If you're interested in complicating dumb media narratives and
blowing the minds of some of your leftard friends, here's a
spirited posting at Reddit by
someone with the handle epistemicfail:
The KOCH brothers must be stopped. They gave $40K to Scott
Walker, the MAX allowed by state law. That's small potatoes
compared to the $100+ million they give to other organizations.
These organizations will terrify you. If the anti-union thing
weren't enough, here are bigger and better reasons to stop the evil
Kochs. They are trying to:
decriminalize drugs,
legalize gay marriage,
repeal the Patriot Act,
end the police state,
cut defense spending.
Who hates the police? Only the criminals using drugs, amirite?
We need the Patriot Act to allow government to go through our
emails and tap our phones to catch people who smoke marijuana and
put them in prison. Oh, it's also good for terrorists.
Wikipedia shows Koch Family Foundations supporting causes
CATO Institute
Reason Foundation
cancer research
ballet (because seriously: FUCK. THAT. SHIT.) ...
If there's one thing I know about billionaires, it's that they
only care about money. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and George Soros.
They aren't fooling me. Bill Gates isn't fooling me with his
vaccination campaign in Africa. He's just trying to make African
children live longer so they will buy more copies of Windows. Wow.
Not even trying to hide it.
Now, I don't know why the KOCH brothers want gay people to have
the right to marry. Everybody knows marriage is for a man and a
woman. Even Obama said that. Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve
amirite? I haven't figured out the angle. Maybe it's like this:
legalize drugs
legalize gay marriage
sell drugs and oil to gays
I don't know exactly how it would work, but we can all agree
that they're evil.
Read "STOP
THE KOCH BROTHERS. They are trying to end the War on Drugs and
increase civil liberties." I don't know who epistemicfail is,
but the whole thing is totally worth reading.
As Matt Welch noted last night in another
piece well worth reading, David Koch is a trustee of Reason Foundation, the nonprofit that
publishes this website.
Reason.com on the Kochs here.
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