews from the New York Times for his leading role. Now writing and producing his own songs, Chase endeavors to bring communities together through his music.
Michael ?Chase? DiMartino is a new breed of Clark Kent. By day, the 26-year-old serves as a sign-language interpreter -- translating meetings for a deaf business woman in New York City. By night, the Bay Ridge, Brooklyn native is using his hands -- and his moves -- for another lofty purpose: To bring the likes of Britney Spears and Lady Gaga to the deaf and hearing-impaired communities through the art of sign language.
After he posted interpretive videos of ?Womanizer,? to You Tube, �Britney Spears herself had them posted to her website, bringing DiMartino?s videos over the 700,000-viewer threshold. He?s been asked to interpret Lady Gaga?s sold-out show at Madison Square Garden (check out his sign-language video for ?Bad Romance? ). A singer-songwriter and performer in his own rite, Chase�has been��showcasing his own original material and, in doing so, hoping to bridge the hearing and deaf communities in a way that has never been done before.
He is quoted, ?Can you envision a stadium packed with people -� half of them hearing, and the other half deaf/hard of hearing� ? and all of them enjoying the same music? That is my dream.? His first single, Falldown, and his follow-up song, Hard Candy, are both available on iTunes.� His EP is set to release this summer.
�With the release of this new video� HARD� CANDY, Chase has discussed a little about his sexuality. He starts off by saying:
?Gay? Who me? Not such a big issue to me. I don?t believe music has a gender. It has no sex. The art of music does not differentiate between its gay or straight counterparts. For myself, I identify as gay only because it seems to be the most ?easily explained, and also, more readily accepted.
But if I were to break it down, I would say this: ?I truly believe myself to love a person for who they are. Gender unattached. I believe that if the right female came along, I could fall in love (and have, with women in the past). But as it stands right now, I am in love with one who happens to be a male.? ?
"After ?Womanizer,? there was this shift in my mind, where I no longer wanted to do just that. I wanted to show people who I am, what my voice is, what my influence on music is. That?s why I started to go into the studio and started to write songs with another artist, Adam Joseph . He did the instrumental and we wrote lyrics together. "
It?s been just a wonderful time. I have my videos, which are an extension of myself and now I feel like I have my music, which is an extension of myself and it really feels like a baby. I?ve always heard people say that but I never understood it until now. It feels like my baby. I put so much into this -- and it?s my emotion. It?s going onto a limb. It?s taking a huge risk."
Read more� at� OUT�� and�� OFFICIAL CHASE !
Chase, began performing at a young age. He sang in Carnegie Hall when he was 16. Later, he performed in a play called ?Kosher Harry? for which he received rave reviews from the New York Times for his leading role. Now writing and producing his own songs, Chase endeavors to bring communities together through his music.
Michael ?Chase? DiMartino is a new breed of Clark Kent. By day, the 26-year-old serves as a sign-language interpreter -- translating meetings for a deaf business woman in New York City. By night, the Bay Ridge, Brooklyn native is using his hands -- and his moves -- for another lofty purpose: To bring the likes of Britney Spears and Lady Gaga to the deaf and hearing-impaired communities through the art of sign language.
After he posted interpretive videos of ?Womanizer,? to You Tube, �Britney Spears herself had them posted to her website, bringing DiMartino?s videos over the 700,000-viewer threshold. He?s been asked to interpret Lady Gaga?s sold-out show at Madison Square Garden (check out his sign-language video for ?Bad Romance? ). A singer-songwriter and performer in his own rite, Chase�has been��showcasing his own original material and, in doing so, hoping to bridge the hearing and deaf communities in a way that has never been done before.
He is quoted, ?Can you envision a stadium packed with people -� half of them hearing, and the other half deaf/hard of hearing� ? and all of them enjoying the same music? That is my dream.? His first single, Falldown, and his follow-up song, Hard Candy, are both available on iTunes.� His EP is set to release this summer.
�With the release of this new video� HARD� CANDY, Chase has discussed a little about his sexuality. He starts off by saying:
?Gay? Who me? Not such a big issue to me. I don?t believe music has a gender. It has no sex. The art of music does not differentiate between its gay or straight counterparts. For myself, I identify as gay only because it seems to be the most ?easily explained, and also, more readily accepted.
But if I were to break it down, I would say this: ?I truly believe myself to love a person for who they are. Gender unattached. I believe that if the right female came along, I could fall in love (and have, with women in the past). But as it stands right now, I am in love with one who happens to be a male.? ?
"After ?Womanizer,? there was this shift in my mind, where I no longer wanted to do just that. I wanted to show people who I am, what my voice is, what my influence on music is. That?s why I started to go into the studio and started to write songs with another artist, Adam Joseph . He did the instrumental and we wrote lyrics together. "
It?s been just a wonderful time. I have my videos, which are an extension of myself and now I feel like I have my music, which is an extension of myself and it really feels like a baby. I?ve always heard people say that but I never understood it until now. It feels like my baby. I put so much into this -- and it?s my emotion. It?s going onto a limb. It?s taking a huge risk."
Read more� at� OUT�� and�� OFFICIAL CHASE !
Judge orders lesbian reinstated to Air Force
TACOMA, Wash. (AP) – A federal judge ruled Friday that a decorated flight nurse discharged from the Air Force for being gay should be given her job back as soon as possible in the latest legal setback to the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.
The decision by U.S. District Judge Ronald Leighton came in a closely watched case as a tense debate has been playing out over the policy. Senate Republicans blocked an effort to lift the ban this week, but Leighton is now the second federal judge this month to deem the policy unconstitutional.
Maj. Margaret Witt was suspended in 2004 and subsequently discharged under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy after the Air Force learned she had been in a lon…
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The decision by U.S. District Judge Ronald Leighton came in a closely watched case as a tense debate has been playing out over the policy. Senate Republicans blocked an effort to lift the ban this week, but Leighton is now the second federal judge this month to deem the policy unconstitutional.
