Saturday, May 31, 2014
What to Watch Weekend 5/30-6/1: Watch the premiere of 'Sing Your Face Off' with John Barrowman
This weekend catch the premiere of Sing Your Face Off; plus all new episodes of Say Yes to the Dress, Orphan Black, In the Flesh and Game of Thrones.
What to Watch: Friday, May 30
9:00pm: Say Yes to the Dress, TLC (1 hr) NEW
Randy helps a bride reclaim control of her dream Indian wedding from her mother.
What to Watch: Saturday, May 31
9:00pm: Orphan Black, BBC America (1 hr) NEW
Cosima and Delphine have a disagreement and an acquaintance from rehab may reveal Allison's murder of Aynsley when the clones meet to fix a fallout on Family Day.
9:00pm: Sing Your Face Off, ABC (2 hr) PREMIERE
Sing Your Face Off is a talent competition where celebrities compete by performing and impersonating a famous musical icon. The celebrities competing this week are Sebastian Bach, Landry Fields, Jon Lovitz, China Anne McClain and Lisa Rinna, judges include John Barrowman, Debbie Gibson and Darrel Hammond.
11:00pm: In the Flesh, BBC America (1 hr) NEW
Kieren is feeling guilty for seeing Simon without letting Amy know. Council member Philip doubts Maxine's politics, so she contrives a way to bring him down.
What to Watch: Sunday, June 1
9:00 pm: Game of Thrones, HBO (1 hr) NEW
Mole's Town gets an unexpected visit. Meanwhile, Ramsay is trying to gain respect from his father. Tyrion's destiny is resolved, and Littlefinger's intentions are challenged.
This morning and afternoon,�check your local listings for information about�Ellen,�The Talk�(CBS), The Gossip Table (VH1) and�The Chew�(ABC). Soap operas Days of Our Lives�on NBC and General Hospital on ABC (check local listings for time) both feature out characters.
About What to Watch on TV
Grab the remote or set your DVR!�GLAAD�brings you the most up-to-date listing of LGBT content on television every weekday. Check�GLAAD Blog�for daily What to Watch on TV posts!
About GLAADGLAAD amplifies the voice of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community by empowering real people to share their stories, holding the media accountable for the words and images they present, and helping grassroots organizations communicate effectively. By ensuring that the stories of LGBT people are heard through the media, GLAAD promotes understanding, increases acceptance, and advances equality. For more information, see�,�,��and�
May 30, 2014
What to Watch on TV
What to Watch: Friday, May 30
9:00pm: Say Yes to the Dress, TLC (1 hr) NEW
Randy helps a bride reclaim control of her dream Indian wedding from her mother.
What to Watch: Saturday, May 31
9:00pm: Orphan Black, BBC America (1 hr) NEW
Cosima and Delphine have a disagreement and an acquaintance from rehab may reveal Allison's murder of Aynsley when the clones meet to fix a fallout on Family Day.
9:00pm: Sing Your Face Off, ABC (2 hr) PREMIERE
Sing Your Face Off is a talent competition where celebrities compete by performing and impersonating a famous musical icon. The celebrities competing this week are Sebastian Bach, Landry Fields, Jon Lovitz, China Anne McClain and Lisa Rinna, judges include John Barrowman, Debbie Gibson and Darrel Hammond.
11:00pm: In the Flesh, BBC America (1 hr) NEW
Kieren is feeling guilty for seeing Simon without letting Amy know. Council member Philip doubts Maxine's politics, so she contrives a way to bring him down.
What to Watch: Sunday, June 1
9:00 pm: Game of Thrones, HBO (1 hr) NEW
Mole's Town gets an unexpected visit. Meanwhile, Ramsay is trying to gain respect from his father. Tyrion's destiny is resolved, and Littlefinger's intentions are challenged.
This morning and afternoon,�check your local listings for information about�Ellen,�The Talk�(CBS), The Gossip Table (VH1) and�The Chew�(ABC). Soap operas Days of Our Lives�on NBC and General Hospital on ABC (check local listings for time) both feature out characters.
About What to Watch on TV
Grab the remote or set your DVR!�GLAAD�brings you the most up-to-date listing of LGBT content on television every weekday. Check�GLAAD Blog�for daily What to Watch on TV posts!
About GLAADGLAAD amplifies the voice of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community by empowering real people to share their stories, holding the media accountable for the words and images they present, and helping grassroots organizations communicate effectively. By ensuring that the stories of LGBT people are heard through the media, GLAAD promotes understanding, increases acceptance, and advances equality. For more information, see�,�,��and�
May 30, 2014
What to Watch on TV
Hillsborough, NC (02-26-14) --, the gay male retail division of, and Lost Story Studios have joined forces to auction off a one-of-a-kind, original work of art with all proceeds going to Carolina Regional AIDS Interfaith Network. "We are so happy to be able to give something back to the LGBT community that supports us," says AdamMale employee Bobby Stone.
Cuban physician Alberto Roque in SF to talk of gay issues
I'm openly gay. I live with my partner of 15 years. I was chief of the ER at my hospital in Havana, and I didn't have problems being open.
Last Chance to Win a Fabulous Trip To NYC Pride
This weekend is the last chance to enter The Our Time to Shine Contest, which offers a fabulous trip to New York City's Pride festivities for the winner and two friends.
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(74) Are Women The Inferior Sex?
20 minute monologue, a message to 2030, crazies, gay male sexist oppressors, tackling the tough questions on woman-haters and why they have no b@lls, Hollywood crap movies, then Lale calls in and we talk Giffords, fire arms and Jersey Shore. blogs referenced Why we have too few women leaders LGBT and Liberal Feminist Hypocrisy […]
THEATER REVIEW: ?The Book Of Mormon?
You?ve seen these guys before, probably at your door, in suits and ties and clutching a book.
They?re Mormons, and one requirement of membership is to recruit new church members. At 19, they must spend two years in the field doing just that.
If you?re wondering what that?s like, the creators of ?South Park? (Trey Parker and Matt Stone) and ?Avenue Q? (Robert Lopez) are here to tell you. They?ve joined forces on ?The Book Of Mormon,? which hilariously skewers the religion and its missionary efforts.
?The Book Of Mormon? plays through June 8 at San Diego Civic Theatre, Third and B Streets, downtown.
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They?re Mormons, and one requirement of membership is to recruit new church members. At 19, they must spend two years in the field doing just that.
If you?re wondering what that?s like, the creators of ?South Park? (Trey Parker and Matt Stone) and ?Avenue Q? (Robert Lopez) are here to tell you. They?ve joined forces on ?The Book Of Mormon,? which hilariously skewers the religion and its missionary efforts.
?The Book Of Mormon? plays through June 8 at San Diego Civic Theatre, Third and B Streets, downtown.
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'Duck Dynasty' Star to Speak at Republican Leadership Conference
Phil Robertson, the reality TV star whose racist and homophobic comments ignited a firestorm of controversy in December, has been chosen to address the 2014 Republican Leadership Conference.
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Friday, May 30, 2014
Seasonal Change: Reflecting on 17 years of Metro Weekly highlights how much our LGBT community has changed and what remains to be done
While next week may be the official 17th anniversary of Metro Weekly, this week actually marks the 17th year of working on the magazine. It did, after all, take a few days to turn the idea into a printed reality.
I've always felt our springtime anniversary was fitting, in a Hallmark kind of way, given that the season is one of renewal and growth. And the magazine has certainly renewed itself and grown over the years. Looking back at our earliest issues for me is a bit like looking back at my high school yearbook pictures — recognizable, but very different.
We all, I hope, change with our times. I know that it isn't just Metro Weekly that's grown and changed since 1994 – I've grown and changed right along with it, just as our entire LGBT community has. I'm old enough now to be able to discern how much things can change over a larger span of time, and how far we've all come in the past three decades simply amazes me.
Because I was a freelancer for Metro Weekly back in 1994, I also had a day job as an HIV prevention educator at Whitman-Walker Clinic. Like everyone at the clinic in those days, I wore multiple hats — my favorite to recall is that I had a business card identifying me as the ''Male Sex Industry Project Coordinator,'' a wonderfully provocative job title for a rather staid city like D.C. Regardless of which title or hat I wore, though, I considered myself lucky to be able to spend my days (and plenty of nights) working to help my community.
While it's been almost 16 years since I left the clinic, I still have a bit of a soft spot for it. And I'll admit that when I first heard Whitman-Walker was changing its name — dropping the ''Clinic'' to become ''Whitman-Walker Health'' — I had a moment of oddly proprietary shock. How can you change something that's been a part of the community for so long?
The shock didn't last long, because I could answer the question myself. Times, people, organizations – they all grow and change. The changes at Whitman-Walker have been ongoing. I still heave a little sigh of nostalgia when I walk past the 14th and S Streets location where the clinic was once headquartered. But given that it started life as the Gay Men's VD Clinic, grew into one of the nation's largest HIV treatment and prevention centers, and took on broader roles in promoting LGBT health, change isn't unfamiliar for Whitman-Walker. So, despite that initial reaction, I'm happy to see Whitman-Walker — which has gone through its share of struggles — moving forward with our community.
Despite the changes and achievements we've seen on LGBT equality, we do have to remember that things aren't always peachy. Lawmakers still use us as political bait, HIV/AIDS still claims too many of our own, violence lurks for too many of our most vulnerable. While 17 years may give some historical perspective on where we are, what we've done in the past is less important than what we plan to do in the future. I'm looking forward to many more years of telling our community's stories and, I hope, helping make our community stronger, safer and equal.
I can't wait to see where we are in another 17 years.
Email Sean Bugg at
and follow him on Twitter at @seanbugg. ...more
While next week may be the official 17th anniversary of Metro Weekly, this week actually marks the 17th year of working on the magazine. It did, after all, take a few days to turn the idea into a printed reality.
I've always felt our springtime anniversary was fitting, in a Hallmark kind of way, given that the season is one of renewal and growth. And the magazine has certainly renewed itself and grown over the years. Looking back at our earliest issues for me is a bit like looking back at my high school yearbook pictures — recognizable, but very different.
We all, I hope, change with our times. I know that it isn't just Metro Weekly that's grown and changed since 1994 – I've grown and changed right along with it, just as our entire LGBT community has. I'm old enough now to be able to discern how much things can change over a larger span of time, and how far we've all come in the past three decades simply amazes me.
Because I was a freelancer for Metro Weekly back in 1994, I also had a day job as an HIV prevention educator at Whitman-Walker Clinic. Like everyone at the clinic in those days, I wore multiple hats — my favorite to recall is that I had a business card identifying me as the ''Male Sex Industry Project Coordinator,'' a wonderfully provocative job title for a rather staid city like D.C. Regardless of which title or hat I wore, though, I considered myself lucky to be able to spend my days (and plenty of nights) working to help my community.
While it's been almost 16 years since I left the clinic, I still have a bit of a soft spot for it. And I'll admit that when I first heard Whitman-Walker was changing its name — dropping the ''Clinic'' to become ''Whitman-Walker Health'' — I had a moment of oddly proprietary shock. How can you change something that's been a part of the community for so long?
The shock didn't last long, because I could answer the question myself. Times, people, organizations – they all grow and change. The changes at Whitman-Walker have been ongoing. I still heave a little sigh of nostalgia when I walk past the 14th and S Streets location where the clinic was once headquartered. But given that it started life as the Gay Men's VD Clinic, grew into one of the nation's largest HIV treatment and prevention centers, and took on broader roles in promoting LGBT health, change isn't unfamiliar for Whitman-Walker. So, despite that initial reaction, I'm happy to see Whitman-Walker — which has gone through its share of struggles — moving forward with our community.
Despite the changes and achievements we've seen on LGBT equality, we do have to remember that things aren't always peachy. Lawmakers still use us as political bait, HIV/AIDS still claims too many of our own, violence lurks for too many of our most vulnerable. While 17 years may give some historical perspective on where we are, what we've done in the past is less important than what we plan to do in the future. I'm looking forward to many more years of telling our community's stories and, I hope, helping make our community stronger, safer and equal.
