Thursday, June 30, 2011
PRIDE PHOTOS: Thousands party at Rocks
The Rocks Co-ordinating Committee held its 14th annual LGBT Rocks Pride event at Cricket Hill of Montrose Park.
Charlize Theron Speaks Out for Same-Sex Marriage, Won't Marry Till Gay People Can: VIDEO
Charlize Theron proves once again she is beautiful inside and out, clarifying a statement she made back in September 2009:
"I do have a problem with the fact that our government has not stepped up enough to make [marriage equality] federal...I really understand marriage and I respect marriage. I just feel that we should all have equal rights."
"I do have a problem with the fact that our government has not stepped up enough to make [marriage equality] federal...I really understand marriage and I respect marriage. I just feel that we should all have equal rights."
Anti-gay reggae singer gets jail time
Reggae singer Buju Banton—whom gay-rights groups have vilified because of his anti-gay songs—was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his role in a Florida cocaine deal, according to
World Cup Rugby Champion Ben Cohen Takes Anti-Bullying Message aboard Gay Rome to Venice Cruise
(06-21-11)- Join Ben Cohen and his StandUp anti-bullying foundation plus world-renowned novelist Armistead Maupin onboard the world's largest and most luxurious sailing yacht, the Wind Surf from Sept. 3 to 11 for this gay 5-star adventure of lifetime.The Wind Surf features three restaurants, two swimming pools, hot tubs, fitness center, full-service spa, and a sports deck that offers complimentary water activities.
NOM's Brian Brown pitches nutty plan to reverse marriage equality in New York
Protect your keyboards. In his latest fundraising email, NOM's Brian Brown is actually pitching an anti-equality constitutional amendment for New York. This will be a test of the gullibility of NOM's donors because the plan is utterly ridiculous. An amendment to the New York State Constitution requires the approval of two consecutive legislatures. (see Article XIX). Here's the plan:We're putting together a 4-year campaign strategy that will reverse same-sex marriage in New York. We'll have many more details, and ways for you to get involved, in the days ahead but the overall plan will have three phases:
Elect pro-marriage majorities next November that will approve a marriage amendment in both the Assembly and Senate during the 2013 legislative session.
Protect pro-marriage candidates in the 2014 elections, so that the amendment can receive final legislative approval in the 2015 legislative session.
Successfully pass the ballot measure when it goes before voters in November 2015.
Recall that the Assembly passed the Marriage Equality Act by a vote of 80-63 and the Senate passed it by a vote of 33-29. To accomplish this mean-spirited plan, NOM would have to replace at least 18 pro-equality Assembly members and 3 pro-equality Senators (incumbents all) with anti-equality challengers, get a majority of both chambers to approve a proposed amendment, maintain the anti-equality majorities through another election, then get the majority of both chambers to vote anti-equality for a second time.
Then the question would go to the voters, who already overwhelmingly support marriage equality.
No wonder Brian Brown literally sat and cried when the Senate passed the Marriage Equality Act. With everyone from Roman Catholic majorities to ultra-conservative David Frum supporting marriage equality, Mr. Brown must be keenly aware that his anti-gay meal ticket is just about punched out.
Love is Love
I've seen a lot of ads for marriage equality, but for some reason this one got to me. It's from Basic Rights Oregon, our state-wide gay rights organization. They're raising money to put gay marriage up for a vote in Oregon, probably in 2012, to overturn anti-gay amendment. But first they're running campaigns like this one on cable TV stations. If all works out as we plan, Oregon could be the first state to legalize gay marriage by a popular vote.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Energy 92.7 goes from gay-oriented to mainstream
KNGY, Energy 92.7, San Francisco's gay-oriented FM radio station, has been sold, and the staff of about 35 dismissed. At 9 p.m. Thursday, new ownership took control, and the format flipped from top-40 dance to top-40...
New An Horse Album: FULL STREAM
New An Horse Album: FULL STREAM: Get psyched ya?ll, the new An Horse album, Walls, comes out this week and you can stream it in its entirety over at Spinner. High-fives!
Love in the Time of Sockpuppets
First Amina Arraf, the supposed Syrian and alleged lesbian
behind the blog A Gay Girl in Damascus, turned out to be a
married guy from Georgia. Now we hear that they couldn't get a
real lez to edit Lez Get Real, the lesbian news site
where "Amina" started her rise to stardom. The Washington
"Paula Brooks," editor of Lez
Get Real since its founding in 2008, is actually Bill Graber, 58, a
retired Ohio military man and construction worker who said he had
adopted his wife?s identity online. Graber said she was unaware he
had been using her name on his site....
Over the weekend, as journalists, bloggers and fans of Amina hunted
for clues to the identity behind the blog, Brooks came under review
as a possible suspect. Liz Henry, a Web producer at,
questioned Brooks?s involvement with Amina, as Amina had started to
write about the Syrian uprising on Lez Get Real before starting her
own blog....
Brooks had told reporters at The Washington Post that she could
only speak on the phone through her father because she was deaf.
She provided a photograph of her license as proof of her identity,
which showed a woman named Paula Brooks.
On Monday, we continued to question her identity. We spoke to the
man who identified himself as her father, who finally admitted
after numerous telephone conversations: "I am Paula Brooks." That
man turned out to be Bill Graber....
He felt secure that no one would discover his true identity until
the story of Amina started to unravel. He said his connection to
Amina was purely coincidental and started when Amina commented on a
post on the Lez Get Real site in February. It "was a major
sock-puppet hoax crash into a major sock-puppet hoax."
The best part of the Post piece: "Amina often flirted
with Brooks, neither of the men realizing the other was pretending
to be a lesbian." Jeez. Are there any more real cowgirls in this
It's not news that the Internet is rife with role-playing. Take
the masquerades of real life, add anonymity, throw in some
marketers and alternate
reality games and lonelygirl15s for
flavor, and you get a network that can't go a month without
grabbing your shirt, slapping your face, and screaming DOUBT IS
YOUR FRIEND. I like to think the long-term social effect will be a
general increase in skepticism. In the short term, I feel like I
tuned in to The L Word and got Mission:Impossible
instead. Anyone else got a mask they'd like to peel off? Confess in
the comment thread.
behind the blog A Gay Girl in Damascus, turned out to be a
married guy from Georgia. Now we hear that they couldn't get a
real lez to edit Lez Get Real, the lesbian news site
where "Amina" started her rise to stardom. The Washington
"Paula Brooks," editor of Lez
Get Real since its founding in 2008, is actually Bill Graber, 58, a
retired Ohio military man and construction worker who said he had
adopted his wife?s identity online. Graber said she was unaware he
had been using her name on his site....
Over the weekend, as journalists, bloggers and fans of Amina hunted
for clues to the identity behind the blog, Brooks came under review
as a possible suspect. Liz Henry, a Web producer at,
questioned Brooks?s involvement with Amina, as Amina had started to
write about the Syrian uprising on Lez Get Real before starting her
own blog....
Brooks had told reporters at The Washington Post that she could
only speak on the phone through her father because she was deaf.
She provided a photograph of her license as proof of her identity,
which showed a woman named Paula Brooks.
On Monday, we continued to question her identity. We spoke to the
man who identified himself as her father, who finally admitted
after numerous telephone conversations: "I am Paula Brooks." That
man turned out to be Bill Graber....
He felt secure that no one would discover his true identity until
the story of Amina started to unravel. He said his connection to
Amina was purely coincidental and started when Amina commented on a
post on the Lez Get Real site in February. It "was a major
sock-puppet hoax crash into a major sock-puppet hoax."
The best part of the Post piece: "Amina often flirted
with Brooks, neither of the men realizing the other was pretending
to be a lesbian." Jeez. Are there any more real cowgirls in this
It's not news that the Internet is rife with role-playing. Take
the masquerades of real life, add anonymity, throw in some
marketers and alternate
reality games and lonelygirl15s for
flavor, and you get a network that can't go a month without
grabbing your shirt, slapping your face, and screaming DOUBT IS
YOUR FRIEND. I like to think the long-term social effect will be a
general increase in skepticism. In the short term, I feel like I
tuned in to The L Word and got Mission:Impossible
instead. Anyone else got a mask they'd like to peel off? Confess in
the comment thread.
Community News
Get ready Hillcrest, to have your world rocked with delicious food
and entertainment!
Eden, the enlightened lovechild of ChileCo Catering’s Chef Scotty Wagner and NightlifeSD’s David Laurent comes to life on October 28, 2010, as the power duo unveil the reinvented Hillcrest entertainment complex on the corner of University and Vermont. Guests are invited to indulge in Eden’s earthly delights and will be able to enjoy the freshest local fares from the restaurant’s globally inspired menu.
Colorful, casual and contemporary, the restaurant at Eden will be a reflection of the surrounding community. With a focus on providing guests with the highest quality food that is representative of what’s fresh, local and seasonal, Chef Scot…
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and entertainment!
Eden, the enlightened lovechild of ChileCo Catering’s Chef Scotty Wagner and NightlifeSD’s David Laurent comes to life on October 28, 2010, as the power duo unveil the reinvented Hillcrest entertainment complex on the corner of University and Vermont. Guests are invited to indulge in Eden’s earthly delights and will be able to enjoy the freshest local fares from the restaurant’s globally inspired menu.