Maj. Margaret Witt was suspended in 2004 and subsequently discharged under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy after the Air Force learned she had been in a lon…
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Gay and Lesbian Recruits Can Sign Up - For Now
After a federal's judge's decision last week that the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy is unconstitutional, the US military has ordered recruiting stations to start accepting gay and lesbians recruits....Read Full Post
Fires and flirty-fighting: Coronation Street recap - October 15 through 18
After Sally sticking up for the girls last time in the meeting with their principal teacher after having run away for so long, and then her wondering if Sophie’s love for dungarees as a child is the reason she is now a lesBian, could there be any more twists in this couple's relationship? What am I saying, it’s a soap opera, of course there is!
15th October – Part 1
Kevin and Sally are going away to Madrid for a break, leaving Sophian and Random Rosie on their own... with no adults... because our good friend Random clearly isn’t quite adult material yet.
Sophie is convinced her parents have booby-trapped their double bed to stop anything happening on it while they’re away, that they will be checking the girls’ Facebook accounts for any updates including fun, and that they will be on the next flight home, because fun means empty house and empty house means party and party means videos on YouTube.
Sian laughs at her girlfriend, and says that she thought Sally was a kind and caring mum, but Sophie tells her she’s wrong.
Sally is talking to Rita about her worries of going away and leaving the girls alone. Rita says not to as she’s done it before, but Sally says it was different before as it was Rosie and Sophie, this time it’s Rosie, Sophie and Sian.
Rita tells her that she’ll keep an eye on the girls while her and Kevin go away to celebrate their anniversary, as they never thought they’d celebrate it after Sally got ill.
Random Rosie is making dinner for the three of them, when she realises the pie that is in the oven is still frozen and she’s going to be late for a meeting about more modelling work if they don’t have dinner soon. Sophie reminds her sister that they all agreed it was her turn to make dinner so she should have thought about it earlier.
Sian suggests just making a cooked all day breakfast, but they’ll need eggs. Sophian head out to the shop to get them while Random Rosie deals with the raw sausages. She doesn’t look too happy about it either.
Rita arrives at the door to check on the girls as promised to Sally, and Random Rosie manages to piss her off greatly, so she starts having a go at her for being so cheeky and selfish. Finally! Even if Random Rosie does looks 100 different kinds of horrified at Rita’s scary home truths.
However, while Rita is giving Random Rosie a few sharp words, the sausages have managed to catch fire and are quickly making good time around the kitchen, setting fire to the worktops and cupboards... just as Random Rosie walks back in.
15th October – Part 2
Sophian return 20 years later. Honestly, how long does it take to cross the street and get a few eggs? It was daylight when they left, now it’s dark outside?! They find a charcoaled Random Rosie and a char grilled kitchen.
Sophie goes off her head shouting at her sister as all she’s worried about is her clothes, and Sian stands watching the pair getting onto each other.
Later, Sophian decide to start cleaning, while Random Rosie has a strop about her hair straighteners not working anymore, and Sophie starts at her sister again for being selfish at worrying about herself when the kitchen is ruined.
Random Rosie says it’s Sophie’s fault for making her cook dinner, so Sophie yells at her she’s sorry for wanting to eat! Sophie says it’s going to cost a fortune to fix and she can pay for it with the money she’d been saving up for a stupid bag.
Random Rosie tells her sister that there’s no way she’s using that money, and then tells her not to worry, she’ll get one of her 'hangers-on' to fix it for free: one of the lads that hang around her wanting to be her boyfriend but can’t. This can only get worse.
After calling through 5 of her 'hangers-on', the chances of the kitchen getting sorted soon, and for free, are looking very slim indeed.
Sophian are giggling on the couch about Random Rosie’s attempts, and to make things worse for her, Sophie takes her picture and runs off to put it on Facebook... with her sister hot on her heels chasing her upstairs as Sian sits on the couch laughing.
Sophie and Sian appear with plates of bread, crisps and salad to make sandwiches, and Random Rosie’s on the couch feeling that this is a day she’ll remember for the rest of her life: her own personal origami! Which Sophie enjoys only too well in correcting her sister in telling her she means tsunami!
18th October – Part 1
Random Rosie is dressed to promote her best assets, as she has managed to secure a builder to come and sort the kitchen that day. Sophie is going through a check list for things to take with her to college, and Sian is looking on in disbelief at her girlfriend using a check list to pack her college bag.
Random Rosie then explains to a bewildered Sophian as to her logic behind the top she’s wearing: 50% discount... bare minimum! She still wants to have money left over in her bag fund after getting the kitchen fixed.
Sophie says she’s lost for words, and Sian asks isn’t she worried they’ll send round a big, fat, sweaty perv, and Random Rosie simply replies that if that’s the case: triple points! Sophie replies with: “And who said feminism was dead?!” Oh dear, it’s only going to end in disaster this one!
Random Rosie opens the door to find Jason standing in the doorway: the same guy she bullied into driving her dad’s car to go and collect Sophian a few short weeks ago. Clearly this was not part of her plan, but she agrees to let Jason in to come and look at the damage.
Jason estimates there’s around 3 days work there that would cost about £400, which Random Rosie replies: "Yeah right, more like two hundred!" They barter back and forward and agree on £325, with a shake of the hand, which lasts a few seconds longer than needed too!
Jason is using a steamer to remove the black grease from the fire off the walls, and is now removing the paper (hopefully to be replaced by a matching one).
Jason removes the top part of his overall and Random Rosie starts getting onto him about loving himself so much and how rubbish his body is (mentioning his 6 pack is missing 4, his pecks are more like specs and his guns aren’t very big either). All this, before saying: “If loving yourself was a country, you’d be Africa.” Huh?!
Jason has hunted through countless stores to get the matching wallpaper, only it doesn’t quite match the rest of the yellow kitchen paper as he got orange!
He says he’s not taking it back, but Random Rosie tells him that they both know he is, and he agrees “But only because I’m a professional.” Then Jason picks up the paper and walks away in a strop. Awww, don’t you just love seeing a new couple forming through flirty-fighting?? Bless.
- - -
So with the kitchen slowly getting fixed from all the fire damage after Random Rosie’s fabulous attempts at cooking sausages, and the girls now attending college instead of school, I wonder what next week will bring for our little lesBians?
Check back next week to find out. Unsure of the story so far? Or just want to relive the couple's adventures to date? Look at previous recaps here.
