Sunday, March 31, 2013
Video of the day: Bloomberg Spanish
NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg held a presser a few minutes ago, and it was broadcast on major media. It was unremarkable at the outset, noting it's too late to evacuate at this point, to take precautions using candles, etc.
But then he decided to offer up a summary in Spanish. I want to give him props for trying, but it was so heinous that I burst out laughing. And I don't even speak Spanish. I can't imagine what that sounded like to native Spanish speakers.
This is one for the ages; it's at least nice to laugh during what's a pretty tough time to laugh with Irene barreling up the Northeast corridor.
Thanks @robrcb.
With NY gay teen?s suicide come spotlight, caution
The risk of creating an icon at the price of glamorizing suicide as an option for other bullied or attention-seeking teens.
Culhane: One last salvo against the misuse of religion
We can't allow religion to interfere with civic responsibilities.
Days of Miracle and Wonder: As the Family Research Council leans on its Bible, it should consider a more thoughtful reading
"These are the days of miracle and wonder," sings the American, backed by African rhythms as a vast crowd dances. Paul Simon was not talking about the quest for marriage equality; few did in the 1980s. I recall that line from the Graceland album as the anti-gay Family Research Council makes a harsh, desperate and inadvertently comical plea for a miracle of its own.
While attorneys prepared to go before the Supreme Court to debate the right of gay people to marry and to have our marriages recognized by the U.S. government, FRC urged its members to pray: "May those arguing on behalf of same-sex 'marriage' present their arguments in an inept, confusing and unconvincing way. May they fail to gain traction in the minds of the Justices.''
What followed were citations from the Holy Bible, which the writer presumably found more persuasive than court cases or the U.S. Constitution. Of course, federal courts were not set up for biblical exegesis; but the folks at FRC don't want legal arguments, they want God's intervention.
They cite 1 Samuel 2:9, "[T]he wicked will be silenced in the place of darkness." Since the audiotapes of the oral arguments are to be made public, we can hear for ourselves if Ted Olson and his collaborators were all struck dumb. But this involves a subjective judgment as to where the wickedness lies. Personally, I wish Justice Scalia would be quiet.
They cite Proverbs 22:28, "Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your ancestors." What? Oh, I get it – don't mess with tradition. I hate to break it to FRC, but a significant boundary stone was moved on the Fourth of July in 1776. What medieval theocracy do they think they are in?
They cite Leviticus Chapter 20. Not just the notorious Verse 13, but the whole chapter, which brings in several other divine decrees of blood on various heads, including adulterers, mediums and children who curse their parents. Why invoke those items if you are not serious about them? Is it the word of God, which all must obey, or isn't it? Verse 13 does not forbid me from marrying my boyfriend, it says we should be killed. To invoke harsh biblical edicts without intending to carry them out may be merciful, but it is incoherent.
As it happens, I can cite Scripture, too. See Matthew 22:21, "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."
See Acts 10:46, "For they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God." Judging by their output, the folks at FRC have the gift of tongues without an interpreter.
See 1 Corinthians 13:1-2, "If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing." We love. That is unconquerable.
FRC, you have no monopoly on religion. The life of the spirit comes in many flavors and tongues. You cannot control it all. Look up the video of "The Boy in the Bubble" from the Graceland concert in Zimbabwe. Near the start, seven boys are dancing on top of a wall. You can attack their dancing, perhaps, but the source of the dancing – like the impulse to love – is beyond your reach.
You are losing, Family Research Council. If you cannot lose gracefully, at least try to pray over your own sins in the future and not those of your neighbors – nor even their attorneys. See Matthew 7:3-5.
Richard J. Rosendall is a writer and activist. He can be reached at
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"These are the days of miracle and wonder," sings the American, backed by African rhythms as a vast crowd dances. Paul Simon was not talking about the quest for marriage equality; few did in the 1980s. I recall that line from the Graceland album as the anti-gay Family Research Council makes a harsh, desperate and inadvertently comical plea for a miracle of its own.
While attorneys prepared to go before the Supreme Court to debate the right of gay people to marry and to have our marriages recognized by the U.S. government, FRC urged its members to pray: "May those arguing on behalf of same-sex 'marriage' present their arguments in an inept, confusing and unconvincing way. May they fail to gain traction in the minds of the Justices.''
What followed were citations from the Holy Bible, which the writer presumably found more persuasive than court cases or the U.S. Constitution. Of course, federal courts were not set up for biblical exegesis; but the folks at FRC don't want legal arguments, they want God's intervention.
They cite 1 Samuel 2:9, "[T]he wicked will be silenced in the place of darkness." Since the audiotapes of the oral arguments are to be made public, we can hear for ourselves if Ted Olson and his collaborators were all struck dumb. But this involves a subjective judgment as to where the wickedness lies. Personally, I wish Justice Scalia would be quiet.
They cite Proverbs 22:28, "Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your ancestors." What? Oh, I get it – don't mess with tradition. I hate to break it to FRC, but a significant boundary stone was moved on the Fourth of July in 1776. What medieval theocracy do they think they are in?
They cite Leviticus Chapter 20. Not just the notorious Verse 13, but the whole chapter, which brings in several other divine decrees of blood on various heads, including adulterers, mediums and children who curse their parents. Why invoke those items if you are not serious about them? Is it the word of God, which all must obey, or isn't it? Verse 13 does not forbid me from marrying my boyfriend, it says we should be killed. To invoke harsh biblical edicts without intending to carry them out may be merciful, but it is incoherent.
As it happens, I can cite Scripture, too. See Matthew 22:21, "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."
See Acts 10:46, "For they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God." Judging by their output, the folks at FRC have the gift of tongues without an interpreter.
See 1 Corinthians 13:1-2, "If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing." We love. That is unconquerable.
FRC, you have no monopoly on religion. The life of the spirit comes in many flavors and tongues. You cannot control it all. Look up the video of "The Boy in the Bubble" from the Graceland concert in Zimbabwe. Near the start, seven boys are dancing on top of a wall. You can attack their dancing, perhaps, but the source of the dancing – like the impulse to love – is beyond your reach.
You are losing, Family Research Council. If you cannot lose gracefully, at least try to pray over your own sins in the future and not those of your neighbors – nor even their attorneys. See Matthew 7:3-5.
Richard J. Rosendall is a writer and activist. He can be reached at
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(14) Halloween Swinging! (1hr)
Questionable prank; Alix Olson?s, ?Cute For a Girl;? Lale complains about the prank, Some talk about swingers, Brit catches one of Tila Tequila’s TV suitors out at the local Halloween party, Loa sings ABBA and inhales second hand maryjane, Shelzy apparently wears too much costume at her local Halloween party
Team DC Fashion Show & Model Search 2013:
Ben Horen goes behind the scenes for Metro Weekly at Team DC's annual fashion show and model search at Town Danceboutique. Follow along as the competitors vie for the title, showing off casual wear, swimwear, underwear and other assets before a panel of DC celebrity judges. The Saturday, March 9, event raised funds for the Team DC scholarship program. ...more
Ben Horen goes behind the scenes for Metro Weekly at Team DC's annual fashion show and model search at Town Danceboutique. Follow along as the competitors vie for the title, showing off casual wear, swimwear, underwear and other assets before a panel of DC celebrity judges. The Saturday, March 9, event raised funds for the Team DC scholarship program. ...more
(18) Xanax and Rehab ?All In One? Trip
Sandi’s shares her Xanax experience in a “1″ minute commentary.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Super Bowl Ads Promote Sexist Attitudes, Offensive Behavior
Offenders: Audi, CBS, GoDaddy, Kia
Media Outlet: CBS; ads aired during Super Bowl on 2/3/13
The Offense: Selling products using gender stereotypes, sexual exploitation, objectified women and gratuitous violence
NOW's Analysis: By now, Super Bowl ad watchers have grown accustomed to GoDaddy producing one of the most shamelessly exploitative commercials every year. The internet company faithfully uses blatant sexual come-ons involving well-known women to brew up controversy before the game and draw viewers onto its website afterward.
This year GoDaddy added an off-the-chart discomfort factor to its standard formula, with a lengthy and loud kiss between "sexy" model Bar Refaeli and "smart" Walter. The ad relied on the tired old cliche that women embody sex while geeky men are the epitome of intelligence. And it reveled in the visual mismatch the two created. Thankfully, GoDaddy was rewarded for its efforts with the lowest score in USA Today's "Ad Meter" survey.
Several other ads went over the top -- for example CBS's own promo for "2 Broke Girls," which featured the two stars as pole dancers, and KIA's "Hot Bots" ad depicting women as butt-kicking robots. Other questionable ads could be called out, but let's get to our candidate for loser of the night: Audi.
The automaker presented a slick 60-second spot that had the look and feel of a movie. A teenage boy headed to prom by himself is granted the keys to dad's Audi, which apparently has the power to turn him into a daredevil. What does he choose to do with his newfound confidence? Why, storm into the dance and grab the prom queen for a surprise kiss, of course.
We're clearly supposed to think how cool he is, how deserving he must be after suffering the humiliation of attending prom solo (he's a geek like Walter, right?). The look on the prom queen's face says it all -- wow, what a stud! Does she want to slap him? Heck no. It's her boyfriend who's offended (she's HIS, after all), and he goes after the supposed hero, who drives away with a black eye, invigorated and validated.
The ad ends with the tagline "Bravery. It's What Defines Us." This message is not only nonsense, it's dangerous. Sorry, Audi, but women's bodies are not the proving ground for men's machismo, their self-esteem. This ad perpetuates an age-old myth that needs to be put to rest. No, men are not entitled to "take" women as a prize or as solace. It is not "brave" to steal a kiss from an unsuspecting woman or girl. And it's outrageous to produce a commercial that cheers on such an act. How about this for a tagline?: "Sexism. It's What Disgusts Us."
Take Action: Tell Audi what you think about their Super Bowl ad. Since they don't have a specific link for comments about advertising, we recommend scrolling down to below the second subhead and clicking on "Email an Audi Product Specialist." Start here.
Media Outlet: CBS; ads aired during Super Bowl on 2/3/13
The Offense: Selling products using gender stereotypes, sexual exploitation, objectified women and gratuitous violence
NOW's Analysis: By now, Super Bowl ad watchers have grown accustomed to GoDaddy producing one of the most shamelessly exploitative commercials every year. The internet company faithfully uses blatant sexual come-ons involving well-known women to brew up controversy before the game and draw viewers onto its website afterward.
This year GoDaddy added an off-the-chart discomfort factor to its standard formula, with a lengthy and loud kiss between "sexy" model Bar Refaeli and "smart" Walter. The ad relied on the tired old cliche that women embody sex while geeky men are the epitome of intelligence. And it reveled in the visual mismatch the two created. Thankfully, GoDaddy was rewarded for its efforts with the lowest score in USA Today's "Ad Meter" survey.
Several other ads went over the top -- for example CBS's own promo for "2 Broke Girls," which featured the two stars as pole dancers, and KIA's "Hot Bots" ad depicting women as butt-kicking robots. Other questionable ads could be called out, but let's get to our candidate for loser of the night: Audi.
The automaker presented a slick 60-second spot that had the look and feel of a movie. A teenage boy headed to prom by himself is granted the keys to dad's Audi, which apparently has the power to turn him into a daredevil. What does he choose to do with his newfound confidence? Why, storm into the dance and grab the prom queen for a surprise kiss, of course.
