Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Obstacles: Turning Away the Uncomitted
I saw this on my Pinterest feed a few days ago and it made me think about obstacles in relationships. I think that obstacles can serve two purposes in a relationship: To spur growth between the people in the relationship - as they overcome obstacles, they grow closer, build trust and have a strengthened bond.To weed out the uncommitted. Spurring Growth When I was married to a man, our first few years together were difficult. Not in a relationship sense, but financially. We struggled to pay bills and had to get very creative. I learned how to cook, we began composting, he took our trash with him to his office dumpster, we had rabbit ears that got us 3 TV channels and I went through my entire pregnancy in Georgia without air conditioning because the repair to our AC unit was too expensive.These obstacles could have torn us apart and we could have blamed each other for not earning more money or spending wisely, but we faced our challenges together as a team and did some fantastic problem solving. It felt like each time we solved a problem together, we began to develop a deep and abiding trust. He kept his promises to me and I grew to know him as a man of his word. I knew that he always had my best interest at heart as much as he knew I had his.We were together for 23 years - until I came out as a lesbian and needed to take my own journey without him. Today, we are friends and will always have fond memories of the life that we built together. We are our children's parents and will always have a friendship that has survived the trauma that coming out later in life can bring. Weeding Out the UncommittedUnlike my ex-husband, who was willing to be solidly on my team and committed to the core, you may find yourself with a "partner" who is anything but a partner. My ex-husband rarely made me feel like he wasn't on my side. In fact, the times where he solidly took my side are the times I remember that I loved him the most.An uncommitted person will act like they are on an opposing team when you must face an obstacle. You hope they will be your ally - a person to go to that will help and offer advice and support. But, no.An uncommitted person will rarely tackle a problem with you. They avoid being involved and leave it to you to solve. You may be attacked and blamed and the conflict may then be used as an excuse to alert you to your other failings as a human being. (If you don't know what it's like to be kicked while you're down, these types of partners will gladly teach you.)If you have a partner who uses obstacles to show you where you are weak, blames you for the obstacle, refuses to acknowledge the obstacle (especially if it comes from their sphere) and/or gets tired of "dealing" with it, please know that I am so sorry for you. These people are "relationship lazy" - they love it when everything is going well, but they don't want to be a part of the work that it takes to maintain a good one. Like everything else, things that are not maintained usually start to fall apart. When they do, these people walk out looking for greener pastures (new partners). Take Away:Let these people go.Do not fight to keep them in your life. They will always want to flee in order to avoid doing the work of maintaining a relationship. The blame game is the only one that they know how to play. Instead, look for the people who wouldn't even consider using obstacles as a time to vent or tell you what about you angers them, kicking you when you are down. You want someone who can communicate in a mature way, without feeling the need to blame or name-call; someone who can set aside their emotions for a moment in order to look for solutions that build relationship trust in the process. If you are lucky enough to find someone like that, don't YOU be the dumb-ass that is too lazy to maintain it. You hold on to and care for that person like they are the best thing that ever happened to you. Because, more than likely, they are.
Suit Aims to Strike Down Ohio Marriage Ban
The suit, filed today, is in addition to one calling on the state to recognize out-of-state same-sex unions.
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Horoscope: August 9-16, 2012
Horoscope:Heavenly Round Up: These are the dog days of summer. The heat is almost rancid in your nose. The sun is a relentless force, but it doesn't feel like it's on your side at all. Ironically, this period marks the increase in a decrease of daily light. Despite the aging season, there's much good still swirling around. Find yours by focusing, breathing quietly and calling your loved ones to you. You'll be more than a little surprised at how warmly your crew rallies around you. Take heart. Trust your courage. Smile.Aries: You looked, but didn't touch. Now it's time for the gloves to come off. Now you're required to engage fully if you hope to see the harvest of your sowing roll in. Now it's time to reconnect with the past and loop it securely into your present to form the foundations of a desirable future.Taurus: Where have you been hiding? Why did you check out just now? It must have been special to pull you away from your routine. With your eyes freshly opened, you have options now which didn't formerly exist. Will you head for the alternatives? Will you hold? Fold? ... (more)
(67) bell hooks
� Lovers, We are still on a bit of a vacay and hope to return soon. In the meanwhile, we managed to snag part of an interview we heard on WBAI with esteemed author, thinker, teacher, and�theorist on feminism, gender, race, class and culture, bell hooks, author of over 20 books. She discuesses parenting, critical […]
Lesbian News - 15 Apr 2014
Home Office protest to take place over deportation of Nigerian lesbian asylum seekerLesbian couple make history with first same-sex church weddingGay and lesbian old people's home planned in Spain
Chained CPI of Fools know that the chained CPI threatens their economic security. It results in an immediate benefit cut for Social Security beneficiaries, and the damage continues to escalate over time.
Business Spotlight: A Bedder Buy Discount Outlet
5058 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego CA 92115
Se Habla Español: 619-428-2211
ABedder Buy Discount Outlet is a family run business that has been at the same El Cajon Blvd. location for nineteen years. The owner of Bedder Buy has been in the furniture business for forty years and at Bedder Buy the staff just loves to help families find the furniture, beds and mattresses they want for their homes within their budgets.
Bedder Buy has a huge selection of furniture for the bedroom, like innerspring and memory foam mattresses, bedroom sets, futons, kid’s bedroom furniture, bunk beds, wall beds, storage beds and oak furniture - all at discount outlet prices. Brands like Simmons, Tempur-Pedic, Ashley and many more.
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Se Habla Español: 619-428-2211
ABedder Buy Discount Outlet is a family run business that has been at the same El Cajon Blvd. location for nineteen years. The owner of Bedder Buy has been in the furniture business for forty years and at Bedder Buy the staff just loves to help families find the furniture, beds and mattresses they want for their homes within their budgets.
Bedder Buy has a huge selection of furniture for the bedroom, like innerspring and memory foam mattresses, bedroom sets, futons, kid’s bedroom furniture, bunk beds, wall beds, storage beds and oak furniture - all at discount outlet prices. Brands like Simmons, Tempur-Pedic, Ashley and many more.
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VEHICLE REVIEW 2014 Toyota Corolla gets its 'S' together
I was not a fan of the last-generation Toyota Corolla. It was an underdeveloped, over-hyped piece of boredom that relied more on the reputation of Toyota than its own virtues. The exterior was watered-down vanilla and its interior was about as blah. But, it went beyond aesthetics. The tall and narrow body allowed crosswinds to coax it into a gentle oscillation on the Interstate that its vague electrically-assisted power steering could not easily correct. Toyota should have done better.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Baby Love
"Baby Lu" is the first feature film to be helmed by writer/director Emily Ray Reese. Baby Lu is a queer coming of age story set in a tiny out skirt town of Taos, New Mexico. Lucinda, a thirteen year old girl, is growing up under a well intentioned but unequipped single mountain man father. When an intriguing new woman moves to town, the two of them must grapple with new emotions and the confusion of Lucinda?s burgeoning sexuality. For the past 5 years, Emily has directed over 5 short films including "Cecilia" a queer film that screened at Outfest, Inside Out Toronto LGBT Film, and Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival amongst many other queer film festivals around the world.1) How is Baby Lu different from most queer stories?The story of Baby Lu is inspired from my own unique upbringing in rural New Mexico. Growing up with my own mountain man father presented an array of experiences and challenges, which came to a head when I entered my teens and even more so when I realized I was gay. While it was difficult to speak with my father growing up, we always had a way of tacitly communicating when he?d take me fishing or hunting. These moments bonded us forever, even though we could never openly discuss my sexuality.New Mexico and it's culture of hunting, fishing, and "living off the grid" is a unique world that is rarely explored in cinema and we've never seen a film specifically tackle coming of age and coming out in that region. The environment and the history of the region really enriches the story and sets an incredible backdrop for this queer story.2) What excites you about writing/directing Baby Lu?I have always felt like an outsider between the two worlds that I live in. I had different values then the hunting, gun loving community I grew up in yet I love that way of living. Now that I am an adult and have become a part of a very progressive and queer friendly community here in Brooklyn, I still however feel that I have to balance the politics of my upbringing with my current community. My goal for Baby Lu and it's story is that it can inspire some empathy that will allow us to identify similarities between both cultures. I hope that by seeing the world through Lucinda's eyes, I may be able to bring these opposing worlds together to cultivate dialogue and forgiveness.3) What's one thing you've learned that would be helpful for first-time writer/directors?Collect an amazing team of collaborators! Honestly it takes a village to make a film and your movie will only be as good as those you have chosen to work with. Assemble your team according to those who's work you respect and who's company you enjoy. Once you have people on board you have to trust them to do their jobs. And you must love your story! If you don't believe in it no one else will. 4) How can people get involved or support the project? The most helpful act at this point would be to donate what ever you can to our kickstarter campaign and then tell everyone you know about what we are doing and inspire them to donate as well!Our kickstarter campaign is set with an ambitious goal of $50k and so far we have raised a whopping $30k! With less than 8 days left, we need to expand our network and reach as many people as possible so we can reach our goal and begin production this fall. To see more about Baby Lu and support our campaign please visit our kickstarter page at: @babylumovieWebsite: emilyrayreese.comFacebook:
MichFest scholarship event held in Chicago
Several hundred women attended a benefit April 26 at The Abbey to raise money for women wishing to attend the annual Michigan Womyn's Music Festival this August.
Love My Girls
The girls that I love all came over this weekend. This pic is now my favorite of all time (it even has my sweet puppy, Ke$ha in it). This one is my second favorite:I had a great weekend with the people that I love and feel so thankful to have so many wonderful, amazing, strong women in my life.
Title IX protects transgender students, federal agency says
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Department of Education today made it clear that the federal Title IX law prohibits discrimination against transgender students.
The agency issued guidance clarifying the law via the department?s Office for Civil Rights which says "Title IX's sex discrimination prohibition extends to claims of discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity and OCR accepts such complaints for investigation."
"This announcement is a breakthrough for transgender students, who too often face hostility at school and refusal by school officials to accept them for who they truly are."
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The agency issued guidance clarifying the law via the department?s Office for Civil Rights which says "Title IX's sex discrimination prohibition extends to claims of discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity and OCR accepts such complaints for investigation."
"This announcement is a breakthrough for transgender students, who too often face hostility at school and refusal by school officials to accept them for who they truly are."
