Monday, April 14, 2014

WWLS? (Vol. 1)

My daughter, LindseyA few months ago, I went Christmas shopping with my daughter, Lindsey.  As we turned down an aisle in the shoe department, we saw a Starbucks coffee cup on the floor.  Lindsey turned to me and whispered, "White girl tracks!"I laughed and asked her where she came up with that one.  She answered, "It's the original white girl joke."What?Apparently, the joke is that a white girl comes in 15 minutes late for something with her Starbucks coffee.That's it... that's the joke.So it was kind of lost on me.  Until the next day when I was sitting in a class and a 20ish white girl walked in 20 MINUTES LATE with a STARBUCKS in hand."Huh..." I thought.  "Lindsey may be on to something."Well, I'll be damned if this isn't a REAL thing.  I notice it ALL the time now... especially on campus.  And there are these memes all over the place:So I was with a friend this weekend who is a coffee snob and loves her Starbucks.  I told her about it and she laughed because she said she always goes to Starbucks on her way to work and is habitually 10-15 minutes late.Then, today, she sent this text to me that said she was checking the price on her Starbucks stock and wondered "WWLS?"At first, I wondered what the hell that meant.  Then, I realized it can only mean "What Would Lindsey Say?"  Then, I realized that Lindsey has become quite the celebrity on my Facebook page because I am always posting the funny shit that she says to me and usually garners a boatload of "likes" from my amused friends.SO....I decided that in addition to posting them for my friends to enjoy, I will just make it a regular thing here on my blog.  Instead of the "Texts from Lindsey" that I used to post when she was a teenager, I will use "WWLS?" as the new title for this regular feature.To give you a taste of what's to come, I will go ahead and share with you a short, whispered conversation that took place between us this morning in our Grammar class:Me: How are you so adept at doing grammar?Lindsey: I'm driven by my need to correct people.

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