Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gallavin releases his first single and music video: Mad About The Boy

Gallavin swings with the boundaries of genders. Independent jazz singer, Gallavin releases his first music video of ?Mad about the Boy?, No�l Coward most famous song. JAZZ AND GAY...With the participation of the artists-travesties of the Cabaret-Bar ?Chez Maman? in Brussels, the Anglo-Swiss jazz singer plays with the social norms, and offers a music video rich of identities but also sexual diversities.In the velvet world of vocal jazz, no one was expecting that the song of No�l Coward Mad about the Boy, mostly known for Dinah Washington?s interpretation, could be once sung by a man. And yet, it seems that No�l Coward had in fact written that song for his long term partner Graham Payn, a South-African actor. Gallavin intends, through his interpretation, to give the song its original essence back, and places himself beyond the traditional values of vocal jazz where one is either a ?Crooner? or a ?Diva?.Willing to question the social norms of a musical world rather conservative, Gallavin casts the artists-travesties of the legendary Cabaret-Bar ?Chez Maman? in Brussels. They become the time of the song the main characters blurring the lines between genders and sexual attraction, and opening a world where girls, who are actually boys, are mad about a boy who is in love with a girl, who was once a boy?The music video of Mad about the Boy can be seen on Gallavin?s Internet website or on Gallavin?s Youtube page
Steven William Derendinger (- Gallavin) was born on the 27th September 1975 in Sierre. Swiss and British, he grew up in Lausanne where he studied at the University of Lausanne and was graduatedwith a Master of Arts (MA). He began to sing as an autodidact and took part in different local musical productions. He formed the jazz band "Late Nights" in 1999, with which he performed in differentvenues such as the Cully Jazz Festival. He recorded previously in 1996 a demo album with seven original songs with his band "Mind the Sun."In parallel, Steven committed as a volunteer for the LGBT rights where he worked from August 2004 until March 2010 as president of the Association VoGay in the canton Vaud. He appeared formerly in2000 in the publication of St�phane Riethauser, "A visage d�couvert". In 2003, Steven worked for his final academic paper on ?the linguistic insecurity of gay men in western Switzerland?. This paper waspublished twice. (Michael Groneberg, � L?homme ? cr�ature sexuelle �, 2006, et Christophe Bareille, � Homosexualit� : r�v�lateur social ? �, 2010).Beside his associative commitments, Steven worked on the promotion of gay men?s health. In April2005, he began his career as a scientist collaborator in the AIDS unit of the Federal Office of Public Health in Bern, where he became quickly project manager for HIV prevention among gay men and male prostitution in Switzerland. Meanwhile, Steven never left his musical activities and defined in 2008 the project Mad about the Boy, which he produced independently in 2009, and released in 2010.For Steven, this debut album articulates one decade of involvement in the LGBT rights and the promotion of gay men?s health with his solo career as an independent jazz singer under the name of  Gallavin.With the album Mad about the Boy, Gallavin places himself beyond the stereotypes of ?Crooner orDiva? in jazz. Through his interpretation, Gallavin gives to some of the greatest jazz songs theiroriginal essence back. No�l Coward?s song Mad about the Boy ? mostly known for DinahWashington?s interpretation ? was written, for instance, for his long term lover, Graham Payn, a South African actor. Cole Porter - authors of the most known American vocal jazz songs ? was also homosexual. The consideration of his homosexuality opens then infinite new fields of interpretation of his work. Gallavin offers with Mad about the Boy, an intimate and sometimes fragile album. Orchestrated by Pierre Sottas, the album is open to all vocal jazz lovers regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!

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