Thursday, May 31, 2012
Police Still Searching For Porn Actor Accused Of Grisly Dismemberment
This may be one of the more disturbing crime stories of the year: police in Canada are looking for a 29-year old man named Luka Rocco Magnotta whom they believe murdered and dismembered an acquaintance before sending the victim's hand and foot to various political officials.The trail led to Magnotta, known for his work in gay adult films, after neighbors complained of a foul odor emanating from his apartment, where police reportedly found a "horrible" crime scene. They also discovered a human torso behind the building. CBC provides some more background on the case:
A Canada-wide warrant has been issued for Luka Rocco Magnotta, 29, suspect in the grisly slaying and dismemberment of a victim whose body parts were sent in the mail, including a foot sent in a package to Conservative Party headquarters in Ottawa.?Police said Magnotta knew the person whose torso was found in a suitcase in a pile of garbage in Montreal on Tuesday, but they have yet to identify the victim.
Sources have told CBC News that police believe they have evidence of the suspect videotaping the killing and dismembering of the victim.
A hand was found in a package addressed to the Liberal Party of Canada at a Canada Post terminal before it could be delivered.
It has also been suggested that Magnotta participated in a video posted online that shows kittens being killed. Just hideous.
A Canada-wide warrant has been issued for Luka Rocco Magnotta, 29, suspect in the grisly slaying and dismemberment of a victim whose body parts were sent in the mail, including a foot sent in a package to Conservative Party headquarters in Ottawa.?Police said Magnotta knew the person whose torso was found in a suitcase in a pile of garbage in Montreal on Tuesday, but they have yet to identify the victim.
Sources have told CBC News that police believe they have evidence of the suspect videotaping the killing and dismembering of the victim.
A hand was found in a package addressed to the Liberal Party of Canada at a Canada Post terminal before it could be delivered.
It has also been suggested that Magnotta participated in a video posted online that shows kittens being killed. Just hideous.
The Future of Space Travel ? VIDEO
If Ridley Scott has anything to say about it.
Can love actually solve our disputes?
How can the virgin get over not being the first for her partner? I've been with my (lesbian) partner for a year and half. Our life is great together, but we have been arguing the topic of past and sex for about a year.
My partner and I come from very different backgrounds. We're both in our early 30s. This is my first (serious) relationship ever.
Her history: She comes from a very dysfunctional family and started having sex in her early teens. Those early years, until she was 17 or so, she had been with males. Many of them even lived with her in her parent's house. She then came out as gay and had her first girlfriend. After that she had a long-term relationship with another female, which lasted several years. Then, even though she labeled herself gay, she had a one-year relationship with a male. After that, she had another long-term relationship with a female, whom she married when it was legal. All this, strung together with one-night stands.
My history: I grew up like an only child, with my siblings being much older than myself and moved out, with a single mother. I was I was shy, but came out of my shell living abroad for a year after college. I never dated in high school or college; I was happy enough doing my own thing, and didn't even really think about dating. I never got lonely and, to this day, still like/need a lot of alone time. It was during my mid-twenties that I started dating both men and women. I thought of myself has bisexual when I was in my mid-teens. Although I was pretty sure I was gay, and have never been ashamed of my sexual orientation. But until this relationship, I was a virgin. I really wanted to be in a relationship before I had sex with someone. And I wanted that someone to be one I cared for deeply.
I had liked a lot of the women I dated, and even wanted relationships with them, but many times I was shrugged off and treated inappropriately. As a romantic and sensitive person, I took these heartbreaks very hard, even though they didn't "go anywhere" in most people's eyes.
Now, my partner is the type of person is very anecdotal. She used to tell many stories concerning her past. Initially, I didn't have any problems with this. But over time, it really started to bother me. The fact that she was lived with a male, especially after being with women and saying she knew she was gay, was a red flag for me, but all of her qualities, I thought, trumped this fact.
It seems her speaking about her past relationships kind of dug a little insecure hole in me. I wondered why I didn't have any luck in relationships, why it seemed so hard for me to be loved when I put myself on the line and never got anything back. At times, I think that I may be jealous that she got to experience the good and bad in relationships, and even though I tried, I didn't get to experience that. That she got to experience really good things with other people, and she has all of my "firsts".
And since not having experienced sex before her, and now knowing what it's like, I've had trouble not letting my imagination get the best of me about her past relationships. I've had horrible images of all the sex she's had with men, and it bothers me so much. If she slept with a guy three times and figured out it wasn't for her, then that's okay. But 10 guys who were 2 to 6 month "relationships"... That is a lot of sex. It's not so much the number, but the fact that she kept doing it and saying in retrospect that she wasn't really into them. I can't even watch porn anymore because I see women who look similar to her in compromising positions, and it makes my stomach turn.
I also think maybe I have trouble with her past choices, and her values on sex and relationships. (I don't think I'm judging her necessarily because I have friends with similar histories, and I'm fine with them.) She's told me her values have changed, and she wouldn't even have casual sex because she's put herself through some bad things in the past, and she says she has a higher self-esteem and self-respect now. But just two months prior to meeting her, she had a summer fling with someone. How can I trust that her values have changed so drastically in that short amount of time?
Admittedly, most of our issues stem from me not fully trusting her. Our fights generally surround the topic of sex, and has made our once-great sex (she says I'm the best she's ever experienced) life now a little wobbly.
I think she is an amazing person. When we first met, our date lasted for hours and we talked about everything. I accept her past as fact, but these images are disturbing. Will they ever go away? Can love actually solve our disputes?
My partner and I come from very different backgrounds. We're both in our early 30s. This is my first (serious) relationship ever.
Her history: She comes from a very dysfunctional family and started having sex in her early teens. Those early years, until she was 17 or so, she had been with males. Many of them even lived with her in her parent's house. She then came out as gay and had her first girlfriend. After that she had a long-term relationship with another female, which lasted several years. Then, even though she labeled herself gay, she had a one-year relationship with a male. After that, she had another long-term relationship with a female, whom she married when it was legal. All this, strung together with one-night stands.
My history: I grew up like an only child, with my siblings being much older than myself and moved out, with a single mother. I was I was shy, but came out of my shell living abroad for a year after college. I never dated in high school or college; I was happy enough doing my own thing, and didn't even really think about dating. I never got lonely and, to this day, still like/need a lot of alone time. It was during my mid-twenties that I started dating both men and women. I thought of myself has bisexual when I was in my mid-teens. Although I was pretty sure I was gay, and have never been ashamed of my sexual orientation. But until this relationship, I was a virgin. I really wanted to be in a relationship before I had sex with someone. And I wanted that someone to be one I cared for deeply.
I had liked a lot of the women I dated, and even wanted relationships with them, but many times I was shrugged off and treated inappropriately. As a romantic and sensitive person, I took these heartbreaks very hard, even though they didn't "go anywhere" in most people's eyes.
Now, my partner is the type of person is very anecdotal. She used to tell many stories concerning her past. Initially, I didn't have any problems with this. But over time, it really started to bother me. The fact that she was lived with a male, especially after being with women and saying she knew she was gay, was a red flag for me, but all of her qualities, I thought, trumped this fact.
It seems her speaking about her past relationships kind of dug a little insecure hole in me. I wondered why I didn't have any luck in relationships, why it seemed so hard for me to be loved when I put myself on the line and never got anything back. At times, I think that I may be jealous that she got to experience the good and bad in relationships, and even though I tried, I didn't get to experience that. That she got to experience really good things with other people, and she has all of my "firsts".
And since not having experienced sex before her, and now knowing what it's like, I've had trouble not letting my imagination get the best of me about her past relationships. I've had horrible images of all the sex she's had with men, and it bothers me so much. If she slept with a guy three times and figured out it wasn't for her, then that's okay. But 10 guys who were 2 to 6 month "relationships"... That is a lot of sex. It's not so much the number, but the fact that she kept doing it and saying in retrospect that she wasn't really into them. I can't even watch porn anymore because I see women who look similar to her in compromising positions, and it makes my stomach turn.
I also think maybe I have trouble with her past choices, and her values on sex and relationships. (I don't think I'm judging her necessarily because I have friends with similar histories, and I'm fine with them.) She's told me her values have changed, and she wouldn't even have casual sex because she's put herself through some bad things in the past, and she says she has a higher self-esteem and self-respect now. But just two months prior to meeting her, she had a summer fling with someone. How can I trust that her values have changed so drastically in that short amount of time?
Admittedly, most of our issues stem from me not fully trusting her. Our fights generally surround the topic of sex, and has made our once-great sex (she says I'm the best she's ever experienced) life now a little wobbly.
I think she is an amazing person. When we first met, our date lasted for hours and we talked about everything. I accept her past as fact, but these images are disturbing. Will they ever go away? Can love actually solve our disputes?
Out and About
Friday, October 1
The National Comedy Theatre is San Diego’s nationally acclaimed improv comedy show. Now in its 11th season, the National Comedy Theatre is San Diego’s longest running theatrical event. Based completely on audience suggestions, the talented cast of the NCT create a 100 minute performance entirely without a script. Similar in style to “Whose Line is it Anyway?” each show is unique. The show is hysterically funny, fast moving and appropriate for all audiences. The Improv Show is at 7:00 p.m. Tickets $12-$15. For more information call (619) 295-4999
Saturday, October 2
Don’t hold back! Get off work and hang out at Flicks for Saturday night is Wet Underwear Contest night! $100 first prize. Sign-ups begin at 10:00…
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The National Comedy Theatre is San Diego’s nationally acclaimed improv comedy show. Now in its 11th season, the National Comedy Theatre is San Diego’s longest running theatrical event. Based completely on audience suggestions, the talented cast of the NCT create a 100 minute performance entirely without a script. Similar in style to “Whose Line is it Anyway?” each show is unique. The show is hysterically funny, fast moving and appropriate for all audiences. The Improv Show is at 7:00 p.m. Tickets $12-$15. For more information call (619) 295-4999
Saturday, October 2
Don’t hold back! Get off work and hang out at Flicks for Saturday night is Wet Underwear Contest night! $100 first prize. Sign-ups begin at 10:00…
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(54) Potty Training & Stalkers
Opening song by Wendy Ho, widely known and beloved in the community and gay rights supporter. To purchase more of Wendy Ho’s music go here: Friend Wendy on Myspace: (Don’t listen to S, it’s show 54 not 55, it’s 54) A Smother’s love, Getting scammed for juice, Why does Heide say lesbians [...]
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
The Latest Call for a Gay Holocaust Comes from Kansas
In the latest of what feels like a sudden explosion of hate speech from the pulpit is a call for mass murder of gay people from a Kansas preacher.
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At its 219th semiannual meeting last week in Austin, Texas, the American Astronomical Society (AAS) presented a certificate of appreciation commemorating Dr. Frank Kameny's lifetime efforts to secure equal employment rights for all. In 1957 Dr. Kameny, a Ph.D. astronomer and member of the AAS, was unjustly fired...
Oh My Pod! - Episode 459 - He's got Vanderbilt genes
Episode 459 - He's got Vanderbilt genes
Happy New Year, App Store, Power over Ethernet, Sandy Bridge, Google Android 3.0 is for tablets, Motorola Xoom, Windows as a Touch Screen OS, Xperia Arc, Samsung Sliding PC, Remote, Galaxy Player, Amazon Android App Store, Air Speakers Everywhere, Skype Outage Explained
Guests: None
Recorded: 01/07/2011 via Skype/iChat/�bercaster
Mono | 72:31 | 34.8 MB
Call the comment line at 707-OHMYPOD
email us at
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Happy New Year, App Store, Power over Ethernet, Sandy Bridge, Google Android 3.0 is for tablets, Motorola Xoom, Windows as a Touch Screen OS, Xperia Arc, Samsung Sliding PC, Remote, Galaxy Player, Amazon Android App Store, Air Speakers Everywhere, Skype Outage Explained
Guests: None
Recorded: 01/07/2011 via Skype/iChat/�bercaster
Mono | 72:31 | 34.8 MB
Call the comment line at 707-OHMYPOD
email us at
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TJ Williams: Mobilizing Black churches for LGBT equality
For TJ Williams, being Black, gay and heavily involved in the church is not a contradiction or an identity of great complexity.
Dates and divorces: Coronation Street recap ? March 17 through 21
Last week we saw Sophie take a drunken fall off the church roof after she became paranoid of Sian leaving her, Kevin and Sally got a strict talking to from Sian about having not paid attention to Sophie through all their fighting or it wouldn’t have ended up with Sophie in hospital, and Sally and Kevin are back fighting after Kevin misread signals and kissed Sally. Wow, as if that weren’t enough drama for one family: let’s see what’s happened to our little lesBians this week...
17th March
Sophie arrives home from the hospital and Kevin runs over from the garage to see her, but Sally can’t get her inside quick enough to avoid him. Once inside, Sophie’s on the couch and Sally’s fussing over her. Sophie tells her mum to go to work and not to worry about her. Sophie reminds her that Sian will be there to get her anything she needs. I think the phrase “personal slave” even comes out of Sophie’s mouth in relation to her girlfriend.
Later, Jeff arrives to see how Sophie is and to ask Sally if she needs any help with anything. Sophie suggests he take her out for a drink, but Sally declines him saying she has to keep an eye on Sophie, but Sophie tells her to go. Sally asks if she’s sure and she tells her mum that Sian’s upstairs if she needs anything, and reminds her mum that she’s not dying! Sally eventually caves and goes to change her top before going out with Jeff.
18th March
Sally is power-dressed leaving the house in the morning and when Sophie tells her she looks smart, she tells her daughter she’s meeting a solicitor later about the divorce. Kevin calls round later to see how Sophie is and she tells him the college are letting Sian study at home while Sophie recovers. She asks her dad if he’s going to the appointment later with Sally, but he looks puzzled when she mentions it. After she explains it’s with a solicitor about the divorce he seems taken aback, but knows he can’t kick off in front of her.
When Sally heads home later that day, Kevin catches up with her and asks her about the solicitors. She said that before the divorce goes through they have to decide who gets what, so he better organise something with his solicitor.
Sian asks Sophie if she’s really ok with the divorce, and she says yes. Sian says that she’s glad to have Sophie back, and comments that the fall finally knocked some sense into her girlfriend. Sophie then says that it could be called a miracle, but Sian doesn’t want to believe that Sophie’s survival was down to God after all the hurt they have both suffered from their belief while coming out. She asks Sophie if she really believes that God saved her from the fall, and Sophie jokes that gravity helped with the fall... He just chipped in with the landing. The pair laughs and Sian leans over and kisses the tip of Sophie’s nose.