I can't wait to see where we are in another 17 years.
Email Sean Bugg at
and follow him on Twitter at @seanbugg. ...more
(4) PMS and Worst Psycho Lesbian Stories Revealed
pms, weapon weilding mattress stabbing, gas station fights, holes in walls, head banging stalkers, bottle dodging, and flying chairs …
Florida Official: Gay Marriage Would Cause Harm
The attorney general of Florida says in court documents that recognizing same sex marriages performed in other states would disrupt existing marriage laws and "impose significant public harm."
(14) Halloween Swinging! (1hr)
Questionable prank; Alix Olson?s, ?Cute For a Girl;? Lale complains about the prank, Some talk about swingers, Brit catches one of Tila Tequila’s TV suitors out at the local Halloween party, Loa sings ABBA and inhales second hand maryjane, Shelzy apparently wears too much costume at her local Halloween party
(42) A Frannie & Freddie Halloween
A Bi’s Revenge, Battle Weary Rant, Cinnamon Buns, Hairy Legs, Women & Guns, Wall Street Perps … NEW! LISTEN TO THE LESBIAN MAFIA ON YOUR PHONE 651-925-1610 Listener Voice Mail – 206-984-4093 Lesbian Mafia Apparel:
how to tell my masculine girlfriend that i like femme presentation?
how to tell my masculine girlfriend that i like femme presentation? I'm a woman who's been dating a great girl for about 6 months. I like her a lot and can see a great life with her however she is more masculine that i prefer. she's stated a number of times that she will dress more femme and states that she has, though not all the time. this has become an issue for me b/c no matter how i try to talk myself out of it (i know it's a social construct), i'm not sexually/physically turned on by this presentation.
I'm a bit resentful b/c i feel a bit led on by her comments like "if you're supportive, i'll dress more femme." i asked her what would be supportive and she said to be complimentary. this is not difficult b/c she has an amazing body and i fawn all over her for it.
her lack of putting on a pair of heels, wearing something other than a sports bra, her defensiveness despite her desire to wear femme stuff lets me know that this is a sensitive subject.
she wants to know about what my hesitation is and i want to tell her in ways that don't hurt her feelings. i wanna say masculine presentation does nothing for me sexually. i wanna say i need to see the softer girlier side sometimes (even though i'd prefer it 24/7). i wanna say that femme presentation allows me to express a diff side of me as well.
idk if it matters but i have a more femme presentation.
any suggestions on how to talk about this?
I'm a bit resentful b/c i feel a bit led on by her comments like "if you're supportive, i'll dress more femme." i asked her what would be supportive and she said to be complimentary. this is not difficult b/c she has an amazing body and i fawn all over her for it.
her lack of putting on a pair of heels, wearing something other than a sports bra, her defensiveness despite her desire to wear femme stuff lets me know that this is a sensitive subject.
she wants to know about what my hesitation is and i want to tell her in ways that don't hurt her feelings. i wanna say masculine presentation does nothing for me sexually. i wanna say i need to see the softer girlier side sometimes (even though i'd prefer it 24/7). i wanna say that femme presentation allows me to express a diff side of me as well.
idk if it matters but i have a more femme presentation.
any suggestions on how to talk about this?
Thursday, May 29, 2014
(53) Skeleton Closet Confessions
8 minute Mash-up, Then Nikki Guest Hosts and says it’s show 54 but don’t listen to her it’s #53; ate mail from God?/Yeshua; Aimless feminists; and answer listener inquiries from show 52 re: (Sandi’s) run in with a past flame’s ex-hubby a few weeks ago and we both confess a few skeletons in our closets […]
Dildo Diaries: The Experience
Ladies, all I can say is "LIFE-CHANGING." I had the most satisfying strap-on sex session I have ever had with our InJoyUs �. Continue reading →
Gay Politics Report will not publish Tuesday
In observance of Memorial Day in the U.S., Gay Politics Report will not be published Tuesday. Publication will resume Friday. -More- Writer, Family Planning 2020 Task Team
United Nations Foundation
United Nations Foundation
Oregon: NOM Asks Supreme Court to Stop Same-Sex Marriages
The National Organization for Marriage has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to halt marriages in Oregon while it attempts to continue appealing last week's decision.
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Community News
Get ready Hillcrest, to have your world rocked with delicious food
and entertainment!
Eden, the enlightened lovechild of ChileCo Catering’s Chef Scotty Wagner and NightlifeSD’s David Laurent comes to life on October 28, 2010, as the power duo unveil the reinvented Hillcrest entertainment complex on the corner of University and Vermont. Guests are invited to indulge in Eden’s earthly delights and will be able to enjoy the freshest local fares from the restaurant’s globally inspired menu.
Colorful, casual and contemporary, the restaurant at Eden will be a reflection of the surrounding community. With a focus on providing guests with the highest quality food that is representative of what’s fresh, local and seasonal, Chef Scot…
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and entertainment!
Eden, the enlightened lovechild of ChileCo Catering’s Chef Scotty Wagner and NightlifeSD’s David Laurent comes to life on October 28, 2010, as the power duo unveil the reinvented Hillcrest entertainment complex on the corner of University and Vermont. Guests are invited to indulge in Eden’s earthly delights and will be able to enjoy the freshest local fares from the restaurant’s globally inspired menu.
Colorful, casual and contemporary, the restaurant at Eden will be a reflection of the surrounding community. With a focus on providing guests with the highest quality food that is representative of what’s fresh, local and seasonal, Chef Scot…
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This Just In: The live LGBT news blog for Tuesday, May 27, 2014
("This Just In" is GLBTNN's daily blog about news affecting the LGBT community. Check back often as the blog is updated when news breaks.)
U.S.: Lawyer says gay marriage will be in 50 states within a year
A leading marriage equality lawyer has said that same-sex marriage in all 50 states is likely to be a reality within 12 months.
Lawyer Paul Smith, who was part of the team that successfully challenged the Defense of Marriage Act in the Supreme Court last year, has claimed that equality could come to every state sooner than expected.
Keep up with LGBT news from the U.S. and around the world. Read the popular LGBT news blog by Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender News Network, a media partner with SDGLN.
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U.S.: Lawyer says gay marriage will be in 50 states within a year
A leading marriage equality lawyer has said that same-sex marriage in all 50 states is likely to be a reality within 12 months.
Lawyer Paul Smith, who was part of the team that successfully challenged the Defense of Marriage Act in the Supreme Court last year, has claimed that equality could come to every state sooner than expected.
Keep up with LGBT news from the U.S. and around the world. Read the popular LGBT news blog by Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender News Network, a media partner with SDGLN.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014
(17) 1 Minute Commentary on Tom and Katie
It’s been common knowledge for decades that Tom shoots blanks. I know Morton thinks he has the lowdown, but he doesn’t … I DO!
Conversations with Nicole
None of us should have been surprised at the defeat of our efforts to end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”…it’s the usual politics and lack of leadership from the White House and Democratic Party and the new homophobia of two faced Senator John McCain and his fellow Republican Senators…this country needs a new third party!
Tea Party Movement and the Radical Right
This past week MSNBC stated that the “Culture War” is back especially with the growing alliance of the Tea Party movement and the radical Christian (?) Right movement….Now we have Tea Party leaders coming out against gay marriage and some even against condoms and sex education. All the “Tea Party” rallies are 95% white and a majorit…
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Tea Party Movement and the Radical Right
This past week MSNBC stated that the “Culture War” is back especially with the growing alliance of the Tea Party movement and the radical Christian (?) Right movement….Now we have Tea Party leaders coming out against gay marriage and some even against condoms and sex education. All the “Tea Party” rallies are 95% white and a majorit…
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WATCH: Gay Male Prom Queen Fights Transphobia
When Nasir Fleming, a gay male student at Danbury High School, was elected prom queen, he took the historic coronation to stand up for trans and gender-nonconforming students.
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The perfect mix
DJ ELVEE spells it out
ELVEE, a San Diego native, is the resident DJ for girl’s night at Bourbon Street and has been there for six years. On Sunday nights you can find her in the DJ booth at the front right corner of the dance floor. With all the great music it is almost easy to forget that she is the catalyst that is helping you forget about your nine to five, suit and tie or blue and browns. I met with ELVEE recently at Bourbon Street and we seized an opportunity for a little Q and A.
GLT: What made you want to become a DJ?
LV: I actually fell into it through another DJ. A DJ named DJ Dallas who was very popular in the older community, and she still does work as a DJ. She was very instrumental as far as teaching me about my equipment and how to use the equipment to auto…
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ELVEE, a San Diego native, is the resident DJ for girl’s night at Bourbon Street and has been there for six years. On Sunday nights you can find her in the DJ booth at the front right corner of the dance floor. With all the great music it is almost easy to forget that she is the catalyst that is helping you forget about your nine to five, suit and tie or blue and browns. I met with ELVEE recently at Bourbon Street and we seized an opportunity for a little Q and A.
GLT: What made you want to become a DJ?
LV: I actually fell into it through another DJ. A DJ named DJ Dallas who was very popular in the older community, and she still does work as a DJ. She was very instrumental as far as teaching me about my equipment and how to use the equipment to auto…
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Say It
Speak up…again and again…and again
I was on the bandstand in LA, just 48 hours before the big 2008 election, thrilled to be singing for yet another gay wedding
I was becoming aware of a strange, new sense of ease in the midst of this uber-straight group of guys, all of whom had, at one point or another, let me know they were unthreatened by the shocking fact that I had “changed teams”. (As if somehow I was now part of the opposition). I whirled around and, with big eyes for emphasis, reminded everyone, “It’s ‘No’ on Prop 8 this Tuesday.”
The Bass player looked up from his tuner, “No, it’s ‘Yes.’”
Now I added the big arms. “No, no, no – we’re voting &l…
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I was on the bandstand in LA, just 48 hours before the big 2008 election, thrilled to be singing for yet another gay wedding
I was becoming aware of a strange, new sense of ease in the midst of this uber-straight group of guys, all of whom had, at one point or another, let me know they were unthreatened by the shocking fact that I had “changed teams”. (As if somehow I was now part of the opposition). I whirled around and, with big eyes for emphasis, reminded everyone, “It’s ‘No’ on Prop 8 this Tuesday.”
The Bass player looked up from his tuner, “No, it’s ‘Yes.’”
Now I added the big arms. “No, no, no – we’re voting &l…
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Same-Sex Marriage in the Bible Belt and Beyond
Ever since the US Supreme court overturned DOMA last summer, state after state has overturned voter-approved bans on gay marriage. In recent months, judges have struck down laws prohibiting same-sex marriage in five states. Idaho and Arkansas join the ranks this week....Read Full Post
ACLU sues for freedom to marry in Montana
HELENA, Mont. — Angie and Tonya Rolando share a last name, but they are not married. The Great Falls couple is one of four loving, committed same-sex couples the ACLU is representing as they sue Montana in federal court today for the right to get married or to have their marriages from other states legally recognized in Montana.
Madame President: Nikisha Carpenter always keeps faith and hope in mind particularly when Youth Pride Day comes around
There's faith in Nikisha Carpenter's handshake. Literally.
Her right wrist bears a tattoo of the word ''faith,'' while her left wrist features a tattoo that reads ''hope.''
Nikisha Carpenter (Photo by Julian Vankim)
''I look at them a lot,'' Carpenter says of her tattoos. It's a way of keeing faith and hope present in her daily life.
That's particularly important around this time of year when things get stressful for the 32-year-old, just a few days before the annual Youth Pride Day. Carpenter volunteers her time as the board president of the Youth Pride Alliance, which organizes the event, while balancing a full-time job as a project manager for a large commercial general contractor. With the demanding schedule, it may be a blessing that she's single.
''When we get to April it's always stressful,'' she says.
''This is the time where we're getting the Youth Pride Guide together, and getting all the sponsors, and making sure that we do have the budget, and that we can continue every year to do this. But then also our No. 1 [priority] is just trying to get the word out there and let the youth know about Youth Pride Day.''
