Sunday, July 31, 2011

GAGA for Mike Munich

I am actually not a big Lady Gage fan...However, I am a huge MIKE MUNICH  fan!And he is OBSESSED with GAGA! "She is such a hard worker. SO committed. She is artistically very smart as well as intellectually smart."  he says. Mike is a professional dancer, based in Los Angeles, where he has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry, including Mother Monster Gaga. You can see him in the Alejandro video as well as the   Born This Way  video. You may have spotted him on GLEE!  as well. "I think Born This Way is brilliant. The message is beautiful!"   says Mike.He also  says, "Being a dancer is my passion, it's my love and it never changes. But it's hard because dancers are not treated well in the industry. It's never about the dancers. We're always framing someone else, usually in a production number."As he slowly outgrows his dancing shoes, Mike now has his eye on a career in music. "Once I get the ball rolling with music I want to push the envelope!   Going out in heels and fishnets and football pads and shoulder pads!" he exclaims passionately!  "I want it to be a gender fuck, really masculine and really feminine, something new and different."Mike told us this morning, "My first song is finished and we're currently working on cementing my brand .... photo shoots and a music video to be coming soon. I'm hoping to launch everything next month .... we're throwing the launch party at Stripper Circus in weho!"Can't wait Mike!!

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LGBT Student Group Officially Recognized by Belmont University

Belmont University has officially recognized the school?s first LGBT student organization, Bridge Builders. The decision was announced on Friday by Bridge Builders President Robbie Maris and Belmont Provost Thomas Burns. Bridge Builders has attempted twice before to gain official recognition, but was denied. Out lesbian soccer coach Lisa Howe?s controversial departure from the school in December lent attention to the student group?s struggle. A month later, Belmont trustees added sexual orientation to the school?s nondiscrimination policy.Related Media Coverage:The Tennessean - February 26, 2011"Belmont University Recognizes First Gay Student Organization"

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Mo'Nique has Cher and Amanda Lepore at Show Taping July 29-31

  CHER  TICKETS            $15 !!!I knew that would get your attention!
New Gay Talk Show Tapes Live Pilot in NYC"The HoMo'Nique Show"July 29 - 31 at The Laurie Beechman Theatre* with Cher, Sarah Palin, stars of RuPaul's Drag Race, Village Peoplecowboy, Michael Musto, Amanda LePore & more *
Oscar winner and acclaimed comedian Mo'Nique -- as embodied byRuPaul's Drag Race sensation Stacy Layne Matthews -- comes to NYC totape a gay version of her popular B.E.T. talk show for the very lowbudget G.E.T. (the fictional Gay Entertainment Television). That isthe concept behind "The HoMo'Nique Show", a live talk show parodybeginning performances July 29 at The Laurie Beechman Theater at WestBank Caf�.
"The HoMo'Nique Show" will be hosted by drag star Stacy Layne Matthewsas Mo'Nique. Each show will feature a different roster of gay-positiveicons and performers. The guest star lineup (which is still information and subject to change) is as follows:
Friday, July 29 at 7:30pm- Carmen Carerra  (from RuPaul's Drag Race)- Judy Garland (as embodied by Tommy Femia)- Amanda Lepore (transgender icon, fashionista, and recording artist)- Randy Jones (the original cowboy from The Village People)
Saturday, July 30 at 7:30pm- Cher (as embodied by RuPaul's Drag Race star Mimi Imfurst)- Michael Musto (Village Voice gossip columnist and media personality)- Sarah Palin (as embodied by Dorothy Bishop)
Sunday, July 31 at 7:30pm- Jenn Harris (acclaimed star of the Off-Broadway hit Silence! The Musical)- Colton Ford (singer-songriter, actor and former porn star)- Stacy Layne Matthews (from RuPaul's Drag Race, live via satellite).
A native of Back Swamp, North Carolina. drag star Stacy Layne Matthews made big waves on season 3 of RuPaul's Drag Race standing out as one the token 'plus size queens'. In one of the most memorable episodes, Matthews stole the show with a spot-on impersonation of Mo'Nique.Entertianment Weekly's Tanner Stransky  wrote, "I was absolutely mesmerized when she was on screen.... Besides the spot-on makeup, hair, and sweat suit, SLM most magnificently managed to nail every single one of Mo?Nique?s ticks, like that nasty, snorty grunt she?d always cough out." Since appearing on RuPaul's Drag Race she has performed throughout the US including gigs in Alaska, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Milwaukee.  This past June, she made herOff-Broadway debut in My Big Gay Italian Wedding.
"The HoMo'Nique Show" runs Friday July 29 - Sunday, July 31 at 7:30pm.The Laurie Beechman Theater is located inside West Bank Cafe at 407West 42nd Street -- at Ninth Avenue, accessible from theA,C,E,N,R,V,F,1,2 & 3 trains at 42nd Street). Tickets are $15 plus a  $15 food/drink minimum. To purchase tickets call 212-352-3101 or

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(50)-Shows & 2 Years / Let?s Get Serious

Show #50 starts with an awful PC Love Song, Sleepy after posting show 49 it turns into a more reflective monologue about the past two years; Then come YOUR voicemail’s of well wishes! Please PLEASE forgive us if your call did not make the show. Listened to all of them and every single one was [...]

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What do you give the girl who has everything?

I have just been seduced by a relatively older, more experienced, kinky woman who's keen to show me the darker side of pleasure. I'm a relatively inexperienced younger woman. What could I do so that *she* gets some fun out of it too? I'm in my mid 20s and while I've known I was queer for ages I've never had any significant sexual experiences with women. I've kissed them but that's about it really. The past couple of years have been groundbreaking in terms of exploring my sexuality; I've been more open and outgoing, finding out what I like and what seems intriguing.

Recently I was chatting with a woman I met online who seemed to have similar creative and artistic inclinations. I thought I may be too young for her (she's in her mid 30s and was after people from late 20s to her age - I was on the young side) but I figured we could make good creative friends so I got in touch. The conversation was fun and friendly and we hit it off well.

One time I made a comment about BDSM, which was her cue to volunteer to give me a fun positive sexual experience (this was my first inclination that she was interested in me) and asked me what I was into. In total surprise I tell her that I'm not actually sure what I like, having only slept with one person ever, but I'm open and intrigued and have ideas. This then leads to a couple of days of erotic kinky conversation, with her and I talking about what we could possibly do and our interests and pasts and all that.

We've met up twice so far - once for an introductory lunch date (which just strengthened the attraction!) and one for a lazy picnic lunch with hours of luscious making out (she's a great kisser!!). We're still keen on each other and have made plans for future encounters, with more conversations about what she could do to me and her bag of tricks and how creative we can be with each other.

I'm highly surprised that she's keen on playing with me, given my inexperience - however, she's said that she finds the prospect of giving someone her first woman/woman experience very exciting. She is pretty upfront and matter-of-fact about what turns her on and loves any ideas I can give her. I've so far told her that I am her canvas, which excites her. She says she likes my sensuality, finds me gorgeous, and is keen to explore me as a lover.

However, while I am really enjoying the attention and can't wait to see her again, I feel like I don't really have much to contribute to this partnership. What do I know about girl sex besides what I hear from other queer women and from my fantasies? What could I possibly offer a woman who has her own bag of toys and tricks? She's going through all this effort to turn me on (all she really has to do is kiss me and I'm a goner, but I'm happy for more!) but what could *I* do for *her*?

It's clear that pleasuring me and seeing what works is a huge pleasure for her, but I don't want her to be doing all of the work and feel like she's getting nothing in return. I want to turn *her* on, give *her* pleasure...I just don't really know *how*. The most I've been able to do so far is tempt her with erotic writing, which I'm fairly good at (well it's working for her at least) but I feel like she's going to laugh at me for, say, being rubbish at going down on her or something, I don't know!

Am I overthinking it? Is it OK to just let go and let her please me & seduce me however she wants? What can I do to appease the inner need to repay the favour? What I lack in experience I more than make up for in enthusiasm and ingenuity - but how do I give her a good time?

Feel free to send any emails to

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New survey on sex in US, biggest since 1994

NEW YORK (AP) – The male-female orgasm gap. The sex lives of 14-year-olds. An intriguing breakdown of condom usage rates, by age and ethnicity, with teens emerging as more safe-sex-conscious than boomers.