21st March
Sophie and Sian are settling down to watch TV with bowls of crisps or popcorn or other similar yummy salty snacks, when Jeff arrives. Sian shouts up the stairs to Sally that he’s there, while he and Sophie make small talk about how she is doing after the fall... and to stay away from roofs in future. Sally comes down the stairs and tells them she’s away. As they leave, Sophie shouts “bye Jeff”, while Sian shouts the same in a younger more child-like voice to poke fun at Sophie.
- - -
Looks like Sophie’s back to her old self again, thankfully. The Random Rosie Diva Bitch personality really didn’t suit her... just made me think she needed a good slap to wake up. Now that the divorce proceedings are starting between her parents, I wonder how well she’ll handle them and how it’ll affect her relationship with Sian. Check back next time to find out. You can read previous recaps here.
17th March
Sophie arrives home from the hospital and Kevin runs over from the garage to see her, but Sally can’t get her inside quick enough to avoid him. Once inside, Sophie’s on the couch and Sally’s fussing over her. Sophie tells her mum to go to work and not to worry about her. Sophie reminds her that Sian will be there to get her anything she needs. I think the phrase “personal slave” even comes out of Sophie’s mouth in relation to her girlfriend.
Later, Jeff arrives to see how Sophie is and to ask Sally if she needs any help with anything. Sophie suggests he take her out for a drink, but Sally declines him saying she has to keep an eye on Sophie, but Sophie tells her to go. Sally asks if she’s sure and she tells her mum that Sian’s upstairs if she needs anything, and reminds her mum that she’s not dying! Sally eventually caves and goes to change her top before going out with Jeff.
18th March
Sally is power-dressed leaving the house in the morning and when Sophie tells her she looks smart, she tells her daughter she’s meeting a solicitor later about the divorce. Kevin calls round later to see how Sophie is and she tells him the college are letting Sian study at home while Sophie recovers. She asks her dad if he’s going to the appointment later with Sally, but he looks puzzled when she mentions it. After she explains it’s with a solicitor about the divorce he seems taken aback, but knows he can’t kick off in front of her.
When Sally heads home later that day, Kevin catches up with her and asks her about the solicitors. She said that before the divorce goes through they have to decide who gets what, so he better organise something with his solicitor.
Sian asks Sophie if she’s really ok with the divorce, and she says yes. Sian says that she’s glad to have Sophie back, and comments that the fall finally knocked some sense into her girlfriend. Sophie then says that it could be called a miracle, but Sian doesn’t want to believe that Sophie’s survival was down to God after all the hurt they have both suffered from their belief while coming out. She asks Sophie if she really believes that God saved her from the fall, and Sophie jokes that gravity helped with the fall... He just chipped in with the landing. The pair laughs and Sian leans over and kisses the tip of Sophie’s nose.
21st March
Sophie and Sian are settling down to watch TV with bowls of crisps or popcorn or other similar yummy salty snacks, when Jeff arrives. Sian shouts up the stairs to Sally that he’s there, while he and Sophie make small talk about how she is doing after the fall... and to stay away from roofs in future. Sally comes down the stairs and tells them she’s away. As they leave, Sophie shouts “bye Jeff”, while Sian shouts the same in a younger more child-like voice to poke fun at Sophie.
- - -
Looks like Sophie’s back to her old self again, thankfully. The Random Rosie Diva Bitch personality really didn’t suit her... just made me think she needed a good slap to wake up. Now that the divorce proceedings are starting between her parents, I wonder how well she’ll handle them and how it’ll affect her relationship with Sian. Check back next time to find out. You can read previous recaps here.
Steven Davies becomes the first English Cricketer to come out
There are few top British Sportsmen who are out. There are none in Soccer, one in Rugby (Gareth Davies) and now there is one in Cricket. Stephen Davies is the first professional cricketer to come out as gay. Well done Stephen!
Stephen told the coach, who passed on the news to the England team. The team were unfazed by this and congratulated Stephen on his courage.
Gareth Davies took the monumental step of coming out as a gay rugby player last year. He is now a role model for many gay teens and adults as well as breaking down gay stereotypes.
Stephen Davies played for Worcestershire before leaving for the Brit Oval on a three year contract in August.
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Stephen told the coach, who passed on the news to the England team. The team were unfazed by this and congratulated Stephen on his courage.
Gareth Davies took the monumental step of coming out as a gay rugby player last year. He is now a role model for many gay teens and adults as well as breaking down gay stereotypes.
Stephen Davies played for Worcestershire before leaving for the Brit Oval on a three year contract in August.
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Dragons confident heading into Bingham Cup
The Chicago Dragons are off to its best start ever and truly ready to face some of the best rugby teams from around the world.
Myanmar's first gay-pride celebrations; winning dog has 'gay lover'
Myanmar held its first gay-pride celebrations May 17, according to Approximately 400 people packed into the ballroom of a Yangon hotel for an evening of performances, music and speeches. Same-sex relations are considered illegal under the nation's colonial penal code; although it is not strictly enforced, activists say the law is still used by officials to discriminate and extort. Celebrations were slated to take place in four cities across the country.
Ky. Baptist church ordains openly gay man
An eastern Louisville Baptist church has ordained an openly gay man as a minister with unanimous support from church members.
Support, counseling, education for gay youth
(AP) – Support and other resources for gay young people are out there, sometimes only a click or a phone call away, but advocates said the recent suicide of Rutgers University freshman Tyler Clementi and other teens who were believed to have been victims of anti-gay bullying point to the need for even more widespread help.
In a country of about 12,000 public school districts, the education network known as GLSEN ( counts about 4,000 Gay-Straight Alliances, the name for school clubs - mostly in high schools - that register with the group.
“Youth in general are not very help-seeking,” said the organization’s executive director, Eliza Byard. “Getting people to reach out is one of the big challenges.”
Another nonp…
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In a country of about 12,000 public school districts, the education network known as GLSEN ( counts about 4,000 Gay-Straight Alliances, the name for school clubs - mostly in high schools - that register with the group.
“Youth in general are not very help-seeking,” said the organization’s executive director, Eliza Byard. “Getting people to reach out is one of the big challenges.”
Another nonp…
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Appeals court tosses gays in military lawsuit
(San Francisco)� A federal appeals court refused Thursday to decide the constitutionality of the military's now-repealed "don't ask, don't tell" policy banning openly gay troops, saying the issue has been resolved since Americans can enlist and serve in the armed forces without regard to sexual orientation.
A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco tossed out a lawsuit that had challenged the military policy as a violation of gay service members' civil rights. In doing so, the appeals court also dismissed a Southern California trial judge's year-old ruling that the policy was unconstitutional.
The gay rights group Log Cabin Republicans filed the lawsuit in 2004 challenging the policy. The group's lawyer, Dan Woods, said he would ask the full 9th Circuit to review the panel's decision.
The group recently argued the lower court ruling, which also barred enforcement of "don't ask, don't tell" should remain in effect despite this month's repeal because future administrations and lawmakers could reintroduce a ban on gay service.
The three judges strongly disagreed in their Thursday opinion, saying the case is moot because there is nothing left to challenge regarding the policy enacted as section 654.
"This suit became moot when the repeal of section 654 took effect on Sept. 20," the ruling said. "If Log Cabin filed suit today seeking a declaration that section 654 is unconstitutional or an injunction against its application (or both), there would be no Article III controversy because there is no section 654."
The panel specifically rejected Log Cabins' assertion that the appeals court should decide the underlying constitutional issues to prevent future limitations or outright bans on military service by gay and lesbian Americans.
"We cannot say with virtual certainty that the Congress that passed the Repeal Act - or a future Congress whose composition, agenda, and circumstances we cannot know - will reenact don't ask, don't tell," the judges said. "We can only speculate, and our speculation cannot breathe life into this case."
Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director R. Clarke Cooper said he was disappointed, noting that the favorable ruling his group obtained in the lower court played a major role in persuading policy makers to repeal "don't ask, don't tell."
"Log Cabin Republicans v. United States said more than `don't ask, don't tell' should be repealed - it stood for the fundamental constitutional rights of service members not to be discriminated against by the nation they serve," Cooper said. "This decision by the 9th Circuit denies more than 14,000 discharged gay and lesbian service members an important means of obtaining justice for the wrong perpetuated against them under the ban, and leaves open the possibility of future violations of service members' rights."
One of the three panelists, Judge Diarmuid O'Scannlain, went out of his way in a concurring opinion to dispute that either the U.S. Constitution or the Supreme Court's interpretation of it provided "a member of the armed forces (with) a constitutionally protected right to engage in homosexual acts or to state that he or she is a homosexual while continuing to serve in the military."
O'Scannlain also criticized the lower court judge who invalidated "don't ask, don't tell" last year, U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips. He accused Phillips of willfully failing "to apply established law" so she could issue a ruling "that invalidated a considered congressional policy and imposed a wholly novel view of constitutional liberty on the entire United States."
A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco tossed out a lawsuit that had challenged the military policy as a violation of gay service members' civil rights. In doing so, the appeals court also dismissed a Southern California trial judge's year-old ruling that the policy was unconstitutional.
The gay rights group Log Cabin Republicans filed the lawsuit in 2004 challenging the policy. The group's lawyer, Dan Woods, said he would ask the full 9th Circuit to review the panel's decision.
The group recently argued the lower court ruling, which also barred enforcement of "don't ask, don't tell" should remain in effect despite this month's repeal because future administrations and lawmakers could reintroduce a ban on gay service.
The three judges strongly disagreed in their Thursday opinion, saying the case is moot because there is nothing left to challenge regarding the policy enacted as section 654.
"This suit became moot when the repeal of section 654 took effect on Sept. 20," the ruling said. "If Log Cabin filed suit today seeking a declaration that section 654 is unconstitutional or an injunction against its application (or both), there would be no Article III controversy because there is no section 654."
The panel specifically rejected Log Cabins' assertion that the appeals court should decide the underlying constitutional issues to prevent future limitations or outright bans on military service by gay and lesbian Americans.
"We cannot say with virtual certainty that the Congress that passed the Repeal Act - or a future Congress whose composition, agenda, and circumstances we cannot know - will reenact don't ask, don't tell," the judges said. "We can only speculate, and our speculation cannot breathe life into this case."
Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director R. Clarke Cooper said he was disappointed, noting that the favorable ruling his group obtained in the lower court played a major role in persuading policy makers to repeal "don't ask, don't tell."
"Log Cabin Republicans v. United States said more than `don't ask, don't tell' should be repealed - it stood for the fundamental constitutional rights of service members not to be discriminated against by the nation they serve," Cooper said. "This decision by the 9th Circuit denies more than 14,000 discharged gay and lesbian service members an important means of obtaining justice for the wrong perpetuated against them under the ban, and leaves open the possibility of future violations of service members' rights."
One of the three panelists, Judge Diarmuid O'Scannlain, went out of his way in a concurring opinion to dispute that either the U.S. Constitution or the Supreme Court's interpretation of it provided "a member of the armed forces (with) a constitutionally protected right to engage in homosexual acts or to state that he or she is a homosexual while continuing to serve in the military."
O'Scannlain also criticized the lower court judge who invalidated "don't ask, don't tell" last year, U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips. He accused Phillips of willfully failing "to apply established law" so she could issue a ruling "that invalidated a considered congressional policy and imposed a wholly novel view of constitutional liberty on the entire United States."
Troy 289: Happy Days
Cheers to [7]! They?ve been publishing my silly, little comic for about 10 years now. They will surely be missed.
Best of luck to all my fellow [7] contributors in their new endeavors, especially to Jennifer Vanasco, who?s been my editor for the past five years. I hope all you readers will continue to follow Troy over at [9].
Michael Derry
Cheers to [7]! They?ve been publishing my silly, little comic for about 10 years now. They will surely be missed.
Best of luck to all my fellow [7] contributors in their new endeavors, especially to Jennifer Vanasco, who?s been my editor for the past five years. I hope all you readers will continue to follow Troy over at [9].
Michael Derry
Lesbian Commercials
My friend Kelly sent these great commercials to me recently and I thought you'd all appreciate them...
Matthew Morrison, Chord Overstreet & Cory Monteith in shirtless Glee
The new season of Glee is well underway here in the UK, but I haven't watched any of them yet! Too busy with holidays and selling the house. Last week we were in Barmouth in Wales in a caravan for a week. It was really cool to get away, but there was NO television reception.
What I missed was the guys from Glee getting their shirts off in their production of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. How camp can Glee get?
Matthew Morrison (hot hot hot)
Cory Monteith
Cory doesn't have a hair on his chest AND its getting a bit saggy. You are supposed to be the Quarterback Cory. You need to hit the gym Cory! And get a pair of man bikini briefs.
I havent seen anything of the new sexy blond boy, Chord Overstreet, but he gets his kit off as Rocky.
Tell me guys, leave a comment - WHO has the best chest?
Chord or
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
What I missed was the guys from Glee getting their shirts off in their production of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. How camp can Glee get?
Matthew Morrison (hot hot hot)
Cory Monteith
Cory doesn't have a hair on his chest AND its getting a bit saggy. You are supposed to be the Quarterback Cory. You need to hit the gym Cory! And get a pair of man bikini briefs.
I havent seen anything of the new sexy blond boy, Chord Overstreet, but he gets his kit off as Rocky.
Tell me guys, leave a comment - WHO has the best chest?
Chord or
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Monday, May 28, 2012
The countdown to the move to Firedoglake is coming down to the final count...
the countdown starts
watching in a trance
the crew is certain
nothing left to chance
all is working
trying to relax
up in the capsule
"send me up a drink"
jokes Major Tom
the count goes on
Earth below us
drifting falling
floating weightless
calling calling home...
All systems go...if the countdown continues to plan, we're rocketing very, very soon to our new home.
Christine Kehoe, Jerry Sanders honored at fourth annual Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast
SAN DIEGO ? Gay and straight, more than 1,100 San Diegans who support LGBT equality packed a bayfront ballroom on Friday morning for the fourth annual Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast.
The sold-out breakfast at the San Diego Bayfront Hilton annually brings together a rainbow collection of San Diegans who support equality and justice in celebration of the life and work of LGBT civil-rights icon Harvey Milk.
State Sen. Christine Kehoe and San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders are given major awards at the fourth annual Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast.
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The sold-out breakfast at the San Diego Bayfront Hilton annually brings together a rainbow collection of San Diegans who support equality and justice in celebration of the life and work of LGBT civil-rights icon Harvey Milk.
