Monday, June 9, 2014

Documentary film to explore the crisis of LGBT youth homelessness

Road to Home, a documentary exploring the crisis of youth homelessness in New York City, is currently in production. LGBT youth homelessness is truly an epidemic in the U.S. Despite a staggering 500,000 unaccompanied children and teens experiencing homelessness each year, there are only around 4,000 beds for youths in shelters. And although around 5 percent of the overall youth population in the U.S. identify as LGBT, upwards of 40% of those youths who are homeless are LGBT.
The documentary film, produced and directed by Calvin Skaggs of Lumiere Productions Inc, will delve into the stories of six homeless LGBT teens struggling on the streets of New York City. In addition, the film will focus on how the Ali Forney Center, the nation's largest organization dedicated to helping homeless LGBT youth, is assisting these teens and getting them back on their feet.
The Ali Forney Center recently partnered with the National Coalition for the Homeless to launch the National Campaign for Youth Shelter, a movement to prioritize the protection of homeless youth across the United States. Road to Home aims to shed light on the issue and stimulate the attention that homeless LGBT teens deserve.
According to producer/director�Calvin Skaggs:
With the gay rights movement making so much progress, many LGBT young people feel more confident in coming out to their parents. But not all parents can accept homosexuality in their children. So kids come out ? and get kicked out ? younger and younger. I want to explore how the benefits accruing to middle and upper class gay men and women may actually result in penalties for younger and more vulnerable people. I want to show the spark and strength of the LGBT kids who are most vulnerable. I want to make sure that there is a vibrant community of young LGBT youth ready to become the next generation of LGBT adults. I don?t want anyone left behind.

Two teens whose journeys will be followed in the film are Giovanno and Danielle. Take a brief look into their lives here:

Although the documentary footage has been shot over the course of the past year, the production team needs to raise money to begin the editing process. Help ensure the film is completed so that this important issue can be brought to the attention of viewers. Visit the film's Kickstarter page to learn more and to make a donation.
June 6, 2014


People of Color,
Young Adult

lesbian actors lesbian celebrities lesbian culture

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