That’s just a tiny sampling of the data being unveiled Monday in what the researchers say is the largest, most comprehensive national survey of Americans’ sexual behavior since 1994.

Filling 130 pages of a special issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, the study offers detailed findings on how often Americans have sex, with whom, and how they respond. In all, 5,865 people, ranging in age from 14 to 94, participated in the survey.

The lead researchers, from Indiana University’s Center for Sexual Health Promotion, said the study f…

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Gay Marriage One Vote Away From Legality in New York

A bill that would legalize gay marriage in New York, backed by
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and already approved by the Democrat-controlled
state Assembly, is one
vote shy of the 32 needed for passage in the
Republican-controlled Senate. The latest convert, Sen. Roy McDonald
(R-Saratoga), recently
told reporters:

You get to the point where you evolve in your life where
everything isn't black and white, good and bad, and you try to do
the right thing. You might not like that. You might be very
cynical about that. Well, fuck it, I don't care what you think. I'm
trying to do the right thing.
I'm tired of Republican-Democrat politics. They can take the job
and shove it. I come from a blue-collar background. I'm trying to
do the right thing, and that's where I'm going with this.

Meanwhile, Archbishop Tomothy Dolan condemned the bill as the
sort of social engineering you'd expect in China or North Korea,
where "government presumes daily to 'redefine' rights,
relationships, values and natural law." Dolan explained that
Americans, by contrast, "cherish true freedom, not as the license
to do whatever we want, but the liberty to do what we ought."

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Rachel Maddow for President

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Michigan Will Provide Benefits to All Domestic Partners of State Employees

This Wednesday, the Michigan Civil Service Commission voted to extend health benefits to domestic partners of state employees. Domestic partner, as defined by the agreement, includes all live-in boyfriends and girlfriends of state workers, regardless of sexual orientation. The extension of benefits will not take effect until October. The issue had been reviewed under Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm?s administration, but was stalled by legal issues regarding wording. While current Governor Richard D. Snyder (R) questions the cost of the decision, given Michigan?s challenging budget this year, many are relieved by the agreement. Penny Gardner, president of a local LGBT advocacy group, called the decision ?a great breakthrough.? Gardner is an employee of Michigan State University, which offers similar benefits approved by the state, though her partner does not receive them because Gardner works part-time. In solidarity with state workers, Gardner said, "I know what it?s like having to make choices others don't have to make." Related Media - January 26, 2011"State Employees' Domestic Partners Will Get Health Benefits"

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Zayn Malik Shirtless

Zayn Malik Shirtless

Zayn Malik Shirtless - The cute one from One Direction in this years X factor

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B. Slade reflects on being an out gospel artist

A coming-of-age story isn't always limited to adolescents and teenagers finding themselves to adulthood through sexual, emotional and mental exploration. Sometimes, such a story unfolds during adulthood.

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Michigan College and Community Outraged by School's Anti-LGBT Policy

Students at Hope College in Michigan are speaking out against a new policy on sexuality that was adopted by its board of trustees on Friday, January 28. The statement reads, ?Sexuality, including longing and expression, is a good gift from God and a fact of our existence affirmed in the Christian scriptures and by the Church throughout the centuries. This biblical witness calls us to a life of chastity among the unmarried and the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.? It goes on to say that the university will not recognize or support campus organizations that do not support this ?vision."A student organization called Hope is Ready has collected over 700 signatures against adopting this policy, arguing that the school should have an open environment. The group was formed in 1995 after the school adopted a position that condemned LGBT students on the campus. ?We believe that the institution is made up of faculty and staff and students that don?t agree with this policy,? said Hope is Ready leader Alison Bernard.The issue has spread to the community, where an anti-discrimination ordinance has been proposed for Holland. A new group called ?Holland is Ready,? led by Reverend Jennifer Adams, is pushing for the law. ?Holland is Ready strives to help greater Holland grow in compassion, understanding, and diversity with regard to LGBT people and their families,? she noted in a statement, expressing disappointment for the college?s policy.Related Media Coverage:WZZM ABC 13 ? January 31, 2011?Students Respond to Hope College?s New Stance on Sexuality?

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Gay-Friendly Places to Get Married in New York State

I just realized that I'm going to be in New York State visiting my family on the first day of same-sex marriage in the state. I'm going to see if I can get myself invited to a wedding or two while I'm there! Are you planning on getting married in New York State? First and foremost you should note that marriage licenses in New York State will be available beginning July 24, 2011. Since that is a Sunday, most couples will not be able to apply for a marriage license until Monday July 25th....Read Full Post

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Calls for X-rated films after new R18+ for games

Sex Party calls for legalisation of X-rated films after in-principle decision to bring in new R18+ classification for video games

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Orioles fourth big league team to make ‘It Gets Better’ video

The Baltimore Orioles became the fourth Major League Baseball team to film an ?It Gets Better? video [1]. It was released July 27.

The Orioles follow the trend started by the San Francisco Giants [2] and continued by the Chicago Cubs [3] and Boston Red Sox [4].

The participation of MLB teams started with a petition [5] for the Giants, which garnered more than 6,500 signatures. Mike Benard followed suit and created a petition to have the Orioles create a video.

?I am thrilled that the Orioles are supporting and reaching out to the LGBT community, particularly our young people who need heroes in their lives,? Bernard said in a press release. ?When I was a young, gay child, I was terrified to tell anyone who I was and couldn't dream of having a hero like a pro ball-player who would tell me that I'm okay exactly as I am.?

The Orioles are one of more than 20,000 ?It Gets Better? videos created since Dan Savage created the first one [6].

There are currently no out players in any of the four major professional sports leagues.


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Erasure demands respect for gay bully victims

Erasure's "A Little Respect" in the eighties quickly became an iconic song for the gay community and has been adopted as one of our most played anthems (especially in the RVT). There have been thousands of cover versions (the Almighty Records ones are best) but now Erasure are re-releasing "A Little Respect" with proceeeds going to The Hetrick-Martin Institute (home of the Harvey Milk High School) and Cyndi Lauper's charity the True Colors Fund.


A Little Respect" comes with a movie style video which was inspired by the bullying incidents occurring recently in the USA. Andy Bell from Erasure felt the need to act - "I am honored and moved beyond words to serve as an Ambassador to the The Hetrick-Martin Institute. Every opportunity we have to spread tolerance and compassion must be seized and I will take special pride in doing so on HMI's behalf."

Erasure's "A Little Respect" is available for download in December and all proceeds are going to the The Hetrick-Martin Institute and the True Colors Fund.

Watch the original below.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Building Trust: The murder of Lashai Mclean highlights the best in our LGBT community � and what's lacking

Opinion: While ''LGBT'' has grown commonplace, the ''T'' remains not quite as fully integrated into the broader community. Just as commonplace, in my own experience, is a lack of understanding among the Ls, Gs and Bs about transgender people. I don't write that as some great sage who's a more enlightened member of our community. I think I still have my own considerable ways to go toward a better understanding of trans people and issues. I'm lucky, in a way, that I have a job that forces me to learn about other people. Most of the preconceptions and misguided ideas I once held have been changed by the simple act of knowing transgender people. I say this because I hope that at this moment in time gays, lesbians and bisexuals are paying close attention to what it means to be transgender in this city and this nation. ... (more)

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Hate Crime Perpetrator Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison

On Thursday, January 20, 22-year-old Daniel Rodriguez of Queens, N.Y., was sentenced to 12 years in prison for attacking Jack Price outside of a deli in 2009. Price, who is openly gay, was beaten and subjected to gay slurs by Rodriguez after being falsely accused of vandalism. 50-year-old Price suffered from a broken jaw, broken ribs and two collapsed lungs, rendering him physically incapable of continuing his job as a superintendent in College Point, Queens. Price relies on a daily dosage of pain pills and has lost both his peripheral vision and hearing in his right ear. "I didn't deserve this," Price said. "I cannot understand how anyone could hate me or anybody else this much to cause him this much pain and suffering...It shows how much hate they have inside of them." Before Queens Supreme Court Judge Barry Kron, Rodriguez was remorseful, saying, ?Through the grace of God I hope someday Jack Price will forgive me.? Daniel Aleman, Rodriguez?s 27-year-old codefendant, was sentenced to eight years in prison last month.Related Media Coverage:New York Daily News - January 21, 2011"Queens Gay Basher Daniel Rodriguez Gets 12 Years in Prison for Attack Outside Deli"

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Lawsuit filed in hate crime attack

A Sunday brunch turned into a homophobic set of assaults.