Carpenter is proud to say that this is the first year in which the organization was able to get advertisements on Metro's stations and buses.
''That was really big for us this year, getting those ads out there so that hopefully kids – not only in D.C., but also in Virginia and Maryland – will learn about the event.''
Following tradition, this year's Youth Pride features a stage program with speakers, drag performances, singer/songwriter performances, poetry and games. This year also marks a homecoming, celebrating the 15th anniversary of Youth Pride Day back at its original spot -- the northern edge of Dupont Circle.
Carpenter loves serving on the board, and adds that much like her diverse circle of friends in high school, she's surrounded by unique individuals. She grew up in Detroit with her mom. She was an avid basketball player and attended Bradley University in Peoria, Ill., with an athletic scholarship.
''In high school I had friends in all different circles. I was a jock, so I did all the sports. But for the most part I had friends that were in all the different groups.''
She can't pinpoint exactly the moment at which she knew she was a lesbian, saying it was a ''gradual process.'' But it was during that process that Carpenter found her calling: helping LGBT youth. A 16-year-old basketball teammate confided in Carpenter after she had been kicked out of her home for coming out to her mom.
''I think there are lots of adults my age that are not too far away from being young, and remember how hard it was. No matter how many people you know that are out, it's always really hard to come out yourself. It's always really hard to tell your family.''
She points to Chris Dyer, founder of the Youth Pride Alliance, when discussing what drives her and others to stay involved.
''I'm just one of many that are passionate about youth and wanted to continue what Chris started 15 years ago.''
Youth Pride Day is scheduled for noon to 5 p.m. this Saturday, April 30, at Dupont Circle. If it rains, the event will be held a week later, on Saturday, May 7. For more information, visit ...more
There's faith in Nikisha Carpenter's handshake. Literally.
Her right wrist bears a tattoo of the word ''faith,'' while her left wrist features a tattoo that reads ''hope.''
Nikisha Carpenter (Photo by Julian Vankim)
''I look at them a lot,'' Carpenter says of her tattoos. It's a way of keeing faith and hope present in her daily life.
That's particularly important around this time of year when things get stressful for the 32-year-old, just a few days before the annual Youth Pride Day. Carpenter volunteers her time as the board president of the Youth Pride Alliance, which organizes the event, while balancing a full-time job as a project manager for a large commercial general contractor. With the demanding schedule, it may be a blessing that she's single.
''When we get to April it's always stressful,'' she says.
''This is the time where we're getting the Youth Pride Guide together, and getting all the sponsors, and making sure that we do have the budget, and that we can continue every year to do this. But then also our No. 1 [priority] is just trying to get the word out there and let the youth know about Youth Pride Day.''
Carpenter is proud to say that this is the first year in which the organization was able to get advertisements on Metro's stations and buses.
''That was really big for us this year, getting those ads out there so that hopefully kids – not only in D.C., but also in Virginia and Maryland – will learn about the event.''
Following tradition, this year's Youth Pride features a stage program with speakers, drag performances, singer/songwriter performances, poetry and games. This year also marks a homecoming, celebrating the 15th anniversary of Youth Pride Day back at its original spot -- the northern edge of Dupont Circle.
Carpenter loves serving on the board, and adds that much like her diverse circle of friends in high school, she's surrounded by unique individuals. She grew up in Detroit with her mom. She was an avid basketball player and attended Bradley University in Peoria, Ill., with an athletic scholarship.
''In high school I had friends in all different circles. I was a jock, so I did all the sports. But for the most part I had friends that were in all the different groups.''
She can't pinpoint exactly the moment at which she knew she was a lesbian, saying it was a ''gradual process.'' But it was during that process that Carpenter found her calling: helping LGBT youth. A 16-year-old basketball teammate confided in Carpenter after she had been kicked out of her home for coming out to her mom.
''I think there are lots of adults my age that are not too far away from being young, and remember how hard it was. No matter how many people you know that are out, it's always really hard to come out yourself. It's always really hard to tell your family.''
She points to Chris Dyer, founder of the Youth Pride Alliance, when discussing what drives her and others to stay involved.
''I'm just one of many that are passionate about youth and wanted to continue what Chris started 15 years ago.''
Youth Pride Day is scheduled for noon to 5 p.m. this Saturday, April 30, at Dupont Circle. If it rains, the event will be held a week later, on Saturday, May 7. For more information, visit ...more
Gay Pets and Big Discount
Hello Readers, I have missed you so much. I’ve been spending time on my new website I started a blog there but I have a dilemma since that is my professional website and I’m not sure how outspoken I ought … Continue reading →
Queer Prom 'Fabulous' at Nat'l Museum of Mexican Art
Youth from across the city gathered at the National Museum of Mexican Art to revel in being absolutely fabulous at the ninth annual Queer Prom's theme. Balloons and dancers filled the floor while DJ Techno Kid kept the beats going.
Monday, May 26, 2014
No, no, I'm not attracted to women! I just find women attractive!
Mid-20s, female, sort of starting to wonder if I might maybe be bi, kind of hating on myself over it. I remember being like eleven or twelve, and reading some article by a woman who essentially said "it doesn't make you gay if you feel attracted to women! It could just mean you think they're pretty!" And I was like... oh thank goodness! That means I'm not gay! My first crush on a boy a year later was met with similar relief. And from that moment on, I was straight.
In high school I had it bad for a girl I knew. But I 'knew' it was just because I thought she was pretty and I wanted to be like her. So what if I dreamed about her...
She was really my last female crush. Mostly I'm attracted to men. But I am now starting to realize that maybe the sidelong glances I give to hot women on the street are, in fact, not just glances of platonic appreciation.
And this really bothers me. Because I feel like I don't deserve to be queer, because I never had to suffer over this at all. I've been straight. I've never once felt like a closeted bi person, I've felt straight! I haven't ever felt like I was hiding some deep dark secret- I have happily dated and slept with men and not really felt like I was missing anything. I could try dating women, or I could just not bother and I think I'd still wind up happy. So I feel like if I did try dating women, I'd be cheating, or being a gayness dilettante somehow.
And there's also the fear that I was right all along, I really am straight, and I'll be one of those horrible bi-curious girls everyone loves to hate. The ones who date one girl and then go back to men forever. And because of that, there's a part of me who wants to try this without 'coming out', and that makes me feel cowardly.
Adding to this anxiety is the fact that, well, I'm dating a guy and we don't have plans to break up any time soon, so all this is purely in what-if territory, and I fear that this is all just fantasizing and if we break up I'll just chicken out of trying this.
Um... anyone been here? What is going on? How do I even know if I'm bi, like for realsies?
In high school I had it bad for a girl I knew. But I 'knew' it was just because I thought she was pretty and I wanted to be like her. So what if I dreamed about her...
She was really my last female crush. Mostly I'm attracted to men. But I am now starting to realize that maybe the sidelong glances I give to hot women on the street are, in fact, not just glances of platonic appreciation.
And this really bothers me. Because I feel like I don't deserve to be queer, because I never had to suffer over this at all. I've been straight. I've never once felt like a closeted bi person, I've felt straight! I haven't ever felt like I was hiding some deep dark secret- I have happily dated and slept with men and not really felt like I was missing anything. I could try dating women, or I could just not bother and I think I'd still wind up happy. So I feel like if I did try dating women, I'd be cheating, or being a gayness dilettante somehow.
And there's also the fear that I was right all along, I really am straight, and I'll be one of those horrible bi-curious girls everyone loves to hate. The ones who date one girl and then go back to men forever. And because of that, there's a part of me who wants to try this without 'coming out', and that makes me feel cowardly.
Adding to this anxiety is the fact that, well, I'm dating a guy and we don't have plans to break up any time soon, so all this is purely in what-if territory, and I fear that this is all just fantasizing and if we break up I'll just chicken out of trying this.
Um... anyone been here? What is going on? How do I even know if I'm bi, like for realsies?
Marine Reservist questions demobilization over HIV status
San Diego, CA – Marine Reservist Sgt Timothy Holmberg is questioning his recent demobilization by Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 101 (VMFAT 101). Holmberg recently volunteered for active duty service to support the Miramar based training squadron in its mission to train pilots for service in Iraq and Afghanistan. The squadron trains pilots to fly the F/A-18 Hornet in combat support roles and Holmberg has over 20 years experience maintaining the aircraft and its systems.
This would have been Holmberg’s second mobilization tour with the squadron, but it was cut short by the unit’s commanding officer. “I reported as ordered for duty and when I arrived at the squadron was told to stop checking in by the unit Sgt Maj. He indicat…
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This would have been Holmberg’s second mobilization tour with the squadron, but it was cut short by the unit’s commanding officer. “I reported as ordered for duty and when I arrived at the squadron was told to stop checking in by the unit Sgt Maj. He indicat…
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Will Truvada catch on now?
In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration approved the pill Truvada to be used as pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP. Study results released the previous year indicated that taking Truvada daily would lower risk of HIV-infection by over 90 percent, even as much as 99 percent when patients strictly adhered to the regimen.
Does a leopard change its spots???
Lorie Zapf is not the first to claim that she has seen the errors of her homophobic ways. Political gain is a powerful motivator and a closer look at many candidates these days reveals a plethora of changed views and opinions.
Until recently only a few had much to say about Zapf and as someone who is running for a council seat together with a council member looking to run for mayor it seemed a good fit that DeMaio and Zapf join forces in the race for the GLBT and conservative vote.
Jonathan Hale, life partner of Carl Demaio and owner of Hale Media, Inc. producers of San Diego Gay & Lesbian News ( and San Diego Pix Magazine (, recently ran an interview profiling Lorie Zapf. Ironically this interview never did include an apology to …
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Until recently only a few had much to say about Zapf and as someone who is running for a council seat together with a council member looking to run for mayor it seemed a good fit that DeMaio and Zapf join forces in the race for the GLBT and conservative vote.
Jonathan Hale, life partner of Carl Demaio and owner of Hale Media, Inc. producers of San Diego Gay & Lesbian News ( and San Diego Pix Magazine (, recently ran an interview profiling Lorie Zapf. Ironically this interview never did include an apology to …
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Your guide to coast-to-coast Gay Pride
Break out the white shoes and rainbow flags. Memorial Day is Monday, and gay Pride season isn't far behind. June brings long days and LGBT events across the land.
Pride celebrates our freedom and promotes equality in this great country. With support for marriage equality growing from coast-to-coast, "RuPaul's Drag Race" being renewed for a seventh season and an NFL player kissing his boyfriend(!) on national television, the LGBT community has plenty of reasons to be proud.
Start researching your Pride getaway here. And then pack your bags and let your flag fly high.
Break out the white shoes and rainbow flags. Memorial Day is Monday, and gay Pride season isn't far behind. June brings long days and LGBT events across the land.
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Pride celebrates our freedom and promotes equality in this great country. With support for marriage equality growing from coast-to-coast, "RuPaul's Drag Race" being renewed for a seventh season and an NFL player kissing his boyfriend(!) on national television, the LGBT community has plenty of reasons to be proud.
Start researching your Pride getaway here. And then pack your bags and let your flag fly high.
Break out the white shoes and rainbow flags. Memorial Day is Monday, and gay Pride season isn't far behind. June brings long days and LGBT events across the land.
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Do you really *want* to know how you are bad in bed?
My ex girlfriend and I are back together again and things are better this time. Except for the sex. The reason we previously broke up is that my not wanting to be touched (PTSD, Child Abuse) was unfair to her. I was more than happy to do all the work in bed but she insisted that she actually wanted to touch me and it was bothering her that I didn't want her to. The problem is that now that I actually want to be touched in sex she isn't that good. And I'm not sure how to tell her that without hurting her. She has asked me over text and I told her it is a topic to have in person outside of bed and we made a date to do that this week.
