Many in the LGBT community are weight and body concious. Let's face it! It was about 1998, I decided to start working out and started making better food choices. But at that time, it was hard to find anything healthy at fast food joints. I think around 2000, some places started offering grilled chicken sandwiches an option. And in the years that followed, more and more healthy choices were added to many menus. Now you can even get fresh apple slices and yogurt for desert!The next evolution is really vegan choices. The more I learn about how animals are treated for our consumption, it's disgusting. DID YOU KNOW? Over 99% of cruelty to animals in the United States occurs at the hands of the meat, dairy, and egg industries - which confine, mutilate, and slaughter over 9 billion animals each year.DID YOU ALSO KNOW, that only 40% meat is required, to be called "beef"? What's the other 60%???There are so many vegetarian/vegan choices these days. And I think America is ready for it. Could Taco Bell be the leader?There has been a lot of media attention this week over the recent lawsuit against Taco Bell, alleging the company's "meat mixture" contains only 36 percent meat instead of the 40 percent required to fit the definition of beef. But Mercy For Animals has a solution to Taco Bell's problem that could be a win-win for everyone, especially the animals who are cruelly slaughtered for meat.
In an open letter sent to Greg Creed, President of Taco Bell, Mercy For Animals' Executive Director, Nathan Runkle, asks:
Why not "Think Outside the Bun" and switch to a healthy and delicious vegan meat substitute and cash in on the growing demand for meatless meal options?
The letter continues:
Taco Bell customers would lose their appetites if they saw how cows raised for beef are inflicted with third degree burns (hot-iron branding), have their testicles ripped from their scrotums and their horns burned out of their skulls - all without any painkillers. Undercover investigations have revealed sick and injured animals routinely entering the human food supply. At slaughter, improper stunning condemns many animals to being skinned and dismembered while still alive, conscious and suffering.
Cruelty to animals aside, the United Nations is calling for a global shift toward a vegan diet, saying that this is crucial to saving the world population from hunger, fuel shortages and the worst impacts of climate change. And according to the American Dietetic Association, vegan diets provide powerful protection against many deadly diseases, including the three biggest killers in the United States: heart disease, many types of cancer, and strokes.
The letter concludes:
Human health, environmental degradation, cruelty to animals and false advertising allegations are all very serious issues, but Taco Bell can tackle these problems, and more, by adopting and promoting a healthy and humane vegan menu. There is simply no better time than right now to salvage your company's reputation and tap into a growing market for vegan foods. In fact, the National Restaurant Association says that vegan menu options are a "hot trend" for 2011. And with Taco Bell's 12 authentic (and vegan) seasonings and spices, your customers can get the same tastes and textures they know and love with plant-based meat substitutes without all the saturated fat, cholesterol and cruelty associated with animal flesh.
Mercy For Animals is ready and willing to assist Taco Bell in making the socially responsible switch to a healthy, humane and honest vegan menu. We look forward to your response. It's Time! Save the Animals!Mercy for Animals
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