We're clearly supposed to think how cool he is, how deserving he must be after suffering the humiliation of attending prom solo (he's a geek like Walter, right?). The look on the prom queen's face says it all -- wow, what a stud! Does she want to slap him? Heck no. It's her boyfriend who's offended (she's HIS, after all), and he goes after the supposed hero, who drives away with a black eye, invigorated and validated.
The ad ends with the tagline "Bravery. It's What Defines Us." This message is not only nonsense, it's dangerous. Sorry, Audi, but women's bodies are not the proving ground for men's machismo, their self-esteem. This ad perpetuates an age-old myth that needs to be put to rest. No, men are not entitled to "take" women as a prize or as solace. It is not "brave" to steal a kiss from an unsuspecting woman or girl. And it's outrageous to produce a commercial that cheers on such an act. How about this for a tagline?: "Sexism. It's What Disgusts Us."
Take Action: Tell Audi what you think about their Super Bowl ad. Since they don't have a specific link for comments about advertising, we recommend scrolling down to below the second subhead and clicking on "Email an Audi Product Specialist." Start here.
Eve Takes on Bullying in New Music Video 'Make It Out This Town'
The Grammy-winner teams up with Cobra Starship front man Gabe Saporta to deliver an uplifting message in her latest music video.
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Fleetwood Mac in Chicago in April, June
Legendary musical act Fleetwood Mac will be in Chicago in April and June.
Spin, Spin Sugar: DJ dirtyKURTY
DJ dirtyKURTY is a former professional soccer player turned spin goddess. She hails from New Jersey where she discovered her love of music in the New York club scene at clubs like Sound Factory, Roxy, Limelight and the Palladium. She moved to San Francisco where she discovered DJing, then to San Diego where she now resides. While DJ dirtyKURTY is passionate about her House music, it’s her mission to get everyone moving on the dance floor regardless of what style music she is playing. She’s performed all over the East and West Coast. She’s the featured DJ on the Sweet Caribbean Cruise, Co-Owner/Promoter of in2U Events/U*NITY Party and a member of the San Diego MixMasters DJ Crew.
“House music is definitely my passion, but I can play …
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“House music is definitely my passion, but I can play …
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Serving in silence….
While many Americans are unable to find immediate work in this current economy and as we as a country try to rebuild after billions spent on a never ending war, you would think our government would need all the help it could get. Not apparently from GLBT service members though, all living under the threat of joining the countless other Americans who are unemployed.
Those who defend our freedoms on foreign borders do not ask very much in return from us. They feel the need to serve their country even when their country refuses to support them. They fight alone most of the time hidden away from themselves and others they rely on, hoping no one suspects that they are GLBT. It goes without saying that to live two different lives under the best of circumstances i…
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Those who defend our freedoms on foreign borders do not ask very much in return from us. They feel the need to serve their country even when their country refuses to support them. They fight alone most of the time hidden away from themselves and others they rely on, hoping no one suspects that they are GLBT. It goes without saying that to live two different lives under the best of circumstances i…
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Pretty Airplanes
Jes from Dayton Ohio recently contacted me to tell me about an art project she completed. She was invited by the city to cover this model F16 jet with art. Since she is a mosaic artist, this is what she came up with. Jess said:I covered the Jet with stained glass because glass is the most beautiful media in the world ;)I wanted to show a larger range of color and knew that a rainbow would be perfect. The plane is meant to be beautiful more than anything else. I wanted people to want to know what she is all about. A beautiful sculpture that says I'm proud to be gay and in the military. I hope this Rainbow F16 serves as a reminder that we need to defeat the BAN on gay men and women serving our country. Equality is beautiful.Jes's plane will be on display in a bank in Dayton, Ohio. Thanks for sharing Jes!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Bullying…an evil epidemic in our midst
In the last two months there has been a public outcry over the number of GLBT youth who have committed suicide. It is not only brought the issue back into focus for our community but for the world. With celebrities speaking out on the issue and vigils being held across the country we collectively must do all we can to ensure that not only GLBT youth but all youth are not bullied and brought to feeling so hopeless that they feel the only way out is to take their own lives.
Statistically nine out of ten GLBT youth say they have been bullied and GLBT youth are four times more likely to take their own lives than heterosexual youth according to the Massachusetts Youth Risk Survey. In a study led by Dr. Caitlin Ryan and conducted as part of the Family Acceptance…
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Statistically nine out of ten GLBT youth say they have been bullied and GLBT youth are four times more likely to take their own lives than heterosexual youth according to the Massachusetts Youth Risk Survey. In a study led by Dr. Caitlin Ryan and conducted as part of the Family Acceptance…
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Lesbian story among those in new anti-smoking campaign
Continuing with the success of last year's national education ad campaign, "Tips from Former Smokers," a second series of ads has been launched by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
GLAAD's What To Watch On Wednesday
(This post was originally published by SDGLN content partner GLAAD.)
Tonight catch all new episodes of "Survivor," "Modern Family," "Suburgatory," "Chicago Fire" and "Southland."
8 pm: Survivor: Caramoan on CBS (1 hr) NEW
Another castaway is voted off the island. This season's cast includes out contestant Michael Snow.
GLAAD's LGBT-friendly TV picks for Wednesday night.
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Tonight catch all new episodes of "Survivor," "Modern Family," "Suburgatory," "Chicago Fire" and "Southland."
8 pm: Survivor: Caramoan on CBS (1 hr) NEW
Another castaway is voted off the island. This season's cast includes out contestant Michael Snow.
GLAAD's LGBT-friendly TV picks for Wednesday night.
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'Out in Mumbai' Director Adele Tulli on India's Queer Future
The documentarian discusses LGBT life in India after the repeal of the country's most notorious antigay law.
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4 Hour Body
This is a must for all gym boys out there.
I have started the 4 Hour Body diet (yeh) - follow my progress here The Four Hour Body - Paul ThompsonView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
I have started the 4 Hour Body diet (yeh) - follow my progress here The Four Hour Body - Paul ThompsonView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
"But Honey I Swear, I AM Not Skylar from American Idol, Innit"
The accents here are pretty strong, so I will translate. Basically, the blonde is trying to convince the brunette that she's not having an affair with me, and the brunette is trying to convince us all that she's not Skylar from American Idol. They do all of this quite convincingly while kissing each other constantly for 9 minutes. Oh and don't let the unfortunate screenshot fool you. You'll be crying, but for much different reasons:) 'Sophie & Sian' from the TV show 'Coronation.' If you loved that like I did, check out this GREAT, great interview with the two actresses: DALLAS, TX, SUNDAY, JULY 1ST! Just $5 before 9 (w/RSVP)
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Supreme Court hearings on marriage a milestone in gay rights history
Supreme Court hearings on marriage a milestone in gay rights history
The Supreme Court may not be ready to find a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, as posed Tuesday by California's Proposition 8, but on Wednesday a majority of the justices seemed offended that the federal government denies hundreds of protections and benefits to legally married gay and lesbian couples. The double-barreled attack on laws banning same-sex marriage, as California does, or denying federal benefits to gay and lesbian married couples under the federal Defense of Marriage Act, is a milestone in the gay civil rights movement.
The Supreme Court may not be ready to find a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, as posed Tuesday by California's Proposition 8, but on Wednesday a majority of the justices seemed offended that the federal government denies hundreds of protections and benefits to legally married gay and lesbian couples. The double-barreled attack on laws banning same-sex marriage, as California does, or denying federal benefits to gay and lesbian married couples under the federal Defense of Marriage Act, is a milestone in the gay civil rights movement.
Listen to Uh Huh Her's new EP, 'Black and Blue'
Listen to Uh Huh Her's new EP, 'Black and Blue': Sounding / looking hot as ever.
Stuff Lesbians Like Part 124: Reply-All-colism
What really makes a lesbian more excited than a paparazzo in room full of Kardashians is when she receives a mass email announcing a night on the town or a house party. This is not because she will get to drink cocktails with her friends and thirty other people she barely knows but pretends to be best friends with. It means that she will be able to solidify her position in the entourage by announcing her presence and expressing her thoughts to a built-in audience by pressing ?reply all.?
Happy Pride! Also, launch of!
Check out my new website: As you can probably tell, I've been super busy photographing events for a bunch of event promoters and covering the NYC scene and writing recaps for AfterEllen. is an attempt to organize everything into one spot.
See Rochelle, She's MY Boo!
So you know that pic I posted this weekend of me meeting the AMAZING Whoopi Goldberg and me looking like someone just punched me in the face and stole my bike? THAT is EXACTLY how my face looks right now watching what I just found on youtube:LOL what?? ...and then also, what. PLEASE do yourself a favor and watch the entire 2 minutes and 4 seconds cause it will change your life.
Our Friend Kristin Wants to Be Top Guru
Ever want to quit your job, sell your house and travel? Who hasn?t? Our friend Kristin Flickinger, did just that. Now she?s in the running for a dream job with And she needs your help. GayTravel is looking for a North American Gay Travel Guru. Kristin is hot. Don?t believe me? Go check her out. Then vote for her. You must be signed in to vote, so make sure you create a profile and then activate it by checking your email. To vote for Kristin, Click "Guru" in the upper right hand corner, then "VOTE!" on the left side, then look for her bikini and click on her application. Then click "vote for Kristin" at the top and rate her "5" to show the love. Finally, make sure to "share" and "retweet" at the top. All of these things will help make her the GayTravel Guru! Here?s the best part: Vote, and then let Kristin know you did and you're entered to win a "tag along" trip with her if she becomes the Guru. She gets the gig, and someone gets to go along for part of it. Spread the word! Checkout for details.Thank you all!
10 Things to Know for Thursday
Plaintiff Edith Windsor of New York waves to supporters in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, Wednesday, March 27, 2013, after the court heard arguments on the Defense of Marriage Act case.
Prop 8 argument: Roller coaster ride over standing and merits
The U.S. Supreme Court took the marriage equality issue on a roller coaster ride Tuesday as it heard almost 90 minutes of argument in the case testing the constitutionality of California's ban on same-sex marriage.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Sexist, Racist Attitudes Entrenched in Society Erode Women's Dignity, Humanity and Safety degradation of women and girls is ubiquitous in our society. The term "rape culture" is used to describe the casual debasement we all experience and witness every day. In fact, it has become such a part of our lives that it is often invisible.
DADT – Not Your Fight?
Every issue in the GLBT community has had the tendency to show why the ‘GLBT’ community uses individual letters to represent the different components of the community. It’s like staring at a bowl of Alphabets cereal in milk, when an issue comes along certain letters drift away.
We are all creatures of self interest to some degree, and there is nothing inherently wrong with that when it is counter balanced with an understanding that even as individuals we can be diminished by someone else’s loss.
Marriage equality - ‘I don’t want to get married’
Breast cancer - ‘I’m not a woman’ (men have them too)
AIDS - ‘That’s those gay guys’
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell - ‘Don&r…
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We are all creatures of self interest to some degree, and there is nothing inherently wrong with that when it is counter balanced with an understanding that even as individuals we can be diminished by someone else’s loss.
Marriage equality - ‘I don’t want to get married’
Breast cancer - ‘I’m not a woman’ (men have them too)
AIDS - ‘That’s those gay guys’
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell - ‘Don&r…
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ACLU of Kentucky Statement on the Passage of HB279
CONTACT: (212) 549-2666;
LOUISVILLE, KY ? Today Kentucky's House passed House Bill 279. The bill, entitled the Religious Freedom Bill, is designed to protect individuals' religious liberty from undue governmental interference. And though laudable in its purpose, the bill, as currently drafted, would undermine existing civil rights protections in the Commonwealth. It now moves on to the Senate.