15th October – Part 1
Kevin and Sally are going away to Madrid for a break, leaving Sophian and Random Rosie on their own... with no adults... because our good friend Random clearly isn’t quite adult material yet.
Sophie is convinced her parents have booby-trapped their double bed to stop anything happening on it while they’re away, that they will be checking the girls’ Facebook accounts for any updates including fun, and that they will be on the next flight home, because fun means empty house and empty house means party and party means videos on YouTube.
Sian laughs at her girlfriend, and says that she thought Sally was a kind and caring mum, but Sophie tells her she’s wrong.
Sally is talking to Rita about her worries of going away and leaving the girls alone. Rita says not to as she’s done it before, but Sally says it was different before as it was Rosie and Sophie, this time it’s Rosie, Sophie and Sian.
Rita tells her that she’ll keep an eye on the girls while her and Kevin go away to celebrate their anniversary, as they never thought they’d celebrate it after Sally got ill.
Random Rosie is making dinner for the three of them, when she realises the pie that is in the oven is still frozen and she’s going to be late for a meeting about more modelling work if they don’t have dinner soon. Sophie reminds her sister that they all agreed it was her turn to make dinner so she should have thought about it earlier.
Sian suggests just making a cooked all day breakfast, but they’ll need eggs. Sophian head out to the shop to get them while Random Rosie deals with the raw sausages. She doesn’t look too happy about it either.
Rita arrives at the door to check on the girls as promised to Sally, and Random Rosie manages to piss her off greatly, so she starts having a go at her for being so cheeky and selfish. Finally! Even if Random Rosie does looks 100 different kinds of horrified at Rita’s scary home truths.
However, while Rita is giving Random Rosie a few sharp words, the sausages have managed to catch fire and are quickly making good time around the kitchen, setting fire to the worktops and cupboards... just as Random Rosie walks back in.
15th October – Part 2
Sophian return 20 years later. Honestly, how long does it take to cross the street and get a few eggs? It was daylight when they left, now it’s dark outside?! They find a charcoaled Random Rosie and a char grilled kitchen.
Sophie goes off her head shouting at her sister as all she’s worried about is her clothes, and Sian stands watching the pair getting onto each other.
Later, Sophian decide to start cleaning, while Random Rosie has a strop about her hair straighteners not working anymore, and Sophie starts at her sister again for being selfish at worrying about herself when the kitchen is ruined.
Random Rosie says it’s Sophie’s fault for making her cook dinner, so Sophie yells at her she’s sorry for wanting to eat! Sophie says it’s going to cost a fortune to fix and she can pay for it with the money she’d been saving up for a stupid bag.
Random Rosie tells her sister that there’s no way she’s using that money, and then tells her not to worry, she’ll get one of her 'hangers-on' to fix it for free: one of the lads that hang around her wanting to be her boyfriend but can’t. This can only get worse.
After calling through 5 of her 'hangers-on', the chances of the kitchen getting sorted soon, and for free, are looking very slim indeed.
Sophian are giggling on the couch about Random Rosie’s attempts, and to make things worse for her, Sophie takes her picture and runs off to put it on Facebook... with her sister hot on her heels chasing her upstairs as Sian sits on the couch laughing.
Sophie and Sian appear with plates of bread, crisps and salad to make sandwiches, and Random Rosie’s on the couch feeling that this is a day she’ll remember for the rest of her life: her own personal origami! Which Sophie enjoys only too well in correcting her sister in telling her she means tsunami!
18th October – Part 1
Random Rosie is dressed to promote her best assets, as she has managed to secure a builder to come and sort the kitchen that day. Sophie is going through a check list for things to take with her to college, and Sian is looking on in disbelief at her girlfriend using a check list to pack her college bag.
Random Rosie then explains to a bewildered Sophian as to her logic behind the top she’s wearing: 50% discount... bare minimum! She still wants to have money left over in her bag fund after getting the kitchen fixed.
Sophie says she’s lost for words, and Sian asks isn’t she worried they’ll send round a big, fat, sweaty perv, and Random Rosie simply replies that if that’s the case: triple points! Sophie replies with: “And who said feminism was dead?!” Oh dear, it’s only going to end in disaster this one!
Random Rosie opens the door to find Jason standing in the doorway: the same guy she bullied into driving her dad’s car to go and collect Sophian a few short weeks ago. Clearly this was not part of her plan, but she agrees to let Jason in to come and look at the damage.
Jason estimates there’s around 3 days work there that would cost about £400, which Random Rosie replies: "Yeah right, more like two hundred!" They barter back and forward and agree on £325, with a shake of the hand, which lasts a few seconds longer than needed too!
Jason is using a steamer to remove the black grease from the fire off the walls, and is now removing the paper (hopefully to be replaced by a matching one).
Jason removes the top part of his overall and Random Rosie starts getting onto him about loving himself so much and how rubbish his body is (mentioning his 6 pack is missing 4, his pecks are more like specs and his guns aren’t very big either). All this, before saying: “If loving yourself was a country, you’d be Africa.” Huh?!
Jason has hunted through countless stores to get the matching wallpaper, only it doesn’t quite match the rest of the yellow kitchen paper as he got orange!
He says he’s not taking it back, but Random Rosie tells him that they both know he is, and he agrees “But only because I’m a professional.” Then Jason picks up the paper and walks away in a strop. Awww, don’t you just love seeing a new couple forming through flirty-fighting?? Bless.
- - -
So with the kitchen slowly getting fixed from all the fire damage after Random Rosie’s fabulous attempts at cooking sausages, and the girls now attending college instead of school, I wonder what next week will bring for our little lesBians?
Check back next week to find out. Unsure of the story so far? Or just want to relive the couple's adventures to date? Look at previous recaps here.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Fla. Gay Adoption Ban No More
Florida attorney general Bill McCollum (pictured) will not appeal last month's court ruling that struck down the state's gay adoption ban, spelling the end of the 33-year-old law.
(47) Lesbonanza
Sandi talks to Nikki and Lale about Electro-Shocks, L Word Spoiler (not so much), Thrillaaah Micheal Jackson, Lady CaCa, The Lesbian Mafia Stimulus Package: 350 -1 millions, Revolution and more … NEW! The Lesbian Mafia is now syndicated on & Tuesdays @6pm EST On:! & Daily @12pm EST On Come and give [...]