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Utah Could Make $15 Mil From Marriage Equality
A study estimates that marriage equality would bring the state millions of dollars in the first three years of the law.
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Real estate forum hosted by Dream Town
"Pride of Ownership" was the focus of a forum hosted by Dream Town LGBT Client Services Division, part of Dream Town Realty in Chicago. The event was at Center on Halsted April 26.
Comments from the Web
Kenny Kardashian says:
I, too, served in the Navy and also swore the same oath, not really knowing what lay ahead. While for most people, being gay is dangerous I was lucky to experience minimal discrimination and teasing. However, I was not immune from such teasing. Everyone at my shore duty facility at Naval Air Staton North Island in San Diego knew I was gay and while I made a risky move, when people asked, I told. However, there was no one running to the officer in charge. Most the people that asked me said they were “cool with it”, or others simply just knew.
I am not the most butch guy in the world, but my feminine mannerisms and the way I was did catch the attention of some few people in leadership chain of command around me. They woul…
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I, too, served in the Navy and also swore the same oath, not really knowing what lay ahead. While for most people, being gay is dangerous I was lucky to experience minimal discrimination and teasing. However, I was not immune from such teasing. Everyone at my shore duty facility at Naval Air Staton North Island in San Diego knew I was gay and while I made a risky move, when people asked, I told. However, there was no one running to the officer in charge. Most the people that asked me said they were “cool with it”, or others simply just knew.
I am not the most butch guy in the world, but my feminine mannerisms and the way I was did catch the attention of some few people in leadership chain of command around me. They woul…
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Women's Groups Condemn Senate Republicans for Extending War on Women to Judicial Nominations National Organization for Women (NOW), Feminist Majority and the Black Women's Roundtable today deplored the Senate Republican leadership extending the War on Women to judicial nominations.
Monday, April 28, 2014
TODAY! 80 businesses who support Dining Out For Life San Diego
SAN DIEGO -- More than 80 businesses, and thousands of diners in San Diego, will participate Thursday in the eighth annual Dining Out For Life (DOFL) fundraiser.
Simply by dining out for breakfast, lunch and dinner at participating restaurants, you can help raise money to The San Diego LGBT Community Center's HIV/AIDS programs.
Simply by dining out for breakfast, lunch and dinner at participating restaurants on Thursday, you can help raise money to The San Diego LGBT Community Center's HIV/AIDS programs
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Simply by dining out for breakfast, lunch and dinner at participating restaurants, you can help raise money to The San Diego LGBT Community Center's HIV/AIDS programs.
Simply by dining out for breakfast, lunch and dinner at participating restaurants on Thursday, you can help raise money to The San Diego LGBT Community Center's HIV/AIDS programs
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NOW celebrates Albuquerque voters for defending a woman's right to choose National Organization for Women (NOW) celebrates the voters of Albuquerque for rejecting a ban on abortions past 20 weeks.
(14) Halloween Swinging! (1hr)
Questionable prank; Alix Olson?s, ?Cute For a Girl;? Lale complains about the prank, Some talk about swingers, Brit catches one of Tila Tequila’s TV suitors out at the local Halloween party, Loa sings ABBA and inhales second hand maryjane, Shelzy apparently wears too much costume at her local Halloween party
Help me at least TRY to flirt with my friend
Seeing as how I was an utter failure at my LAST crush, I?m determined to do things differently and boy do I want to move on from that nightmare. Help me figure out how to do it. Mini backstory ? 28 year old lesbian just starting to come out (it?s been a little over a year) and navigate dating and flirting with intent. Very slim dating history with guys, and they did all the work anyway. Still have not been with a girl. Making a first move scares the *%@# out of me. Being single for so long is beginning to really wear on me - I'm increasingly lonely and it makes rejection all the worse.
I?ve recently been hanging out with someone that I?ve known for a little more than a year. She is also a lesbian. We hadn?t really hung out one on one much or anything, and she got into a fight with some of my friends and they all had a falling out, which led to me kind of avoiding her a bit. Not being mean to her or anything like that, just not really engaging her. I didn?t know her very well at the time anyway, so it wasn?t like I was ditching her or something. Recently though she has moved into my town and we have more mutual friends.
She reached out to me to hang out a couple times and I accepted and we had fun. Mostly in groups and such. But recently we?ve been in touch/hanging out a bit more, mainly with other friends, and both initiating plans. And wouldn?t you know it, I?m kinda crushing on her. It?s probably because I always had a seed of a crush/attraction to her, and I guess the fact that she was suddenly hitting me up a lot, and then us having a few deep conversations about our mutual friends, made that grow into a regular crush.
So, what are some things I can do to steer this in a more romantic direction before I suddenly get lost in friend-ville and am doomed to suffer there for all eternity? This is pretty much all just starting so I have a fresh slate to work with here. There's good signs and bad signs from her end, and she's kind of hard to read at the moment. I probably am too.
I am suspicious of a friend of hers that she seems to be texting a lot, and that is giving a huge blow to my confidence here. I know she?s not dating her or in a serious relationship, and she might just be friends with her, but the thought that she might be interested in someone else destroys my resolve and is upsetting me more than I thought it would (whoops, guess my crush is bigger than I thought). I guess I?ll find out about that soon enough. And if she IS into someone else and hasn?t really thought of me that way, is it possible to spark an attraction in her?
I guess some people are going to say "ask her on a date." And that's a possibility, but I guess I'd like to see if I can make this a bit...smoother. I feel like the timing is not right to just ask her out just yet and it would be a little awkward, especially since we started out on the friends foot. I guess I want to gauge or provoke interest a bit more, if possible.
I've been doing a bit more than with my last crush, and we communicate better so I'm a bit more confident. I?ve been trying to do the eye contact thing. Today I mentioned something that made me think of her while I was with family for Christmas. I am going to try to hang out with her one on one more. Any other brilliant ideas? The problem is that when it?s another girl it?s always kind of hazy because you can think YOU?RE being flirty and the other person thinks you?re just being friendly. The thing is, it?s so hard for me to be direct with flirting. Guess I?m just wondering if anyone has any great ideas on how the progression should be, or even if there?s any other lesbians out there with anecdotes about what they did or do in this type of situation.
I?ve recently been hanging out with someone that I?ve known for a little more than a year. She is also a lesbian. We hadn?t really hung out one on one much or anything, and she got into a fight with some of my friends and they all had a falling out, which led to me kind of avoiding her a bit. Not being mean to her or anything like that, just not really engaging her. I didn?t know her very well at the time anyway, so it wasn?t like I was ditching her or something. Recently though she has moved into my town and we have more mutual friends.
She reached out to me to hang out a couple times and I accepted and we had fun. Mostly in groups and such. But recently we?ve been in touch/hanging out a bit more, mainly with other friends, and both initiating plans. And wouldn?t you know it, I?m kinda crushing on her. It?s probably because I always had a seed of a crush/attraction to her, and I guess the fact that she was suddenly hitting me up a lot, and then us having a few deep conversations about our mutual friends, made that grow into a regular crush.
So, what are some things I can do to steer this in a more romantic direction before I suddenly get lost in friend-ville and am doomed to suffer there for all eternity? This is pretty much all just starting so I have a fresh slate to work with here. There's good signs and bad signs from her end, and she's kind of hard to read at the moment. I probably am too.
I am suspicious of a friend of hers that she seems to be texting a lot, and that is giving a huge blow to my confidence here. I know she?s not dating her or in a serious relationship, and she might just be friends with her, but the thought that she might be interested in someone else destroys my resolve and is upsetting me more than I thought it would (whoops, guess my crush is bigger than I thought). I guess I?ll find out about that soon enough. And if she IS into someone else and hasn?t really thought of me that way, is it possible to spark an attraction in her?
I guess some people are going to say "ask her on a date." And that's a possibility, but I guess I'd like to see if I can make this a bit...smoother. I feel like the timing is not right to just ask her out just yet and it would be a little awkward, especially since we started out on the friends foot. I guess I want to gauge or provoke interest a bit more, if possible.
I've been doing a bit more than with my last crush, and we communicate better so I'm a bit more confident. I?ve been trying to do the eye contact thing. Today I mentioned something that made me think of her while I was with family for Christmas. I am going to try to hang out with her one on one more. Any other brilliant ideas? The problem is that when it?s another girl it?s always kind of hazy because you can think YOU?RE being flirty and the other person thinks you?re just being friendly. The thing is, it?s so hard for me to be direct with flirting. Guess I?m just wondering if anyone has any great ideas on how the progression should be, or even if there?s any other lesbians out there with anecdotes about what they did or do in this type of situation.
Lesbian News - 09 Apr 2014
?Independence Day? director shooting film about Stonewall riotsLabour MP: Ministers are ignoring the problem of gay conversion therapyJames Arthur reportedly dropped by Simon's label after homophobic, terrorist lyrics row
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Uganda's Tallest Peak Now Topped With Rainbow Flag
A California businessman used his vacation in Uganda to plant an LGBT pride flag atop the country's highest mountain.
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Stonewall Awards London - 2010
The fifth Stonewall Awards, hosted by Sue Perkins, were held last night at London's V&A and attended by 450 people including celebrities, politicians, sportspeople and writers. The event celebrates those who have made a positive impact on the lives of lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Britain in the last year.
Chris Grayling Bigot Of The Year
Bigot Of The Year
Former shadow home secretary Chris Grayling was named ?Bigot of the Year?.
Tory MP Mr Grayling, who was secretly recorded in May saying that bed and breakfasts should have the right to bar gay couples.
Gareth Thomas, Hero Of The Year
Gareth Thomas, Hero Of The Year
Gareth Thomas, who became the first out gay professional rugby player last December, was named ?Hero of the Year?. He attended the London ceremony with his parents. Some audience members were in tears as he spoke after accepting the award. Mr Thomas said: ?I don?t really know what denotes a hero. I?m just myself. But when you live in a world that tries to make different a wrong thing, to me, being a hero is just being honest. He added: ?To be a hero, you have to follow in a hero?s footsteps. And there?s people here tonight who?ve been my heroes all my life and will be forever ? that?s my mother and father.?
Stella Duffy, joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Stella Duffy, joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Stella Duffy for Theodora: Actress, Empress, Whore
Rupert Smith joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Rupert Smith joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Rupert Smith author of MANS WORLD, which is also shortlisted for the inaugral Creen Carnation prize.