If the Senate chooses to keep the bill's current language, and not amend it to include specific protections for civil rights laws, a religious individual could claim an exemption from any law or policy that prohibits discrimination-leaving racial minorities, women, LGBT people and others without adequate protections. We are particularly concerned that this bill could be used to undermine existing LGBT Fairness protections for individuals covered by local statutes in Louisville, Lexington, Covington and Vicco, Kentucky.
There are a number of historical examples of people using religious freedom to discriminate in the United States:
Against African-Americans: In 1966, three African-American customers brought a suit against Piggie Park restaurants, and their owner, Maurice Bessinger, for refusal to serve them.Bessinger argued that enforcement of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits that type of discrimination, violated his religious freedom "since his religious beliefs compel[ed] him to oppose any integration of the races whatever."
Against women: In 1976, Roanoke Valley Christian Schools added a "head of household" supplement to their teachers' salaries ? which according to their beliefs meant married men, and not women.When sued under the Equal Pay Act, Roanoke Valley claimed a right to an exemption.According to the church pastor affiliated with the school, "[w]hen we turned to the Scriptures to determine head of household, by scriptural basis, we found that the Bible clearly teaches that the husband is the head of the house, head of the wife, head of the family."
Against interracial marriages: In the 1980's, Bob Jones University, a religiously-affiliated school in South Carolina, wanted an exemption from a rule denying tax-exempt status to schools that practice racial discrimination.The "sponsors of the University genuinely believe[d] that the Bible forbids interracial dating and marriage," and it was school policy that students engaged in interracial relationships, or advocacy thereof, would be expelled.
The ACLU of Kentucky seeks modest amendments to ensure the bill strikes the proper balance between individuals' religious freedom and others' civil rights protections. The ACLU seeks to protect the rights of individuals to worship, or not, as they choose, as well as the rights of others to receive civil rights protections by amending HB 279 to explicitly acknowledge that it does not authorize, nor serve as a defense to, religiously motivated actions that undermine civil rights protection. We want to prevent religion from being used to defy any anti-discrimination laws-federal, state or local.
CONTACT: (212) 549-2666;
LOUISVILLE, KY ? Today Kentucky's House passed House Bill 279. The bill, entitled the Religious Freedom Bill, is designed to protect individuals' religious liberty from undue governmental interference. And though laudable in its purpose, the bill, as currently drafted, would undermine existing civil rights protections in the Commonwealth. It now moves on to the Senate.
If the Senate chooses to keep the bill's current language, and not amend it to include specific protections for civil rights laws, a religious individual could claim an exemption from any law or policy that prohibits discrimination-leaving racial minorities, women, LGBT people and others without adequate protections. We are particularly concerned that this bill could be used to undermine existing LGBT Fairness protections for individuals covered by local statutes in Louisville, Lexington, Covington and Vicco, Kentucky.
There are a number of historical examples of people using religious freedom to discriminate in the United States:
Against African-Americans: In 1966, three African-American customers brought a suit against Piggie Park restaurants, and their owner, Maurice Bessinger, for refusal to serve them.Bessinger argued that enforcement of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits that type of discrimination, violated his religious freedom "since his religious beliefs compel[ed] him to oppose any integration of the races whatever."
Against women: In 1976, Roanoke Valley Christian Schools added a "head of household" supplement to their teachers' salaries ? which according to their beliefs meant married men, and not women.When sued under the Equal Pay Act, Roanoke Valley claimed a right to an exemption.According to the church pastor affiliated with the school, "[w]hen we turned to the Scriptures to determine head of household, by scriptural basis, we found that the Bible clearly teaches that the husband is the head of the house, head of the wife, head of the family."
Against interracial marriages: In the 1980's, Bob Jones University, a religiously-affiliated school in South Carolina, wanted an exemption from a rule denying tax-exempt status to schools that practice racial discrimination.The "sponsors of the University genuinely believe[d] that the Bible forbids interracial dating and marriage," and it was school policy that students engaged in interracial relationships, or advocacy thereof, would be expelled.
The ACLU of Kentucky seeks modest amendments to ensure the bill strikes the proper balance between individuals' religious freedom and others' civil rights protections. The ACLU seeks to protect the rights of individuals to worship, or not, as they choose, as well as the rights of others to receive civil rights protections by amending HB 279 to explicitly acknowledge that it does not authorize, nor serve as a defense to, religiously motivated actions that undermine civil rights protection. We want to prevent religion from being used to defy any anti-discrimination laws-federal, state or local.
how to tell my masculine girlfriend that i like femme presentation?
how to tell my masculine girlfriend that i like femme presentation? I'm a woman who's been dating a great girl for about 6 months. I like her a lot and can see a great life with her however she is more masculine that i prefer. she's stated a number of times that she will dress more femme and states that she has, though not all the time. this has become an issue for me b/c no matter how i try to talk myself out of it (i know it's a social construct), i'm not sexually/physically turned on by this presentation.
I'm a bit resentful b/c i feel a bit led on by her comments like "if you're supportive, i'll dress more femme." i asked her what would be supportive and she said to be complimentary. this is not difficult b/c she has an amazing body and i fawn all over her for it.
her lack of putting on a pair of heels, wearing something other than a sports bra, her defensiveness despite her desire to wear femme stuff lets me know that this is a sensitive subject.
she wants to know about what my hesitation is and i want to tell her in ways that don't hurt her feelings. i wanna say masculine presentation does nothing for me sexually. i wanna say i need to see the softer girlier side sometimes (even though i'd prefer it 24/7). i wanna say that femme presentation allows me to express a diff side of me as well.
idk if it matters but i have a more femme presentation.
any suggestions on how to talk about this?
I'm a bit resentful b/c i feel a bit led on by her comments like "if you're supportive, i'll dress more femme." i asked her what would be supportive and she said to be complimentary. this is not difficult b/c she has an amazing body and i fawn all over her for it.
her lack of putting on a pair of heels, wearing something other than a sports bra, her defensiveness despite her desire to wear femme stuff lets me know that this is a sensitive subject.
she wants to know about what my hesitation is and i want to tell her in ways that don't hurt her feelings. i wanna say masculine presentation does nothing for me sexually. i wanna say i need to see the softer girlier side sometimes (even though i'd prefer it 24/7). i wanna say that femme presentation allows me to express a diff side of me as well.
idk if it matters but i have a more femme presentation.
any suggestions on how to talk about this?
(70) What the Hell is Going On?
Miley Cyrus, Tammy & Melissa Lesbalimony, Opinions and what do they really mean?, The Definition of a Lesbian conclusion via Twitter, The Real L Word, Julianne Moore in Kids Are Alright is gonna learn right here and right now that Lesbians are not bisexual. Somebody has to tell us what in the gay hell is [...]
Bache predicts championship for '13 Chicago Force
Linda Bache made a bold prediction last fall, and she's sticking to it.
Trans student leader sees politics as means to an end
American University senior Sarah McBride came out as transgender as she was ending her term as student body president, and th -More-
The GLT turns the spotlight on Mila Rivera
Dancer and bartender at Rich’s and Numbers
Upon meeting Mila people are surprised to find out she is not a wild party girl. Her passion is dancing, however she is a self described puzzle geek and somewhat of a homebody. She is surprisingly reserved and likes spending her days cooking, reading and relaxing. Her nights are reserved for her showboating alter ego, she says. A girl who lives to learn new things and who has interests that range from one extreme of the spectrum to the other makes for a really well rounded and interesting person.
“I love garlic, bats and sharks, caverns and canyons, drag shows, deep philosophical conversations and the smell of sandalwood. I enjoy studying language, archaeology, history, the arts, and science. My past jobs include working at zoos and observatories, wri…
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Upon meeting Mila people are surprised to find out she is not a wild party girl. Her passion is dancing, however she is a self described puzzle geek and somewhat of a homebody. She is surprisingly reserved and likes spending her days cooking, reading and relaxing. Her nights are reserved for her showboating alter ego, she says. A girl who lives to learn new things and who has interests that range from one extreme of the spectrum to the other makes for a really well rounded and interesting person.
“I love garlic, bats and sharks, caverns and canyons, drag shows, deep philosophical conversations and the smell of sandalwood. I enjoy studying language, archaeology, history, the arts, and science. My past jobs include working at zoos and observatories, wri…
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Does the party ever stop?
An interview with Nick Lewis, bartender at various San Diego bars
Nick Lewis is a bartender for several Lesbian nights that are hosted across San Diego. Nick is from Boston and if you ever order a drink from her you will know right away because her charming Boston accent is a dead give away. Nick is a fan of Softball and Ice Hockey and her favorite team is North Eastern University. Along with working the wild San Diego nightlife, Nick is a huge fan of comfy clothes, movies or a good book. Nick has given us the opportunity to ask her a few questions about herself and her job.
GLT: What is your favorite part of the night at Bourbon Street?
NL: Well I think it’s only fair I give all my bars some credit LOL. Rich’s: every time the girls get on the bar. Brass Rail: every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month I love beca…
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Nick Lewis is a bartender for several Lesbian nights that are hosted across San Diego. Nick is from Boston and if you ever order a drink from her you will know right away because her charming Boston accent is a dead give away. Nick is a fan of Softball and Ice Hockey and her favorite team is North Eastern University. Along with working the wild San Diego nightlife, Nick is a huge fan of comfy clothes, movies or a good book. Nick has given us the opportunity to ask her a few questions about herself and her job.
GLT: What is your favorite part of the night at Bourbon Street?
NL: Well I think it’s only fair I give all my bars some credit LOL. Rich’s: every time the girls get on the bar. Brass Rail: every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month I love beca…
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4 Hour Body
This is a must for all gym boys out there.
I have started the 4 Hour Body diet (yeh) - follow my progress here The Four Hour Body - Paul ThompsonView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
I have started the 4 Hour Body diet (yeh) - follow my progress here The Four Hour Body - Paul ThompsonView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Seeing the Light: The new pope can open his eyes or continue the lighter side of social justice
Opinion: In January 1959, only three months into his pontificate, John XXIII called for the convening of Vatican II, which actually opened in October of 1962 and was attended by all of the world's Roman Catholic bishops, as well as representatives from the major Orthodox and Protestant churches. Most observers thought that John XXIII would merely do reform of canon law and some liturgical and spiritual renewal. But the unexpected happen when John XXIII called for an aggiornamento – an opening of the windows of the Catholic Church to the modern world. Since the closing of Vatican II in 1965 the Catholic Church made radical reforms in terms of liturgy in vernacular languages, proclamation of religious freedom, development of ministries for the laity, and greater emphasis on the social doctrine of the church. However, in 1968 John XXIII's successor Paul VI issued the encyclical Humanae Vitae (''On Human Life''), which condemned the use of artificial contraception for birth control. He resurrected natural law moral theology to justify the argument that the use of artificial means for family planning was contrary to the natural law. Natural law logic became foundational for theological development under John Paul II (papacy from 1978 to 2005) and of the work of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, most particularly Ratzinger's articulation of homosexuality as an ''intrinsic moral disorder.'' This history is critical to an understanding of the election of Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Pope Francis. He inherits both the legacy of Vatican II reforms as well that of John Paul II and Benedict XVI's natural law revival. I see these as the dynamics between a pastoral approach and a legalistic approach to church development. Under Benedict XVI the Vatican has maintained a highly legalistic approach to the LGBT community, particularly fighting every human-rights effort to include sexual orientation and gender expression within human-rights laws around the world. ... (more)
(55-B) MJ Overkill & Otherness
B. Late in posting this sorry if it’s a little dated. This is a portion of the show 55 that was going to be cut and tossed, thought it was overkill on the Micheal Jackson talk. For those of you who are interested and want to hear yet more MJ talk, tune in. There are [...]
