Monday, February 28, 2011
Super Bowl Ads Promote Same Old Stereotypes
Offender: Super Bowl Ads
Media Outlet: FOX, 2/6/11
The Offense: The usual parade of sexist commercials, including objectified women, buffoonish men and cartoonish violence.
NOW's Analysis: Thanks to everybody who sent in suggestions for good and bad ads from this year's Super Bowl. First, the good news. A decent number of funny, non-offensive ads popped up this year.
Here are the ones you (and NOW) liked best:
- Bridgestone: Reply all email
- Budweiser: Singing in wild west saloon
- CarMax: Kid in a candy store, etc
- Chevrolet: Truck helps save Tommy
- Doritos: Grandpa comes back to life
- Kia: Epic forces battle for car
- Volkswagen: Young Darth Vader and beetle running through jungle
We have to note that even the "good" ads feature far more men than women, and the genders are often split into stereotyped roles. But that's nothing compared to the bad ads, and there were a bunch of them this year.
Here's what made yours and our worst list:
- Apparently even talking cars like to objectify the lone female car in their group
- Chevrolet: First the car company features two male narrators who talk about how "hot" the woman in their commercial should be (she likes to drive fast and she's a sweet schoolteacher, get it?), then they build another ad around the groundbreaking notion that old people don't hear very well
- Dwelling at the bottom of the barrel as always, this advertiser promises female nudity online and pokes fun at the unsexiness of 77-year-old cosmetic surgery enthusiast Joan Rivers in two typically sleazy ads
- Groupon: An ad that appears to be a moving plea to help those struggling in Tibet segues into a cynical pitch to save you money on dinner out
- Ok, so the "test baby" that hits the wall face-first is not real, but it still makes you wonder why someone thought this was funny
- Mini Cooper: A male contestant plays "Cram it in the Boot" -- which we're pretty sure is a tacky allusion to a sexual act
- Pepsi Max: The soda company's "first date" ad relies on the supposed differences in how women and men think about each other, but the "love hurts" one is the real offender -- it manages to promote negative stereotypes of both women (angry, no-fun shrews) and men (hapless, junk food eaters) and it ends with an innocent woman getting hit in the head with a soda and falling on the ground while the couple at fault runs away
- Skechers: Kim Kardashian shows off her body in an ad filled with sexual double entendres
- Snickers: Roseanne Barr is the women who gets knocked to the ground this time, and we're supposed to be tickled because she's just so whiny
- Stella Artois: Could this be the stupidest ad of the night? Women swoon (and cry!) over a torchy male singer who, in fact, is singing to the beer he loves
- Teleflora: In just a few simple words, this ad may have entered the pantheon of bad ads -- Faith Hill, who surely has something better to do than this ad, encourages a youngish man to "write what's in his heart" on the card that accompanies the flowers he's sending to his girlfriend, so he says "Dear Kim, Your rack is unreal" -- ugh
So, what have we learned from the Super Bowl ads? Same old, same old: Being sexy is job one for women. Men get really excited over beer, junk food and sexy women. Hot women are often not too bright. Women who don't fit the "hot" ideal are usually annoying, emasculating or the loving mother in the background. Oh, and people getting hit and falling down is hilarious!
And the number one lesson? Advertising agencies employ mostly 13-year-old boys in their creative departments.
Take Action: You can write to any one of these advertisers and give them a piece of your mind. We recommend Pepsi or Teleflora.
Media Outlet: FOX, 2/6/11
The Offense: The usual parade of sexist commercials, including objectified women, buffoonish men and cartoonish violence.
NOW's Analysis: Thanks to everybody who sent in suggestions for good and bad ads from this year's Super Bowl. First, the good news. A decent number of funny, non-offensive ads popped up this year.
Here are the ones you (and NOW) liked best:
- Bridgestone: Reply all email
- Budweiser: Singing in wild west saloon
- CarMax: Kid in a candy store, etc
- Chevrolet: Truck helps save Tommy
- Doritos: Grandpa comes back to life
- Kia: Epic forces battle for car
- Volkswagen: Young Darth Vader and beetle running through jungle
We have to note that even the "good" ads feature far more men than women, and the genders are often split into stereotyped roles. But that's nothing compared to the bad ads, and there were a bunch of them this year.
Here's what made yours and our worst list:
- Apparently even talking cars like to objectify the lone female car in their group
- Chevrolet: First the car company features two male narrators who talk about how "hot" the woman in their commercial should be (she likes to drive fast and she's a sweet schoolteacher, get it?), then they build another ad around the groundbreaking notion that old people don't hear very well
- Dwelling at the bottom of the barrel as always, this advertiser promises female nudity online and pokes fun at the unsexiness of 77-year-old cosmetic surgery enthusiast Joan Rivers in two typically sleazy ads
- Groupon: An ad that appears to be a moving plea to help those struggling in Tibet segues into a cynical pitch to save you money on dinner out
- Ok, so the "test baby" that hits the wall face-first is not real, but it still makes you wonder why someone thought this was funny
- Mini Cooper: A male contestant plays "Cram it in the Boot" -- which we're pretty sure is a tacky allusion to a sexual act
- Pepsi Max: The soda company's "first date" ad relies on the supposed differences in how women and men think about each other, but the "love hurts" one is the real offender -- it manages to promote negative stereotypes of both women (angry, no-fun shrews) and men (hapless, junk food eaters) and it ends with an innocent woman getting hit in the head with a soda and falling on the ground while the couple at fault runs away
- Skechers: Kim Kardashian shows off her body in an ad filled with sexual double entendres
- Snickers: Roseanne Barr is the women who gets knocked to the ground this time, and we're supposed to be tickled because she's just so whiny
- Stella Artois: Could this be the stupidest ad of the night? Women swoon (and cry!) over a torchy male singer who, in fact, is singing to the beer he loves
- Teleflora: In just a few simple words, this ad may have entered the pantheon of bad ads -- Faith Hill, who surely has something better to do than this ad, encourages a youngish man to "write what's in his heart" on the card that accompanies the flowers he's sending to his girlfriend, so he says "Dear Kim, Your rack is unreal" -- ugh
So, what have we learned from the Super Bowl ads? Same old, same old: Being sexy is job one for women. Men get really excited over beer, junk food and sexy women. Hot women are often not too bright. Women who don't fit the "hot" ideal are usually annoying, emasculating or the loving mother in the background. Oh, and people getting hit and falling down is hilarious!
And the number one lesson? Advertising agencies employ mostly 13-year-old boys in their creative departments.
Take Action: You can write to any one of these advertisers and give them a piece of your mind. We recommend Pepsi or Teleflora.
Kentucky Survey Says 83 Percent of State Supports Fairness Protections
The Fairness Coalition in Kentucky released survey results on Monday showing that a substantial majority of state citizens support statewide fairness protections. The survey was given to 600 registered voters and revealed that 83 percent of respondents were in favor of the protections?nearly a 20 percent increase since 2004. Chris Hartman, Director of the Fairness Campaign commented, ?83% of Kentuckians believe that their citizens should all have a fair chance to earn a living, to have a roof over their head, and to visit their favorite restaurants or other public accommodations without the fear of being discriminated against on the basis of simply who they are.? The campaign is also launching an advertising campaign to draw awareness to job discrimination and the importance of hospital visitation rights.Related Media Coverage:Fox 41 ? February 7, 2011?Fairness Campaign Sees Broad Support For Gay Rights?
LA Times: Let Couples Marry Now
As Californians wait for Prop. 8 to work its way through the courts, the Los Angeles Times says gay couple should be allowed to get married.�
JOCKSTRAP MAID SERVICE PREPARES FOR BUSY VALENTINES DAY "What's Better than Chocolate or Flowers?" (Listen to the Podcast)
HOUSTON, TEXAS Feb. 8, 2011-- In less than two years, Jockstrap Maid Service has become available in more than 80 cities across the United States. No more is it just the choice of flowers or chocalate for Valentines Day! "We have guys available in every major city and some not so major cities" said McCammond, founder of Jockstrap Maid Service. The best advice is to book early!
Lesbian Missed Connections
Ok. So everyone has their guilty pleasure, right? While the rest of you are reducing your brain cells by indulging in Snooki, The Situation, Bethanny Frankel, or Lindsay Lohan?s Trainwreck Life, I?m surfing craigslist. No no, I don?t get my rocks off with random chicks on craigslist ? that?s not where I?m going with this. But? I DO read the ads.
Democratic Lawmakers Push DOMA Repeal
Congressional Democrats plan to push for legislative repeal of DOMA following the decision by President Barack Obama not to defend the law.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Oh My Pod! - Episode 460 - Make It Work
Episode 460 - Make It Work
Sewer Issue, Kinect, Level 5 Pinoyboy, Dead Spot [link], iPhone on VZW, iPhone 5 speculation, iOS 4.3, iPad 2 Rumors, iPad sales, Tim Cook, Apps of the Week
Guests: None
Recorded: 01/23/2011 via Skype/iChat/�bercaster
Mono | 84:28 | 40.6 MB
Call the comment line at 707-OHMYPOD
email us at
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Sewer Issue, Kinect, Level 5 Pinoyboy, Dead Spot [link], iPhone on VZW, iPhone 5 speculation, iOS 4.3, iPad 2 Rumors, iPad sales, Tim Cook, Apps of the Week
Guests: None
Recorded: 01/23/2011 via Skype/iChat/�bercaster
Mono | 84:28 | 40.6 MB
Call the comment line at 707-OHMYPOD
email us at
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I Rise, the controversial new novel by Toni Newman will be dropping the bomb on the questions tabloids have been speculating for years "who is, and who isn't?" I Rise, is the true story of Toni Newman's transformation from an effeminate, conflicted male to a proud, educated transsexual. You will follow Toni on her rise from a "sissy boy,",,,
Marriage: The gold standard?
[Editor’s Note: This article was written by the team of Gaelick, an award-winning Irish website for LGBT-news.]
So, people have finally learned what Fine Gael’s attitudes towards equality are. It seems to have been a revelation for many.
MamanPoulet summarised the various parties’ stances on LGBT issues recently, based on their respective election manifestos. Since then, Fine Gael’s deputy equality spokesperson, Lucinda Creighton, has drawn attention to that party’s position on marriage equality: that is, Fine Gael is opposed to it.
This isn’t new information: in 2004, Fine Gael proposed a form of civil union, with no prospect of equality, no mention of children who are parented by same-sex couples, and ruling out any changes to adoption laws. It was the first proposal by an Irish political party to propose some recognition for same-sex relationships. Since then, however, very little has changed in the party’s attitude.
What seems to have added to this controversy is partly the fact that for some potential voters, this was news to them; but mostly it’s due to Lucinda’s views – as blogged by @leoie, and as stated by herself on Twitter (@lcreighton).
It’s very ‘Inequality She Wrote’:
@Clarabel @leoie @campaignforleo I supported the Civil Partnership Bill fully I dont support gay marriage @leoie pls dont misprepresent me
@fIONAfLAPS Apologies -havent been on twitter. Because I think marriage is primarily about children, main purpose being to propagate &create [...]
@fIONAfLAPS environment for children to grow up. Its a good policy for society to support male/female marriage imo. I think civil partrship [...]
@fIONAfLAPS should ensure gay couples r treated fairly and justly re tax inheritance etc & recognition by the StateBut marriage is different
I can’t help but be reminded of Iona ‘Marriage is the Gold Standard’ Institute. And yet marriage has changed repeatedly throughout history, as well as varying widely around the world today. ‘Traditional marriage’? There simply is no one form of marriage. Here are some more revelations:
Historically in ‘our’ society (Ireland, the UK, Western Europe), there have been varying forms of marriage. In ancient Rome there was more than one form of marriage. According to the Brehon laws, marriage – or rather, households – could be formed in a number of ways, and men and women who married each held their own property in their own right. The introduction of church laws in early Christian Ireland later changed the notion of marriage in that society:
It is impossible to probe the limits or depths of Christianization in these areas because of the want of evidence, but we should not doubt the impact of the church’s teaching. Rituals, moral practices, and beliefs may nonetheless have varied: Archbishop’s Lanfranc’s letters to the Irish complained about abhorrent Irish marriage practices, consanguinity, polygamy, and even wife swapping.