Patrick Strudwick, ?Journalist of the Year?
Patrick Strudwick, ?Journalist of the Year?
Gay British journalist Patrick Strudwick spent several months investigating gay-to-straight conversion therapy, undergoing "treatment" from two psychotherapists who made no secret of their view that homosexuality was far from natural, but rather a composite of "mental illness, addiction and anti-religious phenomenon". Mr Strudwick, said: ?I am dedicating this award to all the victims of hate around the world who have told me their stories. Their strength and dignity spurred me on.?
He also thanked the thousands of people who added their support to his campaign to stamp out the controversial therapy.
John Partridge, Entertainer of the Year
John Partridge, Entertainer of the Year
EastEnders actor John Partidge won the ?Entertainer of the Year? award for his gay storyline in the soap. He paid tribute to screenwriter Dominic Treadwell-Collins for managing to ?tell a gay story at 7.30 in the evening?.
Martina Navratilova, Sports Person Of The Year
Martina Navratilova, Sports Person Of The Year
Martina Navratilova won huge applause when she was given the sports award. The tennis star is currently in Colorado training to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and pre-recorded a message of thanks.
John Bercow, Politician of the Year
John Bercow, Politician of the Year
Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow was named ?Politician of the Year?. The MP, whose wife Sally recently completed a charity parachute jump for Stonewall, praised Mr Summerskill for his ?truly inspirational leadership?.
The Times, ?Publication of the Year?
The Times, ?Publication of the Year?
The Times won the award for ?Publication of the Year?
Coronation Street, Broadcast of the Year
Coronation Street, Broadcast of the Year
Corrie which broadcast its first lesbian storyline and first lesbian kiss this year, won the award for ?Broadcast of the Year?.
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Chris Grayling Bigot Of The Year
Bigot Of The Year
Former shadow home secretary Chris Grayling was named ?Bigot of the Year?.
Tory MP Mr Grayling, who was secretly recorded in May saying that bed and breakfasts should have the right to bar gay couples.
Gareth Thomas, Hero Of The Year
Gareth Thomas, Hero Of The Year
Gareth Thomas, who became the first out gay professional rugby player last December, was named ?Hero of the Year?. He attended the London ceremony with his parents. Some audience members were in tears as he spoke after accepting the award. Mr Thomas said: ?I don?t really know what denotes a hero. I?m just myself. But when you live in a world that tries to make different a wrong thing, to me, being a hero is just being honest. He added: ?To be a hero, you have to follow in a hero?s footsteps. And there?s people here tonight who?ve been my heroes all my life and will be forever ? that?s my mother and father.?
Stella Duffy, joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Stella Duffy, joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Stella Duffy for Theodora: Actress, Empress, Whore
Rupert Smith joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Rupert Smith joint winner of ?Writer of the Year?
Rupert Smith author of MANS WORLD, which is also shortlisted for the inaugral Creen Carnation prize.
Patrick Strudwick, ?Journalist of the Year?
Patrick Strudwick, ?Journalist of the Year?
Gay British journalist Patrick Strudwick spent several months investigating gay-to-straight conversion therapy, undergoing "treatment" from two psychotherapists who made no secret of their view that homosexuality was far from natural, but rather a composite of "mental illness, addiction and anti-religious phenomenon". Mr Strudwick, said: ?I am dedicating this award to all the victims of hate around the world who have told me their stories. Their strength and dignity spurred me on.?
He also thanked the thousands of people who added their support to his campaign to stamp out the controversial therapy.
John Partridge, Entertainer of the Year
John Partridge, Entertainer of the Year
EastEnders actor John Partidge won the ?Entertainer of the Year? award for his gay storyline in the soap. He paid tribute to screenwriter Dominic Treadwell-Collins for managing to ?tell a gay story at 7.30 in the evening?.
Martina Navratilova, Sports Person Of The Year
Martina Navratilova, Sports Person Of The Year
Martina Navratilova won huge applause when she was given the sports award. The tennis star is currently in Colorado training to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and pre-recorded a message of thanks.
John Bercow, Politician of the Year
John Bercow, Politician of the Year
Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow was named ?Politician of the Year?. The MP, whose wife Sally recently completed a charity parachute jump for Stonewall, praised Mr Summerskill for his ?truly inspirational leadership?.
The Times, ?Publication of the Year?
The Times, ?Publication of the Year?
The Times won the award for ?Publication of the Year?
Coronation Street, Broadcast of the Year
Coronation Street, Broadcast of the Year
Corrie which broadcast its first lesbian storyline and first lesbian kiss this year, won the award for ?Broadcast of the Year?.
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
NOW Remembers Nelson Mandela will remember Nelson Mandela for the many ways in which he made this world a better, freer place, and for his dedication to the rights of the oppressed.
(45) Asexual Lesbian
Ordering bibles, Religious blobs, Chat w/Lale re: Rehab, Gays, Marriage, Relationships, Sex, an Asexual phase
(27) The Complete Guide to Loosening Uranus
The Shadow Knows, Melissa’s Mash-Up Submission, Listener Call In, Polygamists, Summer Diets, Gym Observations, Kardashian Meaninglessnesses, Fantasies, Subconscious Seriousness and more … Music Featured by: The Trucks
Baptist School Silencing LGBT Students?
An Ohio university confiscates a student newspaper that had supported LGBT students.
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(23) We?re 1! Let?s Get Serious ?
New Show Post! #23 – We’re 1! Let’s Get Serious … Up Close and Personal with Sandi solo. St. Pats, Elliot Spitz, Courtesans, 1 Year Anniversary Introspection Featuring Music by Natalia Zuckerman in the artists corner: Lesbian Mafia Apparel Voice Mail – 206-984-4093 Happy St. Pats peoples!
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Should I try to start an LGBTQ organization at my middle school?
Should I try to start an LGBTQ organization at my middle school? How? I?m teaching sixth grade at an urban middle school and I?d like to approach the administration about starting an LGBTQ support club for maybe half an hour a week after school. We have some students in the seventh and eighth grades who are reasonably out and I?d really like to support both them and any other students who are dealing with their sexuality or want to support their LGBTQ friends and family. Here are my questions:
1) Is this a good idea? The worst case scenario is that kids get targeted for being in the group. Is this likely? Would anyone even join?
2) Is middle school too young for a group like this?
3) I would likely get at least some pushback from the community/families along the lines of ?Why are you turning my kid gay?? How would I handle that?
4) What should we actually DO? I?d like to make sure it?s more than just eating Fig Newtons and drinking apple cider but I don?t want to get in over my head in terms of what I?m comfortable discussing.
Is there a good way to do this? Should I even try? Thank you so much for your help and suggestions!
1) Is this a good idea? The worst case scenario is that kids get targeted for being in the group. Is this likely? Would anyone even join?
2) Is middle school too young for a group like this?
3) I would likely get at least some pushback from the community/families along the lines of ?Why are you turning my kid gay?? How would I handle that?
4) What should we actually DO? I?d like to make sure it?s more than just eating Fig Newtons and drinking apple cider but I don?t want to get in over my head in terms of what I?m comfortable discussing.
Is there a good way to do this? Should I even try? Thank you so much for your help and suggestions!
GLAAD's What To Watch on Thursday
Tonight catch all new episodes of Grey's Anatomy and Sirens.
Thursday, April 24
9:00pm: Grey's Anatomy, ABC (1 hr) NEW
Jackson gives the hospital bad news as Richard heads to visit Boston and Amelia comes to Seattle for a visit. Meanwhile, Bailey makes a bold decision out of frustration with the slow progress of her research.
10:00pm: Sirens, USA (30 mins) NEW
Tonight catch all new episodes of Grey's Anatomy and Sirens.
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Thursday, April 24
9:00pm: Grey's Anatomy, ABC (1 hr) NEW
Jackson gives the hospital bad news as Richard heads to visit Boston and Amelia comes to Seattle for a visit. Meanwhile, Bailey makes a bold decision out of frustration with the slow progress of her research.
10:00pm: Sirens, USA (30 mins) NEW
Tonight catch all new episodes of Grey's Anatomy and Sirens.
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INTJ Personality Type: 'Introvert' Does Not Mean 'Shy'
I've been learning a lot in my new media classes. The one that I'm taking that is giving me a grade for this blog has been especially helpful. In analyzing what keywords people use to arrive at my blog, I noticed a special one: INTJ. The INTJWhat the hell is that, you ask?IntrovertediNtuitive (don't think that "N" instead of "I" shit doesn't bother us because it does...)ThinkingJudgingI think we will start talking about this on a regular basis but for today, I felt it was important to get a fundamental truth out of the way:Being an introvert does not mean that you're shy. I'm very outgoing and can talk to and get along with almost anyone. Do I want to?Hell no. But I've learned how to be friendly and a good listener out of necessity and I'll do it if I must; it's just not my favorite thing. An introvert is someone who recharges by being alone. An extrovert gets charged up by being around people. To be clear: It has nothing to do with shyness or being outgoing. You are almost certain to have an introvert in your life so I thought I would borrow this handy chart that I found on Pinterest to help guide you in your care for the introvert (INTJ) in your life: If you offer this type of love and support to your introvert, you will be valued and prized above all others! You may even be invited into our private world.
Country Star Kacey Musgraves Angers Homophobes
A gay-positive song from the rising star makes her enemy of the far-right and a hero of GLAAD.
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DA to look into suicide of bullied teen Asher Brown
HOUSTON (AP) – Prosecutors said Friday they will look into what led to the suicide of a 13-year-old Houston boy whose parents say was relentlessly bullied at his middle school for two years because of his religion and sexual orientation.
Asher Brown’s parents, who claim school officials ignored their pleas for help, said they hope “justice will be served” by the investigation by the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.
“Once they find out what’s been hidden, we would want the people responsible to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law,” said Asher’s stepfather, David Truong.
Asher shot himself in the head with his stepfather’s handgun on Sept. 23 at his family’s home.
Truong sa…
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Asher Brown’s parents, who claim school officials ignored their pleas for help, said they hope “justice will be served” by the investigation by the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.
“Once they find out what’s been hidden, we would want the people responsible to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law,” said Asher’s stepfather, David Truong.
