Thursday, October 10, 2013

Militant Lesbian Bitch

"I hate the militant lesbian bitch that you've become!"That is what my own mom told me as I was coming out and going through my divorce.  One of the things that she really hated about my coming out was that I refused to feel shame about who I was.  That made me "militant", I guess.  The fact that I stood up for myself and made up my mind to be happy in this life really bothered her.  She wanted for me to live in a closet and not to embarrass her or my children by being the family queer.  My kids could have cared less but to my mom, it was a tragedy that she felt reflected on her somehow.  I have always been a passionate person and whatever I set my mind to, I do it to the best of my ability.  If I want to accomplish it, I can and I will.  I wanted to share with you a quote by Martin Luther King, Jr.  Since it is his day today, I thought that this post would be fitting:"Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals." -Martin Luther King, Jr.I am not afraid to sacrifice, suffer or struggle for the cause of equality.  One day, I want to marry the woman that I love the same way that I married the man that was my best friend.  I want to enjoy all the same rights with her that I had with him and the recognition that goes with it.  If that makes me a "militant lesbian bitch", call me "General Dykeypants" and let's roll.

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