Saturday, March 31, 2012
AIDS: Groups testify for Affordable Care Act
As the U.S. Supreme Court gears up for oral arguments, two HIV/AIDS heavyweights are urging justices to find the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ACA constitutional.
Video of the day: Bloomberg Spanish
NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg held a presser a few minutes ago, and it was broadcast on major media. It was unremarkable at the outset, noting it's too late to evacuate at this point, to take precautions using candles, etc.
But then he decided to offer up a summary in Spanish. I want to give him props for trying, but it was so heinous that I burst out laughing. And I don't even speak Spanish. I can't imagine what that sounded like to native Spanish speakers.
This is one for the ages; it's at least nice to laugh during what's a pretty tough time to laugh with Irene barreling up the Northeast corridor.
Thanks @robrcb.
Santorum Says Pink Bowling Balls Are Off-Limits
Rick Santorum is protecting American culture, one bowling ball at a time. During a campaign appearance at a Wisconsin bowling alley, he stopped a boy from using a pink ball.
Legislators seek repeal of federal marriage law
Impatient with the piecemeal approach to gay rights adopted by Democratic leaders, 90 House liberals, including Oakland Rep. Barbara Lee, introduced a bill Tuesday to repeal the central federal law governing same-sex...
Book Excerpt: Gloria Bigelow Has Another Word for Marriage
Here Come the Brides!�is a new book edited by Audrey Bilger and Michele Kort, and published by Seal Press, a member of the Perseus Books Group. Below is an excerpt from the book - comedian and Cherry Bomb co-host Gloria Bigelow's essay titled "Another Word for Marriage":
Queer Bronzeville: African American LGBTs on South Side, 1900-1985
Part III: Constructing Black Homosexuality on Chicago's South Side: The Black Press, Queer Identities, and the Civil Rights Movement, 1950-1965
Federal judge taking long look at Prop. 8
A federal judge said Tuesday he's inclined to leave California's ban on same-sex marriage in effect for now, but wants an early trial to determine whether the voter-approved prohibition violates the U.S. Constitution's...
Friday, March 30, 2012
Happy New Year from Click Click Expose Gay Podcast Network
HAPPY NEW YEAR podcast fans!! It's our last 2010 podcast update for the year and we end with some strong shows for you to listen too. What is the Click Click Expose Gay Podcast Network? We are a network of different podcast shows either produced by Click Click Expose (Gay Entertainment Media) or distributed by our official content producers and supporters. Our goal is to bring you a wide variety of LGBT podcast shows designed to enrich, entertain and enlighten the gay and lesbian community. In January 2011, we celebrate 5 years of podcasting for the gay and lesbian community AND the CLICK CLICK EXPOSE website has undergone a major re-design (again)- check it out: Click Click Expose and let us know what you think. It's easier now to listen to your favorite shows, watch videos, read news, etc.
Subscribe via RSS Feed HERE!
THIS WEEK'S SYNOPSIS: 1. Gay News Week In Review - "Week Ending 12/31/2010" 2. This Show Is So Gay - "2010 NASPA aunction winner Gregory Adam Jones" 3. Strange Dreamz with Kevin J. Thornton - New Year's Eve Special Show" 4. This Show Is So Gay - "Activist Ann Northrop" 5. House Music Show - DJ Carlos Dali - "A Christmas Present: The I'tis"
Gay News Week In Review w/e 12/31/2010 (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - Gregory Adam Jones (Podcast)
Strange Dremaz with Kevin J. Thornton - New Year's Eve Special (Podcast)
DJ Carlos Dali - A Christmas Present: The I'tis (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - Activist Ann Northrop (Podcast)
read more
Subscribe via RSS Feed HERE!
THIS WEEK'S SYNOPSIS: 1. Gay News Week In Review - "Week Ending 12/31/2010" 2. This Show Is So Gay - "2010 NASPA aunction winner Gregory Adam Jones" 3. Strange Dreamz with Kevin J. Thornton - New Year's Eve Special Show" 4. This Show Is So Gay - "Activist Ann Northrop" 5. House Music Show - DJ Carlos Dali - "A Christmas Present: The I'tis"
Gay News Week In Review w/e 12/31/2010 (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - Gregory Adam Jones (Podcast)
Strange Dremaz with Kevin J. Thornton - New Year's Eve Special (Podcast)
DJ Carlos Dali - A Christmas Present: The I'tis (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - Activist Ann Northrop (Podcast)
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Chris Matthews Grilled About Hosting Anti-Gay Tony Perkins: VIDEO
It's typically Chris Matthews who's dolling out the questions, but the MSNBC pundit was the one getting grilled during a recent book signing in Massachusetts, where gay Christians from Faithful America asked him why he consistently hosts anti-gay Family Research Council activist Tony Perkins, one of the people on GLAAD's Commentator Accountability Project.The video's description reads:
At a book signing in Framingham, Massachusetts, Faithful America members confront Chris Matthews about his consistently inviting Tony Perkins, President of the hate-group Family Research Council, on his show.
Matthews responds by falsely claiming that Perkins never says homophobic things on his show, but when challenged that his invitations give legitimacy to what Perkins says outside the show, Matthews has no answer.
Matthews also later claimed that every time Perkins is on, he's challenged. But Matthews never challenges Perkins on his long record of hateful lies about the LGBT community.
Watch the video, via Joe.My.God, AFTER THE JUMP?
At a book signing in Framingham, Massachusetts, Faithful America members confront Chris Matthews about his consistently inviting Tony Perkins, President of the hate-group Family Research Council, on his show.
Matthews responds by falsely claiming that Perkins never says homophobic things on his show, but when challenged that his invitations give legitimacy to what Perkins says outside the show, Matthews has no answer.
Matthews also later claimed that every time Perkins is on, he's challenged. But Matthews never challenges Perkins on his long record of hateful lies about the LGBT community.
Watch the video, via Joe.My.God, AFTER THE JUMP?
Business Spotlight: Casa Del Encanto Interiors
145 W. Washington Street
San Diego, CA 92103
Casa Del Encanto Interiors is a full service Interior Design firm as well as a retail showroom for gifts, accessories, furnishings, dried floral arrangements, lighting, antiques, candles, tabletop and countless other things.
The business was started in 1985 in Encanto Park, Phoenix, Arizona by Luis Corona. Luis, originally born in Mexico, was the son of a gifted mother that had a passion for nature and beauty. Luis arrived in San Diego in the late 60’s and had moved to Phoenix in 1982 to pursue his career in interiors. He landed a position with an interior design firm and floral shop in Scottsdale, AZ. Then, just 3 years later he founded Casa Del Encanto. Over th…
Read More
San Diego, CA 92103
Casa Del Encanto Interiors is a full service Interior Design firm as well as a retail showroom for gifts, accessories, furnishings, dried floral arrangements, lighting, antiques, candles, tabletop and countless other things.
The business was started in 1985 in Encanto Park, Phoenix, Arizona by Luis Corona. Luis, originally born in Mexico, was the son of a gifted mother that had a passion for nature and beauty. Luis arrived in San Diego in the late 60’s and had moved to Phoenix in 1982 to pursue his career in interiors. He landed a position with an interior design firm and floral shop in Scottsdale, AZ. Then, just 3 years later he founded Casa Del Encanto. Over th…
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Hot Male Models Eye Candy - From France
My new FAVORITE site for Male Eye Candy!From France, aka pour les yeux!They have been blogging and posting for 5 years and their site is delicious!More Candy, please.
Violence Against Women Act Needs Your Voice NOW! action today by calling AND emailing your senators and urging them to co-sponsor, if they are not already on the bill, and to support a "clean" VAWA, with no harmful amendments. Republican senators who have joined as co-sponsors also need positive reinforcement.
Rick Santorum on Gay Marriage (No Surprises Here)
“Is anyone saying same-sex couples can’t love each other? I love my children. I love my friends, my brother. Heck, I even love my mother-in-law. Should we call these relationships marriage, too?”-Rick Santorum This is one of the most ridiculous … Continue reading →
Knight at the Movies: The Hunger Games; The Deep Blue Sea; film notes
Having once again obstinately refused to succumb to the entreaties of family and friends not to mention an omnipresent marketing campaign to read the damned books I have availed myself at last of that cultural juggernaut better known as The Hunger Games—well, the movie version, anyway. Having done so, I can now report that, I, too, have fallen under the spell of this expertly made movie that takes its time to unfold; is headed by the fearless Jennifer Lawrence and sunny Josh Hutcherson; and is that rare example of science fiction that enthralls and entertains at the same time that it's delivering its pseudo-cautionary message. However, I am disturbed by that message more on that later and I also have a theory as to why the series has become such a cultural touchstone.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Why Gay Marriage is Winning
With Washington state recently legalizing
same-sex unions and
Maryland about to follow suit, gay marriage hasn't been on this
big a roll since Bert and Ernie first shacked up on Sesame
Street. When Maryland finalizes its bill, seven states and the
District of Columbia will sanction the practice.
But before you bust out the appletinis and Indigo Girls CDs to
celebrate, consider that just last year in Maryland - a deep-blue,
Democratic-majority state when it comes to politics - gay marriage
went down faster than George Michael in a public restroom due to
resistance from socially conservative African Americans in the
Democratic Party. Indeed, while 71 percent of white Democrats in
the Old Line State favor gay marriage,
just 41 percent of black Democrats do.
So what's different this time around? Democratic
Gov. Martin O'Malley and other pro-marriage legislators took a
page from
New York's gay playbook and reached around to sympathetic
Republicans to seal the deal.
Inconceivable even a generation ago, gay marriage is well on its
to becoming mainstream as a growing majority of Americans
now favor it. The only question is when, not if, folks such as
Maryland residents Justin and Phillip Terry-Smith will join
heterosexuals in the joys of getting married - and divorced -
happily ever after.
About 2.30 minutes. Produced by Joshua Swain. Written by Nick
Gillespie and Kennedy, who also hosts.
Scroll down for downloadable versions and subscribe to's YouTube
Channel to receive automatic updates when new material goes
same-sex unions and
Maryland about to follow suit, gay marriage hasn't been on this
big a roll since Bert and Ernie first shacked up on Sesame
Street. When Maryland finalizes its bill, seven states and the
District of Columbia will sanction the practice.
But before you bust out the appletinis and Indigo Girls CDs to
celebrate, consider that just last year in Maryland - a deep-blue,
Democratic-majority state when it comes to politics - gay marriage
went down faster than George Michael in a public restroom due to
resistance from socially conservative African Americans in the
Democratic Party. Indeed, while 71 percent of white Democrats in
the Old Line State favor gay marriage,
just 41 percent of black Democrats do.
So what's different this time around? Democratic
Gov. Martin O'Malley and other pro-marriage legislators took a
page from
New York's gay playbook and reached around to sympathetic
Republicans to seal the deal.
Inconceivable even a generation ago, gay marriage is well on its
to becoming mainstream as a growing majority of Americans
now favor it. The only question is when, not if, folks such as
Maryland residents Justin and Phillip Terry-Smith will join
heterosexuals in the joys of getting married - and divorced -
happily ever after.
About 2.30 minutes. Produced by Joshua Swain. Written by Nick
Gillespie and Kennedy, who also hosts.
Scroll down for downloadable versions and subscribe to's YouTube
Channel to receive automatic updates when new material goes
Withers: This is it
For this� final post, let's return to the first. It was September 2007. We were Visiblevote then. The staff was me, Jay [1], Pauline Park [2], and John Polly of NewNowNext [3]. My first post was a disaster. Our writing program kept jamming, the photo didn't format correctly, and the writing was drivel. Screamed at the computer that entire morning. The insanity was so over the top that poor Billie [4] looked at me, slowly got up, and found a more comfortable spot to dream of snacks and tennis balls.
In that September, Democrats and Republicans were gearing up for the 2008 primary season. The lines were drawn in the sand. Anything we wrote that was remotely negative about then Sen. Hillary Clinton was quickly dismissed as "Hillary hate." Words that weren't supportive of the guy with the funny name, and big ears, were called press releases from Camp Clinton.
Despite those partisan charges, our coverage of the 2008 election season matches anything done. Anything. Jay, John, and Pauline� made me a better writer and thinker. I thank them for that.
While the thanks are being dispensed, I must talk about Ali Davis [6]. If you need to listen to a crazy man [7] bring Ali along. She wears the best shoes. Sooooooo many Beck fans asked me about her� sneakers. Ali: I better get an invite to the commitment ceremony between you and Melinda. She loved you!
Also want to give thanks to John Culhane, Lisa Neff, John Corvino, and Emma Ruby-Sachs. I've learned much from your words.
Have to give Jay a big hug. She's unparalleled as an editor. Always willing to listen. Here is what you need to know: any decent post of mine is because of her. All the lousy ones? My sole responsibility. This site's success is due to her efforts.
Before this turns into the last episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show [8] (don't mock Polly!), kudos to those who gave us your time. I can be found here [9]. Drop by and cuss me out.
Best of luck. Keep keeping on. Peace.
In that September, Democrats and Republicans were gearing up for the 2008 primary season. The lines were drawn in the sand. Anything we wrote that was remotely negative about then Sen. Hillary Clinton was quickly dismissed as "Hillary hate." Words that weren't supportive of the guy with the funny name, and big ears, were called press releases from Camp Clinton.
Despite those partisan charges, our coverage of the 2008 election season matches anything done. Anything. Jay, John, and Pauline� made me a better writer and thinker. I thank them for that.
While the thanks are being dispensed, I must talk about Ali Davis [6]. If you need to listen to a crazy man [7] bring Ali along. She wears the best shoes. Sooooooo many Beck fans asked me about her� sneakers. Ali: I better get an invite to the commitment ceremony between you and Melinda. She loved you!
Also want to give thanks to John Culhane, Lisa Neff, John Corvino, and Emma Ruby-Sachs. I've learned much from your words.
Have to give Jay a big hug. She's unparalleled as an editor. Always willing to listen. Here is what you need to know: any decent post of mine is because of her. All the lousy ones? My sole responsibility. This site's success is due to her efforts.
Before this turns into the last episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show [8] (don't mock Polly!), kudos to those who gave us your time. I can be found here [9]. Drop by and cuss me out.
Best of luck. Keep keeping on. Peace.
Court Takes Up ACA -- Women's Health Care in Hands of Nine Justices have a lot at stake as the Supreme Court considers multiple challenges to the Affordable Care Act, the most important advance in health care in decades. The ACA includes many provisions that specifically benefit women, like contraceptive coverage without cost-sharing and an important prohibition against charging women higher premiums.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Who Else Misses Sundays?
*singing* Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got til its gone...
I Can NOT Look Away!
Robyn tweeted about this earlier today and I haven't been able to take my eyes off of it. This, my friends, is what you call DEDICATION to the craft of humor:
New Bruce Weber Abercrombie Spot Features First Gay Kiss: VIDEO
In a new video clip from Bruce Weber (one of 4 new 'Webersodes') for Abercrombie & Fitch, a man-on-man kiss appears for the first time in an official company promo, which I guess is surprising because none of the rest of it is homoerotic at all.