Marriage equality has powerful backers
Marriage equality has powerful backers
The case against California's Proposition 8, now before the Supreme Court, has attracted a stampede of support from the country's most prominent political officials, including President Obama.
The Obama administration's decision to file an amicus curiae brief asking the Supreme Court to strike down the same-sex marriage ban wasn't wholly unexpected - gay rights advocates have been lobbying the White House for months - but the brief, which offers a full-throated argument for equal rights, still provided some surprises.
If the court takes the Justice Department's "important government interest" argument at face value, it would leave the court no other choice than to strike down all same-sex marriage bans.
Among the California business leaders' concerns is that a discriminatory law makes it harder for them to recruit and retain workers who are being wooed by firms in states or even other countries that grant gays and lesbians the rights and responsibilities - and respect - that come with marriage.
All of these politicians and business leaders are responding to the nation's fast-changing attitude toward same-sex marriage, which the Supreme Court needs to notice as well.
The case against California's Proposition 8, now before the Supreme Court, has attracted a stampede of support from the country's most prominent political officials, including President Obama.
The Obama administration's decision to file an amicus curiae brief asking the Supreme Court to strike down the same-sex marriage ban wasn't wholly unexpected - gay rights advocates have been lobbying the White House for months - but the brief, which offers a full-throated argument for equal rights, still provided some surprises.
If the court takes the Justice Department's "important government interest" argument at face value, it would leave the court no other choice than to strike down all same-sex marriage bans.
Among the California business leaders' concerns is that a discriminatory law makes it harder for them to recruit and retain workers who are being wooed by firms in states or even other countries that grant gays and lesbians the rights and responsibilities - and respect - that come with marriage.
All of these politicians and business leaders are responding to the nation's fast-changing attitude toward same-sex marriage, which the Supreme Court needs to notice as well.
New state bill on transgender students
New state bill on transgender students
California public schools would be required to allow transgender students to use school facilities and participate in activities and on sports teams that match their gender identity under a bill introduced at the Capitol.
State law already prohibits schools from discriminating on the basis of gender identity, but backers of the measure, AB1266, say some schools and school districts don't provide access to restrooms, locker rooms or sports teams that align with the identity of transgender students.
Barring a transgender student from using a locker room that aligns with his or her gender identity can create barriers to achieving needed credits for graduating, backers said, and stopping a student from participating on a sports team diminishes involvement in school.
Opponents say the proposal is extreme and could result in male and female students sharing locker rooms or showering together.
Karen England, executive director of the Capitol Resource Institute, a Sacramento-based organization that opposes many gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights bills at the Capitol, said there is no legal requirement for how one determines a gender identity, and that leaves the school situation open for abuse.
S.F.'s longtime policyThe San Francisco policy has been in place since the mid to early 1990s, and district officials know of about 150 current middle school students and 300 high school students who identify as transgender, said Kevin Gogin, the program manager in school health programs for the district.
San Francisco Unified, Gogin said, is the only public school district in the country to survey whether students identify as transgender as part of a larger risk behavior questionnaire funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
California public schools would be required to allow transgender students to use school facilities and participate in activities and on sports teams that match their gender identity under a bill introduced at the Capitol.
State law already prohibits schools from discriminating on the basis of gender identity, but backers of the measure, AB1266, say some schools and school districts don't provide access to restrooms, locker rooms or sports teams that align with the identity of transgender students.
Barring a transgender student from using a locker room that aligns with his or her gender identity can create barriers to achieving needed credits for graduating, backers said, and stopping a student from participating on a sports team diminishes involvement in school.
Opponents say the proposal is extreme and could result in male and female students sharing locker rooms or showering together.
Karen England, executive director of the Capitol Resource Institute, a Sacramento-based organization that opposes many gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights bills at the Capitol, said there is no legal requirement for how one determines a gender identity, and that leaves the school situation open for abuse.
S.F.'s longtime policyThe San Francisco policy has been in place since the mid to early 1990s, and district officials know of about 150 current middle school students and 300 high school students who identify as transgender, said Kevin Gogin, the program manager in school health programs for the district.
San Francisco Unified, Gogin said, is the only public school district in the country to survey whether students identify as transgender as part of a larger risk behavior questionnaire funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
One Direction Gay Ad for Nintendo
Those One Direction guys are so metro-sexual with their tactile hugging and playfulness. They are toally surrounded by those One Direction Gay rumours. Irrespective of that, just like JLS they have an advertising deal with Nintendo! The only trouble with this is, they haven't released any music yet. The same thing happened with JEdward - thankGod they didn't release any music.
Getting an ad deal with Nintendo is really basically because they are famous for being an X-Factor contestant and of course for being cute, popular..... They are also at the top of their career (to date) and may have signed up for peanuts. JEdward allegedly earned �3 in their first year from PAs and advertising deals.
Anyway they are definitely getting cuter since they appeared on the X-factor?
Do you think One Direction deserve an ad deal with Nintendo?
Do you think One Direction are getting cuter?
Comments please
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Getting an ad deal with Nintendo is really basically because they are famous for being an X-Factor contestant and of course for being cute, popular..... They are also at the top of their career (to date) and may have signed up for peanuts. JEdward allegedly earned �3 in their first year from PAs and advertising deals.
Anyway they are definitely getting cuter since they appeared on the X-factor?
Do you think One Direction deserve an ad deal with Nintendo?
Do you think One Direction are getting cuter?
Comments please
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Monday, March 25, 2013
Out and About
Friday, October 1
The National Comedy Theatre is San Diego’s nationally acclaimed improv comedy show. Now in its 11th season, the National Comedy Theatre is San Diego’s longest running theatrical event. Based completely on audience suggestions, the talented cast of the NCT create a 100 minute performance entirely without a script. Similar in style to “Whose Line is it Anyway?” each show is unique. The show is hysterically funny, fast moving and appropriate for all audiences. The Improv Show is at 7:00 p.m. Tickets $12-$15. For more information call (619) 295-4999
Saturday, October 2
Don’t hold back! Get off work and hang out at Flicks for Saturday night is Wet Underwear Contest night! $100 first prize. Sign-ups begin at 10:00…
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The National Comedy Theatre is San Diego’s nationally acclaimed improv comedy show. Now in its 11th season, the National Comedy Theatre is San Diego’s longest running theatrical event. Based completely on audience suggestions, the talented cast of the NCT create a 100 minute performance entirely without a script. Similar in style to “Whose Line is it Anyway?” each show is unique. The show is hysterically funny, fast moving and appropriate for all audiences. The Improv Show is at 7:00 p.m. Tickets $12-$15. For more information call (619) 295-4999
Saturday, October 2
Don’t hold back! Get off work and hang out at Flicks for Saturday night is Wet Underwear Contest night! $100 first prize. Sign-ups begin at 10:00…
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(43A) Interview w/Melissa Ferrick! (Part 1)
**Exclusive Interview w/Melissa Ferrick (Part 1)** Prop 8 Turrets by Yours Truly, Part 1 of an Exclusive 2 Part Interview w/ Out Lesbian Singer/Songwriter, Indie Icon, Melissa Ferrick! We talk New Couches, New Album: Goodbye Youth, Touring w/Ani DiFranco, Relationships, Coming Out and More … FRIEND MELISSA FERRICK: NEW! LISTEN TO THE LESBIAN MAFIA [...]
If The Voice Were The Girlfriend
I wasn?t going to do it, I was not going to get invested in a reality show to find the next great singer. But on a lazy Wednesday I went to primetime on demand, the savior of people who don?t want or forget to DVR things and queued up The Voice
Papal choice signals stability, change
Papal choice signals stability, change
[...] while the former Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio also shares the city's passion for social justice, his conservative views on issues such as same-sex marriage couldn't be more at odds with some in his West Coast flock.
If gays and lesbians hoped for change in the Catholic Church, they were disappointed by the selection Wednesday of a man who has called same-sex marriage "a machination of the Father of Lies."
Presiding over a 170-student school where 60 percent of the kids are Latino and 65 percent are low-income, Martinez - who grew up three blocks away - was excited about the promise of a Spanish-speaking Jesuit who focuses on the church's core mission of tending to society's least fortunate.
In his first words as pope Wednesday, he humbly identified himself as the bishop of Rome, instead of a worldwide leader, said Thomas Cattoi, an associate professor of Christology and cultures at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University.
The contempt for the rights of individuals and peoples are so far away, the rule of money with its demonic effects as drugs, corruption, trafficking people - including children - along with material and moral poverty are big problems.
No shift on gay rightsYet on one social issue - whether to grant gays and lesbians the same social standing as heterosexuals - the new pontiff's views are as hard-line as his immediate Vatican predecessors'.
During a 2010 battle over a same-sex marriage measure in Argentina, the then-cardinal referred to gay nuptials as "a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God."
Many challenges The new pope's challenges are many, starting with sexual abuse cases.
[...] while the former Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio also shares the city's passion for social justice, his conservative views on issues such as same-sex marriage couldn't be more at odds with some in his West Coast flock.
If gays and lesbians hoped for change in the Catholic Church, they were disappointed by the selection Wednesday of a man who has called same-sex marriage "a machination of the Father of Lies."
Presiding over a 170-student school where 60 percent of the kids are Latino and 65 percent are low-income, Martinez - who grew up three blocks away - was excited about the promise of a Spanish-speaking Jesuit who focuses on the church's core mission of tending to society's least fortunate.
In his first words as pope Wednesday, he humbly identified himself as the bishop of Rome, instead of a worldwide leader, said Thomas Cattoi, an associate professor of Christology and cultures at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University.
The contempt for the rights of individuals and peoples are so far away, the rule of money with its demonic effects as drugs, corruption, trafficking people - including children - along with material and moral poverty are big problems.
No shift on gay rightsYet on one social issue - whether to grant gays and lesbians the same social standing as heterosexuals - the new pontiff's views are as hard-line as his immediate Vatican predecessors'.
During a 2010 battle over a same-sex marriage measure in Argentina, the then-cardinal referred to gay nuptials as "a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God."
Many challenges The new pope's challenges are many, starting with sexual abuse cases.
Hurricane Irene's impact in central North Carolina
8/27, 10:45AM ET: At the time of this taping, central NC is in the outer bands of Irene with Durham and Wake counties under a wind warning (40-50 mph gusts), and the gusts in this video are creating whistling winds, the house definitely getting pelted with branches and even heaves a bit with some of the gusts. The storm is so large that its reach into the central part of the state is unusual. We should experience winds like you see here for a few more hours.
Our power lines are underground so we have power, but much of Durham and counties affected have plenty of traditional power poles that fall. There are already reports of many outages east of here, and the Outer Banks/Atlantic Beach is getting pummeled. The concern in the eastern inland parts of NC is flooding. Just learned that there are at least 60,000 without power.
Since we're a very dense tree state, I expect some roads will be blocked here after Irene passes. From the Weather Channel:
Hurricane Irene made landfall near Cape Lookout, North Carolina, just before 8 a.m. EDT as an 85-mph, category 1 hurricane.
The center of Irene is located about 5 miles north-northeast of Cape Lookout, North Carolina, or about 60 miles southwest of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, and is moving to the north-northeast near 14 miles per hour. The center of Irene is forecast to cross through the North Carolina Sounds, through the Outer Banks, and back into the Atlantic today, then riding up the coast with an eventual landfall anticipated on Sunday along Long Island then on the other side of Long Island Sound in Southern New England as a minimal hurricane.