Colorful, casual and contemporary, the restaurant at Eden will be a reflection of the surrounding community. With a focus on providing guests with the highest quality food that is representative of what’s fresh, local and seasonal, Chef Scot…
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UN recognises gay rights
The United Nations Human Rights Council has recognised the equal rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender people
Priscilla Wins a TONY and Nick Adams Goes Backstage
BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Priscilla's costume designers Tim Chappel and Lizzy Gardiner, who took home a Tony Award for BEST COSTUME DESIGN . "This has been an extraordinary experience. Twenty years ago, we made a tiny film in Australia, and won an Oscar for it. And now to hold a Tony in our hands is just ridiculous!" said the designers. Nick Adams is back this week with a new episode of his Muscles and Mascara video blog, for In episode 13, he takes you to a gay pride rally in NYC, plus backstage for the all the Tony Award excitement! ( Did you see that performance with Martha Wash and the Priscilla cast, of "it's Raining Men"?? WOW! If you missed it, here it is on YouTube.)Also in this newest episode, Nick talks about his 28th birthday and his Fellowship/Award from the American Theater Hall of Fame as a "breakthrough performance" for his role in Priscilla Queen of the Desert.Congratulations Nick!Nick Adams blogNick Adams TwitterNick Adams Facebook Priscilla on Broadway
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sherry Vine is Looking for a Good Time
From New York to LA, from Berlin to Budapest, international superstar Sherry Vine has toured the world! Sherry is one of our favorite NY Divas is back this month with a brand new, all original song - LOOKING FOR A GOOD TIME.CHECK OUT THE NEW VIDEO Directed by Francis Legge.Song by Sherry and DJ Gomi
Take the Test, Take Control
Today, June 27th, is National HIV Testing Day. The theme of this year?s observance, ?Take the Test, Take Control?, reminds all of us the importance of taking a very simple test can help control your destiny.
Cubs' It Gets Better video out
The Chicago Cubs are the second major league team to release an It Gets Better video, following the San Francisco Giants' lead.
(30) You Like the Crazy
Isis, American Chappaquiddick Idol, Listener v/m, Quarrels, Monsters, Not so Smiley Cyrus, What’s a Hooker to Wear?, This American Life, Bottles of Red for Billy Joel … and last but not least, if you listen very carefully you will learn the real reason why cops eat donuts! Only here at the Lesma! Featuring music by: [...]
(57) How Can a Fish Look Like a Horse? (mini)
King Nero Bloombucks, X the hunting … the abortion issues … oh and that whole anti-gay marriage issue, and it’s Palin Lust, Bruno, etctera
(27) The Complete Guide to Loosening Uranus
The Shadow Knows, Melissa’s Mash-Up Submission, Listener Call In, Polygamists, Summer Diets, Gym Observations, Kardashian Meaninglessnesses, Fantasies, Subconscious Seriousness and more … Music Featured by: The Trucks
"(Katy Perry?s) ?I Kissed a Girl? was just straight-up offensive. The whole thing..."
?(Katy Perry?s) ?I Kissed a Girl? was just straight-up offensive. The whole thing is like, I kissed a girl so my boyfriend could masturbate about it later. It?s disgusting. It?s exactly every male fantasy of fake lesbian porn. It?s pathetic. And she?s not a good singer.? - Kathleen Hanna on Katy Perry.�
Monday, June 27, 2011
AMA backs same-sex marriage
The American Medical Association AMA is lending its seal of approval to same-sex marriage. While unlikely to shift President Obama on the issue, it should give cover to some other politicians and even judges who are on the fence about this important civil-rights issue.
Shooting Near S.F. Pride Wounds Five
Five people were wounded Saturday at a shooting near San Francisco?s gay pride festivities.
David Frum: I was wrong about same-sex marriage
Conservative David Frum was a special assistant to President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2002. Washington (CNN) -- I was a strong opponent of same-sex marriage. Fourteen years ago, Andrew Sullivan and I forcefully debated the issue at length online (at a time when online debate was a brand new thing).
Real Estate News
Lorie Zapf follow up
Last Friday, our community got some good news from the San Diego Association of Realtors (SDAR) which decided to suspend its endorsement of Lorie Zapf for City Council. Zapf failed to disclose a number of crippling personal details including her open gay-hatred and her operation of a short sale scam with husband Eric. Zapf is now forced to remove the Realtor thumbs-up from all campaign material and won’t have access to the organization’s PAC funds. Thanks to all who took a moment to contact SDAR, both as Realtors and as clients. Your direct involvement helped immensely. Professional credit is owed to SD City Beat’s Dave Maass and Realtor Pat Flannery from
Before we uncork the Prosecco in victory, let me offer a more dir…
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Last Friday, our community got some good news from the San Diego Association of Realtors (SDAR) which decided to suspend its endorsement of Lorie Zapf for City Council. Zapf failed to disclose a number of crippling personal details including her open gay-hatred and her operation of a short sale scam with husband Eric. Zapf is now forced to remove the Realtor thumbs-up from all campaign material and won’t have access to the organization’s PAC funds. Thanks to all who took a moment to contact SDAR, both as Realtors and as clients. Your direct involvement helped immensely. Professional credit is owed to SD City Beat’s Dave Maass and Realtor Pat Flannery from
Before we uncork the Prosecco in victory, let me offer a more dir…
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(33) What Does Gay Pride Mean to YOU?
(1hr) This podcast’s topic: “Why Is Gay Pride Important to You?” We took your calls!! Some special guests called in also and are sprinkled throughout this podcast. Lizzy the Lezzy – Gay Carrington – Jamesson – JHermBaby – Italian Stallionette – Kentucky Lightening!!!! and Carla Jean Johnson Deputy Marriage [...]
Lisa Lampanelli tweets for M2 Lubricants -- M2 Lubricants adds support to her stand against Westboro Baptist Church
San Diego-June 16, 2011 -- Lisa Lampanelli, Americas' sweetheart and Comedy's Lovable Queen of Mean, recently challenged the hate group-Westboro Baptist Church head on! She pledged to donate $1000 for every Westboro Baptist Church wacko member that protested her recent show in Kansas. That resulted in a $50,000 check to the Gay Men's Health Center-NYC . Now you can...
News: Beards, Matt Bomer, Normal Heart, Katherine Helmond
Obama collects $4 million on NYC visit.
NY Clinton County Clerk warns of HIV epidemic if same-sex marriage legalized.
Beards from below.
Kim Kardashian shows off X-ray to prove her ass is real.
If marriage equality passes, you can get married by The Naked Cowboy in Times Square on July 3. "I'm not a homosexual or a hypocrite, I am an American. It is hypocritical, in my opinion, for our legislature to discriminate against gays and lesbians regarding same-sex marriages. Gay & Lesbian Americans should be provided the same freedom and equal rights as heterosexuals allowing them to be legally wed if they so desire, and it should be regarded as 'moral' for anyone to be willing to commit to a monogamous relationship bound in holy matrimony."
Matt Bomer doffs his white collar.
Young gays react to The Normal Heart: "The fear and terror of the gay characters onstage, Mr. Smith said in an interview outside the theater, was such a sharp contrast to his own experience, in which friends can be casual about using condoms. His eyes still wet from tears, he recalled how one friend recently had a scare and thought he might have contracted H.I.V. 'It was actually kind of frightening, because he was like, ?Well, at this point, even if I got infected, it?s not the worst thing in the world anymore,?' Mr. Smith said. 'And you see this play and you?re like, ?The ?80s seem a long time ago, and yet we?re making the same dumb mistakes.''"
MTV replacing entire cast of Jersey Shore?
Princess Zach.
FOX's MasterChef caught faking a huge crowd.
WATCH: The AFA's shocking video of Home Depot at (gasp) a Gay Pride parade.
Murder charges against six teens upgraded to hate crime in fatal Long Island attack: "Anthony Collao, 18, who lived in Bethpage, was leaving a birthday party in Woodhaven, Queens on March 12 with a friend when the six thugs -- three of them carrying a stick, metal pipe and cane -- chased him down 90th Street and viciously attacked him while spewing derogatory remarks, authorities said. The creeps allegedly threw him against a car and began to punch, kick and then pummel him with the three weapons."
Columbia Records predicting Beyonce's album 4 will flop.
Lesbian Methodist minister Amy DeLong gets 20 day suspension, writing assignment from jury of Wisconsin clergy: "DeLong, 44, of Polk County, was convicted Wednesday of performing a 2009 same-sex wedding in Menomonie in violation of United Methodist Church rules. She was acquitted on a 12-1 vote of a second charge of being a 'self-avowed practicing homosexual.'"
Not faked: Vancouver riot kissing couple caught on video.
Flesh-eating cocaine reported in New York, L.A..
Barney Frank and Ron Paul introduce bipartisan legislation to legalize marijuana.
Katherine Helmond heading to True Blood: "The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that Helmond will play Caroline Bellefleur, the grandmother of Bon Temps sheriff Andy Bellefleur (Chris Bauer) and his sister, Portia (Courtney Ford). The actress is set to appear in two episodes of Season 4, which premieres Sunday."
Are Ken Mehlman's days as a hypocrite over? "A source at the party tells us Mehlman was 'actually well received by the crowd' when he showed up at Gawker Media's Summer of Love soiree."
NY Clinton County Clerk warns of HIV epidemic if same-sex marriage legalized.
Beards from below.
Kim Kardashian shows off X-ray to prove her ass is real.
If marriage equality passes, you can get married by The Naked Cowboy in Times Square on July 3. "I'm not a homosexual or a hypocrite, I am an American. It is hypocritical, in my opinion, for our legislature to discriminate against gays and lesbians regarding same-sex marriages. Gay & Lesbian Americans should be provided the same freedom and equal rights as heterosexuals allowing them to be legally wed if they so desire, and it should be regarded as 'moral' for anyone to be willing to commit to a monogamous relationship bound in holy matrimony."
Matt Bomer doffs his white collar.
Young gays react to The Normal Heart: "The fear and terror of the gay characters onstage, Mr. Smith said in an interview outside the theater, was such a sharp contrast to his own experience, in which friends can be casual about using condoms. His eyes still wet from tears, he recalled how one friend recently had a scare and thought he might have contracted H.I.V. 'It was actually kind of frightening, because he was like, ?Well, at this point, even if I got infected, it?s not the worst thing in the world anymore,?' Mr. Smith said. 'And you see this play and you?re like, ?The ?80s seem a long time ago, and yet we?re making the same dumb mistakes.''"
