Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Preacher charging followers $159 for DADT petitions

A Christian fundamentalist leader in Colorado is charging followers to fax a petition to members of Congress, demanding the reinstatement of ?don?t ask, don?t tell.?

Joe.My.God. [1] reports Gordon Klingenschmitt is asking his flock to pay up to $159 per fax to show support for H.R. 268, a bill that would� ?ensure that every military chaplain has the prerogative to close a prayer outside of a religious service according to the dictates of the chaplain?s own conscience.?

The pricing includes a donation to Klingenschmitt?s Pray in Jesus Name Project, based in Colorado Springs.

Klingenschmitt is a former Navy chaplain who was discharged in 2007 for wearing his uniform during protests at the White House.

On his website, [2], Klingenschmitt says he was ?honorably but involuntarily discharged.?

Preacher charging followers $159 for DADT petitions

A Christian fundamentalist leader in Colorado is charging followers to fax a petition to members of Congress, demanding the reinstatement of ?don?t ask, don?t tell.?

Joe.My.God. reports Gordon Klingenschmitt is asking his flock to pay up to $159 per fax to show support for H.R. 268, a bill that would �?ensure that every military chaplain has the prerogative to close a prayer outside of a religious service according to the dictates of the chaplain?s own conscience.?

The pricing includes a donation to Klingenschmitt?s Pray in Jesus Name Project, based in Colorado Springs.

Klingenschmitt is a former Navy chaplain who was discharged in 2007 for wearing his uniform during protests at the White House.

On his website,, Klingenschmitt says he was ?honorably but involuntarily discharged.?


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