Marriage and sexual morality lay at the fulcrum of the church’s relations with the laity. [...] Marriage was a potent tool in social exchanges and the church’s teaching on sex was particularly repressive. Intercourse was only sanctioned within marriage for the sake of procreation, and even then strictly regulated and limited with regard to when it could be done.
[Source: A Companion to the Early Middle Ages: Britain and Ireland, c.500-c.1100, p. 404]
Marriage [...] was far from simple in the early Middle Ages. It was made through a series of gifts and exchanges of greater or lesser formality. There were different types of quite acceptable sexual union defined by the mix of these elements. This in turn affected, though it did not entirely determine, how easily the union could be ended and left room for argument over inheritance. The arrival of Christian ideas of marriage added other arguments to interpreting in the mix, if it not other elements to it.
[Source: A Companion to the Early Middle Ages: Britain and Ireland, c.500-c.1100, p. 470]
Marriage for love was at times unusual, certainly in the upper strata of our feudal-based societies. Marriage was long used as a way to secure political alliances between factions or households. Marriages were frequently arranged marriages. Procreation was important, but usually to ensure that a male heir was produced. You may have heard of a certain Henry VIII?
Marriage has also been used to form peace agreements between warring parties. Engaging on a medieval crusade in the name of almighty god? Endeavouring to slaughter the followers of Islam/Christianity? Seeking to secure the holy city of Jerusalem in preparation for the second coming of Christ and the resulting Apocalypse? Sure, lets sign a peace treaty between the religions and throw in marriage to the King’s sister into the bargain. Problem solved!
In the royal courts and noble houses of Europe it was in the past normal practice for men to keep mistresses. Sometimes, these relationships were an open secret. At times, too, a mistress may have had considerable power and influence at court or in the dealings of her, er, keeper. Even Popes were at it.
It was only in the 19th century that we clearly see attempts at defining marriage by the state itself, as distinct from religious marriage, in the ruling of Hyde v. Hyde. In 1866. That decision was among the issues dealt with by the Canadian Supreme Court in 2004, when it was nevertheless held that the Canadian parliament could legislate to provide for marriage equality.
In the U.S., inter-racial marriages were prohibited in certain states… Until they weren’t. This was thanks to the ruling in Loving v. Virginia. The evidence adduced and arguments made during the ‘Proposition 8’ trial, Perry v. Schwarzenegger, are illustrative. Expert witness Nancy Cott, an American history scholar, testified that “marriage has never been universally defined as a union of one man and one woman, and that religion has never had any bearing on the legality of a marriage”. Her testimony revolved around three main points: how marriage has historically been used ‘punitively’ to demean disfavored groups; how the legally enshrined gender roles in marriage had been disestablished during the 20th century and how the changes in the institution of marriage had mainly involved ‘shedding inequalities’; which she said strengthens marriage. She emphasized the importance of the institution of marriage by noting that “when slaves were emancipated, they flocked to get married. And this was not trivial to them, by any means”.
In marriage, women were until relatively recent times regarded as simple property: from being the property of her father, upon marriage she became the property of her husband: chattel, an owned object. As such, the wife lacked any independent legal personality. She was subsumed into the person of her husband. Ergo ‘Mr and Mrs Smith’; police officers not responding to ‘domestics’. A woman could be barred from testifying her husband in court.
In Ireland, it was until very recently legally impossible for a wife to be raped by her husband. Yes, there was a ‘martial exemption’ to rape. In Ireland, spousal rape was criminalised only in 1990. (The first conviction was in 2002.) Interestingly:
FORMER MINISTER for justice Gerry Collins rejected a plea from the Council for the Status of Women to change criminal law to tackle rape within marriage.
In a submission to the Seanad in October 1978, the women’s council called for legislation to allow for the prosecution of a man for the rape of his wife and for changes to the law to disallow evidence on the sexual history of the complainant.
[Source: The Irish Times]
And let’s not forget that in 1996, an amendment was introduced to Bunreacht na hÉireann to allow for a constitutionally permissible attack on the institution of marriage: divorce.
There is no single definition of marriage: it varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, from culture to culture.
The legal minimum age for marriage depends on where the ceremony takes place. In some countries, the minimum age may be as low as 14 years, for example in Mexico, Colombia, Canada. In a couple of countries, for example, Brunei and Kuwait, no minimum age is specified.
Cultural practices vary widely. The Wodaabe of West Africa, part of the Fula ethnic group, hold the almost-annual Gerewol. This is a festival which coincides with the seasons and, if there have been sufficient rains, the nomadic family groups gather together for Gerewol. There, among the celebrations, men and women – single and married – basically hold an elaborate swingers party: subject to particular rules the men prettify themselves and line up, waiting to be selected by one of three women for sex. After Gerewol, everyone – including the married men and women – reunite into their groups and wander back into the desert.
In parts of the world, polygamy (polygyny/polyandry) is practiced. There are some societies which have elements of matriarchy. The practice of ‘bride kidnapping’ continues in Caucasus and elsewhere, sometimes as a pretext for a couple eloping, but sometimes as actual kidnapping. There are also temporary marriages, such as the Celtic ‘handfasting’, and Shi’a Islam’s ‘nikah mut‘ah’ or ‘sigheh’.
As for marriage equality: Yes, it does exist. And no, those societies haven’t broken down, nor have they witnessed the institution of marriage being ‘attacked’: Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, Mexico City, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, several states in the US plus the Coquille tribe. In fact, several expert bodies have noted the importance of marriage equality.
And, of course, same-sex marriages too have taken place throughout history. For example, in the Ming and Zhou dynasties of China; during the early Roman empire and ancient Greece; in France in the late middle ages with ‘affrèrement’ or ‘enbrotherment’; among many other examples.
The gold standard was abandoned over 60 years ago.
So, people have finally learned what Fine Gael’s attitudes towards equality are. It seems to have been a revelation for many.
MamanPoulet summarised the various parties’ stances on LGBT issues recently, based on their respective election manifestos. Since then, Fine Gael’s deputy equality spokesperson, Lucinda Creighton, has drawn attention to that party’s position on marriage equality: that is, Fine Gael is opposed to it.
This isn’t new information: in 2004, Fine Gael proposed a form of civil union, with no prospect of equality, no mention of children who are parented by same-sex couples, and ruling out any changes to adoption laws. It was the first proposal by an Irish political party to propose some recognition for same-sex relationships. Since then, however, very little has changed in the party’s attitude.
What seems to have added to this controversy is partly the fact that for some potential voters, this was news to them; but mostly it’s due to Lucinda’s views – as blogged by @leoie, and as stated by herself on Twitter (@lcreighton).
It’s very ‘Inequality She Wrote’:
@Clarabel @leoie @campaignforleo I supported the Civil Partnership Bill fully I dont support gay marriage @leoie pls dont misprepresent me
@fIONAfLAPS Apologies -havent been on twitter. Because I think marriage is primarily about children, main purpose being to propagate &create [...]
@fIONAfLAPS environment for children to grow up. Its a good policy for society to support male/female marriage imo. I think civil partrship [...]
@fIONAfLAPS should ensure gay couples r treated fairly and justly re tax inheritance etc & recognition by the StateBut marriage is different
I can’t help but be reminded of Iona ‘Marriage is the Gold Standard’ Institute. And yet marriage has changed repeatedly throughout history, as well as varying widely around the world today. ‘Traditional marriage’? There simply is no one form of marriage. Here are some more revelations:
Historically in ‘our’ society (Ireland, the UK, Western Europe), there have been varying forms of marriage. In ancient Rome there was more than one form of marriage. According to the Brehon laws, marriage – or rather, households – could be formed in a number of ways, and men and women who married each held their own property in their own right. The introduction of church laws in early Christian Ireland later changed the notion of marriage in that society:
It is impossible to probe the limits or depths of Christianization in these areas because of the want of evidence, but we should not doubt the impact of the church’s teaching. Rituals, moral practices, and beliefs may nonetheless have varied: Archbishop’s Lanfranc’s letters to the Irish complained about abhorrent Irish marriage practices, consanguinity, polygamy, and even wife swapping.
Marriage and sexual morality lay at the fulcrum of the church’s relations with the laity. [...] Marriage was a potent tool in social exchanges and the church’s teaching on sex was particularly repressive. Intercourse was only sanctioned within marriage for the sake of procreation, and even then strictly regulated and limited with regard to when it could be done.
[Source: A Companion to the Early Middle Ages: Britain and Ireland, c.500-c.1100, p. 404]
Marriage [...] was far from simple in the early Middle Ages. It was made through a series of gifts and exchanges of greater or lesser formality. There were different types of quite acceptable sexual union defined by the mix of these elements. This in turn affected, though it did not entirely determine, how easily the union could be ended and left room for argument over inheritance. The arrival of Christian ideas of marriage added other arguments to interpreting in the mix, if it not other elements to it.
[Source: A Companion to the Early Middle Ages: Britain and Ireland, c.500-c.1100, p. 470]
Marriage for love was at times unusual, certainly in the upper strata of our feudal-based societies. Marriage was long used as a way to secure political alliances between factions or households. Marriages were frequently arranged marriages. Procreation was important, but usually to ensure that a male heir was produced. You may have heard of a certain Henry VIII?
Marriage has also been used to form peace agreements between warring parties. Engaging on a medieval crusade in the name of almighty god? Endeavouring to slaughter the followers of Islam/Christianity? Seeking to secure the holy city of Jerusalem in preparation for the second coming of Christ and the resulting Apocalypse? Sure, lets sign a peace treaty between the religions and throw in marriage to the King’s sister into the bargain. Problem solved!
In the royal courts and noble houses of Europe it was in the past normal practice for men to keep mistresses. Sometimes, these relationships were an open secret. At times, too, a mistress may have had considerable power and influence at court or in the dealings of her, er, keeper. Even Popes were at it.
It was only in the 19th century that we clearly see attempts at defining marriage by the state itself, as distinct from religious marriage, in the ruling of Hyde v. Hyde. In 1866. That decision was among the issues dealt with by the Canadian Supreme Court in 2004, when it was nevertheless held that the Canadian parliament could legislate to provide for marriage equality.
In the U.S., inter-racial marriages were prohibited in certain states… Until they weren’t. This was thanks to the ruling in Loving v. Virginia. The evidence adduced and arguments made during the ‘Proposition 8’ trial, Perry v. Schwarzenegger, are illustrative. Expert witness Nancy Cott, an American history scholar, testified that “marriage has never been universally defined as a union of one man and one woman, and that religion has never had any bearing on the legality of a marriage”. Her testimony revolved around three main points: how marriage has historically been used ‘punitively’ to demean disfavored groups; how the legally enshrined gender roles in marriage had been disestablished during the 20th century and how the changes in the institution of marriage had mainly involved ‘shedding inequalities’; which she said strengthens marriage. She emphasized the importance of the institution of marriage by noting that “when slaves were emancipated, they flocked to get married. And this was not trivial to them, by any means”.
In marriage, women were until relatively recent times regarded as simple property: from being the property of her father, upon marriage she became the property of her husband: chattel, an owned object. As such, the wife lacked any independent legal personality. She was subsumed into the person of her husband. Ergo ‘Mr and Mrs Smith’; police officers not responding to ‘domestics’. A woman could be barred from testifying her husband in court.
In Ireland, it was until very recently legally impossible for a wife to be raped by her husband. Yes, there was a ‘martial exemption’ to rape. In Ireland, spousal rape was criminalised only in 1990. (The first conviction was in 2002.) Interestingly:
FORMER MINISTER for justice Gerry Collins rejected a plea from the Council for the Status of Women to change criminal law to tackle rape within marriage.
