Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pentagon's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Repeal Training Program to Start in February

This February, the Pentagon will begin a training program that will prepare the military for the full repeal of the 17-year-old ?Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell? law.  The law's formal end will come 60 days after President Obama, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, provide a written certification that the military will perform satisfactorily without the policy. According to Gates, the training will likely focus on reminding troops to be respectful toward one another and that harassment or unlawful discrimination will not be tolerated. Detailed training plans must be submitted by Friday. The training may employ a variety of tools, including videos, lectures, written materials and Power Point presentations.  As for service members who were already discharged for violating "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," Stanley asserted that they will be allowed to reenlist, though they will not be eligible for retroactive pay. Aaron Belkin, executive director of the Palm Center, a California think tank, lauded the Pentagon?s plans, saying, "There is more work to be done regarding some important details and clarification of the timeline, but this is certainly a moment to step back, take a pause, and salute the armed forces for a job well done."  Related Media Coverage:The Washington Post - January 28, 2011"Pentagon: Training on End of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' to Start in February"

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