Asher shot himself in the head with his stepfather’s handgun on Sept. 23 at his family’s home.
Truong sa…
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(8) The Gay Fucking Fucky Pride Show Coming Out Stories
Adam & Andrews Tatu parody ‘I’m a Lesbian,’ My software ate the real show so here’s the fake one , Bickering lezzies, Gay Pride but not in Miami, I need to get Bucked?, Coming out stories, Really bad greaseball accents, Shout outs!
In the Pit
Look out…. for BEARQUAKE 2010
Get ready for BearQuake 2010! I don’t know if that means they’ll be shaking, rocking or rolling but the Southern California Bear Club Alliance wants to welcome all their hirsute brothers, their chasers and maybe a few sisters to San Diego for “Cirque De L’Ours” on the weekend of October 14-17. This means you have approximately three weeks to grow your beard, chest and back hair so you too can be “without the trappings”. Bear events are still some of my favorites because of the names they come up with (bears can insert the word “bear” anyplace and have a jolly good time) and more importantly because there is food, everywhere!
“Cirque De L’Ours” is hosted by Bears San Diego and Bears L…
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Get ready for BearQuake 2010! I don’t know if that means they’ll be shaking, rocking or rolling but the Southern California Bear Club Alliance wants to welcome all their hirsute brothers, their chasers and maybe a few sisters to San Diego for “Cirque De L’Ours” on the weekend of October 14-17. This means you have approximately three weeks to grow your beard, chest and back hair so you too can be “without the trappings”. Bear events are still some of my favorites because of the names they come up with (bears can insert the word “bear” anyplace and have a jolly good time) and more importantly because there is food, everywhere!
“Cirque De L’Ours” is hosted by Bears San Diego and Bears L…
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What Friends Can't Possibly Know
The ProblemI had dinner with a friend last week. She was sharing with me how she felt this amazing, unexplainable connection with her ex. They had gone their separate ways and dated other people. They recently ran into each other and reconnected. They talked and the spark was still there. They both felt it and began to discuss the possibility of a reconciliation. The problem, however, was that they had gotten together and broken up so many times that their friends were discouraging any type of communication between them and would never support another reconciliation.Been There, Done That I listened with interest because I know what that feels like. I was crazy in love with my ex and when she left our marriage, my family and friends suffered along with me. -My daughter saw me break down and cry more in those first 2 weeks than she had in her entire life. -I sat in my friend Gina's car asking, through tears, what else could I have done to make her happy? -Night-owl, Donna, got 3am texts from me asking her to tell me what she did to deal with it when she went through it. -Pals Kelly & Karen took me for more than a few margaritas to coach me through the first broken heart of my life (at age 42). -My parents were as sad as I was because they loved her like a daughter. It was horrible for me, but also really bad for those who loved me. When my ex returned and wanted to try again, most of my friends were skeptical but sort of left the ball in my court to decide. After my ex left a second time and the break up was the ugliest in lesbian history, there was not a single one among them who would have supported our reconciliation.I was torn between: feeling grateful that they helped me to stand strong when I wanted to believe that things would be different if I took her back when she was asking me to AND...feeling annoyed by them for telling me to let her go because they didn't know her like I did. They didn't see her specialness. What they see vs. what they can never know... During a break-up, our friends see us suffer and they hear what we deal with and they get our side of the story. Maybe they will give the other person the benefit of a doubt and assume that you both contributed to the break-up. Either way, they only see a limited perspective.Not only have I had these friends, but I was almost one of them myself. When one of my besties, Ande, had a horrible second break-up, I was tempted to threaten her to not get back with him. But in the end, if it had been possible for them to reconcile and for her to be happy, I wanted that. At the core of it all, I realized that there are things that none of your friends can ever know. Things like:The true depth of the love you hadThe connectedness that you never experienced with anyone beforeThe inside jokes that only they would ever be able to understandThe knowing looks across the roomThe perfect physical intimacy that only comes when you really know someone's body The way that you both know that you know that you were made for each other Friends only know they are sick of hearing about the problems and want to see you happy and not struggling with the same, tired issues that you can't seem to resolve. "What would you think...?"After hearing about this, my friend asked me, point blank, "What would you think if we got back together?"I thought about all of that and then, I said to my friend, "I know what it's like to not only feel, but really know in your heart, that you were meant to be with someone. I support your love. If you both feel it, you owe it to yourselves to try again."She was shocked and moved to tears. "I never get that support from anyone. Thank you."Where is this going? Yes, these two will have to talk about what went wrong and be committed to making changes to avoid those same problems. They will be careful about what they say and do because they have a new perspective of what life was like without each other. I have every confidence that if they can make it, they will. If they are both willing to try and they both feel like they should be together, then we, their friends, should stand by them, cross our fingers and hold our breath. We should add positive energy to their mix and facilitate good communication. We should restrain ourselves from gossip and only put good things out into the universe for them. If the attempt fails, we will hug them, wipe their tears and be sad with them until they are ready to join the land of the living again. If it succeeds, we rejoice with them and take our place on the victory stand with them. We know we had an important role and supporting a love that was meant to be.In the end, if we can't be optimistic about love, what will we ever have to be optimistic about? I believe...
Friday, April 25, 2014
Ellen DeGeneres Sat Here
I was at a garage sale this weekend and came across these chairs. I thought they would be good for my deck. The guy was selling them for $7 each. Way too much. I offered $10 for all four. He countered with $15 and I accepted.As I was getting ready to load the chairs into my car, he told me Ellen DeGeneres sat in one of them. He said he used to work as a waiter at the Heathman, a high-end hotel in Portland. Ellen and Ann Heche were having drinks on the patio and invited him to come back when his shift was over and have a drink. He said Ellen was very nice.I was glad to hear that, but I told him he could keep the Ann Heche chair. Survey Reveals Gay-Friendliness Attitudes of 16 Major U.S. Cities
The popular real estate site has published an interesting survey on its blog, which contains all sorts of great demographic information about the United States, aiming to give a sense of how Americans from all over the country view different aspects of 16 major U.S. cities. Participants in the survey were asked to rate each of the following cities on a scale of 1 to 4 on a bunch of fairly simple but intriguing characteristics - such as cleanliness, hipster appeal, quality of food, attractiveness of both women and men, promiscuity, and several others. The 16 cities in the survey are: Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington DC, New York City, Detroit, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, Phoenix, Miami, Houston, Tampa-St. Petersburg, and Philadelphia....Read Full Post
(72) Master of Intellectassy
Solo Rant. Lots of yelling. Warning: If you are in love with 0bama DO NOT listen to this show and start whining. Just continue shunning us, we love that. Maybe it was the guy who shot the TV at Bristol Palin over Dancing with the Stars who Twittered TLM last night. He tried to school […]
She don't want no shy guy...or like...ANY guy, apparently
Anderson Cooper isn?t the only celebrity to recently come out as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.Diana King, the Jamaican ?reggae-fusion? singer-songwriter, revealed that she was a lesbian in a lengthy Facebook posting late last month.Declared King on her blog: ?I AM A LESBIAN?the answer to my most asked INDIRECT question. I welcome the ?WHO CARES? right now LOL.?Read more at Huffington Post Gay Voices
SNL = Saturday Night's Lesbian?
Congratulations to Kate Mckinnon for being the first openly gay human to be on SNL :) Thank you to my pizza pie Sarah for letting me know!MSN had this to say: "Saturday Night Live" has increased their collection of XX chromosomes by adding Upright Citizen's Brigade sketchtress Kate McKinnon to the show. McKinnon, formerly of LOGO's "Big Gay Sketch Show," becomes the fourth female in the current cast and will make her Studio 8H debut on the April 7, Sofia Vergara-hosted episode. McKinnon has done several UCB solo shows and has cast herself in delightfully demented roles. McKinnon also becomes SNL's first openly lesbian cast member, one who outed herself at a church-sponsored theatre camp. "I was speaking in front of 250 people and thought 'Wouldn't it be wacky if I came out during this speech,'" she told OutImpact. "It was scary but it was fun."She sounds fun. Now if only they could get a black woman on the show, we'd be good!
I've Been Telling Her This for YEARS...
Step 1: Watch the video. Step 2: Listen to the lyrics. Step 3: Imagine my face right now:
Prop 8 defender has lesbian stepdaughter
Charles J. Cooper—the chief legal defender of Proposition 8 for the duration of the Perry case—has an openly gay stepdaughter named Ashley, and Cooper and his wife, Debbie, are helping to plan Ashley's upcoming wedding to her partner of several years, according to LGBT Weekly.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
(23) We?re 1! Let?s Get Serious ?
New Show Post! #23 – We’re 1! Let’s Get Serious … Up Close and Personal with Sandi solo. St. Pats, Elliot Spitz, Courtesans, 1 Year Anniversary Introspection Featuring Music by Natalia Zuckerman in the artists corner: Lesbian Mafia Apparel Voice Mail – 206-984-4093 Happy St. Pats peoples!
(65) ?Outrage? Director Kirby Dick
Interview with prolific filmmaker Kirby Dick on his controversial movie Outrage, which outs closeted gay politicians who vote to pass anti-gay legislation. His film SICK (1997) won the Special Jury Prize at Sundance and the Grand Prize at the Los Angeles Film Festival. Dick also directed the controversial TWIST OF FAITH (2005), a film about […]
Community Profile: HRC is needed more than ever, local activists say
SAN DIEGO ? As a local branch of the nation's largest LGBT civil-rights organization, HRC San Diego is a diverse congregation of volunteers who dedicate their time to amplify the presence of Human Rights Campaign and drive change in our community.
They are a force for positive action ? working toward a society wherein LGBT Americans are able to secure equality and find a welcoming embrace at home and in the community.
HRC has a national vision and a national scope. It is one of the only organizations working to equalize the LGBT rights across the nation, and most recently across borders. But it gets vital support on the local level.
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They are a force for positive action ? working toward a society wherein LGBT Americans are able to secure equality and find a welcoming embrace at home and in the community.
HRC has a national vision and a national scope. It is one of the only organizations working to equalize the LGBT rights across the nation, and most recently across borders. But it gets vital support on the local level.