Autumn Gay Pride Festivals - the Numbers are Growing
June may always be the busiest month of the year when it comes to Gay Pride celebrations, but increasing numbers of destinations - especially those in warmer climates - have begun shifting their events to the fall. Sometimes it's about cooler weather, and just as often organizers choose a September or October date so as not to compete with Gay Pride festivals in nearby cities. This is good news if you live in a part of the country with several good-size Pride events, as now more than ever, you're likely to find these festivals at all different times of the year....Read Full Post
Court condemns Moscow gay pride bans
The European Court of Human Rights condemned Russia for letting Moscow ban gay pride marches simply because the city's then-mayor disapproved of them.
Xstina + SamRo?
We?ll believe it when we see it (hellooooo�paparazzi, do your jobs!).
�Jezebel�is ?reporting? that since Christina and hubby Jordan�Bratman�had an ?understanding? that allowed her to sleep with women. More like, he understood he wasn?t good enough for her and should let her do pretty much whatever she wants.
Now that they?ve split, rumors abound that she has taken her friendship with�everyone?sfavorite ?lesbian DJ? Samantha�Ronson�?to the next level.? �
But why wasn?t Jezebel speculative about Christina?s Le�Tigre-produced track, ?My Girls??�Xstina, JD Samson + her boo�Sia�and�Peaches on one song? Duh, girlfriend?s a homo!
�Jezebel�is ?reporting? that since Christina and hubby Jordan�Bratman�had an ?understanding? that allowed her to sleep with women. More like, he understood he wasn?t good enough for her and should let her do pretty much whatever she wants.
Now that they?ve split, rumors abound that she has taken her friendship with�everyone?sfavorite ?lesbian DJ? Samantha�Ronson�?to the next level.? �
But why wasn?t Jezebel speculative about Christina?s Le�Tigre-produced track, ?My Girls??�Xstina, JD Samson + her boo�Sia�and�Peaches on one song? Duh, girlfriend?s a homo!
You may have heard how difficult it is to be gay in Arab countries. The String Le Fil makes it look easy. Director and co-writer Mehdi Ben Attia serves up a lite drama with very little conflict, in which love conquers homophobia, class warfare, xenophobia, misogyny—virtually everything but the common cold.
Friday, October 22, 2010
(44) (Part 2) Interview w/Melissa Ferrick & Prop H8 Protest Recap
Prop H8 Protest Observational Observations,, Part 2 of the Melissa Ferrick Interview! We talk File Sharing, Touring, Sobriety, Porn Names and More. To Catch Melissa Live Check Out Her Tour Schedule … The Lesbian Mafia is syndicated every Tuesday @6pm EST On:! & Daily @12pm EST On NEW! LISTEN TO THE LESBIAN [...]
(62) Intrvw w/ Playboy Bunny Stephanie Adams
After reading about Playboy’s first out “lesbian” centerfold, Stephanie Adams, “switching teams” on page 6 of the New York Post, we decided to give her a call (before we ripped her hair out, meh heh heh!) to hear her side of the story. We would also (again) like to thank Hadas B. for [...]
1 Direction Half Naked
Xfactor 2010 boy band 1 Direction are already doing the shirtless photo shoots and half naked pics for the teen Xfactor market
1 Direction Shirtless
1 Direction were shot half naked at the "judges" houses stage of the competition
1 Direction Naked
1 Direction pretty pale an pasty English boys huh!
1 Direction looking rather unsexy and a bit nervous in this phot shoot
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
1 Direction Shirtless
1 Direction were shot half naked at the "judges" houses stage of the competition
1 Direction Naked
1 Direction pretty pale an pasty English boys huh!
1 Direction looking rather unsexy and a bit nervous in this phot shoot
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
HRC Joins Yepsen and Others in Upstate New York Rally for Equality
This past Monday, I was welcomed to the charming city of Troy in upstate New York with one of my favorite things in the world: a big pro-equality rally. The rally was sponsored by pro-equality state Senate candidate Joanne Yepsen, and was held to denounce the recent discriminatory remarks of New York Governor hopeful Carl Paladino.
11th Suspect Arrested in Bronx Anti-Gay Attacks
26-year-old Luis Garcia is the 11th suspect to be arrested in association with the brutal beatings of four men in the Bronx on October 3. Garcia was taken into custody at about 5 p.m. on Thursday after an anonymous tip to the police. Police say he and the other 10 men are part of a gang called the ?Latin King Goonies,? who committed attacks earlier this month including violence against two teenagers, a 30-year-old man, and the man's brother. Garcia is accused of punching the 30-year-old gay man twice in the face with a chain wrapped around his fist and is charged with the same crimes as the other suspects.Related Media Coverage:New York Times ? October 15, 2010?11th Suspect Held in Antigay Attacks? York Daily News ? October 15, 2010?NYPD Arrests 11th Man in Brutal Bronx Gay-Bashing Attack?
Battle of the Network Gays April 9 2010
This week's Battle of the Network Gays features a newly fit fashion designer, a ballroom dancer who used a waltz to speak out on gay marriage, and two sentimental favorites from the soon to sunset Ugly Betty.
More on this week's nominees and a chance to vote after the break!
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More on this week's nominees and a chance to vote after the break!
read more
(64) Love & Rage (Mini)
She’s not a f’cking “WRITER”! Blasphemers. Soy. Quack therapists, pills and doctors… oh, and don’t listen if you’re hypersensitive about these issues and can’t deal with anyone having a different opinion and/or life experience than yours. This isn’t NPR, byatches.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Cristiano Ronaldo's new Armani Jeans Ad
Cristiano Ronaldo's new Armani Jeans Ad
Armani Jeans certainly have a great range of ads now Cristiano Ronaldo is their poster boy!View Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Armani Jeans certainly have a great range of ads now Cristiano Ronaldo is their poster boy!View Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Gay Film in India Sparks Homophobia....DUNNO Y?NA JAANE KYUN
Dunno Y? Na Jaane Kyun, an Indian gay romance compared by critics to Brokeback Mountain, risks being censored by the Indian authorities over gay sex scenes.