Check it out, AFTER THE JUMP...
(via homorazzi)
Check it out, AFTER THE JUMP...
(via homorazzi)
Kiss-off with LUSH for marriage equality
Kiss-off with LUSH for marriage equality : LUSH has launched a kissing protest for marriage equality, taking place this Saturday, June 18 at 11:38 a.m. at select LUSH locations. Go make out in public, and smell good while you?re at it!
Same-sex Split
My same-sex partner and I have separated (to my shock and opposition) after a few years of hard financial times. While I am holding out hope that she will come to her senses, I need help deciding on what to do (especially regarding our house) in case we can't resolve our issues. We've been together for over 5 years. She makes a professional salary, and while I have held a para-professional position throughout our relationship, burger-flippers make more than me. Over the last 3 years, I have gone back to school to get a MLIS degree in order to qualify for higher paying jobs. And then the economy collapsed. And then library funding was slashed. Plus, my library's working environment has been contentious at best. Faculty cry on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. But, it's pretty much the only game in town. Which is one of the problems - other than employment, this town is pretty rad. I have a great community. Something I've been searching for my whole life. And it's completely intertwined with the life I built with my partner. I feel shattered by this because it's as if the culmination of 5 years of work is just within reach, but about to be smacked away.
It's been a rough year, and I know it's taken a toll on her. I have taken other steps to improve our situation. I've been going to therapy, and some sessions in the beginning (4 months ago) she attended with me. When questioned, she said 100% she wanted to stay in the relationship, she loved me, etc. My anxious, depressive mood (brought on by lack of opportunity in my field, both locally and globally) has significantly improved. I'm not bringing home my work issues anymore. I have had some big-time interviews. And now, four months later, her tune has changed. She says she can't do it anymore and that we're done. While she has come with me for a few more sessions to my therapist, she refuses to go to a couples counselor. I know she is stubborn and don't expect her to change her mind any time soon (even though I hope she does). She claims she still cares for me and this is very unusual behavior for her. I don't know how long I should wait to see if she has second thoughts.
I have been staying in the house, and she with friends. This is not sustainable in the long run. She bought the house before we met, but I came on as co-owner 3 years after plunking down a chunk of money. Since then, we have paid the mortgage equally, and split the cost of significant property improvements (remodeling and outbuilding). There have been other improvements to the house that may not have been as equal (like roof, furnace, water heater, electrical improvements), but I have also put in a LOT of sweat equity. Currently at my salary, there is no way I could carry the mortgage myself. However, with the potential new faculty-level jobs that would double my salary I would be able to carry the mortgage. I just have to wait a little bit (prob 2-3 months) to find out if I will be getting them. Regardless, I have no savings to buy her out. Another part of me thinks it would be wise to have the opposite happen. But if this is the case, how would I go about calculating a fair buyout?
So to sum up the questions:
1. Advice regarding how long I should wait to see if she's just having a lash-out flip-out.
2. Short-term residence
3. Long term what to do with the house.
It's been a rough year, and I know it's taken a toll on her. I have taken other steps to improve our situation. I've been going to therapy, and some sessions in the beginning (4 months ago) she attended with me. When questioned, she said 100% she wanted to stay in the relationship, she loved me, etc. My anxious, depressive mood (brought on by lack of opportunity in my field, both locally and globally) has significantly improved. I'm not bringing home my work issues anymore. I have had some big-time interviews. And now, four months later, her tune has changed. She says she can't do it anymore and that we're done. While she has come with me for a few more sessions to my therapist, she refuses to go to a couples counselor. I know she is stubborn and don't expect her to change her mind any time soon (even though I hope she does). She claims she still cares for me and this is very unusual behavior for her. I don't know how long I should wait to see if she has second thoughts.
I have been staying in the house, and she with friends. This is not sustainable in the long run. She bought the house before we met, but I came on as co-owner 3 years after plunking down a chunk of money. Since then, we have paid the mortgage equally, and split the cost of significant property improvements (remodeling and outbuilding). There have been other improvements to the house that may not have been as equal (like roof, furnace, water heater, electrical improvements), but I have also put in a LOT of sweat equity. Currently at my salary, there is no way I could carry the mortgage myself. However, with the potential new faculty-level jobs that would double my salary I would be able to carry the mortgage. I just have to wait a little bit (prob 2-3 months) to find out if I will be getting them. Regardless, I have no savings to buy her out. Another part of me thinks it would be wise to have the opposite happen. But if this is the case, how would I go about calculating a fair buyout?
So to sum up the questions:
1. Advice regarding how long I should wait to see if she's just having a lash-out flip-out.
2. Short-term residence
3. Long term what to do with the house.
Carmine's: A Rosebud Restaurant
I normally avoid the intersection of State and Rush streets, as if it carried with it a viral plague. However the Viagra Triangle, as we affectionately call it, still has some surprises. Sure, there are the women whose dog's hairdos match their own and, of course, there are old men in just-as-old-school silk Versace shirts and wearing Aramis cologne, just hoping that there is a desperate divorcee lurking about. However, in that Gold Coast cultural milieu is also Carmine's.
Relationship Expert: My family is supportive – but they tell gay jokes
Question: So I am a openly gay teenage boy and for the most part my family is supportive. However, I get really bothered because my family, especially the males, will always be making gay jokes and using the word, "gay" as an insult.
Yet whenever I go to try to talk to them about something serious like being bullied or how I feel about a guy� - or even try making a joke myself - they act shocked. �This makes me feel like all I am to them is a joke and that they don't take me as a person seriously.
Should I really feel this way or is it normal behavior? Also are there things I can do to help open the communication lines and let them know how it makes me feel?
This is definitely a tough position to be in.
As a teenager you don't have much power, especially if you are financially dependent on the males to whom you are referring. Usually as a therapist, I would encourage you to tell these males how you feel - that it hurts you to have them do and say the things they do.
However, for these males, that might ignite more jokes or shocked behavior. It might not be safe to talk to them directly. Not knowing the situation, I would not want you to find yourself in a position where these males feel antagonized and can harm you or put you out of the house.
The way you feel is perfectly normal and I would be worried if you did not feel the way you do.
That said, the behavior of the males you are referring to is the norm, unfortunately, for the male culture. Males are socialized to turn their backs on identifying with anything feminine, thus under-developing qualities like sensitivity, connection with emotions and empathy for the way they make others feel. It is common for males to unite against another male who does not follow the patriarchal rules of our culture and who is embracing anything that is characterized as "feminine." Those who do not follow masculinity rules set by patriarchy are punished profoundly.
You said that for the most part your family is supportive. My suggestion is to talk to these supportive women and men in your family and see if they understand how you feel. Ask them to help you as an ally to talk to these males about the fact that you don't like the way you are treated in the family.
Most importantly: it is very serious that you are being bullied. It is imperative that you seek out the supportive family members whom you talked about and tell them that within the family you are not able to achieve peace and respite from the very thing which happens to you outside the family.
Is there a counselor in your school you can talk to? Is there a Gay/Straight alliance that you could attend for support? The males you speak of in your family may not be able to handle that right now and avoiding them might be the best answer.
Ignoring and avoiding are not always the best solution, but again, since you are a teen it might be what you have do. Instead, stay connected to those in your family who are safe and trustworthy.
Joe Kort, MA, MSW, is a therapist who specializes in gay affirmative psychotherapy, relationship therapy, sexual addiction and sexual abuse.� His website is [2].
Yet whenever I go to try to talk to them about something serious like being bullied or how I feel about a guy� - or even try making a joke myself - they act shocked. �This makes me feel like all I am to them is a joke and that they don't take me as a person seriously.
Should I really feel this way or is it normal behavior? Also are there things I can do to help open the communication lines and let them know how it makes me feel?
This is definitely a tough position to be in.
As a teenager you don't have much power, especially if you are financially dependent on the males to whom you are referring. Usually as a therapist, I would encourage you to tell these males how you feel - that it hurts you to have them do and say the things they do.
However, for these males, that might ignite more jokes or shocked behavior. It might not be safe to talk to them directly. Not knowing the situation, I would not want you to find yourself in a position where these males feel antagonized and can harm you or put you out of the house.
The way you feel is perfectly normal and I would be worried if you did not feel the way you do.
That said, the behavior of the males you are referring to is the norm, unfortunately, for the male culture. Males are socialized to turn their backs on identifying with anything feminine, thus under-developing qualities like sensitivity, connection with emotions and empathy for the way they make others feel. It is common for males to unite against another male who does not follow the patriarchal rules of our culture and who is embracing anything that is characterized as "feminine." Those who do not follow masculinity rules set by patriarchy are punished profoundly.
You said that for the most part your family is supportive. My suggestion is to talk to these supportive women and men in your family and see if they understand how you feel. Ask them to help you as an ally to talk to these males about the fact that you don't like the way you are treated in the family.
Most importantly: it is very serious that you are being bullied. It is imperative that you seek out the supportive family members whom you talked about and tell them that within the family you are not able to achieve peace and respite from the very thing which happens to you outside the family.
Is there a counselor in your school you can talk to? Is there a Gay/Straight alliance that you could attend for support? The males you speak of in your family may not be able to handle that right now and avoiding them might be the best answer.
Ignoring and avoiding are not always the best solution, but again, since you are a teen it might be what you have do. Instead, stay connected to those in your family who are safe and trustworthy.
Joe Kort, MA, MSW, is a therapist who specializes in gay affirmative psychotherapy, relationship therapy, sexual addiction and sexual abuse.� His website is [2].
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
E! News features bullying series
Los Angeles, CA, March 26, 2012 — E! News takes a close look at bullying with a five-part series featuring one-on-one interviews with celebrities affected by bullying and red carpet coverage from the premiere of the highly-anticipated documentary, Bully. The week long series begins tonight, March 26 and will address this world-wide issue that affects people of all ages.
Lily Tomlin, Jane Wagner Honored by Carol Channing in Palm Springs
Advocate: Entertainer Lily Tomlin and her longtime partner, writer-producer Jane Wagner, were honored with a star on the Palm Springs Walk of Fame last Friday. Tomlin and Wagner received the 345th star on the walk of fame in the California desert city. Carol Channing, who was recipient of the 331st star on the walk, attended [...]
Tracie Bennett sings Judy Garland
MASTERWORKS BROADWAY announces the release of Tracie Bennett Sings Judy: Songs from the Broadway Production of End of the Rainbow and Other Garland Classics available now. The new play with music features Michael Cumpsty, Tom Pelphrey and Jay Russell, joining two-time Olivier Award-winner Tracie Bennett in Peter Quilter's acclaimed show about the legendary Judy Garland. Directed by the Tony® Award winning Terry Johnson, End of the Rainbow will begin performances on March 19, 2012 at Broadway's Belasco Theatre, opening April 2.
(75) Prank Fails and Jive
Maybe we’ve outgrown the pranks, yeah? We tried over and over and over to get through one prank and failed every single time. Tune in and you’ll hear how pranks with potential go from bad to worse because of our inability to execute, as me and Nikki pretend to be a couple on the rocks. [...]
Bert is not gay - say Sesame Streets producers
Apparently the use of the word Mo in reference to Bert does not mean he is gay. Mo is a derogatory US word used to refer to gays as well as hairstyles. The LA Times says the reference is about the hairstyle and not the sexuality (of a puppet)!
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Robertson: Gays Are Possessed
Today?s broadcast of The 700 Club found televangelist Pat Robertson in top form, saying homosexuality ?is somehow related to demonic possession.?
Monday, March 26, 2012
Amber Heard left off Maxim 100 this year. Coincidence?
Amber Heard left off Maxim 100 this year. Coincidence?: Not that the superficial listing and ranking of women should matter, but excluding a woman who has graced their cover and ranked high the past three years, who just so happend to come out this year seems fishy, no?
Film: Spring Arts 2012:
Feature Story:
In order of scheduled release date. Dates subject to change at the whim of a studio executive.