MTV replacing entire cast of Jersey Shore?
Princess Zach.
FOX's MasterChef caught faking a huge crowd.
WATCH: The AFA's shocking video of Home Depot at (gasp) a Gay Pride parade.
Murder charges against six teens upgraded to hate crime in fatal Long Island attack: "Anthony Collao, 18, who lived in Bethpage, was leaving a birthday party in Woodhaven, Queens on March 12 with a friend when the six thugs -- three of them carrying a stick, metal pipe and cane -- chased him down 90th Street and viciously attacked him while spewing derogatory remarks, authorities said. The creeps allegedly threw him against a car and began to punch, kick and then pummel him with the three weapons."
Columbia Records predicting Beyonce's album 4 will flop.
Lesbian Methodist minister Amy DeLong gets 20 day suspension, writing assignment from jury of Wisconsin clergy: "DeLong, 44, of Polk County, was convicted Wednesday of performing a 2009 same-sex wedding in Menomonie in violation of United Methodist Church rules. She was acquitted on a 12-1 vote of a second charge of being a 'self-avowed practicing homosexual.'"
Not faked: Vancouver riot kissing couple caught on video.
Flesh-eating cocaine reported in New York, L.A..
Barney Frank and Ron Paul introduce bipartisan legislation to legalize marijuana.
Katherine Helmond heading to True Blood: "The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that Helmond will play Caroline Bellefleur, the grandmother of Bon Temps sheriff Andy Bellefleur (Chris Bauer) and his sister, Portia (Courtney Ford). The actress is set to appear in two episodes of Season 4, which premieres Sunday."
Are Ken Mehlman's days as a hypocrite over? "A source at the party tells us Mehlman was 'actually well received by the crowd' when he showed up at Gawker Media's Summer of Love soiree."
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Trans funny-man Ian Harvie: The intimacies of laughter
Ian Harvie, a transgender comedian based in Los Angeles, is a lifetime comic, but he officially began his career at a small comedy club in Maine in 2002, worked his way around the country, and in 2006 he was handpicked by comedian Margaret Cho as her opening act. Over the past few years Harvie has been not only an activist but also a face for the transgender community.�
Margaret Cho's bestie Ian Harvie is preparing to produce a comedy festival in his home state of Maine. He recently spoke to The Advocate about hecklers, the politics of passing and performing at religious colleges as a transgender comic.
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Margaret Cho's bestie Ian Harvie is preparing to produce a comedy festival in his home state of Maine. He recently spoke to The Advocate about hecklers, the politics of passing and performing at religious colleges as a transgender comic.
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Virginia House Kills Bills Affecting National Guard LGBT Service Members
On Tuesday, a Virginia House committee dismissed two bills addressing the status of gay and lesbian service members in the Virginia National Guard. House Bill 2474, sponsored by Del. Robert G. Marshall (R-Prince William) proposed a ban on allowing gay and lesbian service members to serve openly, while House Bill 2345 asked that the Virginia National Guard adhere to the regulations followed by the U.S. Department of Defense. The House Rules Panel rejected HB 2474 on the grounds that the disparity between the National Guard?s standards and those of other armed services could lead to a "management and leadership nightmare" should they ever serve together. Del. Bill Janis (R-Henrico) also noted the possibility of federal funding being compromised by the change. Executive Director of Equality Virginia, James Parrish, argued that the issue should be deferred to the governor and the Guard?s leadership. HB 2345, sponsored by Del. Joseph D. Morrissey (D-Henrico) was also abandoned in a quick move by the panel following their decision on Marshall?s bill.Related Media Coverage:Richmond Times-Dispatch - February 2, 2011"Bills Regarding Gays in the Va. National Guard Die in Committee"
(58) Slut Bitch Cunt
Eminem & Dr. Dre’s�bitter response to Mariah;�Another Rant�about�Republicrat Demublicans;�Nikki, Bobbi, and Lalee call in�to chat about H20, a Sexless Marriage, Crooked Cash Businesses in the NY, Rude LA Drivers,�Tranny Chasing Music: Talk to Me – Peaches PSA’s: Kiko Lombardi of
Elton John can't adopt orphan, Ukraine decides
Elton John won't be able to adopt a 14-month-old HIV-positive child from Ukraine because the pop star is too old and isn't married, the government said Monday. Adoption and gay rights advocates expressed regret about...
ADOPT ME! Betty looking for a loving home
Like every dog that Take Me Home (TMH) rescues, Betty is no different, she is truly special.
Betty was dumped at a county shelter by her owners, who told the shelter that she was 15 years old, sick and maybe blind and deaf (which she is NOT). TMH jumped into action the moment the shelter contacted us and within a couple of hours of hearing about her plight, Betty was safely in the arms of loving TMH volunteers.
Betty is soft spoken, mild mannered and just oozes with appreciation at the smallest gesture of kindness.
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Betty was dumped at a county shelter by her owners, who told the shelter that she was 15 years old, sick and maybe blind and deaf (which she is NOT). TMH jumped into action the moment the shelter contacted us and within a couple of hours of hearing about her plight, Betty was safely in the arms of loving TMH volunteers.
Betty is soft spoken, mild mannered and just oozes with appreciation at the smallest gesture of kindness.
read more
Our Friend Kristin Wants to Be Top Guru
Ever want to quit your job, sell your house and travel? Who hasn?t? Our friend Kristin Flickinger, did just that. Now she?s in the running for a dream job with And she needs your help. GayTravel is looking for a North American Gay Travel Guru. Kristin is hot. Don?t believe me? Go check her out. Then vote for her. You must be signed in to vote, so make sure you create a profile and then activate it by checking your email. To vote for Kristin, Click "Guru" in the upper right hand corner, then "VOTE!" on the left side, then look for her bikini and click on her application. Then click "vote for Kristin" at the top and rate her "5" to show the love. Finally, make sure to "share" and "retweet" at the top. All of these things will help make her the GayTravel Guru! Here?s the best part: Vote, and then let Kristin know you did and you're entered to win a "tag along" trip with her if she becomes the Guru. She gets the gig, and someone gets to go along for part of it. Spread the word! Checkout for details.Thank you all!
Is there any going back?
I think I'm a lesbian. I'm married. I have no gay friends. My family is Conservative Christian. What do I do? Pretty much just like the title. I've been noticing an increasingly hard to ignore attraction to women, and a lessening (almost to the point of absence) in attraction to men in general and my husband. I still love him. I still want him in my life. I'm frightened. The thought of divorce makes me nauseous. Other than this blip, we have a pretty normal and comfortable life together. We talk, we fight, we make up, we laugh, we're happy, and even sometimes have enjoyable sex. I think I've known about my attraction to women for a while, internally. I just don't know what suddenly made it all click in my head.
I have no idea where to go from here and I'm scared. I really don't want this, but it feels too big to ignore.
I have no idea where to go from here and I'm scared. I really don't want this, but it feels too big to ignore.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
DA to look into suicide of bullied teen Asher Brown
HOUSTON (AP) – Prosecutors said Friday they will look into what led to the suicide of a 13-year-old Houston boy whose parents say was relentlessly bullied at his middle school for two years because of his religion and sexual orientation.
Asher Brown’s parents, who claim school officials ignored their pleas for help, said they hope “justice will be served” by the investigation by the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.
“Once they find out what’s been hidden, we would want the people responsible to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law,” said Asher’s stepfather, David Truong.
Asher shot himself in the head with his stepfather’s handgun on Sept. 23 at his family’s home.
Truong sa…
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Asher Brown’s parents, who claim school officials ignored their pleas for help, said they hope “justice will be served” by the investigation by the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.
“Once they find out what’s been hidden, we would want the people responsible to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law,” said Asher’s stepfather, David Truong.
Asher shot himself in the head with his stepfather’s handgun on Sept. 23 at his family’s home.
Truong sa…
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NOW Congratulates Hochul on Breakthrough Win in New York Special Election a New York special election Tuesday, May 24, NOW/PAC-endorsed candidate Kathy Hochul (D) decisively won the open House seat in the state's traditionally Republican 26th District.
Awesome, Single Lesbians?A Dying Breed?
An acquaintance of mine and I were chatting the other day and she said, “There are no more awesome, hot lesbians out there.” Of course, my response was, “Are you kidding I am totally hot and awesome and so is E.” Because of course, any chance I get to boast about the greatness that is [...]
Michigan House Poised to Cut Domestic Partner Benefits
The Michigan House of Representatives is poised to vote on a resolution to overrule a recent decision to provide domestic partner benefits to state employees. Citing cost, Republicans say providing domestic partner benefits would put increase costs as much as $8 million. The effort is being lobbied by the American Family Association of Michigan. Supporters of domestic partner benefits say the opposition is inflating the cost and note that in other factions of government where similar benefits have been implemented the cost rose "a tiny fraction."Related Media CoverageMichigan Messenger -- March 22, 2011"House to act Tuesday on domestic partners resolution"
(04-24-11) -- New erotic thriller from openly gay filmmaker David DeCoteau, 1313: NIGHTMARE MANSION starring SURVIVOR: NICARAGUA winner Judson "Fabio" Birza, is now available on DVD and VOD! You're cordially invited. Just beyond Elm Street lies Nightmare Mansion, a place where thrills and chills lurk.
TWO SPIRITS Brings Native Americans Gender Traiditons to PBS June 14
Two Spirits interweaves the tragic story of a mother?s loss of her son with a revealing look at the largely unknown history of a time when the world wasn?t simply divided into male and female and many Native American cultures held places of honor for people of integrated genders.