While she has slept with a lot more women than I have she defaults to thinking that my body should work the same way hers does. That because we have the same parts that they like to be touched the same way. I've told her how I would like to be touched in bed. I've told her my fantasies. I've shown her how I like to touch myself.
She just doesn't get it. She tells me that she has a short attention span and that it is my job to remind her over and over again how I like it. Is this fair? It kind of makes me feel like crap that my lover can't be bothered to remember how I actually like it.
I'm afraid that she thinks that because in the past I didn't like to be touched that she never has to do anything that pleases me. Her not remembering how I like to be touched makes me feel that she actually doesn't find me attractive and is only with me because of what I can do to her in bed. I've asked her this and she's stated that it isn't the case and that it is just that she forgets and that I just need to train her how to touch me.
I am not sure if I am upset over nothing and that "training" her how I like it in bed is something that is my responsibility in bed. I'm not sure if I'm being fair to her in being irritated that she can't remember and that she laughs off her short attention span. I haven't had much experience in healthy sexual relationships.
To be fair: We communicate on all other issues wonderfully. I really do care about her and know that she cares about me. I have no problem lowering the amount of sex we have to her preference. We both are great at calling each other on our shit and taking it without resentment. We both are great at compromising and I feel really emotionally connected to her and she has stated the same to me. Our emotional and mental connection has never been the problem.
May be a reason as well: I have had to explain to her that vaginas aren't actually perfectly straight. That there is a G-spot in some women. That orgasms don't always look like what they are in movies (non-porn). That some women can orgasm from penetration and some can't. She is ex-Mormon. She has several learning disabilities surrounding education (Just throwing out all ideas no matter how ridiculous) but has been tested for ADHD and that proved to be moot.
While she has slept with a lot more women than I have she defaults to thinking that my body should work the same way hers does. That because we have the same parts that they like to be touched the same way. I've told her how I would like to be touched in bed. I've told her my fantasies. I've shown her how I like to touch myself.
She just doesn't get it. She tells me that she has a short attention span and that it is my job to remind her over and over again how I like it. Is this fair? It kind of makes me feel like crap that my lover can't be bothered to remember how I actually like it.
I'm afraid that she thinks that because in the past I didn't like to be touched that she never has to do anything that pleases me. Her not remembering how I like to be touched makes me feel that she actually doesn't find me attractive and is only with me because of what I can do to her in bed. I've asked her this and she's stated that it isn't the case and that it is just that she forgets and that I just need to train her how to touch me.
I am not sure if I am upset over nothing and that "training" her how I like it in bed is something that is my responsibility in bed. I'm not sure if I'm being fair to her in being irritated that she can't remember and that she laughs off her short attention span. I haven't had much experience in healthy sexual relationships.
To be fair: We communicate on all other issues wonderfully. I really do care about her and know that she cares about me. I have no problem lowering the amount of sex we have to her preference. We both are great at calling each other on our shit and taking it without resentment. We both are great at compromising and I feel really emotionally connected to her and she has stated the same to me. Our emotional and mental connection has never been the problem.
May be a reason as well: I have had to explain to her that vaginas aren't actually perfectly straight. That there is a G-spot in some women. That orgasms don't always look like what they are in movies (non-porn). That some women can orgasm from penetration and some can't. She is ex-Mormon. She has several learning disabilities surrounding education (Just throwing out all ideas no matter how ridiculous) but has been tested for ADHD and that proved to be moot.
Out and About
Friday, September 24
Come and get WIRED this Friday at the Brass Rail with Ashley Matte at 9:30 p.m. followed by Dj Kiki Koenig at 11:00 p.m. , The Brass Rail, 3796 Fifth Avenue - San Diego 92103. Great Drink Specials, Live Music and amazing DJs!!!- (619) 298 - 2233
Saturday, September 25
Tony and Pulitzer Award winner Neil Simon’s semi-autobiographical plays follow the life of Eugene Morris Jerome from the foibles of youth in late-1930s Brooklyn to a career as a comedy writer for radio. Brighton Beach Memoirs and Broadway Bound are performed in a rotating repertory schedule at The Old Globe Theatre. Brighton Beach Memoirs first regular performance is on Saturday, September 25 at 2:00 p.m. Broadway Bound first regular performance is on Sunday, Septe…
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Come and get WIRED this Friday at the Brass Rail with Ashley Matte at 9:30 p.m. followed by Dj Kiki Koenig at 11:00 p.m. , The Brass Rail, 3796 Fifth Avenue - San Diego 92103. Great Drink Specials, Live Music and amazing DJs!!!- (619) 298 - 2233
Saturday, September 25
Tony and Pulitzer Award winner Neil Simon’s semi-autobiographical plays follow the life of Eugene Morris Jerome from the foibles of youth in late-1930s Brooklyn to a career as a comedy writer for radio. Brighton Beach Memoirs and Broadway Bound are performed in a rotating repertory schedule at The Old Globe Theatre. Brighton Beach Memoirs first regular performance is on Saturday, September 25 at 2:00 p.m. Broadway Bound first regular performance is on Sunday, Septe…
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Sunday, May 25, 2014
Community News
Women honored for their contributions
San Diego Woman’s Club hosts dinner benefiting women at risk
Many local women in San Diego work tirelessly to make the city a better community for all. The San Diego Woman’s Club will recognize the efforts of one special woman by hosting a benefit dinner in her honor. The honoree for the evening is Sister Christina MacLean, Director of Mary’s House which is a home for victims of human trafficking.
The proceeds for the evening will benefit Women at Risk, International (WAR, Int’l). WAR was established in 2006 and currently has representation in 16 states and projects in 14 different countries around the world. The purpose behind WAR is to unite and educate women as well as children in areas of …
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San Diego Woman’s Club hosts dinner benefiting women at risk
Many local women in San Diego work tirelessly to make the city a better community for all. The San Diego Woman’s Club will recognize the efforts of one special woman by hosting a benefit dinner in her honor. The honoree for the evening is Sister Christina MacLean, Director of Mary’s House which is a home for victims of human trafficking.
The proceeds for the evening will benefit Women at Risk, International (WAR, Int’l). WAR was established in 2006 and currently has representation in 16 states and projects in 14 different countries around the world. The purpose behind WAR is to unite and educate women as well as children in areas of …
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(58) Slut Bitch Cunt
Eminem & Dr. Dre’s�bitter response to Mariah;�Another Rant�about�Republicrat Demublicans;�Nikki, Bobbi, and Lalee call in�to chat about H20, a Sexless Marriage, Crooked Cash Businesses in the NY, Rude LA Drivers,�Tranny Chasing Music: Talk to Me – Peaches PSA’s: Kiko Lombardi of
Orthodox Church Leaders Blame Conchita Wurst for Balkan Floods
'God sent the rains as a reminder that people should not join the wild side,' says the patriarch of Montenegro, in attributing the disaster to the drag performer's Eurovision win.
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Gossiping with Moe
Understanding the vision of Moe Girton: Manager and Bartender at Gossip Grill
Moe Girton is one of San Diego’s favorite bartenders and is now also manager at Gossip Grill. She and her staff have worked hard to create a place that lesbians and just about everyone else love to go. They have some of the fairest drinks prices in town along with a friendly staff of very diverse girls and guys. Moe and Gossip have given San Diego lesbians a place again, that was much needed. After the closing of other lesbian bars there was a dry spell in San Diego. For a lot of lesbians a gay bar holding a lesbian night could not replace a real seven days a week place that was lesbian oriented. Thankfully that has all changed and Gossip Grill along with Moe have paved the way for a place for lesbians and their friends to go have a drink, socialize, h…
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Moe Girton is one of San Diego’s favorite bartenders and is now also manager at Gossip Grill. She and her staff have worked hard to create a place that lesbians and just about everyone else love to go. They have some of the fairest drinks prices in town along with a friendly staff of very diverse girls and guys. Moe and Gossip have given San Diego lesbians a place again, that was much needed. After the closing of other lesbian bars there was a dry spell in San Diego. For a lot of lesbians a gay bar holding a lesbian night could not replace a real seven days a week place that was lesbian oriented. Thankfully that has all changed and Gossip Grill along with Moe have paved the way for a place for lesbians and their friends to go have a drink, socialize, h…
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(53) Skeleton Closet Confessions
8 minute Mash-up, Then Nikki Guest Hosts and says it’s show 54 but don’t listen to her it’s #53; ate mail from God?/Yeshua; Aimless feminists; and answer listener inquiries from show 52 re: (Sandi’s) run in with a past flame’s ex-hubby a few weeks ago and we both confess a few skeletons in our closets […]
San Diego community prepares to step off for 21st Annual AIDS Walk
As local service organizations continue to feel the impact of government funding cuts for HIV/AIDS services, the San Diego community will again come together in a display of support and compassion at the 21st annual AIDS Walk & Run. The event will take place on Sunday, Sept. 26 at Balboa Park.
Registration for both walkers and runners will begin at 6am at Balboa Park, along Sixth Avenue (early registration is also available, see the official event guide here for more information) on Sunday. The 10K run will start at 8am, with the Walk step off at 8:10am.
Local elected officials will also take part in the day’s ceremonies, including U.S. Representative Susan Davis, California State Assemblymember Lori Saldaña, and San Diego City Councilmemb…
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Registration for both walkers and runners will begin at 6am at Balboa Park, along Sixth Avenue (early registration is also available, see the official event guide here for more information) on Sunday. The 10K run will start at 8am, with the Walk step off at 8:10am.
Local elected officials will also take part in the day’s ceremonies, including U.S. Representative Susan Davis, California State Assemblymember Lori Saldaña, and San Diego City Councilmemb…
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(80) What Are We Talking About?
Ciao, hello! Long time. Ignore the color of the audio player (on the site) it’s ugly and needs to be changed. Nicole begins with an audio apology for being a slacker s.o.b so I ?audio? answer because these bitches do NOT help me for shit! Let’s hope they aren’t as LAZY in the sack as […]
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Life Beyond Therapy
A psychological look at HIV
I am sometimes asked to help facilitate workshops at The Center for people who are HIV-positive. As an HIV- person, I consider this quite an honor…and I have learned A LOT in doing so. I’ve learned that, for many people, an HIV+ diagnosis feels like your world is falling apart. After the initial shock wears off, most people feel a lot of grief and depression. Over the years, so many people have asked me some version of these two questions: “How do I keep my sanity when I get an HIV+ diagnosis?” “What do I do when it feels like my life is falling apart?”
To answer these questions, here are some questions that I have offered participants in workshops for HIV+ folks. [Note: If you’re HIV-, these questions may still be…
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I am sometimes asked to help facilitate workshops at The Center for people who are HIV-positive. As an HIV- person, I consider this quite an honor…and I have learned A LOT in doing so. I’ve learned that, for many people, an HIV+ diagnosis feels like your world is falling apart. After the initial shock wears off, most people feel a lot of grief and depression. Over the years, so many people have asked me some version of these two questions: “How do I keep my sanity when I get an HIV+ diagnosis?” “What do I do when it feels like my life is falling apart?”
To answer these questions, here are some questions that I have offered participants in workshops for HIV+ folks. [Note: If you’re HIV-, these questions may still be…
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Marga?s Humpday News: Castro Naked Guys
More Marga Friends, You’re still here, Yay! It’s been a slow news week. Here’s a little chat about the weather, Inception and Naked Guys in San Francisco. See you next Wednesday!
Life Beyond Therapy
A psychological look at HIV
I am sometimes asked to help facilitate workshops at The Center for people who are HIV-positive. As an HIV- person, I consider this quite an honor…and I have learned A LOT in doing so. I’ve learned that, for many people, an HIV+ diagnosis feels like your world is falling apart. After the initial shock wears off, most people feel a lot of grief and depression. Over the years, so many people have asked me some version of these two questions: “How do I keep my sanity when I get an HIV+ diagnosis?” “What do I do when it feels like my life is falling apart?”