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Fiona and Charlie Lesbian Kiss Degrassi

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What to Expect at a Gay Wedding

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(25) The Pope Show & Debbie Gibson

The Pope reps in NYC, The Pope-mobile, Pope apologies, The Pope on Evil Eve, The Pope, Pope and more Pope ….

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Pulling the Ol? Switcharoo.

The other day a co-worker of mine was telling me about an upcoming trip to Chicago with a good friend of hers. I told her that was great and she felt compelled to tell me that the friend “used” to be a lesbian but now she’s not. She then wanted to know if she should [...]

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The Daily Show?s Mo Rocca Comes Out

After years of is-he-or-isn?t-he debates, former Daily Show correspondent Mo Rocca came out in a podcast interview with The Six Pack, a show about ?news, views, and dudes? hosted by Ben Harvey and Dave Rubin.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

City Commission in Kansas Approves LGBT-Inclusive Non-Discrimination Ordinance

The City Commission of Manhattan, Kansas, passed a non-discrimination ordinance Tuesday night that includes sexual orientation and gender identity among the protected classes. The ordinance also protects people from discrimination based on race, military status and religion. Support for the ordinance came from the Mayor Bruce Snead, Commissioner Jayme Morris-Hardeman, and Commissioner Jim Sherow in a 3-2 majority vote. Katie Jackson, assistant city attorney, originally introduced the ordinance in December 2010. Since then, changes have been made to the wording of the ordinance to provide clarification. The revised version of the ordinance offers an unambiguous definition of gender identity and grants protection for both perceived and actual sexual orientation. Samuel Brinton, President of LGBTQ&More at Kansas State University, said the passing of the ordinance on Tuesday was ?an exciting day in history.? Mayor Snead added, ?It?s the right thing to do.?Related Media Coverage:Kansas State Collegian - February 9, 2011"Discrimination Ordinance Passes; Decision Finally Laid to Rest"

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The Dinah 2011: Day One

After fourteen hours of being airborne and being not so airborne in the longest layover ever at LAX, I finally touched down in Palm Springs at 7:30 PT last night and raced over to the comedy show at the Riviera, which was already in progress. 90 degrees, clear skies, palms trees lining the streets.

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TOMS Shoes founder expresses ?regret,? says Focus on the Family misrepresented relationship

Blake Mycoskie, founder of TOMS Shoes, has issued an exclusive statement to in response to an embarrassing controversy linking the popular urban apparel company to anti-gay, anti-choice group ?Focus on the Family.?
After Christianity Today reported that Mycoskie was apparently developing a relationship with Focus on the Family, the news infuriated people who were hoping to do good with their TOMS purchase, through the company?s shoe giving program in developing countries. Across Facebook and Twitter on Friday, gay, lesbian, and allied customers expressed outrage that TOMS would associate itself with an anti-gay, anti-choice group. Ms. Magazine started a petition on that quickly received more than 400 signatures in just a few hours asking TOMS to drop their relationship with Focus on the Family.
Today, Mycoskie issued the following statement to, expressing ?regret? for Mycoskie?s speaking appearance at a Focus on the Family event on June 30, claiming that the religious group had misrepresented its relationship with TOMS as a ?giving partner? in its shoe program:
Had I known the full extent of Focus on the Family's beliefs, I would not have accepted the invitation to speak at their event. It was an oversight on my part and the company's part and one we regret. In the last 18 months we have presented at over 70 different engagements and we do our best to make sure we choose our engagements wisely, on this one we chose poorly.
Furthermore, contrary to what has been reported, Focus on the Family is not a TOMS giving partner.
So there is no misunderstanding created by this mistake, let me clearly state that both TOMS, and I as the founder, are passionate believers in equal human and civil rights for all. That belief is a core value of the company and of which we are most proud.
The Mycoskie statement was released to after I contacted the company on Friday night to seek clarification on why the brand would associate itself with a group known for fighting against efforts to expand the rights of LGBT and female Americans. According to Doug Piwinski, a TOMS spokesperson, both he and Mycoskie were on separate vacations when the news broke and were unaware of the developing controversy (although Mycoskie appears to have written this blog post on July 5 during his vacation). After receiving my call, they realized the ?situation was serious? and decided to issue a statement.
The following excerpt from a Christianity Today article on July 1 initially sparked the controversy, but it didn?t reach a broader audience until blogs like Jezebel and Gothamist covered it on Friday, July 8, sparking sharing of the news on Facebook, Twitter and Ms. Magazine?s petition:
As this issue of Christianity Today goes to press, (Focus on the Family) is scheduled to highlight the work of Blake Mycoskie, the founder of TOMS, a company that donates shoes to an impoverished child for every pair sold.
"A year ago, they were like, 'Who's that?'," Fleece laughs. Now the company is working to become a TOMS international distributor in Africa. "We're making slow strides here."
In many ways, Focus represents a larger struggle in evangelicalism over political and cultural engagement and the issues it prioritizes.
"Many traditional evangelicals are struggling with, What does evangelicalism mean?" says Dale Buss, author of Dobson's biography. "They still care about the same issues and they still agitate politically. But do we keep going back to abortion and gay marriage or be more responsive on issues the millennial generation is interested in, like sex trafficking and other social justice issues?"
TOMS spokesperson Piwinski told me that Mycoskie had not read the Christianity Today article until yesterday (July 8) after returning from vacation.
On Thursday, Microsoft pulled their online store from the Christian Values Network after a petition started by Seattle resident and Microsoft customer Stuart Wilber, highlighted several anti-gay groups raising money through the Christian Values Network, including Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council. Shoppers at the Christian Values Network can buy from more than 600 brands. When customers purchase through the Christian Values Network, a portion of the sale is donated to the religious organization of the shopper?s choice.
A new petition on started by Washington State University student, Ben Crowther calls upon Apple to remove their iTunes and Apple stores from the Christian Values Network.

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The Homosexuals

The 27th day of Gay Pride month!  WooHoo!Last night, I went to dinner with my lesbian BFFs.  We had sushi and went to the loft of one of them to eat dessert, drink wine and have fun.  We always laugh and have the best time and I truly love those girls.  One of them showed us a short video from 1967 that aired on CBS.  It was hosted by Mike Wallace and if you like this short version, there is a longer version HERE.  Enjoy:

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Interview with Rose Rowe and Renee Olbert of Seeking Simone

Seeking Simone is a web series that follows Simone Selkin's bumbling attempts to date her way through Toronto, and the first episode of the second season recently premiered. Judging from the sheer insanity in her encounters with Toronto's finest ladies, I'm concerned about New York City's proximity to Toronto. I wonder if winds from the northwest could blow the cuckoo into the Big Apple like winds blew volcanic ash all over Europe from the Icelandic volcano last year.

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This One?s a Real Nail Biter.

Stress is a major part of a woman’s life, but having someone to back �you up is a great stress reliever. Think about it, when you are going through a crisis, would you rather your partner panic too or would you rather her be calm and rational? Someone has to think “straight” right?! Everyone deals [...]

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

(58) Slut Bitch Cunt

Eminem & Dr. Dre’s�bitter response to Mariah;�Another Rant�about�Republicrat Demublicans;�Nikki, Bobbi, and Lalee call in�to chat about H20, a Sexless Marriage, Crooked Cash Businesses in the NY, Rude LA Drivers,�Tranny Chasing Music: Talk to Me – Peaches PSA’s: Kiko Lombardi of

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FWB: Can I save this friendship from my own regret?

Ex-FWB: I really want to be friends again, but I'm too disgusted, and it's not his fault. What now? A follow-up to this question. Thanks for all the great answers to my last question. A day after it was posted, I told M that I couldn't continue hooking up with him. He asked why and I told him I just wasn't into it anymore because of my orientation. He took it well, and for most of the rest of the semester we were less intense, platonic friends. I felt so much better, self-esteem wise and just in general.

