Friday, July 11, 2014

Coming Out to Your Children

Dear Lesbian Life:
I have been in my lesbian relationship for going on 3 years.  My son is almost 9 and my daughter is 7 1/2.  They love my girlfriend.  They know we love each other but we have not told them any detail.  We have been very gradual with how much time we all spend together over the years.  Lately, we have been feeling as though we would like to progress our relationship and within the next year or so, move in together.  She has been spending more time with us and we have been doing sleepovers.  My kids are always asking when will she move in with us to which my response has always been "these things take time :)".

My ex has been fairly supportive of our relationship and knows that we need to sit down and have a discussion with our kids about my life, so that we can progress.  I am wondering if you have any information that you could share with me about coming out to my children? ...Read Full Post

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