Fred Martinez was n�dleeh�, a male-bodied person with a feminine nature, a special gift according to his ancient Navajo culture. He was one of the youngest hate-crime victims in modern history when he was brutally murdered at 16. Two Spirits explores the life and death of this boy who was also a girl, and the essentially spiritual nature of gender.
Two Spirits tells compelling stories about traditions that were once widespread among the indigenous cultures of North America. The film explores the contemporary lives and history of Native two-spirit people ? who combine the traits of both men and women with qualities that are also unique to individuals who express multiple genders.
The Navajo believe that to maintain harmony, there must be a balanced interrelationship between the feminine and the masculine within the individual, in families, in the culture, and in the natural world. Two Spirits reveals how these beliefs are expressed in a natural range of gender diversity. For the first time on film, it examines the Navajo concept of n�dleeh�, ?one who constantly transforms.?
In Navajo culture, there are four genders; some indigenous cultures recognize more. Native activists working to renew their cultural heritage adopted the English term ?two-spirit? as a useful shorthand to describe the entire spectrum of gender and sexual expression that is better and more completely described in their own languages. The film demonstrates how they are revitalizing two-spirit traditions and once again claiming their rightful place within their tribal communities.
Two Spirits mourns the young Fred Martinez and the threatened disappearance of the two-spirit tradition, but it also brims with hope and the belief that we all are enriched by multi-gendered people, and that all of us ? regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or cultural heritage ? benefit from being free to be our truest selves.WATCH A CLIP ONLINEAiring June 14th in most markets 10pm. (E)SIDE NOTE AP Award Winning Journalist Lyndon Evans also writes about this show on his FOCUS ON THE RAINBOW blog.
Fred Martinez was n�dleeh�, a male-bodied person with a feminine nature, a special gift according to his ancient Navajo culture. He was one of the youngest hate-crime victims in modern history when he was brutally murdered at 16. Two Spirits explores the life and death of this boy who was also a girl, and the essentially spiritual nature of gender.
Two Spirits tells compelling stories about traditions that were once widespread among the indigenous cultures of North America. The film explores the contemporary lives and history of Native two-spirit people ? who combine the traits of both men and women with qualities that are also unique to individuals who express multiple genders.
The Navajo believe that to maintain harmony, there must be a balanced interrelationship between the feminine and the masculine within the individual, in families, in the culture, and in the natural world. Two Spirits reveals how these beliefs are expressed in a natural range of gender diversity. For the first time on film, it examines the Navajo concept of n�dleeh�, ?one who constantly transforms.?
In Navajo culture, there are four genders; some indigenous cultures recognize more. Native activists working to renew their cultural heritage adopted the English term ?two-spirit? as a useful shorthand to describe the entire spectrum of gender and sexual expression that is better and more completely described in their own languages. The film demonstrates how they are revitalizing two-spirit traditions and once again claiming their rightful place within their tribal communities.
Two Spirits mourns the young Fred Martinez and the threatened disappearance of the two-spirit tradition, but it also brims with hope and the belief that we all are enriched by multi-gendered people, and that all of us ? regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or cultural heritage ? benefit from being free to be our truest selves.WATCH A CLIP ONLINEAiring June 14th in most markets 10pm. (E)SIDE NOTE AP Award Winning Journalist Lyndon Evans also writes about this show on his FOCUS ON THE RAINBOW blog.
Friday, June 24, 2011
City Council discusses medical marijuana dispensaries
Medical marijuana dispensaries were debated Monday by the San Diego City Council, which voted 6-1 to direct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance regulating dispensaries and making them legal with a list of qualifications and conditions.
But this isn’t a quick fix. City staff estimated that City Attorney Jan Goldsmith will return to the Council with an ordinance in mid-January, 2011.
It will be a different Council then, as Councilmember Donna Frye is termed out of office and Council President Ben Hueso is running for State Assembly.
Third District Councilmember Todd Gloria authored the motion which was seconded by Hueso. Carl DeMaio voted no and Marti Emerald was absent. Voting in favor were Sherri Lightner, Tony Young, Kevin Faulconer, Frye, Glor…
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But this isn’t a quick fix. City staff estimated that City Attorney Jan Goldsmith will return to the Council with an ordinance in mid-January, 2011.
It will be a different Council then, as Councilmember Donna Frye is termed out of office and Council President Ben Hueso is running for State Assembly.
Third District Councilmember Todd Gloria authored the motion which was seconded by Hueso. Carl DeMaio voted no and Marti Emerald was absent. Voting in favor were Sherri Lightner, Tony Young, Kevin Faulconer, Frye, Glor…
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(54) Potty Training & Stalkers
Opening song by Wendy Ho, widely known and beloved in the community and gay rights supporter. To purchase more of Wendy Ho’s music go here: Friend Wendy on Myspace: (Don’t listen to S, it’s show 54 not 55, it’s 54) A Smother’s love, Getting scammed for juice, Why does Heide say lesbians [...]
Obama disappoints at LGBT fundraiser
An audience of about 600 people gave President Obama money Thursday night at an LGBT fundraising event in New York City for the Obama 2012 campaign.
Man Receives 111 Years for Murder of Transgender Woman
Judge Jesús Peluyera sentenced Emanuel Adorno Ayala to 111 years in prison for the murder of Ashley Santiago, a transgender woman from Corozal, Puerto Rico. Ayala pled guilty to all his charges and received a sentence of 99 years for first-degree murder and an additional 12 years for robbery and weapons possession. Ashley?s mother, Carmen Ocasio, said tearfully that ?this pain will last for the rest of my life? after Ayala was given his sentence. Ayala had stabbed Ashley more than a dozen times in her home in April 2010.Ayala was previously convicted of murdering his former brother-in-law, only a few weeks prior to Ashley?s murder. At that time, he had asked for forgiveness from the family of his former partner. This time, he did not express any remorse or make any comments when given his sentence.Related Media Coverage:Edge Boston ? February 7, 2011?Man Receives 111-Year Prison Sentence For Transgender Woman?s Murder? Hora ? February 7, 2011?Sentencian a 111 Años de Cárcel al Asesino de ?Ashley??
New Sexy Creature Feature from filmmaker David DeCoteau, 1313: GIANT KILLER BEES, now available on VOD!
05-23-11 -- A world torn with death and chaos. Experiments with honey bees. A global biological disaster. Watch in terror as a horde of giant killer bees preys upon an unsuspecting super-hot cast. Professor Bensington laments his role in the end of the world and reveals to us what caused the horror. His research assistant, a young college student named Redwood, travels to San Marino to ...
(40) London Calling. Shoot Your TV!
She Calls to Say She Has Sense, Friends from Send Over a Fun Hello, Zeitgeists Addendum released 10/02/08, Compulsive Sunflower Seed Overeater, Negative Television Hysteria, CNN Journalist Jill Abrams book The Myth, The Muse, The Meshuga, Rachel from London discusses London Police, Heather Mills etc .
Latino Commission on AIDS hosting June 23-25 training
The Latino Commission on AIDS the Commission will host "Tratamiento Ahora" "Treatment Now" Training June 23-24 at the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, 200 W. Jackson.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Cee Lo Apologizes to Gay Voice Contestants after "Homophobic" Tweet
On Friday, Cee Lo Green responded to a negative review of his live show via Twitter by suggesting that the female critic who wrote the review was gay.
Gay homeless man turns things around
As music blasts throughout the party and cocktails flow from person to person, his energy defies gravity. His personality decorates each conversation—making each guest feel special. At 6'2" with a confident look, he's hard to miss. However, his loud outbursts of random, often overtly sexual comments, compliments to strangers and cringingly honest nature are what attract attention. To say that Jahwaan Bingham is the life of the party would be a vast understatement.
Have you ever successfully fought for a relationship that you knew was worth saving? How did it work out?
Have you ever successfully fought for a relationship that you knew was worth saving? How did it work out? The love of my life seems ready to end our relationship. It started as a close distance relationship, but switched to distance for reasons we can?t easily change and will remain a LDR for a long time, though there is an end date eventually. The thought of not being in each other?s lives hurts more than I can fathom, but I don?t know if I can sway her or if I should. I know she loves me and ending the relationship saddens her too. We are both approaching our thirties and have been together for almost 2 years. That's not a huge amount of time, but I could see us together for much longer. I feel like I should do everything in my power to fight for what we have, and want to hear from others who have tried.
Dining, Drinks & Desserts
Supper and a beer with “Little Nicky”
With just a few short weeks left to the Mid Term Elections I encourage everyone to vote and make a commitment to get their family and friends out to cast their ballots. At the printing of this article the San Diego County Registrar of Voters opened for early voting. Please get out and vote!
This week my scheduled guest was Community Volunteer Extraordinaire, Mr. Mike Williams. Unfortunately he was ill so I thought it would be fun to ask “Little Nicky” to join me. We selected Bourbon Street Bar & Grill. Our freakish thunder and rain storm last week created the desire for some good old fashion comfort food.
Ready to debrief from our work day and everything else we opted for a couple of items that do a great job in satisfying those cravings. …
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With just a few short weeks left to the Mid Term Elections I encourage everyone to vote and make a commitment to get their family and friends out to cast their ballots. At the printing of this article the San Diego County Registrar of Voters opened for early voting. Please get out and vote!
This week my scheduled guest was Community Volunteer Extraordinaire, Mr. Mike Williams. Unfortunately he was ill so I thought it would be fun to ask “Little Nicky” to join me. We selected Bourbon Street Bar & Grill. Our freakish thunder and rain storm last week created the desire for some good old fashion comfort food.
Ready to debrief from our work day and everything else we opted for a couple of items that do a great job in satisfying those cravings. …
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BearPodcast 358 ? Forbidden Fruit, Taking Someone?s Virginity (VLOG)
Forbidden Fruit, Taking Someone's Virginity (VLOG)
MP4 Video, Duration - 38:20, Size - 233.3MB
Hosts: Nard and Ray
We tried and failed to tell the story of the Forbidden Fruit. Nard was surrounded by lesbians. Ray talks about taking someone?s virginity from a friend.