Then the last night of school, I was at a party. He called me so I could let him into the building. When I came to the door he was very drunk and started kissing me and groping me. I figured, it's his last night (he's a senior, I'm a junior), so what the hell. When we left the party we went back to my room and talked for a while. I suggested that he call a different girl that he'd hooked up with a couple times because she'd almost certainly fuck him. He agreed that it'd be easy, but said he didn't want to. I apologized for not having been able to continue with the FWB thing. He said it was OK but kept inching closer to me on the bed. Told me I was "special". Had a pleading look on his face and brought it really close to mine. I started making out with him because I felt bad for letting him beg--also, why the hell had I let him come to my room if I wasn't gonna fuck him? He left to go to the bathroom and I started chugging alcohol so I could make myself blow him when he got back.

So he came back and I blew him. He practically begged to go down on me (I know, good man), so I let him. And it was awful. He wasn't bad at it, but I just wasn't into it at all. So I just moaned at what I thought I should be feeling so it would be over sooner, and so he wouldn't feel bad for something that wasn't his fault. Then he asked, in a really pleading tone, if I would ever consider having intercourse with him. I said I didn't have a condom (true), but if he'd had one with him, I probably would have gone along with it and regretted that night even more than I do now.

Which is a lot. Whenever I think back to it, I feel icky all over. I feel like I gave him a little piece of myself that I wish I had back. And then I feel bad for being so drama about it, because everything was consensual and he's not a bad guy. Honestly, I am a little mad at him for acting so persistently pathetic, because I think it means he knew I didn't want to, but wanted me to do it please him anyway. But I'm a lot more mad at myself.

It's affecting our friendship. We were hanging out last night (we live close) and half of everything he said pissed me off. He said the other girl he'd been hooking up with is great in bed, but that her personality is awful and he'd wished he could put a paper bag over her head while they did it. This annoyed me because not only did it strike me as cruel, but (and I'm aware this is going to make me sound like a bitch), I'm significantly better-looking than he is, and he and she are about the same looks-wise. Like, "you decide who to fuck based on physical standards, but I fucked you because I thought you were nice?" So I passive-aggressively replied, "you've got pretty high standards." He looked hurt for a second, and then said, "Really?" I immediately felt bad and said maybe he just had different standards than me. He said, "Maybe I do have high standards. Just for the face though." He also enthused that when the other girl gives head, she just keeps going until the guy comes. I have bad TMJ (he knows this) and I have to take frequent breaks and just use my hands. Even so my jaw was sore the day after the last time. So I said, probably with audible anger in my tone, "yeah, not doing that. Ever." I also made a contextually relevant comment that I should probably stop doing things I regret while drunk.

How can I save this friendship? Seeing him reminds me of being weak, of giving in, and I hate it. Even considering the occasional passive-aggressive remarks I've made, I'm not sure he knows anything is wrong. And I don't know whether I should bring it up with him--I mean, how exactly do you say, "I regret having sex with you, since the message didn't stick last time, it's never going to happen again"? Maybe things would be better if we just didn't talk about sex. We'd still have our shared senses of humor and nerdy interests.

I miss our friendship. I miss feeling comfortable around him. But I don't really know how to get over my resentment. (Also, in general, I'm having a hard time forgiving myself.)

(I really don't think he was trying to make me compare myself to the other girl with the blowjob thing. We have the sort of friendship where we talk about exes and love-interests frankly, because there's nothing romantic between us and we share an interest in women. And he doesn't see women exclusively as sex objects--he's friends with lots of them, including his exes, and including ones he doesn't find physically attractive.)

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Newsweek's Shallow Simulation of Princess Diana at Age 50 posted in NOW's Media Hall of Shame: Newsweek Editor-In-Chief Tina Brown imagines what Princess Diana's life would have been like if she were alive today. This fantasy life includes several wealthy husbands, a popular Facebook page and botox injections. The magazine cover features a composite photo of an updated Diana walking with Kate Middleton.

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Mo'Nique has Cher and Amanda Lepore at Show Taping July 29-31

  CHER  TICKETS            $15 !!!I knew that would get your attention!
New Gay Talk Show Tapes Live Pilot in NYC"The HoMo'Nique Show"July 29 - 31 at The Laurie Beechman Theatre* with Cher, Sarah Palin, stars of RuPaul's Drag Race, Village Peoplecowboy, Michael Musto, Amanda LePore & more *
Oscar winner and acclaimed comedian Mo'Nique -- as embodied byRuPaul's Drag Race sensation Stacy Layne Matthews -- comes to NYC totape a gay version of her popular B.E.T. talk show for the very lowbudget G.E.T. (the fictional Gay Entertainment Television). That isthe concept behind "The HoMo'Nique Show", a live talk show parodybeginning performances July 29 at The Laurie Beechman Theater at WestBank Caf�.
"The HoMo'Nique Show" will be hosted by drag star Stacy Layne Matthewsas Mo'Nique. Each show will feature a different roster of gay-positiveicons and performers. The guest star lineup (which is still information and subject to change) is as follows:
Friday, July 29 at 7:30pm- Carmen Carerra  (from RuPaul's Drag Race)- Judy Garland (as embodied by Tommy Femia)- Amanda Lepore (transgender icon, fashionista, and recording artist)- Randy Jones (the original cowboy from The Village People)
Saturday, July 30 at 7:30pm- Cher (as embodied by RuPaul's Drag Race star Mimi Imfurst)- Michael Musto (Village Voice gossip columnist and media personality)- Sarah Palin (as embodied by Dorothy Bishop)
Sunday, July 31 at 7:30pm- Jenn Harris (acclaimed star of the Off-Broadway hit Silence! The Musical)- Colton Ford (singer-songriter, actor and former porn star)- Stacy Layne Matthews (from RuPaul's Drag Race, live via satellite).
A native of Back Swamp, North Carolina. drag star Stacy Layne Matthews made big waves on season 3 of RuPaul's Drag Race standing out as one the token 'plus size queens'. In one of the most memorable episodes, Matthews stole the show with a spot-on impersonation of Mo'Nique.Entertianment Weekly's Tanner Stransky  wrote, "I was absolutely mesmerized when she was on screen.... Besides the spot-on makeup, hair, and sweat suit, SLM most magnificently managed to nail every single one of Mo?Nique?s ticks, like that nasty, snorty grunt she?d always cough out." Since appearing on RuPaul's Drag Race she has performed throughout the US including gigs in Alaska, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Milwaukee.  This past June, she made herOff-Broadway debut in My Big Gay Italian Wedding.
"The HoMo'Nique Show" runs Friday July 29 - Sunday, July 31 at 7:30pm.The Laurie Beechman Theater is located inside West Bank Cafe at 407West 42nd Street -- at Ninth Avenue, accessible from theA,C,E,N,R,V,F,1,2 & 3 trains at 42nd Street). Tickets are $15 plus a  $15 food/drink minimum. To purchase tickets call 212-352-3101 or

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Same-sex marriages begin in New York

Hundreds of gay and lesbian couples dressed in formal suits, gowns and T-shirts recited vows in emotion-choked voices and triumphantly hoisted their long-awaited marriage certificates Sunday as New York became the sixth...

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Let's Play: Who Wants to Be a Lesbian?

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Horoscope: June 14-20, 2011

Horoscope: Heavenly Round-Up: Time and tide take on new significance as deadlines approach and procrastination deepens its tentacled presence in your heart of hearts. Why the foot dragging? Why so much laze in the laissez faire? Why the general anomie? You've got what you came for and while it's more to do than you could possibly have guessed, the work that hasn't killed you yet not only makes you stronger it also gives you mad skills. So get off your inner duff and get with the program to git 'er done. Aries: There's a challenge before you, and you hate backing down. There's an obstacle in front of you, and you won't turn back. There's a conundrum to resolve and you can't let it go unsolved. Apply yourself with grace and force combined for maximum effectiveness. Taurus: You used to be disaffected, but now you're just tired. You used to be overworked; now you're also under-appreciated. You would pitch a fit, but it would take energy you really don't have. Get in touch with your inner spa worker. Treat yourself to a makeover. ... (more)

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GLBT History Month 2010

Annise Parker

Mayor of Houston

b. May 17, 1956

““The voters of Houston have opened the door to history. I know what this means to many of us who never thought we could achieve high office.””