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I have a confession to make
I have a confession. I hate Johnny Weir. Let me rephrase that…I hated Johnny Weir when he was skating in the Olympics. I cringe watching ice skating because it’s inevitable they’re going to fall and Johnny Weir made me cringe even more with his over the top affects after his routine. In my opinion he […]
The Boy Scouts' decisions only serve to hurt a group of boys who need the values and leadership of someone like Scoutmaster McGrath.
Zach Wahls, executive director of Scouts for Equality, as quoted by Time -More-
Marga?s Humpday News: Castro Naked Guys
More Marga Friends, You’re still here, Yay! It’s been a slow news week. Here’s a little chat about the weather, Inception and Naked Guys in San Francisco. See you next Wednesday!
French Good Bi's...
Here's what I know: I don't know a word of French, but when I learn, I will use this movie as a study aid. And I don't care HOW many times I have to watch it--10...50...hundreds of times--by golly, I WILL learn French! Zut alors!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
(45) Asexual Lesbian
Ordering bibles, Religious blobs, Chat w/Lale re: Rehab, Gays, Marriage, Relationships, Sex, an Asexual phase
Pretty Airplanes
Jes from Dayton Ohio recently contacted me to tell me about an art project she completed. She was invited by the city to cover this model F16 jet with art. Since she is a mosaic artist, this is what she came up with. Jess said:I covered the Jet with stained glass because glass is the most beautiful media in the world ;)I wanted to show a larger range of color and knew that a rainbow would be perfect. The plane is meant to be beautiful more than anything else. I wanted people to want to know what she is all about. A beautiful sculpture that says I'm proud to be gay and in the military. I hope this Rainbow F16 serves as a reminder that we need to defeat the BAN on gay men and women serving our country. Equality is beautiful.Jes's plane will be on display in a bank in Dayton, Ohio. Thanks for sharing Jes!
Study: Gay, Lesbian Parents Still Face Bias in Custody Disputes
Judges and psychologists often ignore research that shows gay and lesbian parents to be as fit as straight ones, notes a new Drexel University study.
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NOW praises U.S. Senate for confirming Janet Yellen to Chair the Federal Reserve U.S. Senate today made history by voting to confirm Janet Yellen as Chair of the Federal Reserve. Practically one hundred years to the day from when the Federal Reserve was created, the central bank finally has its first woman president. It's about time.
Elton John honors Knuckles; Matt Bomer's married
After the sudden death of house-music pioneer Frankie Knuckles last month, the Elton John AIDS Foundation announced it is creating the Frankie Knuckles Fund to help charities working with men at high risk of HIV in Africa, as well as African communities in the U.K. and the U.S., according to According to the foundation, Black men remain at a very high risk of HIV, and are 40 percent more likely than white males to be diagnosed with HIV at a later stage.
(31) But Do You Have Gas?
Fill-er-Up, Stem Cells, Where In The World Are Our Senators?, St. Clare’s the Molesters, Andy Can Kiss What I Twist and I Don’t Mean My Wrist, Schools Out, Sinus Dreams, Out With The Netti-Pot and In with Hydro Pulse …
The Dinah 2011: Day 3
They're here, they're queer, and you might just react with fear. Videos of 10,000 lesbians in the desert.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
(62) Intrvw w/ Playboy Bunny Stephanie Adams
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Out and About
Thursday, Sept. 16
Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Groom at Diversionary Theatre 4545 Park Boulevard Sept. 16th–19th; Thursday at 7 $24 in advance, Fri & Sat 7:30 $29 in advance, Sun at 2 also $29. Discounts available for seniors 60+, students, military, and groups of 10+. For more info to to make reservations call the box office at 619-220-0097 or go to
Friday, September 17
Jennifer Knapp – Jennifer Knapp will be performing at the Anthology in San Diego on Friday, September 17th at 7:30 p.m. Jennifer Knapp is an American-Australian folk rock musician best known for her first hit single “Undo Me” from her 1998 debut album Kansas, and “A Little More” from her 2000 Grammy Award-nominated album Lay It…
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Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Groom at Diversionary Theatre 4545 Park Boulevard Sept. 16th–19th; Thursday at 7 $24 in advance, Fri & Sat 7:30 $29 in advance, Sun at 2 also $29. Discounts available for seniors 60+, students, military, and groups of 10+. For more info to to make reservations call the box office at 619-220-0097 or go to
Friday, September 17
Jennifer Knapp – Jennifer Knapp will be performing at the Anthology in San Diego on Friday, September 17th at 7:30 p.m. Jennifer Knapp is an American-Australian folk rock musician best known for her first hit single “Undo Me” from her 1998 debut album Kansas, and “A Little More” from her 2000 Grammy Award-nominated album Lay It…
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(25) The Pope Show & Debbie Gibson
The Pope reps in NYC, The Pope-mobile, Pope apologies, The Pope on Evil Eve, The Pope, Pope and more Pope ….
A Bit About Losers
Success isn't hard to come by.A winning attitude, a strong work ethic and the ability to stay focused are really all it takes.For some people, this simple recipe is nearly impossible to do. They start looking at what others have and they feel jealous and insecure about their own lives.Instead of staying focused on making their own lives better and creating success for themselves, they fixate on others who are working hard and staying focused. They may even try to cause them to stumble or get sidetracked in an effort to gain the upper hand.You can always tell a winner by how much they focus on winning as easily as you can identify a loser by how much they focus on the lives of the winners.If you want a life that you can be proud of, stop obsessing over others and appreciate what you have in front of you. Review your goals and start doing things to reach them. Oh, and if your goals are mostly ones where there is a financial benefit and not a personal growth benefit, you are already on the wrong road. Only losers think making a lot of money is what defines you as a winner.ChildrenDo you have good kids? Do they show you love and respect? Are they always in trouble or turmoil because you've been too lazy to parent them?FriendsAre your close friends ones you've had for your whole life or is your circle full of people that you only recently met? Do you spend your spare time gossiping and cutting others down to try to make yourself look bigger or is truth and beauty on your lips? Do you invest your time supporting your friends or are they only around to suit your needs?LoveDo you cycle through romantic partners or are you a person who can be comitted to a relationship? Do you seek to advance your partner, even at a cost to you? Do you have open communication with them or do you only tell them certain things?TimeDo you waste your life away in front of video games or television? Do you share it with others in the community who need your companionship, expertise or labor? How about volunteering - ever make time for that? Or is your spare time only for your entertainment?Discuss... what makes a winner and why are losers so jelly of them?
Woman, Boyfriend Sentenced For Beating Suspected Gay Son To Death
An Oregon woman and her boyfriend were sentenced to prison for fatally beating her 4-year-old son because they suspected the boy might be gay.
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Community News
County wide show of equality for San Diego LGBT Pride’s Equality Torch Relay on October 10
Participants of San Diego LGBT Pride’s second annual Equality Torch Relay will simultaneously deliver the message of LGBT equality to all corners of San Diego County, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Sunday, October 10. Team leaders and participants will carry banners and symbolic torches past dozens of landmarks and government buildings along routes that include San Diego city districts 1 through 8, as well as municipalities in East County, North County and South Bay.
The event culminates with a closing ceremony sponsored by VONS, from 1:30 to 3 p.m., the same day, in The Center’s auditorium, 3909 Centre St. It will feature live entertainment, free refres…
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Participants of San Diego LGBT Pride’s second annual Equality Torch Relay will simultaneously deliver the message of LGBT equality to all corners of San Diego County, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Sunday, October 10. Team leaders and participants will carry banners and symbolic torches past dozens of landmarks and government buildings along routes that include San Diego city districts 1 through 8, as well as municipalities in East County, North County and South Bay.
The event culminates with a closing ceremony sponsored by VONS, from 1:30 to 3 p.m., the same day, in The Center’s auditorium, 3909 Centre St. It will feature live entertainment, free refres…
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Hello and thanks for visiting my semi retired blog. Since April I have been blogging and podcasting on my SNAZZY NEW WEBSITE. Granted I do need to increase my output over there but I just hooked up my wii to … Continue reading →
Monday, April 21, 2014
Frankly speaking: Expert tips to plan your wedding expertly
Requesting the honor of your presence: All about the paper
Queer Comics: Featuring 'Vexed Wisecracker'
This week?s strips include humorous looks at costume parties, trips to the gym, and the post-DOMA dating landscape.
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Have a safe and happy Easter!
The staff members of Hale Media -- San Diego Gay & Lesbian News, SD PIX and GLBT News Network -- wish you a very Happy Easter!
Thank you for supporting our media company and for making SDGLN the most-read LGBT news source in San Diego and Southern California. According to Google Analytics, SDGLN is read in 200 countries and territories around the world and is translated into different languages.
We will be publishing a limited number of stories today on SDGLN and GLBTNN to allow our staff to spend more time with their family and friends.
Thank you for supporting us and making SDGLN the most-read LGBT news source in San Diego and Southern California. We will be publishing a limited number of stories today due to the holiday weekend.
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Thank you for supporting our media company and for making SDGLN the most-read LGBT news source in San Diego and Southern California. According to Google Analytics, SDGLN is read in 200 countries and territories around the world and is translated into different languages.
We will be publishing a limited number of stories today on SDGLN and GLBTNN to allow our staff to spend more time with their family and friends.
Thank you for supporting us and making SDGLN the most-read LGBT news source in San Diego and Southern California. We will be publishing a limited number of stories today due to the holiday weekend.
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Stuff Lesbians Like Part 124: Reply-All-colism
What really makes a lesbian more excited than a paparazzo in room full of Kardashians is when she receives a mass email announcing a night on the town or a house party. This is not because she will get to drink cocktails with her friends and thirty other people she barely knows but pretends to be best friends with. It means that she will be able to solidify her position in the entourage by announcing her presence and expressing her thoughts to a built-in audience by pressing ?reply all.?
Center Stage
Powerful Steps
On Sunday, Sept. 26, our community will come together in a hopeful, beautiful and powerful display of commitment and compassion – AIDS Walk & Run San Diego.
Each year for the last 21 years, our community has worked together to ensure the success of the event and make certain that urgently needed funds are raised for our local HIV/AIDS service organizations.
AIDS Walk continues to be a vitally important source of support for San Diegans impacted by HIV/AIDS. And it happens each year because so many people are willing to help and to give in whatever ways they are able.
On the morning of AIDS Walk, you’ll see the best of San Diego. A diverse lineup of people all committed to supporting people living with HIV/AIDS and who share a common dream …
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On Sunday, Sept. 26, our community will come together in a hopeful, beautiful and powerful display of commitment and compassion – AIDS Walk & Run San Diego.