We are raffling off a free Drenched Fur registration (travel and lodging not included). Send an e-mail to with a subject line ?Drenched Fur? to get a chance to win a free registration, which includes the Basics package and Splash (Waterpark fun). The deadline is February 28.
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Call our voicemail line at 206-222-BEAR
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MP4 Video, Duration - 38:20, Size - 233.3MB
Hosts: Nard and Ray
We tried and failed to tell the story of the Forbidden Fruit. Nard was surrounded by lesbians. Ray talks about taking someone?s virginity from a friend.
We are raffling off a free Drenched Fur registration (travel and lodging not included). Send an e-mail to with a subject line ?Drenched Fur? to get a chance to win a free registration, which includes the Basics package and Splash (Waterpark fun). The deadline is February 28.
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E-mail: show (at)
Call our voicemail line at 206-222-BEAR
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Oh, did you want to listen to Beth Ditto's EP? OK!
Oh, did you want to listen to Beth Ditto's EP? OK!: is a hero.�
Is the 32nd Senator Ready to Come Out of the Closet For Marriage Equality?
It's been nearly a week since same-sex marriage supporters announced they have 31 out of 32 pledged votes toward passing the Marriage Equality Bill. However, Capital Tonight just tweeted that a 32nd, unidentified Senator has been confirmed. Others, like the NYCLU, are claiming there is a 32nd phantom vote, but no one is confirming who this Senator is.
Vancouver Queers :: Will You Be at Davie + Howe?
Vancouver is a-talking about what's coming to Davie & Howe in October and it's all the buzz.... Much speculation has been going around about what would be going into the prime intersection in gay-town. While I was glad to hear it's not going to be a Starbuck's or a BlockBuster or yet another Safeway, I couldn't get the skinny on what was coming to the location exactly. I'm super intrigued, though, as I like the way "whatever-it-is" is flirting with the gay community.What I Did Find OutIt's going to be a new Canadian brand and that they are launching in Vancouver before going national. Hmm.... a brand of what? We also heard from a very reliable source that this new yet to be named Canadian brand is going to definitely support the LGBT community. Even though it's quite coy, I'm very curious--curious enough to join the online bandwagon! You should, too.I'll keep my ear to the ground and let you know what I can uncover between now and Oct. I'm excited to see so many cute faces out and about and online! Join me in the fun.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Giffords Intern Celebrates Gay Night at Nats Park
Daniel Hernandez, who made news in January as the intern who saved Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords?s life, helped kick off an annual gay event in Washington, D.C., by throwing the first pitch at Tuesday?s Washington Nationals game.
A Gay in the Life: Promoter Otis Mack
Raising 14 kids hasn't stopped Otis Mack from living his jet-set lifestyle of hosting parties, traveling, being fabulous and, above all, giving back as a mentor and father figure.
(53) Skeleton Closet Confessions
8 minute Mash-up, Then Nikki Guest Hosts and says it’s show 54 but don’t listen to her it’s #53; ate mail from God?/Yeshua; Aimless feminists; and answer listener inquiries from show 52 re: (Sandi’s) run in with a past flame’s ex-hubby a few weeks ago and we both confess a few skeletons in our closets [...]
Pulling the Ol? Switcharoo.
The other day a co-worker of mine was telling me about an upcoming trip to Chicago with a good friend of hers. I told her that was great and she felt compelled to tell me that the friend “used” to be a lesbian but now she’s not. She then wanted to know if she should [...]
For-Profit College Practices Predatory for Women colleges & universities exist to make profits, and they do so by the simple mechanism of selling less value at a much higher cost. Examining both sides of that equation makes clear that taxpayers are supporting an educational-bankruptcy industrial complex that, in the absence of regulation, will continue to force more women & families into the debt horror of a lifetime.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
New Flower Service
As workmen begin installing the flowers for the Prince William and Catherine Middleton's Royal wedding, uur friends at The Garden Party Flower Service launched a new Flower Service today at Head over and take a look.
Image by shannonpatrick17 via Flickr
View Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Image by shannonpatrick17 via Flickr
View Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
N.J. Senate president apologizes for not backing 2009 marriage effort:
New Jersey Senate President Stephen Sweeney said this week that his failure to support a marriage equality bill in 2009 was t -More-
Top 20 Movies You Liked When You Were a Kid... Because You Were a Lesbian Even Back Then
You probably thought you were watching these movies because of their whimsical storylines, or because you enjoyed the actors' performances. But the real reason you liked these films when you were younger is cause of YOUR whimsical homosexuality. You just didn't know it yet.20. AnnieWhy you thought you were watching it: It was a musical with a bunch of kids your age!! Yay!! Cotton candy and mirth for everyone!!Why you were really watching it: It was like our kid version of the Women Behind Bars documentaries we can't get enough of today. Just with wonderful musical numbers added. Think about it.19. Next Karate KidWhy you thought you were watching it: Your dad enrolled you in a karate class a couple of months prior to you seeing this trailer, and you thought it would be a good idea to get a glimpse of what your future may be like. Plus, you dug large birds (that, by the way, is the same excuse you used for "Lost & Delirious" years later).Why you were really watching it: Toned guns, flexible, svelte body...chiseled jawline. Your little lesbian spidey senses knew Hilary Swank would be like the queer mothership even back then.18. Empire RecordsWhy you thought you were watching it: You were at the mall one day and your boyfriend was still trying to figure out why you hated tongue-kissing him so much, so you had at least a couple hours to kill.Why you were really watching it: Ah, where do I begin? Liv Tyler (I really could stop here), chicks shaving their heads, chicks talking to other chicks about shaving their heads, Liv Tyler again...and the hits don't stop, folks!17. Bad GirlsWhy you thought you were watching it: You had a final paper due in Social Studies class and you convinced your teacher to let you do it on this flick. Since she herself was a lesbian and had undoubtedly seen it 3 or 4 times her damn self, she happily agreed.Why you were really watching it: It was a fine combination of slow motion horseback riding and corsets. How could your tiny lesbian self resist??16. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Why you thought you were watching it: Your little brother wanted to see the action scenes. You liked buttered popcorn, so you agreed to chaperone.Why you were really watching it: Make no mistake: If you watched the first Ninja Turtles movie 'cause you had to, you were a good sister. If you watched its 2 sequels, you were a lesbian. If you had a Ninja Turtle lunchbox in the 3rd grade, you were me.15.Tied: Addams Family & Addams Family Values*Why you thought you were watching it: Cool visuals, unique storytelling, awesome dark humor, and look, there's a hand moving by itself!Why you were really watching it: Christina Ricci, rocking your *why do I feel tingly everytime she's on screen* teenage world while burning shit to the ground like a rockstar.*Actually, Addams Family Values has a slight advantage due to Joan Cusack's rockin' cleavage throughout, since its a given that you were staring at it the whole time.14.Adventures In Babysitting=Why you thought you were watching it: Everyone at school said it was radical, and your mom let you go to the 8pm show, which meant you were going to get to stay out til 10:30pm. Finally, you were a woman.Why you were really watching it: Um, Elizabeth Shue is wicked hot, and you were secretly hoping they were going to show the nakey pics of Shue's doppelganger in that magazine. BONUS! While looking up the name of the little girl (Maia Brewton) who was on this and Parker Lewis Can't Lose, I read the following tidbit: "Has twin sons with her wife, Lara. <--Jaw, floor, hit. AWESOME! 13. Troop Beverly Hills Why you thought you were watching it: Why you were really watching it:Definitely because of THAT, and, cause you secretly had a crush on that chick who played Margo on Punky Brewster and you knew she was in it. Plus Jenny Lewis, Carla Gugino and Kellie Martin were on your baby lesbian radar even back then. High five!12.FoxfireWhy you thought you were watching it: You accidentally found this one while strolling through the video store (you know, back when there was...VHS and the video store smelled like a library?). You picked it up and somehow convinced yourself that photographs like this one:from the box were NOT gay. You soon realized just how wrong you were.Why you were really watching it:Before anyone knew who she was, Angelina Jolie was still able to get a room full of chicks to not only take their tops off on demand, but to let her tattoo them in some sort of lesbian-maker ritual by candlelight. Before you knew it, your top was off too. How does she DO it??11. G.I. JaneWhy you thought you were watching it: You watched it on video cause you figured even if you didn't like the plot or acting, you could fast forward it and use it as a wicked workout. Your delts and quads were pissed for months.Why you were really watching it: Ok here's the thing: It doesn't matter if you watched this movie or "Ghost," or "Indecent Proposal"...if you paid any amount of money or coerced someone into paying any amount of money to watch a film simply based on the fact that Demi Moore was in it, you were not only a (lesbian) client, you were the (lesbian) club president.10.FEDSWhy you thought you were watching it: You were considering being a police officer, going into the army, or being in the secret service. Not many of your friends were talking about this little gem, so you thought you'd get a leg up on them.Why you were really watching it:Two women have to prove themselves over and over again to clueless guys, while kicking ass, getting into bar brawls and sometimes wearing skimpy outfits. You were gay, gay, gay!9.My GirlWhy you thought you were watching it: Every single female in your whole school was going to see it. There was no way you'd miss out on being able to discuss this with them!Why you were really watching it:Every. Single. your schoo--hold up, that meant you'd get to be around EVERY SINGLE FEMALE in your school while watching a cute chick run around with Mac Culkin (who might as well have been another girl)?? You were SO there! ...and consequently, SO homosexual.UPDATE: My studies show that 47% of us you watched the sequel because you thought the boy in it was a girl when you saw the trailer. 8. Buffy the Vampire SlayerWhy you thought you were watching it: I tried to type out the theme music to Beverly Hills, 90210, but failed. You get the idea though, right? Ah, Dylan...*sigh*Why you were really watching it: Your gym coach wasn't the only one swimming in The Nile. Ya heard?7.Set It OffWhy you thought you were watching it: Badass chicks. Bigass guns. Its on!Why you were really watching it:Queen Latifah tongue kissin' her (surprisingly mute) bottom bitch & Jada Pinkett OWNING that black dress.6.BeachesWhy you thought you were watching it: The ultimate chick flick. Every woman should watch it. ...Right?Why you were really watching it: True. But also, come closer to the screen. Closer...juuust a bit closer. If you can quote ANY line from this movie, YOU ARE A LESBIAN. I know there are lots of straight and bi women who read my site. To those women I say: if you can quote ANY line from Beaches, YOU ARE A LESBIAN.5. The CraftWhy you thought you were watching it: You were just getting into your *way too much eyeliner for one's own good* + yes I wear a long overcoat even in the summer cause I'm a *thinker* phase and by the looks of the trailer, you figured you could get some tips on how to be a weeee bit creepier by next semester.Why you were really watching it: If you weren't gay before Fairuza Balk came into your life, you certainly were after. You know the scene where the chick shakes her brunette hair blonde? Well Fairuza shook your semi-straight-but-bored soul lez. You instantly purchased the poster and put it on your ceiling, and had no idea why your mom started suggesting you get pregnant before high school graduation.4.A League of Their OwnWhy you thought you were watching it: Female empowerment! Teamwork! Madonna!Why you were really watching it:Cause you were SUCH a lesbian. That's why. I won't insult your intelligence by pretending that I need to explain this one.3.Fried Green TomatoesWhy you thought you were watching it: It was an adult type film that made you feel like you were mature. Something to discuss over dinner with the folks, while smoking your new pipe.Why you were really watching it:2. Thelma & LouiseWhy you thought you were watching it: The idea of sitting in a crisp movie theater on a sweltering summer day with middle-aged women who were slightly intoxicated sounded like a good idea. Plus, this didn't hurt (you're only human!):Why you were really watching it: I mean who are we kidding? This whole post could have just been called "Thelma & Louise" and you would have understood its intent.1.Weird ScienceWhy you thought you were watching it: It was a Friday night and your boyfriend wanted to see a movie. You were cool with that cause it meant 2 hours of silence from him. You just didn't know why you wanted 2 hours of silence from him. Hmmm...Why you were really watching it: A movie about two geeky pervs who create the hottest woman alive in their bedroom, all while wearing bras on their heads? They might as well have lifted the script directly from the diary you kept in your hope chest.