In 2009, when Annise Parker was elected, Houston became the largest city in the nation with an openly gay mayor.

In 1997, Parker won a seat on the Houston City Council, making her Houston’s first out elected official. In 2003, Parker was elected City Controller. She served two additional terms before being elected mayor.

Catherine Opie


b. April 14, 1961

““Let’s push the boundaries a little bit here about what you guys think normal is.””

For over a decade, photographer Catherine …

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Do You Like the Words "Dyke" and "Queer?"

Sometimes I love the word "queer." It's just so much easier to say than "lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or questioning." Also I like that it's got kind of a subversive history. Queer doesn't just mean LGBT, but it can mean kinky, weird, strange and different. I use the word queer a lot when I'm hanging out with my friends in the LGBT community. But there are times when the word doesn't so easily roll off my tongue. Like, for example when I'm with my 80-year-old mother. I don't know if she's ever heard the word in any other context than a derogatory one....Read Full Post

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Top 20 Movies You Liked When You Were a Kid... Because You Were a Lesbian Even Back Then

You probably thought you were watching these movies because of their whimsical storylines, or because you enjoyed the actors' performances. But the real reason you liked these films when you were younger is cause of YOUR whimsical homosexuality. You just didn't know it yet.20. AnnieWhy you thought you were watching it: It was a musical with a bunch of kids your age!! Yay!! Cotton candy and mirth for everyone!!Why you were really watching it: It was like our kid version of the Women Behind Bars documentaries we can't get enough of today. Just with wonderful musical numbers added. Think about it.19. Next Karate KidWhy you thought you were watching it: Your dad enrolled you in a karate class a couple of months prior to you seeing this trailer, and you thought it would be a good idea to get a glimpse of what your future may be like. Plus, you dug large birds (that, by the way, is the same excuse you used for "Lost & Delirious" years later).Why you were really watching it: Toned guns, flexible, svelte body...chiseled jawline. Your little lesbian spidey senses knew Hilary Swank would be like the queer mothership even back then.18. Empire RecordsWhy you thought you were watching it: You were at the mall one day and your boyfriend was still trying to figure out why you hated tongue-kissing him so much, so you had at least a couple hours to kill.Why you were really watching it: Ah, where do I begin? Liv Tyler (I really could stop here), chicks shaving their heads, chicks talking to other chicks about shaving their heads, Liv Tyler again...and the hits don't stop, folks!17. Bad GirlsWhy you thought you were watching it: You had a final paper due in Social Studies class and you convinced your teacher to let you do it on this flick. Since she herself was a lesbian and had undoubtedly seen it 3 or 4 times her damn self, she happily agreed.Why you were really watching it: It was a fine combination of slow motion horseback riding and corsets. How could your tiny lesbian self resist??16. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Why you thought you were watching it: Your little brother wanted to see the action scenes. You liked buttered popcorn, so you agreed to chaperone.Why you were really watching it: Make no mistake: If you watched the first Ninja Turtles movie 'cause you had to, you were a good sister. If you watched its 2 sequels, you were a lesbian. If you had a Ninja Turtle lunchbox in the 3rd grade, you were me.15.Tied: Addams Family & Addams Family Values*Why you thought you were watching it: Cool visuals, unique storytelling, awesome dark humor, and look, there's a hand moving by itself!Why you were really watching it: Christina Ricci, rocking your *why do I feel tingly everytime she's on screen* teenage world while burning shit to the ground like a rockstar.*Actually, Addams Family Values has a slight advantage due to Joan Cusack's rockin' cleavage throughout, since its a given that you were staring at it the whole time.14.Adventures In Babysitting=Why you thought you were watching it: Everyone at school said it was radical, and your mom let you go to the 8pm show, which meant you were going to get to stay out til 10:30pm. Finally, you were a woman.Why you were really watching it: Um, Elizabeth Shue is wicked hot, and you were secretly hoping they were going to show the nakey pics of Shue's doppelganger in that magazine. BONUS! While looking up the name of the little girl (Maia Brewton) who was on this and Parker Lewis Can't Lose, I read the following tidbit: "Has twin sons with her wife, Lara. <--Jaw, floor, hit. AWESOME! 13. Troop Beverly Hills Why you thought you were watching it: Why you were really watching it:Definitely because of THAT, and, cause you secretly had a crush on that chick who played Margo on Punky Brewster and you knew she was in it. Plus Jenny Lewis, Carla Gugino and Kellie Martin were on your baby lesbian radar even back then. High five!12.FoxfireWhy you thought you were watching it: You accidentally found this one while strolling through the video store (you know, back when there was...VHS and the video store smelled like a library?). You picked it up and somehow convinced yourself that photographs like this one:from the box were NOT gay. You soon realized just how wrong you were.Why you were really watching it:Before anyone knew who she was, Angelina Jolie was still able to get a room full of chicks to not only take their tops off on demand, but to let her tattoo them in some sort of lesbian-maker ritual by candlelight. Before you knew it, your top was off too. How does she DO it??11. G.I. JaneWhy you thought you were watching it: You watched it on video cause you figured even if you didn't like the plot or acting, you could fast forward it and use it as a wicked workout. Your delts and quads were pissed for months.Why you were really watching it: Ok here's the thing: It doesn't matter if you watched this movie or "Ghost," or "Indecent Proposal"...if you paid any amount of money or coerced someone into paying any amount of money to watch a film simply based on the fact that Demi Moore was in it, you were not only a (lesbian) client, you were the (lesbian) club president.10.FEDSWhy you thought you were watching it: You were considering being a police officer, going into the army, or being in the secret service. Not many of your friends were talking about this little gem, so you thought you'd get a leg up on them.Why you were really watching it:Two women have to prove themselves over and over again to clueless guys, while kicking ass, getting into bar brawls and sometimes wearing skimpy outfits. You were gay, gay, gay!9.My GirlWhy you thought you were watching it: Every single female in your whole school was going to see it. There was no way you'd miss out on being able to discuss this with them!Why you were really watching it:Every. Single. your schoo--hold up, that meant you'd get to be around EVERY SINGLE FEMALE in your school while watching a cute chick run around with Mac Culkin (who might as well have been another girl)?? You were SO there! ...and consequently, SO homosexual.UPDATE: My studies show that 47% of us you watched the sequel because you thought the boy in it was a girl when you saw the trailer. 8. Buffy the Vampire SlayerWhy you thought you were watching it: I tried to type out the theme music to Beverly Hills, 90210, but failed. You get the idea though, right? Ah, Dylan...*sigh*Why you were really watching it: Your gym coach wasn't the only one swimming in The Nile. Ya heard?7.Set It OffWhy you thought you were watching it: Badass chicks. Bigass guns. Its on!Why you were really watching it:Queen Latifah tongue kissin' her (surprisingly mute) bottom bitch & Jada Pinkett OWNING that black dress.6.BeachesWhy you thought you were watching it: The ultimate chick flick. Every woman should watch it. ...Right?Why you were really watching it: True. But also, come closer to the screen. Closer...juuust a bit closer. If you can quote ANY line from this movie, YOU ARE A LESBIAN. I know there are lots of straight and bi women who read my site. To those women I say: if you can quote ANY line from Beaches, YOU ARE A LESBIAN.5. The CraftWhy you thought you were watching it: You were just getting into your *way too much eyeliner for one's own good* + yes I wear a long overcoat even in the summer cause I'm a *thinker* phase and by the looks of the trailer, you figured you could get some tips on how to be a weeee bit creepier by next semester.Why you were really watching it: If you weren't gay before Fairuza Balk came into your life, you certainly were after. You know the scene where the chick shakes her brunette hair blonde? Well Fairuza shook your semi-straight-but-bored soul lez. You instantly purchased the poster and put it on your ceiling, and had no idea why your mom started suggesting you get pregnant before high school graduation.4.A League of Their OwnWhy you thought you were watching it: Female empowerment! Teamwork! Madonna!Why you were really watching it:Cause you were SUCH a lesbian. That's why. I won't insult your intelligence by pretending that I need to explain this one.3.Fried Green TomatoesWhy you thought you were watching it: It was an adult type film that made you feel like you were mature. Something to discuss over dinner with the folks, while smoking your new pipe.Why you were really watching it:2. Thelma & LouiseWhy you thought you were watching it: The idea of sitting in a crisp movie theater on a sweltering summer day with middle-aged women who were slightly intoxicated sounded like a good idea. Plus, this didn't hurt (you're only human!):Why you were really watching it: I mean who are we kidding? This whole post could have just been called "Thelma & Louise" and you would have understood its intent.1.Weird ScienceWhy you thought you were watching it: It was a Friday night and your boyfriend wanted to see a movie. You were cool with that cause it meant 2 hours of silence from him. You just didn't know why you wanted 2 hours of silence from him. Hmmm...Why you were really watching it: A movie about two geeky pervs who create the hottest woman alive in their bedroom, all while wearing bras on their heads? They might as well have lifted the script directly from the diary you kept in your hope chest.