In a submission to the Seanad in October 1978, the women’s council called for legislation to allow for the prosecution of a man for the rape of his wife and for changes to the law to disallow evidence on the sexual history of the complainant.
[Source: The Irish Times]
And let’s not forget that in 1996, an amendment was introduced to Bunreacht na hÉireann to allow for a constitutionally permissible attack on the institution of marriage: divorce.
There is no single definition of marriage: it varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, from culture to culture.
The legal minimum age for marriage depends on where the ceremony takes place. In some countries, the minimum age may be as low as 14 years, for example in Mexico, Colombia, Canada. In a couple of countries, for example, Brunei and Kuwait, no minimum age is specified.
Cultural practices vary widely. The Wodaabe of West Africa, part of the Fula ethnic group, hold the almost-annual Gerewol. This is a festival which coincides with the seasons and, if there have been sufficient rains, the nomadic family groups gather together for Gerewol. There, among the celebrations, men and women – single and married – basically hold an elaborate swingers party: subject to particular rules the men prettify themselves and line up, waiting to be selected by one of three women for sex. After Gerewol, everyone – including the married men and women – reunite into their groups and wander back into the desert.
In parts of the world, polygamy (polygyny/polyandry) is practiced. There are some societies which have elements of matriarchy. The practice of ‘bride kidnapping’ continues in Caucasus and elsewhere, sometimes as a pretext for a couple eloping, but sometimes as actual kidnapping. There are also temporary marriages, such as the Celtic ‘handfasting’, and Shi’a Islam’s ‘nikah mut‘ah’ or ‘sigheh’.
As for marriage equality: Yes, it does exist. And no, those societies haven’t broken down, nor have they witnessed the institution of marriage being ‘attacked’: Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, Mexico City, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, several states in the US plus the Coquille tribe. In fact, several expert bodies have noted the importance of marriage equality.
And, of course, same-sex marriages too have taken place throughout history. For example, in the Ming and Zhou dynasties of China; during the early Roman empire and ancient Greece; in France in the late middle ages with ‘affrèrement’ or ‘enbrotherment’; among many other examples.
The gold standard was abandoned over 60 years ago.
(70) What the Hell is Going On?
Miley Cyrus, Tammy & Melissa Lesbalimony, Opinions and what do they really mean?, The Definition of a Lesbian conclusion via Twitter, The Real L Word, Julianne Moore in Kids Are Alright is gonna learn right here and right now that Lesbians are not bisexual. Somebody has to tell us what in the gay hell is [...]
Good News and Bad News for Women in Deficit Commission Vote"The only good news coming out of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform's final meeting today was that the co-chairs failed to muster 14 'yes' votes for their misguided proposal, so it will not be presented to the lame-duck Congress for immediate action. This result was due in part to the hard work of NOW members, Social Security advocates and many others whose calls temporarily shut down the congressional switchboard on Tuesday," said NOW President Terry O'Neill.
Obama's DOJ stepping back on 2 DOMA cases
The Department of Justice followed Wednesday's withdrawal from two DOMA cases in the Second Circuit, including GLAD's Pedersen v. OPM by notifying the clerk of the First Circuit that they will also cease to defend the two consolidated DOMA cases, Gill v. Office of Personnel Management and Massachusetts v. HHS.
Is 'The Biggest Loser' trying to keep their trainers in the closet?
Is 'The Biggest Loser' trying to keep their trainers in the closet?: Anyone who has followed Jillian on Facebook/Twitter for any length of time knows she has a girlfriend, with whom she lives and has dogs with. And new trainer, Cara Castronuova once dated God-des of God-des and She (and even starred in one of their videos). And you know, Bob Harper is so obviously (and adorably) gay. So, personal choice on their part to NEVER discuss it, or is there something more?
We?re interested to see if Jillian becomes any more open after this season, when she takes a break from TV to adopt a child (hmm, by herself?).�
We?re interested to see if Jillian becomes any more open after this season, when she takes a break from TV to adopt a child (hmm, by herself?).� Is WeddingWire Rated for 2010 With A Perfect Five
Arlington, VA -- (August 26, 2010) - WeddingWire, the nation's leading site for wedding reviews, just announced that is WeddingWire Rated 2010 for Unique Planning Services. WeddingWire Rated is an annual award program for wedding professionals based on hundreds of thousands of recent wedding reviews.
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Saturday, February 26, 2011
Local group starts trans-friendly bathroom initiative
CHICAGO—In an unprecedented effort to make the city of Chicago safer for transgender individuals, Genderqueer Chicago, a local youth group, launched the "T-Friendly Bathroom Initiative," a grassroots project that challenges business owners to recognize and protect gender identity in their public restrooms, according to a press release.
Texts From Lindsey
."Texts From Lindsey" is a regular column featuring texts from my 16 year old daughter. Please enjoy them as much as I do:.Lindsey & I are both in love with our sweet little Schnoodle dog named Captain Jack Sparrow. We call him "Jack" for short. Lindsey sent this text about him to me and it put a smile on my face for the rest of the week:."OMG! I just saw the cutest thing EVER. Jack was chasing a BUTTERFLY!".I was on my way to pick Lindsey up from her SAT prep exam. To prepare her, I texted her that I was 5 minutes away. Her reply?:."You aren't supposed to text while driving, Mom.".Not a fan of any type of social gathering, Lindsey allowed her friends to talk her into going to the Homecoming dance. From the dance, she sent this series of texts:.":-( I think I'm leaving early. For the third year in a row. Can you come get me?".I asked her where her dad was as he lives closer to her school. Her reply:."He's still at dinner. He didn't heed my distress call :-( Shows what being raised in captivity can do to a creature...".This random text from a Monday morning:.":-( I hate school....".Then this uplifting random text:."...I got a nap : D".And finally, the question that I will never have an answer for:."Mommy, why are boys stupid?"
Jon Stewart Mocks Media Coverage of Obama's Gay DOMA Shift
Last night, Jon Stewart looked at Obama's DOMA announcement and how media covered it (by interrupting a segment with "breaking news" that Lindsay Lohan was in court), and also introduced his @gayobama twitter feed.
Incidentally, you can follow our headlines on twitter at these addresses: @tlrd, @andytowle.
Incidentally, you can follow our headlines on twitter at these addresses: @tlrd, @andytowle.
Minka Kelly? I Don't Even Know Her! *Get It?*
Reader ReAune sent the video below to me and asked:is it weird that I find this oddly erotic...Nope, the only thing that's weird is that Minka Kelly isn't sitting on my face couch right now wearing nothing but a shiny bow tie. Something is definitely off about THAT, for sure!Minka's been on my radar ever since she first started popping up on episodes of "Parenthood," last Fall. I was all like, "WHA!" and she was all like "I'd like to help your son get better," and I was all like "BUT WHA!!" and she was all like, "look at me, I'm so pretty, and my mouth is so delicate, and I never raise my voice, yet still get my point across firmly," and I was all like, "What kinda name is 'Minka' anyway?" and she was all like, "Craig T. Nelson, I'd like to work for your son and your grandson. Put me in the game COACH." And I was all like, "But Arlan, most of your readers are too young to remember the tv show "Coach," in which Craig T. Nelson played the title character, and his sidekick was played by the same dude who plays Marshall's father on "How I Met Your Mother." And then she was all like, "Arlan, stop analyzing early 90s television and look at me on the screen again. Im mega hot. REMEMBER??"Yeah. Good times.
Australian Labor PArty may recognise gay marriage yet
Doug Cameron declared that the feeling of the ALP was that they should be the progressive party. Hallelujah! Finally the ALP have realised that the rest of the world is moving on and that human rights including those of gay voters have finally been recognised around the rest of the developed world. Cameron declared that gay marriage was inevitable! Maybe it is inevitable that Australia will catch up with the northern hemisphere this decade.
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Run don’t walk…
Like most things that weigh heavily in our community and lives, from our civil rights and freedoms to our many other struggles, HIV has been at the forefront. HIV infection and reduction and making those who are HIV positive or living with AIDS more comfortable and fulfilled has been a huge priority for all of us. For those of us who have lost someone to this disease it is much more personal and AIDS Walk and other related events are a way to remember and show our commitment to those we loved. For others who know someone who is living with HIV or AIDS it is an opportunity to do something about it and show love and support for our brothers and sisters. For everyone it is a way to show support, tolerance and compassion.
Whatever the motivation or experience …
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Whatever the motivation or experience …
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Estrogen Receptor Desensitization
Hi,I've been reading around on the internet and there has been an increase in talk about Receptors desensitizing when exposed to continuous/high levels of hormones. I was wondering if taking estrogen/progesterone as if to trying to match the menstrual cycle would be best? Could doing this avoid receptor desensitization?
A few laughs in Jerry Brown's budget presentation
Gov. Jerry Brown was in front of the Legislature's budget conference committee on serious business Thursday, but there were also a number of humorous moments - and a fair amount of laughter - as he made the case for his...
Friday, February 25, 2011
THIS IS NOT SHANE. Err, well, it is. But it?s not. At...
THIS IS NOT SHANE. Err, well, it is. But it?s not. At least, not the Shane. Is your mind blown?! Read the interview with this Shane-a-like (named Shane) here.
Well 'ello Gov'na!
Sooo...lovely reader Radiance sent this vid in and said:...what are your opinions on it? could you post this on your page and ask your readers? im slightly offended, and i say slightly because she did try lol. but i wanted to see if others were too...I actually don't have any problem with it and am curious about what you find offensive. I think its hot. But I may be missing something. What do you guys think?I will admit that my judgment may very well be impeded by this accent situation:Please sir, I want some more. Here's a little tidbit about Jessie J: she co-wrote Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA." Do with that what you will.
Justice Department to stop defending DOMA, groups respond
The Obama administration made a blockbuster announcement Feb. 23, saying it has concluded that one part of the Defense of Marriage Act DOMA will not be able to pass constitutional muster in the 2nd Circuit and that the Department of Justice DoJ would not defend that part of the law in two pending cases in that circuit.
Happy Holidays To Our Community
We are so very grateful for your support this past year and we count you -- our community -- as a blessing in our lives. It is an honor to celebrate your
partnerships, marriages, and anniversaries and a privilege to share in the journey with each of you, as we expand our horizons and ask what each of us can do to be a part of the change we all want to see in our world.
Tell those whom you love that you love them and continue to let the beacon of love in your life shine brightly.
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School's Out!
For me, anyway! I just finished my summer quarter and am takinig a 2 week vacay. I know everyone will miss me but I just might take a break from drinking Chianti and eating pasta long enough to make a blog post or two while sunning my buns. If not, don't be a hater and we'll talk when I get back. xoxo
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Is Simon Cowell Gay?
With the X-factor back on prime time TV in Britain, all of the tabloids are busy scraping up as much muck as they can and slinging it at everyone in the hope it will stick to someone. This week it was Simon Cowell's turn. Tough as an old leather handbag, Simon Cowell is not going to blink an eye at the rumours going around that he is gay.
I don't think Cowell is on anyones gaydar, but co judge Louis Walsh this week cleared it up for us, stating this week that his 51-year-old friend is easily "distracted by a pair of breasts".
Lois Walsh told Britain's Daily Mail newspaper this week that, "He's not gay. Not at all. He's camp. He's theatrical. But he's absolutely not gay. No way. He loves women. Haven't you seen the way he looks at girls? He'll get distracted by a pair of breasts."
Well I guess that clears it up then.
Gay news
View Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
I don't think Cowell is on anyones gaydar, but co judge Louis Walsh this week cleared it up for us, stating this week that his 51-year-old friend is easily "distracted by a pair of breasts".
