Sunday, February 13, 2011

Choosing Choice: Roe v. Wade anniversary brings abortion to the fore

Opinion: When I look at, say, the slaughter of dolphins off the coast of Japan I think it's disgusting and barbaric. Despite my offense, I have no investment in that community and don't believe I have any place demanding that they end the slaughter under the guise that I know better. Similarly, if someone demands that I stop eating red meat, I will wonder how my diet affects them and then categorize such a person a busybody crackpot. If the dolphin butchers choose, however, to go after an endangered species, then it affects me. Then it becomes a matter of extinction of part of our biological diversity, which could have an impact on everyone. That's more or less how I look at abortion. It's not my place to enter the debate for one simple reason: It's biologically impossible for me to get pregnant. So how the hell can I know what I'm talking about? ... (more)

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