Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thursday Watercooler: The day DADT repeal was made law

The dismantling of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" started yesterday. Words fail. So here is the video of President Barack Obama [1] signing the bill that will start the undoing of DADT.


Republicans fought until the bitter end. I'm going to give the devil his due this morning. The GOP acts like a bulldog when faced with laws it doesn't like. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell [3] tried to add an amendment to the defense authorization bill. McConell wanted military chiefs to be involved in DADT certification. As the new DADT repeal law stands now, Obama, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have to certify that open service will not harm military readiness. Can you imagine what Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos [4] would do if he were involved in the process? Anyway Sen. Joe Lieberman ran interference and� stopped McConnell's efforts. Lieberman needs a big thank you from all of us.


FRC is unhinged. Our friends over at the Family Research Council [6] are promising battle when it comes to DADT. "In fact, I've already been in conversations with Hill leaders about holding hearings in the New Year, as well as statutory and legislative oversight steps that can be taken to turn back aspects of the repeal and slow down--if not stop--the rest." This isn't some idle threat. With the House in the hands of the GOP, I expect FRC has many Republicans on speed dial. And we know Sen. John McCain [7] will do anything to keep his status as FRC's best boy.


Never engage Barney Frank� unless you are prepared. Look how Rep. Barney Frank [9] spanked this CNS reporter over gay and straight troops showering together. A question to my conservative brethren and sistern. Gay soldiers shower now with their straight peers. How will this be different with DADT gone?


Reid returns Choi's ring. Lt. Dan Choi was on hand yesterday at the signing ceremony. Over the summer he gave his West Point ring to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid [11], and told the senator he only wanted it back when DADT was kaput. Reid [12] returned it yesterday.


What's happening to Manning? Pfc. Bradley Manning [14] has been accused of leaking Afghanistan war reports to Wikilieaks. He's been in the brig since August and now there are charges� of torture. The United Nations [15] is examining the claims leveled by his supporters and outlined by reporter Glenn Greenwald [16]. David House [17] chronicles his visits with Manning and the soldier's physical/mental condition.The Pentagon, of course, denies any such mistreatment.


Rutgers University faces a lawsuit. The parents of Tyler Clementi [19] have informed Rutgers University [20] they plan to sue the school. "It appears Rutgers University failed to act, failed to put in place and/or failed to implement, and enforce policies and practices that would have prevented or deterred such acts, and that Rutgers failed to act timely and appropriately,? his parents said in their notice of suit.


No 365Gay until Monday. Unless Lady Gaga announces she's found Jesus, expect 365 to be quiet until Monday. Whatever your holiday tradition, enjoy and be safe.


[1] http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/12/22/president-signs-repeal-dont-ask-dont-tell-out-many-we-are-one
[2] http://www.365gay.com/wp-content/uploads/Obama-signs-DADT-repeal-top.jpg
[3] http://voices.washingtonpost.com/postpartisan/2010/12/mitch_mcconnells_bid_to_kill_d.html
[4] http://www.365gay.com/news/marine-corps-commandant-explains-objection-to-dadt/
[5] http://www.365gay.com/wp-content/uploads/blog-lieberman-top1.jpg
[6] http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/12/frc_claims_mccain_will_keep_leading_pro-dadt_fight.php?ref=fpi
[7] http://www.365gay.com/blog/121610-thursday-watercooler/
[8] http://www.365gay.com/wp-content/uploads/John-McCain-top1.jpg
[9] http://gawker.com/5716043/barney-frank-makes-a-fool-out-of-conservative-reporter-over-dont-ask-dont-tell
[10] http://www.365gay.com/wp-content/uploads/97055726-1.jpg
[11] http://www.365gay.com/blog/072610-monday-watercooler/
[12] http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2010/12/powerful_video.php?ref=fpblg
[13] http://www.365gay.com/wp-content/uploads/news-dan-choi-top.jpg
[14] http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/09/us/09manning.html?_r=1&src=mv
[15] http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2010/12/22/132266929/un-looking-into-treatment-of-army-private-suspected-of-leaking-documents
[16] http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/12/14/manning/index.html
[17] http://my.firedoglake.com/blog/2010/12/23/bradley-manning-speaks-about-his-conditions/?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed
[18] http://www.365gay.com/wp-content/uploads/Brad-Manning-top.jpg
[19] http://www.365gay.com/news/gay-student-secretly-taped-having-sex-kills-himself/
[20] http://www.mycentraljersey.com/article/20101221/NEWS/101221074/1017/NEWS04/Tyler+Clementi+s+parents+file+notice+of+intent+to+sue+Rutgers
[21] http://www.365gay.com/wp-content/uploads/news-tyler-clementix-top.jpg
[22] http://www.365gay.com/wp-content/uploads/lady-gaga-black-top.jpg

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