State Sen. Christine Kehoe and San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders are given major awards at the fourth annual Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast.
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San Diego sailor invited to White House ceremony marking gay pride month
SAN DIEGO ? A sailor stationed in San Diego who started the first-ever military LGBT support group has been invited to attend a June 15 reception at the White House to mark Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month.
Petty Officer 3rd Class Ann Foster enlisted in the Navy less than two years ago and while she was training in Chicago, ?Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell? was repealed. She got permission from her commanding officer to start a support group for gay servicemembers.
A sailor stationed in San Diego who started the first-ever military LGBT support group has been invited to attend a June 15 reception at the White House to mark Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month.
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Petty Officer 3rd Class Ann Foster enlisted in the Navy less than two years ago and while she was training in Chicago, ?Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell? was repealed. She got permission from her commanding officer to start a support group for gay servicemembers.
A sailor stationed in San Diego who started the first-ever military LGBT support group has been invited to attend a June 15 reception at the White House to mark Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month.
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Transgender pageant contestant loses
Jenna Talackova—the first-ever transgender contestant to compete in the Miss Universe Canada pageant—lost the contest, according to the New York Daily News. magazine April 2011
It’s been a while since we presented our last magazine to you, but sometimes good things just take some time to come to full fruition. So today, we proudly offer you a brand new April edition of the eurOut magazine!
This issue is filled with the best articles from the site, as well as an exclusive interview with Australian drag king Sexy Galexy, who was interviewed in Amsterdam by the newest member of our writing team, Anaïs. You can read about her hilarious experiences of being a French lesbian expat in the Netherlands in the middle of this magazine.
And besides our regular columns, we’ve featured articles on the Teddy Awards, web series, and lots more.
We hope you enjoy reading this edition of our magazine. Let us know your thoughts about it in the comments!
- - -
You can read previous issues of the magazine here. If you would like to receive an e-mail notification of new magazine launches, send a blank e-mail with the title 'Magazine Subscription' to
This issue is filled with the best articles from the site, as well as an exclusive interview with Australian drag king Sexy Galexy, who was interviewed in Amsterdam by the newest member of our writing team, Anaïs. You can read about her hilarious experiences of being a French lesbian expat in the Netherlands in the middle of this magazine.
And besides our regular columns, we’ve featured articles on the Teddy Awards, web series, and lots more.
We hope you enjoy reading this edition of our magazine. Let us know your thoughts about it in the comments!
- - -
You can read previous issues of the magazine here. If you would like to receive an e-mail notification of new magazine launches, send a blank e-mail with the title 'Magazine Subscription' to
Trouble... with a capital T: Coronation Street recap ? March 28
Last week saw Sophie returning home from the hospital after her fall, and discussing her feelings about how she survived it with her pessimistic girlfriend, Sian. Sophie has returned to work and stumbles across a new addition to the street’s residents, who makes life interesting for our lesbionic couple.
28th March
Random Rosie tries to encourage Sophie to stay on Kevin’s good side after his recent lottery win. She explains that if Sally doesn’t get half in the divorce, then it’s better to be in with their dad for the money. Sophie’s shocked at how easily her sister is swayed by money and how disloyal it is to their mum, and Random Rosie can’t believe that Sophie is her sister with the things that go on in her head. Oh Double R, how I have missed your superficial logic recently.
Kevin sent Sally a bouquet of flowers, but she mistook them as being sent from Jeff. When she finds out the truth about Kevin trying to buy his way back into her life, she doesn’t like it one bit. I think this divorce is going to get very ugly, very quickly.
Sophie is back working at the shop, and has her first encounter with a new addition to the street. He flirts and she just rolls her eyes and barely even gives him the time of day... or the correct change for his purchases.
Sian is next in line to meet the newest addition to the street, and he flirts with her too, while she just looks at him and walks on. Wow, this guy really can’t take a hint.
He’s looking for Tyrone and goes to the garage, where he meets Kevin in a bad mood. Surprise, surprise! He then goes to the cafe and finds Sian... who he begins telling about the way Kevin spoke to him, and how he was treated by the stroppy girl in the shop. Sian smirks and tries not to laugh at her girlfriend’s mood and Kevin’s response.
He decides to show Sian some of the tricks he learned out in Thailand for relieving stress and starts to sort her Chi with reflexology on her hand. Just as he’s manhandling Sian’s palm... Sophie arrives in the cafe.
“What the hell is going on?!” To be fair, I’d probably ask the same thing if I walked in on a guy I didn’t like, playing with my girl’s hand. Kevin also walks in and as the guy tells Sophie where to go, Kevin tells him to back off from his daughter. All the while Sian’s trying not to laugh as the guy works out Kevin and Sophie are related... then when he discovers Sophie and Sian are a couple he comments on it being a waste. Daddy Kevin to the rescue again when Sophie says he’s being homophobic to them. The guy says he wasn’t making comment on her sexuality; he was making comment on her. Kevin goes all caveman on his ass and wants to take it “outside!” Sian points out to the guy that Tyrone’s just walked in and he’d better go. Sophie takes his seat and the guy introduces himself to Ty as Tommy Duckworth, Jack’s grandson... and wonders if Jack’s about, not knowing that Jack died just a few months before.
- - -
Well, Sophian seem to be getting more comfortable at telling people they’re together, and Sophie really needs to take that green-eyed monster off of her before it gets her in more trouble with Sian. Come back next week to see what happens next with the divorce and it’s affect on our little lesbionic couple. You can read previous recaps here.
28th March
Random Rosie tries to encourage Sophie to stay on Kevin’s good side after his recent lottery win. She explains that if Sally doesn’t get half in the divorce, then it’s better to be in with their dad for the money. Sophie’s shocked at how easily her sister is swayed by money and how disloyal it is to their mum, and Random Rosie can’t believe that Sophie is her sister with the things that go on in her head. Oh Double R, how I have missed your superficial logic recently.
Kevin sent Sally a bouquet of flowers, but she mistook them as being sent from Jeff. When she finds out the truth about Kevin trying to buy his way back into her life, she doesn’t like it one bit. I think this divorce is going to get very ugly, very quickly.
Sophie is back working at the shop, and has her first encounter with a new addition to the street. He flirts and she just rolls her eyes and barely even gives him the time of day... or the correct change for his purchases.
Sian is next in line to meet the newest addition to the street, and he flirts with her too, while she just looks at him and walks on. Wow, this guy really can’t take a hint.
He’s looking for Tyrone and goes to the garage, where he meets Kevin in a bad mood. Surprise, surprise! He then goes to the cafe and finds Sian... who he begins telling about the way Kevin spoke to him, and how he was treated by the stroppy girl in the shop. Sian smirks and tries not to laugh at her girlfriend’s mood and Kevin’s response.
He decides to show Sian some of the tricks he learned out in Thailand for relieving stress and starts to sort her Chi with reflexology on her hand. Just as he’s manhandling Sian’s palm... Sophie arrives in the cafe.
“What the hell is going on?!” To be fair, I’d probably ask the same thing if I walked in on a guy I didn’t like, playing with my girl’s hand. Kevin also walks in and as the guy tells Sophie where to go, Kevin tells him to back off from his daughter. All the while Sian’s trying not to laugh as the guy works out Kevin and Sophie are related... then when he discovers Sophie and Sian are a couple he comments on it being a waste. Daddy Kevin to the rescue again when Sophie says he’s being homophobic to them. The guy says he wasn’t making comment on her sexuality; he was making comment on her. Kevin goes all caveman on his ass and wants to take it “outside!” Sian points out to the guy that Tyrone’s just walked in and he’d better go. Sophie takes his seat and the guy introduces himself to Ty as Tommy Duckworth, Jack’s grandson... and wonders if Jack’s about, not knowing that Jack died just a few months before.
- - -
Well, Sophian seem to be getting more comfortable at telling people they’re together, and Sophie really needs to take that green-eyed monster off of her before it gets her in more trouble with Sian. Come back next week to see what happens next with the divorce and it’s affect on our little lesbionic couple. You can read previous recaps here.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
With NY gay teen?s suicide come spotlight, caution
The risk of creating an icon at the price of glamorizing suicide as an option for other bullied or attention-seeking teens.
Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman For Marriage Equality
What's not to love about this great piece by the talented duo / husband & wife team of Megan Mullally (Karen from Will & Grace) and Nick Offerman (Ron Parks & Recreation)?
In the hilarious ad, the couple, who have been married since 2003, complain that “Any random man and woman can casually show up at a 24 hour wedding chapel in Vegas, exchange ‘I do’s’ and boom – they’re married.”
Watch the video:
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In the hilarious ad, the couple, who have been married since 2003, complain that “Any random man and woman can casually show up at a 24 hour wedding chapel in Vegas, exchange ‘I do’s’ and boom – they’re married.”
Watch the video:
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Lt. Dan Choi
Arabic Linguist. Iraq Veteran. West Point Graduate. Infantry Officer. Gay... Fired... and Fighting Back!
On March 19, 2009, Lt. Dan Choi, a West Point graduate and Iraq veteran fluent in Arabic, announced that he was gay on The Rachel Maddow Show. Because of three words – “I am gay” – Lt. Choi’s life changed forever. Despite his extreme value as an Arabic speaker able to communicate quickly and clearly with the Iraqi people, one month after his announcement Lt. Dan Choi was notified that the Army had begun discharge proceedings against him. He was one of only eight soldiers from his graduating class who majored in Arabic. Lt. Choi kindly agreed to an interview with The Gay & Lesbian Times
and this is his story.
GLT: What was it like for you to be discharged from the Military?
DC: As gay people there is no shortage of pain…
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On March 19, 2009, Lt. Dan Choi, a West Point graduate and Iraq veteran fluent in Arabic, announced that he was gay on The Rachel Maddow Show. Because of three words – “I am gay” – Lt. Choi’s life changed forever. Despite his extreme value as an Arabic speaker able to communicate quickly and clearly with the Iraqi people, one month after his announcement Lt. Dan Choi was notified that the Army had begun discharge proceedings against him. He was one of only eight soldiers from his graduating class who majored in Arabic. Lt. Choi kindly agreed to an interview with The Gay & Lesbian Times
and this is his story.
GLT: What was it like for you to be discharged from the Military?
DC: As gay people there is no shortage of pain…
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Vatican Leak Is Plugged; Papal Tattle-Tale In Confinement
One week ago, Italian journalist and TV star Gianluigi Nuzzi released a book called His Holiness: The Secret Papers of Pope Benedict XVI, which became an instant-best seller in Italy's bookstors and seriously angered the Holy See. It was a tell-all, delivering the goods on Catholic fiscal impropriety, the covering up of Catholic fiscal impropriety, priestly boyfriends, and the headaches of dealing with the endless rolling scandal that is the American Catholic Church. Notably, the Vatican hasn't denied the book's athenticity, though it does claim its publication was illegal.
Nuzzi had been releasing his Catholic dirt and dribs and drabs for a year on his television show, The Untouchables, causing a rising tide of panic in the Vatican. And the information unearthed got weirder and uglier with every episode. By May, his spelunking in the oubliettes of Catholic rumor and secrecy had caused the Italian police to exhume the body of a feared mobster who'd been (for some uncertain reason) buried in the Holy See, right next to the Opus Dei HQ. In the mobster's tomb, police hoped to find the remains of a 15-year-old named Emanuela Orlandi who went missing three decades ago, perhaps because her dad had some dirt on a Cardinal. (Many bodies were found in the tomb; DNA testing ought to reveal whose they are or aen't sometime soon.)
Well -- when His Holiness came out, His Holiness decided he wasn't going to stand for Nuzzi's prying any longer. He bid three of his toughest Opus Dei goons to stop all Vatican leaks immediately. Which they did. The presumed leaker has been identified. He was Pope's butler and personal attendant, Paolo Gabriele.
From CNN:
Paolo Gabriele, 46, was arrested Wednesday for illegal possession of confidential documents, found in his apartment in Vatican territory, the Vatican said in a statement Saturday.
Gabriele, who has worked as the papal butler since 2006, is one of only a handful of people with access to the pontiff's private desk.
His job included handing out rosaries to dignitaries and riding in the front seat of the "Popemobile," a vehicle used for public papal appearances, as seen in many photographs showing Gabriele with the pope.
Elsewhere in the story appears maybe the most frightening line of prose I've read this week:
Gabriele is being held in a special cell within the Vatican City, a walled enclave within Rome ...
Nuzzi had been releasing his Catholic dirt and dribs and drabs for a year on his television show, The Untouchables, causing a rising tide of panic in the Vatican. And the information unearthed got weirder and uglier with every episode. By May, his spelunking in the oubliettes of Catholic rumor and secrecy had caused the Italian police to exhume the body of a feared mobster who'd been (for some uncertain reason) buried in the Holy See, right next to the Opus Dei HQ. In the mobster's tomb, police hoped to find the remains of a 15-year-old named Emanuela Orlandi who went missing three decades ago, perhaps because her dad had some dirt on a Cardinal. (Many bodies were found in the tomb; DNA testing ought to reveal whose they are or aen't sometime soon.)
Well -- when His Holiness came out, His Holiness decided he wasn't going to stand for Nuzzi's prying any longer. He bid three of his toughest Opus Dei goons to stop all Vatican leaks immediately. Which they did. The presumed leaker has been identified. He was Pope's butler and personal attendant, Paolo Gabriele.
From CNN:
Paolo Gabriele, 46, was arrested Wednesday for illegal possession of confidential documents, found in his apartment in Vatican territory, the Vatican said in a statement Saturday.
Gabriele, who has worked as the papal butler since 2006, is one of only a handful of people with access to the pontiff's private desk.
His job included handing out rosaries to dignitaries and riding in the front seat of the "Popemobile," a vehicle used for public papal appearances, as seen in many photographs showing Gabriele with the pope.
Elsewhere in the story appears maybe the most frightening line of prose I've read this week:
Gabriele is being held in a special cell within the Vatican City, a walled enclave within Rome ...
Christine Kehoe, Jerry Sanders honored at fourth annual Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast
SAN DIEGO ? Gay and straight, more than 1,100 San Diegans who support LGBT equality packed a bayfront ballroom on Friday morning for the fourth annual Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast.
The sold-out breakfast at the San Diego Bayfront Hilton annually brings together a rainbow collection of San Diegans who support equality and justice in celebration of the life and work of LGBT civil-rights icon Harvey Milk.
State Sen. Christine Kehoe and San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders are given major awards at the fourth annual Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast.