To answer these questions, here are some questions that I have offered participants in workshops for HIV+ folks. [Note: If you’re HIV-, these questions may still be…
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I am sometimes asked to help facilitate workshops at The Center for people who are HIV-positive. As an HIV- person, I consider this quite an honor…and I have learned A LOT in doing so. I’ve learned that, for many people, an HIV+ diagnosis feels like your world is falling apart. After the initial shock wears off, most people feel a lot of grief and depression. Over the years, so many people have asked me some version of these two questions: “How do I keep my sanity when I get an HIV+ diagnosis?” “What do I do when it feels like my life is falling apart?”
To answer these questions, here are some questions that I have offered participants in workshops for HIV+ folks. [Note: If you’re HIV-, these questions may still be…
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See Rochelle, She's MY Boo!
So you know that pic I posted this weekend of me meeting the AMAZING Whoopi Goldberg and me looking like someone just punched me in the face and stole my bike? THAT is EXACTLY how my face looks right now watching what I just found on youtube:LOL what?? ...and then also, what. PLEASE do yourself a favor and watch the entire 2 minutes and 4 seconds cause it will change your life.
Community News
Women honored for their contributions
San Diego Woman’s Club hosts dinner benefiting women at risk
Many local women in San Diego work tirelessly to make the city a better community for all. The San Diego Woman’s Club will recognize the efforts of one special woman by hosting a benefit dinner in her honor. The honoree for the evening is Sister Christina MacLean, Director of Mary’s House which is a home for victims of human trafficking.
The proceeds for the evening will benefit Women at Risk, International (WAR, Int’l). WAR was established in 2006 and currently has representation in 16 states and projects in 14 different countries around the world. The purpose behind WAR is to unite and educate women as well as children in areas of …
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San Diego Woman’s Club hosts dinner benefiting women at risk
Many local women in San Diego work tirelessly to make the city a better community for all. The San Diego Woman’s Club will recognize the efforts of one special woman by hosting a benefit dinner in her honor. The honoree for the evening is Sister Christina MacLean, Director of Mary’s House which is a home for victims of human trafficking.
The proceeds for the evening will benefit Women at Risk, International (WAR, Int’l). WAR was established in 2006 and currently has representation in 16 states and projects in 14 different countries around the world. The purpose behind WAR is to unite and educate women as well as children in areas of …
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The NFL Is Now Officially LGBT-Friendly
We're all aware that Michael Sam just made history as the NFL's first openly gay player. Beyond the shiny headlines, our own Shawn Paul Wood explained this morning that, while Sam's signing is unquestionably a significant ...
February 2012 - Life on the Road (and mostly my crib)
Hello hello! So here we are again. I started this special series of blog entries last month (Click here for Jan. 2012) and am happy to report that...well there is more to report. I have *words* to say about February which means the clock hasn't yet struck midnight on this little fairy tale I'm living.(My friend Adriana and I doin' a faux prom pic in the middle of a hotel in LA a few days ago. That's normal, right? Oh and although it definitely looks like it, she is NOT in love with me. Totally looks like it, though, doesn't it. Sheesh, no means no, lady!)Now don't get me wrong: the job I have (like I'm sure it is for most of you reading this) is a LOT of hard work. Truly. It's mentally and physically challenging and there are a VAGILLION moving parts and lots of high stakes gigs/days. But the good news is that I LOVE that sort of energy. I love high stakes. I love having a ton of responsibility and people looking to me for answers. I love still having so many questions, and being a sponge, soaking it all up each and every day. Cause I know one day I will be jaded. One day this will just be a J.O.B. I hope that doesn't happen for several decades and that when it DOES happen, I'm somewhere on a jetpack and it won't matter anyway:) So the point is, I don't take a minute of this for granted.And while January was chock full of gigs and jetsetting and ROBES (see link above), February was relatively quiet until the veeery end. I spent most of February in Houston working on a few things from home, watching Criminal Intent marathons, and gaining SO much weight all throughout and about my person. I also came across some old photo prints that I did years ago in a dark room and it really has me inspired to pursue photography more seriously than ever before.(My brother Alfred, hand printed)(This chick that used to work at my favorite restaurant in Dallas, Mother Mesquite's, hand printed)The last week in Feb, I got a call that we would have to fly to LA the very next day for a big CeeLo show in Hollywood. We spent a few days in rehearsal...(The band playing during rehearsals)...and I spent a few minutes staring at this sign that I came across...(No biggie, just where my wife Katharine Mcphee's mom teaches and coaches American Idol contestants and others, and where my wife got her chops back in the day. Yep. I was able to *go to there*.)SO, speeeeaking of women named after felines who I am married to, did you guys catch when my other wife Cat Deeley retweeted me in Feb? No? I'll show you:That was cool, right? Know whats even cooler? Days later when I find out that Cat Deeley not only has great taste in food, tweets, and Arlans, but she ALSO says yes to the best gigs. She HOSTED the show we did in Hollywood! Good thing I didn't realize this until the night before the show, or I'm pretty sure I would have hyperventilated days earlier and wouldn't have been able to make it to the show at all. All tolled, I spent about 6 hours in Ms. Deeley's tall, luxurious, babe-alicious presence, and I can tell you this: the woman is HOT, friendly, DAMN good at her job, and an overall pleasant individual to be around. Unfortunately I did not get to redeem myself and ask for her hand in marriage, because she's a lady and I'm a professional...aaand truth be told, anytime she'd look in my general direction, I'd giggle and turn into a bowl of jello. But next time, I'll be rock solid, my friends. ROCK. SOLID.(My view of part of soundcheck at Hollywood and Highland. New artist 'V' was preparing for her incredible duet with CeeLo. She sounded great!)You can see pics from the red carpet and the show itself HERE!So thats a wrap for February 2012. I now return you to your regularly scheduled Daily Lesbian Moment blog:) See you again a few days into April where hopefully there will be even more to report. Shenanigans, I tell you. Pure shenanigans!- (Click here for Jan. 2012 blog entry)
Friday, May 23, 2014
Michael Sam Celebrates Draft Pick With Kiss for Boyfriend
Michael Sam, who on Saturday became the first openly gay player in the National Football League, celebrated the moment he was drafted by the St. Louis Rams b...
February 2012 - Life on the Road (and mostly my crib)
Hello hello! So here we are again. I started this special series of blog entries last month (Click here for Jan. 2012) and am happy to report that...well there is more to report. I have *words* to say about February which means the clock hasn't yet struck midnight on this little fairy tale I'm living.(My friend Adriana and I doin' a faux prom pic in the middle of a hotel in LA a few days ago. That's normal, right? Oh and although it definitely looks like it, she is NOT in love with me. Totally looks like it, though, doesn't it. Sheesh, no means no, lady!)Now don't get me wrong: the job I have (like I'm sure it is for most of you reading this) is a LOT of hard work. Truly. It's mentally and physically challenging and there are a VAGILLION moving parts and lots of high stakes gigs/days. But the good news is that I LOVE that sort of energy. I love high stakes. I love having a ton of responsibility and people looking to me for answers. I love still having so many questions, and being a sponge, soaking it all up each and every day. Cause I know one day I will be jaded. One day this will just be a J.O.B. I hope that doesn't happen for several decades and that when it DOES happen, I'm somewhere on a jetpack and it won't matter anyway:) So the point is, I don't take a minute of this for granted.And while January was chock full of gigs and jetsetting and ROBES (see link above), February was relatively quiet until the veeery end. I spent most of February in Houston working on a few things from home, watching Criminal Intent marathons, and gaining SO much weight all throughout and about my person. I also came across some old photo prints that I did years ago in a dark room and it really has me inspired to pursue photography more seriously than ever before.(My brother Alfred, hand printed)(This chick that used to work at my favorite restaurant in Dallas, Mother Mesquite's, hand printed)The last week in Feb, I got a call that we would have to fly to LA the very next day for a big CeeLo show in Hollywood. We spent a few days in rehearsal...(The band playing during rehearsals)...and I spent a few minutes staring at this sign that I came across...(No biggie, just where my wife Katharine Mcphee's mom teaches and coaches American Idol contestants and others, and where my wife got her chops back in the day. Yep. I was able to *go to there*.)SO, speeeeaking of women named after felines who I am married to, did you guys catch when my other wife Cat Deeley retweeted me in Feb? No? I'll show you:That was cool, right? Know whats even cooler? Days later when I find out that Cat Deeley not only has great taste in food, tweets, and Arlans, but she ALSO says yes to the best gigs. She HOSTED the show we did in Hollywood! Good thing I didn't realize this until the night before the show, or I'm pretty sure I would have hyperventilated days earlier and wouldn't have been able to make it to the show at all. All tolled, I spent about 6 hours in Ms. Deeley's tall, luxurious, babe-alicious presence, and I can tell you this: the woman is HOT, friendly, DAMN good at her job, and an overall pleasant individual to be around. Unfortunately I did not get to redeem myself and ask for her hand in marriage, because she's a lady and I'm a professional...aaand truth be told, anytime she'd look in my general direction, I'd giggle and turn into a bowl of jello. But next time, I'll be rock solid, my friends. ROCK. SOLID.(My view of part of soundcheck at Hollywood and Highland. New artist 'V' was preparing for her incredible duet with CeeLo. She sounded great!)You can see pics from the red carpet and the show itself HERE!So thats a wrap for February 2012. I now return you to your regularly scheduled Daily Lesbian Moment blog:) See you again a few days into April where hopefully there will be even more to report. Shenanigans, I tell you. Pure shenanigans!- (Click here for Jan. 2012 blog entry)
Jack Mackenroth HIV Role Model
Jack Mackenroth s pretty hunky. Originally from Seattle, this hunk of a man started off life in fashion. He opened his own super trendy fashion store "jack" in the West Village.
Jack is a pretty good swimmer, a reality TV star, AIDs activist and fundraiser and is HIV positive. All round super cool guy!
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Jack is a pretty good swimmer, a reality TV star, AIDs activist and fundraiser and is HIV positive. All round super cool guy!
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
(60) Just A Couplea Hos
Feminism, Bailout disgust, Chat with Kaye about straight on straight sexual harrassment, the women’s movement, the black power movement, gay life in Jamaica from a straight native’s perspective, Buju Banton, Rap, MacKenzie Philips, ect., ect. Check out Lizzy the Lezzy’s site and fun new book:
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Real Estate News
Lorie Zapf follow up
Last Friday, our community got some good news from the San Diego Association of Realtors (SDAR) which decided to suspend its endorsement of Lorie Zapf for City Council. Zapf failed to disclose a number of crippling personal details including her open gay-hatred and her operation of a short sale scam with husband Eric. Zapf is now forced to remove the Realtor thumbs-up from all campaign material and won’t have access to the organization’s PAC funds. Thanks to all who took a moment to contact SDAR, both as Realtors and as clients. Your direct involvement helped immensely. Professional credit is owed to SD City Beat’s Dave Maass and Realtor Pat Flannery from
Before we uncork the Prosecco in victory, let me offer a more dir…
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Last Friday, our community got some good news from the San Diego Association of Realtors (SDAR) which decided to suspend its endorsement of Lorie Zapf for City Council. Zapf failed to disclose a number of crippling personal details including her open gay-hatred and her operation of a short sale scam with husband Eric. Zapf is now forced to remove the Realtor thumbs-up from all campaign material and won’t have access to the organization’s PAC funds. Thanks to all who took a moment to contact SDAR, both as Realtors and as clients. Your direct involvement helped immensely. Professional credit is owed to SD City Beat’s Dave Maass and Realtor Pat Flannery from
Before we uncork the Prosecco in victory, let me offer a more dir…
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Lesbian News - 04 Apr 2014
Russian group seeks to ban lesbian film Blue is the Warmest Colour as gay propaganda
Top 3 Lesbian and Gay April Fools' PranksA Nigerian lesbian is seeking asylum in UK
Top 3 Lesbian and Gay April Fools' PranksA Nigerian lesbian is seeking asylum in UK
Seasonal Change: Reflecting on 17 years of Metro Weekly highlights how much our LGBT community has changed and what remains to be done
While next week may be the official 17th anniversary of Metro Weekly, this week actually marks the 17th year of working on the magazine. It did, after all, take a few days to turn the idea into a printed reality.