THE HUNGER GAMES – Set in a dystopian future where teenagers fight to the death on live television, this sure-to-be hit stars Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen – not that we need to explain, since this adaptation has been advertised everywhere. Read the books if you must, but don't miss the movie. (3/23)
THE RAID: REDEMPTION – An Indonesian martial arts film about a criminal safe house in Jakarta, The Raid wowed audiences at the Toronto International Film Festival last September. Speaking for all action fans, let's just say it's about damn time it got to the states. (3/23)
MIRROR MIRROR – Julia Roberts as a wicked queen? In a long-winded retelling of Snow White? Thanks, but we'd rather munch on an apple laced with arsenic. (3/30)
WRATH OF THE TITANS – ''Bro, remember when we clashed with those Titan punks?'' ''Yea, we clashed 'em up real good. Showed 'em what's what.'' ''You won't believe this shit, but, they're back.'' ''What?'' ''Yeah, bro.'' ''No way, bro! Grab your 3-D glasses. This shit just got real.'' (3/30)
BULLY – A powerful, breathtaking documentary about teenaged victims of bullying. This is must-see, in every sense of the word, which is why the MPAA better knock its rating down to PG-13 from its idiotic R. (3/30)
GOON – Sadly, this isn't an adaptation of Eric Powell's excellent comic series – even if Seann William Scott looks like a chug-head. Instead, Scott plays an aspiring hockey thug, working his way through the minor leagues with an iron jaw and killer right cross. We'll stick to the funny pages. (3/30)
INTRUDERS – Clive Owen stars in a Spanish horror story about a faceless demon that possesses children. (3/30)
AMERICAN REUNION – Things to expect from American Reunion: more band camp jokes, gratuitous nudity, more apple pie jokes, the death rattle of Eugene Levy's career, and a reminder that American Pie came out 13 years ago. But hey, at least the gang's back together! (4/6)
TITANTIC (IN 3-D) – This is one of those movies you're either thrilled to see, or don't give a lick about. We're still trying to figure out how James Cameron will manage to project Billy Zane's smarm in three dimensions. (4/6)
DAMSELS IN DISTRESS – After 12 years, Whit Stillman (Metropolitan, Barcelona) is back – and from the looks of Damsels in Distress, he's not changed much, still dissecting the lives of preppy kids with self-deprecating wit, still taken by the group dynamics of the privileged, and still an acquired taste for mostly everyone. (4/6)
THE HUNTER – Your ill-timed art house movie of the season is The Hunter, the adaptation of a Julia Leigh novel. Willem Dafoe plays the titular hunter, hired by a biotech conglomerate to track down the last remaining Tasmanian tiger – and for what it's worth, his performance looks rave-worthy. (4/6)
THE CABIN IN THE WOODS – Joss Whedon calls this mystery of a movie his ''loving hate letter'' to horror. Almost nothing is known about the plot and characters – and based on Whedon's penchant for genre-bending surprises, we suspect that's a good thing – but all signs point to this movie's greatness. (4/13)
THE THREE STOOGES – Finally, our long national nightmare is over -- America is getting a Three Stooges origin story! (4/13)
CHIMPANZEE – Say what you want about the dangers of depicting wild animals in deceptive human ways, but the string of nature documentaries Disney has churned out since Earth are top notch. Shot over three years in the jungles of the Ivory Coast and Uganda, Chimpanzee looks to continue that tradition. (4/20)
THE LUCKY ONE – So, Zac Efron's still trying to be an actor. If only persistence and Nicholas Sparks adaptations curried the academy's favor, he'd be the Spencer Tracy of our time. (4/20)
DARLING COMPANION – Diane Keaton stars as a woman who loves her dog more than her husband – but then her husband loses her dog! This is gold, people! (4/20)
THE FIVE-YEAR ENGAGEMENT – And finally, the worthwhile comedy of the season rears its Apatow-produced head. Muppets buddies Jason Segel and Nicholas Stoller reunite with this R-rated comedy about a couple that keeps putting off their big day. Come for Segel's comic bumbles, but stay for the killer cast he's put together to back him up, including Emily Blunt, Alison Brie and Chris Pratt. (4/27)
THE RAVEN – John Cusack plays Edgar Allen Poe as he tries to hunt down a murderer who mimics his stories. Decency, thy name is Hollywood. (4/27)
THE PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS – A fun-looking kids' flick from the minds behind Wallace and Gromit about a swashbuckler who's competing for the ''Pirate of the Year'' award. If you've got little grommets of your own, just don't forget: It could be much worse than this. (4/27)
SAFE – Jason Statham stars as a former elite special agent who has to rescue an abducted girl, fight off warring mafia factions, and avoid capture at the hands of corrupt cops. If that sounds familiar, it's because you've seen Safe before. It's also known as Every Jason Statham Movie Ever Made. (4/27)
BERNIE – Keep your eyes on this one, it's got the potential to be a surprise hit. The ingredients: Richard Linklater and Jack Black, the true-life story of a gay man who killed his 81-year-old millionaire lady companion, and a mockumentary style that's attracted praise for its self-awareness. (4/27)
ELLES – For the foreign-language crowd, mark your calendars for Juliette Binoche's latest, a French and Polish drama about a journalist who investigates a prostitution ring among female college students. The surprise to it all? Sexual identity and empowerment are presented hand-in-hand with the world's oldest profession. (4/27)
THE AVENGERS – Marvel spent years planning for The Avengers, and for all that work, the final product has the look of something painstakingly focus-grouped to death. That's a shame, but it won't stop the huge box-office returns from piling up. (5/4)
THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL – We all love cheeky old Brits, so why not throw the lot of them into a movie together? Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson and plenty more star in this offbeat comedy about a retirement hotel in India. Directed by John Madden (Shakespeare in Love). (5/4)
DARK SHADOWS – Johnny Depp was allegedly obsessed with the Dark Shadows soap opera as a child, and so, he's turning it into a movie. And since it involves vampires and the occult, Tim Burton is going to direct it -- and he's apparently turned it into a full-on comedy. (5/11)
THE DICTATOR – Is Sacha Baron Cohen's new movie about a Middle Eastern dictator meant to be cutting satire? Is it controversial for controversy's sake? Is it even any good? This much is for certain: It'll be very dirty, very inappropriate and very funny. (5/11)
GOD BLESS AMERICA – Now this is what satire looks like. Bobcat Goldwait helms a comedy about a terminally ill cancer patient who goes on a killing spree after watching one too many reality television tantrums. God Bless America looks totally out there and unbelievably dark, but has potential to be a worthy successor to Goldwait's last, World's Greatest Dad. (5/11)
BATTLESHIP – You either want to see this kind of movie, or you don't. (5/18)
WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU'RE EXPECTING – We expect the world's longest book commercial. (5/18)
HYSTERIA – Hugh Dancy plays Mortimer Granville -- or as history's kinkiest might remember him, the inventor of the first vibrator. Call it a hunch, but we'll bet Dancy doesn't have much trouble with that whole ''pleasure'' thing. (5/18)
CHERNOBYL DIARIES – Oren Peli's building a strange horror empire of sorts. He's got all those Paranormal Activity movies, at least a few more episodes of ABC's The River, and now, Chernobyl Diaries. Don't expect anything new here – if you've seen Peli's found-footage tricks already, you know the drill – but don't be surprised to discover that it all still works. (5/25)
MIB 3 – Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones and all the alien-hunting boys in black return for a sequel that absolutely nobody is clamoring for. Other great signs for director Barry Sonnenfeld: The script wasn't finished when filming started, that very same script was re-written three times during production, and worst of all, Lady Gaga has a cameo. (5/25)
MOONRISE KINGDOM – It's almost unfair to say that Wes Anderson's movies are twee – they're too pretty to deserve such a derisive tag. And then you hear about Moonrise Kingdom, and how it's about a pair of kids who run away from their New England island town, and you remember. Yes, you certainly remember. (5/25)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN – Let's get this straight: The guy who wrote Drive also wrote a gritty, violent re-telling of Snow White? And nobody's begun to take odds on when America's suburban moms rise up and boycott it within an inch of its life? Boy, this'll be fun.(6/1)
PROMETHEUS – Ridley Scott's Alien prequel that he refuses to admit is an Alien prequel. Nonetheless, it has all the makings of brilliance, like a phenomenal cast that includes Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Idris Elba and Charlize Theron. Although Scott hasn't done sci-fi since the days of Blade Runner and Alien, it's certainly looking like Prometheus will be a worthy successor to those landmarks. (6/8)
ROCK OF AGES – It's an adaptation of a Broadway musical, but it's starring Tom Cruise? It's a comedy, but the lead actress is country singer Julianne Hough? There must be an audience for this sort of thing. (6/15)
THAT'S MY BOY – Is this a funny Adam Sandler movie? With Ken Marino, David Wain and Happy Endings' David Caspe behind the script, that rarest of rare film sightings seems like it's on the horizon. Even though Sandler plays a debauched lout who moves in with his son (Andy Samberg), and even though he does it all with wacky voices and a dumb costume, we can't help but hope. (6/15)
ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER – There is no combination of words in the English language as beautiful as ''Abraham Lincoln hunts vampires.'' (6/22)
BRAVE – Pixar hopes to wrestle back its animated crown with Brave, a Scottish fable about a girl who defies age-old customs to pursue her love of archery. This is Pixar's first fairy tale – and the first with a female protagonist to boot – meaning that we're wading into unfamiliar waters. (6/22)
SEEKING A FRIEND FOR THE END OF THE WORLD – An ensemble comedy starring Steve Carell and Keira Knightley, this one follows a man's search for his childhood sweetheart amid the impending apocalypse. Directed by Lorene Scafaria (Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist). (6/22)
THE ROME WITH LOVE – Woody Allen follows up Midnight in Paris with a series of vignettes about people in Italy and the neurotic hijinks they attract. Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Alec Baldwin, Penélope Cruz and Ellen Page. It'll also be Allen's first acting role since Scoop. (6/22)
G.I. JOE: RETALIATION – Here's the thing about the sequel to a blockbuster movie: Nobody needs to know what it's about. Retaliation probably has something to do with Joes and Cobras and whatever new toys Hasbro wants to unload this summer, but that's not putting anybody in the seats. Dwayne ''The Rock'' Johnson and Bruce Willis, though? That'll do it. (6/29)
MAGIC MIKE – You wouldn't guess it by the title or for that matter the director, but this is a comedy about male strippers, starring Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, Matthew McConaughey and a whole ton of other beefcake types. Tatum used to be a stripper – seriously, he did – and it's allegedly based on his experiences on the pole. (6/29)
PEOPLE LIKE US – Chris Pine and Olivia Wilde star in a drama about a man who has to deliver $150,000 from his dead father's estate to a sister he never met. Alex Kurtzman, the Hollywood scribe behind Eagle Eye, Star Trek and Transformers, takes the helm in his directorial debut. (6/29)
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN – While some may grouse about rebooting Spidey's story so soon after the last iteration flamed out, we say bring it on. Andrew Garfield's the spitting image of Peter Parker, and with wizard screenwriter Steve Kloves involved, we expect nothing less than superheroics. (7/3)
ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT – The parents who take their children to the Ice Age movies sit them down to explain how things really played out, right? We just worry. (7/13)
TED – Mark Wahlberg plays a man whose childhood wish for his teddy bear to come to life comes true – just a few decades late, and with one hell of a lewd personality. Written and directed by Seth McFarlane, Ted has the look of a hit comedy. (7/13)
THE DARK KNIGHT RISES – Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan return for their victory lap. By now, everybody knows what we're getting out of these Batman movies – grit, scowls and hi-tech doohickeys – but that doesn't make any of it less exciting. The Dark Knight Rises is the end of an era. (7/20)
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH – In the vein of last year's Attack the Block, Neighborhood Watch pits ordinary types against alien invaders. This time, though, it's wholly of American sensibilities: Superbad scribes Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg wrote the script, while Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn and Jonah Hill star. If it's half as good as its British cousin, it'll be the funniest movie of the summer. (7/27)
STEP UP 4 – For the price of four Step Ups, you could definitely buy a Stairmaster. (7/27)
THE BOURNE LEGACY – Did you know it's been five years since the last Bourne movie? Tony Gilroy returns -- this time as a director -- but Jeremy Renner, not Matt Damon, will be throwing the punches. The dirty little secret of it all? Without Paul Greengrass and his interminable shaky-cam, this could be as good as the first. (8/3)
THE CAMPAIGN – It's all man children, all the time in Jay Roach's comedy about rural North Carolina politics, starring Will Ferrell and Zach Galafianakis. If your taste in humor veers towards Eastbound & Down, The Campaign will be for you. (8/10)
TOTAL RECALL – Colin Farrell and Jessica Biel step into a remake of the Philip K. Dick story about memory loss, with a decidedly sharper political edge than the earlier version, whose most scandalous moment involved a three-breasted alien. Len Wisemen, of Underworld fame, directs. (8/17)
THE EXPENDABLES 2 – Sly Stallone is a tough guy! Jason Statham is a tough guy! Jet Li is a tough guy! Dolph Lundgren is a tough guy! Chuck Norris is a tough guy! Jean Claude Van Damme is a tough guy! Bruce Willis is a tough guy! Arnold Schwarznegger is a tough guy! (8/17)
THE ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN – Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton fill an empty box with wishes for a child, and then plant it in their backyard. A 10-year old shows up on their front doorstep, and he's got a green thumb, or is made of plants, or something. If this sounds like the kind of movie one of Frank Zappa's kids would make up, it's because one of Frank Zappa's kids actually made it up. (8/17)
PREMIUM RUSH – Joseph Gordon-Levitt. In an action movie. About fixed-gear bicyclists. These jokes write themselves. (8/24)
THE WETTEST COUNTY – It'll take all summer, but this adaptation of a novel about bootlegging in Prohibition-era Virginia is what we're most eager to see. Directed by John Hillcoat, written by Nick Cave, and featuring a cast that includes Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Jessica Chastain, Guy Pearce and Gary Oldman, The Wettest County will hold its own against whatever sweaty nonsense the waning days of summer throw our way. (8/31)
In order of scheduled release date. Dates subject to change at the whim of a studio executive.