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The sold-out breakfast at the San Diego Bayfront Hilton annually brings together a rainbow collection of San Diegans who support equality and justice in celebration of the life and work of LGBT civil-rights icon Harvey Milk.
State Sen. Christine Kehoe and San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders are given major awards at the fourth annual Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast.
read more
Adam Lambert and Beth Ditto Pick Their Nipples Off a Tray: VIDEO
In case you were wondering, with regard to food Beth Ditto's nipples most closely resemble raisins and Adam Lambert's are somewhere between a Life Saver and a Cheerio.
More things you learn from Watch What Happens Live! including whether Lambert has anything nice to say about Clay Aiken, and if he thinks being gay cost him American Idol, AFTER THE JUMP...
Nipple play:
Lambert pleads the fifth:
More things you learn from Watch What Happens Live! including whether Lambert has anything nice to say about Clay Aiken, and if he thinks being gay cost him American Idol, AFTER THE JUMP...
Nipple play:
Lambert pleads the fifth:
Priscilla Fans Speak Out - Best Night on Broadway!
One year + and going strong! Priscilla is still Broadways current smash hit musical. EVERYONE agree's - it is the MUST SEE SHOW! Fabulous, fun and fantastic, you can't help but love Priscilla and the marvelous cast!
And right now get SPRING SAVINGSwith tickets as low as $43
Go to Priscilla on Broadway and use code FAB5
And right now get SPRING SAVINGSwith tickets as low as $43
Go to Priscilla on Broadway and use code FAB5
Saturday, May 26, 2012
An interview with Monica Fontanoza, Army Reservist
Being that she was displaced as a youth, it took her many years to find herself and realize her potential. She joined the Sheriff’s Department in 2006 and later joined the Army Reserves in 2008. Her relationship at that time had gone sour after she signed the contract because her ex did not agree with gays in the service. However Monica disagreed and felt it was an honor to represent GLBT people anyway and anywhere she could.
Monica went on to become a Civil Affairs Specialist and fell in love with it, realizing that there are people out there with integrity and compassion for others. Fortunately for her she says, they are the men and women she gladly serves with.
Monica’s partner Vanessa was a firefighter in the Navy. She felt a sense of du…
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Monica went on to become a Civil Affairs Specialist and fell in love with it, realizing that there are people out there with integrity and compassion for others. Fortunately for her she says, they are the men and women she gladly serves with.
Monica’s partner Vanessa was a firefighter in the Navy. She felt a sense of du…
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Partying with Pride: This year's DC Black Pride nightlife returns in a big way
Black Pride Guide:
Ashanti will perform at Fur Nightclub this Friday, May 25, as part of a ''mega party'' for DC Black Pride. It's purportedly the R&B singer's first headlining gig at a gay event. And to think that's only one of nearly a dozen official nightlife parties this weekend.
This year's DC Black Pride nightlife, in other words, returns in a big way.
''For the past couple years, DC Black Pride segmented and separated,'' says Kenya Hutton, an executive board member for the organization. ''We're trying to bring everyone back together to have one DC Black Pride instead of three or four as in previous years. DC Black Pride, as an organization has worked really hard in offering a substantial weekend, and in trying to bring everyone in to work and party together.''
The DC Black Pride entity has officially partnered this year with Omega Entertainment for most of the nightlife events. The local men's promoting powerhouse, which has put on its own Chocolate City Pride the last three years, has worked with DC Black Pride to turn many of Washington's best and biggest nightclubs, usually straight, gay for pay. It's also offering a twist on the typical pool party with the Island Inferno party Sunday night, May 27, at Cameron Run's Great Waves Water Park in Alexandria.
Omega Entertainment kicks off the first of three parties on Thursday, May 24, at Northeast's Layla Lounge with a Genesis party. The swanky venue will also play host to Saturday night's The Manhunt – with what Omega bills as ''a surprise celebrity performance'' at 2 a.m. – and Monday night's closing party Apocalypse.
A few blocks west, Northeast's Ibiza Nightclub plays host to a late-afternoon party on its rooftop Saturday, May 26. Later that night, starting at 10 p.m., DC Black Pride throws its own Soul Train Dance Party with local legend DJ Mandrill at the host hotel, the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill. And in the wee hours of that night – or really Sunday morning – Northeast's lesbian-owned Lace Nightclub offers Omega's After Party, appropriately called Insomniac, complete with breakfast buffet.
After the party Sunday afternoon at the Virginia waterpark, Love Nightclub plays host to one of the weekend's biggest events, called Klimax, with a performance by R&B singer Teairra Mari and a $5,000 cash drop.
Sunday afternoon also ushers in the free 4th Annual ULIVE Memorial Day BBQ in Anacostia's River Terrace Park, geared specifically for women.
Omega Entertainment bills its parties as ''the most affordable good time on Earth.'' Though the major evening parties cost $45 each, a limited number of all-access passes are available for just $90.
Message from the DC Black Pride Board Board and List of Sponsors Black Pride Vendors Proclamations & Recognitions
Battle Ground: Simone Battle of X-Factor Film Forum: Festival's 3 powerful, provocative films Partying with Pride: Nightlife returns in a big way Royal Welcome: King Peggy of Ghana
Health & Wellness Expo Black Pride Schedule of Events Workshop Schedule: Success, support & sex International Federation of Black Prides
Pictures from Prides Past
Ashanti will perform at Fur Nightclub this Friday, May 25, as part of a ''mega party'' for DC Black Pride. It's purportedly the R&B singer's first headlining gig at a gay event. And to think that's only one of nearly a dozen official nightlife parties this weekend.
This year's DC Black Pride nightlife, in other words, returns in a big way.
''For the past couple years, DC Black Pride segmented and separated,'' says Kenya Hutton, an executive board member for the organization. ''We're trying to bring everyone back together to have one DC Black Pride instead of three or four as in previous years. DC Black Pride, as an organization has worked really hard in offering a substantial weekend, and in trying to bring everyone in to work and party together.''
The DC Black Pride entity has officially partnered this year with Omega Entertainment for most of the nightlife events. The local men's promoting powerhouse, which has put on its own Chocolate City Pride the last three years, has worked with DC Black Pride to turn many of Washington's best and biggest nightclubs, usually straight, gay for pay. It's also offering a twist on the typical pool party with the Island Inferno party Sunday night, May 27, at Cameron Run's Great Waves Water Park in Alexandria.
Omega Entertainment kicks off the first of three parties on Thursday, May 24, at Northeast's Layla Lounge with a Genesis party. The swanky venue will also play host to Saturday night's The Manhunt – with what Omega bills as ''a surprise celebrity performance'' at 2 a.m. – and Monday night's closing party Apocalypse.
A few blocks west, Northeast's Ibiza Nightclub plays host to a late-afternoon party on its rooftop Saturday, May 26. Later that night, starting at 10 p.m., DC Black Pride throws its own Soul Train Dance Party with local legend DJ Mandrill at the host hotel, the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill. And in the wee hours of that night – or really Sunday morning – Northeast's lesbian-owned Lace Nightclub offers Omega's After Party, appropriately called Insomniac, complete with breakfast buffet.
After the party Sunday afternoon at the Virginia waterpark, Love Nightclub plays host to one of the weekend's biggest events, called Klimax, with a performance by R&B singer Teairra Mari and a $5,000 cash drop.
Sunday afternoon also ushers in the free 4th Annual ULIVE Memorial Day BBQ in Anacostia's River Terrace Park, geared specifically for women.
Omega Entertainment bills its parties as ''the most affordable good time on Earth.'' Though the major evening parties cost $45 each, a limited number of all-access passes are available for just $90.
Message from the DC Black Pride Board Board and List of Sponsors Black Pride Vendors Proclamations & Recognitions
Battle Ground: Simone Battle of X-Factor Film Forum: Festival's 3 powerful, provocative films Partying with Pride: Nightlife returns in a big way Royal Welcome: King Peggy of Ghana
Health & Wellness Expo Black Pride Schedule of Events Workshop Schedule: Success, support & sex International Federation of Black Prides
Pictures from Prides Past
Romney's Gay Marriage Challenge
Last Thursday, the day after President Obama
finally endorsed gay marriage, his campaign released a
video that
faults his presumptive Republican opponent, Mitt Romney, for not
doing likewise. "President Obama is moving us forward," the ad
says. "Mitt Romney would take us back."
In a sense, Obama is the one going back, returning to a
position he took as a political novice in 1996. But the same
changes in public opinion that made it thinkable for him to stop
equivocating on gay marriage present a challenge to Romney as he
repositions himself for the general election.
Sixteen years ago, when Obama supported "legalizing same-sex
marriages" as a candidate for the Illinois Senate, a
Gallup poll found that only 27 percent of Americans agreed with
him. According to a Gallup poll conducted this month, that number
has risen to 50 percent.
A new CBS News
poll indicates that support for legal recognition of gay
couples (not necessarily "marriage") is even higher. Thirty-eight
percent of respondents said "gay couples should be allowed to
marry," while another 24 percent said they should be "allowed to
form civil unions." Only 33 percent favored "no legal recognition."
Surveys during the last few years have yielded similar results.
In short, "no legal recognition" for gay couples clearly has
become a minority position, which poses a problem for Romney. The
former Massachusetts governor has opposed
same-sex marriage since the beginning of his political career, and
favors a constitutional amendment that "defines marriage as a
relationship between a man and woman."
The Obama campaign's video implies that Romney?unlike Obama's
Republican predecessor, George W. Bush?also opposes civil unions,
but that is not true. Since running for governor in 2002, Romney
has said
he supports "domestic partnerships" for same-sex couples that
include "the potential for health benefits and rights of
survivorship." What else they might include is not entirely clear,
and this is the tricky part for a candidate trying to keep social
conservatives happy without alienating swing voters by seeming
intolerant or insensitive to the problems gay couples face because
of their unequal legal treatment.
Romney's idea of domestic partnerships clearly does not go as
far as the civil unions that Obama favored until last week (which
said would provide "all the rights" of marriage). "I do not
favor marriage between people of the same gender," Romney
said after Obama's announcement, "and I don?t favor civil
unions if they?re identical to marriage other than by name."
But contrary to the Obama campaign's video, Romney does support
shared health plans as well as joint adoption. "If two people of
the same gender want to live together, want to have a loving
relationship and even want to adopt a child," he
said on Fox News last week, "in my view that's something that
people have the right to do."
Already this is dangerous territory as far as social
conservatives are concerned, which explains why Romney's campaign
later insisted he was only explaining what Massachusetts and many
other states allow. "He thinks a traditional family is far better
for children," a spokeswoman
told CNN, but "he acknowledges it's a state issue" and "did
nothing to change it" as governor of Massachusetts.
As that whipsawing statement suggests, federalism will get
Romney only so far, especially since he has chosen to nationalize
the issue by calling for a constitutional ban on gay marriage. If
the ban does not apply to civil unions, it will not stop states
from allowing legal arrangements "identical to marriage" but for
the name, which Romney
says he opposes. But if the federal government tries to prevent
those, states won't really be free to "make decisions with regard
to domestic partnership benefits," the approach he says he
Romney is not the only Republican with conflicting impulses on
gay marriage. In the CBS News
survey, 70 percent of Republicans supported a constitutional
ban, while 63 percent said the issue should be left to the
Jacob Sullum is
a senior editor at Reason and a nationally
syndicated columnist. Follow him on Twitter.
finally endorsed gay marriage, his campaign released a
video that
faults his presumptive Republican opponent, Mitt Romney, for not
doing likewise. "President Obama is moving us forward," the ad
says. "Mitt Romney would take us back."
In a sense, Obama is the one going back, returning to a
position he took as a political novice in 1996. But the same
changes in public opinion that made it thinkable for him to stop
equivocating on gay marriage present a challenge to Romney as he
repositions himself for the general election.
Sixteen years ago, when Obama supported "legalizing same-sex
marriages" as a candidate for the Illinois Senate, a
Gallup poll found that only 27 percent of Americans agreed with
him. According to a Gallup poll conducted this month, that number
has risen to 50 percent.
A new CBS News
poll indicates that support for legal recognition of gay
couples (not necessarily "marriage") is even higher. Thirty-eight
percent of respondents said "gay couples should be allowed to
marry," while another 24 percent said they should be "allowed to
form civil unions." Only 33 percent favored "no legal recognition."
Surveys during the last few years have yielded similar results.
In short, "no legal recognition" for gay couples clearly has
become a minority position, which poses a problem for Romney. The
former Massachusetts governor has opposed
same-sex marriage since the beginning of his political career, and
favors a constitutional amendment that "defines marriage as a
relationship between a man and woman."
The Obama campaign's video implies that Romney?unlike Obama's
Republican predecessor, George W. Bush?also opposes civil unions,
but that is not true. Since running for governor in 2002, Romney
has said
he supports "domestic partnerships" for same-sex couples that
include "the potential for health benefits and rights of
survivorship." What else they might include is not entirely clear,
and this is the tricky part for a candidate trying to keep social
conservatives happy without alienating swing voters by seeming
intolerant or insensitive to the problems gay couples face because
of their unequal legal treatment.
Romney's idea of domestic partnerships clearly does not go as
far as the civil unions that Obama favored until last week (which
said would provide "all the rights" of marriage). "I do not
favor marriage between people of the same gender," Romney
said after Obama's announcement, "and I don?t favor civil
unions if they?re identical to marriage other than by name."
But contrary to the Obama campaign's video, Romney does support
shared health plans as well as joint adoption. "If two people of
the same gender want to live together, want to have a loving
relationship and even want to adopt a child," he
said on Fox News last week, "in my view that's something that
people have the right to do."
Already this is dangerous territory as far as social
conservatives are concerned, which explains why Romney's campaign
later insisted he was only explaining what Massachusetts and many
other states allow. "He thinks a traditional family is far better
for children," a spokeswoman
told CNN, but "he acknowledges it's a state issue" and "did
nothing to change it" as governor of Massachusetts.
As that whipsawing statement suggests, federalism will get
Romney only so far, especially since he has chosen to nationalize
the issue by calling for a constitutional ban on gay marriage. If
the ban does not apply to civil unions, it will not stop states
from allowing legal arrangements "identical to marriage" but for
the name, which Romney
says he opposes. But if the federal government tries to prevent
those, states won't really be free to "make decisions with regard
to domestic partnership benefits," the approach he says he
Romney is not the only Republican with conflicting impulses on
gay marriage. In the CBS News
survey, 70 percent of Republicans supported a constitutional
ban, while 63 percent said the issue should be left to the
Jacob Sullum is
a senior editor at Reason and a nationally
syndicated columnist. Follow him on Twitter.