NO matter that it's a film about love. And is winning awards at festivals - The father of star Yuvraaj Parasher has told a newspaper that he is to fight in court to disown all ties to his son because of his role in the film. So sad. So sad that that so many cultures are still so homophobic. It is exactly this thinking and these actions which feed thoughts of teen suicide and self-hatred.
The film, directed by Sanjay Sharma, faces censors because of two gay kisses and a gay sex scene between stars Kapil Sharma and Yuvraaj Parasher and features the two kissing and gay sex scenes. However, because of its homosexual content the film is facing censorship from the Indian film board. Kapil Sharma said: ?Why should the censors be scandalised if two men are kissing and making love?
?The ones in my film are very aesthetic. And so what if it?s two men making love? Love is love regardless of gender.?
Meanwhile, the�Bombay Times reports� that that Yuvraaj Parasher, has been disowned by his family and thrown of of the family home in Agra because of his role in the film. His father Satish Parasher told the newspaper: ?I feel what he has done is against the culture and tradition of our country and it challenges the purity of the relationship between a man and a woman. He kept us in the dark right from when he signed the film and told us that he is acting with a girl. When we heard about the poster and the things he has done in the film, we were shocked, hurt and humiliated. People will make fun of us and we won?t be able to live peacefully ever again.?
He added that ?his mother is totally devastated. We are a respected family and I?m appalled that he is playing a gay man?s role. We?re finished. All the dreams and hopes we had built around him are over. For just a film role, he has lost out on his blood ties. We don?t want to see his face ever? not even when we are dying.? The family claim that no woman will consider marrying him after playing a gay man on-screen.
Bollywood has rarely mentioned homosexuality in the past and even heterosexual kisses are still unusual. But since the Indian capital Delhi legalised homosexuality last year, homosexuality is very slowly becoming more accepted in culture.
A recent film, Dostana, showed two men pretending to be gay in order to win over a female love interest, but Dunno Y . . . Na Jaane Kyun is the first big release to tackle the issue of homosexuality seriously.
NO matter that it's a film about love. And is winning awards at festivals - The father of star Yuvraaj Parasher has told a newspaper that he is to fight in court to disown all ties to his son because of his role in the film. So sad. So sad that that so many cultures are still so homophobic. It is exactly this thinking and these actions which feed thoughts of teen suicide and self-hatred.
The film, directed by Sanjay Sharma, faces censors because of two gay kisses and a gay sex scene between stars Kapil Sharma and Yuvraaj Parasher and features the two kissing and gay sex scenes. However, because of its homosexual content the film is facing censorship from the Indian film board. Kapil Sharma said: ?Why should the censors be scandalised if two men are kissing and making love?
?The ones in my film are very aesthetic. And so what if it?s two men making love? Love is love regardless of gender.?
Meanwhile, the�Bombay Times reports� that that Yuvraaj Parasher, has been disowned by his family and thrown of of the family home in Agra because of his role in the film. His father Satish Parasher told the newspaper: ?I feel what he has done is against the culture and tradition of our country and it challenges the purity of the relationship between a man and a woman. He kept us in the dark right from when he signed the film and told us that he is acting with a girl. When we heard about the poster and the things he has done in the film, we were shocked, hurt and humiliated. People will make fun of us and we won?t be able to live peacefully ever again.?
He added that ?his mother is totally devastated. We are a respected family and I?m appalled that he is playing a gay man?s role. We?re finished. All the dreams and hopes we had built around him are over. For just a film role, he has lost out on his blood ties. We don?t want to see his face ever? not even when we are dying.? The family claim that no woman will consider marrying him after playing a gay man on-screen.
Bollywood has rarely mentioned homosexuality in the past and even heterosexual kisses are still unusual. But since the Indian capital Delhi legalised homosexuality last year, homosexuality is very slowly becoming more accepted in culture.
A recent film, Dostana, showed two men pretending to be gay in order to win over a female love interest, but Dunno Y . . . Na Jaane Kyun is the first big release to tackle the issue of homosexuality seriously.
The Boy Scouts kicks out gay father
The Boy Scouts of America ejected the father of a 9-year-old Cub Scout from a leadership position in the organization because of his sexual orientation.
Openly gay Jon Langbert of Dallas, Texas, had been a volunteer in the Pack 70 Scout popcorn fundraiser team for two years until last week, when someone complained about his homosexuality at a Scout meeting. Langbert was then asked to stop wearing his Scout uniform and give up his leadership position.
"What message does that send to my son? It says I'm a second-class citizen," Langbert said to The Dallas Morning News [1].
The organization has a strict policy of not allowing gays and atheists to become members [3]. Pat Currie, an official with the Scout Circle Ten Council, which overseas Pack 70, said, "We respect people who have a different opinion from us. We just hope those same people will respect our right to have a different opinion."
Langbert will be able to continue participating in his son?s troop activities as a parent, and he has agreed to continue to help with the popcorn fundraiser till its conclusion in November.
However, he will fight the organization?s decision and has sought legal counsel. "My tax dollars are paying for their discrimination. And the next gay dad who wants to come along can't. I'm not going to let them," Langbert said.
Openly gay Jon Langbert of Dallas, Texas, had been a volunteer in the Pack 70 Scout popcorn fundraiser team for two years until last week, when someone complained about his homosexuality at a Scout meeting. Langbert was then asked to stop wearing his Scout uniform and give up his leadership position.
"What message does that send to my son? It says I'm a second-class citizen," Langbert said to The Dallas Morning News [1].
The organization has a strict policy of not allowing gays and atheists to become members [3]. Pat Currie, an official with the Scout Circle Ten Council, which overseas Pack 70, said, "We respect people who have a different opinion from us. We just hope those same people will respect our right to have a different opinion."
Langbert will be able to continue participating in his son?s troop activities as a parent, and he has agreed to continue to help with the popcorn fundraiser till its conclusion in November.
However, he will fight the organization?s decision and has sought legal counsel. "My tax dollars are paying for their discrimination. And the next gay dad who wants to come along can't. I'm not going to let them," Langbert said.