For-Profit College Practices Predatory for Women colleges & universities exist to make profits, and they do so by the simple mechanism of selling less value at a much higher cost. Examining both sides of that equation makes clear that taxpayers are supporting an educational-bankruptcy industrial complex that, in the absence of regulation, will continue to force more women & families into the debt horror of a lifetime.
Opposition to Marriage Equality in D.C. on Republican Agenda for 112th Congress
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee (RSC), said he will be pursuing legislation that would eradicate marriage equality in Washington D.C. Jordan was the lead sponsor of the so-called D.C. Defense of Marriage Act, which attracted 53 co-sponsors in the Democrat-led 111th Congress. The initiative is expected to garner further support now that the House of Representatives is dominated by a Republican majority. Along with other opponents of marriage equality, Jordan recently signed his name to a legal brief that challenges the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics decision denying a ballot initiative that would outlaw marriage equality. The Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Equality Amendment Act, which upholds marriage equality in Washington D.C., was passed in 2009 under then-Mayor Adrian Fenty. Related Media Coverage:The Hill - January 25, 2011"GOP to Push for D.C. Gay Marriage Ban"
US decides gay judges can rule on same-sex marriage
A federal judge has ruled this week that a gay judge’s sexual orientation does not disqualify them from hearing gay rights cases
Monday, June 20, 2011
My Website Rises Again
Dear Readers, Very soon margagomez dot com will be up and running and redesigned with video, photos and an interactive Q&A section. So that’s why I have been a little MIA on this blog. If you are in San Francisco … Continue reading →
BearPodcast 358 ? Forbidden Fruit, Taking Someone?s Virginity (VLOG)
Forbidden Fruit, Taking Someone's Virginity (VLOG)
MP4 Video, Duration - 38:20, Size - 233.3MB
Hosts: Nard and Ray
We tried and failed to tell the story of the Forbidden Fruit. Nard was surrounded by lesbians. Ray talks about taking someone?s virginity from a friend.
We are raffling off a free Drenched Fur registration (travel and lodging not included). Send an e-mail to with a subject line ?Drenched Fur? to get a chance to win a free registration, which includes the Basics package and Splash (Waterpark fun). The deadline is February 28.
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Call our voicemail line at 206-222-BEAR
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MP4 Video, Duration - 38:20, Size - 233.3MB
Hosts: Nard and Ray
We tried and failed to tell the story of the Forbidden Fruit. Nard was surrounded by lesbians. Ray talks about taking someone?s virginity from a friend.
We are raffling off a free Drenched Fur registration (travel and lodging not included). Send an e-mail to with a subject line ?Drenched Fur? to get a chance to win a free registration, which includes the Basics package and Splash (Waterpark fun). The deadline is February 28.
Subscribe via iTunes and leave a review
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E-mail: show (at)
Call our voicemail line at 206-222-BEAR
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Zayn Malik Shirtless
Zayn Malik Shirtless
Zayn Malik Shirtless - The cute one from One Direction in this years X factor
View Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Zayn Malik Shirtless - The cute one from One Direction in this years X factor
View Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
(61) Gettin? Hyphy
The Ariana Nation is getting hyphy on Biden; We gettin hyphy on The Penis director Polanski who rapes 7th graders; Some of YOUR voicemails; Chat w/Bobbi about Jada & Lil Kim’s cheek bones, Cougars, LTRs, Chat w/Niki about Guns & Women, 911 Conspiracy Theories, Dancing Guidettes … Woody Allen signed this petition. WOODY ALLEN! [...]
"It's Time To Break My Silence."
This is SO badass! I recommend it for any highschoolers or college chicks seeing this...and hell, I'm 30 and have been out for half my life, and this still touches me as if I were just discovering my feelings yesterday. Watch it and share it.Thanks to ("Loving Annabelle"'s writer/director) Katherine Brooks for posting this on facebook. I don't think I would have seen it otherwise.If you'd like to sponsor a post, email me at Lots of exposure designed for a smaller budget!
Pretty Airplanes
Jes from Dayton Ohio recently contacted me to tell me about an art project she completed. She was invited by the city to cover this model F16 jet with art. Since she is a mosaic artist, this is what she came up with. Jess said:I covered the Jet with stained glass because glass is the most beautiful media in the world ;)I wanted to show a larger range of color and knew that a rainbow would be perfect. The plane is meant to be beautiful more than anything else. I wanted people to want to know what she is all about. A beautiful sculpture that says I'm proud to be gay and in the military. I hope this Rainbow F16 serves as a reminder that we need to defeat the BAN on gay men and women serving our country. Equality is beautiful.Jes's plane will be on display in a bank in Dayton, Ohio. Thanks for sharing Jes!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Life Beyond Therapy
DADT and Mental health
Over the years, I have been the psychotherapist for many active and retired military personnel. It has been my privilege and honor to be able to support these fine men and women in whatever ways I can. It is clear to me, however, that DADT has been a major roadblock to their mental health.
As a federal law, DADT institutionalizes several phenomena:
• Forcing active and retired servicemen/women to lie, deny and hide who they are as LGBT people
• Making it crucial that LGBT servicemen/women take on a false identity, e.g. pretend they’re heterosexual
• Labeling LGBT people as unacceptable
• Putting extreme social/financial/emotional pressure on servicemen/women to keep pretending, lying, denying and hiding
In essence, DADT is a …
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Over the years, I have been the psychotherapist for many active and retired military personnel. It has been my privilege and honor to be able to support these fine men and women in whatever ways I can. It is clear to me, however, that DADT has been a major roadblock to their mental health.
As a federal law, DADT institutionalizes several phenomena:
• Forcing active and retired servicemen/women to lie, deny and hide who they are as LGBT people
• Making it crucial that LGBT servicemen/women take on a false identity, e.g. pretend they’re heterosexual
• Labeling LGBT people as unacceptable
• Putting extreme social/financial/emotional pressure on servicemen/women to keep pretending, lying, denying and hiding
In essence, DADT is a …
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Sexy Fridays: All About Clit Pumps
We often talk about sex toys in this column and how they can enhance your sex life. I think that the toys that lesbians are most familiar with are dildos and vibrators. But there are plenty of other products out there to enhance your sex life. I asked sexologist Dr. Carol Queen to tell us more today about clit pumps and why someone would want to use them. Turns out, for some lesbians, the answers go beyond pleasure. Read on....Read Full Post
Liza Recalls Elizabeth Founding amfAR
Superstar Liza Minnelli has fond memories of fellow icon Elizabeth
Taylor including a conversation between the two that inspired the launch
of AIDS charity amfAR.
Taylor including a conversation between the two that inspired the launch
of AIDS charity amfAR.