THE HUNGER GAMES – Set in a dystopian future where teenagers fight to the death on live television, this sure-to-be hit stars Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen – not that we need to explain, since this adaptation has been advertised everywhere. Read the books if you must, but don't miss the movie. (3/23)
THE RAID: REDEMPTION – An Indonesian martial arts film about a criminal safe house in Jakarta, The Raid wowed audiences at the Toronto International Film Festival last September. Speaking for all action fans, let's just say it's about damn time it got to the states. (3/23)
MIRROR MIRROR – Julia Roberts as a wicked queen? In a long-winded retelling of Snow White? Thanks, but we'd rather munch on an apple laced with arsenic. (3/30)
WRATH OF THE TITANS – ''Bro, remember when we clashed with those Titan punks?'' ''Yea, we clashed 'em up real good. Showed 'em what's what.'' ''You won't believe this shit, but, they're back.'' ''What?'' ''Yeah, bro.'' ''No way, bro! Grab your 3-D glasses. This shit just got real.'' (3/30)
BULLY – A powerful, breathtaking documentary about teenaged victims of bullying. This is must-see, in every sense of the word, which is why the MPAA better knock its rating down to PG-13 from its idiotic R. (3/30)
GOON – Sadly, this isn't an adaptation of Eric Powell's excellent comic series – even if Seann William Scott looks like a chug-head. Instead, Scott plays an aspiring hockey thug, working his way through the minor leagues with an iron jaw and killer right cross. We'll stick to the funny pages. (3/30)
INTRUDERS – Clive Owen stars in a Spanish horror story about a faceless demon that possesses children. (3/30)
AMERICAN REUNION – Things to expect from American Reunion: more band camp jokes, gratuitous nudity, more apple pie jokes, the death rattle of Eugene Levy's career, and a reminder that American Pie came out 13 years ago. But hey, at least the gang's back together! (4/6)
TITANTIC (IN 3-D) – This is one of those movies you're either thrilled to see, or don't give a lick about. We're still trying to figure out how James Cameron will manage to project Billy Zane's smarm in three dimensions. (4/6)
DAMSELS IN DISTRESS – After 12 years, Whit Stillman (Metropolitan, Barcelona) is back – and from the looks of Damsels in Distress, he's not changed much, still dissecting the lives of preppy kids with self-deprecating wit, still taken by the group dynamics of the privileged, and still an acquired taste for mostly everyone. (4/6)
THE HUNTER – Your ill-timed art house movie of the season is The Hunter, the adaptation of a Julia Leigh novel. Willem Dafoe plays the titular hunter, hired by a biotech conglomerate to track down the last remaining Tasmanian tiger – and for what it's worth, his performance looks rave-worthy. (4/6)
THE CABIN IN THE WOODS – Joss Whedon calls this mystery of a movie his ''loving hate letter'' to horror. Almost nothing is known about the plot and characters – and based on Whedon's penchant for genre-bending surprises, we suspect that's a good thing – but all signs point to this movie's greatness. (4/13)
THE THREE STOOGES – Finally, our long national nightmare is over -- America is getting a Three Stooges origin story! (4/13)
CHIMPANZEE – Say what you want about the dangers of depicting wild animals in deceptive human ways, but the string of nature documentaries Disney has churned out since Earth are top notch. Shot over three years in the jungles of the Ivory Coast and Uganda, Chimpanzee looks to continue that tradition. (4/20)
THE LUCKY ONE – So, Zac Efron's still trying to be an actor. If only persistence and Nicholas Sparks adaptations curried the academy's favor, he'd be the Spencer Tracy of our time. (4/20)
DARLING COMPANION – Diane Keaton stars as a woman who loves her dog more than her husband – but then her husband loses her dog! This is gold, people! (4/20)
THE FIVE-YEAR ENGAGEMENT – And finally, the worthwhile comedy of the season rears its Apatow-produced head. Muppets buddies Jason Segel and Nicholas Stoller reunite with this R-rated comedy about a couple that keeps putting off their big day. Come for Segel's comic bumbles, but stay for the killer cast he's put together to back him up, including Emily Blunt, Alison Brie and Chris Pratt. (4/27)
THE RAVEN – John Cusack plays Edgar Allen Poe as he tries to hunt down a murderer who mimics his stories. Decency, thy name is Hollywood. (4/27)
THE PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS – A fun-looking kids' flick from the minds behind Wallace and Gromit about a swashbuckler who's competing for the ''Pirate of the Year'' award. If you've got little grommets of your own, just don't forget: It could be much worse than this. (4/27)
SAFE – Jason Statham stars as a former elite special agent who has to rescue an abducted girl, fight off warring mafia factions, and avoid capture at the hands of corrupt cops. If that sounds familiar, it's because you've seen Safe before. It's also known as Every Jason Statham Movie Ever Made. (4/27)
BERNIE – Keep your eyes on this one, it's got the potential to be a surprise hit. The ingredients: Richard Linklater and Jack Black, the true-life story of a gay man who killed his 81-year-old millionaire lady companion, and a mockumentary style that's attracted praise for its self-awareness. (4/27)
ELLES – For the foreign-language crowd, mark your calendars for Juliette Binoche's latest, a French and Polish drama about a journalist who investigates a prostitution ring among female college students. The surprise to it all? Sexual identity and empowerment are presented hand-in-hand with the world's oldest profession. (4/27)
THE AVENGERS – Marvel spent years planning for The Avengers, and for all that work, the final product has the look of something painstakingly focus-grouped to death. That's a shame, but it won't stop the huge box-office returns from piling up. (5/4)
THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL – We all love cheeky old Brits, so why not throw the lot of them into a movie together? Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson and plenty more star in this offbeat comedy about a retirement hotel in India. Directed by John Madden (Shakespeare in Love). (5/4)
DARK SHADOWS – Johnny Depp was allegedly obsessed with the Dark Shadows soap opera as a child, and so, he's turning it into a movie. And since it involves vampires and the occult, Tim Burton is going to direct it -- and he's apparently turned it into a full-on comedy. (5/11)
THE DICTATOR – Is Sacha Baron Cohen's new movie about a Middle Eastern dictator meant to be cutting satire? Is it controversial for controversy's sake? Is it even any good? This much is for certain: It'll be very dirty, very inappropriate and very funny. (5/11)
GOD BLESS AMERICA – Now this is what satire looks like. Bobcat Goldwait helms a comedy about a terminally ill cancer patient who goes on a killing spree after watching one too many reality television tantrums. God Bless America looks totally out there and unbelievably dark, but has potential to be a worthy successor to Goldwait's last, World's Greatest Dad. (5/11)
BATTLESHIP – You either want to see this kind of movie, or you don't. (5/18)
WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU'RE EXPECTING – We expect the world's longest book commercial. (5/18)
HYSTERIA – Hugh Dancy plays Mortimer Granville -- or as history's kinkiest might remember him, the inventor of the first vibrator. Call it a hunch, but we'll bet Dancy doesn't have much trouble with that whole ''pleasure'' thing. (5/18)
CHERNOBYL DIARIES – Oren Peli's building a strange horror empire of sorts. He's got all those Paranormal Activity movies, at least a few more episodes of ABC's The River, and now, Chernobyl Diaries. Don't expect anything new here – if you've seen Peli's found-footage tricks already, you know the drill – but don't be surprised to discover that it all still works. (5/25)
MIB 3 – Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones and all the alien-hunting boys in black return for a sequel that absolutely nobody is clamoring for. Other great signs for director Barry Sonnenfeld: The script wasn't finished when filming started, that very same script was re-written three times during production, and worst of all, Lady Gaga has a cameo. (5/25)
MOONRISE KINGDOM – It's almost unfair to say that Wes Anderson's movies are twee – they're too pretty to deserve such a derisive tag. And then you hear about Moonrise Kingdom, and how it's about a pair of kids who run away from their New England island town, and you remember. Yes, you certainly remember. (5/25)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN – Let's get this straight: The guy who wrote Drive also wrote a gritty, violent re-telling of Snow White? And nobody's begun to take odds on when America's suburban moms rise up and boycott it within an inch of its life? Boy, this'll be fun.(6/1)
PROMETHEUS – Ridley Scott's Alien prequel that he refuses to admit is an Alien prequel. Nonetheless, it has all the makings of brilliance, like a phenomenal cast that includes Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Idris Elba and Charlize Theron. Although Scott hasn't done sci-fi since the days of Blade Runner and Alien, it's certainly looking like Prometheus will be a worthy successor to those landmarks. (6/8)
ROCK OF AGES – It's an adaptation of a Broadway musical, but it's starring Tom Cruise? It's a comedy, but the lead actress is country singer Julianne Hough? There must be an audience for this sort of thing. (6/15)
THAT'S MY BOY – Is this a funny Adam Sandler movie? With Ken Marino, David Wain and Happy Endings' David Caspe behind the script, that rarest of rare film sightings seems like it's on the horizon. Even though Sandler plays a debauched lout who moves in with his son (Andy Samberg), and even though he does it all with wacky voices and a dumb costume, we can't help but hope. (6/15)
ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER – There is no combination of words in the English language as beautiful as ''Abraham Lincoln hunts vampires.'' (6/22)
BRAVE – Pixar hopes to wrestle back its animated crown with Brave, a Scottish fable about a girl who defies age-old customs to pursue her love of archery. This is Pixar's first fairy tale – and the first with a female protagonist to boot – meaning that we're wading into unfamiliar waters. (6/22)
SEEKING A FRIEND FOR THE END OF THE WORLD – An ensemble comedy starring Steve Carell and Keira Knightley, this one follows a man's search for his childhood sweetheart amid the impending apocalypse. Directed by Lorene Scafaria (Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist). (6/22)
THE ROME WITH LOVE – Woody Allen follows up Midnight in Paris with a series of vignettes about people in Italy and the neurotic hijinks they attract. Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Alec Baldwin, Penélope Cruz and Ellen Page. It'll also be Allen's first acting role since Scoop. (6/22)
G.I. JOE: RETALIATION – Here's the thing about the sequel to a blockbuster movie: Nobody needs to know what it's about. Retaliation probably has something to do with Joes and Cobras and whatever new toys Hasbro wants to unload this summer, but that's not putting anybody in the seats. Dwayne ''The Rock'' Johnson and Bruce Willis, though? That'll do it. (6/29)
MAGIC MIKE – You wouldn't guess it by the title or for that matter the director, but this is a comedy about male strippers, starring Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, Matthew McConaughey and a whole ton of other beefcake types. Tatum used to be a stripper – seriously, he did – and it's allegedly based on his experiences on the pole. (6/29)
PEOPLE LIKE US – Chris Pine and Olivia Wilde star in a drama about a man who has to deliver $150,000 from his dead father's estate to a sister he never met. Alex Kurtzman, the Hollywood scribe behind Eagle Eye, Star Trek and Transformers, takes the helm in his directorial debut. (6/29)
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN – While some may grouse about rebooting Spidey's story so soon after the last iteration flamed out, we say bring it on. Andrew Garfield's the spitting image of Peter Parker, and with wizard screenwriter Steve Kloves involved, we expect nothing less than superheroics. (7/3)
ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT – The parents who take their children to the Ice Age movies sit them down to explain how things really played out, right? We just worry. (7/13)
TED – Mark Wahlberg plays a man whose childhood wish for his teddy bear to come to life comes true – just a few decades late, and with one hell of a lewd personality. Written and directed by Seth McFarlane, Ted has the look of a hit comedy. (7/13)
THE DARK KNIGHT RISES – Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan return for their victory lap. By now, everybody knows what we're getting out of these Batman movies – grit, scowls and hi-tech doohickeys – but that doesn't make any of it less exciting. The Dark Knight Rises is the end of an era. (7/20)
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH – In the vein of last year's Attack the Block, Neighborhood Watch pits ordinary types against alien invaders. This time, though, it's wholly of American sensibilities: Superbad scribes Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg wrote the script, while Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn and Jonah Hill star. If it's half as good as its British cousin, it'll be the funniest movie of the summer. (7/27)
STEP UP 4 – For the price of four Step Ups, you could definitely buy a Stairmaster. (7/27)
THE BOURNE LEGACY – Did you know it's been five years since the last Bourne movie? Tony Gilroy returns -- this time as a director -- but Jeremy Renner, not Matt Damon, will be throwing the punches. The dirty little secret of it all? Without Paul Greengrass and his interminable shaky-cam, this could be as good as the first. (8/3)
THE CAMPAIGN – It's all man children, all the time in Jay Roach's comedy about rural North Carolina politics, starring Will Ferrell and Zach Galafianakis. If your taste in humor veers towards Eastbound & Down, The Campaign will be for you. (8/10)
TOTAL RECALL – Colin Farrell and Jessica Biel step into a remake of the Philip K. Dick story about memory loss, with a decidedly sharper political edge than the earlier version, whose most scandalous moment involved a three-breasted alien. Len Wisemen, of Underworld fame, directs. (8/17)
THE EXPENDABLES 2 – Sly Stallone is a tough guy! Jason Statham is a tough guy! Jet Li is a tough guy! Dolph Lundgren is a tough guy! Chuck Norris is a tough guy! Jean Claude Van Damme is a tough guy! Bruce Willis is a tough guy! Arnold Schwarznegger is a tough guy! (8/17)
THE ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN – Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton fill an empty box with wishes for a child, and then plant it in their backyard. A 10-year old shows up on their front doorstep, and he's got a green thumb, or is made of plants, or something. If this sounds like the kind of movie one of Frank Zappa's kids would make up, it's because one of Frank Zappa's kids actually made it up. (8/17)
PREMIUM RUSH – Joseph Gordon-Levitt. In an action movie. About fixed-gear bicyclists. These jokes write themselves. (8/24)
THE WETTEST COUNTY – It'll take all summer, but this adaptation of a novel about bootlegging in Prohibition-era Virginia is what we're most eager to see. Directed by John Hillcoat, written by Nick Cave, and featuring a cast that includes Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Jessica Chastain, Guy Pearce and Gary Oldman, The Wettest County will hold its own against whatever sweaty nonsense the waning days of summer throw our way. (8/31)
Good LGBT blogs and websites?
I'm looking for some good blogs and sites related to LGBT issues So I'm trying to expand my horizons, and I'd like to read more about LGBT issues. I'm looking for well written blogs, sites, and feeds relating to queer issues or current events from a queer perspective, preferably written by/for LGBT men and women. Ready, GO!
I Got 99 Problems, but a Straight Bitch Ain?t One.
It is interesting to see what people are searching on the back-end of writing. I care what my readers want to read and I actually watch the trends and what is popular ETC. to keep up with pleasing my readers! Here is one thing I can’t keep up with. Lesbian sex with a man! This [...]
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At the River East Art Center on March 18, Chicagoan Borris Powell proved why he's one of the most sought-after fashion designers in the country.
On a Sunny Saturday Afternoon in New York's Underground: VIDEO
Animal NY notes that this short film by Tim Sessler, intended as "a test/experiment to capture the inspirational sounds and visuals of the NYC subway" has the feel of a dream sequence. Shot on a ?sunny Saturday afternoon".
BENDING SOUNDS - NYC SUBWAY from Tim Sessler on Vimeo.
BENDING SOUNDS - NYC SUBWAY from Tim Sessler on Vimeo.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Out and About
Friday, October 1
The National Comedy Theatre is San Diego’s nationally acclaimed improv comedy show. Now in its 11th season, the National Comedy Theatre is San Diego’s longest running theatrical event. Based completely on audience suggestions, the talented cast of the NCT create a 100 minute performance entirely without a script. Similar in style to “Whose Line is it Anyway?” each show is unique. The show is hysterically funny, fast moving and appropriate for all audiences. The Improv Show is at 7:00 p.m. Tickets $12-$15. For more information call (619) 295-4999
Saturday, October 2
Don’t hold back! Get off work and hang out at Flicks for Saturday night is Wet Underwear Contest night! $100 first prize. Sign-ups begin at 10:00…
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The National Comedy Theatre is San Diego’s nationally acclaimed improv comedy show. Now in its 11th season, the National Comedy Theatre is San Diego’s longest running theatrical event. Based completely on audience suggestions, the talented cast of the NCT create a 100 minute performance entirely without a script. Similar in style to “Whose Line is it Anyway?” each show is unique. The show is hysterically funny, fast moving and appropriate for all audiences. The Improv Show is at 7:00 p.m. Tickets $12-$15. For more information call (619) 295-4999
Saturday, October 2
Don’t hold back! Get off work and hang out at Flicks for Saturday night is Wet Underwear Contest night! $100 first prize. Sign-ups begin at 10:00…
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Elisabeth Moss: We're Mad About This Woman
Her feminist character?s sexuality may be up for debate, but Mad Men?s Elisabeth Moss is proud that Jane Lynch hit on her, Bette Midler yelled at her, and that she?s followed in Madonna?s footsteps.
jamiemurnane: @stereogum just re-tweeted this, so i just...
@stereogum just re-tweeted this, so i just unfollowed stereogum. stay classy, buddies!
@stereogum just re-tweeted this, so i just unfollowed stereogum. stay classy, buddies!
Lisa VanDerpump Delivers A Class Act
Restaurateur, designer, actress, humanitarian, Lisa Vanderpump is probably the classiest of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. (Although it could be a tie with Adrienne Maloof).
Q. You seem to be the sanest out of all the cast members of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Who do you think is the most insane?
A. I would never talk badly about any of the girls, that?s just not who I am. I?ll let you and the viewers be the judge of that.
Q. Why do you think the LGBT Community loves you so much? A. I don?t think they necessarily love me. I?m just very supportive. I?ve owned a few gay bars over the years including Shadow Lounge in London and I think it?s really important that I use my heterosexual voice in supporting the LGBT community.Q. Would you consider yourself Giggy?s ?Stage Mom? A. First of all, I?m not his mother, I?m his mistress. His name is Giggy (short for Gigolo) and what we have is a wonderful love affair. Q. Do you run your own Twitter account? A. I do run my own Twitter account. I feel that my Twitter is very personal, and I don?t get paid to tweet things. I think that my followers would notice if it wasn?t me.LISA VANDERPUMP and GIGGY THE POM
Q. You seem to be the sanest out of all the cast members of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Who do you think is the most insane?
A. I would never talk badly about any of the girls, that?s just not who I am. I?ll let you and the viewers be the judge of that.
Q. Why do you think the LGBT Community loves you so much? A. I don?t think they necessarily love me. I?m just very supportive. I?ve owned a few gay bars over the years including Shadow Lounge in London and I think it?s really important that I use my heterosexual voice in supporting the LGBT community.Q. Would you consider yourself Giggy?s ?Stage Mom? A. First of all, I?m not his mother, I?m his mistress. His name is Giggy (short for Gigolo) and what we have is a wonderful love affair. Q. Do you run your own Twitter account? A. I do run my own Twitter account. I feel that my Twitter is very personal, and I don?t get paid to tweet things. I think that my followers would notice if it wasn?t me.LISA VANDERPUMP and GIGGY THE POM
News: Hunger Games, Kim Kardashian, Malaysia, Whitney Houston
Davidson, North Carolina to hold Saturday rally opposing Amendment One.
