Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lucy Jane Bledsoe Coming to the NW

Get excited bibliophiles! Lucy Jane Bledsoe is coming to Portland, Seattle and Bellingham soon. If you're a lesbian and don't know Lucy Jane Bledsoe, you've been living under a rock or your idea of reading is scanning your friend's Facebook updates. Lucy is a prophetic writer who's written some real jewels, including Biting the Apple (which is sitting to the left of where I'm typing right now).If you live in or near these fabulous NW towns, go check out Lucy and her new book: The Big Bang Symphony.Wednesday, June 16, 7 pmTHIRD PLACE BOOKS -- Ravenna store6504 20th Ave. NESeattle, WA 98115206-525-2347Thursday, June 17, 7:30 pmPOWELL'S BOOKS -- Hawthorne store3723 SE Hawthorne Blvd.Portland, OR503-228-4651I love Powell's and I love Portland, my hometown. Come on out and say hi.Tuesday, June 22, 7:00 pmVILLAGE BOOKS1200 Eleventh StreetBellingham, WA 98225360-671-2626This reading with Carol Guess and Elizabeth Colen! Please come.

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