Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New York Clamps Down on Nude Sun Bathing

 NO MORE NUDITY on Fire Island beaches??Well yes, and no.

Newsday reports:
A decades-long tradition of nude
sunbathing on Fire Island beaches is coming to an end this summer: Fire
Island National Seashore authorities have announced plans to enforce
long-standing laws banning the practice...
...Koschmann also said some social media sites carry invitations to meet for public sex on the beach.
The fact that public nudity is illegal in
New York was another compelling reason to change the policy, since FINS
maintains joint jurisdiction with the state, she said. The ban also
will be enforced at four other Fire Island beaches where nude sunbathing
is known to take place -- including the tract of land in front of
Sailors Haven, from Point O' Woods to Cherry Grove.

UPDATE - According to NEXT Magazine,
Fire Island Pines and Cherry Grove not affected by National Parks public nudity ban.
"Community beaches?including those in front of the Pines and Cherry Grove?will not be affected by this."  READ MORE  AT  NEXT

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