Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thursday Watercooler: The last one

Pepper spray is not a condiment. Have you been paying attention to the Wall Street protests [1]? A New York police officer is accused of using pepper spray against a few protesters. From the videos it looks like there was no earthly reason for the cop's actions. Plus,� after he used the stuff, the dude just walked away. This caused Atlantic Monthly writer James Fallows [2] to call the guy "pepper spraying coward cop." Writer Jeanne Mansfield was on the scene Check out her story at the Boston Review [3].


Cain is no Perry fan. Look at Herman Cain. He wins the Florida straw poll [5], and starts acting like a front runner. The former CEO of Godfather's Pizza (ewwwwwwwwww) said that as of now he could not support Gov. Rick Perry if the Texan gets the nomination. Why? According to Mr. racialist [6], Perry is too soft on immigration. This statement is worthless, but whenever Cain is talking silly comments should be expected.


Rick Welts finds a new gig. Remember Rick Welts [8]? He was the Phoenix Suns executive who came out in early May. A few weeks back he resigned from that job. He wanted to be closer to his partner, who lives in Sacramento. The Golden State Warriors [9] went the smart route and picked Welts to be their team president. Now if the NBA [10]can avert a strike, everything will be right the world. Hey, Mr. Welts?! If you need people in your communications department give Jay and me a call. She's not really a sports fan, but don't worry about that.


Research, research, research. Dear homophobic legislators: if you come up with crazy bills, be able to defend them publicly. North Carolina state Sen. James Forrester [12] sponsored an amendment proposal banning same sex marriage. Michelangelo Signorile [13] had the senator on his radio show. The interview lasted only 22 minutes, and the politician was unable to back up one of his claims (gays have shorter lives, etc., etc.). When pressed on how gay marriage impacted the straight institution, the senator decided to end the conversation. "I think I?m going to end this conversation right now because I see you?re completely negative, on the other side, trying to set me up." Thanks to Think Progress.


No more Watercooler. No tears. No tears (smile). This slice of the 365 experience has frustrated the most. Mainly because it reminded me how many stories we missed. Remain proud of the work done here, but the site missed too many stories. Unfortunately that was inevitable. Jay is the only full time employee. The rest of the team consists of freelancers and/or interns. Hard to keep up with staffing like that. Don't worry. This is not going to be� a rant about corporate media (grin). Changing gears completely, if you are in New York tomorrow please come by for a goodbye drink. Here is the info [15]. Tomorrow Jay will be listing places you can go for that news fix. In case you want to follow the mess in my head, please check my blog What the world does not need. [16]Fair warning. The site is a list of my obsessions. Those include some of the� following: gay porn, clips of The Wire [17] and Homicide [18], peach cobbler, cherry pie, complaints about drunken queens at sports bars,� some news, and musings about culture. Working on a post on why I'm suddenly obsessed with Rene Fleming [19]. I can also be found on Twitter [20]and Facebook [21].� My last 365 post will share what I really think about Jay (grin).


[1] http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/occupy-wall-street-protests-the-women-who-were-maced-the-policeman-who-maced-them-video/2011/09/27/gIQAQGdi1K_blog.html
[2] http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2011/09/more-on-the-pepper-spraying-coward-cop/245714/
[3] http://www.bostonreview.net/BR36.5/jeanne_mansfield_occupy_wall_street.php
[4] http://www.365gay.com/wp-content/uploads/news-policeman-crossedarms-top.jpg
[5] http://www.365gay.com/news/092611-monday-watercooler/
[6] http://www.365gay.com/news/070411-monday-watercooler/
[7] http://www.365gay.com/wp-content/uploads/News-Herman-Cain-top.jpg
[8] http://www.365gay.com/news/report-suns-exec-tell-newspaper-that-hes-gay/
[9] http://www.mercurynews.com/sports-headlines/ci_18992131
[10] http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/7031637/nba-lockout-david-stern-threaten-cancelation-season-sources-say
[11] http://www.365gay.com/wp-content/uploads/basketball-floor-top.jpg
[12] http://www.365gay.com/news/north-carolina-legislature-passes-anti-gay-marriage-amendment/
[13] http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2011/09/27/330210/sponsor-of-ncs-anti-gay-marriage-amendment-cant-explain-how-gays-and-lesbians-undermine-marriage/
[14] http://www.365gay.com/wp-content/uploads/news-Newyork-wedding-rings-top.jpg
[15] http://www.365gay.com/news/in-nyc-come-toast-the-end-of-365gay-on-friday-with-the-editorial-team/
[16] http://whattheworlddoesnotneed.blogspot.com/
[17] http://www.hbo.com/the-wire/index.html
[18] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide:_Life_on_the_Street
[19] http://www.reneefleming.com/
[20] https://twitter.com/#!/JamesWithers3
[21] http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002221939963
[22] http://www.365gay.com/wp-content/uploads/Water-cooler-top.jpg

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