Each year for the last 21 years, our community has worked together to ensure the success of the event and make certain that urgently needed funds are raised for our local HIV/AIDS service organizations.
AIDS Walk continues to be a vitally important source of support for San Diegans impacted by HIV/AIDS. And it happens each year because so many people are willing to help and to give in whatever ways they are able.
On the morning of AIDS Walk, you’ll see the best of San Diego. A diverse lineup of people all committed to supporting people living with HIV/AIDS and who share a common dream …
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Sunday, April 20, 2014
Portia DeGeneres
Speaking of Ellen, Portia has petitioned the court to legally change her name to Portia Lee James DeGeneres. Apparently, it's her 2nd anniversary gift to El. How sweet is that? People magazine reports that it won't go into affect until the courts will hold a hearing in Sept. Love it.You can read more about it here.
The Case for Janet Yellen Gets Stronger Every Day President Terry O'Neill has a new piece at The Huffington Post on Janet Yellen: "Women, working families, the elderly and everyone struggling in today's economy need an ally at the Fed, not an ambitious insider with a poor record of leadership and independence."
Happy Pride! Also, launch of!
Check out my new website: As you can probably tell, I've been super busy photographing events for a bunch of event promoters and covering the NYC scene and writing recaps for AfterEllen. is an attempt to organize everything into one spot.
German Engineering: disappear fear's SONiA reflects on her experiences in Germany
Sonia Rutstein recently met a man in Germany who inquired about her name.
''Oh, 'Rutstein.' This is a German name. Are you German?'' she recalls the man asking. ''And I said, 'Well, I was once.' And it felt really good to say that, because that's my heritage.''
Germany has also become part of the Jewish-American folk artist's present-day life. ''My friends have been wondering if I'm speaking in German and French yet, because I've spent quite a bit of time now here in Germany and also in France,'' Rutstein says during a recent phone call from, naturally, Germany.
(Photo by Terry Irons)
But Rutstein, who records using just her first name, stylized as ''SONiA,'' is preparing to return to her homeland. The Baltimore native is coming back to promote the new album Broken Film with her band disappear fear – also stylized, but with lower-case letters – including a tour stop at Jammin Java Saturday, April 12. ''Most of the concert will be in English,'' she says, teasing that there ''may be a little in German,'' a language she's currently studying. SONiA will also sing a few songs in Spanish and in Hebrew drawn from her recorded repertoire, featuring lyrics often touching on progressive themes and LGBT rights.
After a few years away, the lesbian artist anticipates returning to this year's LGBT Pride festival circuit. But she only expects to hit one or two events in the U.S. -- which is nothing like the near-omnipresence she had 15 or so years ago. ''I think I did like 20 festivals in one summer,'' she sighs, reminiscing about a year in the late 1990s.
Rutstein's sights these days are mostly on the broader international summer festival circuit, with gigs anticipated at events in the United States and Canada as well as in Europe. She's also finalizing plans to perform at a large gay festival in Germany, where she recently wrapped a string of concerts in conjunction with a music convention.
''Most of my concerts have been sold out, which is so cool,'' she says -- just one among many positive experiences the she's had in the country. ''There's been, absolutely, just complete open-arms welcoming to me. I feel completely embraced.''
disappear fear performs Saturday, April 12, at 7 p.m. Jammin Java, 227 Maple Ave. E., Vienna. Tickets are $18 to $20. Call 703-255-3747 or visit ...more
Sonia Rutstein recently met a man in Germany who inquired about her name.
''Oh, 'Rutstein.' This is a German name. Are you German?'' she recalls the man asking. ''And I said, 'Well, I was once.' And it felt really good to say that, because that's my heritage.''
Germany has also become part of the Jewish-American folk artist's present-day life. ''My friends have been wondering if I'm speaking in German and French yet, because I've spent quite a bit of time now here in Germany and also in France,'' Rutstein says during a recent phone call from, naturally, Germany.
(Photo by Terry Irons)
But Rutstein, who records using just her first name, stylized as ''SONiA,'' is preparing to return to her homeland. The Baltimore native is coming back to promote the new album Broken Film with her band disappear fear – also stylized, but with lower-case letters – including a tour stop at Jammin Java Saturday, April 12. ''Most of the concert will be in English,'' she says, teasing that there ''may be a little in German,'' a language she's currently studying. SONiA will also sing a few songs in Spanish and in Hebrew drawn from her recorded repertoire, featuring lyrics often touching on progressive themes and LGBT rights.
After a few years away, the lesbian artist anticipates returning to this year's LGBT Pride festival circuit. But she only expects to hit one or two events in the U.S. -- which is nothing like the near-omnipresence she had 15 or so years ago. ''I think I did like 20 festivals in one summer,'' she sighs, reminiscing about a year in the late 1990s.
Rutstein's sights these days are mostly on the broader international summer festival circuit, with gigs anticipated at events in the United States and Canada as well as in Europe. She's also finalizing plans to perform at a large gay festival in Germany, where she recently wrapped a string of concerts in conjunction with a music convention.
''Most of my concerts have been sold out, which is so cool,'' she says -- just one among many positive experiences the she's had in the country. ''There's been, absolutely, just complete open-arms welcoming to me. I feel completely embraced.''
disappear fear performs Saturday, April 12, at 7 p.m. Jammin Java, 227 Maple Ave. E., Vienna. Tickets are $18 to $20. Call 703-255-3747 or visit ...more
The Case for Janet Yellen Gets Stronger Every Day President Terry O'Neill has a new piece at The Huffington Post on Janet Yellen: "Women, working families, the elderly and everyone struggling in today's economy need an ally at the Fed, not an ambitious insider with a poor record of leadership and independence."
Saturday, April 19, 2014
A Thought for Food and Friends: A relationship can give you a new family, whether bound by blood or benevolence
Opinion: Roughly 12 years ago, I was toiling on the floor of a pal's dining room, constructing a banner. I'd just begun dating the man I'd eventually marry, and was keeping myself occupied during our first stretch apart since meeting. He was off riding his bike to raise money for Food & Friends, as I slapped together a ''welcome home'' banner with which to greet him on the National Mall. I've never volunteered for Food & Friends myself, but I've certainly married into the family. Working in LGBT media in D.C., there's actually a sort of prohibition against volunteering for them. I'm not supposed to get that involved with organizations I may be reporting on. And, through the years, I've certainly reported on Food & Friends. I toured the Northeast facility shortly after it opened in 2004. I've collected recipes from staff for a feature story. My favorite Food & Friends story is from 2005, when Councilmember David Catania (I-At Large) tapped the organization at a moment's notice to deliver 400 hot meals to the D.C. Armory to feed Hurricane Katrina evacuees. Other stories – not mine – relating to Food & Friends had to do with Pallotta TeamWorks, which managed the ride my now-husband was on when I made his banner. That relationship ended when Pallotta TeamWorks tanked amid criticism of its business model. Food & Friends Executive Director Craig Shniderman has also taken some flak for his $350,000-plus salary. While in my perfect world charities wouldn't be necessary as government would smoothly and efficiently make best use of taxes to eliminate social ills – and, yes, I know perfection does not exist – I don't have any issue with Shniderman's salary. After all, the guy who runs D.C.-based LivingSocial is reportedly worth $180 million, according to Complex. And plenty of starting K Street lobbyists seem to fare at least as well. Feeding about 3,000 clients across 5,300 square miles – give or take – I think Shniderman certainly earns his keep, whether running around 17th Street in drag during Dining Out for Life, recruiting his family to help prepare Food & Friends' Thanksgiving meals, or just steadily growing an organization that is a lifeline to so many in need. ... (more)
(52) Three Legged Lesbians
Donation thank you’s; Multi-Tasking; Stupid Americans; Oxymorons; LoHans Solo 2.0; Odd Couples … and more! Reproduced and renamed song *You’re a Stupid Cunt* by Kiko Lombardi of: Music bed provided by DJ Toni Teresi
POZitively Speaking
According to the Centers for Disease Control data collected in 2007/08 of the estimated number of diagnoses of HIV infection among MEN* in the 37 states with confidential name-based HIV infection, reporting by transmission category MSWM or (men who have sex with men), was 17,758. That’s up from years previous which was 16,992. Although not too much of a difference it seems the message of safe sex is getting out there. Some of the cultural behavior is much harder to break through, for example GLBT people of color lead among new HIV infection cases and in the category among Latinos it was 7,121.
This need for seed, so to speak, seems to be more of a headline grabber or attention getter. A cultural phenomenon is the BUG CHASERS, those from within the …
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This need for seed, so to speak, seems to be more of a headline grabber or attention getter. A cultural phenomenon is the BUG CHASERS, those from within the …
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Lesbian News - 31 Mar 2014
Gay and lesbian marriage celebrations launch at midnight
Like Father, Like Son: Billy Graham's Advice to a Lesbian
Lovers at war over custody of twin girls conceived when one donated her eggs to the other
Lesbian Mums Say Their Son Was Turned Away From Texas Montessori School Because They're Gay
Like Father, Like Son: Billy Graham's Advice to a Lesbian
Lovers at war over custody of twin girls conceived when one donated her eggs to the other
Lesbian Mums Say Their Son Was Turned Away From Texas Montessori School Because They're Gay
Lez in the Dez: Club Skirts the Dinah Brings 20,000 to Palm Springs
The flash of cameras light up the rhinestones on my vintage Studio 54 T-shirt as I skirt the edge of the red carpet at the Palm Springs Convention Center .
Food for Thought
You’re kidding; there IS a pill for THAT?
As the government sets to begin reviews of new diet drugs, American obesity rates are nudging upwards in 28 states over the past year, a new report shows. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention reports that 68% of Americans are considered over weight or obese.
According to Jeff Levi, executive director of the Trust for America’s Health, “Back in 1991, not that long ago, not a single state had an obesity rate above 20 percent. More than two-thirds of states now have adult obesity rates above 25 percent,”
There’s been a dramatic change in a relatively short period.
“Obesity is one of the biggest public health crises in the country,” Levi added. “Rising rates of obesity over past decades is one of the major fa…
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As the government sets to begin reviews of new diet drugs, American obesity rates are nudging upwards in 28 states over the past year, a new report shows. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention reports that 68% of Americans are considered over weight or obese.