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Belmont Alters Non-Discrimination Policy to Include Sexual Orientation

Belmont, a Christian university located in Tennessee that was affiliated with the Southern Baptists until 2007, recently altered its non-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation. The change is concurrent with the departure of Lisa Howe, an out lesbian who coached the women?s soccer team until this past December. Though the university has said that Howe left the school as part of a mutual decision, students and players claim that it was Howe?s announcement of her partner?s pregnancy that led to her dismissal. At the time of Howe?s exit, President Bob Fisher said that the school does not consider sexual orientation in hiring or admissions decisions. This Wednesday, he announced the change in school policy, saying that it serves only to reinforce current practices. Fisher refused to discuss the specifics of Howe?s departure or whether Belmont?s new policy would allow for openly gay and lesbian employees. However, Howe issued a statement regarding the policy, saying, "I am grateful to the Belmont board for recognizing that being gay and being Christian are not mutually exclusive. This is a landmark day." Along with the issues surrounding Howe, Belmont has also been criticized for prohibiting the formation of an official student group by Bridge Builders, an organization that explores Christianity in the lives of LGBT people. These controversies around LGBT issues have surprised many who view Belmont as a fairly progressive school.Related Media Coverage:Associated Press - January 26, 2011"Belmont Changes Policy After Gay Coach Protest"

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(69) The Lesma Files: Snotty and Shitty

More hostility, fights, and internal chaos�from The Lesma Files;�a random solo anti-soy rant in between spats, so hold on to your nun�habits. Truthfully, this is a positively disgusting podcast�including potty humor. Don’t listen while eating. Enjoy! Disclaimer: Soy�is�especially toxic�for people with�Thyroid issues. (some would argue it is the cause) If�a person doesn’t�know�they have Thyroid issues, [...]

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Passionate Pursuit: Max Barger changed his career to help bring peace of mind to his gay and lesbian clients

Not everyone has the good fortune to say they have their dream job that allows them to follow their passion. But not everyone is willing to change their life to pursue their passion, either. Max Barger is one whose life changes have allowed him to pursue his passion and enjoy the life he wanted.

Max Barger (Courtesy of Max Barger)

Barger, an estate-planning attorney who focuses on the LGBT community, moved to the D.C. area in 2005 from Norfolk, Va. The transition was part of his coming out, both personally and professionally. ''In the Hampton Roads area, I really couldn't work with the gay community, because it is a very conservative area.''
His first work with a gay couple was in 1998.
''It was a novel concept. I had to do original research because there were no articles or treatises on best practices for planning for unmarried couples.''
Barger used his research to begin teaching other professionals about the challenges and obstacles faced by gay couples.
Barger's law firm was initially supportive of his focus on LGBT clients, but he later realized that to do the kind of work he wanted to do, ''I needed to be with a firm that was active in the LGBT community. That was made clear when a senior partner said, 'We don't want to be known as the firm for gays.'''
That's when Barger moved to Ackerman Legal, a D.C.-area law firm, where he is chair of the Estate Planning, Probate, and Trust Administration Practice Groups. The firm encouraged his involvement in the LGBT community.
By then he was already on the Capital Area Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce's board. He credits the Chamber with helping grow his practice. ''With the Chamber,'' Barger says, ''you get out what you put in and I jumped in with both feet. It's helped bring me a lot of clients — and I've made some wonderful friendships.''
Barger, who lives in Arlington with his partner and their dog, has published articles and served as an adjunct professor at two Virginia universities.
''When we learn about estate planning in law school,'' Barger notes, ''it is about a husband and wife with children. Nobody teaches you what to do with a gay couple whose relationship is not recognized.''
Barger says his biggest hurdle often is getting clients into the office. ''Some people don't believe their situation warrants seeing an attorney, so they get a will off the Internet. But once someone has a life experience, such as the death of a friend or family member, they realize they may be less prepared than is necessary.''
Barger's approach is to develop customized documents to meet a client's needs.
''Nearly everyone I meet with wants their situation to be kept simple and to receive documents they can understand – without legalese. I empathize with that, but not everyone in a gay relationship has a simple situation.''
The biggest challenges for Barger exist because so much of the law is not written in a gay-friendly way — even if you live in the District where marriage equality is recognized, he notes. ''Federal law does not recognize gay marriage and that influences everything we do.'' Clients who are parents and business owners face additional challenges, but those who are single also need help.
Barger's business success is directly tied, he believes, to his volunteer work. That includes pro bono work at his church and at Whitman-Walker Health.
''I love working with clients at Whitman-Walker,'' Barger says. ''Many have no control over so much of their lives. Putting essential documents in place gives them control and peace of mind they didn't have. It often gets very emotional. In the end, I've made a friend and helped a client.''
And he's got the life he always wanted.
For more information about CAGLCC, visit the Chamber online at ...more

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Act Now To Support The Marriage Bill in New York

Become a Friend-Setter!

If you follow us, you've no doubt heard our calls to become active -- like Kristen Bell, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Chelsea Handler, among others -- in the Freindfactor network. And, as the time winds down on the chance for New Yorkers to call their legislators and encourage them to vote in favor of marriage equality, we offer this longer (and more descriptive!) plea to join in on the fun.

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Monday, July 25, 2011

New York City Black Pride is now NYC Explosion August 10-14, 2011

Three years ago, A community based health organization called People Of Color in Crisis was shutdown by the CDC. This organization was responsible for running an annual LGBT cultural event called PRIDE IN THE CITY which served as New York City?s Black Pride. This meant an almost certain end to this vital cultural event.
The following year, a coalition of event promoters, health organizations, local businesses and community leaders decided to work together to continue this annual event and tradition. As if organizing and mounting Black Pride weekend wasnt going to be a huge task within itself, trying to accomplish it without the financial support of City and State funding would be nothing short of a miracle.
Change is always good. As they prepare to unveil the 14th Annual agenda, they also have a   new name of this event, NYC Explosion. It will begin on Wednesday August 10, 2011 and run through Sunday August 14, 2011 (
Here are the Official Events
Wednesday August 10th ? (8pm ? 10pm) The Heritage Award Ceremony
SPLASH .. 50 W. 17th Street
Thursday August 11th ? (9pm ? 11pm) Black, Loud and Proud : Comedy Showcase
THE DUPLEX.. 61 Christopher Street
Friday August 12th ? (6pm ? 10pm) BOOM! : The Best Of Out Music
SECRET .. 525 W. 29th Street
Friday August 12th ? (10pm ? 3am) SWAGGED! : The Black Pride Pier Dance
Saturday August 13th ? (11am ? 11pm) FIBO (The Beach Event)
CHERRY GROVE.. Fireislandblackout.comSunday August 14th ? (12pm ? 5pm) Harlem Sunday Brunch
BILLIE?S BLACK .. 271 W. 119th Street
Sunday August 14th ? (3pm ? 7pm) Living the Life : An Urban Cultural Expo

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News and photos from Chicago's 42nd pride celebration, all links

PRIDE PHOTOS: Chicago Pride Parade 2011, June 26, 2011

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Military is prepared for DADT repeal, to go into effect Sept. 20

(Washington) - President Barack Obama on Friday formally signed off on ending the ban on gays serving openly in the military, doing away with a policy that's been controversial from the day it was enacted and making good on his 2008 campaign promise to the gay community.

The president joined Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Adm. Mike Mullen, the joint chiefs of staff chairman, in signing a notice and sending it to Congress certifying that military readiness would not be hurt by repealing the 17-year-old "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

That means that 60 days from now the ban will be lifted.