Same-sex marriage might be back on '10 ballot
Californians could vote to overturn the state's ban on same-sex marriage in November 2010 as a coalition of 40 organizations Thursday took the first step toward starting an initiative campaign. The effort is being...
150,000 same-sex couples report being married
Almost 150,000 same-sex couples reported being in marriage relationships last year, many more than the number of actual weddings and civil unions, according to the first U.S. census figures released on same-sex...
Gay Prince Gets Life Sentence
Gay Saudi prince Saud Abdulaziz bin Nasser al Saud must serve a life
sentence in prison for killing his servant Bandar Abdulaziz at a
five-star London hotel in February.
sentence in prison for killing his servant Bandar Abdulaziz at a
five-star London hotel in February.
An interview with Elizabeth Keener
While The L Word may be long gone from the airwaves, its cast members continue to be big draws at Club Skirts The Dinah, as Elizabeth Keener found out this past weekend when she faced a constant barrage of fans seeking autographs and photos at the Palm Springs, Calif., event. caught up with Keener, who was attending her third Dinah and first without The L Word to promote, to talk about Dawn Denbo's legacy, The Real L Word: Los Angeles and her three upcoming projects. Is it strange to be at Dinah without The L Word?
Elizabeth Keener: This is my third Dinah. At the first two, I was doing L Word stuff, this one, I told Mariah I would do some stuff for fun ? autographs and things because I love Mariah [Hanson].
AE: How does it feel to still be associated with Dawn Denbo? Does it ever get old?
EK: No, I love it. The L Word was really breakthrough television ? none of my doing, it was all way before I got there ? and I played one of the best characters, in my opinion, of that series. I got so lucky.
read more caught up with Keener, who was attending her third Dinah and first without The L Word to promote, to talk about Dawn Denbo's legacy, The Real L Word: Los Angeles and her three upcoming projects. Is it strange to be at Dinah without The L Word?
Elizabeth Keener: This is my third Dinah. At the first two, I was doing L Word stuff, this one, I told Mariah I would do some stuff for fun ? autographs and things because I love Mariah [Hanson].
AE: How does it feel to still be associated with Dawn Denbo? Does it ever get old?
EK: No, I love it. The L Word was really breakthrough television ? none of my doing, it was all way before I got there ? and I played one of the best characters, in my opinion, of that series. I got so lucky.
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Stevens Retirement ShortTerm Political Benefit to GOP?
Outgoing Justice John Paul Stevens lacks the class of former Justice Byron White. �That latter jurist, appointed to the Supreme Court by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, waited until another Democrat took office to retire. �Even though he had become one of the court’s most conservative members, he thought that he owed it to his party. �Stevens, by contrast, although appointed by a Republican, is perhaps the most liberal member of the current court.
All that said, there is no requirement that a member of the U.S. Supreme Court keep the seat in his party, but that is something to keep in mind.
In the long term, his retirement helps the Democrats and their liberal ideology. �In the short term, it helps the GOP. �I say this because I’m assuming based on Obama’s record in office that he will tap a liberal justice to replace the outgoing Justice. �Perhaps, he’ll appoint someone like Pam Karlan, to the left in judicial matters, to be sure, but possessing a fine intellect. �Her presence on the bench would elevate the debates. �And her skill as a writer plus her wit would make court opinions, hers at least, well worth reading.
You see, by appointing a liberal to the bench, especially so close to the 2010 elections when so many vulnerable Democrats are up for reelection, he forces them to vote on a nominee who will likely be in step with the West Wing crowd, but out of step with the American people.
Via Glenn Reynolds, we get this “understatement” from�Doug Mataconis: ?Given the political climate, the fact that this is an election year, and the record we already have from the Sotomayor hearings last year, I think we can expect that this will be a very politically charged nomination process.?
All that said, there is no requirement that a member of the U.S. Supreme Court keep the seat in his party, but that is something to keep in mind.
In the long term, his retirement helps the Democrats and their liberal ideology. �In the short term, it helps the GOP. �I say this because I’m assuming based on Obama’s record in office that he will tap a liberal justice to replace the outgoing Justice. �Perhaps, he’ll appoint someone like Pam Karlan, to the left in judicial matters, to be sure, but possessing a fine intellect. �Her presence on the bench would elevate the debates. �And her skill as a writer plus her wit would make court opinions, hers at least, well worth reading.
You see, by appointing a liberal to the bench, especially so close to the 2010 elections when so many vulnerable Democrats are up for reelection, he forces them to vote on a nominee who will likely be in step with the West Wing crowd, but out of step with the American people.
Via Glenn Reynolds, we get this “understatement” from�Doug Mataconis: ?Given the political climate, the fact that this is an election year, and the record we already have from the Sotomayor hearings last year, I think we can expect that this will be a very politically charged nomination process.?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Realtor� Profile: Drew Auker is ready to take care of your real estate needs
At one point or another, most people need a real estate professional. Finding a reliable Realtor� though is not always easy, especially since there are many options.
With an abundance of real estate agent advertisements on radio, television, billboards, print and online media, and everything in between, how does one choose one from so many?
The financial significance of a real estate transaction often leads people to consult and trust in the recommendations of their closest friends and family members; and good sales professionals work hard to ensure that they earn referrals.
Want to buy or sell a home in America's Finest City? Meet Drew Auker, a Realtor� who is living the dream in San Diego. He promises to listen to your needs and deliver on his promise.
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With an abundance of real estate agent advertisements on radio, television, billboards, print and online media, and everything in between, how does one choose one from so many?
The financial significance of a real estate transaction often leads people to consult and trust in the recommendations of their closest friends and family members; and good sales professionals work hard to ensure that they earn referrals.
Want to buy or sell a home in America's Finest City? Meet Drew Auker, a Realtor� who is living the dream in San Diego. He promises to listen to your needs and deliver on his promise.
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Gay College Students Achieve World-Record Kiss
Two male students from The College of New Jersey in Ewing, New Jersey have attempted and succeeded in breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest kiss. The young men kissed for over 33 hours while live feed of the event played on the Internet. Their goal was not only to break the record, but also to raise awareness for their ?Our Lips Are Sealed? campaign which supports LGBTQ equal rights. Judges for Guinness World Records were not present but will review the tape at a later date. If the judges rule that they did in fact break the record, they will be the first same sex pair to do so. Related Media Coverage:The Advocate ? September 20, 2010?Men Break Guinness Kiss Record?