According to Jeff Levi, executive director of the Trust for America’s Health, “Back in 1991, not that long ago, not a single state had an obesity rate above 20 percent. More than two-thirds of states now have adult obesity rates above 25 percent,”
There’s been a dramatic change in a relatively short period.
“Obesity is one of the biggest public health crises in the country,” Levi added. “Rising rates of obesity over past decades is one of the major fa…
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THEATER REVIEW: ?To Kill A Mockingbird?
Harper Lee tells us it?s a sin to kill a mockingbird because they cause no harm, but only give pleasure with their song.
Lee?s 1960 classic ?To Kill A Mockingbird? tells the story of two metaphorical mockingbirds harmed by a society rife with prejudice and injustice, wrapped in a story of growing up in the Depression-era South, seen through the eyes of six-year-old Jean Louise ?Scout? Finch (Katelyn Katz) and narrated by the grown-up Jean Louise (Kristianne Kurner).
?To Kill A Mockingbird? plays through May 4 at New Village Arts Theatre, 2787 State St., Carlsbad.
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Lee?s 1960 classic ?To Kill A Mockingbird? tells the story of two metaphorical mockingbirds harmed by a society rife with prejudice and injustice, wrapped in a story of growing up in the Depression-era South, seen through the eyes of six-year-old Jean Louise ?Scout? Finch (Katelyn Katz) and narrated by the grown-up Jean Louise (Kristianne Kurner).
?To Kill A Mockingbird? plays through May 4 at New Village Arts Theatre, 2787 State St., Carlsbad.
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Girls in Wonderland Events - Gay Days at Orlando
Fourteen years ago the girls of Pandora Events created Girls in Wonderland. Gay Days at Disney World is the world's most popular gay and lesbian celebration.
Friday, April 18, 2014
(43A) Interview w/Melissa Ferrick! (Part 1)
**Exclusive Interview w/Melissa Ferrick (Part 1)** Prop 8 Turrets by Yours Truly, Part 1 of an Exclusive 2 Part Interview w/ Out Lesbian Singer/Songwriter, Indie Icon, Melissa Ferrick! We talk New Couches, New Album: Goodbye Youth, Touring w/Ani DiFranco, Relationships, Coming Out and More … FRIEND MELISSA FERRICK: NEW! LISTEN TO THE LESBIAN MAFIA […]
Acting American: ''Spelling Bee'' and ''Hair'' fill their stages with overflowing Americana, from well packaged to beautifully powerful
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee is as American as apple pie -- especially as portrayed in the new production at Ford's Theatre. The musical about contestants and characters at a fictional regional spelling bee is also as American as its producing local theater company, based in the Civil War-era historical venue. Though director Peter Flynn could just as easily have created this for the Walt Disney Company. It's all wholesome, unobjectionable, feel-good fun, with light humor and even lighter drama, hardly any edge and a bit too much charm. Ultimately, if Flynn hadn't done such a sharp job casting a talented crew of local singing actors, there would be little to commend the whole shebang.
Particulary so, given the frequency with which composer/lyricist William Finn and book writer Rachel Sheinkin's musical is staged. You wouldn't know the show registered as barely a blip on Broadway nearly a decade ago, when the original production ran for less than two years. Since then, Spelling Bee has become one of the most produced stage shows in the country, with school theater departments and local theater companies regularly tripping over themselves to offer competing productions in the same market.
Spelling Bee
(Photo by Scott Suchman)
It's easy enough to understand the show's mass appeal, which is not principally the spelling competition itself or even its quirky, colorful cast of characters. No, the gimmick is the ingenious idea of recruiting -- for every show -- four theater patrons to sit for a spell as contestants at the bee. The result is a more engaging show, as each regular-Joe contestant comes in for light, impromptu-style ribbing every time they approach the mike to spell a word. The ribbing comes mostly courtesy of Matthew A. Anderson, playing the sad-sack Vice Principal at the bee's hosting school; and Rachel Zampelli as the competition's stage-mom emcee. Zampelli gives a knockout performance as the sassy but slightly sweet emcee, whose everyday ordinariness transforms into a show-stopping superstar every time Zampelli belts another of her character's big numbers.
The six scripted contestants in the show's competition are a multi-culti mix of American word nerds, filled with quirks and eccentricities far beyond their uniting affinity for orthography. Flynn and veteran Ford's costume designer Wade Laboissonneire hired and attired six adult actors, managing to make them look almost like the teenagers they portray, yet not enough to disguise the sense that awkward adolescents and angsty adults are cut from the same cloth. Among these adult children is a jock-in-development (played by Vincent Kempski) who loses his mojo, and the competition, after the public humiliation of being exposed with tented pants. Naturally, I'm referring to "My Unfortunate Erection" -- though Ford's dumps that original title to his number in favor of "Chip's Lament," and opts for sanitized alternate lyrics too. This dulling of edge is a serious strike against Ford's production, making it safe for Middle America's legion of visiting tourists.
But Kevin McAllister is yet one more reason this cast makes Ford's version worth seeing. The local actor was the secret weapon in Ford's February musical production, Violet, but even those who saw Violet will be again awed by McAllister, an impressively un-showy, power-piped vocalist. The actor takes on two roles here: a minor part as one of the gay stage-dads, which he performs during the rare offstage moments of his primary character, the bee's counselor, a thuggish ex-con. The range he displays here is on a level that is rare -- even unmatched -- around town. McAllister's acting chops are so fine-tuned to character that he pulls off the feat of convincingly playing two diametrical characters here. Now that's a champion.
KEEGAN THEATRE'S CURRENT PRODUCTION OF HAIR also features an acting champion -- specifically the entire ensemble cast of 20-something actors. Surely, many of the 22 singing actors just starting their careers here will become champions -- and stars -- in their own right, but here they're essentially playing older-generation variations of themselves. Where they've succeeded as an ensemble, guided by directors Mark Rhea and Susan Rhea, is in the natural ease and rapport they convey even in the subtlest of gestures, to say nothing of their rich harmonies in song. They're as unified as the show's Vietnam War pothead protesters, and they wholly convince you that this show dating to 1968 still has legs and relevancy today -- and not just because of the incredibly pro-pot sentiments conveyed in James Rado and Gerome Ragni's story and lyrics. The show's themes critiquing faraway wars and exploring teenage angst and listlessness are still common today.
But the best argument for Hair in 2014 is the fact that Galt MacDermot's rock score still moves you. No matter how many times you've heard the song or seen it staged, "Let the Sunshine In" still surprises you with its emotional complexity and power. Musically, it's a force that dawns slowly until it becomes a rallying anthem for the lost. And the whole tribe sings in tear-inducing unison.
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee ( 1/2) runs to May 17 at Ford's Theatre. Tickets are $18 to $52. Call 800-982-2787 or visit Hair () runs to April 27 at Keegan Theatre. Tickets are $37 to $42. Call 703-892-0202 or visit ...more
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee is as American as apple pie -- especially as portrayed in the new production at Ford's Theatre. The musical about contestants and characters at a fictional regional spelling bee is also as American as its producing local theater company, based in the Civil War-era historical venue. Though director Peter Flynn could just as easily have created this for the Walt Disney Company. It's all wholesome, unobjectionable, feel-good fun, with light humor and even lighter drama, hardly any edge and a bit too much charm. Ultimately, if Flynn hadn't done such a sharp job casting a talented crew of local singing actors, there would be little to commend the whole shebang.
Particulary so, given the frequency with which composer/lyricist William Finn and book writer Rachel Sheinkin's musical is staged. You wouldn't know the show registered as barely a blip on Broadway nearly a decade ago, when the original production ran for less than two years. Since then, Spelling Bee has become one of the most produced stage shows in the country, with school theater departments and local theater companies regularly tripping over themselves to offer competing productions in the same market.
Spelling Bee
(Photo by Scott Suchman)
It's easy enough to understand the show's mass appeal, which is not principally the spelling competition itself or even its quirky, colorful cast of characters. No, the gimmick is the ingenious idea of recruiting -- for every show -- four theater patrons to sit for a spell as contestants at the bee. The result is a more engaging show, as each regular-Joe contestant comes in for light, impromptu-style ribbing every time they approach the mike to spell a word. The ribbing comes mostly courtesy of Matthew A. Anderson, playing the sad-sack Vice Principal at the bee's hosting school; and Rachel Zampelli as the competition's stage-mom emcee. Zampelli gives a knockout performance as the sassy but slightly sweet emcee, whose everyday ordinariness transforms into a show-stopping superstar every time Zampelli belts another of her character's big numbers.
The six scripted contestants in the show's competition are a multi-culti mix of American word nerds, filled with quirks and eccentricities far beyond their uniting affinity for orthography. Flynn and veteran Ford's costume designer Wade Laboissonneire hired and attired six adult actors, managing to make them look almost like the teenagers they portray, yet not enough to disguise the sense that awkward adolescents and angsty adults are cut from the same cloth. Among these adult children is a jock-in-development (played by Vincent Kempski) who loses his mojo, and the competition, after the public humiliation of being exposed with tented pants. Naturally, I'm referring to "My Unfortunate Erection" -- though Ford's dumps that original title to his number in favor of "Chip's Lament," and opts for sanitized alternate lyrics too. This dulling of edge is a serious strike against Ford's production, making it safe for Middle America's legion of visiting tourists.
But Kevin McAllister is yet one more reason this cast makes Ford's version worth seeing. The local actor was the secret weapon in Ford's February musical production, Violet, but even those who saw Violet will be again awed by McAllister, an impressively un-showy, power-piped vocalist. The actor takes on two roles here: a minor part as one of the gay stage-dads, which he performs during the rare offstage moments of his primary character, the bee's counselor, a thuggish ex-con. The range he displays here is on a level that is rare -- even unmatched -- around town. McAllister's acting chops are so fine-tuned to character that he pulls off the feat of convincingly playing two diametrical characters here. Now that's a champion.