GLAAD Commentator Accountability Project indexing high in Google to anti-gays' chagrin.
For Hunger Games fans, a map of Panem.
Kim Kardashian covered in flour.
Michigan Native American tribe considering marriage equality: "Most of the about 4,000 people in the tribe live in Michigan's northern Lower Peninsula. If the measure is approved, at least one of partner would have to be a member of the tribe. The idea was initially encouraged by two tribal citizens in a letter to the tribal council urging consideration of an amendment."
Whitney's death: accidental drowning, chronic cocaine use.
Game Show Network plans "Bible Challenge" starring Jeff Foxworthy.
Malaysian politician Datuk Baharum Mohamad calls for "government to establish a homosexual rehabilitation centre to prevent same-sex relationships from getting rampant in the country."
UK petition calls for Alan Turing to be on the next �10 note.
VIDEO: Lana Del Rey performs "Video Games" on American Idol.
Student at Miami of Ohio files complaint after the university denies him chance to be a residential assistant in an all-male dorm because he is transgender: "Kaeden Kass, who was born a female but identifies as a male, told WLWT-TV that instead, the university offered him the same position ? in the all-female dorm."
Mel Wymore, candidate for New York City Council: ?I?m not running because I?m transgender, [But, he said, that] doesn?t mean that being transgender doesn?t bring a certain perspective.?
Nepal to unveil first 'gender neutral' public toilet. Sunil Pant: "I decided to use part of my Parliamentary Development Fund to build the toilet that is 'for all', not just for men and women. Toilets and places for praying are simultaneously private and public place, but for those people who don?t identify as male or female, accessing these places might mean that they have to reveal an intimately private aspect of their lives to strangers and authorities and still can be denied access. This can cause huge amount of stress for ?third-genders and/or others? as these places has been build exclusively only for male and female these days in this modern world."
Justin Bieber explains how he's a mogul on Ellen.
Joel McHale strips down on Community.
Beth Ditto gets ready to make a joyful noise.
An attack in New Orleans French Quarter may become hate crime case: "NOPD officers arrested 23 year old Jeffrey Lee Sunday night, charging him with simple battery for allegedly beating up a gay couple, for no apparent reason. Now, the NOPD say the Orleans Parish District Attorney is reviewing the case, to see if the battery charge against Lee can be bumped up to a hate crime."
College men walk a mile in high heels.
Oklahoma methods sign pledge of support for same-sex marriage: "Retired Oklahoma City minister Jim Gragg is collecting signatures and says 62 clergy and 203 members have signed the statement. The Oklahoma United Methodist Conference says there about 300,000 Methodists in the state."
New York state Senator Ruben Diaz claims marriage equality has backfired on the Democratic party: ?Starting with the defeat of David Weprin by Bob Turner for the Congressional seat vacated by Anthony Weiner, and most recently with the embarrassing defeat of Lew Fidler by David Storobin for the Senate seat vacated by Carl Kruger, the Democratic Party lost...You can spin this any which way you want, but the fact of the matter remains that gay marriage has played a major role in the outcome of each of these elections."
GLAAD Commentator Accountability Project indexing high in Google to anti-gays' chagrin.
For Hunger Games fans, a map of Panem.
Kim Kardashian covered in flour.
Michigan Native American tribe considering marriage equality: "Most of the about 4,000 people in the tribe live in Michigan's northern Lower Peninsula. If the measure is approved, at least one of partner would have to be a member of the tribe. The idea was initially encouraged by two tribal citizens in a letter to the tribal council urging consideration of an amendment."
Whitney's death: accidental drowning, chronic cocaine use.
Game Show Network plans "Bible Challenge" starring Jeff Foxworthy.
Malaysian politician Datuk Baharum Mohamad calls for "government to establish a homosexual rehabilitation centre to prevent same-sex relationships from getting rampant in the country."
UK petition calls for Alan Turing to be on the next �10 note.
VIDEO: Lana Del Rey performs "Video Games" on American Idol.
Student at Miami of Ohio files complaint after the university denies him chance to be a residential assistant in an all-male dorm because he is transgender: "Kaeden Kass, who was born a female but identifies as a male, told WLWT-TV that instead, the university offered him the same position ? in the all-female dorm."
Mel Wymore, candidate for New York City Council: ?I?m not running because I?m transgender, [But, he said, that] doesn?t mean that being transgender doesn?t bring a certain perspective.?
Nepal to unveil first 'gender neutral' public toilet. Sunil Pant: "I decided to use part of my Parliamentary Development Fund to build the toilet that is 'for all', not just for men and women. Toilets and places for praying are simultaneously private and public place, but for those people who don?t identify as male or female, accessing these places might mean that they have to reveal an intimately private aspect of their lives to strangers and authorities and still can be denied access. This can cause huge amount of stress for ?third-genders and/or others? as these places has been build exclusively only for male and female these days in this modern world."
Justin Bieber explains how he's a mogul on Ellen.
Joel McHale strips down on Community.
Beth Ditto gets ready to make a joyful noise.
An attack in New Orleans French Quarter may become hate crime case: "NOPD officers arrested 23 year old Jeffrey Lee Sunday night, charging him with simple battery for allegedly beating up a gay couple, for no apparent reason. Now, the NOPD say the Orleans Parish District Attorney is reviewing the case, to see if the battery charge against Lee can be bumped up to a hate crime."
College men walk a mile in high heels.
Oklahoma methods sign pledge of support for same-sex marriage: "Retired Oklahoma City minister Jim Gragg is collecting signatures and says 62 clergy and 203 members have signed the statement. The Oklahoma United Methodist Conference says there about 300,000 Methodists in the state."
New York state Senator Ruben Diaz claims marriage equality has backfired on the Democratic party: ?Starting with the defeat of David Weprin by Bob Turner for the Congressional seat vacated by Anthony Weiner, and most recently with the embarrassing defeat of Lew Fidler by David Storobin for the Senate seat vacated by Carl Kruger, the Democratic Party lost...You can spin this any which way you want, but the fact of the matter remains that gay marriage has played a major role in the outcome of each of these elections."
Jimmy Carter Endorses Marriage Equality!
In an interview with the Huffington Post, Jimmy Carter once again expressed pro-gay sentiments while simultaneously promoting his book about the Bible. He said: Homosexuality was well known in the ancient world, well before Christ was born and Jesus never … Continue reading →
Stopping the National Organization for Marriage
I don't think I've seen a better response to a misleading ad than this one. Thanks Stop8
Saturday, March 24, 2012
I Love Lucy on stage this fall in Chicago
CHICAGO — March 21, 2012 — Broadway In Chicago is thrilled to announce I LOVE LUCY® LIVE ON STAGE, the brand new hit musical stage show adapted from the long-running, beloved television program, starring Lucy, Ricky, Fred and Ethel: America's favorite foursome, in Chicago for the very first time at the Broadway Playhouse at Water Tower Place 175 East Chestnut St. Sep. 12 — Nov. 11, 2012.
Who Else Misses Sundays?
*singing* Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got til its gone...
Times Square Social at Traffic w/ Special Guest David Drake
Wednesday February 22, 2012 from 6-9PMTraffic Bar & Restaurant, 701 9th Ave. Corner of 48th St.RSVP: Trafficfebruary.eventbriteFREE EVENT - Since
2004 TheMenEvent has been bringing you the HOTTEST Gay Networking
Events. This month, we descend upon a new venue, Traffic in Hell's
Kitchen. Expect to meet lots of other gay professionals (or professional
gays ? wink), make new friendships, win stuff, enjoy drink specials and
get some free appetizers (but you have to get there early for the yummy
Prize Giveaways including DVD's and Show Tickets. PLUS Enter to win 1
of 3 Top Men's Fragrances from the Fragrance and Beauty Outlet.* No cover! * Drink Specials- $4 Coors Light Drafts, $5 mixed well cocktails $5 Glass of Traffic's signature sangria & $5 house wines. * Hundreds of Amazing Guys!* Free Appetizers from 6-7pm * CELEB ALERT: Meet DAVID DRAKE (The Night Larry Kramer Kissed Me) who is currently donning drag in new comedy MY TAWNY
2004 TheMenEvent has been bringing you the HOTTEST Gay Networking
Events. This month, we descend upon a new venue, Traffic in Hell's
Kitchen. Expect to meet lots of other gay professionals (or professional
gays ? wink), make new friendships, win stuff, enjoy drink specials and
get some free appetizers (but you have to get there early for the yummy
Prize Giveaways including DVD's and Show Tickets. PLUS Enter to win 1
of 3 Top Men's Fragrances from the Fragrance and Beauty Outlet.* No cover! * Drink Specials- $4 Coors Light Drafts, $5 mixed well cocktails $5 Glass of Traffic's signature sangria & $5 house wines. * Hundreds of Amazing Guys!* Free Appetizers from 6-7pm * CELEB ALERT: Meet DAVID DRAKE (The Night Larry Kramer Kissed Me) who is currently donning drag in new comedy MY TAWNY
Back by popular demand: 'Otep is my homogirl' & 'homegirl' tshirts!
New tshirts, hoodies & tanks!In association with Otep Shamaya:(scroll down for HOMOgirl version)shirt, tank or hoodie? Tshirt $20.00 USD Tank $18.00 USD Hoodie $35.00 USD Tshirt + Hoodie combo $55.00 USD Homogirl or Homegirl? Homogirl Homegirl Color white army green cardinal yellow heather gray charcoal blue black (w/white ink!) Size: women's small women's medium women's large women's XL men's/unisex small men's/unisex medium men's/unisex large men's/unisex XL men's/unisex 2XL men's/unisex 3XL If combo, hoodie size/color?Cardinal | Turquoise | Hot Pink | Silver | BLACKSand | Charcoal | Army Greenand more! Men's/Unisex cut size chart: HEREWomen's cut size chart: HERE*As seen on Otep's Live Confrontation DVD!!!* 'Thank you so much... I received my hoodie today and I love it. Soft and cuddly on the inside and perfect for a New York winter. It fits just the way I want it to...' - Joanna Jenkins, Brooklyn, NY*This is a busy, crazy shipping season. Every effort will be made to deliver your package in time for Christmas, but because we cannot control the United States Postal Service, we can make no guarantees of a delivery date. You can contact me at any time at for a status on your shipping so you can at least be aware of its progress. Please note that the USPS cutoff time for international orders to make it in time for Christmas has already passed (Dec 3). You can still order from overseas, but you may not receive your item until January.**super soft & durable Tultex & American Apparel shirtsshirt, tank or hoodie? Tshirt $20.00 USD Tank $18.00 USD Hoodie $35.00 USD Tshirt + Hoodie combo $55.00 USD Homogirl or Homegirl? Homogirl Homegirl Color white army green cardinal yellow heather gray charcoal blue black (w/white ink!) Size: women's small women's medium women's large women's XL men's/unisex small men's/unisex medium men's/unisex large men's/unisex XL men's/unisex 2XL men's/unisex 3XL If combo, hoodie size/color?*super soft & durable Tultex & American Apparel shirts"Otep is my HOMOgirl"
The Xylophone West
Playwright: Alex Lubischer. At: Fine Print Theatre Company at Red Tape Theater 773, 621 W. Belmont Ave. Tickets: or; $20-25. Runs through: April 4
Eastern Edge: 'Brother Russia': A show in a show may have an apropos nesting-doll quality, but the prize inside is merely acceptable
''Brother Russia'' at Signature Theatre
While 1776 celebrates the Declaration of Independence at Ford's Theatre, revolution is brewing at Signature Theatre, too, in the world premiere of the musical Brother Russia. Composer Dana Rowe and lyricist-librettist John Dempsey, previously showcased at Signature with The Fix and The Witches of Eastwick, have turned their attention to Rasputin, the mystic who was an influential adviser in the waning days of Tsar Nicholas II's rule before communism's rise.
Director Eric Schaeffer and his design team – including Misha Kachman (set), Kathleen Geldard (costumes) and Colin K. Bills (lighting) – have crafted a compelling environment, sort of a Slavic punk realm in which a ragtag theater troupe puts on a show about Rasputin, whom their leader, Brother Russia (John Lescault), claims to be. And August Eriksmoen's orchestrations make a compelling case for much of the rock-driven score, which is performed with gusto and, in the case of Doug Kreeger (as Rasputin) and Natascia Diaz (as Princess Anastasia), downright brilliance.
BROTHER RUSSIA To April 15 Signature Theatre 4200 Campbell Ave., Arlington $63-$86 703-573-SEAT
A promising first act yields to a shakier second, which feels padded out with formulaic, uninspired fare such as ''Vodka'' (all about… no, I'll let you guess) and ''The Great War,'' as well as a stream of angsty anthems that become increasingly hard to tell apart. The show culminates in an overlong, bloated speech by Brother Russia about the power, relevance and necessity of theater. The thing is, brother, when that's your message to people who've bothered to come to the theater in the first place, you're preaching to the choir in a most unnecessary way.
''Brother Russia'' at Signature Theatre
While 1776 celebrates the Declaration of Independence at Ford's Theatre, revolution is brewing at Signature Theatre, too, in the world premiere of the musical Brother Russia. Composer Dana Rowe and lyricist-librettist John Dempsey, previously showcased at Signature with The Fix and The Witches of Eastwick, have turned their attention to Rasputin, the mystic who was an influential adviser in the waning days of Tsar Nicholas II's rule before communism's rise.
Director Eric Schaeffer and his design team – including Misha Kachman (set), Kathleen Geldard (costumes) and Colin K. Bills (lighting) – have crafted a compelling environment, sort of a Slavic punk realm in which a ragtag theater troupe puts on a show about Rasputin, whom their leader, Brother Russia (John Lescault), claims to be. And August Eriksmoen's orchestrations make a compelling case for much of the rock-driven score, which is performed with gusto and, in the case of Doug Kreeger (as Rasputin) and Natascia Diaz (as Princess Anastasia), downright brilliance.
BROTHER RUSSIA To April 15 Signature Theatre 4200 Campbell Ave., Arlington $63-$86 703-573-SEAT
A promising first act yields to a shakier second, which feels padded out with formulaic, uninspired fare such as ''Vodka'' (all about… no, I'll let you guess) and ''The Great War,'' as well as a stream of angsty anthems that become increasingly hard to tell apart. The show culminates in an overlong, bloated speech by Brother Russia about the power, relevance and necessity of theater. The thing is, brother, when that's your message to people who've bothered to come to the theater in the first place, you're preaching to the choir in a most unnecessary way.