(60) Just A Couplea Hos
Feminism, Bailout disgust, Chat with Kaye about straight on straight sexual harrassment, the women’s movement, the black power movement, gay life in Jamaica from a straight native’s perspective, Buju Banton, Rap, MacKenzie Philips, ect., ect. Check out Lizzy the Lezzy’s site and fun new book:
Furry Friends: Doug Langway's Bear City is the first American feature about gay bear life
Film:More than 16 years ago, Doug Langway stood across the street from a New York bear bar wondering if he had the guts to go inside and start his life as someone who is gay and a bear-lover. The experience helped inform Langway's BearCity, the first American feature film about gay bear life. Admitting that one is or prefers the company of bears -- generally speaking, heavier and hairier men than the average gay -- can be akin to a ...more
NJ Student Commits Suicide After Secret Webcast by Roommate
A Rutgers University freshman, Tyler Clementi, committed suicide last week after posting to his Facebook wall, "Jumping off the gw bridge sorry." In the days preceding Tyler's death, the 18-year-old student had been secretly taped having a "sexual encounter" by his roommate, Dharun Ravi. Ravi allegedly placed hidden video cameras in Clementi's dorm room. He then went down the hall to his friend Molly Wei's room and streamed live video of Clementi on his iChat to fellow friends. A now deleted Tweet by Ravi on September 19 read, "Roommate asked for the room till midnight. I went into molly's room and turned on my webcam. I saw him making out with a dude. Yay."Ravi and Wei have both been charged with two counts each of invasion of privacy. Ravi faces two additional counts of invasion of privacy for allegedly attempting to tape and webcast Clementi's activities just two days later. Both students surrendered to the police. Wei was released on her own recognizance, and Ravi posted $25,000 bail.Clementi played with the Ridgewood Symphony Orchestra in high school and had been playing in a competitive graduate level orchestra at Rutgers. Those close to Clementi knew him as a gifted violinist who won scholarships and awards for his musical abilities. A fellow high school orchestra member, Keara Fenzel, commented, "He had a solo at one of our concerts that literally moved my whole family to tears."Clementi's parents released a statement through a lawyer saying, "Tyler was a fine young man, and a distinguished musician. The family is heartbroken beyond words."Related Media Coverage:Boston Herald - September 30, 2010"Rutgers student's suicide tied to gay sex webcast"
Marine Reservist questions demobilization over HIV status
San Diego, CA – Marine Reservist Sgt Timothy Holmberg is questioning his recent demobilization by Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 101 (VMFAT 101). Holmberg recently volunteered for active duty service to support the Miramar based training squadron in its mission to train pilots for service in Iraq and Afghanistan. The squadron trains pilots to fly the F/A-18 Hornet in combat support roles and Holmberg has over 20 years experience maintaining the aircraft and its systems.
This would have been Holmberg’s second mobilization tour with the squadron, but it was cut short by the unit’s commanding officer. “I reported as ordered for duty and when I arrived at the squadron was told to stop checking in by the unit Sgt Maj. He indicat…
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This would have been Holmberg’s second mobilization tour with the squadron, but it was cut short by the unit’s commanding officer. “I reported as ordered for duty and when I arrived at the squadron was told to stop checking in by the unit Sgt Maj. He indicat…
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Ellen DeGeneres Sat Here
I was at a garage sale this weekend and came across these chairs. I thought they would be good for my deck. The guy was selling them for $7 each. Way too much. I offered $10 for all four. He countered with $15 and I accepted.As I was getting ready to load the chairs into my car, he told me Ellen DeGeneres sat in one of them. He said he used to work as a waiter at the Heathman, a high-end hotel in Portland. Ellen and Ann Heche were having drinks on the patio and invited him to come back when his shift was over and have a drink. He said Ellen was very nice.I was glad to hear that, but I told him he could keep the Ann Heche chair.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Paris Hilton Promotes Gay Circuit Party�
On of Europe?s biggest gay circuit parties has a new celebrity spokeswoman ? Paris Hilton.
Rapper 50 Cent Encourages Gay Suicide - Are You Listening Chelsea Handler???
Rapper 50 Cent's
Twitter war against
gay people continues.
The rapper earlier this month caused a stir by writing, "Perez Hilton called me douchebag, so I had my homie shoot up a gay wedding. wasnt his, but made me feel better."
Now 50 Cent has returned to Twitter to spread his deep philosophy on the prerequisites for manhood and apparently living, because men over 25 who don't perform oral sex on women should, he says, "kill your self damn it."
W T F ?
What is wrong with this world!!!
Twitter war against
gay people continues.
The rapper earlier this month caused a stir by writing, "Perez Hilton called me douchebag, so I had my homie shoot up a gay wedding. wasnt his, but made me feel better."
Now 50 Cent has returned to Twitter to spread his deep philosophy on the prerequisites for manhood and apparently living, because men over 25 who don't perform oral sex on women should, he says, "kill your self damn it."
W T F ?
What is wrong with this world!!!
Well I Just Cried for 12:54...
This just absolutely destroyed me (Oprah tears style) and then inspired me to no end. When I was in jr. high, I purposely overdosed on pills because of bullying (not related to my sexual orientation)...I'm SO grateful that it didn't work, that my body's will to survive was stronger than my depression. And today, I have... no freakin' idea what happened to those bullies, nor do I care. They're vapor to me...and I'm an extremely fortunate person. Please watch ALL of this:
Going Offline To Get ENDA On Line What We Need To Do Now
It's looking more and more like a vote on ENDA is going to be a reality. When exactly is not yet known, but on Monday, Congress will be back in session, and I hear that final scheduling will begin.
A "markup" must precede a whip count, and a whip count must precede a House vote, and each of these items requires notice, so I don't think we'll see a House vote before May 1.
That's good, because we need some time to organize.