8/26, 7PM ET: Hurricane Irene is about to make landfall here in NC as I write this, around Morehead City. We are experiencing a downpour in Durham right now. Wind not too bad yet. Power is still on (for now).
I live in Durham, and that's about dead center on the map to the west of Raleigh. Because the storm is so large in size, we are receiving the outer bands of Irene, and it's not a small deal.
Wind Advisory for Durham, NC
until 12 am EDT, Sun., Aug. 28, 2011
I don't expect that this will be as damaging in the area as Fran (1996), but what's of major concern is that most of our power lines in town are above ground, so they are vulnerable to trees falling. Where we live is relatively new (houses built in the 80s-90s), so the lines are underground. The down side of the age of the neighborhood is that construction was long enough ago that we have a lot of mature trees in the area, close to the houses, so if any of them decide to fall, damage to homes is likely
If you're in Wake County (just to the east, where Raleigh is, there's also a flood watch. As you can imagine, if the forecast is this bad this far inland, the coast is going to have devastation. Highway 12 in the Outer Banks is a fragile two-lane road that goes up the peninsula of the OBX. It's going to get washed out for sure, and anyone who stayed to ride this out is nuts. They will be trapped out there.
I'll have updates on Twitter and other social media; there is a Irene Twitterfeed in the left column. See you on the other side of the hurricane; those in the path stay safe.
Happy New Year's and Marry New Queers
My peops! I have had a little tradition of writing to you on New Year's Eve for the last few years and I wanted to keep it going today. As I write this, I'm in my new home in Houston after having lived in Los Angeles for the last 4 years and San Diego 3 years before that. It's also the first day of my new exciting gig--one that I hope will be the first of MANY like this--and a few hours away from being able to hang out with my mom again like I've been able to do the last few weeks.2011 started off SO poorly for me, and then got worse...and worse still. There were definitely some lovely little highlights and I won't complain since I'm still here to talk about it! But what I'm trying to say is got better! :) This, after all, is the year of IT GETS BETTER. We've heard it all year. I've said it to myself and to you guys all year. And now, today, I can say that its happening right before my eyes. I know that a lot of you reading this right now are not feeling well, or are down about something, or may even be downright depressed. I've heard from you all year...and I know there are several others I haven't heard from but are feeling this way. I want you to know that I am here, all of my readers are here, and we're not going anywhere. I need you to stay with us. We lost too many beautiful people to suicide this year (and years past). It's an epidemic. And if I can help stop it from happening (oh man...this is going to sound trite, but I mean it with all of my heart!) to just ONE PERSON, then that would be the proudest moment of my life. It doesn't matter if I ever find out about it or not...if somehow something I can say to you or do or not say or not do will help just one person not go down that path this year, then that makes me the happiest/luckiest girl on earth.And for those of you who are NOT struggling that deeply...who are having a great time in life and who plan to make 2012 YOUR year, I can not WAIT to see it all unfold! Please keep me updated and let me know how awesome things are going for you. Even if you and I have never met before, you mean more to me than I could possibly explain in 365 posts...and I wish wonderful things for you. I'm not big on New Year's resolutions, but I will say I have a new life's resolution to touch and positively affect as many lives as I can. It may just be by making someone smile with a video of a couple of outta control rouge boobs, or as life-altering as helping you find the love of your life, or some bit of advice or helping you connect with the person who can help you with something...or ya know, just that boob thing. But whatever it is, I hope to leave the world a better place than I found it, one day at a time, one person at a time. And...since it looks like I could probably break into 'We Are the World' at ANY moment now, I'm just gonna throw it over to my tried and true:I also wanted to take a moment to speak to anyone who is struggling with their identity. Not going to make this long, cause life is short. ...and that's my point: life is short. We're only here for a short time, and you've got to LIVE. I think my new wife Jessie J says it best:And I'll leave you with this. Let's support this film this year!! It's long overdue:Thank you for 5.5's to MORE!-Arlan
Trans Schoolteacher Commits Suicide After Being Harassed By Press
U.K. primary schoolteacher Lucy Meadows is believed to have committed suicide after being relentlessly hounded by members of the press since her gender reassignment became national news.
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read more
Sunday, March 24, 2013
S.F. retrofit plan causes concern
S.F. retrofit plan causes concern
San Francisco leaders broadly support a bid to get out ahead of a major earthquake by forcing the retrofit of about 3,000 collapse-prone buildings, but the first public hearing on the plan exposed a few fault lines on Monday.
Mayor Ed Lee and a majority of the Board of Supervisors are sponsoring legislation that would mandate seismic upgrades to what are called soft-story buildings - described as multistory, wood-frame buildings that have large windows or a garage on the ground floor.
While there was little debate among speakers at the hearing that upgrades were needed, tenants-rights advocates voiced concern about renters bearing the cost.
Paul Wermer, a San Francisco sustainability consultant, said he supports the legislation but worries about senior citizens, who some tenant advocates said could suddenly see rent increases of $100 per month if their building needs to be upgraded.
More San Francisco families want to attend city schools, with 12,786 applications for a kindergarten, sixth-grade and ninth-grade placement for fall - 500 more than last year, district officials said Monday.
The annual student assignment process is often filled with anxiety and anticipation as families hope for the best.
San Francisco leaders broadly support a bid to get out ahead of a major earthquake by forcing the retrofit of about 3,000 collapse-prone buildings, but the first public hearing on the plan exposed a few fault lines on Monday.
Mayor Ed Lee and a majority of the Board of Supervisors are sponsoring legislation that would mandate seismic upgrades to what are called soft-story buildings - described as multistory, wood-frame buildings that have large windows or a garage on the ground floor.
While there was little debate among speakers at the hearing that upgrades were needed, tenants-rights advocates voiced concern about renters bearing the cost.
Paul Wermer, a San Francisco sustainability consultant, said he supports the legislation but worries about senior citizens, who some tenant advocates said could suddenly see rent increases of $100 per month if their building needs to be upgraded.
More San Francisco families want to attend city schools, with 12,786 applications for a kindergarten, sixth-grade and ninth-grade placement for fall - 500 more than last year, district officials said Monday.
The annual student assignment process is often filled with anxiety and anticipation as families hope for the best.
Billy Masters
"First of all, I love spending time with people that are younger than I am."—Elaine Stritch shares this bit of information on her birthday. Since she just turned 88, I suspect she probably enjoys most people she meets.
Knight at the Movies: On the Road; Ginger & Rosa; film notes
Almost from the moment Jack Kerouac's seminal novel On the Road was published in 1957, filmmakers have been trying to adapt it for the screen. The first effort came almost immediately—from Kerouac himself when he penned a letter to Brando suggesting he take on the part of his magnetic lead character Dean Moriarty. Brando did not respond to the letter perhaps because he was then entering his "respectable" phase, and the book has gone unfilmed—until now.
Westboro Church Gets a Big Gay Rainbow House
Rainbows make everyone smile...even Shirley Phelps of the Westboro Church.
Known for their ?God hates fags? slogan, members of Westboro Baptist Church will soon have to face the gay pride flag ? or its colors ? every day.
Aaron Jackson, a humanitarian who helped found Planting Peace,
a charity that has in the past assisted orphanages, rainforests and
helped with deworming programs, bought a house located across from the
church six months ago for $83,000. Now he is painting it with Pride colors.
?The idea came right away when I saw the house for sale,? said
Jackson. ?I was like, ?I?m going to turn it into an Equality House, and
I?m going to paint it the color of the Pride flag.?
Jackson said he wanted to paint the house as a not-so-subtle message
to counter the anti-gay agenda of Westboro Baptist Church across the
street. Church members are known for protesting the funerals of
American soldiers. A huge banner outside the church reads ?God hates
But Jackson has a different message ? a message of love.
As for Westboro Baptist Church? One of the more outspoken members, Shirley Phelps-Roper, said she loves it.
?I love it,? she said. ?What he does is he keeps the eyes of the
whole earth on this message. Now everyday all people are thinking about
is God will not have same sex marriage.?
read more at Fox 4kc
Known for their ?God hates fags? slogan, members of Westboro Baptist Church will soon have to face the gay pride flag ? or its colors ? every day.
Aaron Jackson, a humanitarian who helped found Planting Peace,
a charity that has in the past assisted orphanages, rainforests and
helped with deworming programs, bought a house located across from the
church six months ago for $83,000. Now he is painting it with Pride colors.
?The idea came right away when I saw the house for sale,? said
Jackson. ?I was like, ?I?m going to turn it into an Equality House, and
I?m going to paint it the color of the Pride flag.?
Jackson said he wanted to paint the house as a not-so-subtle message
to counter the anti-gay agenda of Westboro Baptist Church across the
street. Church members are known for protesting the funerals of
American soldiers. A huge banner outside the church reads ?God hates
But Jackson has a different message ? a message of love.
As for Westboro Baptist Church? One of the more outspoken members, Shirley Phelps-Roper, said she loves it.
?I love it,? she said. ?What he does is he keeps the eyes of the
whole earth on this message. Now everyday all people are thinking about
is God will not have same sex marriage.?
read more at Fox 4kc
When do you think the Republican Party will nominate a presidential candidate who supports legal marriage for same-sex couples?
ACLU of Kentucky Statement on the Passage of HB279
CONTACT: (212) 549-2666;
LOUISVILLE, KY ? Today Kentucky's House passed House Bill 279. The bill, entitled the Religious Freedom Bill, is designed to protect individuals' religious liberty from undue governmental interference. And though laudable in its purpose, the bill, as currently drafted, would undermine existing civil rights protections in the Commonwealth. It now moves on to the Senate.
If the Senate chooses to keep the bill's current language, and not amend it to include specific protections for civil rights laws, a religious individual could claim an exemption from any law or policy that prohibits discrimination-leaving racial minorities, women, LGBT people and others without adequate protections. We are particularly concerned that this bill could be used to undermine existing LGBT Fairness protections for individuals covered by local statutes in Louisville, Lexington, Covington and Vicco, Kentucky.
There are a number of historical examples of people using religious freedom to discriminate in the United States:
Against African-Americans: In 1966, three African-American customers brought a suit against Piggie Park restaurants, and their owner, Maurice Bessinger, for refusal to serve them.Bessinger argued that enforcement of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits that type of discrimination, violated his religious freedom "since his religious beliefs compel[ed] him to oppose any integration of the races whatever."
Against women: In 1976, Roanoke Valley Christian Schools added a "head of household" supplement to their teachers' salaries ? which according to their beliefs meant married men, and not women.When sued under the Equal Pay Act, Roanoke Valley claimed a right to an exemption.According to the church pastor affiliated with the school, "[w]hen we turned to the Scriptures to determine head of household, by scriptural basis, we found that the Bible clearly teaches that the husband is the head of the house, head of the wife, head of the family."
Against interracial marriages: In the 1980's, Bob Jones University, a religiously-affiliated school in South Carolina, wanted an exemption from a rule denying tax-exempt status to schools that practice racial discrimination.The "sponsors of the University genuinely believe[d] that the Bible forbids interracial dating and marriage," and it was school policy that students engaged in interracial relationships, or advocacy thereof, would be expelled.
The ACLU of Kentucky seeks modest amendments to ensure the bill strikes the proper balance between individuals' religious freedom and others' civil rights protections. The ACLU seeks to protect the rights of individuals to worship, or not, as they choose, as well as the rights of others to receive civil rights protections by amending HB 279 to explicitly acknowledge that it does not authorize, nor serve as a defense to, religiously motivated actions that undermine civil rights protection. We want to prevent religion from being used to defy any anti-discrimination laws-federal, state or local.