I've always felt our springtime anniversary was fitting, in a Hallmark kind of way, given that the season is one of renewal and growth. And the magazine has certainly renewed itself and grown over the years. Looking back at our earliest issues for me is a bit like looking back at my high school yearbook pictures — recognizable, but very different.
We all, I hope, change with our times. I know that it isn't just Metro Weekly that's grown and changed since 1994 – I've grown and changed right along with it, just as our entire LGBT community has. I'm old enough now to be able to discern how much things can change over a larger span of time, and how far we've all come in the past three decades simply amazes me.
Because I was a freelancer for Metro Weekly back in 1994, I also had a day job as an HIV prevention educator at Whitman-Walker Clinic. Like everyone at the clinic in those days, I wore multiple hats — my favorite to recall is that I had a business card identifying me as the ''Male Sex Industry Project Coordinator,'' a wonderfully provocative job title for a rather staid city like D.C. Regardless of which title or hat I wore, though, I considered myself lucky to be able to spend my days (and plenty of nights) working to help my community.
While it's been almost 16 years since I left the clinic, I still have a bit of a soft spot for it. And I'll admit that when I first heard Whitman-Walker was changing its name — dropping the ''Clinic'' to become ''Whitman-Walker Health'' — I had a moment of oddly proprietary shock. How can you change something that's been a part of the community for so long?
The shock didn't last long, because I could answer the question myself. Times, people, organizations – they all grow and change. The changes at Whitman-Walker have been ongoing. I still heave a little sigh of nostalgia when I walk past the 14th and S Streets location where the clinic was once headquartered. But given that it started life as the Gay Men's VD Clinic, grew into one of the nation's largest HIV treatment and prevention centers, and took on broader roles in promoting LGBT health, change isn't unfamiliar for Whitman-Walker. So, despite that initial reaction, I'm happy to see Whitman-Walker — which has gone through its share of struggles — moving forward with our community.
Despite the changes and achievements we've seen on LGBT equality, we do have to remember that things aren't always peachy. Lawmakers still use us as political bait, HIV/AIDS still claims too many of our own, violence lurks for too many of our most vulnerable. While 17 years may give some historical perspective on where we are, what we've done in the past is less important than what we plan to do in the future. I'm looking forward to many more years of telling our community's stories and, I hope, helping make our community stronger, safer and equal.
I can't wait to see where we are in another 17 years.
Email Sean Bugg at
and follow him on Twitter at @seanbugg. ...more
While next week may be the official 17th anniversary of Metro Weekly, this week actually marks the 17th year of working on the magazine. It did, after all, take a few days to turn the idea into a printed reality.
I've always felt our springtime anniversary was fitting, in a Hallmark kind of way, given that the season is one of renewal and growth. And the magazine has certainly renewed itself and grown over the years. Looking back at our earliest issues for me is a bit like looking back at my high school yearbook pictures — recognizable, but very different.
We all, I hope, change with our times. I know that it isn't just Metro Weekly that's grown and changed since 1994 – I've grown and changed right along with it, just as our entire LGBT community has. I'm old enough now to be able to discern how much things can change over a larger span of time, and how far we've all come in the past three decades simply amazes me.
Because I was a freelancer for Metro Weekly back in 1994, I also had a day job as an HIV prevention educator at Whitman-Walker Clinic. Like everyone at the clinic in those days, I wore multiple hats — my favorite to recall is that I had a business card identifying me as the ''Male Sex Industry Project Coordinator,'' a wonderfully provocative job title for a rather staid city like D.C. Regardless of which title or hat I wore, though, I considered myself lucky to be able to spend my days (and plenty of nights) working to help my community.
While it's been almost 16 years since I left the clinic, I still have a bit of a soft spot for it. And I'll admit that when I first heard Whitman-Walker was changing its name — dropping the ''Clinic'' to become ''Whitman-Walker Health'' — I had a moment of oddly proprietary shock. How can you change something that's been a part of the community for so long?
The shock didn't last long, because I could answer the question myself. Times, people, organizations – they all grow and change. The changes at Whitman-Walker have been ongoing. I still heave a little sigh of nostalgia when I walk past the 14th and S Streets location where the clinic was once headquartered. But given that it started life as the Gay Men's VD Clinic, grew into one of the nation's largest HIV treatment and prevention centers, and took on broader roles in promoting LGBT health, change isn't unfamiliar for Whitman-Walker. So, despite that initial reaction, I'm happy to see Whitman-Walker — which has gone through its share of struggles — moving forward with our community.
Despite the changes and achievements we've seen on LGBT equality, we do have to remember that things aren't always peachy. Lawmakers still use us as political bait, HIV/AIDS still claims too many of our own, violence lurks for too many of our most vulnerable. While 17 years may give some historical perspective on where we are, what we've done in the past is less important than what we plan to do in the future. I'm looking forward to many more years of telling our community's stories and, I hope, helping make our community stronger, safer and equal.
I can't wait to see where we are in another 17 years.
Email Sean Bugg at
and follow him on Twitter at @seanbugg. ...more
(77) The We Hate This Show Show But Love You Like Crack Cocaine
We really do hate this particular podcast with a passion. We talk a lot about nothing but feel intensely pressured to post content, even if it’s devoid of meaning … like Julie Chen’s every tear. Mostly all of it is recorded on the portable so it’s tinny, there’s lots of shouting and the sound goes […]
(63) Stop the Insanity! w/Susan Powter
Out Three-time New York Times best-selling author and creator of the ?Stop the Insanity!? movement, Susan Powter, like you’ve never heard her before. We talk Wellness, Radical Feminism, Lesbian Culture, her new book The Politics of Stupid and more … ____________________________ PS. The Trevor Project crisis and suicide prevention for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender […]
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Conversations with Nicole
In past columns in the last few years I have written about the issue of Bullying in our schools many times…I hope and pray that now all Americans….especially our community has awoken to this crisis. In one of my past columns I wrote that if “only1/4” of the energy, money, time that has been spent on Marriage Equality and “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was focused on GLBT suicides and bullying this issue would have gotten further…we must make our GLBT youth/students who are coming out every day at younger ages our community’s No. 1 PRIORITY!
Take a stand against School Bullying: October 17
San Diegans will be coming together on Sunday, October 17 to take a united stand against all bullying…this …
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Take a stand against School Bullying: October 17
San Diegans will be coming together on Sunday, October 17 to take a united stand against all bullying…this …
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Goodman gala 'Dreamy' with Kristin Chenoweth
On May 17, Goodman Theatre held its annual gala this time at a location that had not been used for the fundraiser in years: the Hilton Chicago.
(12) The Lesbian Teen Show (1hr)
Sandi talks with teenagers Mandy, Tash and Mary, about relevant and retarded issues. What’s on the minds of lesbian youth today, safe dental sex, and how to off an abusive parent … all in one 54 minute show.
Sticks and Stones: Mayor Declares April 21 Bully Free DC Day
''Hello my name is fag.''
D’Angelo Morrison (Photo by Yusef Najafi)
''Or at least that's the name I was called in school,'' said D'Angelo Morrison, an intern at the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL), during an anti-bullying rally held in front of the John A. Wilson Building midday Thursday, April 21, that attracted about 50 people.
''[In school] my real name wasn't followed by 'the jock,' 'the class clown' or 'smart kid.' I was instead referred to as 'the fag,' 'the gay guy,' 'the homo,' 'the punk.'''
Morrison talked about his school hardships at the rally just before Jeffrey Richardson, director of the Mayor's Office of GLBT Affairs, declared April 21 ''Bully Free DC Day'' with a proclamation.
''It is an honor to be here with you today on behalf of the mayor of the District of Columbia, Vincent Gray, to show our commitment for fostering an environment where all children and youth are able to learn and develop in schools and communities that are safe and supportive,'' he said.
''Every child deserves a learning environment where every day is bully-free day. And we stand firm in our support of all efforts to combat bullying in the District of Columbia.''
According to Richardson, 20 organizations have come together to form the D.C. Safe Schools Coalition in combating bullying issues in schools.
Councilmembers attending the event included Harry Thomas (D-Ward 5) and Yvette M. Alexander (D-Ward 7), who called bullying in D.C. ''appalling.''
''We have to realize that teasing and making fun of other young people is not the right thing to do,'' she said. ''It can be very harmful. Our young people have feelings and they deserve to be respected.'' ...more
''Hello my name is fag.''
D’Angelo Morrison (Photo by Yusef Najafi)
''Or at least that's the name I was called in school,'' said D'Angelo Morrison, an intern at the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL), during an anti-bullying rally held in front of the John A. Wilson Building midday Thursday, April 21, that attracted about 50 people.
''[In school] my real name wasn't followed by 'the jock,' 'the class clown' or 'smart kid.' I was instead referred to as 'the fag,' 'the gay guy,' 'the homo,' 'the punk.'''
Morrison talked about his school hardships at the rally just before Jeffrey Richardson, director of the Mayor's Office of GLBT Affairs, declared April 21 ''Bully Free DC Day'' with a proclamation.
''It is an honor to be here with you today on behalf of the mayor of the District of Columbia, Vincent Gray, to show our commitment for fostering an environment where all children and youth are able to learn and develop in schools and communities that are safe and supportive,'' he said.
''Every child deserves a learning environment where every day is bully-free day. And we stand firm in our support of all efforts to combat bullying in the District of Columbia.''
According to Richardson, 20 organizations have come together to form the D.C. Safe Schools Coalition in combating bullying issues in schools.
Councilmembers attending the event included Harry Thomas (D-Ward 5) and Yvette M. Alexander (D-Ward 7), who called bullying in D.C. ''appalling.''
''We have to realize that teasing and making fun of other young people is not the right thing to do,'' she said. ''It can be very harmful. Our young people have feelings and they deserve to be respected.'' ...more
Oregon: Judge Says Marriage Ban Is Unconstitutional
Judge Michael McShane ruled Monday that same-sex couples in Oregon should have the right to marry.
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Gay Pets and Big Discount
Hello Readers, I have missed you so much. I’ve been spending time on my new website I started a blog there but I have a dilemma since that is my professional website and I’m not sure how outspoken I ought … Continue reading →
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Canadian Blood Donor Turned Away Due to Trans Identity
While trans people in the U.S. are routinely rejected as blood donors, one Canadian trans woman has found herself on the receiving end of the same discriminatory treatment north of the border.
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Comments from the Web
Kenny Kardashian says:
I, too, served in the Navy and also swore the same oath, not really knowing what lay ahead. While for most people, being gay is dangerous I was lucky to experience minimal discrimination and teasing. However, I was not immune from such teasing. Everyone at my shore duty facility at Naval Air Staton North Island in San Diego knew I was gay and while I made a risky move, when people asked, I told. However, there was no one running to the officer in charge. Most the people that asked me said they were “cool with it”, or others simply just knew.
I am not the most butch guy in the world, but my feminine mannerisms and the way I was did catch the attention of some few people in leadership chain of command around me. They woul…
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I, too, served in the Navy and also swore the same oath, not really knowing what lay ahead. While for most people, being gay is dangerous I was lucky to experience minimal discrimination and teasing. However, I was not immune from such teasing. Everyone at my shore duty facility at Naval Air Staton North Island in San Diego knew I was gay and while I made a risky move, when people asked, I told. However, there was no one running to the officer in charge. Most the people that asked me said they were “cool with it”, or others simply just knew.
I am not the most butch guy in the world, but my feminine mannerisms and the way I was did catch the attention of some few people in leadership chain of command around me. They woul…
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Judge: Utah Must Recognize 1,300 Same-Sex Couples' Marriages
A federal judge orders the state to recognize the unions of those same-sex couples who married in the brief period when such marriages were legal -- but the state will have a chance to appeal.
