Tuesday, May 13, 2014

From the Youth Pride Alliance Board of Directors: Youth Pride Guide 2011

Youth Pride Guide:

From Youth Pride Day 2010

Welcome to the 15th Annual Youth Pride Day! As we stand in Dupont Circle at the site of the original Youth Pride Day, we are honored and excited to celebrate the uniqueness and courage of all young people in the D.C. metropolitan area. We hope you feel a sense of pride as you see all the leaders, performers, educators, community organizers, activists, and youth who contribute to and help foster a community for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, and Allied youth empowerment.
We are extremely appreciative of all the individuals, organizations and community sponsors who have donated time, money and energy to support Youth Pride Day. Our gratitude also goes out to the speakers, performers and volunteers whose presence is vital to the success of this special event. We thank you all for making Youth Pride Day a success.
To the youth who are here today, you are who we are inspired by and who this day celebrates and is dedicated to. We hope Youth Pride Day provides an opportunity for you to have fun, connect to other amazing youth and learn about all the resources available to you in your community. We are proud to serve you and hope you are as proud of yourselves as we are of you!
With Pride,
The Youth Pride Alliance Board of DirectorsMargaret AlbamonteNikisha Carpenter, PresidentElke Chen, Vice PresidentFranklin Johnson, TreasurerJose RamirezJessica Rotem, SecretarySheldon Scott


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