VIDEO: Watch San Diego sailor?s romantic reunion with his boyfriend after a six-month deployment
SAN DIEGO -- Footage of a heartwarming reunion between a gay U.S. Navy seaman and his boyfriend is making the blogosphere rounds.
The sailor, identified in the video simply as Trent, had been deployed on the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson for nearly six months, according to Towleroad. Waiting for Trent amongst the friends and family at the Naval Air Station North Island in San Diego, Calif. was his boyfriend, Lee.
A sailor named Trent kisses his boyfriend Lee as the USS Carl Vinson docks in San Diego. The video has gone viral on the Internet.
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The sailor, identified in the video simply as Trent, had been deployed on the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson for nearly six months, according to Towleroad. Waiting for Trent amongst the friends and family at the Naval Air Station North Island in San Diego, Calif. was his boyfriend, Lee.
A sailor named Trent kisses his boyfriend Lee as the USS Carl Vinson docks in San Diego. The video has gone viral on the Internet.
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Click Click Expose Gay Podcast Network - Weekly Update June 17, 2011
Hey Podcast Fans...another week...another round of podcast shows from Click Click Expose (Gay Entertainment Media) CELEBRATING OUR 5TH YEAR OF PODCASTING FOR THE GAY AND LESBIAN COMMUNITY. What is the Click Click Expose Gay Podcast Network? We are a network of different podcast shows either produced by Click Click Expose (Gay Entertainment Media) or distributed by our official content producers and supporters. Our goal is to bring you a wide variety of LGBT podcast shows designed to enrich, entertain and enlighten the gay and lesbian community. Check out the new redesigned Click Click Expose Website - Click Click Expose and let us know what you think. It's easier now to listen to Click Click Expose Radio, hear your favorite podcast shows, watch the hottest videos, read the latest news, and so much more.
Subscribe via RSS Feed HERE!
THIS WEEK'S SYNOPSIS: 1. Gay News Week In Review - "Week Ending 6/17/2011" 2. This Show Is So Gay - "Rainbow Rewind: Singer Jennifer Knapp" 3. This Show Is So Gay - "AIDS Life Cycle 10" 4. House Music Show - DJ Carlos Dali - "Run The Tribal Techie Trip Mix"
Gay News Week In Review w/e 06/17/2011 (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - Singer Jennifer Knapp (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - AIDS Life Cycle 10 (Podcast)
DJ Carlos Dali - Run the Tribal Techie Trip Mix - Episode 80 (Podcast)
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Subscribe via RSS Feed HERE!
THIS WEEK'S SYNOPSIS: 1. Gay News Week In Review - "Week Ending 6/17/2011" 2. This Show Is So Gay - "Rainbow Rewind: Singer Jennifer Knapp" 3. This Show Is So Gay - "AIDS Life Cycle 10" 4. House Music Show - DJ Carlos Dali - "Run The Tribal Techie Trip Mix"
Gay News Week In Review w/e 06/17/2011 (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - Singer Jennifer Knapp (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - AIDS Life Cycle 10 (Podcast)
DJ Carlos Dali - Run the Tribal Techie Trip Mix - Episode 80 (Podcast)
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Affinity board president passes the torch
Affinity Community Services Affinity has a new leader at the helm. Kelly Suzanne Saulsberry became Affinity's third board president at the organization's May 22nd board meeting. Ms. Saulsberry assumed the reigns from Lisa Marie Pickens, co-founder of Affinity and its board president for the last five years. Ms. Pickens will remain on the board of directors and lead The Affinity Archives Project. Affinity's founding board president, Christina Smith, stepped down in 2007 after nearly 10 years of dedicated service.
New Podcast: This Week In Gay
Just wanted to make you aware (if you weren't already) of our new podcast 'This Week in Gay'. We invite all fellow LGBT podcasters to join us each Sunday night talking about the Gay News of the week.
Come Join us and feel free to spread the good news!
Come Join us and feel free to spread the good news!
Lucy Jane Bledsoe Coming to the NW
Get excited bibliophiles! Lucy Jane Bledsoe is coming to Portland, Seattle and Bellingham soon. If you're a lesbian and don't know Lucy Jane Bledsoe, you've been living under a rock or your idea of reading is scanning your friend's Facebook updates. Lucy is a prophetic writer who's written some real jewels, including Biting the Apple (which is sitting to the left of where I'm typing right now).If you live in or near these fabulous NW towns, go check out Lucy and her new book: The Big Bang Symphony.Wednesday, June 16, 7 pmTHIRD PLACE BOOKS -- Ravenna store6504 20th Ave. NESeattle, WA 98115206-525-2347Thursday, June 17, 7:30 pmPOWELL'S BOOKS -- Hawthorne store3723 SE Hawthorne Blvd.Portland, OR503-228-4651I love Powell's and I love Portland, my hometown. Come on out and say hi.Tuesday, June 22, 7:00 pmVILLAGE BOOKS1200 Eleventh StreetBellingham, WA 98225360-671-2626This reading with Carol Guess and Elizabeth Colen! Please come.
Friday, May 25, 2012
(01-12-2012) -- Twenty years after the demise of Knights Press, author Daniel McVay's previously published comic novels (along with his fourth novel, which almost got published) have been reissued and are available on Amazon, plus several other online sources and from book distributors worldwide by way of CreateSpace.
Oh no, I see a darkness. Oh no, I see a darkness. Oh no, I see a darkness.
The parents kicked me out for being gay. What can I do now to make sure I stay emotionally healthy, and how do I deal with my complicated feelings surrounding this? Has anyone else been through this? By "the parents" I mean Mom and her boyfriend. Bio Dad has been quite supportive and is the main reason I'm not on the streets right now; I can't stay with him but I'm using the money he gave me to stay in a hotel until I find a roommate or an apartment. I'm 21. I came out in June. This happened around a week ago.
I went out to see my girlfriend and my parents tried to follow me around to find her (we'd stopped meeting at the house at their request) and talk to her. This hasn't gone well in the past and usually consisted of BF telling her he'd call the police on her, etc.
I went back to the house so I wouldn't lead them to her, and Mom said she just wanted to have a civil talk. Just her, because of BF's actions last time. We agreed, were having the talk, which was about how my seeing a woman was causing problems between her and BF.
Then BF rolls up some ten minutes later. That's when things got bad. He basically told the girlfriend that she couldn't offer me anything other than sex, called her a bulldyke, said our relationship didn't mean anything, etc etc. Then they both threatened to call the police to get her information, and drive up to her house and out her to her Mom. When GF said the police wouldn't give out that information, BF said that money talks and insinuated that he'd hired a private investigator. Then they started trying to accuse me of sleeping around, cycling through people, etc. Basically trying to tell my girlfriend that I wasn't really serious about her.
Sometime in that conversation they told me that if I chose to stay with her the door would be locked and they wouldn't let me back in. BF doesn't want homosexuals on his property, and Mom wanted me out because of the problems I was causing between them.
GF started to cry as they were driving way, so I wrapped my arms around her. They had to drive past us to get out of the complex so when they passed us hugging BF yelled out the window "That's sick!"
The thing that gets to me about this is that Mom didn't seem to care much about me seeing a woman. She'd be fine, then he would say something to her and THEN she would get upset with me. She told me that he would get angry with her for being unable to "control" the situation, and wasn't happy with her parenting style. She said that he went from wanting to marry her to wanting her to move out, would complain to her every day for hours, etc and that she was stressed out and that things didn't feel like "home" anymore. The night before this happened she told me she was moving out because since he wasn't going to change and I wasn't going to change, that was the only option. I felt really guilty at the time because I felt like it was my fault, but after all this I just don't know how to feel.
I feel like she picked him over me. Their relationship has lasted six years or so, but still, I'm her kid. I can understand that she felt torn, but, I dunno. Before this incident I was angry with him for blaming things on her, but now it's like... I never blamed her for his actions, so why am I the one who gets the short end of the stick?
I grew up thinking she didn't love me because of certain things that happened, but in the past few years I started to think, "Well, she does love me, she just doesn't know how to show it and the things she says when she's upset are just words." But now I feel like this is just "proof" that she really doesn't love me, and it really hurts. She had no idea that Dad had given me a substantial amount of money the last time this happened (no arguing, they just locked the door when I came back and wouldn't let me back in. I was on the streets for a few hours, called up Dad to take me to get my stuff, but Mom said she wanted to work things out and so I moved back in) so as far as she knew I'd have to be on the streets.
She has texted me and called me about "working things out," but I know that BF's feelings haven't changed so I haven't responded. I haven't spoken to her because what happened really, really hurts. I don't want her to think everything is OK. I know she does care, in a way, or she wouldn't be texting me. At the same time, she basically stood there and let BF call my girlfriend a bulldyke, say we were sick, and laughed along with him. (she's said similar things but hasn't in a few months), so it's like... why is she now like "how were classes today?"
I'm not trying to say she's all bad, because I know she's human and feels torn between her child and her BF. And maybe I shouldn't feel entitled because I'm her child, I don't know. I know she's probably upset over the situation too. My Dad suggested to me awhile ago that I start lying about who I was going out with, or just not tell them at all (I always tell them with who, where, and when/if I'll be back). It seems like Mom would have preferred I lie to BF (I suspect she was lying about it since I didn't have any problems with him for about a month, then he saw her picking me up one day andyeah.) So, to be fair, I could have tried harder to keep BF oblivious. I didn't know the problems between them had gotten that bad until the night before the incident, when Mom told me.
I'm prone to depression and I know that if I don't head this off I could get into a really dark place emotionally. I was quite happy before all this happened and I just want to be OK. I'm not really close to any of my family and I feel like I just don't have one. I mean, Mom's are supposed to love you no matter what, right? But BF basically asked her to choose between me and him and she picked him. That really, really hurts.
I know exercise and eating right helps, but... how do I process this? I can't afford a therapist right now. I've been OK at times and at times I just get randomly down and snippy with GF. I just got out of a major depression not too long ago, was learning that life is about perception, etc. Heck, my last journal entry before this happened was about how happy I was. But now I just feel sad a lot of the time again, and GF is generally a happy and chipper person, and I feel upset with myself that I can't get back to that place. I can't tell you how long it took me to get out of pessimistic mood and generally be an optimistic person. It was a lot of hard work and I feel like this incident just undid that.
I realize I'll be upset for a bit but I don't want it to change me and put me in some dark place again. What can I do to stay positive?
I went out to see my girlfriend and my parents tried to follow me around to find her (we'd stopped meeting at the house at their request) and talk to her. This hasn't gone well in the past and usually consisted of BF telling her he'd call the police on her, etc.
I went back to the house so I wouldn't lead them to her, and Mom said she just wanted to have a civil talk. Just her, because of BF's actions last time. We agreed, were having the talk, which was about how my seeing a woman was causing problems between her and BF.
Then BF rolls up some ten minutes later. That's when things got bad. He basically told the girlfriend that she couldn't offer me anything other than sex, called her a bulldyke, said our relationship didn't mean anything, etc etc. Then they both threatened to call the police to get her information, and drive up to her house and out her to her Mom. When GF said the police wouldn't give out that information, BF said that money talks and insinuated that he'd hired a private investigator. Then they started trying to accuse me of sleeping around, cycling through people, etc. Basically trying to tell my girlfriend that I wasn't really serious about her.
Sometime in that conversation they told me that if I chose to stay with her the door would be locked and they wouldn't let me back in. BF doesn't want homosexuals on his property, and Mom wanted me out because of the problems I was causing between them.
GF started to cry as they were driving way, so I wrapped my arms around her. They had to drive past us to get out of the complex so when they passed us hugging BF yelled out the window "That's sick!"
The thing that gets to me about this is that Mom didn't seem to care much about me seeing a woman. She'd be fine, then he would say something to her and THEN she would get upset with me. She told me that he would get angry with her for being unable to "control" the situation, and wasn't happy with her parenting style. She said that he went from wanting to marry her to wanting her to move out, would complain to her every day for hours, etc and that she was stressed out and that things didn't feel like "home" anymore. The night before this happened she told me she was moving out because since he wasn't going to change and I wasn't going to change, that was the only option. I felt really guilty at the time because I felt like it was my fault, but after all this I just don't know how to feel.
I feel like she picked him over me. Their relationship has lasted six years or so, but still, I'm her kid. I can understand that she felt torn, but, I dunno. Before this incident I was angry with him for blaming things on her, but now it's like... I never blamed her for his actions, so why am I the one who gets the short end of the stick?
I grew up thinking she didn't love me because of certain things that happened, but in the past few years I started to think, "Well, she does love me, she just doesn't know how to show it and the things she says when she's upset are just words." But now I feel like this is just "proof" that she really doesn't love me, and it really hurts. She had no idea that Dad had given me a substantial amount of money the last time this happened (no arguing, they just locked the door when I came back and wouldn't let me back in. I was on the streets for a few hours, called up Dad to take me to get my stuff, but Mom said she wanted to work things out and so I moved back in) so as far as she knew I'd have to be on the streets.
She has texted me and called me about "working things out," but I know that BF's feelings haven't changed so I haven't responded. I haven't spoken to her because what happened really, really hurts. I don't want her to think everything is OK. I know she does care, in a way, or she wouldn't be texting me. At the same time, she basically stood there and let BF call my girlfriend a bulldyke, say we were sick, and laughed along with him. (she's said similar things but hasn't in a few months), so it's like... why is she now like "how were classes today?"
I'm not trying to say she's all bad, because I know she's human and feels torn between her child and her BF. And maybe I shouldn't feel entitled because I'm her child, I don't know. I know she's probably upset over the situation too. My Dad suggested to me awhile ago that I start lying about who I was going out with, or just not tell them at all (I always tell them with who, where, and when/if I'll be back). It seems like Mom would have preferred I lie to BF (I suspect she was lying about it since I didn't have any problems with him for about a month, then he saw her picking me up one day andyeah.) So, to be fair, I could have tried harder to keep BF oblivious. I didn't know the problems between them had gotten that bad until the night before the incident, when Mom told me.
I'm prone to depression and I know that if I don't head this off I could get into a really dark place emotionally. I was quite happy before all this happened and I just want to be OK. I'm not really close to any of my family and I feel like I just don't have one. I mean, Mom's are supposed to love you no matter what, right? But BF basically asked her to choose between me and him and she picked him. That really, really hurts.