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Crawford Hotel to Open in Denver's Historic Union Station
On the edge of Denver's historic LoDo neighborhood, stately Union Station - which was built in 1881 and has been the city's main transportation hub ever since - has been undergoing an ambitious restoration that's slated for completion in summer 2014. Much of the renovation has revolved around turning the facility into a mixed-use space that houses all full menu of transportation services - Amtrak, bus and light rail service (and eventual commuter rail service), free MallRide and MetroRide transit, and even B-cycle bike sharing - as well as numerous retail and restaurant outlets....Read Full Post
World News Briefs
UK finds that only 1.5% of population is GLB
The United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics has produced data suggesting that only 1.5 percent of UK adults are gay, lesbian or bisexual.
As part of a yearly data collection effort, ONS questioned 247,623 people about their sexual identity. In the case of face-to-face interviews, respondents were shown a card that said “heterosexual/straight, gay/lesbian, bisexual, other” and told to read out a number beside the word that “best describes how you think of yourself.” In telephone interviews, respondents were read the four categories and told to “please say ‘yes’ when you hear the option that best describes how you think of yourself.”
ONS then applied t…
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The United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics has produced data suggesting that only 1.5 percent of UK adults are gay, lesbian or bisexual.
As part of a yearly data collection effort, ONS questioned 247,623 people about their sexual identity. In the case of face-to-face interviews, respondents were shown a card that said “heterosexual/straight, gay/lesbian, bisexual, other” and told to read out a number beside the word that “best describes how you think of yourself.” In telephone interviews, respondents were read the four categories and told to “please say ‘yes’ when you hear the option that best describes how you think of yourself.”
ONS then applied t…
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(45) Asexual Lesbian
Ordering bibles, Religious blobs, Chat w/Lale re: Rehab, Gays, Marriage, Relationships, Sex, an Asexual phase
Which Member of One Direction is Gay?
Which Member of One Direction is Gay? Are there any gay members of One Direction? Do any of them actually know themselves? Take a look at the history of boy bands with members coming out as gay.
Irish boy band Westlife star Mark Feehily declared he was gay and in a relationship with Kevin McDaid, who used to be in boyband V. Westlife memebrs fully supported Mark as did Westlife's fans.
Irish boy band Boyzone were the biggest boy band in Britain - six number ones, 10 million albums, sold-out arena tours with a not a dry seat in the house - and Stephen Gately was (secretly at first) gay. Sadly Stephen passed away last year from a congenital heart problem.
Lance Bass from US boy band N-Sync came out in 2006. "I knew that I was in this popular band and I had four other guys' careers in my hand, and I knew that if I ever acted on it or even said (that I was gay), it would overpower everything," said Bass at the time, referring to bandmates Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick, JC Chasez and Justin Timberlake.
Jonathan Knight from US Boy Band New Kids on the Block (NKOTB) is reported by Perez Hilton as gay. Johnathan dated a Brazilian model (Kyle Wilker), until he spilled the beans on his boy band boyfriends.
UK boy band Take That have no out gay members. Robbie Williams has joked many times about being gay but has sued The Mirror for libelous reports about his sexuality.
McFly are very cool and very supportive of their gay fan base. The boys recently got their willies out on the stage of gay London club institution G.A.Y. The one on the left is particularly cute. He has an amazing body.
So which one of One Direction do you think is gay?
The one in purple?
The One Direction boys are working very hard on the X Factor to make it in the tough world of music. I'm sure they will do well winning or otherwise. They really don't need speculation on their sexuality, but they are sure going to get it.
JLS last year's X Factor definitely all look straight. It will be interesting to see if a boy band every has an out gay member from the get-go.
Comments please guys!
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Irish boy band Westlife star Mark Feehily declared he was gay and in a relationship with Kevin McDaid, who used to be in boyband V. Westlife memebrs fully supported Mark as did Westlife's fans.
Irish boy band Boyzone were the biggest boy band in Britain - six number ones, 10 million albums, sold-out arena tours with a not a dry seat in the house - and Stephen Gately was (secretly at first) gay. Sadly Stephen passed away last year from a congenital heart problem.
Lance Bass from US boy band N-Sync came out in 2006. "I knew that I was in this popular band and I had four other guys' careers in my hand, and I knew that if I ever acted on it or even said (that I was gay), it would overpower everything," said Bass at the time, referring to bandmates Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick, JC Chasez and Justin Timberlake.
Jonathan Knight from US Boy Band New Kids on the Block (NKOTB) is reported by Perez Hilton as gay. Johnathan dated a Brazilian model (Kyle Wilker), until he spilled the beans on his boy band boyfriends.
UK boy band Take That have no out gay members. Robbie Williams has joked many times about being gay but has sued The Mirror for libelous reports about his sexuality.
McFly are very cool and very supportive of their gay fan base. The boys recently got their willies out on the stage of gay London club institution G.A.Y. The one on the left is particularly cute. He has an amazing body.
So which one of One Direction do you think is gay?
The one in purple?
The One Direction boys are working very hard on the X Factor to make it in the tough world of music. I'm sure they will do well winning or otherwise. They really don't need speculation on their sexuality, but they are sure going to get it.
JLS last year's X Factor definitely all look straight. It will be interesting to see if a boy band every has an out gay member from the get-go.
Comments please guys!
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
John Barrowman Promoted to Series Regular on Arrow
The out actor has portrayed the villainous Malcom Merlyn on the popular CW show since its inception.
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Monday, May 19, 2014
Fueling Station: This Sunday, exit at Adams Morgan's District nightclub for its new gay weekly dance party, Truck Stop
Jacob Pring and Charger Stone photographed by Julian Vankim
Need to refuel? This Sunday, May 1, take an exit to Adams Morgan for D.C.'s first-ever gay ''Truck Stop.''
Truck Stop (Photo by Julian Vankim)
''If Nasty Pig and Larry the Cable Guy had a bastard child that drove a semi-truck, Truck Stop is what you would get,'' jokes local party promoter Charger Stone. ''We're crossing [gay sub-genres]."
The party will be held at Adams Morgan's popular straight dance club District. ''We're not just going after one type of market," says Stone. "We're going after all of them. We want this to be a man dance party. Not just the typical gay night dance party that everybody's used to.''
For starters, there's the fact that it's on Sunday night. Stone says it should be thought of as ''a last hurrah for the weekend and a big 'fuck you' to the beginning of the week.''
Stone is best known for organizing Town's Friday night bear happy hour, which averages 600 people a week and bills itself as the nation's largest weekly bear event. He's teamed up with Jacob Pring for Truck Stop. Pring, a promoter known for the popular monthly fetish party Code as well as regular POZ events for the HIV-positive community, says the vibe will be more dance-oriented and less laid-back than your typical Sunday night event in D.C. In fact, the venue, which several years ago went by the name Chloe, host of a short-lived gay party, reminds him of Nation.
''It's basically like a mini-Nation, where you have the second floor overlooking the dance floor, and it has a rooftop deck,'' says Pring. The venue holds up to 800 people.
To draw that many people week in and week out, Stone and Pring are front-loading the event with special entertainment and events. This Sunday's party features local DJs Mikey Adolphson, aka DJ MAJR of Shift/Siren parties, and David Merrill of POZ/Code. Future events will feature music by Rich Morel of Blowoff as well as DJs from a couple popular parties in New York: Gustavo and Rich King of SNAXX, and Willautomagic and Sean B of Spank. Pring says they also plan to bring in guest bartenders from other local clubs, likely dressing them up in flannel and trucker hats. (There's no dress code for partygoers.) Plus, they'll work with District to offer ticket giveaways to top-draw local concerts.
Raging Stallion adult entertainer Ricky Sinz will appear at the debut, which will also launch the party's weekly ''Best Tool Contest,'' an open-ended amateur body contest for willing patrons to answer the question, ''What tool do you use to keep his motor running?'' The top three winners will earn cash prizes of as much as $300 the first three weeks, culminating in a grand prize competition in which the best-of-the-best will earn $2,000.
Truck Stop will be the first true gay party at District, open since the start of 2010. Originally it was planned as a monthly party -- until Pring and Stone saw the space. ''The place is brilliant,'' says Pring. ''I fell in love with it as soon as I walked in.''
Adds Charger, ''It's got a darker feel to it. It's an awesome atmosphere, but not what I would call a pretty club,'' with ''lots of black and grey and silver, lots of metal.''
In other words, a great refueling stop at the end of a gay trucker's long-haul weekend.
Truck Stop is every Sunday beginning this Sunday, May 1, from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., at District Nightclub, 2473 18th St. NW. Cover is $5, with $5 Svedka drink specials. Visit ...more
Jacob Pring and Charger Stone photographed by Julian Vankim
Need to refuel? This Sunday, May 1, take an exit to Adams Morgan for D.C.'s first-ever gay ''Truck Stop.''
Truck Stop (Photo by Julian Vankim)
''If Nasty Pig and Larry the Cable Guy had a bastard child that drove a semi-truck, Truck Stop is what you would get,'' jokes local party promoter Charger Stone. ''We're crossing [gay sub-genres]."
The party will be held at Adams Morgan's popular straight dance club District. ''We're not just going after one type of market," says Stone. "We're going after all of them. We want this to be a man dance party. Not just the typical gay night dance party that everybody's used to.''
For starters, there's the fact that it's on Sunday night. Stone says it should be thought of as ''a last hurrah for the weekend and a big 'fuck you' to the beginning of the week.''
Stone is best known for organizing Town's Friday night bear happy hour, which averages 600 people a week and bills itself as the nation's largest weekly bear event. He's teamed up with Jacob Pring for Truck Stop. Pring, a promoter known for the popular monthly fetish party Code as well as regular POZ events for the HIV-positive community, says the vibe will be more dance-oriented and less laid-back than your typical Sunday night event in D.C. In fact, the venue, which several years ago went by the name Chloe, host of a short-lived gay party, reminds him of Nation.
''It's basically like a mini-Nation, where you have the second floor overlooking the dance floor, and it has a rooftop deck,'' says Pring. The venue holds up to 800 people.
To draw that many people week in and week out, Stone and Pring are front-loading the event with special entertainment and events. This Sunday's party features local DJs Mikey Adolphson, aka DJ MAJR of Shift/Siren parties, and David Merrill of POZ/Code. Future events will feature music by Rich Morel of Blowoff as well as DJs from a couple popular parties in New York: Gustavo and Rich King of SNAXX, and Willautomagic and Sean B of Spank. Pring says they also plan to bring in guest bartenders from other local clubs, likely dressing them up in flannel and trucker hats. (There's no dress code for partygoers.) Plus, they'll work with District to offer ticket giveaways to top-draw local concerts.
Raging Stallion adult entertainer Ricky Sinz will appear at the debut, which will also launch the party's weekly ''Best Tool Contest,'' an open-ended amateur body contest for willing patrons to answer the question, ''What tool do you use to keep his motor running?'' The top three winners will earn cash prizes of as much as $300 the first three weeks, culminating in a grand prize competition in which the best-of-the-best will earn $2,000.
Truck Stop will be the first true gay party at District, open since the start of 2010. Originally it was planned as a monthly party -- until Pring and Stone saw the space. ''The place is brilliant,'' says Pring. ''I fell in love with it as soon as I walked in.''
Adds Charger, ''It's got a darker feel to it. It's an awesome atmosphere, but not what I would call a pretty club,'' with ''lots of black and grey and silver, lots of metal.''
In other words, a great refueling stop at the end of a gay trucker's long-haul weekend.
Truck Stop is every Sunday beginning this Sunday, May 1, from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., at District Nightclub, 2473 18th St. NW. Cover is $5, with $5 Svedka drink specials. Visit ...more
What and #39;s Wrong With Sounding Like a Gay Man?
David-thorpe First-time filmmaker David Thorpe has been developing his documentary 'Do I Sound Gay?' for three years.
WATCH: Taiwanese Phone Commercial Tells Gay Love Story
The Asus phone company in Taiwan releases a gay-inclusive new ad.