Lesbian News - 22 Mar 2012
More lesbians than straight women in Singapore and Malaysia, says Facebook?36th Cleveland International Film Festival prepares to launch: Focus will be on filmmakersWatch This Adorable Lesbian Marriage Proposal At Hockey GameLesbian Custody Battle Over Hound Leads to LawsuitLesbian denied communion addresses Catholic symposiumFormer President Jimmy Carter Supports The Freedom To MarryLet lesbian and gay 'calm voices' be heard in gay marriage debate
Lady Ga Ga Speaks her Mind
They asked her to boycott her shows in Arizona to protest SB1070. Instead, Lady Ga Ga activates the crowd. I love Lady Ga Ga.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Liberian President Defends Antigay Stance
"We've got certain traditional values in our society that we would like to preserve," Liberian president and Nobel Prize laureate said Friday in response to criticism from the U.S. State Department and LGBT advocates.
Take a dramamine and get ready to f*ck Madonna, guys in heels and possibly a gun
Madge (and Gays) Gone Wild Video. Click the link…
Art: Spring Arts 2012: Museums and Galleries
Feature Story:
319 West Broad St. Richmond, Va. 804-643-1708
Oscar Munoz: Ambulatorio – Black and white aerial photographs of artist's hometown of Cali, Colombia, are installed on the floor, allowing visitors to literally traverse the city (Now to 3/31) Constructs XI – Abstract paintings by Virginia artists Sally Bowring, Don Crow, Reni Gower, Chris Gregson, Stephen Griffin, Ray Kass, Javier Tapia and Dan Treado(Now to 4/22, Richmond's Linden Row Inn) 22nd Annual Art Auction (4/5-14) The Painting Show – Surveying current practices in painting and examining how painting relates to larger trends in contemporary art (4/20-6/2)
1050 Independence Ave. SW 202-633-4800
Hokusai: 36 Views of Mount Fuji – An acclaimed print series by Katsushika Hokusai (3/24-6/17) Perspectives: Ai Weiwei -- Featuring work by the prolific and provocative artist Ai Weiwei, in conjunction with the exhibition Ai Weiwei: According to What? at the Hirshhorn (5/12-4/7/13) Nomads and Networks: The Ancient Art and Culture of Kazakhstan – The first U.S. exhibition to present a comprehensive overview of the country's ancient nomadic culture, with objects drawn from the Central Asian nation's major museums (6/30-11/25) Worlds Within Worlds: Imperial Paintings from India and Iran – Folios and paintings from the Freer Gallery of Art and Sackler Gallery collections, comprising one of the world's most important repositories of Mughal and Persian paintings (7/28-9/17) Shadow Sites: Recent Work by Jananne al-Ani – A new body of video works examining enduring representations of the Middle Eastern landscape (8/18-1/27/13)
1101 Wilson Blvd. Arlington 703-875-1100
Jenny Sidhu Mullins -- Local artist is in the process of creating original art for an Arlington County bus in the program of ''Art on the Art Bus'' (Now to 4/15, Works in Progress Gallery) Experimental Media 2012 – Exhibition of interactive installation works, a video screening program and a workshop series, all exploring recent developments in the field of art and technology (4/12-5/20) Mickael Broth – Graffiti writer will reflect on the time he spent in jail for his art by finishing a memoir and creating new pieces of art while in residency at Artisphere (4/18-5/13, Works in Progress Gallery) Elevator To The Moon: Retro-Future Visions of Space – Contemporary artists, including Scott Brooks, Jared Davis, Dana Ellyn, Linas Garsys and Emily Greene Liddle, draw inspiration from beautifully flawed 20th century predictions about the future of space travel (4/4-6/9, Mezz Gallery) An Artistic Discovery: The Congressional Art Competition – Congressman James Moran hosts this exhibition of Northern Virginia's young artists, with the winning artist receiving the honor of having her artwork displayed in the U.S. Capitol for one year (5/17-6/17, Works in Progress Gallery)
1019 7th St. NW 202-607-3804
Terri Weifenbach – Woodspresents photographs influenced by artist's painting background (Now to 6/12, The Heurich Gallery) Colby Caldwell – spent presents enlarged images based on shotgun shell casings the artist found on his farm in Maryland (3/23-5/5)
500 17th St. NW 202-639-1700
NEXT at the Corcoran: Class of 2012 – A dynamic, interactive and innovative presentation of work by the graduating students of the Corcoran College of Art + Design (4/14-5/20) Crossing The Line: 2012 Alumni Exhibition – A juried exhibition of 27 Corcoran alumni across five decades (4/14-5/20) Richard Diebenkorn: The Ocean Park Series – The first major museum exhibition to focus on this innovator of modern painting, who advances the lexicon of abstraction (6/30-9/23)
201 East Capitol St. SE 202-544-7077
The Shakespeare Gallery (Ongoing) Shakespeare's Sisters: Voices of English and European Women Writers, 1500-1700 – Exhibition spotlights the underappreciated women writing during Shakespeare's time, most of whose works were either never published or published posthumously and neglected (Now to 5/20) Open City: London, 1500-1700 – As London went from being simply the capital of England to the heart of a world empire, the shift altered residents' sense of community, particularly as it relates to church, theater and market (6/8-9/29)
1530 14th St. NW 202-234-2711
Precious Metals – Featuring the works of Donna Cameron, Shelley Carr, Robert Cole, Mike McClung and Andrew Wapinksi (Now to 4/8) Trunk show featuring jewelry by Tina Bark Designs (3/24-25) Paintings by Kathy Beynette (4/11-5/13) Works by Michael D. Crossett (5/16-6/17) S.C.A.M. – Works by Susan Engle, Carl Amt, Aster da Fonseca and Mark Palmer (6/20-7/22)
Independence Avenue and Seventh Street SW 202-633-1000
Suprasensorial: Experiments in Light, Color and Space (Now to 5/13) Hirshhorn 360-Degre Projection by Doug Aitken -- Concurrent with the Suprsensorial exhibit, Aitken will transform the Hirshhorn's iconic circular building into a 360-degree panoramic cinematic space (Every night-5/13) Ai Weiwei: Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads – Chinese artist's monumental outdoor installation showcases the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac (4/19-2/24/13) Over, Under, Next – Artists over the last century have used objects, such as fragments and detritus in the world around them, to challenge traditional art media (6/21-8/26)
1358 Florida Ave. NE, Suite 200 202-399-1730
Philip Michael Wolfson: Animated Unobtainium: Tsukumogami DC Series 1 – First U.S. solo exhibition from this artist, whose art originates with discarded items from 100 years ago (Now to 4/28) FlexibleLove -- After a popular exhibit last summer, Industry Gallery is now the first and only American seller of FlexibleLove, expandable furniture crafted from post-consumer products and craft paper (Ongoing)
10 First St. SE 202-707-8000
Sakura: Cherry Blossoms as Living Symbols of Friendship – Exhibition celebrates the 100th anniversary of Tokyo's gift to Washington of 3,000 flowering cherry trees with documents illuminating the story and significance of the trees (Now to 9/15, Jefferson Building) Politics and the Dancing Body – American choreographers between World War I and the Cold War used dance to celebrate and criticize American culture, and the government used dance for cultural diplomacy during that time (Now to 7/28, Madison Building)
1234 9th St. NW 202-232-4788
DCist Photo Exposed – The 6th annual exhibition focused on images submitted documenting D.C. diversity, whittled down to 40 for display (Now to 4/1) Michelle Peterson-Albandoz (4/12-5/6) Washington Glass School (5/10-6/10) Eve Stockton (6/14-7/15) Sondra N. Arkin (8/23-9/23)
First Floor Galleries and Gudelsky Gallery Suite 5301 Tuckerman Lane North Bethesda, Md. 301-581-5100
A Singular View: The Art and Words of John Paton Davies, Jr. – A display of the art collection owned by the late diplomat and designer who stood up to Senator McCarthy's Red Scare (Now to 4/14) VIEWPOINT: 21st Annual Strathmore Artists Juried Exhibition – Featuring works by Strathmore artists, from painters to sculptors, to photographers to mixed-media artists (3/24-4/21) Strathmore Unleashed – A canine-tastic art exhibition featuring artwork from various media depicting dogs (4/28-6/23)
401 F St. NW 202-272-2448
LEGO Architecture: Towering Ambition -- Showcasing 15 buildings from around the world made entirely from LEGO bricks by Adam Reed Tucker (Now to 9/3) Unbuilt Washington -- Featuring unrealized proposals for noteworthy architectural and urban design projects in Washington, D.C., from the 1790s to the present (Now to 5/28) House & Home -- A long-term exhibition tours houses both familiar and surprising, through past and present, challenging our ideas about what it means to live at home in America (Opening 4/28) Kevin Roche: Architecture as Environment – An exhibition of third-generation modernist whose architecture captures the spirit of the post-industrial age (Opening 6/16) New Cultural Capitals -- An online exhibition provoking dialogue and debate about the role of architecture and cultural infrastructure in creating vital communities (Opening Summer)
3rd Street and Constitution Avenue NW 202-737-4215
Picasso's Drawings, 1890-1921: Reinventing Tradition -- Presenting the dazzling development of Picasso's drawings over a 30-year period—from the precocious academic exercises of his youth in the 1890s to the virtuoso works of the early 1920s, including the radical innovations of cubism and collage(Now to 5/6) Civic Pride: Group Portraits from Amsterdam (Now to 3/11/17) Colorful Realm: Japanese Bird-and-Flower Paintings by Itō Jakuchū (1716–1800) (3/30-4/29) I Spy: Photography and the Theater of the Street, 1938–2010 -- Since the invention of small hand-held cameras and faster films in the late 19th century, photographers have been fascinated with capturing everyday life in the urban environment(4/22-8/5) Joan Miró: The Ladder of Escape (5/6-8/12) George Bellows (6/10-10/8)
1145 17th St. NW 202-857-7700
Samurai: The Warrior Transformed – Exploring the history of the Japanese samurai, including their important role in relations between the U.S. and Japan since 1860; a side exhibit displays photographs from Eliza R. Scidmore, who helped inspire the gift of cherry trees from Tokyo to D.C. 100 years ago (Now to 9/3) Beyond The Story: National Geographic Unpublished – Showcasing some of the thousands of images that were shot for magazine stories in 2011 (Now to 5/28) Titanic: 100 Year Obsession – An exhibit based on National Geographic's Explorer-in-Residence Robert Ballard, the first to unveil images of the wreck in 1985 (3/29-7/8)
Independence Avenue and 4th Street SW 202-633-1000
A Song for the Horse Nation -- Presenting the epic story of the horse's influence on American Indian tribes beginning with the return of horses to the Western Hemisphere by Christopher Columbus to the present day (Now to 1/7/13) Behind the Scenes: The Real Story of Quileute Wolves -- Bringing together rare works of art as a counterpoint to the supernatural storyline of the popular Twilight saga (Now to 5/9) Vochol: Huichol Art on Wheels – Eight artists from Huichol Indian communities in Mexico created a ''Beaded Bug,'' a Volkswagen Beetle bedecked in thousands of tiny, colorful glass beads (Now to 5/6, Potomac Atrium) Up Where We Belong: Native Musicians in Popular Culture – Highlighting Native people who have been active participants in contemporary music over the past century (8/4-8/11/13)
F and 8th Streets NW 202-633-1000
The Black List: Photographs by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders -- The Black List Project is a photographic exhibit and documentary featuring portraits of prominent African Americans (Now to 4/22) In Vibrant Color: Vintage Celebrity Portraits from the Harry Warnecke Studio – Artist's brilliant, eye-popping color portraits of celebrities including Lucille Ball, Louis Armstrong and Ethel Waters as originally published in the Sunday magazine of the New York Daily News (Now to 9/9) The Confederate Sketches of Adalbert Volck – German immigrant's pictorial propaganda in support of the Confederacy will be on display (3/30-1/21/13) Matthew Brady's Photographs of Union Generals – Studio portraits of Union military leaders, from George McClellan to William Tecumseh Sherman to Ulysses Grant (3/30-5/31-15) A Will of Their Own: Judith Sargent Murray and Women of Achievement in the Early Republic – Portraits of eight prominent American women of the late 18th century (4/20-9/2/13) 1812: A Nation Emerges – Exhibit documents key Americans who influenced the outcome of the War of 1812, transforming and unifying the country (6/15-1/27/13) One Life: Amelia Earhart – Portraits of the aviator in all artistic media, with a focus on her role in breaking barriers for women (6/29-5/27/13)
1220 31st St. NW 202-965-1818
Blossom DC – Inspired by the 100-year anniversary of the Japanese cherry blossoms, exhibition displays prints of spring blossoms by local artists (Now to 5/11)
1600 21st St. NW 202-387-2151
Intersections: Sandra Cinto – Untitled (After the Rain) is composed of intricate ink and acrylic drawings on canvast that cover the café walls (5/17-12/30/13) Jasper Johns: Variations on a Theme – Exhibition features approximately 90 iconic examples of innovative artist, who has brought new advances to printmaking (6/2-9/9) Antony Gormley: Drawing Space – First major U.S. exhibition of works on paper by British artist, best known for his sculptures and installations (6/2-9/9)
1353 U St. NW #302 202-232-4340
Paul Myoda: Glittering Machines (3/24-4/28)
''Flower'' video game
8th and F Streets NW 202-633-7970
Inventing a Better Mousetrap: Patent Models from the Rothschild Collection -- Featuring 32 models illustrating the wide variety of 19th-century patented inventions submitted by inventors from across the United States(Now to 11/3/13) The Art of Video Games -- One of the first exhibitions to explore the forty-year evolution of video games as an artistic medium, with a focus on striking visual effects and the creative use of new technologies (Now to 9/30) African American Art: Harlem Renaissance, Civil Rights Era and Beyond -- A selection of paintings, sculpture, prints and photographs by 43 black artists who explored the African-American experience in the 20th century (4/27-9/3) 40 under 40: Craft Futures - Featuring 40 artists born since 1972, when the Smithsonian American Art Museum's Renwick Gallery opened (6/20-2/3/13) The Civil War and American Art -- Exploring the impact of the Civil War and its aftermath on the visual arts in America using some of the finest artworks made during this period (11/16-4/28/13) Nam June Paik: Art and Process (12/14-8/11/13)
2320 S St. NW 202-667-0441
Dragons, Nagas and Creatures of the Deep -- Welcoming 2012 as the East Asian calendar's Year of the Dragon, this exhibition presents a global selection of textiles depicting dragons and related fantastical creatures of legend (Now to 1/6/13) Woven Treasures of Japan's Tawaraya Workshop -- Japan has a remarkably refined textile tradition, and for centuries the Japanese have admired the silks produced in the Nishijin neighborhood of Kyoto as the epitome of beauty and opulence (3/23-8/12) Sourcing the Museum -- The Textile Museum's permanent collections provided the source of creative inspiration for twelve contemporary artists, whose works will be displayed alongside the fabrics that inspired them (3/23-4/19)
901 New York Ave. NW 202-347-2787
Tracks by Pete McCutchen – Featuring photographs of roller coasters with pop art-inspired alterations (Now to 4/1)
Pyramid Atlantic Art Center 8230 Georgia Ave. Silver Spring 301-273-3660
Art*Sparks: Marian Osher (Now to 3/25) Impressions from the Press Room II-Spring (3/28-4/29) A Thing or Two: Recent Work by Ellen V. Winkler (4/29-5/27) Ex Libris: An Exhibition of Prints by Chinese Artists (5/30-6/24)
319 West Broad St. Richmond, Va. 804-643-1708
