Saturday, March 12, 2011

Shannon Stock: Down

Today, Melissa was snuggling next to me on our bed.  Since we are snowed in, we've both been trying to get ahead in our classes.  I was working on Satan's Science (a.k.a. math) and my lovely wife was working on something computery a few inches away from me.  .I finished my assignment and opened my inbox to check my e-mail.  I mentioned to Melissa that my sister had left a note for me on Facebook to call her.  She said, "Well, give her a call right now and see if everything is okay."  I glanced at my phone and then at my inbox.  I had 23 messages.  "Okay, I'll call her in a second.  I need to get my inbox down to 20 messages before I can call her."  She stared at me.  "I like to have my inbox end in a 5 or a 0.  Like 5, 10, 15, 20..."..She stared at me.."What?  It helps me keep my inbox cleared out because I have motivation to delete things instead of letting them stack up.  Each time I open my mail, I can't close it unless I get rid of enough to make it end in a 5 or a 0."."Why did you just tell me that?" she asked, laughing.  I could tell that I had revealed something about myself that may have lowered my stock in her mind.  Hopefully, she'll reflect further on it and decide it's adorably cute.  Hopefully...

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