I know exercise and eating right helps, but... how do I process this? I can't afford a therapist right now. I've been OK at times and at times I just get randomly down and snippy with GF. I just got out of a major depression not too long ago, was learning that life is about perception, etc. Heck, my last journal entry before this happened was about how happy I was. But now I just feel sad a lot of the time again, and GF is generally a happy and chipper person, and I feel upset with myself that I can't get back to that place. I can't tell you how long it took me to get out of pessimistic mood and generally be an optimistic person. It was a lot of hard work and I feel like this incident just undid that.
I realize I'll be upset for a bit but I don't want it to change me and put me in some dark place again. What can I do to stay positive?
Zimbabwe's president dismisses gay rights
Zimbabwe's president said Thursday that homosexuality doesn't belong in Zimbabwe and it violates women's rights by denying the union of men and women needed to bear children.
Virginia's Vexing Politics: State politicos see possible course correction on anti-gay extremes come November
As the saying goes, ''Virginia is for lovers.'' While few would argue the tourism slogan applies to gay people, one might wonder when the state will reach its anti-LGBT bottom.
An approved 2006 constitutional amendment banned gay marriage or any legal status or unions that ''intend(s) to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effects of marriage.'' Same-sex couples are not allowed to legally adopt, though LGBT individuals still may. There are no laws protecting LGBT people from employment discrimination.
The stakes were upped during this year's General Assembly session, when the Republican-controlled Legislature passed a bill that allows private adoption agencies that contract with the state to adopt a ''conscience clause'' that allows them to discriminate against potential parents based on a variety of characteristics, including sexual orientation, if doing so would violate an agency's stated or written religious or moral convictions or policies.
Efforts to pass a bill this session prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity failed in committee.
On May 15, the House of Delegates rejected an openly gay prosecutor, Tracy Thorne-Begland, a former Naval officer, for a judgeship on the Richmond Circuit Court after conservative activists and legislators led a campaign to scuttle his nomination.
With developments like these, it's not hard to see how some may view the commonwealth as openly hostile to LGBT people, says Lawrence Webb, who was elected to the Falls Church City Council in 2008, becoming the first out gay African-American elected official in Virginia, though he lost his re-election bid earlier this month.
''For me I would say that statewide on LGBT issues, we have a very long way to go,'' Webb says. ''The Tracy Thorne-Begland rejection crystallizes that when a person who served his country effectively and served well as a prosecutor, who is woefully qualified to be a District Court judge, but is rejected, that, to me, speaks volumes.''
Webb says that the recent spate of legislation – and Thorne-Begland's rejection in particular – has energized the LGBT community and allies, who see clear-cut discrimination.
According to Larry Sabato, a political analyst and professor of politics at the University of Virginia and director of its Center for Politics, Virginia's Republican Party is a mix of establishment politicians, such as Gov. Bob McDonnell and Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling; and tea party types, like Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. Sabato says that the 2013 gubernatorial race will show which side is stronger if, as expected, Bolling and Cuccinelli face off for the nomination.
Sabato also notes that those who run statewide in Virginia can be socially conservative and appeal to the GOP base, but also ''exude economic pragmatism that appeals to suburban swing voters.''
Arlington County Board Member Jay Fisette, a gay Democrat, sees evidence of changing attitudes among Virginians with respect to social issues, including LGBT rights. He says younger residents, as well as the state's growing Latino population and people who live in Northern Virginia are overwhelmingly supportive of LGBT rights.
Fisette says that despite members of the General Assembly backing ''bizarre, extreme'' legislation, their actions are not necessarily reflective of their constituents.
''I would venture to say that the legislation isn't even wanted by some Republicans, because they know it hurts them and makes them a laughingstock,'' he says.
David Lampo, vice president and political director for the Log Cabin Republicans of Virginia and the author of a book set to be released in August, A Fundamental Freedom: Why Republicans, Conservatives and Libertarians Should Support Gay Rights, says Virginia's Republicans should be embarrassed that they allowed Del. Bob Marshall (R-Manassas), who led the charge to block Thorne-Begland, to become the face of the party on LGBT issues.
Lampo says he knows several Republicans who voted against Thorne-Begland who did it for reasons other than anti-gay animus. But by allowing Marshall and his allies, like The Family Foundation, to dominate the debate, he says, the Republicans have allowed themselves to be painted as stridently anti-gay.
''All people will remember is a gay judge got voted down, in their minds because he was gay,'' Lampo says. ''It's another black eye for the party.''
Calls to Marshall and The Family Foundation were not returned.
Marshall, a candidate for the U.S. Senate and the sponsor of a failed bill that sought to ban gays and lesbians from serving in the Virginia National Guard, said during a May 17 interview with CNN that he lobbied against Thorne-Begland not because he was gay, but because he was an ''activist,'' citing Thorne-Begland's coming out while in the military and criticism of the ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' policy.
On its blog, The Family Foundation said Thorne-Begland, a former board member of the LGBT-rights group Equality Virginia, had made ''public statements that reveal a personal political agenda that runs contrary to the Virginia Constitution and statute.''
''It's hard to be patient, but changes are taking place,'' Lampo says. ''The Republican Party is going to be dragged into the 21st century on this issue.''
Tiffany Joslyn, president of the LGBT Democratic group the Virginia Partisans, says she, too, knows Republicans who are not hostile to LGBT rights, particularly younger party members and those living in Northern Virginia.
''Not all Republicans are Bob Marshall,'' she says. ''But the Republicans [in the Legislature] still fall in line. Moderates and fiscal conservatives are so afraid of the far right of their party.''
Joslyn adds that if Obama and Virginia Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tim Kaine win in November – and Cuccinelli does not – Virginia's GOP politicians will likely reassess their positions.
''It's coming,'' she says optimistically. ''It's obviously coming.'' ...more
As the saying goes, ''Virginia is for lovers.'' While few would argue the tourism slogan applies to gay people, one might wonder when the state will reach its anti-LGBT bottom.
An approved 2006 constitutional amendment banned gay marriage or any legal status or unions that ''intend(s) to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effects of marriage.'' Same-sex couples are not allowed to legally adopt, though LGBT individuals still may. There are no laws protecting LGBT people from employment discrimination.
The stakes were upped during this year's General Assembly session, when the Republican-controlled Legislature passed a bill that allows private adoption agencies that contract with the state to adopt a ''conscience clause'' that allows them to discriminate against potential parents based on a variety of characteristics, including sexual orientation, if doing so would violate an agency's stated or written religious or moral convictions or policies.
Efforts to pass a bill this session prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity failed in committee.
On May 15, the House of Delegates rejected an openly gay prosecutor, Tracy Thorne-Begland, a former Naval officer, for a judgeship on the Richmond Circuit Court after conservative activists and legislators led a campaign to scuttle his nomination.
With developments like these, it's not hard to see how some may view the commonwealth as openly hostile to LGBT people, says Lawrence Webb, who was elected to the Falls Church City Council in 2008, becoming the first out gay African-American elected official in Virginia, though he lost his re-election bid earlier this month.
''For me I would say that statewide on LGBT issues, we have a very long way to go,'' Webb says. ''The Tracy Thorne-Begland rejection crystallizes that when a person who served his country effectively and served well as a prosecutor, who is woefully qualified to be a District Court judge, but is rejected, that, to me, speaks volumes.''
Webb says that the recent spate of legislation – and Thorne-Begland's rejection in particular – has energized the LGBT community and allies, who see clear-cut discrimination.
According to Larry Sabato, a political analyst and professor of politics at the University of Virginia and director of its Center for Politics, Virginia's Republican Party is a mix of establishment politicians, such as Gov. Bob McDonnell and Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling; and tea party types, like Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. Sabato says that the 2013 gubernatorial race will show which side is stronger if, as expected, Bolling and Cuccinelli face off for the nomination.
Sabato also notes that those who run statewide in Virginia can be socially conservative and appeal to the GOP base, but also ''exude economic pragmatism that appeals to suburban swing voters.''
Arlington County Board Member Jay Fisette, a gay Democrat, sees evidence of changing attitudes among Virginians with respect to social issues, including LGBT rights. He says younger residents, as well as the state's growing Latino population and people who live in Northern Virginia are overwhelmingly supportive of LGBT rights.
Fisette says that despite members of the General Assembly backing ''bizarre, extreme'' legislation, their actions are not necessarily reflective of their constituents.
''I would venture to say that the legislation isn't even wanted by some Republicans, because they know it hurts them and makes them a laughingstock,'' he says.
David Lampo, vice president and political director for the Log Cabin Republicans of Virginia and the author of a book set to be released in August, A Fundamental Freedom: Why Republicans, Conservatives and Libertarians Should Support Gay Rights, says Virginia's Republicans should be embarrassed that they allowed Del. Bob Marshall (R-Manassas), who led the charge to block Thorne-Begland, to become the face of the party on LGBT issues.
Lampo says he knows several Republicans who voted against Thorne-Begland who did it for reasons other than anti-gay animus. But by allowing Marshall and his allies, like The Family Foundation, to dominate the debate, he says, the Republicans have allowed themselves to be painted as stridently anti-gay.
''All people will remember is a gay judge got voted down, in their minds because he was gay,'' Lampo says. ''It's another black eye for the party.''
Calls to Marshall and The Family Foundation were not returned.
Marshall, a candidate for the U.S. Senate and the sponsor of a failed bill that sought to ban gays and lesbians from serving in the Virginia National Guard, said during a May 17 interview with CNN that he lobbied against Thorne-Begland not because he was gay, but because he was an ''activist,'' citing Thorne-Begland's coming out while in the military and criticism of the ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' policy.
On its blog, The Family Foundation said Thorne-Begland, a former board member of the LGBT-rights group Equality Virginia, had made ''public statements that reveal a personal political agenda that runs contrary to the Virginia Constitution and statute.''
''It's hard to be patient, but changes are taking place,'' Lampo says. ''The Republican Party is going to be dragged into the 21st century on this issue.''
Tiffany Joslyn, president of the LGBT Democratic group the Virginia Partisans, says she, too, knows Republicans who are not hostile to LGBT rights, particularly younger party members and those living in Northern Virginia.
''Not all Republicans are Bob Marshall,'' she says. ''But the Republicans [in the Legislature] still fall in line. Moderates and fiscal conservatives are so afraid of the far right of their party.''
Joslyn adds that if Obama and Virginia Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tim Kaine win in November – and Cuccinelli does not – Virginia's GOP politicians will likely reassess their positions.
''It's coming,'' she says optimistically. ''It's obviously coming.'' ...more
Stonewall Awards London - 2010
The fifth Stonewall Awards, hosted by Sue Perkins, were held last night at London's V&A and attended by 450 people including celebrities, politicians, sportspeople and writers. The event celebrates those who have made a positive impact on the lives of lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Britain in the last year.
Chris Grayling Bigot Of The Year
Bigot Of The Year
Former shadow home secretary Chris Grayling was named ?Bigot of the Year?.
Tory MP Mr Grayling, who was secretly recorded in May saying that bed and breakfasts should have the right to bar gay couples.
Gareth Thomas, Hero Of The Year
Gareth Thomas, Hero Of The Year
Gareth Thomas, who became the first out gay professional rugby player last December, was named ?Hero of the Year?. He attended the London ceremony with his parents. Some audience members were in tears as he spoke after accepting the award. Mr Thomas said: ?I don?t really know what denotes a hero. I?m just myself. But when you live in a world that tries to make different a wrong thing, to me, being a hero is just being honest. He added: ?To be a hero, you have to follow in a hero?s footsteps. And there?s people here tonight who?ve been my heroes all my life and will be forever ? that?s my mother and father.?
Stella Duffy, joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Stella Duffy, joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Stella Duffy for Theodora: Actress, Empress, Whore
Rupert Smith joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Rupert Smith joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Rupert Smith author of MANS WORLD, which is also shortlisted for the inaugral Creen Carnation prize.
Patrick Strudwick, ?Journalist of the Year?
Patrick Strudwick, ?Journalist of the Year?
Gay British journalist Patrick Strudwick spent several months investigating gay-to-straight conversion therapy, undergoing "treatment" from two psychotherapists who made no secret of their view that homosexuality was far from natural, but rather a composite of "mental illness, addiction and anti-religious phenomenon". Mr Strudwick, said: ?I am dedicating this award to all the victims of hate around the world who have told me their stories. Their strength and dignity spurred me on.?
He also thanked the thousands of people who added their support to his campaign to stamp out the controversial therapy.
John Partridge, Entertainer of the Year
John Partridge, Entertainer of the Year
EastEnders actor John Partidge won the ?Entertainer of the Year? award for his gay storyline in the soap. He paid tribute to screenwriter Dominic Treadwell-Collins for managing to ?tell a gay story at 7.30 in the evening?.
Martina Navratilova, Sports Person Of The Year
Martina Navratilova, Sports Person Of The Year
Martina Navratilova won huge applause when she was given the sports award. The tennis star is currently in Colorado training to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and pre-recorded a message of thanks.
John Bercow, Politician of the Year
John Bercow, Politician of the Year
Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow was named ?Politician of the Year?. The MP, whose wife Sally recently completed a charity parachute jump for Stonewall, praised Mr Summerskill for his ?truly inspirational leadership?.
The Times, ?Publication of the Year?
The Times, ?Publication of the Year?
The Times won the award for ?Publication of the Year?
Coronation Street, Broadcast of the Year
Coronation Street, Broadcast of the Year
Corrie which broadcast its first lesbian storyline and first lesbian kiss this year, won the award for ?Broadcast of the Year?.
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Chris Grayling Bigot Of The Year
Bigot Of The Year
Former shadow home secretary Chris Grayling was named ?Bigot of the Year?.
Tory MP Mr Grayling, who was secretly recorded in May saying that bed and breakfasts should have the right to bar gay couples.
Gareth Thomas, Hero Of The Year
Gareth Thomas, Hero Of The Year
Gareth Thomas, who became the first out gay professional rugby player last December, was named ?Hero of the Year?. He attended the London ceremony with his parents. Some audience members were in tears as he spoke after accepting the award. Mr Thomas said: ?I don?t really know what denotes a hero. I?m just myself. But when you live in a world that tries to make different a wrong thing, to me, being a hero is just being honest. He added: ?To be a hero, you have to follow in a hero?s footsteps. And there?s people here tonight who?ve been my heroes all my life and will be forever ? that?s my mother and father.?
Stella Duffy, joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Stella Duffy, joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Stella Duffy for Theodora: Actress, Empress, Whore
Rupert Smith joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Rupert Smith joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Rupert Smith author of MANS WORLD, which is also shortlisted for the inaugral Creen Carnation prize.