Lois Walsh told Britain's Daily Mail newspaper this week that, "He's not gay. Not at all. He's camp. He's theatrical. But he's absolutely not gay. No way. He loves women. Haven't you seen the way he looks at girls? He'll get distracted by a pair of breasts."
Well I guess that clears it up then.
Gay news
View Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Thursday Watercooler: DOMA and Obama
President Obama steps away from DOMA....what the gaystream is talking about.
Lesbian News - 20 Feb 2011
Teenage Lesbian couple die together after considering uncertain future Cartographies of Struggle Lesbian Couple Challenges French Ban on Gay Marriage 'Becoming Chaz' tells the complicated, touching story of Chaz Bono's sex change "Pariah" offers fresh take on lesbian teen genre HIV and ageing Elisabeth Moss talks about playing an iconic lesbian role in ?The Children?s Hour" Arkansas gay/lesbian rights pioneer diesCriticism after �6,500 is donated to squash club to recruit lesbians Men more apt to forgive lesbian affair Former Star Trek Producer Talks Regrets About Never Having Lesbian, Gay Pressence On Show
Nebraska Women Denied Divorce
On Tuesday, a District court in Nebraska City denied a divorce to two women. The couple was married in Vermont, but Judge Randall Rehmeier asserted that Nebraska only recognizes marriage between a man and a woman. Thus, he said, he does not have jurisdiction to dissolve the marriage, citing similar conclusions reached in Texas, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Despite his refusal to grant a divorce, the judge did address issues of parenting and child support, saying that such action was in the best interest of the child. He granted full custody of the 4-year-old girl to the plaintiff, the child?s biological mother, and ordered the defendant to pay child support and cover educational expenses. The defendant will have weekly and holiday visitation rights, and the judge noted in his ruling that, ?The defendant has assisted the plaintiff in providing day-to-day care and nurturing of the child.? Related Media Coverage:NCN News Press - January 26, 2011"Judge Denies Divorce to Same-Sex Nebraska City Couple"
Lesbian News - 19 Feb 2011
�200,000 to secure Gay and lesbian advice centre - London Friend seeks survival cashHow to Be a Gay Lady ? Manners for the Modern Lesbian: Lesson Sixteen LGBT liaison among State's Attorney cuts Giving "Glee" pointers on how to handle Anne Hathaway as a lesbian aunt Richard Desmond...unveiling a reality TV show set in a Soho lesbian bar Africa: Transgender Rights Not Simply Gay Rights If you want to see bad acting and lesbians acting stupid and suicidal, then by all means, see this film!
(46) New Years Poo
Rectifying Rick, Burka’s, Poopy diapers, Bitter Old Cat Ladies and Dirty Old Dog Men, Burn that Sex, Kenosha, Marshals …
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Business Spotlight: Casa Del Encanto Interiors
145 W. Washington Street
San Diego, CA 92103
Casa Del Encanto Interiors is a full service Interior Design firm as well as a retail showroom for gifts, accessories, furnishings, dried floral arrangements, lighting, antiques, candles, tabletop and countless other things.
The business was started in 1985 in Encanto Park, Phoenix, Arizona by Luis Corona. Luis, originally born in Mexico, was the son of a gifted mother that had a passion for nature and beauty. Luis arrived in San Diego in the late 60’s and had moved to Phoenix in 1982 to pursue his career in interiors. He landed a position with an interior design firm and floral shop in Scottsdale, AZ. Then, just 3 years later he founded Casa Del Encanto. Over th…
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San Diego, CA 92103
Casa Del Encanto Interiors is a full service Interior Design firm as well as a retail showroom for gifts, accessories, furnishings, dried floral arrangements, lighting, antiques, candles, tabletop and countless other things.
The business was started in 1985 in Encanto Park, Phoenix, Arizona by Luis Corona. Luis, originally born in Mexico, was the son of a gifted mother that had a passion for nature and beauty. Luis arrived in San Diego in the late 60’s and had moved to Phoenix in 1982 to pursue his career in interiors. He landed a position with an interior design firm and floral shop in Scottsdale, AZ. Then, just 3 years later he founded Casa Del Encanto. Over th…
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Marriage Equality Gets Initial 25-22 Approval in Maryland Senate
During all the DOMA excitement today, the marriage equality bill under consideration in the Maryland senate made it through a first vote:
Maryland's Senate voted 25-22 in favor of allowing same-sex couples to marry after a fairly short and focused debate. The bill has not yet cleared the body, but the vote is a positive sign for supporters of the legislation.
The bill was also slightly amended:
The bill was amended so that religious organizations - like the Knights of Columbus - would not have to provide insurance to same-sex couples. Bill sponsors supported the change. The only unfriendly change adopted was Sen. Anthony Muse's suggestion to name the bill the "Civil Marriage Protection Act." It was introduced as the "Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act.
Final passage of the bill could come as soon as tomorrow.
Maryland's Senate voted 25-22 in favor of allowing same-sex couples to marry after a fairly short and focused debate. The bill has not yet cleared the body, but the vote is a positive sign for supporters of the legislation.
The bill was also slightly amended:
The bill was amended so that religious organizations - like the Knights of Columbus - would not have to provide insurance to same-sex couples. Bill sponsors supported the change. The only unfriendly change adopted was Sen. Anthony Muse's suggestion to name the bill the "Civil Marriage Protection Act." It was introduced as the "Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act.
Final passage of the bill could come as soon as tomorrow.
Nothing like starting out the week with a little bomb threat
UPDATE (2/22): Confirmed: our bomb scare "suspicious package" at my workplace yesterday was sussed out by the Durham Bomb Squad and it turned out to be a...weapon of mass culture destruction -- a SNUGGIE.
Just a short post to say that my morning was interesting. I left without my cell phone, which I rarely use at work, but it's irritating not to have it when you need today.
Turns out that over the weekend Duke Power was doing some work at Brightleaf Square in downtown Durham; I work in the north building and staff had to come in and power down our servers. Unfortunately when the servers were brought back online, we had no network services. Sigh.
More fun below the fold. Our friends at Verizon and Duke Power were, I believe, working on that problem when all of a sudden we received an emergency evacuation order. It wasn't a fire alarm; that heinous noise goes off when we have those drills.
Anyway, everyone hot-footed it out of the building and across the street to our designated waiting area. Eventually some news trickled out about what happened.
Apparently a package arrived for one of the staff members at the Press, and it had no return address, a misspelled addressee and was strange enough to raise suspicion since there was no package expected by this person. I don't have any more details than this other than to say that we receive a ton of packages every day, so for one to stand out makes me think this was a serious threat.
I drove home to get my phone and to return, figuring it was no big deal. I got a call on my way back in to say everyone needed to go home for safety's sake. The police had expanded the perimeter of the evacuation, so nearby businesses and restaurants also had to leave.
The last word I received is that the Durham Bomb Squad is sending in one of those robots to inspect the package.
Duke Press publishes controversial, thought-provoking academic texts (LGBT/Queer Studies, world politics, etc.), but this is the first time we've had a bomb threat.
Time to reboot that Monday...
Media Fooled by Fake Gay Icon Poll
A fake poll tricked media outlets into incorrectly reporting that Britney Spears was the ultimate gay icon last week.
Stonewall Awards London - 2010
The fifth Stonewall Awards, hosted by Sue Perkins, were held last night at London's V&A and attended by 450 people including celebrities, politicians, sportspeople and writers. The event celebrates those who have made a positive impact on the lives of lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Britain in the last year.
Chris Grayling Bigot Of The Year
Bigot Of The Year
Former shadow home secretary Chris Grayling was named ?Bigot of the Year?.
Tory MP Mr Grayling, who was secretly recorded in May saying that bed and breakfasts should have the right to bar gay couples.
Gareth Thomas, Hero Of The Year
Gareth Thomas, Hero Of The Year
Gareth Thomas, who became the first out gay professional rugby player last December, was named ?Hero of the Year?. He attended the London ceremony with his parents. Some audience members were in tears as he spoke after accepting the award. Mr Thomas said: ?I don?t really know what denotes a hero. I?m just myself. But when you live in a world that tries to make different a wrong thing, to me, being a hero is just being honest. He added: ?To be a hero, you have to follow in a hero?s footsteps. And there?s people here tonight who?ve been my heroes all my life and will be forever ? that?s my mother and father.?
Stella Duffy, joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Stella Duffy, joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Stella Duffy for Theodora: Actress, Empress, Whore
Rupert Smith joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Rupert Smith joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Rupert Smith author of MANS WORLD, which is also shortlisted for the inaugral Creen Carnation prize.
Patrick Strudwick, ?Journalist of the Year?
Patrick Strudwick, ?Journalist of the Year?
Gay British journalist Patrick Strudwick spent several months investigating gay-to-straight conversion therapy, undergoing "treatment" from two psychotherapists who made no secret of their view that homosexuality was far from natural, but rather a composite of "mental illness, addiction and anti-religious phenomenon". Mr Strudwick, said: ?I am dedicating this award to all the victims of hate around the world who have told me their stories. Their strength and dignity spurred me on.?
He also thanked the thousands of people who added their support to his campaign to stamp out the controversial therapy.
John Partridge, Entertainer of the Year
John Partridge, Entertainer of the Year
EastEnders actor John Partidge won the ?Entertainer of the Year? award for his gay storyline in the soap. He paid tribute to screenwriter Dominic Treadwell-Collins for managing to ?tell a gay story at 7.30 in the evening?.
Martina Navratilova, Sports Person Of The Year
Martina Navratilova, Sports Person Of The Year
Martina Navratilova won huge applause when she was given the sports award. The tennis star is currently in Colorado training to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and pre-recorded a message of thanks.
John Bercow, Politician of the Year
John Bercow, Politician of the Year
Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow was named ?Politician of the Year?. The MP, whose wife Sally recently completed a charity parachute jump for Stonewall, praised Mr Summerskill for his ?truly inspirational leadership?.
The Times, ?Publication of the Year?
The Times, ?Publication of the Year?
The Times won the award for ?Publication of the Year?
Coronation Street, Broadcast of the Year
Coronation Street, Broadcast of the Year
Corrie which broadcast its first lesbian storyline and first lesbian kiss this year, won the award for ?Broadcast of the Year?.
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Chris Grayling Bigot Of The Year
Bigot Of The Year
Former shadow home secretary Chris Grayling was named ?Bigot of the Year?.
Tory MP Mr Grayling, who was secretly recorded in May saying that bed and breakfasts should have the right to bar gay couples.
Gareth Thomas, Hero Of The Year
Gareth Thomas, Hero Of The Year
Gareth Thomas, who became the first out gay professional rugby player last December, was named ?Hero of the Year?. He attended the London ceremony with his parents. Some audience members were in tears as he spoke after accepting the award. Mr Thomas said: ?I don?t really know what denotes a hero. I?m just myself. But when you live in a world that tries to make different a wrong thing, to me, being a hero is just being honest. He added: ?To be a hero, you have to follow in a hero?s footsteps. And there?s people here tonight who?ve been my heroes all my life and will be forever ? that?s my mother and father.?
Stella Duffy, joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Stella Duffy, joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Stella Duffy for Theodora: Actress, Empress, Whore
Rupert Smith joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Rupert Smith joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Rupert Smith author of MANS WORLD, which is also shortlisted for the inaugral Creen Carnation prize.
Patrick Strudwick, ?Journalist of the Year?
Patrick Strudwick, ?Journalist of the Year?
Gay British journalist Patrick Strudwick spent several months investigating gay-to-straight conversion therapy, undergoing "treatment" from two psychotherapists who made no secret of their view that homosexuality was far from natural, but rather a composite of "mental illness, addiction and anti-religious phenomenon". Mr Strudwick, said: ?I am dedicating this award to all the victims of hate around the world who have told me their stories. Their strength and dignity spurred me on.?
He also thanked the thousands of people who added their support to his campaign to stamp out the controversial therapy.