"As commander in chief, I have always been confident that our dedicated men and women in uniform would transition to a new policy in an orderly manner that preserves unit cohesion, recruitment, retention and military effectiveness," Obama said in a statement.

"Today's action follows extensive training of our military personnel and certification by Secretary Panetta and Admiral Mullen that our military is ready for repeal. As of September 20th, service members will no longer be forced to hide who they are in order to serve our country."

Friday's move was expected under the repeal law Congress passed in December. Before "don't ask, don't tell," the military did not allow gays to serve. But in 1993 Clinton said gays would be discharged only if their sexual orientation became known.

Repeal has drawn strong opposition from some in Congress, and there was initial reluctance from military leaders who worried it could cause a backlash and erode troop cohesion on the battlefield.

But two weeks ago, the chiefs of the military services told Panetta that ending the ban would not affect military readiness.

Advocacy groups that fought for the change called the decision Friday long-overdue, while opponents said it's a political payoff to left-leaning gay and lesbian activists.

"The president's certification of repeal is a monumental step, not just for those forced to lie in order to serve, but for all Americans who believe in fairness and equality," said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese.

Elaine Donnelly, who heads the Center for Military Readiness, which has lobbied against repeal, said it will "undermine morale and readiness in the all-volunteer force."

The Pentagon is expected to spend the next 60 days preparing the troops for the change, and ironing out legal and technical details, including how it will affect housing, military transfers and other health and social benefits.

In most cases, the guidelines require that gays and lesbians be treated like any other member of the military.There will be differences, however. Same sex partners will not get the same housing and other benefits as married couples. Instead, they are more likely to be treated like unmarried couples.

Once the repeal is final, service members can no longer be discharged for openly acknowledging they are gay. That's the key change. And those who have been discharged previously based solely on the gay ban may apply to re-enter the force.

Service members may also designate their same-sex partners as beneficiaries for insurance and other benefits - something they may have avoided earlier for fear it would cause their dismissal.

One of the thornier issues is gay marriage.

An initial move by the Navy earlier this year to train chaplains about same-sex civil unions in states where they are legal was shelved after more than five dozen Congress members objected.

The training, lawmakers told Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, violated the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act by appearing to recognize and support same-sex marriages.

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Federal judge taking long look at Prop. 8

A federal judge said Tuesday he's inclined to leave California's ban on same-sex marriage in effect for now, but wants an early trial to determine whether the voter-approved prohibition violates the U.S. Constitution's...

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Better Know Bachmann: Homosexuality is ?Part of Satan?

HRC Backstory this week highlighted some of Rep. Michele Bachmann?s more egregious statements about the LGBT community. In order to defend her thoughts on the LGBT community, Bachmann had this to say at the EdWatch National Education Conference in 2004...

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Superman's Sexless Existence

For those of you not fluent in nerdery, Comic-Con descended upon San Diego this weekend, and comic book bigwigs are dispensing spoilers about their upcoming titles. Among them: J. Michael Straczynski, author of DC Comics' upcoming sequel to the non-canon Superman: Year One.
During the discussion of the company's forthcoming series, Straczynski revealed that Superman will have the opportunity to have sex with a human, but totally blows it.
Via ComicsAlliance:

[Straczynski] related that in the upcoming book, Clark has spent his whole life unable to have sex, and related a scene where after fighting the Parasite, Clark gets depowered, takes off his suit and heads home to finally have a sexual liaison with his super-hot neighbor Lisa.As Straczynski explained, "When he was young, Pa Kent told Clark that he'd probably never be able to engage in sexual relations due to the possibility of losing control over his powers." Clark initially passes out, but starts to get intimate with her after waking up again.
Soon afterwards, however, his X-Ray vision suddenly returns, and he becomes frustrated that he slept through his seemingly only window to safely have sex.

While many people, male and female alike, have fantasized about Superman as a sexual being, it's probably best he steers clear of intercourse with humans. We humans are strong, but are we strong enough for the Kryptonian's "super sperm?"

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(20A) Ass Angst and Hill On the Hill (1hr)

Fellow Podcast – Swannie of Goddess Radio Interviews Zsussana Budapest author of The Holy Book of Women’s Mysteries

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Lesbian News - 22 Jul 2011

Lack of books on gay parenting shocks researcherOpening Doors at West PointOutfest 2011: Highlights of this year's festivalCan Candy Bar Girls really challenge lesbian stereotypes?In a First, Senate Confirms Judge Who is Openly Gay?Ma and Ma? Shops Benefit as New York Prepares for Gay WeddingsA license lottery in New York city for Day 1 of gay marriage

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

PASSAGES Gay activist Ifti Nasim dies

Iftikhar Ifti Nasim, a Pakistani-born poet, radio host and gay activist, died July 22 at the age of 64 following a sudden illness.

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Watch: Amy Winehouse Protege Dionne Bromfield Ain't 'Foolin'

As fans and press continue to cope with Amy Winehouse's death, Arjan Writes turns the spotlight toward the singer's goddaughter and protege, Dionne Bromfield:

I think there's no better way to commemorate Amy Winehouse by celebrating her legacy of music and the artists she helped develop.
Dionne Bromfield is one of those young and rare talents that Winehouse mentored over the last few years. In fact, Bromfield was the first signing to Winehouse' Lioness Records that she established to give the young singer a firm foundation for success.
Bromfield released her very first album, titled "Introducing Dionne Bromfield," in 2009 at age 13, which was followed by her sophomore record "Good For The Soul" last month. The CD is a fresh and youthful soul-pop effort that features collaborations with Toby Gadd (Rhianna, Beyonce), Paul O'Duffy (Dusty Springfield, John Barry) and her godmother Amy Winehouse.

Watch Bromfield sing her track "Foolin,'" AFTER THE JUMP...

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Censured director returns to NMG

New Mardi Gras has offered former director and treasurer Michael Douglas a position on its finance committee

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The Compton&rsquo;s Cafeteria riot

“This is gay San Francisco. An inside look at the life of San Francisco’s homosexuals. They number 90,000— at least according to police department figures. They work to hide their sexual orientation by day, and only at night do they show their true colors.

The city’s downtown Tenderloin District is the home ground of the always visible segment of the city’s homosexuals and transvestites. The drag queens are here at Turk and Taylor.

So frequent were the fights between screaming queens in the 2 to 3 a.m. period that police — even in permissive San Francisco — had had enough, and asked an all night cafeteria to close by midnight.”

So began the 2005 documentary “Screaming Queens; The Riot at the Compton&rs…

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Lucy Jane Bledsoe Coming to the NW

Get excited bibliophiles! Lucy Jane Bledsoe is coming to Portland, Seattle and Bellingham soon. If you're a lesbian and don't know Lucy Jane Bledsoe, you've been living under a rock or your idea of reading is scanning your friend's Facebook updates. Lucy is a prophetic writer who's written some real jewels, including Biting the Apple (which is sitting to the left of where I'm typing right now).If you live in or near these fabulous NW towns, go check out Lucy and her new book: The Big Bang Symphony.Wednesday, June 16, 7 pmTHIRD PLACE BOOKS -- Ravenna store6504 20th Ave. NESeattle, WA 98115206-525-2347Thursday, June 17, 7:30 pmPOWELL'S BOOKS -- Hawthorne store3723 SE Hawthorne Blvd.Portland, OR503-228-4651I love Powell's and I love Portland, my hometown. Come on out and say hi.Tuesday, June 22, 7:00 pmVILLAGE BOOKS1200 Eleventh StreetBellingham, WA 98225360-671-2626This reading with Carol Guess and Elizabeth Colen! Please come.

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(29) It?s Oceanic

Literalism’s, Show #28 Anxiety, Degenerates, Gambino’s?, Liquid Symbiosis …

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Study: Meds highly effective against HIV infection

In a result that may change approaches to HIV prevention in Africa, an international study has shown that individuals at high risk for HIV infection who took a daily tablet containing an HIV medication—either the antiretroviral medication tenofovir TDF or tenofovir in combination with emtricitabine FTC/TDF —experienced significantly fewer HIV infections than those who received a placebo pill, according to a press release from the University of Washington International Clinical Research Center.