Patrick Strudwick, ?Journalist of the Year?
Patrick Strudwick, ?Journalist of the Year?
Gay British journalist Patrick Strudwick spent several months investigating gay-to-straight conversion therapy, undergoing "treatment" from two psychotherapists who made no secret of their view that homosexuality was far from natural, but rather a composite of "mental illness, addiction and anti-religious phenomenon". Mr Strudwick, said: ?I am dedicating this award to all the victims of hate around the world who have told me their stories. Their strength and dignity spurred me on.?
He also thanked the thousands of people who added their support to his campaign to stamp out the controversial therapy.
John Partridge, Entertainer of the Year
John Partridge, Entertainer of the Year
EastEnders actor John Partidge won the ?Entertainer of the Year? award for his gay storyline in the soap. He paid tribute to screenwriter Dominic Treadwell-Collins for managing to ?tell a gay story at 7.30 in the evening?.
Martina Navratilova, Sports Person Of The Year
Martina Navratilova, Sports Person Of The Year
Martina Navratilova won huge applause when she was given the sports award. The tennis star is currently in Colorado training to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and pre-recorded a message of thanks.
John Bercow, Politician of the Year
John Bercow, Politician of the Year
Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow was named ?Politician of the Year?. The MP, whose wife Sally recently completed a charity parachute jump for Stonewall, praised Mr Summerskill for his ?truly inspirational leadership?.
The Times, ?Publication of the Year?
The Times, ?Publication of the Year?
The Times won the award for ?Publication of the Year?
Coronation Street, Broadcast of the Year
Coronation Street, Broadcast of the Year
Corrie which broadcast its first lesbian storyline and first lesbian kiss this year, won the award for ?Broadcast of the Year?.
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
No gays at the Chymorvah guesthouse Cornwall
Martin Hall and his civil partner Stephen Preddy, were turned away from a homophobic guesthouse at Marizion in Corwall, on the grounds of "we dont allow unmarried couples to sleep in our guesthouse". Given that Hall and Preddy are in a civil partnership, this is a bit hard to believe.
It transpires that the owners are some sort of religious nut cases who have taken some line from the Bible a little to far. It is incredible in this day and age that people still think this way. It is obviously far more important to ignore the "LOVE" and "ACCEPTANCE" message from their faith and focus on - shock horror - the possibility that two people might actually have SEX.
Peter and Hazelmary Bull denied the allegation that they discriminated against Martyn Hall and Steven Preddy because they were gay, but insisted their faith meant they believed unmarried couples should not share a room under their roof.
A second case of homophobic prejudice. Sad old couple!
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
It transpires that the owners are some sort of religious nut cases who have taken some line from the Bible a little to far. It is incredible in this day and age that people still think this way. It is obviously far more important to ignore the "LOVE" and "ACCEPTANCE" message from their faith and focus on - shock horror - the possibility that two people might actually have SEX.
Peter and Hazelmary Bull denied the allegation that they discriminated against Martyn Hall and Steven Preddy because they were gay, but insisted their faith meant they believed unmarried couples should not share a room under their roof.
A second case of homophobic prejudice. Sad old couple!
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Will 16 MPs sever links with 'gay cure' charity?
Phillip Dawson is calling on 16 MPs to sever links with the charity CARE (Christian Action Research and Education***) which co-sponsored a 'gay cure' conference in April 2009.�Thanks to over 8,000 people who?ve joined Philip?s campaign, Liz Kendall MP and David Lammy MP have officially severed links with the charity.
Now Philip is asking supporters to increase the pressure on the remaining 16 MPs to break links permanently.
Tweet at MPs
Tweet at the MPs which have Twitter accounts -- click one of the messages below to tweet the message and show the MPs involved that this is an issue that people care about!
Tweet at David Burrowes MP�
.@davidburrowesmp Please sever links with charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conferece #NoGayCure via @UKChange
.@davidburrowesmp Please stop accepting interns from charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conference #NoGayCure
Tweet at Steve Webb MP
.@stevewebb1 please sever links with charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conferece #NoGayCure via @UKChange
.@stevewebb1 please stop accepting interns from charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conference #NoGayCure
Tweet at Tim Farron MP
.@timfarron Please sever links with charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conferece #NoGayCure via @UKChange
.@timfarron please stop accepting interns from charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conference #NoGayCure
Tweet at John Glen MP
.@JohnGlenMP please sever links with charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conferece #NoGayCure via @UKChange
.@JohnGlenMP please stop accepting interns from charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conference #NoGayCure
Tweet at Sharon Hodgsom MP
.@sharonhodgsonmp please sever links with charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conferece #NoGayCure via @UKChange
.@sharonhodgsonmp please stop accepting interns from charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conference #NoGayCure
Tweet at Catherine McKinell MP
.@catmckinnellmp please sever links with charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conferece #NoGayCure via @UKChange
.@catmckinnellmp please stop accepting interns from charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conference #NoGayCure
Take action on Facebook
Like Phillip?s "There is no cure for Love" image on Facebook -- Phillip has tagged all of the political parties in the post, so every time someone "Likes" or comments on the image, the parties will be notified via their Facebook pages.
Share the petition via email
All 16 MPs receive a notification every time an extra person signs Phillip?s petition, so ask more people to join the campaign and keep up the pressure.
***Please note that the charity involved is the Christian charity CARE (Christian Action Research and Education) which is not associated in any way with the charity CARE International***
Now Philip is asking supporters to increase the pressure on the remaining 16 MPs to break links permanently.
Tweet at MPs
Tweet at the MPs which have Twitter accounts -- click one of the messages below to tweet the message and show the MPs involved that this is an issue that people care about!
Tweet at David Burrowes MP�
.@davidburrowesmp Please sever links with charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conferece #NoGayCure via @UKChange
.@davidburrowesmp Please stop accepting interns from charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conference #NoGayCure
Tweet at Steve Webb MP
.@stevewebb1 please sever links with charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conferece #NoGayCure via @UKChange
.@stevewebb1 please stop accepting interns from charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conference #NoGayCure
Tweet at Tim Farron MP
.@timfarron Please sever links with charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conferece #NoGayCure via @UKChange
.@timfarron please stop accepting interns from charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conference #NoGayCure
Tweet at John Glen MP
.@JohnGlenMP please sever links with charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conferece #NoGayCure via @UKChange
.@JohnGlenMP please stop accepting interns from charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conference #NoGayCure
Tweet at Sharon Hodgsom MP
.@sharonhodgsonmp please sever links with charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conferece #NoGayCure via @UKChange
.@sharonhodgsonmp please stop accepting interns from charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conference #NoGayCure
Tweet at Catherine McKinell MP
.@catmckinnellmp please sever links with charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conferece #NoGayCure via @UKChange
.@catmckinnellmp please stop accepting interns from charity that co-sponsored ?gay cure? conference #NoGayCure
Take action on Facebook
Like Phillip?s "There is no cure for Love" image on Facebook -- Phillip has tagged all of the political parties in the post, so every time someone "Likes" or comments on the image, the parties will be notified via their Facebook pages.
Share the petition via email
All 16 MPs receive a notification every time an extra person signs Phillip?s petition, so ask more people to join the campaign and keep up the pressure.
***Please note that the charity involved is the Christian charity CARE (Christian Action Research and Education) which is not associated in any way with the charity CARE International***
Thursday, May 24, 2012
May is Masturbation Month
Forget Cinco de Mayo! Let's masturbate all month long!Good Vibes founded National
Masturbation Month in 1995 in the wake of the controversy surrounding
the firing of former Clinton administration Surgeon General Joycelyn
Elders, who evoked conservative wrath when she opined that discussion of
masturbation might have a place in sex education curricula. Realizing
that one simple, sensible mention of solo pleasuring was enough to lose
this prominent woman, the country?s first African-American surgeon
general, her job convinced Good Vibrations staff that this most basic
and accessible form of sex needed a serious image boost.
Some things have changed since 1995,
but National Masturbation Month is still a necessary reminder that
self-satisfaction is a healthy, accessible form of pleasure engaged in
by almost everyone, of every gender and relationship status, at some
time of (or throughout) their lives: It?s relaxing, allows people to
learn more about their own sexual response, is a basic recommendation of
sex therapists that can help people with many different sexual
concerns, relieves menstrual cramps, and helps keep the genitals fully
functional. On top of that, it?s the safest form of sex a person can
have.Go for it!
Masturbation Month in 1995 in the wake of the controversy surrounding
the firing of former Clinton administration Surgeon General Joycelyn
Elders, who evoked conservative wrath when she opined that discussion of
masturbation might have a place in sex education curricula. Realizing
that one simple, sensible mention of solo pleasuring was enough to lose
this prominent woman, the country?s first African-American surgeon
general, her job convinced Good Vibrations staff that this most basic
and accessible form of sex needed a serious image boost.
Some things have changed since 1995,
but National Masturbation Month is still a necessary reminder that
self-satisfaction is a healthy, accessible form of pleasure engaged in
by almost everyone, of every gender and relationship status, at some
time of (or throughout) their lives: It?s relaxing, allows people to
learn more about their own sexual response, is a basic recommendation of
sex therapists that can help people with many different sexual
concerns, relieves menstrual cramps, and helps keep the genitals fully
functional. On top of that, it?s the safest form of sex a person can
have.Go for it!
Comments from the Web
Dear Editor,
In honor of National Coming Out Day (October 11, 2010), we at Affirmations would like to take a moment to reflect on the continuous benefits to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community (LGBT) brought about since Michigan’s recently passed smoke free law has been implemented.
During the coming out process, many people seek to connect with the LGBT community for support, encouragement, networking and socializing. It is wonderful for the LGBT community to now socialize and connect at bars and restaurants in Michigan without facing the dangers of second hand smoke.
Historically, statistics have shown that the LGBT community is 50% more likely to start and/or continue smoking compared to its straight counterpart. We are hopeful …
Read More | View Comments (3 comments)
In honor of National Coming Out Day (October 11, 2010), we at Affirmations would like to take a moment to reflect on the continuous benefits to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community (LGBT) brought about since Michigan’s recently passed smoke free law has been implemented.
During the coming out process, many people seek to connect with the LGBT community for support, encouragement, networking and socializing. It is wonderful for the LGBT community to now socialize and connect at bars and restaurants in Michigan without facing the dangers of second hand smoke.
Historically, statistics have shown that the LGBT community is 50% more likely to start and/or continue smoking compared to its straight counterpart. We are hopeful …
Read More | View Comments (3 comments)
Sullivan Goes Gay Collectivist with Obama Love
So beyond Newsweek
getting buzz for turning President Obama into a big gay angel on
its cover, what did writer Andrew Sullivan actually
have to say about our "First Gay President"?
First of all, let?s give Newsweek credit for cleansing
America?s palate of the curdled flavor of a woman breastfeeding her
three-year-old on the
cover of Time. Presenting a man who reserves the right
execute civilians in drone strikes and whose administration is
callously invading and shutting down legal medical marijuana
dispensaries with a halo is repulsive in its own way, though.
(Sullivan might grudgingly agree; he has criticized the
administration in these areas)
Like a lot of Sullivan?s writing on gay issues and especially
gay marriage, the essay is very much bound by his own feelings and
experiences on the matter. It?s written in first person, with
occasional drifting into the royal ?we? as he speaks on behalf of
the gay experience. That generalization can be chafing to a gay man
or woman with different experiences and priorities than Sullivan?s.
His need for affirmation and approval from authority figures is on
naked display. As a result, Sullivan strives to acknowledge Obama?s
political calculations while also absolving him of having had to
make them.
He writes of first meeting Obama at a fundraiser in 2007 and
hearing him support civil unions over marriage for religious
Was this obviously humane African-American actually advocating a
?separate but equal? solution ? a form of marital segregation like
the one that made his own parents? marriage a felony in many states
when he was born? Hadn?t he already declared he supported marriage
equality when he was running for the Illinois Senate in 1996? (The
administration now claims that the questionnaire from the gay
Chicago paper Outlines had been answered in type ? not Obama?s
writing ? by somebody else.) Hadn?t Jeremiah Wright?s church
actually been a rare supporter of marriage equality among black
churches? The sudden equivocation made no sense?except as pure
political calculation. And yet it also felt strained, as if he knew
it didn?t quite fit. He wanted equality but not marriage ? but you
cannot have one without the other. On this issue, Obama?s
excruciating nonposition was essentially ?Yes we can?t.? And yet
somehow, simply by the way he answered that mother?s question, I
didn?t believe it. I thought he was struggling between political
calculation and his core belief in civil rights. And it was then
that I realized he was both: a cold, steely, ruthless, calculating
politician who nonetheless wanted to do the right thing in the
Obama was ?obviously humane.? He opposed gay marriage, but
somehow, Sullivan knew Obama didn?t really mean it. Somehow, in the
way he answered the question. He knew it in his gut.
On the criticism from gay activists of Obama?s slow pace of
dismantling Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell and resisting the Defense of
Marriage Act, Sullivan nearly apologizes on behalf of the gay
He fooled most of us much of the time, our outbursts often
intemperate ? I went on CNN at one point to say that the president
had betrayed the gay community on the military ban. We snarked
about the ?fierce urgency of whenever.? Our anger built. And
sometimes I wonder if he goaded us into ?making him do it.? If he
did, it worked.
It?s almost as though Sullivan thinks there?s something unique
or special about the president waiting until the
polls were going the right way before he took action and not
political business as usual. Obama was ?leading from behind,?
Sullivan explains at one point. Somehow Obama gets credit for the
increase in volume surrounding gay activism on the marriage and
military front. By doing nothing, the president made gay activists
do the leg work. And thus he gets the praise. It?s almost zen.
If Obama?s poll-driven tactics feel different to Sullivan it?s
because he has crafted the story around himself and his own
experiences. He identifies as a conservative Catholic with an eye
on a very particular family dynamic he needs to preserve and adapt
to his own purposes. Like many desires, this one is not universal,
and attempting to make it so leads to strange projections:
Gays are born mostly into heterosexual families and discover as
they grow up that, for some reason, they will never be able to have
a marriage like their parents? or their siblings?. They know this
before they can tell anyone else, even their parents. This sense of
subtle alienation ? of loving your own family while feeling
excluded from it ? is something all gay children learn.
Given how my parents? and sibling?s marriages
ended I certainly hope I don?t have one like theirs. Sullivan
is creating a narrative in which gay youths feel alienated from a
Disney-compliant vision of dream weddings and nuclear families.