John Partridge, Entertainer of the Year
John Partridge, Entertainer of the Year
EastEnders actor John Partidge won the ?Entertainer of the Year? award for his gay storyline in the soap. He paid tribute to screenwriter Dominic Treadwell-Collins for managing to ?tell a gay story at 7.30 in the evening?.
Martina Navratilova, Sports Person Of The Year
Martina Navratilova, Sports Person Of The Year
Martina Navratilova won huge applause when she was given the sports award. The tennis star is currently in Colorado training to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and pre-recorded a message of thanks.
John Bercow, Politician of the Year
John Bercow, Politician of the Year
Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow was named ?Politician of the Year?. The MP, whose wife Sally recently completed a charity parachute jump for Stonewall, praised Mr Summerskill for his ?truly inspirational leadership?.
The Times, ?Publication of the Year?
The Times, ?Publication of the Year?
The Times won the award for ?Publication of the Year?
Coronation Street, Broadcast of the Year
Coronation Street, Broadcast of the Year
Corrie which broadcast its first lesbian storyline and first lesbian kiss this year, won the award for ?Broadcast of the Year?.
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Is "Born this Way" our New Anthem?
After much anticipation, Lady Gaga debuted her new song "Born this Way" on Friday. She performed it last night at the Grammys. Some say it sounds just like Madonna. (That way my first impression when I heard the song.) But the more I listen, the more it grows on me. I like it. When have you ever heard a pop song with the words lesbian and transgendered in them?...Read Full Post
Sexy Fridays: Taking about STDs
Maybe it's not that sexy, but talking about sexually transmitted diseases is part of sex. And if you have an STD, it's important that you tell your partner about it. But when and how? If you don't know if you have an STD or not and you've been sexually active, you should probably get tested. And talk to your new partners about getting tested before you have sex....Read Full Post
Michigan College and Community Outraged by School's Anti-LGBT Policy
Students at Hope College in Michigan are speaking out against a new policy on sexuality that was adopted by its board of trustees on Friday, January 28. The statement reads, ?Sexuality, including longing and expression, is a good gift from God and a fact of our existence affirmed in the Christian scriptures and by the Church throughout the centuries. This biblical witness calls us to a life of chastity among the unmarried and the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.? It goes on to say that the university will not recognize or support campus organizations that do not support this ?vision."A student organization called Hope is Ready has collected over 700 signatures against adopting this policy, arguing that the school should have an open environment. The group was formed in 1995 after the school adopted a position that condemned LGBT students on the campus. ?We believe that the institution is made up of faculty and staff and students that don?t agree with this policy,? said Hope is Ready leader Alison Bernard.The issue has spread to the community, where an anti-discrimination ordinance has been proposed for Holland. A new group called ?Holland is Ready,? led by Reverend Jennifer Adams, is pushing for the law. ?Holland is Ready strives to help greater Holland grow in compassion, understanding, and diversity with regard to LGBT people and their families,? she noted in a statement, expressing disappointment for the college?s policy.Related Media Coverage:WZZM ABC 13 ? January 31, 2011?Students Respond to Hope College?s New Stance on Sexuality?
New Mexico House Committee Says ?NO? to DOMA Bills
Today, three anti-marriage bills being considered by the New Mexico legislature encountered a setback in the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee. Three Democrats from Bernalillo County (Albuquerque) voted to table the measures, effectively stalling, if not killing the bills for the session. The final vote was 3-2.
Montgomery Junior High School Student Says Teacher Bullied, Ridiculed Him
An openly gay 13-year-old Montgomery student has spoken out after he says his teacher ridiculed him in class, telling him to ?quit acting like a girl and start acting like a boy.? Rather than trying to stop bullying, he says his teacher encouraged it, and another student in the class confirmed this statement, saying that the teacher made fun of him every day. The boy and his mother wrote a letter of complaint to his school district, but received no apology. The district?s response said only that the teacher?s comment had been misrepresented and taken out of context.Maureen Costello, director of Teaching Tolerance with the Southern Poverty Law Center, points out that bullies often deny their actions by saying they were misunderstood or joking, but that some things should not be taken lightly.The teacher denied the allegation, but research shows that authority figures often aid in bullying. A Yale University study was recently released that shows that LGBT teenagers get harsher punishments than their straight peers who committed the same behavior. Montgomery public schools do not receive specific referrals or complaints regarding bullying. The boy?s attorney has said he will take further action if the bullying continues.Related Media Coverage:Montgomery Advertiser ? January 27, 2011?Do Teachers Sometimes Help Target Gay Students?
Verterano: Why I should have come out to my mother
My mother passed away on October 28, 2010, at age 57. She had ovarian cancer. It?s something that has been very difficult for myself and the rest of my family to get over. She was the focal point of our family and a beautiful woman.
I feel guilty about my mom?s passing. Why? Because I never talked with her about being gay. She knew I was gay - sort of - but she didn?t hear it directly from me.
I had written an article for our college newspaper about gay rights. I remember sitting in class and my phone kept going off because she was calling me. I knew right away she had read the article. I had never been more nervous to talk.
When I answered the call, she read me an excerpt from the article where I said ?As a gay man??
I froze. I had no idea what to say to her.
I just said ?I?m not sure, Mom. I might be gay.? She told me she wanted me to see a psychiatrist. I hung up and avoided her calls for a week. If any of you have an Italian mother, you know this is NOT easy to do.
We never talked about a psychiatrist again. But that?s because we never had a real conversation about me being gay.
Yet I think my mom always knew I was gay. When I was in first grade, I had asked for a My Sized Barbie for Christmas. I got the Barbie and Mom told everyone I wanted a ?dancing partner.?
This was different, though. This was the first time my mom had actually said something about it. I didn?t know what to do. Her voice just sounded so?disappointed. After a week I called her back. She said ?You?re not gay, are you??
I lied. I told her ?no? and we dropped it.
But she knew. A mother always knows.
Last year on the night of my 22nd birthday my mom and I got into a screaming match over cleaning out our fish tanks (yes, seriously). Frustrated and angry, she said to me: ?GO RUN TO YOUR BOYFRIEND!?
I burst into tears and drove out of the house, ripping down Christmas decorations in the process. She had been keeping tabs on me. I had been dating someone for over a year and she knew. I called my best friend crying and she calmed me down and convinced me to return home.
I did and it wasn?t brought up again. But I regret not telling my mom about my boyfriend. I think she felt hurt I hadn?t shared my life with her. I was living my life in hiding. I was in this wonderful, happy relationship and she had no idea who this person was that I was with every night. He was a stranger to her.
I should have let her in my life. I should have been upfront the second my mom asked me if I was gay, but I ran away.
The night before my mother passed away, her best friend pulled me aside in the hospital hallway.
?Jake, she got you,? she said. ?She understands you and she loves you. She wanted you to be happy with whoever you are with. We all love you and we all accept you.?
We stood there in the hallway for at least a half hour holding each other and crying.
I feel my mother?s presence every day - and every day, I regret not being upfront with her about who I am and how happy I am. I think she would have loved to see me holding hands with someone I care about, would have loved to see me celebrate my wedding and watch me raise a family with a man I love.
She deserved to be let into my happiness. That?s what we do when we love people. We let them in to our lives.
I feel guilty about my mom?s passing. Why? Because I never talked with her about being gay. She knew I was gay - sort of - but she didn?t hear it directly from me.
I had written an article for our college newspaper about gay rights. I remember sitting in class and my phone kept going off because she was calling me. I knew right away she had read the article. I had never been more nervous to talk.
When I answered the call, she read me an excerpt from the article where I said ?As a gay man??
I froze. I had no idea what to say to her.
I just said ?I?m not sure, Mom. I might be gay.? She told me she wanted me to see a psychiatrist. I hung up and avoided her calls for a week. If any of you have an Italian mother, you know this is NOT easy to do.
We never talked about a psychiatrist again. But that?s because we never had a real conversation about me being gay.
Yet I think my mom always knew I was gay. When I was in first grade, I had asked for a My Sized Barbie for Christmas. I got the Barbie and Mom told everyone I wanted a ?dancing partner.?
This was different, though. This was the first time my mom had actually said something about it. I didn?t know what to do. Her voice just sounded so?disappointed. After a week I called her back. She said ?You?re not gay, are you??
I lied. I told her ?no? and we dropped it.
But she knew. A mother always knows.
Last year on the night of my 22nd birthday my mom and I got into a screaming match over cleaning out our fish tanks (yes, seriously). Frustrated and angry, she said to me: ?GO RUN TO YOUR BOYFRIEND!?
I burst into tears and drove out of the house, ripping down Christmas decorations in the process. She had been keeping tabs on me. I had been dating someone for over a year and she knew. I called my best friend crying and she calmed me down and convinced me to return home.
I did and it wasn?t brought up again. But I regret not telling my mom about my boyfriend. I think she felt hurt I hadn?t shared my life with her. I was living my life in hiding. I was in this wonderful, happy relationship and she had no idea who this person was that I was with every night. He was a stranger to her.
I should have let her in my life. I should have been upfront the second my mom asked me if I was gay, but I ran away.
The night before my mother passed away, her best friend pulled me aside in the hospital hallway.
?Jake, she got you,? she said. ?She understands you and she loves you. She wanted you to be happy with whoever you are with. We all love you and we all accept you.?
We stood there in the hallway for at least a half hour holding each other and crying.
I feel my mother?s presence every day - and every day, I regret not being upfront with her about who I am and how happy I am. I think she would have loved to see me holding hands with someone I care about, would have loved to see me celebrate my wedding and watch me raise a family with a man I love.
She deserved to be let into my happiness. That?s what we do when we love people. We let them in to our lives.
Little Known Fact: I Played the Piano You Hear In This Scene
I also had several scenes where I played a custodian with a heart of gold who teaches the girls how to work out their anger issues through nude interpretive dance. These scenes were later cut in the editing room, because I had not been officially hired to be in them, nor were they in the script. But hey, don't sweat the small stuff, right?
Maryland Marriage Vote Tally: 23: Two new senators express support for Maryland marriage bill
News:Valentine's Day brought good news for same-sex couples in Maryland hoping to legally tie the knot in the state. According to the Baltimore Sun, Sen. Katherine Klausmeier and Sen. Edward J. Kasemeyer have both come out in support of Senate Bill 116, the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act. ''It's all about fairness,'' Kasemeyer told the Sun. Equality Maryland, the state's equal rights organization, on Monday, Feb. 14, held a news conference in Annapolis ''to promote awareness of the ...more
Monday, February 21, 2011
Click Click Expose Gay Podcast Network - Weekly Update - January 13
Hey Podcast Fans...another week...another round of podcast shows from Click Click Expose CELEBRATING OUR 5TH YEAR OF PODCASTING FOR THE GAY AND LESBIAN COMMUNITY. What is the Click Click Expose Gay Podcast Network? We are a network of different podcast shows either produced by Click Click Expose (Gay Entertainment Media) or distributed by our official content producers and supporters. Our goal is to bring you a wide variety of LGBT podcast shows designed to enrich, entertain and enlighten the gay and lesbian community AND our website has undergone a major re-design (again)- check it out: Click Click Expose and let us know what you think. It's easier now to listen to your favorite shows, watch videos, read news, etc.
Subscribe via RSS Feed HERE!
THIS WEEK'S SYNOPSIS: 1. Gay News Week In Review - "Week Ending 1/13/2011" 2. Strange Dreamz with Kevin J. Thornton - "Episode #6" 3. This Show Is So Gay - "Harry Knox & Caleb Laieski" 4. Pageant Soup Podcast Show - "Pageantry from the CEO Perspective" 5. House Music Show - DJ Carlos Dali - "Be Yourself Music Show"
Gay News Week In Review w/e 01/13/2011 (Podcast)
Strange Dreamz with Kevin J. Thornton - Episode #6 (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - Activist Harry Knox (Podcast)
Pageant Soup Podcast Show - Episode #55(Podcast)
DJ Carlos Dali - Be Yourself Radio Show (Podcast)
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Subscribe via RSS Feed HERE!
