Friday, September 5, 2014

James Richardson comes out: "I'm a senior GOP spokesman, and I'm gay"

James Richardson, a former GOP spokesman who worked as an adviser for the Republican National Committee and Govs. Haley Barbour and Jon Huntsman, came out as gay in a Washington Post op-ed published Thursday calling for his party to get behind same-sex marriage.
"I feel forced to out myself," Richardson wrote.
Richardson, who is currently the vice president of public affairs at Hynes Communications, mentioned his past advocacy of gay rights, including the freedom to marry, and acknowledged that some he's worked with in the past won't agree with his coming out.

James Richardson, a former GOP spokesman who worked as an adviser for the Republican National Committee and Govs. Haley Barbour and Jon Huntsman, came out as gay in a Washington Post op-ed published Thursday calling for his party to get behind same-sex marriage.

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