Label for One: Pride is a time to celebrate gay-given individuality
Opinion: Save for a bit of tail-wagging at Pride of Pets this Saturday and the June 29 shindig at the White House to celebrate my birthday and The Gays, pride season has more or less ended. And kudos to Capital Pride for another well-executed tornado of Dorothy-inspired days of gaiety. The festival is two days behind me as I write this, and I still see rainbows when I close my eyes. My voice is still hoarse from shouting at the parade and gabbing at the festival. And as our society continues its charge into a world of spin, politicking and flat-out deceit, I'm grateful to have had my sense of scrutiny recharged by Capital Pride. When it comes to what makes me proud – and so very grateful – to be gay, it's my sense of scrutiny. Some might take succor from the social solidarity. Others may point to our activism or accomplishments, our fearless exploration of sexuality and gender, or a number of other LGBT cultural components worth celebrating. For me, it's primarily the honed sense of knowing shit from Shinola. ... (more)
hurt her heart
What is my post-breakup jerk quotient? The history:
Lesbian couple, ages 26 (me) and 35 (Jane). Dated for a month or two, after which I sprung a break up on her, due to feelings of ambivalence and also drama going on with a best friend who wanted to date me.
After a few months of trying to date my friend, I found myself consistently missing Jane. I called Jane up, we hung out, got back together. It lasted 10 months this time, and I decided to let slide the things I didn't like about her, because there was so much I did like. We lived together, it was a disaster. We fought a lot. I questioned our compatibility consistently from month 3 or 4 onward. We tried therapy. It helped a little, but I didn't feel committed enough to work through the issues we had. She convinced me I needed to try harder, that I was too idealistic and giving up too easily. I tried breaking up with her a few times, she always had an easy time talking me out of it.
Brought up breaking up with our therapist, who said Jane had to really take it seriously when I expressed a desire to break up. A couple of weeks later it happened, I broke up with her, and was terrified of losing her but knew I didn't want to continue anymore. Cried for two days and then surprised myself by feeling really over it. Miss her here and there, but overall know it was completely the right decision.
The present:
Enter Lindsay. Knew her casually while I was dating Jane, but never actually took her up on the offer to email her because I knew I had a crush on her, and it felt like cheating on Jane. Ran into Lindsay about 10 days after breaking it off with Jane, sent her an email, hung out. After the first hang out I realized I really liked her, and after I kissed her on the next date I told her I wasn't ready to jump into anything. That I wanted to take it slow. Not happening. We've been seeing each other 3 or 4 times a week, it's hot and sexy and really fun. We haven't had sex yet, but make outs are intense.
The problem:
I feel terrible for Jane. I know I broke her heart when I broke up with her. I think she wanted to be with me forever, and while I made it clear through our relationship that I wasn't ready to think on those terms, I think she still hoped. If she knew I was dating someone again already, someone who I really like and can see getting serious with, she'd be devastated. A friend was frank with me today and told me she thought I was moving too fast, that if I ever wanted a friendship with Jane I was throwing it away, and that she worried I was using Lindsay as a rebound. Therapist also voiced the rebound concern.
I don't think I'm using Lindsay to distract myself. I had wanted time alone, had wanted to date many people casually, had wanted to focus on some friendships. I still want time alone and friendships, but even though I tried to keep Lindsay at a distance and take it slow, it feels like too much work when all we want to do is hang out with each other.
Mostly I feel bad for Jane, feel guilty about moving on too quickly, and maybe feel slightly worried that things are moving too fast with Lindsay, but don't feel like slowing down. I know that would be the best thing to do for Jane, and I feel like a jerk for not empathizing with her more, or being more concerned with how all this would hurt her. I feel callous.
Tl;dr (even though I don't know what that stands for):
Broke my ex's heart, and jumped into something 2 weeks later. Feeling like a major jerk for moving too fast too soon.
Lesbian couple, ages 26 (me) and 35 (Jane). Dated for a month or two, after which I sprung a break up on her, due to feelings of ambivalence and also drama going on with a best friend who wanted to date me.
After a few months of trying to date my friend, I found myself consistently missing Jane. I called Jane up, we hung out, got back together. It lasted 10 months this time, and I decided to let slide the things I didn't like about her, because there was so much I did like. We lived together, it was a disaster. We fought a lot. I questioned our compatibility consistently from month 3 or 4 onward. We tried therapy. It helped a little, but I didn't feel committed enough to work through the issues we had. She convinced me I needed to try harder, that I was too idealistic and giving up too easily. I tried breaking up with her a few times, she always had an easy time talking me out of it.
Brought up breaking up with our therapist, who said Jane had to really take it seriously when I expressed a desire to break up. A couple of weeks later it happened, I broke up with her, and was terrified of losing her but knew I didn't want to continue anymore. Cried for two days and then surprised myself by feeling really over it. Miss her here and there, but overall know it was completely the right decision.
The present:
Enter Lindsay. Knew her casually while I was dating Jane, but never actually took her up on the offer to email her because I knew I had a crush on her, and it felt like cheating on Jane. Ran into Lindsay about 10 days after breaking it off with Jane, sent her an email, hung out. After the first hang out I realized I really liked her, and after I kissed her on the next date I told her I wasn't ready to jump into anything. That I wanted to take it slow. Not happening. We've been seeing each other 3 or 4 times a week, it's hot and sexy and really fun. We haven't had sex yet, but make outs are intense.
The problem:
I feel terrible for Jane. I know I broke her heart when I broke up with her. I think she wanted to be with me forever, and while I made it clear through our relationship that I wasn't ready to think on those terms, I think she still hoped. If she knew I was dating someone again already, someone who I really like and can see getting serious with, she'd be devastated. A friend was frank with me today and told me she thought I was moving too fast, that if I ever wanted a friendship with Jane I was throwing it away, and that she worried I was using Lindsay as a rebound. Therapist also voiced the rebound concern.
I don't think I'm using Lindsay to distract myself. I had wanted time alone, had wanted to date many people casually, had wanted to focus on some friendships. I still want time alone and friendships, but even though I tried to keep Lindsay at a distance and take it slow, it feels like too much work when all we want to do is hang out with each other.
Mostly I feel bad for Jane, feel guilty about moving on too quickly, and maybe feel slightly worried that things are moving too fast with Lindsay, but don't feel like slowing down. I know that would be the best thing to do for Jane, and I feel like a jerk for not empathizing with her more, or being more concerned with how all this would hurt her. I feel callous.
Tl;dr (even though I don't know what that stands for):
Broke my ex's heart, and jumped into something 2 weeks later. Feeling like a major jerk for moving too fast too soon.
The spark that ignited the flame…that led future GLBT generations out of the dark
What a list we have this year for the fifth anniversary of GLBT History Month. It would be impossible to cover all of those who have done so much for our community as every day we make history through our actions, even the smallest and simplest ones. Those who are honored this year are some of the more high profile GLBT’s that have, either in the past or present, found the strength, courage and will to help drive our rights forward. Each and every one of them should be honored and are worthy of our attention.
But without taking away from those we are honoring where is the sixteen year old who came out against all the odds and made something of himself giving back to his community at the same time? Is he not part of our history, or does he not count a…
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But without taking away from those we are honoring where is the sixteen year old who came out against all the odds and made something of himself giving back to his community at the same time? Is he not part of our history, or does he not count a…
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(18) Xanax and Rehab ?All In One? Trip
Sandi’s shares her Xanax experience in a “1″ minute commentary.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Bullying…an evil epidemic in our midst
In the last two months there has been a public outcry over the number of GLBT youth who have committed suicide. It is not only brought the issue back into focus for our community but for the world. With celebrities speaking out on the issue and vigils being held across the country we collectively must do all we can to ensure that not only GLBT youth but all youth are not bullied and brought to feeling so hopeless that they feel the only way out is to take their own lives.
Statistically nine out of ten GLBT youth say they have been bullied and GLBT youth are four times more likely to take their own lives than heterosexual youth according to the Massachusetts Youth Risk Survey. In a study led by Dr. Caitlin Ryan and conducted as part of the Family Acceptance…
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Statistically nine out of ten GLBT youth say they have been bullied and GLBT youth are four times more likely to take their own lives than heterosexual youth according to the Massachusetts Youth Risk Survey. In a study led by Dr. Caitlin Ryan and conducted as part of the Family Acceptance…
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Portuguese Model Accused of Killing Journalist Pleads Not Guilty
This Tuesday, Portuguese model Renato Seabra pleaded not guilty for the murder of 65-year-old Carlos Castro. Castro, who was a prominent journalist in Portugal, was found dead last month in his room at the Intercontinental Hotel in Times Square. He had been beaten and castrated, though the medical examiner?s office revealed that the ultimate cause of death was head trauma and strangulation. Castro?s face was bruised and had shoe impressions. Despite his plea, 21-year-old Seabra has admitted to stabbing and castrating Castro with a corkscrew, noting that the whole attack took at least an hour. Seabra?s attorney, David Touger, said he plans a ?vigorous defense? for Seabra. Supreme Court Judge Charles Solomon ordered that Seabra be detained without bail.Related Media Coverage:Reuters - February 1, 2011"Portuguese Model Pleads Innocent in Journalist Murder"
Emanuel hosts first Pride reception
Continuing a long tradition held by Mayor Richard M. Daley, Mayor Rahm Emanuel hosted his first LGBT Pride Month Reception at the Chicago Cultural Center June 9. Though Daley originally started the event to make up for not marching in the city's annual Pride Parade he refused to work on Sundays , Emanuel announced to loud applause that he would march in this year's parade, slated for June 26.
Failed Iowa Gubernatorial Candidate Fights Marriage Equality
Bob Vander Plaats, Iowa?s failed Republican gubernatorial candidate for last year?s election, is campaigning against marriage equality. In his ?Capturing the Momentum? tour, Vander Plaats plans to reach all of Iowa?s 99 counties, discussing what he calls ?pro family issues.? Marriage equality was enacted in Iowa in 2009, and Vander Plaats? campaign focuses on disbanding the original seven Supreme Court justices who unanimously approved it, four of which remain on the bench. Vander Plaats hopes to change the way Supreme Court justices are selected in the future and claims he would like to re-affirm the so-called ?Defensive Marriage Act? by bringing a marriage amendment to a people?s vote.Related Media Coverage:KTVO - January 21, 2011"Vander Plaats Campaigning Iowa Against Gay Marriage"
Montana State Senate Committee Considers Anti-Gay Bill
A bill that would prohibit cities from adopting non-discrimination ordinances was heard by the Montana State Senate Local Government Committee on Monday. Missoula is the only city in Montana to have passed a non-discrimination ordinance that protects gay and transgender people, and the bill is seen as an attempt by certain legislators to reverse that decision of the Missoula City Council. The State House has already passed the bill, and the Senate committee took no immediate action. Related Media Coverage:Missoulian ? March 14, 2011?Montana Senate panel hears low-key crowd on bill to nullify Missoula equality law?