THIS WEEK'S SYNOPSIS: 1. Gay News Week In Review - "Week Ending 1/13/2011" 2. Strange Dreamz with Kevin J. Thornton - "Episode #6" 3. This Show Is So Gay - "Harry Knox & Caleb Laieski" 4. Pageant Soup Podcast Show - "Pageantry from the CEO Perspective" 5. House Music Show - DJ Carlos Dali - "Be Yourself Music Show"
Gay News Week In Review w/e 01/13/2011 (Podcast)
Strange Dreamz with Kevin J. Thornton - Episode #6 (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - Activist Harry Knox (Podcast)
Pageant Soup Podcast Show - Episode #55(Podcast)
DJ Carlos Dali - Be Yourself Radio Show (Podcast)
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Stylist of the Month: Michelle Talks Haute Spring Looks
Spring season is on the horizon, and with it will come a fresh new take on fashion and hair care. While we loved to hide beneath industrial boots, thick bangs and dark shades in winter, we cannot wait for the ethereal advent of spring. Bring on the Boho-chic frocks and light, tousled hair. After all, no one does just-of-the-beach effortless perfection quite like we do in San Diego.
Spring season is on the horizon, and with it will come a fresh new take on fashion and hair care. While we loved to hide beneath industrial boots, thick bangs and dark shades in winter, we cannot wait for the ethereal advent of spring. Bring on the Boho-chic frocks and light, tousled hair. After all, no one does just-of-the-beach effortless perfection quite like we do in San Diego.
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Spring season is on the horizon, and with it will come a fresh new take on fashion and hair care. While we loved to hide beneath industrial boots, thick bangs and dark shades in winter, we cannot wait for the ethereal advent of spring. Bring on the Boho-chic frocks and light, tousled hair. After all, no one does just-of-the-beach effortless perfection quite like we do in San Diego.
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(57) How Can a Fish Look Like a Horse? (mini)
King Nero Bloombucks, X the hunting … the abortion issues … oh and that whole anti-gay marriage issue, and it’s Palin Lust, Bruno, etctera
UK to let gays have church civil ceremonies
(London)In Britain, gay couples may get a chance to go to the chapel and get married - almost.
The British government on Thursday announced plans to allow gay couples to hold civil partnership ceremonies in houses of worship - a move gay rights activists say is a step in the right direction towards marriage, but falls short of affording full equal rights.
The government stressed, however, that houses of worship can opt out if they wish.
Although marriage and civil partnership are already similar under British law, civil partnership ceremonies are currently not allowed to have religious references, are banned from places of worship, and must take place in a public building overseen by a government registrar.
The new rules, being introduced under British equality laws, will give same-sex couples the chance to hold civil partnership ceremonies in religious buildings - an option that did not exist for Mark Harrison and his partner, who wore traditional tailcoats to their ceremony at a north London town hall in May 2009.
Harrison described himself as not religious "at all," but said its "about having the option" - all couples he knows who've married in churches are straight and not religious.
"It's the tradition and the dream to have a beautiful church wedding," he said. "If straight couples have that opportunity and want to get married in a church despite not being religious then it should be the same for everyone."
In Britain, only heterosexual couples can get married, while civil partnership is available only to same-sex couples. Activists argue both should be open to all couples.
The change is a first step toward making civil partnerships more equal to marriages and there may be further changes to the law in this direction, the Home Office said.
Like several gay rights groups, Harrison questioned why the authorities didn't take things a step further by giving gay marriage the green light.
"Any step closer to equality is always a good thing but I'm unsure as to why they don't go the whole hog."
Activists, such as Peter Tatchell, have welcomed the government's move, but called the government's decision to leave further changes toward marriage rights up for discussion "spineless."
"The government could have taken a bold new initiative to ensure that both straight and gay couples have the option of marriage," said Tatchell, who coordinates the Equal Love campaign - which seeks to end what it calls sexual orientation discrimination in both civil marriage and civil partnership law.
Several religious affiliations, including the Catholic Church and British Muslim groups, have said they are strongly opposed to same sex unions of any kind, and the government stressed that churches can opt out if they wish to.
"No religious group will be forced to host a civil partnership registration, but for those who wish to do so this is an important step forward," said Home Secretary Theresa May.
The Church of England reiterated that it will not bless civil partnerships and said the proposed regulation must make clear "that there is genuine freedom for each religious tradition to resolve these matters in accordance with its own convictions."
But some religious members of the gay community are hoping those convictions keep up with a rapid pace of change in Europe that reversed laws outlawing homosexuality and brought the legalization of gay marriage in some countries in under a century.
Anthony House, a Roman Catholic, said he knows "overcoming 2000 years of doing something one way" won't happen overnight. Still, he called the U.K. move a "wonderful" step in the right direction on a path House hopes will eventually be adopted by his church.
"My faith is an important part of who I am and including that in what is an important steppingstone in my life would be very welcome," House said. He and his partner Andrew Brennan, both American, plan to "marry" in the U.K. in August - a term he considers interchangeable with "civil partnership."
"Obviously the Catholic Church does not change its tune quickly, but the trend is going in one direction," he said. "We'll get there."
Britain's civil partnership law, introduced in 2005, already gives gay couples the same legal protection, adoption and inheritance rights as heterosexual married partners.
The British government on Thursday announced plans to allow gay couples to hold civil partnership ceremonies in houses of worship - a move gay rights activists say is a step in the right direction towards marriage, but falls short of affording full equal rights.
The government stressed, however, that houses of worship can opt out if they wish.
Although marriage and civil partnership are already similar under British law, civil partnership ceremonies are currently not allowed to have religious references, are banned from places of worship, and must take place in a public building overseen by a government registrar.
The new rules, being introduced under British equality laws, will give same-sex couples the chance to hold civil partnership ceremonies in religious buildings - an option that did not exist for Mark Harrison and his partner, who wore traditional tailcoats to their ceremony at a north London town hall in May 2009.
Harrison described himself as not religious "at all," but said its "about having the option" - all couples he knows who've married in churches are straight and not religious.
"It's the tradition and the dream to have a beautiful church wedding," he said. "If straight couples have that opportunity and want to get married in a church despite not being religious then it should be the same for everyone."
In Britain, only heterosexual couples can get married, while civil partnership is available only to same-sex couples. Activists argue both should be open to all couples.
The change is a first step toward making civil partnerships more equal to marriages and there may be further changes to the law in this direction, the Home Office said.
Like several gay rights groups, Harrison questioned why the authorities didn't take things a step further by giving gay marriage the green light.
"Any step closer to equality is always a good thing but I'm unsure as to why they don't go the whole hog."
Activists, such as Peter Tatchell, have welcomed the government's move, but called the government's decision to leave further changes toward marriage rights up for discussion "spineless."
"The government could have taken a bold new initiative to ensure that both straight and gay couples have the option of marriage," said Tatchell, who coordinates the Equal Love campaign - which seeks to end what it calls sexual orientation discrimination in both civil marriage and civil partnership law.
Several religious affiliations, including the Catholic Church and British Muslim groups, have said they are strongly opposed to same sex unions of any kind, and the government stressed that churches can opt out if they wish to.
"No religious group will be forced to host a civil partnership registration, but for those who wish to do so this is an important step forward," said Home Secretary Theresa May.
The Church of England reiterated that it will not bless civil partnerships and said the proposed regulation must make clear "that there is genuine freedom for each religious tradition to resolve these matters in accordance with its own convictions."
But some religious members of the gay community are hoping those convictions keep up with a rapid pace of change in Europe that reversed laws outlawing homosexuality and brought the legalization of gay marriage in some countries in under a century.
Anthony House, a Roman Catholic, said he knows "overcoming 2000 years of doing something one way" won't happen overnight. Still, he called the U.K. move a "wonderful" step in the right direction on a path House hopes will eventually be adopted by his church.
"My faith is an important part of who I am and including that in what is an important steppingstone in my life would be very welcome," House said. He and his partner Andrew Brennan, both American, plan to "marry" in the U.K. in August - a term he considers interchangeable with "civil partnership."
"Obviously the Catholic Church does not change its tune quickly, but the trend is going in one direction," he said. "We'll get there."
Britain's civil partnership law, introduced in 2005, already gives gay couples the same legal protection, adoption and inheritance rights as heterosexual married partners.
JOCKSTRAP MAID SERVICE PREPARES FOR BUSY VALENTINES DAY "What's Better than Chocolate or Flowers?" (Listen to the Podcast)
HOUSTON, TEXAS Feb. 8, 2011-- In less than two years, Jockstrap Maid Service has become available in more than 80 cities across the United States. No more is it just the choice of flowers or chocalate for Valentines Day! "We have guys available in every major city and some not so major cities" said McCammond, founder of Jockstrap Maid Service. The best advice is to book early!
Kirsten Gillibrand: �We must stop this immoral assault on American women.�
2/19/2011-by Paula Brooks
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has not been quiet about the GOP's assault on women rights.
And she is making it perfectly clear� to anyone who has ears, a brain and a uterus� this crap is not going to get past her.
After the House voted yesterday to pass Representative Mike Pence's (R-IN) amendment slashing [...]
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has not been quiet about the GOP's assault on women rights.
And she is making it perfectly clear� to anyone who has ears, a brain and a uterus� this crap is not going to get past her.
After the House voted yesterday to pass Representative Mike Pence's (R-IN) amendment slashing [...]
02-18-2011 by L. S. Carbonell
The DailyKos has posted a blog from a Georgian who calls herself Irish Witch. It's an explanation of the latest effort in the Georgia legislature to ban abortions, a bill that would declare any method by which a fetus dies to be murder, with the single exception that a doctor is [...]
The DailyKos has posted a blog from a Georgian who calls herself Irish Witch. It's an explanation of the latest effort in the Georgia legislature to ban abortions, a bill that would declare any method by which a fetus dies to be murder, with the single exception that a doctor is [...]
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Lipstick's Novel - Jukebox
Hi friends, although we've moved our blog over to Curve's website, I thought I'd post some info about my debut novel, Jukebox here, too.You can read all about it HERE.Sign up for the mailing list (click on link above then "subscribe") and I'll be sure to keep you posted on events and readings.Get your copy today!
Around the Horn: So Cal Scorpion Day, shooting hoops and hitting the links
In this edition of Around the Horn: from historic recognition and a new but historic stadium, to play that is already in progress, and opportunities to swing a club, there are great things going on for the women of San Diego.
So Cal Scorpions Day
The So Cal Scorpions, San Diego?s full-tackle football team, received a commemoration from Mayor Jerry Sanders on Friday, February 18, for being the longest operating women?s professional sports team in San Diego history.
From historic recognition and a new but historic football stadium, to ball play that is already in progress and opportunities to swing a club, there are great things going on for the women of San Diego.
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So Cal Scorpions Day
The So Cal Scorpions, San Diego?s full-tackle football team, received a commemoration from Mayor Jerry Sanders on Friday, February 18, for being the longest operating women?s professional sports team in San Diego history.
From historic recognition and a new but historic football stadium, to ball play that is already in progress and opportunities to swing a club, there are great things going on for the women of San Diego.
read more
Halton Catholic District School Board: New Policy, Same Homophobia
After an extremely large amount of interest in our petition, an activist-run Facebook group, and numerous articles in the gay press (where the story originated), Toronto and regional news outlets were all talking about the Halton Catholic District School Board's ban on gay-straight alliances. If you recall, gay-straight alliances were even compared to Nazi groups.
So, the Halton board overturned the policy. They drafted a new equity statement. But, once again, it makes no mention of the word "gay" and does not make a space for students to form groups with this word in the title. Basically, it's a big middle finger to the queer community wrapped in a bow and disguised as a gift.
