Thursday, June 30, 2011

NOM's Brian Brown pitches nutty plan to reverse marriage equality in New York

Protect your keyboards.  In his latest fundraising email, NOM's Brian Brown is actually pitching an anti-equality constitutional amendment for New York.  This will be a test of the gullibility of NOM's donors because the plan is utterly ridiculous.  An amendment to the New York State Constitution requires the approval of two consecutive legislatures. (see Article XIX).  Here's the plan:We're putting together a 4-year campaign strategy that will reverse same-sex marriage in New York. We'll have many more details, and ways for you to get involved, in the days ahead but the overall plan will have three phases: PHASE 1: Elect pro-marriage majorities next November that will approve a marriage amendment in both the Assembly and Senate during the 2013 legislative session. PHASE 2: Protect pro-marriage candidates in the 2014 elections, so that the amendment can receive final legislative approval in the 2015 legislative session. PHASE 3: Successfully pass the ballot measure when it goes before voters in November 2015. Recall that the Assembly passed the Marriage Equality Act by a vote of 80-63 and the Senate passed it by a vote of 33-29.  To accomplish this mean-spirited plan, NOM would have to replace at least 18 pro-equality Assembly members and 3 pro-equality Senators (incumbents all) with anti-equality challengers, get a majority of both chambers to approve a proposed amendment, maintain the anti-equality majorities through another election, then get the majority of both chambers to vote anti-equality for a second time. Then the question would go to the voters, who already overwhelmingly support marriage equality. No wonder Brian Brown literally sat and cried when the Senate passed the Marriage Equality Act.  With everyone from Roman Catholic majorities to ultra-conservative David Frum supporting marriage equality, Mr. Brown must be keenly aware that his anti-gay meal ticket is just about punched out.

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