Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Seeking: Mentor/Protege

Recommendations for stories about the mentor/protege dynamic that are sexy. Bonus points if both parties are female. I have a HUGE thing for mentor/protege dynamics with sexual tension - the mentor is tops at their field and rather focused on it to the near-exclusion of everything else, the protege is being trained in the field and is often treated as an assistant of sorts, the protege goes from wanting to be like the mentor to wanting the mentor themselves (or vice versa) and there's some sexualisation that would usually throw IRL examples into depths of unprofessional conduct but in fiction is really really hot.

It's kinda similar to teacher/student in terms of power dynamics, but I see M/P as having a more exclusive, focused relationship - the mentor could be really busy being a rockstar or going to conferences or whatever, but the protege's always there with them as their gopher/right hand person/apprentice/etc.

Any recommendations for stories (or non-fiction if such a thing exists) with this type of dynamic and story structure? It doesn't have to be kinky or especially explicit; I do really like erotic suggestion. I greatly prefer F/F pairings, but I suppose that can be hard to find. Any type of occupation works - artist, scientist, sex worker, sportsperson, smithing, whatever would have such a dynamic to start with.

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