According to, Canada's leading source of LGBT news, the board decided to include procedural reports that follow the "Pastoral Guidelines to Assist Students of Same-Sex Attraction." Which is a fancy document essentially saying that gay sex is bad and should be avoided at all costs. If gays cannot live a "moral life," they should "live a life of chastity."
What is promoted is a program called "By Your SIDE" (Safety, Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity), where groups would act as non-specific equity clubs. No gay in the title and likely no talk about gay issues, as these would be spaces to discuss the four SIDE principles in general terms. It is no better than the last policy.
"I?m really worried we went from revoking a ban on GSAs to banning the word 'gay,'? openly-gay trustee Paul Marai told�Xtra. ?What kind of message does this send to the [lesbian, gay, bi and trans] students at our schools?? We want students to congregate, but we don?t want them to be visible.?
The new policy talks about training staff members, but only in the ways that respect the "pastoral" guidelines. So, essentially, these students are going to be told that being gay is wrong and that they are immoral if they act on their God-given feelings and desires. I love religion!
At the Board meeting, a random woman even showed up and talked about being a recovering homosexual. She was against these clubs and wanted groups to help students turn away from sinful homosexual behavior. And she proves exactly why these spaces are needed.
How many kids -- in 2011 -- are growing up feeling like they need to change who they are entirely? It's amazing that most everyone on the Halton Catholic District School Board can't see the implications that these policies have on the mental health, self-esteem, general well-being and overall happiness of LGBT youth. Telling a gay kid he can't have gay sex does not mean he won't do it; it means he will do it secretly, with little information to make informed choices, with lots of guilt and shame, and that he will possibly engage in risky behaviors, both in terms of HIV/STI risk, but also physical and emotional safety.
If you have not already, please sign the petition regarding this policy, and let Halton hear from folks that though they have a new policy, this issue is far from over in the district.
So, the Halton board overturned the policy. They drafted a new equity statement. But, once again, it makes no mention of the word "gay" and does not make a space for students to form groups with this word in the title. Basically, it's a big middle finger to the queer community wrapped in a bow and disguised as a gift.
According to, Canada's leading source of LGBT news, the board decided to include procedural reports that follow the "Pastoral Guidelines to Assist Students of Same-Sex Attraction." Which is a fancy document essentially saying that gay sex is bad and should be avoided at all costs. If gays cannot live a "moral life," they should "live a life of chastity."
What is promoted is a program called "By Your SIDE" (Safety, Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity), where groups would act as non-specific equity clubs. No gay in the title and likely no talk about gay issues, as these would be spaces to discuss the four SIDE principles in general terms. It is no better than the last policy.
"I?m really worried we went from revoking a ban on GSAs to banning the word 'gay,'? openly-gay trustee Paul Marai told�Xtra. ?What kind of message does this send to the [lesbian, gay, bi and trans] students at our schools?? We want students to congregate, but we don?t want them to be visible.?
The new policy talks about training staff members, but only in the ways that respect the "pastoral" guidelines. So, essentially, these students are going to be told that being gay is wrong and that they are immoral if they act on their God-given feelings and desires. I love religion!
At the Board meeting, a random woman even showed up and talked about being a recovering homosexual. She was against these clubs and wanted groups to help students turn away from sinful homosexual behavior. And she proves exactly why these spaces are needed.
How many kids -- in 2011 -- are growing up feeling like they need to change who they are entirely? It's amazing that most everyone on the Halton Catholic District School Board can't see the implications that these policies have on the mental health, self-esteem, general well-being and overall happiness of LGBT youth. Telling a gay kid he can't have gay sex does not mean he won't do it; it means he will do it secretly, with little information to make informed choices, with lots of guilt and shame, and that he will possibly engage in risky behaviors, both in terms of HIV/STI risk, but also physical and emotional safety.
If you have not already, please sign the petition regarding this policy, and let Halton hear from folks that though they have a new policy, this issue is far from over in the district.
Sisterhood of the Gay Icons
Besides their permanent status as gay icons and chart-topping musicians, 60 Minutes reveals another similarity between Lady Gaga, Madonna, and Barbra Streisand.
Belmont Alters Non-Discrimination Policy to Include Sexual Orientation
Belmont, a Christian university located in Tennessee that was affiliated with the Southern Baptists until 2007, recently altered its non-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation. The change is concurrent with the departure of Lisa Howe, an out lesbian who coached the women?s soccer team until this past December. Though the university has said that Howe left the school as part of a mutual decision, students and players claim that it was Howe?s announcement of her partner?s pregnancy that led to her dismissal. At the time of Howe?s exit, President Bob Fisher said that the school does not consider sexual orientation in hiring or admissions decisions. This Wednesday, he announced the change in school policy, saying that it serves only to reinforce current practices. Fisher refused to discuss the specifics of Howe?s departure or whether Belmont?s new policy would allow for openly gay and lesbian employees. However, Howe issued a statement regarding the policy, saying, "I am grateful to the Belmont board for recognizing that being gay and being Christian are not mutually exclusive. This is a landmark day." Along with the issues surrounding Howe, Belmont has also been criticized for prohibiting the formation of an official student group by Bridge Builders, an organization that explores Christianity in the lives of LGBT people. These controversies around LGBT issues have surprised many who view Belmont as a fairly progressive school.Related Media Coverage:Associated Press - January 26, 2011"Belmont Changes Policy After Gay Coach Protest"
Black History Month: Wanda Sykes
It's Black History Month and also Valentine's Day. Wanda Sykes is a stand-up comedian and actress who came out for the cause of love. What can be more romantic than that? She is also one of the few Black gays or lesbians in pop culture to come out. Today we salute Wanda Sykes....Read Full Post
Obama admin deep-sixes reg allowing fundie health care workers to claim 'moral objection'
It's about time this ridiculous regulation was tossed in the ash can. If you can't dole out a prescription for contraception or see a gay patient, because you have a religious objection to homosexuality it's time for you to look for another J-O-B.
The Health and Human Services Department eliminated nearly the entire rule put into effect by the administration of President George W. Bush during his final days in office that was widely interpreted as allowing such workers to opt out of a broad range of medical services, such as providing the emergency contraceptive Plan B, treating gay men and lesbians and prescribing birth control to single women.
Calling the Bush-era rule "unclear and potentially overbroad in scope," the new, much narrower version essentially leaves in place only long-standing federal protections for workers who object to performing abortions or sterilizations. It also retains the Bush rule's formal process for workers to file complaints.
"The department supports clear and strong conscience protections for health-care providers who are opposed to performing abortions," the rule states.
The new regulation, which goes into effect in 30 days, also ensures that no federal money can be used to "support coercive or discriminatory policies or practices in violation of federal law."
The Health and Human Services Department eliminated nearly the entire rule put into effect by the administration of President George W. Bush during his final days in office that was widely interpreted as allowing such workers to opt out of a broad range of medical services, such as providing the emergency contraceptive Plan B, treating gay men and lesbians and prescribing birth control to single women.
Calling the Bush-era rule "unclear and potentially overbroad in scope," the new, much narrower version essentially leaves in place only long-standing federal protections for workers who object to performing abortions or sterilizations. It also retains the Bush rule's formal process for workers to file complaints.
"The department supports clear and strong conscience protections for health-care providers who are opposed to performing abortions," the rule states.
The new regulation, which goes into effect in 30 days, also ensures that no federal money can be used to "support coercive or discriminatory policies or practices in violation of federal law."
Lesbian News - 17 Feb 2011
New tourism objective: Nice opens its doors to gay and lesbian travellers New Research Calls For A Revolution In Public Policy For LGBT Children And YouthGay Police Constable Accuses Lesbian Chief Inspector Of Homophobia Alabama Lesbian Arrested for Getting Attacked Outside a Straight Bar N-Dubz's Tulisa Contostavlos: I'd enjoy being a lesbian A ?gay-inspired? planned community is set to break ground - and potentially make history - next year
Saturday, February 19, 2011
A Burst of Durst on Gay Marriage
Sometimes, we find that we can't say it better ourselves!
In sixty seconds, Will Durst tackles that question so many are asking themselves: What is the big deal with gay marriage?!?
Thanks to Charles Schwartz for recommending this clip! Do you have a great story, video or image to share with us? Send us your tip!
In sixty seconds, Will Durst tackles that question so many are asking themselves: What is the big deal with gay marriage?!?
Thanks to Charles Schwartz for recommending this clip! Do you have a great story, video or image to share with us? Send us your tip!
Please dress me.
Please help a cheap, butch girl pick out good work-appropriate clothes. I recently made the change from an academic environment where no one cared about the clothes people wore, to an industry position where it's usually business casual, and where client meetings require me to dress up a little bit more.
The main caveat is that I'm female and prefer to dress a bit masculine. My desire to dress this way isn't just a statement about gender, it's also about a desire for simplicity. I can never find things I like on the women's side of the store because everything is covered in bright prints, has low bust lines, weird cuts, or frills and doo-dads. I definitely would like to branch out and introduce more variety in my wardrobe, but I'm not interested in wearing anything too feminine or with too much "flair". No skirts, heels, etc, but I would prefer to wear more clothes that were actually made to be worn by women.
The second caveat is that I'm cheap. Really cheap. My partner makes fun of me for mending my $1/pair socks when they get holes in them. I am willing to spend money on good, quality pieces, but I'd rather not.
I'm looking for big picture ideas, as well as recommendations for stores, brands, or specific pieces of clothing. Thanks!
The main caveat is that I'm female and prefer to dress a bit masculine. My desire to dress this way isn't just a statement about gender, it's also about a desire for simplicity. I can never find things I like on the women's side of the store because everything is covered in bright prints, has low bust lines, weird cuts, or frills and doo-dads. I definitely would like to branch out and introduce more variety in my wardrobe, but I'm not interested in wearing anything too feminine or with too much "flair". No skirts, heels, etc, but I would prefer to wear more clothes that were actually made to be worn by women.
The second caveat is that I'm cheap. Really cheap. My partner makes fun of me for mending my $1/pair socks when they get holes in them. I am willing to spend money on good, quality pieces, but I'd rather not.
I'm looking for big picture ideas, as well as recommendations for stores, brands, or specific pieces of clothing. Thanks!
NUNN ON ONE: MOVIES Nora Dunn on judging, Demi and Jonathan Winters
Nora Dunn first cracked up audiences on the show Saturday Night Live with her impersonations from Liza Minnelli to Ann Landers. She has continued a long career on television with recent roles on Private Practice and Entourage. She bounces back and forth with the cinema as well with Pineapple Express and It's Complicated. By phone we talked Nunn on Dunn.
ACLU Launches ?Don?t Filter Me? Initiative To Stop Unconstitutional Web Filtering Of LGBT Content In Schools
Organization Asks Students To Report Censorship Of Educational Web Content
CONTACT: (212) 549-2666;
NEW YORK – The American Civil Liberties Union, in partnership with Yale Law School, has launched a campaign called “Don’t Filter Me” to assess censorship of web content in public high schools. The campaign asks students to check to see if web content geared toward the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities – a frequent target of censorship in schools – is blocked by their schools’ web browsers. Students can report instances of censorship to the ACLU LGBT Project.
“Students may not realize that it actually is illegal for their schools to block educational and political content geared toward the LGBT community,” said Joshua Block, staff attorney with the ACLU LGBT Project. “With this initiative, we hope to inform students of their rights, and let them know there is something they can do if their school is engaging in censorship.”
Programs that block all LGBT content violate First Amendment rights to free speech, as well as the Equal Access Act, which requires equal access to school resources for all extracurricular clubs, including gay-straight alliances and LGBT support groups. Some schools have improperly configured their web filters to block access to websites for LGBT rights organizations such as the GSA Network and the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, but allow access to sites that condemn homosexuality or urge LGBT people to try to change their sexual orientation, such as People Can Change. Some schools have also improperly configured their web filters to block news items pertaining to issues like “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and deny access to support groups that could be vital for troubled LGBT youth who either don’t have access to the Internet at home, or do not feel safe accessing such information on their home computers.
