Monday, January 3, 2011

Sometimes fitting in is more powerful than everything else

"I had chosen the desire to "belong" over kindness. I had placed my own fantasy idea of a high school "moment" over someone's actual, real-life feelings. I know, "belonging" and the myth of "glory days" can be pretty powerful stuff when you're a teenager -- but who am I kidding? I acted like a total jerk, and I've never really forgiven myself for my behavior.

I think there are quite a few teenagers in Mississippi who are going to be feeling much the same way someday, if they don't already. The losers in these two stories ultimately aren't Troy or Constance McMillen, but those sad sacks among us who can't muster the courage to resist the pull of the crowd. What the truly cool kids know is that it's always better to dance alone than to sway in time with a roomful of bigots."

--Johanna Gohmann on ditching her gay prom date to fit in

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