Friday, July 13, 2012

White House asks top court to review marriage case

White House asks top court to review marriage case

The Obama administration pressed the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday to take up the rights of same-sex couples, asking the justices to bypass an appellate panel and review the case of a San Francisco court employee seeking federal insurance for her wife - a request the administration now supports.

In simultaneous filings, the Justice Department sought Supreme Court review of cases in California and Massachusetts challenging the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act, the 1996 law denying federal benefits to same-sex couples legally married under their state laws.

In the California case, federal officials invoked the Defense of Marriage Act to deny family insurance coverage to Karen Golinski, an appeals court attorney in San Francisco, who married Amy Cunninghis in 2008 while same-sex marriage was legal in California.

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