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Million Dollar Agent Josh Flagg to host four day dance party in Costa Rica

(06-17-11) -- Josh Flagg, world renowned author and one of the stars of Bravo TV's hit reality series "Million Dollar Listing" will be hosting a four-day dance party in the Quepos/Manuel Antonio area of Costa Rica from July 21 to 25.

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GLAAD's What To Watch on Thursday

(This post was originally published at GLAAD Blog.)
Tonight catch the season finale of "Love Bites"and "NY Ink," plus The Fab 3 tackle waterfalls on "Expedition Impossible."
9:00 pm: Expedition Impossible, ABC (1 hr) NEW

Tonight catch the season finale of "Love Bites"and "NY Ink," plus The Fab 3 tackle waterfalls on "Expedition Impossible."

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US judge: &lsquo;Don&rsquo;t ask, don&rsquo;t tell&rsquo; unconstitutional

LOS ANGELES (AP) – A federal judge said she will issue an order to halt the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, after she declared the ban on openly gay service members unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips ruled Thursday that the prohibition on openly gay service members was unconstitutional because it violates the First and Fifth Amendment rights of gays and lesbians.

The policy doesn’t help military readiness and instead has a “direct and deleterious effect” on the armed services by hurting recruitment efforts during wartime and requiring the discharge of service members who have critical skills and training, she said.

The Log Cabin Republicans sued the federal government in…

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Kiss-off with LUSH for marriage equality

Kiss-off with LUSH for marriage equality : LUSH has launched a kissing protest for marriage equality, taking place this Saturday, June 18 at 11:38 a.m. at select LUSH locations. Go make out in public, and smell good while you?re at it!

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Monday Monday Monday

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Anti-Gay Amendment Dies in Wyoming Legislature

The Wyoming State Legislature adjourned on Friday without taking action on a proposed constitutional amendment that would prevent the state from recognizing the marriages of gay and lesbian couples performed elsewhere. According to Wyoming law, marriage can only exist between a man and a woman. However, the law also says that valid marriages performed in other states will be recognized. The issue is currently being addressed in the state Supreme Court, where justices are reviewing the decision of a district court judge who ruled he did not have the authority to preside over the divorce case of two women who were married in Canada. Related Media Coverage:The Associated Press - February 25, 2011"Same-Sex Marriage Amendment Dies in Wyo. House"

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Fit Savvy

Banish Belly Fat
Are you doing crunches until you turn red in the face and still have belly fat? Take a deep centered breath and keep in mind the culprit may be your diet or high stress lifestyle. The truth is you need to align your nutrition to go with your crunches to rid that belly jiggle. In order to go from FLAB abs to FAB abs, pay attention to what’s going into your mouth and kick up the cardio. Your belly will thank you later!
Bye bye belly bloat!! Feeling sluggish and bloated can make you feel like a blimp versus a babe. Some ways to eliminate that belly bloat is to eat more fiber, fruits and veggies and avoid sugar and foods with gluten. Fruits and veggies like bell pepper, cucumber, watermelon and celery are high in water content and make great snacks. Spea…

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What a difference - a look at the 1996 DOMA debate on the Hill

Courtesy of Think Progress LGBT, take a look at the sad, pathetic, hateful political points scored at the expense of the LGBT community in 1996, as DOMA was debated (and later passed). [W]hile DOMA passed with overwhelming bipartisan majorities in 1996, just two Republican senators - Chuck Grassley (IA) and Orrin Hatch (UT) - appeared at yesterday's hearing, and only one (Grassley) spoke-up in its defense. The rest of the debate was dominated by Democrats, some of whom expressed regret for voting for the law... - REP. TOM COBURN (R-OK): "And there are studies to say that over 43% of all people who profess homosexuality have greater than 500 partners". - REP. BOB BARR (R-GA): "It is part of a deliberate, coldly calculated power move to confront the basic social institutions on which our country not only was founded, but has prospered, and will continue to prosper." - SEN. TRENT LOTT (R-MS): "To force upon our communities the legal recognition of same sex marriage would be social engineering beyond anything in the American experience."

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Friday, July 22, 2011

New York City Announces Marriage Lottery For July 24-25

New York, NY (July 19, 2011) - Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn and City Clerk Michael McSweeney today announced that due to high demand for marriage services on Sunday, July 24, 2011 – the first day New York State’s recently passed marriage equality law takes effect – the City will conduct a public lottery for any couple wishing to marry on July 24th. The lottery will guarantee access to one of the City Clerk’s five offices for 764 couples – opposite sex or same sex – on July 24th.

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Lake Michigan With Robin Meade

After our long Fourth of July celebration, Robin and I needed a day of rest and relaxation.  Melissa and her family took us to Lake Michigan and we spent a few hours laying in the sand and enjoying the view.  Here is Robin soaking up the rays...Our drive back to Atlanta from Michigan was made PAINFUL by the state of Kentucky whose fake road projects set up 9 miles of cones to make the highway 1 lane but involved no actual work being done.  It set us back 3 hours.  As a matter of principal, I made it a point to wait to get to Tennessee to buy my food and gas and only got off the exit in KY to use the bathroom.  Take THAT, Kensucky!  .Melissa and I started our new quarter of school this morning with our Algebra class and Robin has promised to help us get through this challenging summer quarter.  We'll keep you all posted!

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Horoscope: July 21-28, 2011

Horoscope: Heavenly Round-Up: You're really putting your back into it. In fact, you want to watch out that you don't strain yourself under the mighty effort. You can get there from here, but you're not going to like how hard you have to work in this weather to make it all come true. Nonetheless, stifle your (whiney) inner-child for the nonce and get down to brass tacks with your goals and objectives. Have someone with a clear head and an honest heart check the numbers before you commit irrevocably. Aries: Now more than ever you have a lot on your plate and less motivation than you're used to. Will you go sulk in your tent? Will you enlist the aid of your favorite sidekicks? Will you revive your flagging interest with a new approach? Honesty may be painful, but necessary. Taurus: You're standing on it (and maybe in it) at this point. The big red arrow is aimed right at you. Now that you know where you are, you may want to do something about where you want to be and how you want things to go when you get there. Phone ahead and hold steady. ... (more)

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Theophilus London Featuring Sara Quin Out Now

"Timez Are Weird These Days" includes cameos from Holly Miranda and one half of Tegan and Sara.

Theophilus London's Lovers Holiday EP dropped in February to much ovation. This week, the full length album, Timez Are Weird These Days was released on Warner Bros. Records.

Nothing brings cool to the summer heat like hipster-rap and Sara K. Quin.

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President Obama Nominates Openly Lesbian Alison Nathan to U.S. District Court

On Thursday, President Obama announced his nomination of former associate White House counsel and openly lesbian Alison Nathan for the U.S. District Court. He described her as ?a distinguished individual who has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to justice throughout her career.? Nathan served as special assistant to President Obama and as an associate White House counsel from 2009-2010. She has since served as Special Counsel to the Solicitor General in the Office of the Attorney General in New York State. She is the third out LGBT nominee made by Obama to New York?s Southern District, preceded by J. Paul Oetken and Daniel Alter.University of Pennsylvania Law School professor Tobias Wolff added, in reaction to the news, ?Ali Nathan is one of the most brilliant lawyers whom I have ever had the privilege to know. Her commitment to justice and the rule of law is exemplary. She will do America proud on the federal bench.? Alison, known as Ali, lives in New York with her partner Meg and their twin sons.Related Media Coverage:Metro Weekly ? March 31, 2011?Alison Nathan, Former Obama White House Associate Counsel, Nominated for Federal Court? Advocate ? April 1, 2011?Obama Nominates Lesbian for Federal Bench?

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MAY 5! MAY 5! MAY 5! aka Cinco de Gayo!!

MAY 5! MAY 5! MAY 5! aka Cinco de Gayo!!

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Reality check

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The Pope Books Take That for the Next Vatican Show

After this weeks Royal Variety Performance (the one where Duchess Camilla was attacked with a stick when caught up in the London riots), the Pope has booked Take That. The show included hundreds of near naked male dancers.

Naked from the back

The five Take That members sang on top of a raised platform while the remainder of the stage was covered in male dancers wearing nothing but flesh-coloured jockstraps. 

As the song continued the men re-enacted the five poses on the front of the band?s new album, Progress.

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