Saturday, July 14, 2012

Withers: This is it

For this� final post, let's return to the first. It was September 2007. We were Visiblevote then. The staff was me, Jay [1], Pauline Park [2], and John Polly of NewNowNext [3]. My first post was a disaster. Our writing program kept jamming, the photo didn't format correctly, and the writing was drivel. Screamed at the computer that entire morning. The insanity was so over the top that poor Billie [4] looked at me, slowly got up, and found a more comfortable spot to dream of snacks and tennis balls.

In that September, Democrats and Republicans were gearing up for the 2008 primary season. The lines were drawn in the sand. Anything we wrote that was remotely negative about then Sen. Hillary Clinton was quickly dismissed as "Hillary hate." Words that weren't supportive of the guy with the funny name, and big ears, were called press releases from Camp Clinton.


Despite those partisan charges, our coverage of the 2008 election season matches anything done. Anything. Jay, John, and Pauline� made me a better writer and thinker. I thank them for that.

While the thanks are being dispensed, I must talk about Ali Davis [6]. If you need to listen to a crazy man [7] bring Ali along. She wears the best shoes. Sooooooo many Beck fans asked me about her� sneakers. Ali: I better get an invite to the commitment ceremony between you and Melinda. She loved you!

Also want to give thanks to John Culhane, Lisa Neff, John Corvino, and Emma Ruby-Sachs. I've learned much from your words.

Have to give Jay a big hug. She's unparalleled as an editor. Always willing to listen. Here is what you need to know: any decent post of mine is because of her. All the lousy ones? My sole responsibility. This site's success is due to her efforts.

Before this turns into the last episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show [8] (don't mock Polly!), kudos to those who gave us your time. I can be found here [9]. Drop by and cuss me out.

Best of luck. Keep keeping on. Peace.


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