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Op-ed: Fear and Scolding in Las Vegas
In Las Vegas, high school students are being taught to 'choose purity' instead of how to protect themselves against STIs and pregnancy.
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Secretary Of Defense Says Ban On Transgender People Should Be Reviewed
After the 2010 repeal of the policy barring gay and lesbian service members from being open about their sexuality, known as 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' activists turned...
Crush Hooked Up With Someone Else
First things first: I am a gay female. I have had a crush on my friend for several months (also a gay female), however, being inexperienced at making first moves and being shy, I have been moving very slowly. I thought perhaps she felt something for me, but never made any overt moves. Recently she drunkenly hooked up with another girl (whom she had just recently met within the last 2 weeks and this was only the second or third day they had really hung out together) at a party. I am wondering if I have completely missed my chance, and what I should do. Let me preface this to say: I've only been out for about 6 months. I've never kissed another girl, yet I've known I was gay almost my whole life. I was just in heavy denial for a while. I have since decided to be true to myself and live my life, but I have a lot of emotional barriers to work through. I have very, very limited experience in relationships. The only stuff I have done has been initiated by a guy.
So I have known this girl since around November. I am 28 and she is 21, almost 22. When I first met her she was with her long distance girlfriend. They broke up a few weeks after I met her. I didn't know her well at the time, and didn't want to jump in right after her breakup. So I decided to try to just become better friends with her, and hang out with her more. When I first met her I was still firmly in the closet although I knew I wanted to come out soon.
Eventually I came out to some friends, and also the group of friends that my crush is a part of (all mostly gay females). I valued this group of gay girls because they were my first gay friends.
My crush got kinda big kinda quick, and I ended up behaving as many crushers do: I got scared of her and it was difficult to act natural around her. I hid the fact that I had feelings for her. I searched for signs that she might like me in everything she did.
The odd thing was, I thought I picked up on a vibe that she might like me. She was rather shy around me, wouldn't make eye contact, and seemed to treat me differently than her other friends. Would sometimes ignore me or act aloof in groups. Would open up a bit with me in person but would be kind of quiet. And I know she's not a super quiet person to others. However despite her shyness she wouldn't hesitate to invite me to hang out or contact me over text or Facebook.
She seems to like me quite a bit at least as a friend, yet seems somehow uncomfortable with me. That's the best way I can describe it. I never *directly* flirted with her (you know, in a sexual way), so it's not like I've made a clear move on her to make her uncomfortable.
She went away for 2 months, and I was left to my own thoughts, making the crush worse. I was in touch with her on her travels, but I was so nervous - I was unable to flirt with her although I would eagerly talk to her.
Friends (and my therapist) would tell me to just tell her I liked her. But that was and is a terrifying prospect to me.
She came back the second week in April. Called me up right away. We hung out a few days in a row, just us and with other friends. She crashed at my house one night after we had all gone out and shared my bed. Nothing happened because our other friend was there too, in my very small apartment. Plus she passed out right away. I thought we were flirting ever so slightly. But it's so hard to tell when it's your friend. I have no experience in this area. I've never made a move on someone. Being in the closet so long and repressing this side of myself has put a lot of fear into the act.
We continued to stay in touch almost every day. She would text me a lot just to say hi. We chatted on FB for almost an hour the other day. She sends me playful HeyTells. I never had a platonic friend that would contact me so much. I think this group of friends likes to text each other a lot, but this was all so different to me.
It all came to a tragic halt a few nights ago at a house party. I thought I was making some progress breaking through my fear of taking action....I was getting more comfortable playfully teasing her and making eye contact, breaking the touch barrier, etc. I thought she was getting more comfortable with me too. She didn't seem as uncomfortable with me.
Then the unthinkable happened. This other girl who was there, who lives out of state, and comes only once a month or so for a visit, ended up sharing the futon bed with her and they hooked up. I was still awake getting some water, and I heard everything. Everyone was drunk. I have never felt so terrible in my life. I cried myself to sleep in the other room, just wanting to die.
I hung out with them over the next couple of days. I watched them interact. Nothing overt. She doesn't know I heard them. She doesn't seem shy with this girl - but this girl is very very outgoing, loud, and confident (overly so, I don't care for her). The other girl went back home. They were kind of throwing around ideas about when they'd be in the same areas in their travels. I felt sick the whole time. After the girl went home my crush texted me right away to see what I was doing, wanted to hang out the next day, etc. Sent me a drunk voice message at 2am last night just saying what are you doing.
My question is.....what now? I want this to be over. I have become so lovesick over this whole situation that I can't properly function (if anyone is familiar with the term limerence, that would be an apt description).
She's not perfect. I'm older than her, she doesn't have much direction in her life right now, I know I'm intellectually far ahead of her, she likes to party and drink (although she doesn't do drugs). We have different values. But I like her as a person, we have many of the same interests, and I'm insanely attracted to her.
Should I tell her? Should I get over her? Wait and see? Just drunkenly kiss her?
I'm going to see her tonight. It's going to be a lot of people around, and partying. I don't know if I will get to get her alone. She might be going on another trip on Monday. If I fail to tell her in person, should I just send her an email or a text and just get it over with so I can move on in my life?
So I have known this girl since around November. I am 28 and she is 21, almost 22. When I first met her she was with her long distance girlfriend. They broke up a few weeks after I met her. I didn't know her well at the time, and didn't want to jump in right after her breakup. So I decided to try to just become better friends with her, and hang out with her more. When I first met her I was still firmly in the closet although I knew I wanted to come out soon.
Eventually I came out to some friends, and also the group of friends that my crush is a part of (all mostly gay females). I valued this group of gay girls because they were my first gay friends.
My crush got kinda big kinda quick, and I ended up behaving as many crushers do: I got scared of her and it was difficult to act natural around her. I hid the fact that I had feelings for her. I searched for signs that she might like me in everything she did.
The odd thing was, I thought I picked up on a vibe that she might like me. She was rather shy around me, wouldn't make eye contact, and seemed to treat me differently than her other friends. Would sometimes ignore me or act aloof in groups. Would open up a bit with me in person but would be kind of quiet. And I know she's not a super quiet person to others. However despite her shyness she wouldn't hesitate to invite me to hang out or contact me over text or Facebook.
She seems to like me quite a bit at least as a friend, yet seems somehow uncomfortable with me. That's the best way I can describe it. I never *directly* flirted with her (you know, in a sexual way), so it's not like I've made a clear move on her to make her uncomfortable.
She went away for 2 months, and I was left to my own thoughts, making the crush worse. I was in touch with her on her travels, but I was so nervous - I was unable to flirt with her although I would eagerly talk to her.
Friends (and my therapist) would tell me to just tell her I liked her. But that was and is a terrifying prospect to me.
She came back the second week in April. Called me up right away. We hung out a few days in a row, just us and with other friends. She crashed at my house one night after we had all gone out and shared my bed. Nothing happened because our other friend was there too, in my very small apartment. Plus she passed out right away. I thought we were flirting ever so slightly. But it's so hard to tell when it's your friend. I have no experience in this area. I've never made a move on someone. Being in the closet so long and repressing this side of myself has put a lot of fear into the act.
We continued to stay in touch almost every day. She would text me a lot just to say hi. We chatted on FB for almost an hour the other day. She sends me playful HeyTells. I never had a platonic friend that would contact me so much. I think this group of friends likes to text each other a lot, but this was all so different to me.
It all came to a tragic halt a few nights ago at a house party. I thought I was making some progress breaking through my fear of taking action....I was getting more comfortable playfully teasing her and making eye contact, breaking the touch barrier, etc. I thought she was getting more comfortable with me too. She didn't seem as uncomfortable with me.
Then the unthinkable happened. This other girl who was there, who lives out of state, and comes only once a month or so for a visit, ended up sharing the futon bed with her and they hooked up. I was still awake getting some water, and I heard everything. Everyone was drunk. I have never felt so terrible in my life. I cried myself to sleep in the other room, just wanting to die.
I hung out with them over the next couple of days. I watched them interact. Nothing overt. She doesn't know I heard them. She doesn't seem shy with this girl - but this girl is very very outgoing, loud, and confident (overly so, I don't care for her). The other girl went back home. They were kind of throwing around ideas about when they'd be in the same areas in their travels. I felt sick the whole time. After the girl went home my crush texted me right away to see what I was doing, wanted to hang out the next day, etc. Sent me a drunk voice message at 2am last night just saying what are you doing.
My question is.....what now? I want this to be over. I have become so lovesick over this whole situation that I can't properly function (if anyone is familiar with the term limerence, that would be an apt description).
She's not perfect. I'm older than her, she doesn't have much direction in her life right now, I know I'm intellectually far ahead of her, she likes to party and drink (although she doesn't do drugs). We have different values. But I like her as a person, we have many of the same interests, and I'm insanely attracted to her.
Should I tell her? Should I get over her? Wait and see? Just drunkenly kiss her?
I'm going to see her tonight. It's going to be a lot of people around, and partying. I don't know if I will get to get her alone. She might be going on another trip on Monday. If I fail to tell her in person, should I just send her an email or a text and just get it over with so I can move on in my life?
Business Spotlight: Casa Del Encanto Interiors
145 W. Washington Street
San Diego, CA 92103
Casa Del Encanto Interiors is a full service Interior Design firm as well as a retail showroom for gifts, accessories, furnishings, dried floral arrangements, lighting, antiques, candles, tabletop and countless other things.
The business was started in 1985 in Encanto Park, Phoenix, Arizona by Luis Corona. Luis, originally born in Mexico, was the son of a gifted mother that had a passion for nature and beauty. Luis arrived in San Diego in the late 60’s and had moved to Phoenix in 1982 to pursue his career in interiors. He landed a position with an interior design firm and floral shop in Scottsdale, AZ. Then, just 3 years later he founded Casa Del Encanto. Over th…
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San Diego, CA 92103
Casa Del Encanto Interiors is a full service Interior Design firm as well as a retail showroom for gifts, accessories, furnishings, dried floral arrangements, lighting, antiques, candles, tabletop and countless other things.
The business was started in 1985 in Encanto Park, Phoenix, Arizona by Luis Corona. Luis, originally born in Mexico, was the son of a gifted mother that had a passion for nature and beauty. Luis arrived in San Diego in the late 60’s and had moved to Phoenix in 1982 to pursue his career in interiors. He landed a position with an interior design firm and floral shop in Scottsdale, AZ. Then, just 3 years later he founded Casa Del Encanto. Over th…
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Sunday, May 18, 2014
'The Real L Word' Season 3, Episode 1...a Twittercap
So, not sure if I'll keep live tweeting The Real L Word after tonight. Depends on what you guys think and what I hear on fb/twitter. But if you're interested, here are ye olde tweets. Start from the bottom up (*Zach Morris 4th wall wink*) and enjoy. Follow me @ Follow Whitney @ Follow Kiyomi @ Follow Romi @ Follow Kacy & Cori @ & the official Real L Word @
Billy Masters
"Lainie Kazan couldn't be here tonight. On her way to the theater, she passed a Sizzler!"—Frank DeCaro's quip about our dear friend Lainie, who had to cancel her appearance at the annual STAGE gala because she was shooting a film. Sadly, it also robbed us of the opportunity of dousing her with water and re-enacting her Playboy pictorial.
Reality check on love: You may never find someone
It's a picturesque Saturday morning in Palm Springs. I am gently swaying on a cozy swinging bench, watching birds in the orange trees in the reflection of the placid pool water in front of me. The aroma of ripe oranges and sounds of nearby water fountains mixed with chirping birds perfects the scene.
Too many of my friends, people I talk to, and profiles I read of members on my dating site believe that in order to be happy they need to find a partner or meet someone. Some people go as far as acting desperate, miserable, and unhappy admittedly as a result (in their own minds) of being single.
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Too many of my friends, people I talk to, and profiles I read of members on my dating site believe that in order to be happy they need to find a partner or meet someone. Some people go as far as acting desperate, miserable, and unhappy admittedly as a result (in their own minds) of being single.
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