CONTACT: (212) 549-2666;
LOUISVILLE, KY ? Today Kentucky's House passed House Bill 279. The bill, entitled the Religious Freedom Bill, is designed to protect individuals' religious liberty from undue governmental interference. And though laudable in its purpose, the bill, as currently drafted, would undermine existing civil rights protections in the Commonwealth. It now moves on to the Senate.
If the Senate chooses to keep the bill's current language, and not amend it to include specific protections for civil rights laws, a religious individual could claim an exemption from any law or policy that prohibits discrimination-leaving racial minorities, women, LGBT people and others without adequate protections. We are particularly concerned that this bill could be used to undermine existing LGBT Fairness protections for individuals covered by local statutes in Louisville, Lexington, Covington and Vicco, Kentucky.
There are a number of historical examples of people using religious freedom to discriminate in the United States:
Against African-Americans: In 1966, three African-American customers brought a suit against Piggie Park restaurants, and their owner, Maurice Bessinger, for refusal to serve them.Bessinger argued that enforcement of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits that type of discrimination, violated his religious freedom "since his religious beliefs compel[ed] him to oppose any integration of the races whatever."
Against women: In 1976, Roanoke Valley Christian Schools added a "head of household" supplement to their teachers' salaries ? which according to their beliefs meant married men, and not women.When sued under the Equal Pay Act, Roanoke Valley claimed a right to an exemption.According to the church pastor affiliated with the school, "[w]hen we turned to the Scriptures to determine head of household, by scriptural basis, we found that the Bible clearly teaches that the husband is the head of the house, head of the wife, head of the family."
Against interracial marriages: In the 1980's, Bob Jones University, a religiously-affiliated school in South Carolina, wanted an exemption from a rule denying tax-exempt status to schools that practice racial discrimination.The "sponsors of the University genuinely believe[d] that the Bible forbids interracial dating and marriage," and it was school policy that students engaged in interracial relationships, or advocacy thereof, would be expelled.
The ACLU of Kentucky seeks modest amendments to ensure the bill strikes the proper balance between individuals' religious freedom and others' civil rights protections. The ACLU seeks to protect the rights of individuals to worship, or not, as they choose, as well as the rights of others to receive civil rights protections by amending HB 279 to explicitly acknowledge that it does not authorize, nor serve as a defense to, religiously motivated actions that undermine civil rights protection. We want to prevent religion from being used to defy any anti-discrimination laws-federal, state or local.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Kate McKinnon is ****ing Hilarious!
The comical genius Kate McKinnon is at it again--making us laugh our asses off. Recently, she was part of a skit about the BP oil spill (with the UBC Theater). The skit made its way to the Rachel Maddow Show. If you haven't seen it, you must! Go Kate! Keep on keeping on. We need humor in light of the unstoppable awfulness that is happening down south.
Folk singer says anti-gay comments were misinterpreted
Music venues across the U.S. -More- Communications Director
Equaltiy California
Equaltiy California
(59) Show Me Love DJ
Fantasies of the Sarah, Chat with Nikki re: Pimping Miss Universe, Anti-Relationship Relationship talk, Kim Kardashian’s curves, Jessica Simpson’s diet and more! Twitter Facebook search and add us! Myspace Lesbian Mafia Apparel: LISTEN TO THE LESBIAN MAFIA ON YOUR PHONE! 651-925-1610 Leave a message on Voice Mail – 206-984-4093
Outfest Fusion Film Festival Honors Angela Robinson
The annual film festival showcasing LGBT people of color celebrates its 10th anniversary March 22 ? 23 and will honor the lesbian writer/director/producer with the 2013 Fusion Achievement Award.
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Real Estate News
Lorie Zapf follow up
Last Friday, our community got some good news from the San Diego Association of Realtors (SDAR) which decided to suspend its endorsement of Lorie Zapf for City Council. Zapf failed to disclose a number of crippling personal details including her open gay-hatred and her operation of a short sale scam with husband Eric. Zapf is now forced to remove the Realtor thumbs-up from all campaign material and won’t have access to the organization’s PAC funds. Thanks to all who took a moment to contact SDAR, both as Realtors and as clients. Your direct involvement helped immensely. Professional credit is owed to SD City Beat’s Dave Maass and Realtor Pat Flannery from
Before we uncork the Prosecco in victory, let me offer a more dir…
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Last Friday, our community got some good news from the San Diego Association of Realtors (SDAR) which decided to suspend its endorsement of Lorie Zapf for City Council. Zapf failed to disclose a number of crippling personal details including her open gay-hatred and her operation of a short sale scam with husband Eric. Zapf is now forced to remove the Realtor thumbs-up from all campaign material and won’t have access to the organization’s PAC funds. Thanks to all who took a moment to contact SDAR, both as Realtors and as clients. Your direct involvement helped immensely. Professional credit is owed to SD City Beat’s Dave Maass and Realtor Pat Flannery from
Before we uncork the Prosecco in victory, let me offer a more dir…
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Canada?s House of Commons approves transgender rights bill
OTTAWA — Canada’s House of Commons on Wednesday passed a bill that would make it illegal to discriminate against transgender people.
The bill now goes to the Senate, which is unelected and is expected to approve it.
Canada?s House of Commons passes a bill that would make it illegal to discriminate against transgender people.
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The bill now goes to the Senate, which is unelected and is expected to approve it.
Canada?s House of Commons passes a bill that would make it illegal to discriminate against transgender people.
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Friday, March 22, 2013
Seat Filler: Our New York Theater Guide for March 2013
The Advocate's man on the New York theater scene breaks down 10 of your best bets Off-Broadway, including a riotous gay-rights drama, a passionate Stephen Sondheim musical, a surreal comedy about Bette Davis, and more.
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Seat Filler: Our New York Theater Guide for March 2013
The Advocate's man on the New York theater scene breaks down 10 of your best bets Off-Broadway, including a riotous gay-rights drama, a passionate Stephen Sondheim musical, a surreal comedy about Bette Davis, and more.
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(3) Interview w/ Marga Gomez & etc.
there’s some echo on the crank call, sorry ’bout that. if you’ve been gay for more than a minute, you probably know who marga gomez is. for someone like myself who is a bit of a funny person, it was an honor to have her grace the show. hope you enjoy it! (repost from 4-13-2007) [...]
San Diego Pride launches LGBT community legal clinic
SAN DIEGO -- In a partnership with the Tom Homann LGBT Law Association and California Western School of Law?s Pride Law, San Diego LGBT Pride will establish a new volunteer run Pride Legal Clinic to address the legal concerns of the LGBT community and to provide a local point of contact to assist in finding answers to legal questions.
Walk-in services will be provided with attorneys that can assess legal questions and use their resources to ensure needs are met.
Pride?s first legal clinic will be held on Tuesday, April 2, from 5 to 7 pm at the offices of San Diego LGBT Pride.
Pride is expanding services by establishing a new volunteer run Pride Legal Clinic to address the legal concerns of the LGBT community and to provide a local point of contact to assist in finding answers to legal questions.
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Walk-in services will be provided with attorneys that can assess legal questions and use their resources to ensure needs are met.
Pride?s first legal clinic will be held on Tuesday, April 2, from 5 to 7 pm at the offices of San Diego LGBT Pride.
Pride is expanding services by establishing a new volunteer run Pride Legal Clinic to address the legal concerns of the LGBT community and to provide a local point of contact to assist in finding answers to legal questions.
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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Dwayne Crenshaw responds to anti-gay "Voice & Viewpoint" editorial
Editor's note: Dwayne Crenshaw is a candidate for the City of San Diego District 4 City Council seat in the special election being held Tuesday, March 26. The letter below is Crenshaw's response to an editorial in "The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint," a local publication that reports "on news from an African-American perspective and African-American communities of San Diego County, from small church gatherings to major political campaigns." The portion of the editorial that discusses Crenshaw's candidacy is copied below, followed by Crenshaw's response.
In Voice & Viewpoints editorial, it was said that ""[Dwayne's] openly gay lifestyle is at odds with a great deal of the District's African American residents ..."
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In Voice & Viewpoints editorial, it was said that ""[Dwayne's] openly gay lifestyle is at odds with a great deal of the District's African American residents ..."
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Thursday, March 21, 2013
Photo show features 1968 Rosenstock works
Nearly half a century ago, the eyes of the world were transfixed on a handful of roiling cities in which momentous events changed the course of history of nations and peoples around the globe. Chicago was one of the four foci of tumult around the world, along with Saigon, Paris and Prague.
Raven Theatre marks 30 years, appoints Strickland as ED
CHICAGO—Raven Theatre celebrates 30 years of Off-Loop theatre at "OPA!" On Friday, April 19, Raven's annual benefit is held in Greek Town at The Parthenon, 310 S. Halstead St.
(32) Burn the Witch! (The Radical Show)
Sort of a Mini, A Plea for Manners, Not Radical Enough?, Soda, Witch Burnings, Banana Clips, Silje Nergaard
Baby Love
"Baby Lu" is the first feature film to be helmed by writer/director Emily Ray Reese. Baby Lu is a queer coming of age story set in a tiny out skirt town of Taos, New Mexico. Lucinda, a thirteen year old girl, is growing up under a well intentioned but unequipped single mountain man father. When an intriguing new woman moves to town, the two of them must grapple with new emotions and the confusion of Lucinda?s burgeoning sexuality. For the past 5 years, Emily has directed over 5 short films including "Cecilia" a queer film that screened at Outfest, Inside Out Toronto LGBT Film, and Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival amongst many other queer film festivals around the world.1) How is Baby Lu different from most queer stories?The story of Baby Lu is inspired from my own unique upbringing in rural New Mexico. Growing up with my own mountain man father presented an array of experiences and challenges, which came to a head when I entered my teens and even more so when I realized I was gay. While it was difficult to speak with my father growing up, we always had a way of tacitly communicating when he?d take me fishing or hunting. These moments bonded us forever, even though we could never openly discuss my sexuality.New Mexico and it's culture of hunting, fishing, and "living off the grid" is a unique world that is rarely explored in cinema and we've never seen a film specifically tackle coming of age and coming out in that region. The environment and the history of the region really enriches the story and sets an incredible backdrop for this queer story.2) What excites you about writing/directing Baby Lu?I have always felt like an outsider between the two worlds that I live in. I had different values then the hunting, gun loving community I grew up in yet I love that way of living. Now that I am an adult and have become a part of a very progressive and queer friendly community here in Brooklyn, I still however feel that I have to balance the politics of my upbringing with my current community. My goal for Baby Lu and it's story is that it can inspire some empathy that will allow us to identify similarities between both cultures. I hope that by seeing the world through Lucinda's eyes, I may be able to bring these opposing worlds together to cultivate dialogue and forgiveness.3) What's one thing you've learned that would be helpful for first-time writer/directors?Collect an amazing team of collaborators! Honestly it takes a village to make a film and your movie will only be as good as those you have chosen to work with. Assemble your team according to those who's work you respect and who's company you enjoy. Once you have people on board you have to trust them to do their jobs. And you must love your story! If you don't believe in it no one else will. 4) How can people get involved or support the project? The most helpful act at this point would be to donate what ever you can to our kickstarter campaign and then tell everyone you know about what we are doing and inspire them to donate as well!Our kickstarter campaign is set with an ambitious goal of $50k and so far we have raised a whopping $30k! With less than 8 days left, we need to expand our network and reach as many people as possible so we can reach our goal and begin production this fall. To see more about Baby Lu and support our campaign please visit our kickstarter page at: @babylumovieWebsite: emilyrayreese.comFacebook:
Happy New Year from Click Click Expose Gay Podcast Network
HAPPY NEW YEAR podcast fans!! It's our last 2010 podcast update for the year and we end with some strong shows for you to listen too. What is the Click Click Expose Gay Podcast Network? We are a network of different podcast shows either produced by Click Click Expose (Gay Entertainment Media) or distributed by our official content producers and supporters. Our goal is to bring you a wide variety of LGBT podcast shows designed to enrich, entertain and enlighten the gay and lesbian community. In January 2011, we celebrate 5 years of podcasting for the gay and lesbian community AND the CLICK CLICK EXPOSE website has undergone a major re-design (again)- check it out: Click Click Expose and let us know what you think. It's easier now to listen to your favorite shows, watch videos, read news, etc.
