Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rick Santorum to visit Washington state on day the governor signs marriage equality bill

OLYMPIA, Wash. -- Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum is planning to do his best to upstage Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire on the day she signs into law the bill that legalizes marriage equality in the state.
Santorum, who is unashamed of his homophobia, plans to meet with foes of marriage equality in the state capital of Olympia as well as in Tacoma. The anti-gay former Senator from Pennsylvania, who was whomped during his last re-election campaign, has scheduled at 7 pm campaign rally at the Washington Historical Museum in Tacoma.

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum is planning to do his best to upstage Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire on the day she signs into law the bill that legalizes marriage equality in the state.

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