Teresa is still going on about Ana not being able to make it to the funeral of her and Alfonso’s father, but like with everything these days, Teresa keeps hearing to just let it go; even Héctor keeps telling her to ‘not start this again’.
Meanwhile, Rosa is either trying to woo or suck up to Ana by buying her some purple colored treats that Ana loved when she was younger because her father always brought them over.
I can’t tell if Rosa is genuinely interested in friendship (or more), or is just keeping Ana sweet until a better business type of opportunity comes along.
Later at the Rivas home, Alfonso is apologizing to Ana for his behavior for the past couple of months and tells her that he needs a doctor. A real doctor that can help him get off the booze and pills he’s taking.
That doesn’t last long though, because later he’s boozing it up again and this time it’s Ana who is getting the full brunt of it. Alfonso wants sex, but Ana is having none of that when he’s drunk (or any at all for that matter), so tells him to buzz off. Alfonso doesn’t take this so lightly though and tries to force himself on Ana, but she kicks him out of the room.
She talks to Cristina about what happened and with tears in her eyes tells her that she is going to separate from Alfonso and that she made a huge mistake marrying him in the first place.
The next morning at the table, Alfonso apologizes for what he did and Ana tells him that his bags are ready. Alfonso questions if she is kicking him out, but she tells him he is going to a specialized clinic to help him with his demons and clear his body and soul, otherwise known as Rehab. She tells him that she’ll support him, check up on him with the doctors, but tells him to not be very hopeful about anything else.
Ana later goes over to Teresa’s shop to tell Carmen and Teresa that she dropped Alfonso off at a ‘resting sanatorium’ and that he will be receiving treatment for his substance abuse. Both Carmen and Teresa look at Ana dumbfounded, but Carmen, when questioned, confesses that she did indeed suspect Alfonso was having problems. This confession nearly makes Teresa’s eyes pop out of her skull and she questions Carmen on why she kept this a secret from her as they could have done something for him. Ana gives them the details on the treatment centre Alfonso is staying at, but tells them she was advised by the doctors to not visit him for a while because it would be better for his progress.
Teresa, meanwhile, is ready to blow a fuse though, accusing Ana that she is leaving Alfonso to deal with this on his own. Ana calmly rebuffs her, saying that she left Alfonso in the best care possible.
Carmen leaves to process things at home, leaving Ana and Teresa at the shop alone and things get heated fairly quickly between the two:
Teresa: It’s hard to believe for me that my brother’s become a drug addict as you say.
Ana: I understand. It is hard to accept that somebody you love has taken that route.
Teresa: I’m wondering what you have done to get him in this situation.
Ana: I would have sent him to a clinic much earlier, but it is right now that I could because he decided to.
Teresa: No, not for sending him there. I don’t think my brother is taking drugs just for mere fun. No, he is not that kind of person.
Ana: What are you insinuating?
Teresa: That after marrying you he was under so much pressure that he couldn’t overcome. Maybe that’s why he was taking drugs; running away from a relationship that was hurting him.
Ana: I don’t like what you’re saying, Teresa.
Teresa: Me neither, but that is what I am thinking and neither do I believe that my brother’s admitted to a sanatorium of his own free will.
Ana: If you don’t believe me, ask Héctor. Héctor can tell you what happened with your brother.
Teresa: Don’t get my husband involved in this.
Ana: Why not? Hasn’t Héctor told you he saw Alfonso the last couple of weeks?
Teresa: I told you, do not say his name! I am fed up with everybody talking to him behind my back!
Ana: Héctor is a good friend to his friends and you don’t care about him, or your brother or anyone, just that nobody talks unless it is under your control. People are free to talk to whom they want and you can’t avoid that.
Teresa: Are you calling me egocentric?
Ana: I just call that selfish.
Teresa: You are the only one who is selfish, who has no friends, who looks down on all of us: YOU!
Ana: I don’t have an inferiority complex like you.
Teresa: But which complex of inferiority…
And then ladies and ladies… this is what happens:
And with that I will leave you for now.
Next week:
The girls both reminisce about what happened, while everything else still goes on.
You can read previous recaps here.
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