Subscribe via RSS Feed HERE!
THIS WEEK'S SYNOPSIS: 1. Gay News Week In Review - "Week Ending 12/31/2010" 2. This Show Is So Gay - "2010 NASPA aunction winner Gregory Adam Jones" 3. Strange Dreamz with Kevin J. Thornton - New Year's Eve Special Show" 4. This Show Is So Gay - "Activist Ann Northrop" 5. House Music Show - DJ Carlos Dali - "A Christmas Present: The I'tis"
Gay News Week In Review w/e 12/31/2010 (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - Gregory Adam Jones (Podcast)
Strange Dremaz with Kevin J. Thornton - New Year's Eve Special (Podcast)
DJ Carlos Dali - A Christmas Present: The I'tis (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - Activist Ann Northrop (Podcast)
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Subscribe via RSS Feed HERE!
THIS WEEK'S SYNOPSIS: 1. Gay News Week In Review - "Week Ending 12/31/2010" 2. This Show Is So Gay - "2010 NASPA aunction winner Gregory Adam Jones" 3. Strange Dreamz with Kevin J. Thornton - New Year's Eve Special Show" 4. This Show Is So Gay - "Activist Ann Northrop" 5. House Music Show - DJ Carlos Dali - "A Christmas Present: The I'tis"
Gay News Week In Review w/e 12/31/2010 (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - Gregory Adam Jones (Podcast)
Strange Dremaz with Kevin J. Thornton - New Year's Eve Special (Podcast)
DJ Carlos Dali - A Christmas Present: The I'tis (Podcast)
This Show Is So Gay - Activist Ann Northrop (Podcast)
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Out and About
Friday, September 24
Come and get WIRED this Friday at the Brass Rail with Ashley Matte at 9:30 p.m. followed by Dj Kiki Koenig at 11:00 p.m. , The Brass Rail, 3796 Fifth Avenue - San Diego 92103. Great Drink Specials, Live Music and amazing DJs!!!- (619) 298 - 2233
Saturday, September 25
Tony and Pulitzer Award winner Neil Simon’s semi-autobiographical plays follow the life of Eugene Morris Jerome from the foibles of youth in late-1930s Brooklyn to a career as a comedy writer for radio. Brighton Beach Memoirs and Broadway Bound are performed in a rotating repertory schedule at The Old Globe Theatre. Brighton Beach Memoirs first regular performance is on Saturday, September 25 at 2:00 p.m. Broadway Bound first regular performance is on Sunday, Septe…
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Come and get WIRED this Friday at the Brass Rail with Ashley Matte at 9:30 p.m. followed by Dj Kiki Koenig at 11:00 p.m. , The Brass Rail, 3796 Fifth Avenue - San Diego 92103. Great Drink Specials, Live Music and amazing DJs!!!- (619) 298 - 2233
Saturday, September 25
Tony and Pulitzer Award winner Neil Simon’s semi-autobiographical plays follow the life of Eugene Morris Jerome from the foibles of youth in late-1930s Brooklyn to a career as a comedy writer for radio. Brighton Beach Memoirs and Broadway Bound are performed in a rotating repertory schedule at The Old Globe Theatre. Brighton Beach Memoirs first regular performance is on Saturday, September 25 at 2:00 p.m. Broadway Bound first regular performance is on Sunday, Septe…
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Montana GOP policy: Make homosexuality illegal
HELENA, Mont. (AP) – At a time when gays have been gaining victories across the country, the Republican Party in Montana still wants to make homosexuality illegal.
The party adopted an official platform in June that keeps a long-held position in support of making homosexual acts illegal, a policy adopted after the Montana Supreme Court struck down such laws in 1997.
The fact that it’s still the official party policy more than 12 years later, despite a tidal shift in public attitudes since then and the party’s own pledge of support for individual freedoms, has exasperated some GOP members.
“I looked at that and said, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me,’” state Sen. John Brueggeman, R-Polson, said last week. “…
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The party adopted an official platform in June that keeps a long-held position in support of making homosexual acts illegal, a policy adopted after the Montana Supreme Court struck down such laws in 1997.
The fact that it’s still the official party policy more than 12 years later, despite a tidal shift in public attitudes since then and the party’s own pledge of support for individual freedoms, has exasperated some GOP members.
“I looked at that and said, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me,’” state Sen. John Brueggeman, R-Polson, said last week. “…
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Say It
Speak up…again and again…and again
I was on the bandstand in LA, just 48 hours before the big 2008 election, thrilled to be singing for yet another gay wedding
I was becoming aware of a strange, new sense of ease in the midst of this uber-straight group of guys, all of whom had, at one point or another, let me know they were unthreatened by the shocking fact that I had “changed teams”. (As if somehow I was now part of the opposition). I whirled around and, with big eyes for emphasis, reminded everyone, “It’s ‘No’ on Prop 8 this Tuesday.”
The Bass player looked up from his tuner, “No, it’s ‘Yes.’”
Now I added the big arms. “No, no, no – we’re voting &l…
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I was on the bandstand in LA, just 48 hours before the big 2008 election, thrilled to be singing for yet another gay wedding
I was becoming aware of a strange, new sense of ease in the midst of this uber-straight group of guys, all of whom had, at one point or another, let me know they were unthreatened by the shocking fact that I had “changed teams”. (As if somehow I was now part of the opposition). I whirled around and, with big eyes for emphasis, reminded everyone, “It’s ‘No’ on Prop 8 this Tuesday.”
The Bass player looked up from his tuner, “No, it’s ‘Yes.’”
Now I added the big arms. “No, no, no – we’re voting &l…
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(1) Am I Offensive to Bisexuals?
� First show, cut me some slack bishes. Give it a few seconds to start.
Major Victory for All Women: House Passes Inclusive VAWA a resounding vote of 286-138, the House passed a bipartisan, inclusive reauthorization of VAWA. This is a major victory for all women. NOW thanks the steadfast champions in both the House and the Senate as well as the activists around the country who refused to give up on the countless women who will now be protected in this bill.
Of Meteorites and Marriage: Considering humanity's possible calamities, marriage-equality shouldn't make anyone's list
Opinion: About 20 days ago, a blazing meteorite tore through our atmosphere and exploded over Russia. This was a minor rock, relatively speaking, didn't even see it coming. We had our eyes on ''DA14,'' the much bigger threat that happened to be flying by on the same day and which could've inflicted vastly more damage than its little unnamed cousin did. Still, with about a thousand injuries, I don't think I would find the former at all minor if I'd spent Feb. 15 in a Russian clinic having the glass of a blown-out window extracted from my flesh. Looking in the other direction, about 20 days forward to March 26, that's the date for opening arguments in Hollingsworth v. Perry, the case challenging California's law against marriage equality. The National Organization for Marriage is marking the occasion – along with the usual suspects – with the March for Marriage. Comparing both points on this timeline, one can't help but think of the absurdly misplaced attention of these folks. These are godly people. If falling skies aren't a celestial poke that their priorities are woefully out of whack, what is? ... (more)
How do I get the girl?!
Help me navigate my way through dating in my twenties and escaping the perpetual friend zoning: lesbian edition. Long story with links to my dating profiles for critiquing. I've gone through most of the dating threads here on MeFi and have favorite'd every post I feel could apply to me, but I'd love to hear some advice that can be tailored for a twenty-something lesbian who is having a difficult time landing a long-term relationship. It's something knew I've always wanted as I am not hardwired for casual encounters/flings/short-term relationships. I like having a strong bond with someone and I maintain them with family and friends, though ideally I'd really love to have a girl I can call my own -- one I am physically, intellectually, and emotionally drawn to that I can take out and have fun with and have sex with regularly and everything is mutual. My standards are basic and realistic, and I am not a practitioner of settling.
My history: I've been in the dating scene for about 4 years now -- 2 of those years exclusively dating women and I have met up with a total of 9 at this point. They've all varied between non-starters, short-term flings, and one long-distance relationship (the latter crashing and burning as I'm certain she found someone else). What I find to be the most frustrating of all is that more often times than not, things end on their terms. I'm either sent to the friend zone after the first date or involved in a short-term fling that ends with, "I'm not looking for anything serious." I have enough experience now to know how to balance on that fine line between being eager and aloof, and I exhibit enough assertiveness to let a girl know that I am interested without being overbearing -- so, what gives? I do tend to fall hard and fast, but as I said, I find that balance. I'm also more of a go-getter because I feel like I wouldn't achieve what I want by simply waiting for it to fall on my lap. This is why I have no problem initiating first moves with girls. Every date I've had has been via online dating because I live so far from the gay scene in my area. Really, it's my only option, but it has proven to be a very frustrating medium because it's largely a numbers game and it's easier for people to have a grass-is-greener mentality. Hell, maybe I'm guilty of it, too, though I try not to be.
Those of you follow posts here closely may remember my previous threads, so by my own admission, yes, I'm young, immature, naive, and have a lot of growing up to do; I'm definitely still a work in progress. :) For those who don't, here is a link to both my PlentyOfFish and OKCupid profile just to get an idea of who I am. My writing accurately reflects how I am face to face; however, I can't help but wonder if there is something off-putting about me in person that I cannot pinpoint. Every girl I've taken out has been visibly entertained (busting up laughing, lots of witty banter exchanged), but first dates seem to be my expiration date. I'm still in school living at home, and I'm beginning to seriously wonder if that's turning these girls off.
In the past two months, I've met up with 3 girls. The first one told me she was getting more involved with someone else when I tried to arrange a second date, and her honesty was met with a graceful "wish you well" exit. The second awesome but it seems we've implicitly assumed that we will just be friends, and the third? I felt the strongest connection with her after maintaining daily contact. It takes a very particularly witty person to keep up with my dry humor and she wasn't like most girls who essentially feed into what I say. I loved that she was able to dish it and take it and I felt like I found a great catch, AND she's very pretty too boot! After talking since Tuesday, we met up on Saturday and I definitely felt the chemistry. She took a moment to tell me how much fun she was having with me but I noticed that after about two hours, she kind of ended the date abruptly by saying, "Wanna get out of here?". It was midnight after all, so I drove her home just a few blocks away, and gave her a farewell hug and a kiss. No text when I got home and nothing the following morning. So I thanked her for coming out, that I had fun, and that I was looking forward to next time. Her response was, "I had fun too :)!". Asked her how she felt that morning (sent at 11:30AM, she had a strong drink the night before), and I didn't get a reply until about 10PM.
