Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Bit About Losers

Success isn't hard to come by.A winning attitude, a strong work ethic and the ability to stay focused are really all it takes.For some people, this simple recipe is nearly impossible to do.  They start looking at what others have and they feel jealous and insecure about their own lives.Instead of staying focused on making their own lives better and creating success for themselves, they fixate on others who are working hard and staying focused.  They may even try to cause them to stumble or get sidetracked in an effort to gain the upper hand.You can always tell a winner by how much they focus on winning as easily as you can identify a loser by how much they focus on the lives of the winners.If you want a life that you can be proud of, stop obsessing over others and appreciate what you have in front of you.  Review your goals and start doing things to reach them.  Oh, and if your goals are mostly ones where there is a financial benefit and not a personal growth benefit, you are already on the wrong road.  Only losers think making a lot of money is what defines you as a winner.ChildrenDo you have good kids?  Do they show you love and respect?  Are they always in trouble or turmoil because you've been too lazy to parent them?FriendsAre your close friends ones you've had for your whole life or is your circle full of people that you only recently met?  Do you spend your spare time gossiping and cutting others down to try to make yourself look bigger or is truth and beauty on your lips?  Do you invest your time supporting your friends or are they only around to suit your needs?LoveDo you cycle through romantic partners or are you a person who can be comitted to a relationship?  Do you seek to advance your partner, even at a cost to you?  Do you have open communication with them or do you only tell them certain things?TimeDo you waste your life away in front of video games or television?  Do you share it with others in the community who need your companionship, expertise or labor?  How about volunteering - ever make time for that?  Or is your spare time only for your entertainment?Discuss... what makes a winner and why are losers so jelly of them?

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