Tuesday, January 15, 2013

This Is How Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber Describes Liberals And Progressives

[W]hich America do you live in? The one with public displays of patriotism -- or the one with public displays of perversion? The one with lots of flag-waving -- or the one with lots of, well, whatever waving? ~Matt Barber, vice president of Liberty Counsel Action According to Matt Barber, the flag of the progressive movement perhaps should be the rainbow flag. From OneNewsNow's 'Pride' vs. Patriotism (emphasis added): ...In the ongoing war for our culture, if Old Glory is the banner behind which conservatives do battle, what pennon do you suppose guides the proud left into combat? Rainbow flag, anyone? I think these Harvard poindexters may be on to something. Indeed, the "gay pride" parade, perhaps more than any other, best encapsulates the values embraced by today's secular-progressive left. Think about it. It's got it all: Obscenely expensive, taxpayer-funded actions-without-consequences gaiety

Celebration of a caution-to-the-wind, enjoy-now-pay-later lifestyle

Men who act like women and women who look like men

Flamboyant narcissism, moral relativism and plenty of gyrating nude bodies

Colorful public sex displays to forever confuse, desensitize and sexualize the kiddos (Mustn't forget: "Childhood events permanently impact beliefs and behavior")

Lots of anti-Americanism

And a total absence of God Well, never mind how many priests and ministers came out in favor of marriage equality in Washington DC (131) and New York (727) -- godlessness is not a prerequisite to being  a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, or supportive of LGBT community. The claim of total LGBT community godlessness is just plain wrong. And never mind too that LGBT community fought for American lesbian, gay, and bisexual servicemembers to serve openly. That doesn't appear that those LGB American citizens are anti-American, but it does appear that many LGB American citizens love their country enough that they're prepared to lay down their lives for America, and the American ideals of freedom, justice, and equality for all. It's as if Matt Barber built a straw man to argue with instead of arguing what's knowable in the brick-and-mortar world. But changing gears, note Barber's negative comment about the entirety of the LGBT community found in this line: Men who act like women and women who look like men In that phrase, Barber lumped lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexual, transgender, and those who identify as both transsexual and transgender all into one group -- One "anti-American" group based on gender expression that doesn't conform to Barber's take on sex and gender norms. In Matt Barber's world, people in the LGBT community, as well as people with liberal political views, don't just disagree with him about issues relevant to America, but are people who are intrinsically evil to the center of their beings. So, it appears that Matt Barber believes that any compromising by conservatives like him with liberals and progressives is by definition surrendering to evil. It appears he's not alone in that kind of thinking; that's certainly something to ponder, isn't it?

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