Fears of exclusion, abandonment, humiliation and even violence can
contribute to that subtle alienation. But lack of marriage?
He then pivots to the argument that Obama is ?just like us?; he
had to come out of the closet as a black man in a white family:
He had to discover his black identity and then reconcile it with
his white family, just as gays discover their homosexual identity
and then have to reconcile it with their heterosexual family. The
America he grew up in had no space for a boy like him: black yet
enveloped by loving whiteness, estranged from a father he longed
for (another common gay experience), hurtling between being a Barry
and a Barack, needing an American racial identity as he grew older
but chafing also against it and over-embracing it at times.
Yeah, thanks for perpetuating that stereotype about gay men and
their dads, Sullivan. He concludes that Obama ?learned? to be black
the same way that gays ?learn? to be gay, thus explaining the
attention-grabbing headline.
But even the idea of ?learning to be gay? is getting
old-fashioned, and it?s a little odd for Sullivan to be invoking it
given his blog's periodic chafing at the gay establishment. In his
need to make Obama ?one of us,? he has nearly gone collectivist.
The gay community, to the extent one exists, has fractured and
diversified significantly since the days of Harvey Milk, and we?re
all the better for it. The shift in attitudes toward gay Americans
by the public (and Obama) reflects people?s real experiences with
gay people, not a belated pat of approval from the political
getting buzz for turning President Obama into a big gay angel on
its cover, what did writer Andrew Sullivan actually
have to say about our "First Gay President"?
First of all, let?s give Newsweek credit for cleansing
America?s palate of the curdled flavor of a woman breastfeeding her
three-year-old on the
cover of Time. Presenting a man who reserves the right
execute civilians in drone strikes and whose administration is
callously invading and shutting down legal medical marijuana
dispensaries with a halo is repulsive in its own way, though.
(Sullivan might grudgingly agree; he has criticized the
administration in these areas)
Like a lot of Sullivan?s writing on gay issues and especially
gay marriage, the essay is very much bound by his own feelings and
experiences on the matter. It?s written in first person, with
occasional drifting into the royal ?we? as he speaks on behalf of
the gay experience. That generalization can be chafing to a gay man
or woman with different experiences and priorities than Sullivan?s.
His need for affirmation and approval from authority figures is on
naked display. As a result, Sullivan strives to acknowledge Obama?s
political calculations while also absolving him of having had to
make them.
He writes of first meeting Obama at a fundraiser in 2007 and
hearing him support civil unions over marriage for religious
Was this obviously humane African-American actually advocating a
?separate but equal? solution ? a form of marital segregation like
the one that made his own parents? marriage a felony in many states
when he was born? Hadn?t he already declared he supported marriage
equality when he was running for the Illinois Senate in 1996? (The
administration now claims that the questionnaire from the gay
Chicago paper Outlines had been answered in type ? not Obama?s
writing ? by somebody else.) Hadn?t Jeremiah Wright?s church
actually been a rare supporter of marriage equality among black
churches? The sudden equivocation made no sense?except as pure
political calculation. And yet it also felt strained, as if he knew
it didn?t quite fit. He wanted equality but not marriage ? but you
cannot have one without the other. On this issue, Obama?s
excruciating nonposition was essentially ?Yes we can?t.? And yet
somehow, simply by the way he answered that mother?s question, I
didn?t believe it. I thought he was struggling between political
calculation and his core belief in civil rights. And it was then
that I realized he was both: a cold, steely, ruthless, calculating
politician who nonetheless wanted to do the right thing in the
Obama was ?obviously humane.? He opposed gay marriage, but
somehow, Sullivan knew Obama didn?t really mean it. Somehow, in the
way he answered the question. He knew it in his gut.
On the criticism from gay activists of Obama?s slow pace of
dismantling Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell and resisting the Defense of
Marriage Act, Sullivan nearly apologizes on behalf of the gay
He fooled most of us much of the time, our outbursts often
intemperate ? I went on CNN at one point to say that the president
had betrayed the gay community on the military ban. We snarked
about the ?fierce urgency of whenever.? Our anger built. And
sometimes I wonder if he goaded us into ?making him do it.? If he
did, it worked.
It?s almost as though Sullivan thinks there?s something unique
or special about the president waiting until the
polls were going the right way before he took action and not
political business as usual. Obama was ?leading from behind,?
Sullivan explains at one point. Somehow Obama gets credit for the
increase in volume surrounding gay activism on the marriage and
military front. By doing nothing, the president made gay activists
do the leg work. And thus he gets the praise. It?s almost zen.
If Obama?s poll-driven tactics feel different to Sullivan it?s
because he has crafted the story around himself and his own
experiences. He identifies as a conservative Catholic with an eye
on a very particular family dynamic he needs to preserve and adapt
to his own purposes. Like many desires, this one is not universal,
and attempting to make it so leads to strange projections:
Gays are born mostly into heterosexual families and discover as
they grow up that, for some reason, they will never be able to have
a marriage like their parents? or their siblings?. They know this
before they can tell anyone else, even their parents. This sense of
subtle alienation ? of loving your own family while feeling
excluded from it ? is something all gay children learn.
Given how my parents? and sibling?s marriages
ended I certainly hope I don?t have one like theirs. Sullivan
is creating a narrative in which gay youths feel alienated from a
Disney-compliant vision of dream weddings and nuclear families.
Fears of exclusion, abandonment, humiliation and even violence can
contribute to that subtle alienation. But lack of marriage?
He then pivots to the argument that Obama is ?just like us?; he
had to come out of the closet as a black man in a white family:
He had to discover his black identity and then reconcile it with
his white family, just as gays discover their homosexual identity
and then have to reconcile it with their heterosexual family. The
America he grew up in had no space for a boy like him: black yet
enveloped by loving whiteness, estranged from a father he longed
for (another common gay experience), hurtling between being a Barry
and a Barack, needing an American racial identity as he grew older
but chafing also against it and over-embracing it at times.
Yeah, thanks for perpetuating that stereotype about gay men and
their dads, Sullivan. He concludes that Obama ?learned? to be black
the same way that gays ?learn? to be gay, thus explaining the
attention-grabbing headline.
But even the idea of ?learning to be gay? is getting
old-fashioned, and it?s a little odd for Sullivan to be invoking it
given his blog's periodic chafing at the gay establishment. In his
need to make Obama ?one of us,? he has nearly gone collectivist.
The gay community, to the extent one exists, has fractured and
diversified significantly since the days of Harvey Milk, and we?re
all the better for it. The shift in attitudes toward gay Americans
by the public (and Obama) reflects people?s real experiences with
gay people, not a belated pat of approval from the political
Lesbian News - 11 May 2012
Mariska Hargitay and Kelli Giddish As Lesbian Couple on 'SVUChurch must change its ideas toward gay and lesbian employeeLesbian married in the US faces deportation to PakistanOrientation identity: lesbihonest, it doesn?t matterBoston Pride Celebrates Youth Pride 2012The Gossip's Beth Ditto reveals plans to marry girlfriend in Hawaiian ceremony
"Maddow is an anchor who is, she says? ?definitely not an ?autocutie??. And if there were any doubt,..."
?Maddow is an anchor who is, she says? ?definitely not an ?autocutie??. And if there were any doubt, when she stands up from her desk, she reveals that the jacket is worn, not with a pencil skirt, but a pair of jeans and cumbersome black and red trainers. ?And not just jeans ? ugly jeans!? Maddow laughs, proudly, and then swiftly swaps that regulation jacket for a grey sweatshirt.? - Rachel Maddow: The Guardian (via fuckyeahrachelmaddow)
Amber Heard left off Maxim 100 this year. Coincidence?
Amber Heard left off Maxim 100 this year. Coincidence?: Not that the superficial listing and ranking of women should matter, but excluding a woman who has graced their cover and ranked high the past three years, who just so happend to come out this year seems fishy, no?
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Adam Lambert Makes Music History, is First Out Gay Artist to Hit #1 on Billboard Album Chart: VIDEO
Adam Lambert's album Trespassing debuted at #1 on the Billboard Top 200 chart today and #1 on the Billboard Digital Albums Chart. It's Lambert's first #1 debut.
AfterElton notes that this is historic: "Other gay performers such as Elton John and George Michael have hit #1, but only before they came out, and they haven't managed that honor since."
Lambert collaborated with Pharrell Williams, Claude Kelly, Benny Blanco, Bonnie McKee, Nile Rodgers and Sam Sparro on the album.
Yesterday, I posted a preview for Lambert's new video, "Never Close Our Eyes", a track written and produced by Bruno Mars and Dr. Luke.
Watch Lambert talk about the album, AFTER THE JUMP...
AfterElton notes that this is historic: "Other gay performers such as Elton John and George Michael have hit #1, but only before they came out, and they haven't managed that honor since."
Lambert collaborated with Pharrell Williams, Claude Kelly, Benny Blanco, Bonnie McKee, Nile Rodgers and Sam Sparro on the album.
Yesterday, I posted a preview for Lambert's new video, "Never Close Our Eyes", a track written and produced by Bruno Mars and Dr. Luke.
Watch Lambert talk about the album, AFTER THE JUMP...
Pretty Airplanes
Jes from Dayton Ohio recently contacted me to tell me about an art project she completed. She was invited by the city to cover this model F16 jet with art. Since she is a mosaic artist, this is what she came up with. Jess said:I covered the Jet with stained glass because glass is the most beautiful media in the world ;)I wanted to show a larger range of color and knew that a rainbow would be perfect. The plane is meant to be beautiful more than anything else. I wanted people to want to know what she is all about. A beautiful sculpture that says I'm proud to be gay and in the military. I hope this Rainbow F16 serves as a reminder that we need to defeat the BAN on gay men and women serving our country. Equality is beautiful.Jes's plane will be on display in a bank in Dayton, Ohio. Thanks for sharing Jes!
Seat Filler Off Broadway Theater Guide for May 2012
Taking advantage of the lull in Broadway openings leading up to the Tony Awards on June 10, our man on the New York theater scene grabs a seat at the greatest and gayest new offerings off-Broadway, including Cock, February House, and a redressed Naked Boys Singing!
read more
read more
Belgian theater company Ontroerend Goed has been acclaimed worldwide from Sydney to Amsterdam with its expansive play A History of Everything, which ambitiously aims to retell our collective history from the present day all the way back to the Big Bang. Catch this U.S. premiere as part of Chicago Shakespeare Theater's World's Stage series. A History of Everything plays from Friday, May 25-Sunday, June 3, in Chicago Shakespeare Theater's Upstairs Theater space at 800 E. Grand Ave. Performances are 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; 3 and 7:30 p.m. Saturdays; and 3 p.m. Sundays. Tickets are $35-$45. Call 312-595-5600 or visit Photo by Brett Boardman
Thank the Influence of Money in Politics for President Obama?s Gay Marriage ?Evolution?
To much fanfare yesterday,
Barack Obama became the first sitting U.S. President to endorse the
idea of gay marriage. While the President described his view as
it?s actually a view he?s held before. ?I favor legalizing same-sex
marriage,? Barack Obama said in 1996, long before his daughters
brought him back to that position.
Reactions ranged from Rush Limbaugh?s can?t-believe-he?s-serious
?War on Marriage?
accusation, to George Takei praising the President?s
historic decision to Glenn Greenwald
pointing out that the movement that pressured the President
ought to be credited for the new turn.
No matter how you interpret the President?s decision to
articulate his support for same-sex marriage, in the same
manner, in fact, as former Vice President Dick Cheney did while
he was in office, one thing?s for sure: it?s been a money winner
for the Obama campaign, which
apparently raised $1 million in the 90 minutes after his
support for same-sex marriage became public alone. Just an hour
ago, in fact, I got another text from the Obama campaign: ?If
you?re proud of our president, get his back by pitching in today,?
along with a handy link to
The influence money had on the President?s decision to again
endorse same-sex marriage is
undeniable. One out of six bundlers for the Obama campaign are
gay, for example, and the campaign has been lagging in donations
from its entertainment business donors (amplified by the
President?s rejection of SOPA despite Chris Dodd?s
threats no doubt).
The President may lament the influence of money in politics
publicly, and his base even agrees, but without the financial
pressure exerted on the Obama campaign by gay donors and backers,
it?s unlikely the President?s view on same-sex marriage would
?evolve? back to what it was before Obama became a mainstream
candidate. Now if one in six Obama bundlers were
Muslims or victims of the drug war, maybe
we?d see some evolution in Barack Obama?s views on the never-ending
war on terror or war on drugs too.
UPDATE: The President
raised $15 million for his campaign at a Hollywood
fundraiser headlined by George Clooney tonight. He hit upon the
theme of gay rights repeatedly there and elsewhere on his West
Coast campaign tour.
Barack Obama became the first sitting U.S. President to endorse the
idea of gay marriage. While the President described his view as
it?s actually a view he?s held before. ?I favor legalizing same-sex
marriage,? Barack Obama said in 1996, long before his daughters
brought him back to that position.
Reactions ranged from Rush Limbaugh?s can?t-believe-he?s-serious
?War on Marriage?
accusation, to George Takei praising the President?s
historic decision to Glenn Greenwald
pointing out that the movement that pressured the President
ought to be credited for the new turn.
No matter how you interpret the President?s decision to
articulate his support for same-sex marriage, in the same
manner, in fact, as former Vice President Dick Cheney did while
he was in office, one thing?s for sure: it?s been a money winner
for the Obama campaign, which
apparently raised $1 million in the 90 minutes after his
support for same-sex marriage became public alone. Just an hour
ago, in fact, I got another text from the Obama campaign: ?If
you?re proud of our president, get his back by pitching in today,?
along with a handy link to
The influence money had on the President?s decision to again
endorse same-sex marriage is
undeniable. One out of six bundlers for the Obama campaign are
gay, for example, and the campaign has been lagging in donations
from its entertainment business donors (amplified by the
President?s rejection of SOPA despite Chris Dodd?s
threats no doubt).
The President may lament the influence of money in politics
publicly, and his base even agrees, but without the financial
pressure exerted on the Obama campaign by gay donors and backers,
it?s unlikely the President?s view on same-sex marriage would
?evolve? back to what it was before Obama became a mainstream
candidate. Now if one in six Obama bundlers were
Muslims or victims of the drug war, maybe
we?d see some evolution in Barack Obama?s views on the never-ending
war on terror or war on drugs too.
UPDATE: The President
raised $15 million for his campaign at a Hollywood
fundraiser headlined by George Clooney tonight. He hit upon the
theme of gay rights repeatedly there and elsewhere on his West
Coast campaign tour.
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