Haiku for Adulthood: How Lesbian Sex Works
Haiku for Adulthood: How Lesbian Sex Works: Faves:�
Strap-on sex is fun,
until you realize you
don?t know when to stop.
It?s like straight sex, but
by ?sex,? I mean deconstructing
Strap-on sex is fun,
until you realize you
don?t know when to stop.
It?s like straight sex, but
by ?sex,? I mean deconstructing
Friday, June 17, 2011
Senate Committee Keeps Anti-LGBT Amendments Off Defense Bill
Yesterday, the Senate Armed Services Committee completed its markup of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) without incorporating any of the anti-LGBT amendments attached to the NDAA in the House. Thanks to senate allies, we are one step closer to defeating the attempts of far-right House members to delay and distract from the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) -- a process that is advancing smoothly according to all top military leaders.
COMMENTARY with VIDEO: Two giants steps for equal rights
The march toward full equality for the LGBT community took two giants steps forward this week, and both monumental legal rulings came out of California.
Many observers believe that Chief Judge James Ware?s decision in the Proposition 8 case will be go down as a career highlight for the jurist on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.
Kudos to Chief Judge James Ware and the Bankruptcy Court!
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Many observers believe that Chief Judge James Ware?s decision in the Proposition 8 case will be go down as a career highlight for the jurist on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.
Kudos to Chief Judge James Ware and the Bankruptcy Court!
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Dioceses react to civil-union law
Due to the recent passing of the civil-union law, certain child-welfare agencies have acted against complying with the law that should allow same-sex couples to become foster care or adoptive parents.
No green card for my spouse
Today my husband, Sergio, and I will report to the U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services to be interviewed for the purpose of determining the legitimacy of our marriage in connection with my petition for...
Real Estate News
San Diego needs its own Housing Hero
Big Bad Banking got some really BAD NEWS last week as Mother Jones Magazine’s Andy Kroll broke the story of huge law firms, known as “foreclosure mills”, operating in Florida (and elsewhere) engaged in the potentially illegal taking of millions of homes.
GMAC -a subsidiary of Ally Financial was so worried it suspended foreclosure evictions and sales altogether. Rising Democratic Party star Rep. Alan Grayson along with his Ohio colleague Marcy Kaptur have been among the few voices in Congress for homeowners in the ongoing class war waged against them by Wall Street. It seems now they were right all along. You may remember Kaptur as the take-charge legislator who advised homeowners in her Toledo-area district to demand that banks produce th…
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Big Bad Banking got some really BAD NEWS last week as Mother Jones Magazine’s Andy Kroll broke the story of huge law firms, known as “foreclosure mills”, operating in Florida (and elsewhere) engaged in the potentially illegal taking of millions of homes.
GMAC -a subsidiary of Ally Financial was so worried it suspended foreclosure evictions and sales altogether. Rising Democratic Party star Rep. Alan Grayson along with his Ohio colleague Marcy Kaptur have been among the few voices in Congress for homeowners in the ongoing class war waged against them by Wall Street. It seems now they were right all along. You may remember Kaptur as the take-charge legislator who advised homeowners in her Toledo-area district to demand that banks produce th…
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Queer Beer: a beer for gays and lesbians
A Mexican company has launched a new beer aimed at the gay and lesbian community that will also be exported to other countries, company officials said.
Former N.Y. Giant Warns of ?Anarchy? if Marriage Passes
A New York Giants Super Bowl hero is warning of ?anarchy? should state lawmakers approve gay marriage this week.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Colorado State Senator to Introduce Civil Unions Bill
On Sunday, Sen. Pat Steadman (D-Denver) said he plans to introduce legislation that would allow and recognize civil unions for all couples. The bill would extend a number of protections and benefits to couples, including access to each other?s inheritance, health insurance, social security benefits and hospital visitation rights. Lisa Green, who has lived with her partner, Shawna Kemppainen, for over two years, expressed her dissatisfaction with the state of equality in Colorado and most of the United States, saying, "Here I am trying to build a committed, responsible, loving family that contributes to the world and my country's not taking care of me." Steadman recently began discussing the bill with Republicans at the Capitol in hopes of improving its reception by lawmakers. However, the bill has already garnered opposition. Sen. Shawn Mitchell (R-Broomfield) said he is not interested in supporting a bill that is ??trying to recreate marriage in all but name." Colorado voters rejected a 2006 referendum that would have recognized domestic partnerships, and Mitchell believes that subsequently introducing civil union legislation will go against voters? wishes.Related Media - January 31, 2011"Bill Recognizing Civil Unions to be Introduced in Legislature",0,7229046.story
Which Member of One Direction is Gay?
Which Member of One Direction is Gay? Are there any gay members of One Direction? Do any of them actually know themselves? Take a look at the history of boy bands with members coming out as gay.
Irish boy band Westlife star Mark Feehily declared he was gay and in a relationship with Kevin McDaid, who used to be in boyband V. Westlife memebrs fully supported Mark as did Westlife's fans.
Irish boy band Boyzone were the biggest boy band in Britain - six number ones, 10 million albums, sold-out arena tours with a not a dry seat in the house - and Stephen Gately was (secretly at first) gay. Sadly Stephen passed away last year from a congenital heart problem.
Lance Bass from US boy band N-Sync came out in 2006. "I knew that I was in this popular band and I had four other guys' careers in my hand, and I knew that if I ever acted on it or even said (that I was gay), it would overpower everything," said Bass at the time, referring to bandmates Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick, JC Chasez and Justin Timberlake.
Jonathan Knight from US Boy Band New Kids on the Block (NKOTB) is reported by Perez Hilton as gay. Johnathan dated a Brazilian model (Kyle Wilker), until he spilled the beans on his boy band boyfriends.
UK boy band Take That have no out gay members. Robbie Williams has joked many times about being gay but has sued The Mirror for libelous reports about his sexuality.
McFly are very cool and very supportive of their gay fan base. The boys recently got their willies out on the stage of gay London club institution G.A.Y. The one on the left is particularly cute. He has an amazing body.
So which one of One Direction do you think is gay?
The one in purple?
The One Direction boys are working very hard on the X Factor to make it in the tough world of music. I'm sure they will do well winning or otherwise. They really don't need speculation on their sexuality, but they are sure going to get it.
JLS last year's X Factor definitely all look straight. It will be interesting to see if a boy band every has an out gay member from the get-go.
Comments please guys!
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Irish boy band Westlife star Mark Feehily declared he was gay and in a relationship with Kevin McDaid, who used to be in boyband V. Westlife memebrs fully supported Mark as did Westlife's fans.
Irish boy band Boyzone were the biggest boy band in Britain - six number ones, 10 million albums, sold-out arena tours with a not a dry seat in the house - and Stephen Gately was (secretly at first) gay. Sadly Stephen passed away last year from a congenital heart problem.
Lance Bass from US boy band N-Sync came out in 2006. "I knew that I was in this popular band and I had four other guys' careers in my hand, and I knew that if I ever acted on it or even said (that I was gay), it would overpower everything," said Bass at the time, referring to bandmates Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick, JC Chasez and Justin Timberlake.
Jonathan Knight from US Boy Band New Kids on the Block (NKOTB) is reported by Perez Hilton as gay. Johnathan dated a Brazilian model (Kyle Wilker), until he spilled the beans on his boy band boyfriends.
UK boy band Take That have no out gay members. Robbie Williams has joked many times about being gay but has sued The Mirror for libelous reports about his sexuality.
McFly are very cool and very supportive of their gay fan base. The boys recently got their willies out on the stage of gay London club institution G.A.Y. The one on the left is particularly cute. He has an amazing body.
So which one of One Direction do you think is gay?
The one in purple?
The One Direction boys are working very hard on the X Factor to make it in the tough world of music. I'm sure they will do well winning or otherwise. They really don't need speculation on their sexuality, but they are sure going to get it.
JLS last year's X Factor definitely all look straight. It will be interesting to see if a boy band every has an out gay member from the get-go.
Comments please guys!
Gay newsView Australian Queer News on the web at Gay News Blog
Lesbian News - 31 May 2011
Ex-CDC counselor sues over advising lesbian
Pride Charlotte seeks community feedback, to host roundtable
Byrne reveals lesbian relationshipBill gives same-sex couples status hereThe Out in Africa Gay and Lesbian film festival promises to be a remarkable affair this yearDeGeneres' mother: 'Fight goes on'Senior girl pushes back, allowed to get dressed up, in tux, for promSchools remove filters on gay, lesbian websitesWoodhull Hospital to Begin New LGBT Training InitiativeSays she was taken for gay conversion therapy instead of a psychiatric hospital for drug abuse treatment, as ordered by the court.
Pride Charlotte seeks community feedback, to host roundtable
Byrne reveals lesbian relationshipBill gives same-sex couples status hereThe Out in Africa Gay and Lesbian film festival promises to be a remarkable affair this yearDeGeneres' mother: 'Fight goes on'Senior girl pushes back, allowed to get dressed up, in tux, for promSchools remove filters on gay, lesbian websitesWoodhull Hospital to Begin New LGBT Training InitiativeSays she was taken for gay conversion therapy instead of a psychiatric hospital for drug abuse treatment, as ordered by the court.
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