Oscar Munoz: Ambulatorio – Black and white aerial photographs of artist's hometown of Cali, Colombia, are installed on the floor, allowing visitors to literally traverse the city (Now to 3/31) Constructs XI – Abstract paintings by Virginia artists Sally Bowring, Don Crow, Reni Gower, Chris Gregson, Stephen Griffin, Ray Kass, Javier Tapia and Dan Treado(Now to 4/22, Richmond's Linden Row Inn) 22nd Annual Art Auction (4/5-14) The Painting Show – Surveying current practices in painting and examining how painting relates to larger trends in contemporary art (4/20-6/2)
1050 Independence Ave. SW 202-633-4800
Hokusai: 36 Views of Mount Fuji – An acclaimed print series by Katsushika Hokusai (3/24-6/17) Perspectives: Ai Weiwei -- Featuring work by the prolific and provocative artist Ai Weiwei, in conjunction with the exhibition Ai Weiwei: According to What? at the Hirshhorn (5/12-4/7/13) Nomads and Networks: The Ancient Art and Culture of Kazakhstan – The first U.S. exhibition to present a comprehensive overview of the country's ancient nomadic culture, with objects drawn from the Central Asian nation's major museums (6/30-11/25) Worlds Within Worlds: Imperial Paintings from India and Iran – Folios and paintings from the Freer Gallery of Art and Sackler Gallery collections, comprising one of the world's most important repositories of Mughal and Persian paintings (7/28-9/17) Shadow Sites: Recent Work by Jananne al-Ani – A new body of video works examining enduring representations of the Middle Eastern landscape (8/18-1/27/13)
1101 Wilson Blvd. Arlington 703-875-1100
Jenny Sidhu Mullins -- Local artist is in the process of creating original art for an Arlington County bus in the program of ''Art on the Art Bus'' (Now to 4/15, Works in Progress Gallery) Experimental Media 2012 – Exhibition of interactive installation works, a video screening program and a workshop series, all exploring recent developments in the field of art and technology (4/12-5/20) Mickael Broth – Graffiti writer will reflect on the time he spent in jail for his art by finishing a memoir and creating new pieces of art while in residency at Artisphere (4/18-5/13, Works in Progress Gallery) Elevator To The Moon: Retro-Future Visions of Space – Contemporary artists, including Scott Brooks, Jared Davis, Dana Ellyn, Linas Garsys and Emily Greene Liddle, draw inspiration from beautifully flawed 20th century predictions about the future of space travel (4/4-6/9, Mezz Gallery) An Artistic Discovery: The Congressional Art Competition – Congressman James Moran hosts this exhibition of Northern Virginia's young artists, with the winning artist receiving the honor of having her artwork displayed in the U.S. Capitol for one year (5/17-6/17, Works in Progress Gallery)
1019 7th St. NW 202-607-3804
Terri Weifenbach – Woodspresents photographs influenced by artist's painting background (Now to 6/12, The Heurich Gallery) Colby Caldwell – spent presents enlarged images based on shotgun shell casings the artist found on his farm in Maryland (3/23-5/5)
500 17th St. NW 202-639-1700
NEXT at the Corcoran: Class of 2012 – A dynamic, interactive and innovative presentation of work by the graduating students of the Corcoran College of Art + Design (4/14-5/20) Crossing The Line: 2012 Alumni Exhibition – A juried exhibition of 27 Corcoran alumni across five decades (4/14-5/20) Richard Diebenkorn: The Ocean Park Series – The first major museum exhibition to focus on this innovator of modern painting, who advances the lexicon of abstraction (6/30-9/23)
201 East Capitol St. SE 202-544-7077
The Shakespeare Gallery (Ongoing) Shakespeare's Sisters: Voices of English and European Women Writers, 1500-1700 – Exhibition spotlights the underappreciated women writing during Shakespeare's time, most of whose works were either never published or published posthumously and neglected (Now to 5/20) Open City: London, 1500-1700 – As London went from being simply the capital of England to the heart of a world empire, the shift altered residents' sense of community, particularly as it relates to church, theater and market (6/8-9/29)
1530 14th St. NW 202-234-2711
Precious Metals – Featuring the works of Donna Cameron, Shelley Carr, Robert Cole, Mike McClung and Andrew Wapinksi (Now to 4/8) Trunk show featuring jewelry by Tina Bark Designs (3/24-25) Paintings by Kathy Beynette (4/11-5/13) Works by Michael D. Crossett (5/16-6/17) S.C.A.M. – Works by Susan Engle, Carl Amt, Aster da Fonseca and Mark Palmer (6/20-7/22)
Independence Avenue and Seventh Street SW 202-633-1000
Suprasensorial: Experiments in Light, Color and Space (Now to 5/13) Hirshhorn 360-Degre Projection by Doug Aitken -- Concurrent with the Suprsensorial exhibit, Aitken will transform the Hirshhorn's iconic circular building into a 360-degree panoramic cinematic space (Every night-5/13) Ai Weiwei: Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads – Chinese artist's monumental outdoor installation showcases the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac (4/19-2/24/13) Over, Under, Next – Artists over the last century have used objects, such as fragments and detritus in the world around them, to challenge traditional art media (6/21-8/26)
1358 Florida Ave. NE, Suite 200 202-399-1730
Philip Michael Wolfson: Animated Unobtainium: Tsukumogami DC Series 1 – First U.S. solo exhibition from this artist, whose art originates with discarded items from 100 years ago (Now to 4/28) FlexibleLove -- After a popular exhibit last summer, Industry Gallery is now the first and only American seller of FlexibleLove, expandable furniture crafted from post-consumer products and craft paper (Ongoing)
10 First St. SE 202-707-8000
Sakura: Cherry Blossoms as Living Symbols of Friendship – Exhibition celebrates the 100th anniversary of Tokyo's gift to Washington of 3,000 flowering cherry trees with documents illuminating the story and significance of the trees (Now to 9/15, Jefferson Building) Politics and the Dancing Body – American choreographers between World War I and the Cold War used dance to celebrate and criticize American culture, and the government used dance for cultural diplomacy during that time (Now to 7/28, Madison Building)
1234 9th St. NW 202-232-4788
DCist Photo Exposed – The 6th annual exhibition focused on images submitted documenting D.C. diversity, whittled down to 40 for display (Now to 4/1) Michelle Peterson-Albandoz (4/12-5/6) Washington Glass School (5/10-6/10) Eve Stockton (6/14-7/15) Sondra N. Arkin (8/23-9/23)
First Floor Galleries and Gudelsky Gallery Suite 5301 Tuckerman Lane North Bethesda, Md. 301-581-5100
A Singular View: The Art and Words of John Paton Davies, Jr. – A display of the art collection owned by the late diplomat and designer who stood up to Senator McCarthy's Red Scare (Now to 4/14) VIEWPOINT: 21st Annual Strathmore Artists Juried Exhibition – Featuring works by Strathmore artists, from painters to sculptors, to photographers to mixed-media artists (3/24-4/21) Strathmore Unleashed – A canine-tastic art exhibition featuring artwork from various media depicting dogs (4/28-6/23)
401 F St. NW 202-272-2448
LEGO Architecture: Towering Ambition -- Showcasing 15 buildings from around the world made entirely from LEGO bricks by Adam Reed Tucker (Now to 9/3) Unbuilt Washington -- Featuring unrealized proposals for noteworthy architectural and urban design projects in Washington, D.C., from the 1790s to the present (Now to 5/28) House & Home -- A long-term exhibition tours houses both familiar and surprising, through past and present, challenging our ideas about what it means to live at home in America (Opening 4/28) Kevin Roche: Architecture as Environment – An exhibition of third-generation modernist whose architecture captures the spirit of the post-industrial age (Opening 6/16) New Cultural Capitals -- An online exhibition provoking dialogue and debate about the role of architecture and cultural infrastructure in creating vital communities (Opening Summer)
3rd Street and Constitution Avenue NW 202-737-4215
Picasso's Drawings, 1890-1921: Reinventing Tradition -- Presenting the dazzling development of Picasso's drawings over a 30-year period—from the precocious academic exercises of his youth in the 1890s to the virtuoso works of the early 1920s, including the radical innovations of cubism and collage(Now to 5/6) Civic Pride: Group Portraits from Amsterdam (Now to 3/11/17) Colorful Realm: Japanese Bird-and-Flower Paintings by Itō Jakuchū (1716–1800) (3/30-4/29) I Spy: Photography and the Theater of the Street, 1938–2010 -- Since the invention of small hand-held cameras and faster films in the late 19th century, photographers have been fascinated with capturing everyday life in the urban environment(4/22-8/5) Joan Miró: The Ladder of Escape (5/6-8/12) George Bellows (6/10-10/8)
1145 17th St. NW 202-857-7700
Samurai: The Warrior Transformed – Exploring the history of the Japanese samurai, including their important role in relations between the U.S. and Japan since 1860; a side exhibit displays photographs from Eliza R. Scidmore, who helped inspire the gift of cherry trees from Tokyo to D.C. 100 years ago (Now to 9/3) Beyond The Story: National Geographic Unpublished – Showcasing some of the thousands of images that were shot for magazine stories in 2011 (Now to 5/28) Titanic: 100 Year Obsession – An exhibit based on National Geographic's Explorer-in-Residence Robert Ballard, the first to unveil images of the wreck in 1985 (3/29-7/8)
Independence Avenue and 4th Street SW 202-633-1000
A Song for the Horse Nation -- Presenting the epic story of the horse's influence on American Indian tribes beginning with the return of horses to the Western Hemisphere by Christopher Columbus to the present day (Now to 1/7/13) Behind the Scenes: The Real Story of Quileute Wolves -- Bringing together rare works of art as a counterpoint to the supernatural storyline of the popular Twilight saga (Now to 5/9) Vochol: Huichol Art on Wheels – Eight artists from Huichol Indian communities in Mexico created a ''Beaded Bug,'' a Volkswagen Beetle bedecked in thousands of tiny, colorful glass beads (Now to 5/6, Potomac Atrium) Up Where We Belong: Native Musicians in Popular Culture – Highlighting Native people who have been active participants in contemporary music over the past century (8/4-8/11/13)
F and 8th Streets NW 202-633-1000
The Black List: Photographs by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders -- The Black List Project is a photographic exhibit and documentary featuring portraits of prominent African Americans (Now to 4/22) In Vibrant Color: Vintage Celebrity Portraits from the Harry Warnecke Studio – Artist's brilliant, eye-popping color portraits of celebrities including Lucille Ball, Louis Armstrong and Ethel Waters as originally published in the Sunday magazine of the New York Daily News (Now to 9/9) The Confederate Sketches of Adalbert Volck – German immigrant's pictorial propaganda in support of the Confederacy will be on display (3/30-1/21/13) Matthew Brady's Photographs of Union Generals – Studio portraits of Union military leaders, from George McClellan to William Tecumseh Sherman to Ulysses Grant (3/30-5/31-15) A Will of Their Own: Judith Sargent Murray and Women of Achievement in the Early Republic – Portraits of eight prominent American women of the late 18th century (4/20-9/2/13) 1812: A Nation Emerges – Exhibit documents key Americans who influenced the outcome of the War of 1812, transforming and unifying the country (6/15-1/27/13) One Life: Amelia Earhart – Portraits of the aviator in all artistic media, with a focus on her role in breaking barriers for women (6/29-5/27/13)
1220 31st St. NW 202-965-1818
Blossom DC – Inspired by the 100-year anniversary of the Japanese cherry blossoms, exhibition displays prints of spring blossoms by local artists (Now to 5/11)
1600 21st St. NW 202-387-2151
Intersections: Sandra Cinto – Untitled (After the Rain) is composed of intricate ink and acrylic drawings on canvast that cover the café walls (5/17-12/30/13) Jasper Johns: Variations on a Theme – Exhibition features approximately 90 iconic examples of innovative artist, who has brought new advances to printmaking (6/2-9/9) Antony Gormley: Drawing Space – First major U.S. exhibition of works on paper by British artist, best known for his sculptures and installations (6/2-9/9)
1353 U St. NW #302 202-232-4340
Paul Myoda: Glittering Machines (3/24-4/28)
''Flower'' video game
8th and F Streets NW 202-633-7970
Inventing a Better Mousetrap: Patent Models from the Rothschild Collection -- Featuring 32 models illustrating the wide variety of 19th-century patented inventions submitted by inventors from across the United States(Now to 11/3/13) The Art of Video Games -- One of the first exhibitions to explore the forty-year evolution of video games as an artistic medium, with a focus on striking visual effects and the creative use of new technologies (Now to 9/30) African American Art: Harlem Renaissance, Civil Rights Era and Beyond -- A selection of paintings, sculpture, prints and photographs by 43 black artists who explored the African-American experience in the 20th century (4/27-9/3) 40 under 40: Craft Futures - Featuring 40 artists born since 1972, when the Smithsonian American Art Museum's Renwick Gallery opened (6/20-2/3/13) The Civil War and American Art -- Exploring the impact of the Civil War and its aftermath on the visual arts in America using some of the finest artworks made during this period (11/16-4/28/13) Nam June Paik: Art and Process (12/14-8/11/13)
2320 S St. NW 202-667-0441
Dragons, Nagas and Creatures of the Deep -- Welcoming 2012 as the East Asian calendar's Year of the Dragon, this exhibition presents a global selection of textiles depicting dragons and related fantastical creatures of legend (Now to 1/6/13) Woven Treasures of Japan's Tawaraya Workshop -- Japan has a remarkably refined textile tradition, and for centuries the Japanese have admired the silks produced in the Nishijin neighborhood of Kyoto as the epitome of beauty and opulence (3/23-8/12) Sourcing the Museum -- The Textile Museum's permanent collections provided the source of creative inspiration for twelve contemporary artists, whose works will be displayed alongside the fabrics that inspired them (3/23-4/19)
901 New York Ave. NW 202-347-2787
Tracks by Pete McCutchen – Featuring photographs of roller coasters with pop art-inspired alterations (Now to 4/1)
Pyramid Atlantic Art Center 8230 Georgia Ave. Silver Spring 301-273-3660
Art*Sparks: Marian Osher (Now to 3/25) Impressions from the Press Room II-Spring (3/28-4/29) A Thing or Two: Recent Work by Ellen V. Winkler (4/29-5/27) Ex Libris: An Exhibition of Prints by Chinese Artists (5/30-6/24)
I'm From Driftwood: Black LGBTQ Spotlight Preview Party Jan 31st
is spotlighting the black LGBTQ Community in early February. Before the
stories are shared online, you can get a first look at Gallery Bar! All
while enjoying an OPEN BAR from El Dorado Rum, winning great raffle and
silent auction items, and listening and dancing to live DJ Missy B! Details: *Gallery Bar, 120 Orchard St. *Tuesday, January 31, 6:30pm - 10pm (*story screening starts at 8) ***EL DORADO RUM OPEN BAR 6:30 - 7:30 *Tickets: $10 advance, $15 door, purchase tickets here
*VIP Tickets ($100 or 2 for $150) get you Open Bar all night, 5 free
raffle tix, bottle of El Dorado rum, signed I'm From Driftwood book. *Silent Auction + Raffle Prizes *DJ Missy BJoin the Facebook is a Brooklyn-based
non-profit that collects and shares personal LGBT stories to help deepen
our understanding of each other, preserve our history, and open hearts
and minds.
is spotlighting the black LGBTQ Community in early February. Before the
stories are shared online, you can get a first look at Gallery Bar! All
while enjoying an OPEN BAR from El Dorado Rum, winning great raffle and
silent auction items, and listening and dancing to live DJ Missy B! Details: *Gallery Bar, 120 Orchard St. *Tuesday, January 31, 6:30pm - 10pm (*story screening starts at 8) ***EL DORADO RUM OPEN BAR 6:30 - 7:30 *Tickets: $10 advance, $15 door, purchase tickets here
*VIP Tickets ($100 or 2 for $150) get you Open Bar all night, 5 free
raffle tix, bottle of El Dorado rum, signed I'm From Driftwood book. *Silent Auction + Raffle Prizes *DJ Missy BJoin the Facebook is a Brooklyn-based
non-profit that collects and shares personal LGBT stories to help deepen
our understanding of each other, preserve our history, and open hearts
and minds.