It's not enough to write emails, and though telephone calls are good, what's better is the community organizing to show support. Frankly, I think ENDA is going to pass the House by a large majority, but the Senate backers, Merkley and Harkin, are weak on the issues, and are going to need a lot of help.
Continue reading "Going Offline To Get ENDA On Line: What We Need To Do Now"...
A "markup" must precede a whip count, and a whip count must precede a House vote, and each of these items requires notice, so I don't think we'll see a House vote before May 1.
That's good, because we need some time to organize.
It's not enough to write emails, and though telephone calls are good, what's better is the community organizing to show support. Frankly, I think ENDA is going to pass the House by a large majority, but the Senate backers, Merkley and Harkin, are weak on the issues, and are going to need a lot of help.
Continue reading "Going Offline To Get ENDA On Line: What We Need To Do Now"...
Couples Seek To Help Defend Lawsuit Challenging Wisconsin?s Domestic Partner Law
ACLU Urges Court To Allow Registered Domestic Partners To Speak In Support Of The Law
MADISON, WI – The American Civil Liberties Union filed a motion before a Dane County circuit court today on behalf of five couples asking that they be allowed to participate in a lawsuit seeking to overturn Wisconsin's law granting limited domestic partnership protections to same-sex couples, so that they may defend the law. The law is being challenged by an anti-gay organization that contends that the law grants same-sex couples the same status as marriage, which is barred by the Wisconsin Constitution.
“Same-sex couples who have registered as domestic partners have the most at stake in this lawsuit and deserve to be heard,” said John Knight, staff attorney with the ACLU Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Project. “Only those directly affected by the law know what it's like to worry about not being able to visit a partner in the hospital or to be left with nothing when a partner dies without a will.”
Wisconsin 's law allows for same-sex couples to register as domestic partners, granting them hospital visitation rights, the right to make certain decisions about medical care and rights to family and medical leave. Same-sex couples are still denied crucial protections provided only to married couples, such as the right to decide what happens to their partner's body at death, and are denied access to all federal benefits, such as Social Security and veterans' benefits.
Board members of Wisconsin Family Action had asked the Wisconsin Supreme Court to strike down the domestic partner law as inconsistent with the amendment to the state constitution that bans same-sex couples from marriage. The case, Appling v. Doyle , was dismissed by the court and re-filed in the circuit court, where both sides will be able to have a trial and present evidence to support their cases.
“While the domestic partnership law in no way provides the same benefits and legal protections as marriage, it is a lifeline for committed couples who seek the security and dignity of being able to provide for their families,” said Larry Dupuis of the ACLU of Wisconsin. “These couples have the right to defend these limited, but extremely important, protections against this unwarranted and mean-spirited attack.”
Lambda Legal also filed court papers today to intervene in the case on behalf of Fair Wisconsin and five member couples, saying that domestic partnerships and marriages are not “substantially similar.”
Attorneys on the case include Knight of the ACLU, Dupuis of the ACLU of Wisconsin and David J.B. Froiland, Linda E.B. Hansen, Daniel A. Manna and David B. Goroff of Foley & Lardner LLP.
Additional information about the case, including bios of the couples and legal documents, is available at:
MADISON, WI – The American Civil Liberties Union filed a motion before a Dane County circuit court today on behalf of five couples asking that they be allowed to participate in a lawsuit seeking to overturn Wisconsin's law granting limited domestic partnership protections to same-sex couples, so that they may defend the law. The law is being challenged by an anti-gay organization that contends that the law grants same-sex couples the same status as marriage, which is barred by the Wisconsin Constitution.
“Same-sex couples who have registered as domestic partners have the most at stake in this lawsuit and deserve to be heard,” said John Knight, staff attorney with the ACLU Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Project. “Only those directly affected by the law know what it's like to worry about not being able to visit a partner in the hospital or to be left with nothing when a partner dies without a will.”
Wisconsin 's law allows for same-sex couples to register as domestic partners, granting them hospital visitation rights, the right to make certain decisions about medical care and rights to family and medical leave. Same-sex couples are still denied crucial protections provided only to married couples, such as the right to decide what happens to their partner's body at death, and are denied access to all federal benefits, such as Social Security and veterans' benefits.
Board members of Wisconsin Family Action had asked the Wisconsin Supreme Court to strike down the domestic partner law as inconsistent with the amendment to the state constitution that bans same-sex couples from marriage. The case, Appling v. Doyle , was dismissed by the court and re-filed in the circuit court, where both sides will be able to have a trial and present evidence to support their cases.
“While the domestic partnership law in no way provides the same benefits and legal protections as marriage, it is a lifeline for committed couples who seek the security and dignity of being able to provide for their families,” said Larry Dupuis of the ACLU of Wisconsin. “These couples have the right to defend these limited, but extremely important, protections against this unwarranted and mean-spirited attack.”
Lambda Legal also filed court papers today to intervene in the case on behalf of Fair Wisconsin and five member couples, saying that domestic partnerships and marriages are not “substantially similar.”
Attorneys on the case include Knight of the ACLU, Dupuis of the ACLU of Wisconsin and David J.B. Froiland, Linda E.B. Hansen, Daniel A. Manna and David B. Goroff of Foley & Lardner LLP.
Additional information about the case, including bios of the couples and legal documents, is available at:
San Diego LGBT Pride donates $10,000 to Stepping Stone by Staff Reporter
San Diego LGBT Pride donated $10,000 last week to Stepping Stone of San Diego, Inc., which for 10 years has provided the GLBT community with alcohol and drug rehabilitation support through a variety of residential and non-residential treatment programs. The check was presented to Stepping Stone representatives at San Diego Pride’s board of directors meeting on Sept. 15.
“This type of community support mandates that we continue solving the financial issues that have been with us for some years now,” said Stepping Stone’s Board Chair Tom Reise. “On behalf of our entire board and staff, and especially our clients, we express deep gratitude and appreciation for this gift.”
To date, San Diego LGBT Pride has given more than $1…
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“This type of community support mandates that we continue solving the financial issues that have been with us for some years now,” said Stepping Stone’s Board Chair Tom Reise. “On behalf of our entire board and staff, and especially our clients, we express deep gratitude and appreciation for this gift.”
To date, San Diego LGBT Pride has given more than $1…
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