KEEGAN THEATRE'S CURRENT PRODUCTION OF HAIR also features an acting champion -- specifically the entire ensemble cast of 20-something actors. Surely, many of the 22 singing actors just starting their careers here will become champions -- and stars -- in their own right, but here they're essentially playing older-generation variations of themselves. Where they've succeeded as an ensemble, guided by directors Mark Rhea and Susan Rhea, is in the natural ease and rapport they convey even in the subtlest of gestures, to say nothing of their rich harmonies in song. They're as unified as the show's Vietnam War pothead protesters, and they wholly convince you that this show dating to 1968 still has legs and relevancy today -- and not just because of the incredibly pro-pot sentiments conveyed in James Rado and Gerome Ragni's story and lyrics. The show's themes critiquing faraway wars and exploring teenage angst and listlessness are still common today.
But the best argument for Hair in 2014 is the fact that Galt MacDermot's rock score still moves you. No matter how many times you've heard the song or seen it staged, "Let the Sunshine In" still surprises you with its emotional complexity and power. Musically, it's a force that dawns slowly until it becomes a rallying anthem for the lost. And the whole tribe sings in tear-inducing unison.
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee ( 1/2) runs to May 17 at Ford's Theatre. Tickets are $18 to $52. Call 800-982-2787 or visit Hair () runs to April 27 at Keegan Theatre. Tickets are $37 to $42. Call 703-892-0202 or visit ...more
French Good Bi's...
Here's what I know: I don't know a word of French, but when I learn, I will use this movie as a study aid. And I don't care HOW many times I have to watch it--10...50...hundreds of times--by golly, I WILL learn French! Zut alors!
My favorite time of year?
The month of May is a time for celebration, a time for titillation, a time for good vibrations…it is National Masturbation Month! To me, this is like Christmas with a gift that I keep giving to myself! National Masturbation Month … Continue reading →
Gay Pets and Big Discount
Hello Readers, I have missed you so much. I’ve been spending time on my new website I started a blog there but I have a dilemma since that is my professional website and I’m not sure how outspoken I ought … Continue reading →
Mom shoots boyfriend's partner, claims violent man
The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs NCAVP has learned about the homicide of Jamie Johnson, age 36, in Pickens County, Alabama.
Stuff Lesbians Like Part 124: Reply-All-colism
What really makes a lesbian more excited than a paparazzo in room full of Kardashians is when she receives a mass email announcing a night on the town or a house party. This is not because she will get to drink cocktails with her friends and thirty other people she barely knows but pretends to be best friends with. It means that she will be able to solidify her position in the entourage by announcing her presence and expressing her thoughts to a built-in audience by pressing ?reply all.?
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Real Estate News
Big bad banks and foreclosure
A teeny bit of prime Palm Springs real estate became the proud recipient of a “star” bearing the name of Carol Channing this past Saturday. ARG Abbott Realty Group Realtor Dan Larson and husband Nick Weitzel arranged for a group of us including Dan’s mom Lily to be present when Channing showed up to accept the accolade for her contributions to the arts. She showed up in a white Rolls Royce with husband Harry Kullijian and a crowd of several hundred that backed up cars on Palm Canyon Drive for a half-mile. Carol can still stop traffic! Channing who looked amazing in her silver au-natural coif broke into song as she made a pitch for expanded (hell, hows’about some?) arts programs in our public schools. She could not have…
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A teeny bit of prime Palm Springs real estate became the proud recipient of a “star” bearing the name of Carol Channing this past Saturday. ARG Abbott Realty Group Realtor Dan Larson and husband Nick Weitzel arranged for a group of us including Dan’s mom Lily to be present when Channing showed up to accept the accolade for her contributions to the arts. She showed up in a white Rolls Royce with husband Harry Kullijian and a crowd of several hundred that backed up cars on Palm Canyon Drive for a half-mile. Carol can still stop traffic! Channing who looked amazing in her silver au-natural coif broke into song as she made a pitch for expanded (hell, hows’about some?) arts programs in our public schools. She could not have…
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Trigger Meets Tatooine: Town welcomes cowboys, drag queens and sci-fi geeks for a little bit of country and a whole lot of comedy
Where have all the cowboys gone?
Would you believe, Paula Cole, to Town? In fact, this Saturday, Town welcomes cowboys, drag queens and geeks -- oh, my!
"I'm hoping that people in the local community will realize that LGBT country dancers are alive and well," says Cullen Ruff, a member of the DC Rawhides. After a couple years in the church hall at Dupont Circle's Church of the Pilgrims, this country-western dance group christens the large second floor of Town Danceboutique as its new home, every other week starting this Saturday, April 19. It'll also be the first Saturday since the closure of Remingtons, D.C.'s longstanding LGBT country-western venue that had fallen on hard times. "When Remingtons was drawing bigger crowds," Ruff recalls fondly, "it was a popular place not only for the dancing, but for meeting people in a setting where you felt like you could talk to people. Very relaxed. You didn't find a lot of attitude there."
The DC Rawhides aim to continue that tradition at Town with a party dubbed Town & Country. The hoedown starts with dance lessons at 7 p.m., then runs through to 10:30 when the second floor transitions from mostly country music to Town's regular EDM/club music and dancing that's a bit more individual and freestyle.
"I think it will appeal to a broader range of people, even people who don't think they like country music," Ruff says of Town & Country. He notes that about a quarter of the music played will be pop/club hits, to accompany some of the choreographed line dances and even a few couples dances. "The thing about social dancing," he says, "is that there's much more of a camaraderie with this than your average disco or club-type dancing. You connect with people more."
And those who don't know how to do social dancing needn't worry, even if they miss the hour-long lessons before each event. "We have people, we see ourselves as 'dance angels,'" promises Ruff, "who want to make sure we go introduce ourselves to people who may be new and to help them practice their step until they're comfortable doing this on their own."
There's plenty more, however, to top this Saturday at Town. Starting at 10:30 p.m., both floors will serve as a themed party inspired by Awesome-Con, the annual event at the Washington Convention Center that draws in science fiction, fantasy and comic lovers by the thousands. Town is calling this night devoted to cheeky geekdom "Star Whores: The Empire's Got Back."
"There are a few official after-parties during Awesome-Con at straight clubs," says Town's Ed Bailey. "But as far as I know, we're the only gay place that's even kind of recognizing that it's going on."
DJ Hector Fonseca will spin his usual electro/tribal/EDM music, which can be occasionally spooky and no doubt a bit loopy or out-there for some, while Kid Madonny will dress up the club in sci-fi-themed decor. The weekly first-floor drag show will find Lena Lett, Shiqueeta Lee and Ba'Naka leading the drag cast performing scary pop-culture spoofs as well as inevitably competing for the crown: "Biggest Star Whore of Them All!"
Town & Country is Saturday, April 19, with lessons starting at 7 p.m., then dancing until 10:30 p.m., when Star Whores takes over at Town Danceboutique, 2009 8th NW. Cover is $5 for the whole night including Town & Country, or $8 10 to 11 p.m., $12 after. 21 and older. Call 202-234-TOWN or visit ...more
Where have all the cowboys gone?
Would you believe, Paula Cole, to Town? In fact, this Saturday, Town welcomes cowboys, drag queens and geeks -- oh, my!
"I'm hoping that people in the local community will realize that LGBT country dancers are alive and well," says Cullen Ruff, a member of the DC Rawhides. After a couple years in the church hall at Dupont Circle's Church of the Pilgrims, this country-western dance group christens the large second floor of Town Danceboutique as its new home, every other week starting this Saturday, April 19. It'll also be the first Saturday since the closure of Remingtons, D.C.'s longstanding LGBT country-western venue that had fallen on hard times. "When Remingtons was drawing bigger crowds," Ruff recalls fondly, "it was a popular place not only for the dancing, but for meeting people in a setting where you felt like you could talk to people. Very relaxed. You didn't find a lot of attitude there."
The DC Rawhides aim to continue that tradition at Town with a party dubbed Town & Country. The hoedown starts with dance lessons at 7 p.m., then runs through to 10:30 when the second floor transitions from mostly country music to Town's regular EDM/club music and dancing that's a bit more individual and freestyle.
"I think it will appeal to a broader range of people, even people who don't think they like country music," Ruff says of Town & Country. He notes that about a quarter of the music played will be pop/club hits, to accompany some of the choreographed line dances and even a few couples dances. "The thing about social dancing," he says, "is that there's much more of a camaraderie with this than your average disco or club-type dancing. You connect with people more."
And those who don't know how to do social dancing needn't worry, even if they miss the hour-long lessons before each event. "We have people, we see ourselves as 'dance angels,'" promises Ruff, "who want to make sure we go introduce ourselves to people who may be new and to help them practice their step until they're comfortable doing this on their own."
There's plenty more, however, to top this Saturday at Town. Starting at 10:30 p.m., both floors will serve as a themed party inspired by Awesome-Con, the annual event at the Washington Convention Center that draws in science fiction, fantasy and comic lovers by the thousands. Town is calling this night devoted to cheeky geekdom "Star Whores: The Empire's Got Back."
"There are a few official after-parties during Awesome-Con at straight clubs," says Town's Ed Bailey. "But as far as I know, we're the only gay place that's even kind of recognizing that it's going on."
DJ Hector Fonseca will spin his usual electro/tribal/EDM music, which can be occasionally spooky and no doubt a bit loopy or out-there for some, while Kid Madonny will dress up the club in sci-fi-themed decor. The weekly first-floor drag show will find Lena Lett, Shiqueeta Lee and Ba'Naka leading the drag cast performing scary pop-culture spoofs as well as inevitably competing for the crown: "Biggest Star Whore of Them All!"
Town & Country is Saturday, April 19, with lessons starting at 7 p.m., then dancing until 10:30 p.m., when Star Whores takes over at Town Danceboutique, 2009 8th NW. Cover is $5 for the whole night including Town & Country, or $8 10 to 11 p.m., $12 after. 21 and older. Call 202-234-TOWN or visit ...more
Lesbianography: Lesbians and Sex, Out at CHM May 8
CHICAGO April 17, 2014 — The Chicago History Museum will conclude its eleventh season of the LGBT program series Out at CHM withLesbianography: Lesbians and Sex on Thursday, May 8. Scholars Juana MarÃ�a RodrÃ�guez of UC Berkeley and LaMonda Horton-Stallings of IU Bloomington will lead a provocative discussion of lesbian identity, intersections of race and sexuality, and gender borders in the Chicago History Museum's Chicago Room.
(1) Am I Offensive to Bisexuals?
� First show, cut me some slack bishes. Give it a few seconds to start.
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