Tracie Bennett sings Judy Garland
MASTERWORKS BROADWAY announces the release of Tracie Bennett Sings Judy: Songs from the Broadway Production of End of the Rainbow and Other Garland Classics available now. The new play with music features Michael Cumpsty, Tom Pelphrey and Jay Russell, joining two-time Olivier Award-winner Tracie Bennett in Peter Quilter's acclaimed show about the legendary Judy Garland. Directed by the Tony® Award winning Terry Johnson, End of the Rainbow will begin performances on March 19, 2012 at Broadway's Belasco Theatre, opening April 2.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Gaga speaks, Reid acts on ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’
LAS VEGAS (AP) – Does Lady Gaga run the U.S. Senate?
A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday a vote to repeal the military’s ban of openly gay and lesbian soldiers had been planned for next week before the singer made waves with a plea during a daytime talk show.
The pop star known for flashy performances and eccentric style called on Reid to repeal the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres that aired Monday.
Reid’s campaign and Gaga traded talking points on Twitter after the lawmaker announced the vote. Reid told Gaga repealing the measure was the right thing to do.
Campaign spokesman Kelly Steele said Reid does not take cues from Gaga.
Read More
A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday a vote to repeal the military’s ban of openly gay and lesbian soldiers had been planned for next week before the singer made waves with a plea during a daytime talk show.
The pop star known for flashy performances and eccentric style called on Reid to repeal the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres that aired Monday.
Reid’s campaign and Gaga traded talking points on Twitter after the lawmaker announced the vote. Reid told Gaga repealing the measure was the right thing to do.
Campaign spokesman Kelly Steele said Reid does not take cues from Gaga.
Read More
Thomas Roberts Asks NOM's Brian Brown if He is 'Exhausted' by Constantly Opposing Equality: VIDEO
MSNBC's Thomas Roberts got fed up with NOM's Brian Brown at the end of his diatribe against same-sex marriage in New Hampshire.
Asked Roberts: "Is it sometimes just exhausting for you, and what the National Organization for Marriage does, to try to stand against the tide of equality? Is it exhausting?"
After Brown answers, Roberts recommends he go watch the movie Bully.
Check it out, AFTER THE JUMP...
(via think progress lgbt)
Asked Roberts: "Is it sometimes just exhausting for you, and what the National Organization for Marriage does, to try to stand against the tide of equality? Is it exhausting?"
After Brown answers, Roberts recommends he go watch the movie Bully.
Check it out, AFTER THE JUMP...
(via think progress lgbt)
Lesbian News - 21 Mar 2012
Tacoma Art Museum hosts controversial show that focuses on sexual identity'Gay marriage law may affect British royal family'The NY Times's Nine Questions for Tammy BaldwinOccupy the NYC LGBT CentreMuslim lesbian couple fight Canada deportation to IsraelLiberian anger over gay rights call
Real Ryder hosting cycling event
Real Ryder Revolution R3, a cycling studio at 108 W. Hubbard St., hosts the second in a series of teaser events Thursday, March 22, 7-9 p.m., in support of Fab Fest 2012.
Lesbian News - 10 Mar 2012
Lesbian Student Delivers 200,000 Signatures to Protest Bully RatingStudents rally for a cause at gender-neutral housing eventRestaurant apologises to lesbian couplebecause...Lesbians refused a rose on Valentine's Day because they 'weren't a proper couple'Homeless youth: the next battle for gay equalityOhio Lesbian Mother and Former Partner Must Share Custody of 8-Year-OldExamining The Lives Of Lesbians On International Women?s Day
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Illusionists: The stage is set for the 25th Miss Gay D.C. America Pageant
Coti Collins
When reigning titleholder Kirby Kolby steps down at Saturday's Miss Gay D.C. America pageant, the experience may be bittersweet. But the emphasis really should be on the sweet. After all, she didn't stop there. She went on to take the Miss Gay America title in October 2011 at the national pageant of ''female illusion'' in Columbus, Ohio.
While the Raleigh, N.C., resident's win, representing the D.C. title at the nationals, put her at the top of her game, she has some company. As Robert York, president of Cocker Productions, producer of the D.C. regional pageant, is quick to point out, ''We've had three national winners in four years. People competing for Miss Gay D.C. America know it's a pageant that will provide them with a lot of support.''
Those other national winners representing the D.C. title are Coti Collins, Miss Gay America 2011, and Victoria DePaula, Miss Gay America 2009.
With that precedent, Saturday's crop of contestants are facing a pretty high bar. And never mind that this year's D.C. regional contest marks its 25th year (40th for the lucky illusionist heading off to the national pageant), but, hey, no pressure.
Crowning of Victoria DePaul
''Anyone coming to the event should expect a great night of entertainment,'' York promises. ''They might think of it like the real Miss America. There are a lot of similarities.''
That doesn't mean the audiences will get to see everything that leads up to the final crowning. The Friday night interview of contestants out of drag, for example, is a judges-only affair. Still, there's plenty to see Saturday, as contestants are questioned before the audience, show off their evening gowns, and put their most talented feet forward. Just don't expect any fiery batons.
''That's not allowed,'' York cautions. ''No fire and no liquids.''
Kirby Crowned Miss Gay America 2012
Restrictions aside, these fierce competitors are likely to break out whatever stops are allowed, in that there's an impressive prize package to be had. From cash to crown and quite a bit in between, the first-place prize package is valued at $4,125. That's not counting the invaluable guaranteed entry into the running for Miss Gay America later this year.
Says York, ''There's a lot of blood, sweat and tears put into winning a title.''
The Miss Gay D.C. America Pageant is Saturday, March 24, at Town Danceboutique, second floor, 2009 8th St. NW. The pageant begins at 6:45 p.m. Admission is $10. For more information, visit ...more
Coti Collins
When reigning titleholder Kirby Kolby steps down at Saturday's Miss Gay D.C. America pageant, the experience may be bittersweet. But the emphasis really should be on the sweet. After all, she didn't stop there. She went on to take the Miss Gay America title in October 2011 at the national pageant of ''female illusion'' in Columbus, Ohio.
While the Raleigh, N.C., resident's win, representing the D.C. title at the nationals, put her at the top of her game, she has some company. As Robert York, president of Cocker Productions, producer of the D.C. regional pageant, is quick to point out, ''We've had three national winners in four years. People competing for Miss Gay D.C. America know it's a pageant that will provide them with a lot of support.''
Those other national winners representing the D.C. title are Coti Collins, Miss Gay America 2011, and Victoria DePaula, Miss Gay America 2009.
With that precedent, Saturday's crop of contestants are facing a pretty high bar. And never mind that this year's D.C. regional contest marks its 25th year (40th for the lucky illusionist heading off to the national pageant), but, hey, no pressure.
Crowning of Victoria DePaul
''Anyone coming to the event should expect a great night of entertainment,'' York promises. ''They might think of it like the real Miss America. There are a lot of similarities.''
That doesn't mean the audiences will get to see everything that leads up to the final crowning. The Friday night interview of contestants out of drag, for example, is a judges-only affair. Still, there's plenty to see Saturday, as contestants are questioned before the audience, show off their evening gowns, and put their most talented feet forward. Just don't expect any fiery batons.
''That's not allowed,'' York cautions. ''No fire and no liquids.''
Kirby Crowned Miss Gay America 2012
Restrictions aside, these fierce competitors are likely to break out whatever stops are allowed, in that there's an impressive prize package to be had. From cash to crown and quite a bit in between, the first-place prize package is valued at $4,125. That's not counting the invaluable guaranteed entry into the running for Miss Gay America later this year.
Says York, ''There's a lot of blood, sweat and tears put into winning a title.''
The Miss Gay D.C. America Pageant is Saturday, March 24, at Town Danceboutique, second floor, 2009 8th St. NW. The pageant begins at 6:45 p.m. Admission is $10. For more information, visit ...more
Idina Menzel's new album is a delightful escape into her songbook: Barefoot and Excellent
Remember Idina Menzel's attempts at pop stardom? Just as well if you don't. She's released a total of three forgettable pop albums, though only her 2008 set I Stand charted. (That was after her Tony-winning star turn in Wicked.)
Here's hoping the wonderful soprano and veritable Broadway star sticks to what she went to New York University for and keeps her focus on the Great White Way – or at least cabaret.
In fact, she's apparently in the early stages of originating a new role on Broadway. In the meantime, aside from her recurring role on Glee, Menzel has just released her fourth official recording (not counting her show soundtracks). Live: Barefoot at the Symphony is a recording of her symphonic cabaret performed at Toronto's Royal Conservatory of Music, with Marvin Hamlisch conducting a 52-piece orchestra plus a few additional musicians, including pianist and arranger Rob Mounsey. Her husband and fellow performer Taye Diggs even comes out to sing one duet. And as the title suggests, she performs barefoot; heels were apparently a hindrance.
Anyone who caught Menzel's show with Hamlisch and the NSO Pops at Wolf Trap two summers ago will be familiar with the material on this CD – and the related DVD and PBS special. And if you missed that performance, you'll get another chance this summer, when she returns to the great outdoor venue with the NSO pops.
Even for just an everyday admirer of Menzel's talent, Live: Barefoot at the Symphony is a treat. It's a delightful escape into her varied songbook, which ranges from Rent to Wicked to Glee, plus a few pop culture detours, from Jimmy Webb to Annie. She tells amusing stories to set up songs, from the huge crush she had on her gay musical theater teacher, to how she got cast on the hit Fox show. From Glee she performs one of the first songs she sang with Lea Michele, who plays her biological daughter on the show. Lady Gaga's ''Poker Face'' may be an odd choice for a mother-daughter duet, as Menzel points out, especially with its talk about ''bluffin' with my muffin.'' But it works here, revealing Menzel's quirky side but also framing her in a big, orchestral arrangement – making something silly a little closer to sublime.
IDINA MENZEL Live: Barefoot at the Symphony Concord Jazz $10
Menzel comes across as immensely personable in her onstage banter. She even throws jabs at Beyoncé and her idol Barbra Streisand, in context of the Kennedy Center Honors in 2008. She jokingly calls Beyoncé a bitch for essentially stealing from Menzel the Hamlisch-penned ''The Way We Were'' as her tribute to Babs. Naturally, the real bitch is Babs, who sits at the same table as Menzel and Diggs after the show but can only bring herself to pay Menzel a half-hearted compliment for performing ''Don't Rain On My Parade.'' ''You were good,'' she says.
She was more than good, of course. There's no raining on this parade.
Download These: ''The Professor,'' ''Funny Girl/Don't Rain on My Parade''
Remember Idina Menzel's attempts at pop stardom? Just as well if you don't. She's released a total of three forgettable pop albums, though only her 2008 set I Stand charted. (That was after her Tony-winning star turn in Wicked.)
Here's hoping the wonderful soprano and veritable Broadway star sticks to what she went to New York University for and keeps her focus on the Great White Way – or at least cabaret.
In fact, she's apparently in the early stages of originating a new role on Broadway. In the meantime, aside from her recurring role on Glee, Menzel has just released her fourth official recording (not counting her show soundtracks). Live: Barefoot at the Symphony is a recording of her symphonic cabaret performed at Toronto's Royal Conservatory of Music, with Marvin Hamlisch conducting a 52-piece orchestra plus a few additional musicians, including pianist and arranger Rob Mounsey. Her husband and fellow performer Taye Diggs even comes out to sing one duet. And as the title suggests, she performs barefoot; heels were apparently a hindrance.
Anyone who caught Menzel's show with Hamlisch and the NSO Pops at Wolf Trap two summers ago will be familiar with the material on this CD – and the related DVD and PBS special. And if you missed that performance, you'll get another chance this summer, when she returns to the great outdoor venue with the NSO pops.
Even for just an everyday admirer of Menzel's talent, Live: Barefoot at the Symphony is a treat. It's a delightful escape into her varied songbook, which ranges from Rent to Wicked to Glee, plus a few pop culture detours, from Jimmy Webb to Annie. She tells amusing stories to set up songs, from the huge crush she had on her gay musical theater teacher, to how she got cast on the hit Fox show. From Glee she performs one of the first songs she sang with Lea Michele, who plays her biological daughter on the show. Lady Gaga's ''Poker Face'' may be an odd choice for a mother-daughter duet, as Menzel points out, especially with its talk about ''bluffin' with my muffin.'' But it works here, revealing Menzel's quirky side but also framing her in a big, orchestral arrangement – making something silly a little closer to sublime.
IDINA MENZEL Live: Barefoot at the Symphony Concord Jazz $10
Menzel comes across as immensely personable in her onstage banter. She even throws jabs at Beyoncé and her idol Barbra Streisand, in context of the Kennedy Center Honors in 2008. She jokingly calls Beyoncé a bitch for essentially stealing from Menzel the Hamlisch-penned ''The Way We Were'' as her tribute to Babs. Naturally, the real bitch is Babs, who sits at the same table as Menzel and Diggs after the show but can only bring herself to pay Menzel a half-hearted compliment for performing ''Don't Rain On My Parade.'' ''You were good,'' she says.
She was more than good, of course. There's no raining on this parade.
Download These: ''The Professor,'' ''Funny Girl/Don't Rain on My Parade''
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