“Schools harm students by denying them vital information,” said Block. “Schools not only have a legal duty to allow students access to these sites, it is also imperative that LGBT youth who are experiencing discrimination and bullying be able to access this information for their own safety.”
The ACLU has released a video showing students how to test whether or not their school is illegally filtering content, and provides instructions for reporting censorship. The video can be seen here:
Students who want to report unconstitutional web filtering at their schools can fill out a form at:
More information on the ACLU’s work on LGBT school issues can be found here:
CONTACT: (212) 549-2666;
NEW YORK – The American Civil Liberties Union, in partnership with Yale Law School, has launched a campaign called “Don’t Filter Me” to assess censorship of web content in public high schools. The campaign asks students to check to see if web content geared toward the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities – a frequent target of censorship in schools – is blocked by their schools’ web browsers. Students can report instances of censorship to the ACLU LGBT Project.
“Students may not realize that it actually is illegal for their schools to block educational and political content geared toward the LGBT community,” said Joshua Block, staff attorney with the ACLU LGBT Project. “With this initiative, we hope to inform students of their rights, and let them know there is something they can do if their school is engaging in censorship.”
Programs that block all LGBT content violate First Amendment rights to free speech, as well as the Equal Access Act, which requires equal access to school resources for all extracurricular clubs, including gay-straight alliances and LGBT support groups. Some schools have improperly configured their web filters to block access to websites for LGBT rights organizations such as the GSA Network and the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, but allow access to sites that condemn homosexuality or urge LGBT people to try to change their sexual orientation, such as People Can Change. Some schools have also improperly configured their web filters to block news items pertaining to issues like “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and deny access to support groups that could be vital for troubled LGBT youth who either don’t have access to the Internet at home, or do not feel safe accessing such information on their home computers.
“Schools harm students by denying them vital information,” said Block. “Schools not only have a legal duty to allow students access to these sites, it is also imperative that LGBT youth who are experiencing discrimination and bullying be able to access this information for their own safety.”
The ACLU has released a video showing students how to test whether or not their school is illegally filtering content, and provides instructions for reporting censorship. The video can be seen here:
Students who want to report unconstitutional web filtering at their schools can fill out a form at:
More information on the ACLU’s work on LGBT school issues can be found here:
Amos: Repeal Won't Cause Loss of Marines
Marine commandant Gen. James Amos, who vocally opposed repealing "don't
ask, don't tell," now says he does not anticipate losing any troops
due to the new policy allowing gay and lesbian personnel to serve
ask, don't tell," now says he does not anticipate losing any troops
due to the new policy allowing gay and lesbian personnel to serve
UK to let gays have church civil ceremonies
(London)In Britain, gay couples may get a chance to go to the chapel and get married - almost.
The British government on Thursday announced plans to allow gay couples to hold civil partnership ceremonies in houses of worship - a move gay rights activists say is a step in the right direction towards marriage, but falls short of affording full equal rights.
The government stressed, however, that houses of worship can opt out if they wish.
Although marriage and civil partnership are already similar under British law, civil partnership ceremonies are currently not allowed to have religious references, are banned from places of worship, and must take place in a public building overseen by a government registrar.
The new rules, being introduced under British equality laws, will give same-sex couples the chance to hold civil partnership ceremonies in religious buildings - an option that did not exist for Mark Harrison and his partner, who wore traditional tailcoats to their ceremony at a north London town hall in May 2009.
Harrison described himself as not religious "at all," but said its "about having the option" - all couples he knows who've married in churches are straight and not religious.
"It's the tradition and the dream to have a beautiful church wedding," he said. "If straight couples have that opportunity and want to get married in a church despite not being religious then it should be the same for everyone."
In Britain, only heterosexual couples can get married, while civil partnership is available only to same-sex couples. Activists argue both should be open to all couples.
The change is a first step toward making civil partnerships more equal to marriages and there may be further changes to the law in this direction, the Home Office said.
Like several gay rights groups, Harrison questioned why the authorities didn't take things a step further by giving gay marriage the green light.
"Any step closer to equality is always a good thing but I'm unsure as to why they don't go the whole hog."
Activists, such as Peter Tatchell, have welcomed the government's move, but called the government's decision to leave further changes toward marriage rights up for discussion "spineless."
"The government could have taken a bold new initiative to ensure that both straight and gay couples have the option of marriage," said Tatchell, who coordinates the Equal Love campaign - which seeks to end what it calls sexual orientation discrimination in both civil marriage and civil partnership law.
Several religious affiliations, including the Catholic Church and British Muslim groups, have said they are strongly opposed to same sex unions of any kind, and the government stressed that churches can opt out if they wish to.
"No religious group will be forced to host a civil partnership registration, but for those who wish to do so this is an important step forward," said Home Secretary Theresa May.
The Church of England reiterated that it will not bless civil partnerships and said the proposed regulation must make clear "that there is genuine freedom for each religious tradition to resolve these matters in accordance with its own convictions."
But some religious members of the gay community are hoping those convictions keep up with a rapid pace of change in Europe that reversed laws outlawing homosexuality and brought the legalization of gay marriage in some countries in under a century.
Anthony House, a Roman Catholic, said he knows "overcoming 2000 years of doing something one way" won't happen overnight. Still, he called the U.K. move a "wonderful" step in the right direction on a path House hopes will eventually be adopted by his church.
"My faith is an important part of who I am and including that in what is an important steppingstone in my life would be very welcome," House said. He and his partner Andrew Brennan, both American, plan to "marry" in the U.K. in August - a term he considers interchangeable with "civil partnership."
"Obviously the Catholic Church does not change its tune quickly, but the trend is going in one direction," he said. "We'll get there."
Britain's civil partnership law, introduced in 2005, already gives gay couples the same legal protection, adoption and inheritance rights as heterosexual married partners.
The British government on Thursday announced plans to allow gay couples to hold civil partnership ceremonies in houses of worship - a move gay rights activists say is a step in the right direction towards marriage, but falls short of affording full equal rights.
The government stressed, however, that houses of worship can opt out if they wish.
Although marriage and civil partnership are already similar under British law, civil partnership ceremonies are currently not allowed to have religious references, are banned from places of worship, and must take place in a public building overseen by a government registrar.
The new rules, being introduced under British equality laws, will give same-sex couples the chance to hold civil partnership ceremonies in religious buildings - an option that did not exist for Mark Harrison and his partner, who wore traditional tailcoats to their ceremony at a north London town hall in May 2009.
Harrison described himself as not religious "at all," but said its "about having the option" - all couples he knows who've married in churches are straight and not religious.
"It's the tradition and the dream to have a beautiful church wedding," he said. "If straight couples have that opportunity and want to get married in a church despite not being religious then it should be the same for everyone."
In Britain, only heterosexual couples can get married, while civil partnership is available only to same-sex couples. Activists argue both should be open to all couples.
The change is a first step toward making civil partnerships more equal to marriages and there may be further changes to the law in this direction, the Home Office said.
Like several gay rights groups, Harrison questioned why the authorities didn't take things a step further by giving gay marriage the green light.
"Any step closer to equality is always a good thing but I'm unsure as to why they don't go the whole hog."
Activists, such as Peter Tatchell, have welcomed the government's move, but called the government's decision to leave further changes toward marriage rights up for discussion "spineless."
"The government could have taken a bold new initiative to ensure that both straight and gay couples have the option of marriage," said Tatchell, who coordinates the Equal Love campaign - which seeks to end what it calls sexual orientation discrimination in both civil marriage and civil partnership law.
Several religious affiliations, including the Catholic Church and British Muslim groups, have said they are strongly opposed to same sex unions of any kind, and the government stressed that churches can opt out if they wish to.
"No religious group will be forced to host a civil partnership registration, but for those who wish to do so this is an important step forward," said Home Secretary Theresa May.
The Church of England reiterated that it will not bless civil partnerships and said the proposed regulation must make clear "that there is genuine freedom for each religious tradition to resolve these matters in accordance with its own convictions."
But some religious members of the gay community are hoping those convictions keep up with a rapid pace of change in Europe that reversed laws outlawing homosexuality and brought the legalization of gay marriage in some countries in under a century.
Anthony House, a Roman Catholic, said he knows "overcoming 2000 years of doing something one way" won't happen overnight. Still, he called the U.K. move a "wonderful" step in the right direction on a path House hopes will eventually be adopted by his church.
"My faith is an important part of who I am and including that in what is an important steppingstone in my life would be very welcome," House said. He and his partner Andrew Brennan, both American, plan to "marry" in the U.K. in August - a term he considers interchangeable with "civil partnership."
"Obviously the Catholic Church does not change its tune quickly, but the trend is going in one direction," he said. "We'll get there."
Britain's civil partnership law, introduced in 2005, already gives gay couples the same legal protection, adoption and inheritance rights as heterosexual married partners.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Harvey Fierstein and Jeffrey Tambor Take Over LA CAGE on Broadway
Harvey Fierstein and Jeffrey Tambor begin staring as Albin and Georges tomorrow evening in LA CAGE on Broadway!
Four-time Tony Award-winner Harvey Fierstein and six-time Emmy Award nominee Jeffrey Tambor are the new stars of the Tony Award-winning revival of LA CAGE AUX FOLLES. Tambor and Fierstein begin performances tomorrow night at the Longacre Theatre (220 West 48th Street).
LA CAGE AUX FOLLES made Tony Awards history last year as the first show to ever win the Tony Award three times for best production. The classic musical comedy won six Tony Awards in 1984, including Best Musical. A Broadway revival won two 2005 Tony Awards including the Best Revival of a Musical prize. LA CAGE won three 2010 Tony Awards, including Best Revival of a Musical and Best Director of a Musical (Terry Johnson). CHECK OUT THIS FUNNY VIDEO as Douglas Hodge "passes the Torch" to Harvey !Best Gay New
Four-time Tony Award-winner Harvey Fierstein and six-time Emmy Award nominee Jeffrey Tambor are the new stars of the Tony Award-winning revival of LA CAGE AUX FOLLES. Tambor and Fierstein begin performances tomorrow night at the Longacre Theatre (220 West 48th Street).
LA CAGE AUX FOLLES made Tony Awards history last year as the first show to ever win the Tony Award three times for best production. The classic musical comedy won six Tony Awards in 1984, including Best Musical. A Broadway revival won two 2005 Tony Awards including the Best Revival of a Musical prize. LA CAGE won three 2010 Tony Awards, including Best Revival of a Musical and Best Director of a Musical (Terry Johnson). CHECK OUT THIS FUNNY VIDEO as Douglas Hodge "passes the Torch" to Harvey !Best Gay New
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Thursday, February 17, 2011
Seeing Red in Gay-Friendly Sedona
Not every popular gay resort destination out there has a pulsing nightlife and a wide selection of gay-exclusive guest houses. Sedona, Arizona - about two hours north of Phoenix and two hours south of the Grand Canyon - has developed an ardent LGBT following in recent years as much for its spiritual, New Age-y energy as for its increasingly swish bistros, cushy contemporary inns, and high-end art galleries. It's a classic couples getaway, oozing romance and packed with photo ops. And just across the Verde Valley, you can switch your car's transmission into a low gear and climb high up a mountainside to the quirky former mining town of Jerome, where a funkier, rowdier retro-cool selection of still-more galleries, taverns, and restaurants await. But what truly draws weekenders - and even a fair share of week-longers - to Sedona and Jerome are the oddball red-rock formations soaring above a high-desert carpet of pinon, juniper, ponderosa pine, and cacti. If you don't find this landscape genuinely stirring, you might want to have that contact lens prescription updated....Read Full Post
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