Normally when I notice a dramatic decline in contact, my gut tells me their interest waned while my head makes "they're just busy today" excuses. From past experiences, my gut has NEVER failed me. When I tried to make another date for tomorrow, she said it sounded fun, and followed up with another text saying, "And I think it's more of a friends thing for me :\". Once again, I tried to handle it like a G with, "Bummer! Well, it was pleasant meeting you, and good luck with all your future endeavors! :)". While I'm sad, I appreciated the opportunity of cutting off quickly like a guillotine. I understand that these are merely first dates and they owe me absolutely nothing, but when I've friend-zoned someone, I've always sincerely admired them as a person and have been genuine about it by giving them enough time and space for feelings to dissipate, and often times one of us eventually reconnects and we maintain a real friendship. I really wish more people were this way, although at the same time, I can understand how awkward and uncomfortable it would feel for them. What I don't get is that a couple of these girls (during the dates) will ask me something or say something that implies that they're thinking there will be a next time with me. Girl #1 asked how far of a drive I am to a new city she may be relocating to for work while the last one (Girl #3) asked if the rules at my house are strict/lenient, and how my parents felt about me spending the night elsewhere. There is never any follow-through and I'm beginning to take words with a grain of salt.
It's gotten to the point that I can't cry about it anymore? all I do now is just laugh at how ridiculous my bad luck is. Even the most resilient would get jaded -- but at the same time, I refuse to allow things like this (what I think is beyond my control anyway) to embitter me. I feel like all I can do is have a sense of humor about it because at worst, they make for funny anecdotes. I've had guy friends tell me not to worry, and they tend to say things like, "Oh, you're too hot for her anyway." Well, thanks brah? but it still doesn't stop me from wanting her. :/
Maybe what I need is an attitude change. I want to be more easy-going about all this and be like all the cool people who don't get so bent out of shape over trivial matters like this. I want to be like those people who can enjoy dating for its own sake carefree. How do I stop over caring? And how do I go about getting the girl? I want that ending where we run hand in hand through a flower field to the chorus of "Happy Together" and walk off to the sunset with Phil Collins' "Against All Odds" as the song for the closing credits.
On an ending note, I'm beginning to feel this way: :) Thank you for reading!
My history: I've been in the dating scene for about 4 years now -- 2 of those years exclusively dating women and I have met up with a total of 9 at this point. They've all varied between non-starters, short-term flings, and one long-distance relationship (the latter crashing and burning as I'm certain she found someone else). What I find to be the most frustrating of all is that more often times than not, things end on their terms. I'm either sent to the friend zone after the first date or involved in a short-term fling that ends with, "I'm not looking for anything serious." I have enough experience now to know how to balance on that fine line between being eager and aloof, and I exhibit enough assertiveness to let a girl know that I am interested without being overbearing -- so, what gives? I do tend to fall hard and fast, but as I said, I find that balance. I'm also more of a go-getter because I feel like I wouldn't achieve what I want by simply waiting for it to fall on my lap. This is why I have no problem initiating first moves with girls. Every date I've had has been via online dating because I live so far from the gay scene in my area. Really, it's my only option, but it has proven to be a very frustrating medium because it's largely a numbers game and it's easier for people to have a grass-is-greener mentality. Hell, maybe I'm guilty of it, too, though I try not to be.
Those of you follow posts here closely may remember my previous threads, so by my own admission, yes, I'm young, immature, naive, and have a lot of growing up to do; I'm definitely still a work in progress. :) For those who don't, here is a link to both my PlentyOfFish and OKCupid profile just to get an idea of who I am. My writing accurately reflects how I am face to face; however, I can't help but wonder if there is something off-putting about me in person that I cannot pinpoint. Every girl I've taken out has been visibly entertained (busting up laughing, lots of witty banter exchanged), but first dates seem to be my expiration date. I'm still in school living at home, and I'm beginning to seriously wonder if that's turning these girls off.
In the past two months, I've met up with 3 girls. The first one told me she was getting more involved with someone else when I tried to arrange a second date, and her honesty was met with a graceful "wish you well" exit. The second awesome but it seems we've implicitly assumed that we will just be friends, and the third? I felt the strongest connection with her after maintaining daily contact. It takes a very particularly witty person to keep up with my dry humor and she wasn't like most girls who essentially feed into what I say. I loved that she was able to dish it and take it and I felt like I found a great catch, AND she's very pretty too boot! After talking since Tuesday, we met up on Saturday and I definitely felt the chemistry. She took a moment to tell me how much fun she was having with me but I noticed that after about two hours, she kind of ended the date abruptly by saying, "Wanna get out of here?". It was midnight after all, so I drove her home just a few blocks away, and gave her a farewell hug and a kiss. No text when I got home and nothing the following morning. So I thanked her for coming out, that I had fun, and that I was looking forward to next time. Her response was, "I had fun too :)!". Asked her how she felt that morning (sent at 11:30AM, she had a strong drink the night before), and I didn't get a reply until about 10PM.
Normally when I notice a dramatic decline in contact, my gut tells me their interest waned while my head makes "they're just busy today" excuses. From past experiences, my gut has NEVER failed me. When I tried to make another date for tomorrow, she said it sounded fun, and followed up with another text saying, "And I think it's more of a friends thing for me :\". Once again, I tried to handle it like a G with, "Bummer! Well, it was pleasant meeting you, and good luck with all your future endeavors! :)". While I'm sad, I appreciated the opportunity of cutting off quickly like a guillotine. I understand that these are merely first dates and they owe me absolutely nothing, but when I've friend-zoned someone, I've always sincerely admired them as a person and have been genuine about it by giving them enough time and space for feelings to dissipate, and often times one of us eventually reconnects and we maintain a real friendship. I really wish more people were this way, although at the same time, I can understand how awkward and uncomfortable it would feel for them. What I don't get is that a couple of these girls (during the dates) will ask me something or say something that implies that they're thinking there will be a next time with me. Girl #1 asked how far of a drive I am to a new city she may be relocating to for work while the last one (Girl #3) asked if the rules at my house are strict/lenient, and how my parents felt about me spending the night elsewhere. There is never any follow-through and I'm beginning to take words with a grain of salt.
It's gotten to the point that I can't cry about it anymore? all I do now is just laugh at how ridiculous my bad luck is. Even the most resilient would get jaded -- but at the same time, I refuse to allow things like this (what I think is beyond my control anyway) to embitter me. I feel like all I can do is have a sense of humor about it because at worst, they make for funny anecdotes. I've had guy friends tell me not to worry, and they tend to say things like, "Oh, you're too hot for her anyway." Well, thanks brah? but it still doesn't stop me from wanting her. :/
Maybe what I need is an attitude change. I want to be more easy-going about all this and be like all the cool people who don't get so bent out of shape over trivial matters like this. I want to be like those people who can enjoy dating for its own sake carefree. How do I stop over caring? And how do I go about getting the girl? I want that ending where we run hand in hand through a flower field to the chorus of "Happy Together" and walk off to the sunset with Phil Collins' "Against All Odds" as the song for the closing credits.
On an ending note, I'm beginning to feel this way: :) Thank you for reading!
WATCH: 12-Year-Old Son of Gay Dads Reads Letter to Justice Roberts
On the eve of the Supreme Court considering Prop. 8, an adopted son of two gay dads pleads his family's case.
read more
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(9) Interview w/ Lea Delaria and More Nonsensical Babblings
Interview with Lea Delaria and some more nonsensical babblings ..
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Apple, Facebook, Intel, and Morgan Stanley. Big Companies Are Backing Gay Marriage
Exclusive: Scores of corporations
will file a Supreme Court brief favoring gay marriage later this week.
Signatories will include Apple, Facebook, Intel, and Morgan Stanley.
By Roger Parloff
FORTUNE -- On Thursday, dozens of
American corporations, including Apple,Alcoa, Facebook, eBay, Intel,
and Morgan Stanley will submit an amicus brief in the landmark
Hollingsworth v. Perry case broadly
arguing to the U.S. Supreme Court that laws banning same-sex marriages,
like California's ballot initiative Proposition 8, are unconstitutional
under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses.
According to a draft copy obtained
by Fortune, the companies argue that such laws "send an unmistakable signal that same-sex couples are in some way inferior to opposite-sex
couples, a proposition
that is anathema to amici's commitment to equality and fair treatment
to all."
At least 60 companies had committed
to signing the brief as of Tuesday evening, according to Joshua
Rosenkranz, who is counsel of record on the brief and head of the
Supreme Court and appellate litigation
practice at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe. That number is expected
to rise by Thursday, however, according to Rosenkranz. Others who have
already committed to sign include AIG, Becton Dickinson, Cisco, Cummins,
Kimpton, Levi Strauss, McGraw Hill, NCR, Nike,
Office Depot, Oracle, Panasonic, Qualcomm, and Xerox.Though the brief adopts by
reference all of the arguments of the main brief challenging the
constitutionality of Prop 8?filed last week by Theodore Olson of Gibson
Dunn & Crutcher and David Boies
of Boies, Schiller & Flexner?it also argues that "recognizing the
rights of same-sex couples to marry is more than a constitutional issue.
It is a business imperative."
Fleshing out that contention, the
companies argue: "By singling out a group for less favorable treatment,
Proposition 8 impedes businesses from achieving the market's ideal of
efficient operations?particularly
in recruiting, hiring, and retaining talented people who are in the
best position to operate at their highest capacity. Amici are competing
domestically and internationally with companies inside and outside the
United States in places where all couples, regardless
of whether they are of the same sex, are afforded equal access to
marriage."READ MORE at FORTUNE
will file a Supreme Court brief favoring gay marriage later this week.
Signatories will include Apple, Facebook, Intel, and Morgan Stanley.
By Roger Parloff
FORTUNE -- On Thursday, dozens of
American corporations, including Apple,Alcoa, Facebook, eBay, Intel,
and Morgan Stanley will submit an amicus brief in the landmark
Hollingsworth v. Perry case broadly
arguing to the U.S. Supreme Court that laws banning same-sex marriages,
like California's ballot initiative Proposition 8, are unconstitutional
under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses.
According to a draft copy obtained
by Fortune, the companies argue that such laws "send an unmistakable signal that same-sex couples are in some way inferior to opposite-sex
couples, a proposition
that is anathema to amici's commitment to equality and fair treatment
to all."
At least 60 companies had committed
to signing the brief as of Tuesday evening, according to Joshua
Rosenkranz, who is counsel of record on the brief and head of the
Supreme Court and appellate litigation
practice at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe. That number is expected
to rise by Thursday, however, according to Rosenkranz. Others who have
already committed to sign include AIG, Becton Dickinson, Cisco, Cummins,
Kimpton, Levi Strauss, McGraw Hill, NCR, Nike,
Office Depot, Oracle, Panasonic, Qualcomm, and Xerox.Though the brief adopts by
reference all of the arguments of the main brief challenging the
constitutionality of Prop 8?filed last week by Theodore Olson of Gibson
Dunn & Crutcher and David Boies
of Boies, Schiller & Flexner?it also argues that "recognizing the
rights of same-sex couples to marry is more than a constitutional issue.
It is a business imperative."
Fleshing out that contention, the
companies argue: "By singling out a group for less favorable treatment,
Proposition 8 impedes businesses from achieving the market's ideal of
efficient operations?particularly
in recruiting, hiring, and retaining talented people who are in the
best position to operate at their highest capacity. Amici are competing
domestically and internationally with companies inside and outside the
United States in places where all couples, regardless
of whether they are of the same sex, are afforded equal access to
marriage."READ MORE at FORTUNE
Queer Not Cool Event This Saturday!
This month our theme is WOMEN WE LOVE – heroines, icons, and just all around strong and kick-ass women including actor/comedian/filmmaker BRUCE BUNDY (aka Octavia in “The Hunger Games”!!!), author & librarian SHAWN(TA) SMITH (“Rivers of Honey” cabaret), a performance from the new musical LESBIAN LOVE OCTAGON and our returning champion, the very funny returning [...]
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