Sunday, November 28, 2010

Defining Us By Our Extremes Revealing their Prejudices

In the mid-1990s, when I was working on a Republican campaign in Arlington County and dating a Democrat, I took said Democrat to a social function for the campaign, a pot-luck dinner in a volunteer’s home. �My date had a good time and appreciated the warm welcome he received (both as an out-Democrat and an out-gay man).
One thing which struck me was his comment as we were leaving. �He said the gathering reminded him of similar such gatherings for Democrats in Denver (where he had grown up and first became active in politics). �Most of the people were decent folk, but there were a few overly obsessed with politics and burning with bile. �I try to keep that notion in mind every time I hear some harangue from an angry left-winger. �That person doesn’t define their movement, but represents its extremes.
This notion came to mind as I reflect on my post on Tom Campbell. �I probably should have given it a different title because I did not mean to suggest that the candidate is himself anti-Semitic. �There is no evidence that he is. �But, he does have some strange associations.
And said associations reminded me of some of the freaks and fanatics who frequent libertarian conclaves. �And now is that given the Tea Party’s prominence, Democrats have suddenly determined that such freaks in GOP circles define the party, yet they — and their media allies — were strangely silent about such freaks in the anti-war movement.
Now, there’s even a movement afoot to crash the tea party and “propagate their pre-existing propensity for paranoia”. � They define us by their prejudices and attempt to make them real by pretending to act on behalf of the movement by acting, not as do most Tea Party protesters, but as left-wingers believe we behave. � They need to crash the tea party to make it fit their twisted perception of the reality of our rallies.
Can you imagine how, during the Bush era, the MSM would have reacted (and with good reason) if right-wingers had attempted to crash the anti-war rallies?

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